What's The Saddest Thing You've Seen In A Casino? (r/AskReddit)

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people have rimmed it to work in a casino what some of the saddest moments who witnessed former poker dealer at a casino an older gentleman started to have a heart attack at the table I called the floor person for assistance with the call button paramedics rushed in etc all within minutes I'm this instance I am instructed to keep the game rolling by the floor person as he whispered in my ear two hands a Deltan played in the player as the table requested the heart attack guy get moved somewhere else as it is disrupting the game another player asked to have his chips picked up and call for the open seat because we have a waitlist I was disgusted I saw poker dealer have an epileptic seizure at the table the paramedics hadn't even arrived before players were complaining about getting another dealer or requesting a table change while the dealer was seizing on the floor next to them a guy blew his retirement and had to go back to work he was a retired postmaster and went back as a delivery driver Oh No there were these two middle-aged Greek or Cypriot ladies who were always on the slot machines every day when I started my shift there were they and they were there when I finished ten hours later and still there in the same clothes the next day oftentimes they were super nice and always polite to the staff one day they hit the jackpot and when big I think it was either 15 pounds K or 45 pounds K it was a good few years ago now everyone was overjoyed for them except the managers obviously well the managers then gave them free meals at the restaurant and an open bar tab until every single penny of that money was clawed back into the casino we used to have a woman who would be on the blackjack tables for five days nights straight her husband would call and tell her that her kids wanted her home her boss actually came to the casino to try and get her to leave she was missing work I don't know what happened to her but she's probably ruined her life we also had a few regulars commit suicide and a few go to jail former valet is a casino the amount of daily regulars who drove barely functioning vehicles full of trash roaches and rats who would actually valet their car and go gamble away any money they had to their name was honest leader pressing the saddest I remember was a 90 plus year old lady who drove a 91 Corolla and when we got in her car we realized she had no power steering fluid at all and her steering wheel would barely turn I have no earthly idea of how her frail arms could turn it we went and bought her some before she left that evening that was really nice of you to do during my eight hours shift two gentlemen won $15,000 on a slot machine punched out at end off shift and had the next two days off returned to work after my weekend to find the man still sitting at the same slot machine he had been there for two plus days losing $15,000 if you win that much money pretty much have the mentality in which you will never win this much again I live next to Atlantic City and when I'm up like $50 I walk out of the casino and play in the ocean for a few hours I always feel as if the casino paid me to have a fun beach day a previous boss of mine worked at a casino in a sea he said he saw all kinds of terrible things but the worst was when they had to close the main lobby cause the guy jumped from the fourth floor after losing it's not the big things it's the little things you see someone rocking three machines at 9:00 a.m. on a Tuesday they have places they ought to be not in this casino Thanksgiving Christmas heck even Mother's Day places slammed go home people my mom works as a dealer at a casino and has told me multiple stories of grown men wearing adult diapers at the table so they don't have to leave to use the restroom as a Vegas regular I can attest it his orders of magnitude worse when they do not wear the diapers I worked with a woman who would pee away an entire to week paycheck within 15 minutes after getting off work and then she'd start writing checks and hitting the ATM right after her family was ruined eventually and things got so bad for them financially that her husband killed himself she got a life insurance or some sort of fund upon his death and blew it all gambling within a month her dad died not long after and left her inheritance since she lost all that within two months no idea what ever happened to her but she was absolutely insane it's been about 15 years but I worked in one for about four years the one that stands out was a woman who came from the country to the big city to get exmas gifts for the whole family including young kids who still believed in Santa and all of that but spent all of the Christmas money at the casino before going to the mall also a few years later I went back to visit and when talking to one of the pit bosses about who was still there and whatnot she told me one of my old regulars who was actually nice and likable a rare tree in that business had recently committed suicide as a result of gambling too much addiction is a horrible disease we had to evacuate and close down for the rest of the day due to a burst pipe causing no running water when I walked outside there was an elderly lady throwing a legit tantrum in the parking lot she was on the ground kicking and screaming her screams sounded like something you'd expect from someone who just lost a family member not someone who had to leave the casino for a few hours I left but some of the security who were dealing with her told me later she was too upset to drive home and they had to call a family member to pick her up I've seen some crap a lot of what others have commented is fairly common but this was definitely the most messed-up sheesh it's literally an addict in withdrawal grandmother mother and daughter heading to the casino by car from two hours away the mother had a postcard to get a free cast-iron pan for showing up daughter is more than eight months pregnant one hour away from the casino daughter starts to have labor pains mother won't stop and take her to the hospital she's gotta have that $10 pan they arrive at the casino an hour before the promotion was going to start mother raises all heck trying to get her pan bed the workers for the promo haven't arrived yet daughter ends up having to be transported by ambulance to the hospital all over a ten dollar pan did she ever get the pan in general people who come for the first time and are super nice and friendly they don't care about winning or losing much just came to have fun they come back a few more times then after a few years they're regulars that don't smile anymore they don't laugh they don't count their wins just their losses and sweat every comm point they earn and act like gambling is their job now and the focus of their life I've seen more than one person have this happen to them the other saddest thing is when a regular stops coming in and their spouse comes out and tells us they passed we're almost family with some of our regulars and it hurts to get that news I did casino security for three years before I became a police officer had a code M medical early early one morning around 4:00 or 5:00 a.m. old guy in his 80s passed out and fell out of his chair wife sitting next to him I was the first to get a him did a quick assessment and found he didn't have a pulse immediately started CPR the old lady looked over and said oh he does this all the time don't worry about him between chest compressions I told her he wasn't breathing and she just kept playing her a lot machine she didn't miss a spin even when the paramedics took him away I saw her again the next night and asked how he was doing with the straightest face ever she said oh he never woke up I'm sure he's in a freezer by now and went right back to the same machine she was playing the night before that reaction sounds like 20% gambling addiction and 80% bad half century of marriage worked in a casino for about 7 years and the one that has always stuck with me was when a kid 18 stroke 19 came with his friends and lost $100 playing blackjack then he was sitting there looking dejected and watching his friends win he left and came back with another $100 I could tell from the way he was acting he probably didn't have the original $100 to lose so he definitely couldn't afford to lose another $100 so I asked if he was sure he wanted to play he nodded his head and solemnly said yes unfortunately he lost that money to 200 is a lot better than what I've read so far hopefully he learned something that day I worked at a casino as a dealer through college a lot of incidents were pretty sad especially with regulars that you liked one regular would tell me about his middle school aged kids and then I would realize the next week or so later that he was missing their school plays recycles et Cie because he was at the tables I remember working an overnight one Christmas Eve and begging him to go home when six-stroke 7em rolled around because his kids would be up and opening presents other times just people screaming at you for stealing their mortgage payments from them that month then seeing them back again the next day I worked a small casino for a couple of years and I've seen many the sadness ultimately made me quit can't tell you how many times I've seen people gamble their entire paycheck and either cry and leave in shame or get mad and try to fight me or staff a bit late since there's been so many comments but nevertheless I got something not a worker but had an uncle addicted to gambling worst thing that happened was he used all of his money lost his job from it begged for more money which led to him going to the casino again to spend it then he went homeless and any money that went to gambling again a vicious cycle where he slept on park benches and spent any time on gambling at the nearest casino found out all this one day when he walked by my house with a huge beard looking like he hadn't showered or eaten in a long time good ending eventually his mom my grandmother took him back in when he begged for a place to stay I now live with him he works a full-time job with nice pay and doesn't drink or gamble anymore not the best at managing his money at times but it's safe to say he's far from where he started I don't work in a casino but live near Atlantic City seeing unattended children playing near the entrance to the casino floor where children aren't allowed you brought your kids to a casino where kids aren't allowed and just left them in a hallway I went to a casino for the first time a few years ago with a group for my mother-in-law's birthday there were signs everywhere stating that it is a crime to leave children unattended in your car in the parking lot pretty freakin sad a woman approximately mid-30s dancing her butt off on the dance floor of the nightclub and suddenly dropped dead I watched her die all the time uh VIP booth was packs drinks flowing everybody picking on the guy that passed out end of night comes and they tell us he is going to need a wheelchair not uncommon guy was dead a good hour the deaths always bug me casinos gets a treatment similar to airports the unspoken rule is to treat them as if alive until they get off the premises even if they are an hour dead the goal is to get them out as quickly as possible without freaking out the patrons New Year's was always stressful it was never a question if someone would die that night it was a question of how many a good year would be one one year we had four , the unspoken rule is to treat them as if alive until they get off the premises fun fact similarly no one ever officially dies at Disneyworld not a casino employee my story comes from my time in the military slot machines are everywhere in Germany the small post I was on had a few slot machines in a back room of the bowling alley one of our codes would go every payday and blow his entire paycheck over lunch we would know if he won or not by the mood he was in after lunch when he won he would tell us about winning $600 after dropping $1,500 into the machine I saw that happen a lot in Okinawa as well there was an ko in my barracks that would hit up the junior enlisted for 20 bucks at a time when he was on a streak a couple that used to come gamble at a casino I worked at killed themselves after losing too much money same casino had a patron whose son came in to tell her to stop and that she couldn't keep gambling the family's money away she would easily lose over 10,000 on a lot of days she went in you get pretty desensitized to the plight of the gambler at your table bit the double suicide and the yelling son stuck with me had a player in higher limits whose wife came in telling him that they needed to go to the hospital apparently their son had a stroke he was still there by the end of my shift not a casino worker but I know of a guy who sold his car to a loan shark pimp after losing $80,000 in two days he even went to the DMV and transferred the title to her prostitute then when he got out of his fog he used his spare key and found the car he took it he was pulled over for driving a stolen vehicle not sure how his court case went row talk about your Dangerous Liaisons not a casino but volunteered at a local firemen's carnival bingo night 20 something lady was playing caught up again bingo with roll after roll off silver quarters I tried explaining to her that they were worth more than a quarter and she didn't care and kept playing with a look of desperation in her eyes never won a game that night in my mind she was blowing through a coin collection that her parent or grandparent had carefully put together parents used to earn a small casino 15 ish tables $100 limits I worked weekends in the cage employees were allowed to gamble once off shift and I watched one guy after getting off of work around 7:00 p.m. proceeded to lose his house payments car payments child support max out his credit cards everything by the time we closed at 6 a.m. I wasn't a huge gambler before that but seeing that first hand scared me off of taking any chances in a casino beyond casual playing not a casino it the most horrible thing I remember hearing about a girl in the Army stationed in GA she had a newish baby and would buckle baby in the car seat and drive across the bridge to SC to gamble it gets hot as huck in GA and this woman one day went to the casino parked her car on the far side of the parking lot just past or behind a dumpster other patrons remember her getting up occasionally and looking out the door but being there pretty much the whole entire day that evening when she drove back on base she looked in the backseat and noticed that the baby was clearly in distress baby had in fact dead for some house was in very bad shape I was bulging weird bubbles coming out of its mouth just dang awful she left her infant in the car seat to bake to death in the Sun while she gambled her military pay away absolutely disgusting this is so horrible don't poke her in a casino for three years one of my fellow dealers was arrested on the gaming floor during our shift for stealing rake I had told him a week or so earlier to be less obvious about it we had clear tip boxes he had custody of his four kids emphasis on had not a casino but a charity poker room at a bowling alley where I was a dealer guy was pretty drunk and just so bad at poker kept losing the max by $300 and would go straight to the ATM and reply with every rabu either desperation became greater and greater I just wanted to tell him to pack it up before he lost more but that would have probably cost me my job eventually I think he must have emptied his bank account I had never seen someone lose so much money in one night I was on a cruise when I was 18 first time gambling on a casino and learning a little blackjack I was at the $10 minutes I think max was $300 table and was betting the minimum each and the guy across the table was drunk and betting the max each and I watched him split double down and lose over and over and over he just kept making stupid calls and must have lost $20 K in about 15 minutes I went to a casino once and in the washroom there was a grown man bawling his eyes out telling me he lost everything it still haunts me how utterly destroyed this guy looked very very sad this was 20 years ago and I haven't stepped foot in one since Atlantic City around 20 years ago one of the three times I tried gambling in my life saw an elderly couple crying while talking to a security guard they were telling him they had no money to pay the tolls to get home I remember thinking the security guard was a real butthole no emotion on his face as he told them they had to leave the casino after they left though he announced to everyone who had stopped to listen that the casino had already given their money to get home which they had turned around and gambled away putting them back at square one I don't know what was worse seeing an elderly couple cry seeing this dude just jaded by his terribly necessary job or just seeing that side off gambling I'm grateful I was never bitten by that bug security guards see them same excuses multiple times every single day can't blame him I worked at one in Vegas for about six years suicides so many suicides comma Z not a casino story however in NC gambling hasn't always been legal a few years ago I was helping manage a local grocery store and we had a regular she was always pleasant always God hath things and left quickly until the scratch off dispensing machine was installed within less than a month she went from chipper old blonde lady to the strange wrinkled witch of the scratch off machine she'd spend her entire month's Social Security within a few minutes scurry to the next store to test her luck and come back to me it was an everyday thing that came out of nowhere she spent her brother's prescription money and begged me to sell her a Powerball ticket because she might win him some chemo and he'd be thankful needless to say that was one of my last lottery sales not a casino worker but I had to assist someone with the aftermath of a casino binge in my job in insurance of all things early in my career I worked for a small-town insurance agency had a call one day from a man who needed to add a lien holder to his and his wife's cars which is previously being paid off the name was one of those skeevy loan places so obviously something has gone wrong dude proceeds to tell me that he and the wife though in reality it could have just been him had gone to the casinos spent too much and he had to take out a loan with the cars as collateral and he wanted to make sure his wife didn't find out would we be mailing anything about this could we not had to tell him that the insurance company was required to mail out updated deck pages and there was nothing I could do to stop that so his only chance would be to beat her to the nail god I hope she beat him to the mail and nailed him to the wall my dad worked at a casino and still went there and gambled away all our money and ran up credit card maxes my parents made probably regular middle-class money yet because of him we lived poor don't work in a casino but I go to a smaller casino here in Vegas where a lot of locals go to play lady hits 40k on on a keno game after she got paid out she was walking around giving all her friends and people she chats with hundred-dollar bills I left shortly after because I just go to buy smokes and play my change here and there so I'm not sure if she played more that night about a week later she was in there playing every time I went in to buy smokes so I'm sure that money disappeared quickly , lady hits 40k on Ana keno game after she got paid out she was walking around giving all her friends and people she chats with hundred-dollar bills I wonder how many of those friends are going to help her out with the unexpected tax bill that's coming my wife worked at the gift shop of a casino a few years back from the store you could see the majority of the main floor she noticed a guy sitting at a slot machine for the majority of her shift and he was still there when she went home she comes back in the following morning and the same guys still there playing a few hours go by and he leaves and ghosts of the bathroom not 30 minutes pass until there's managers and EMTs rushing to the bathroom turns out the guy had lost all of his money and savings on that machine and decided to slit his wrists in the bathroom but the whole thing really shook her up for a few days after it all happened I had an aunt and uncle that worked in one of the casinos up in Black Hawk Company they would see a spike in business when Social Security and welfare checks came out most of those people would gamble away the only money they received once a month I heard a similar story about horse racing in or in the 1970s SS check day was the biggest day of the track not a casino with a hotel attached to a casino we sometimes have VIP guests who have their room paid for by the casino anyways one of the regulars had to be dragged out by local PD turns out he robbed a couple of gas stations too few his habit I wasn't there but heard about it from the night audit agents I don't work at a casino but I have family that are farmers in a rural part of my state where a casino was built on an Indian Reservation Bennett Bennett Bennett of my family's neighbors bet and lost their entire farms and my great-uncle and his neighbor had purchased a very expensive piece of farm equipment together that they shared that ended up being repossessed because of the neighbors gambling my uncle was out thousands and was P I'm curious what happens to the land after that one night people were playing at a row of slot machines I don't know if they knew each other but one in the middle collapses and fell to the floor EMTs were called and started loading her onto the gurney to wheel her out to the ambulance the other players just kept feeding the slot machines never looked down never asked what's up with her just kept on playing cold watching the video feeders / outside unit tried and failed to revive a dead guy he found facedown in the parking lot and his wife gets out of the car to see them call it she didn't take it well watched multiple families realize that they'd just lost their life savings caught a group of kids they were all over 18 but none were 21 doing him in the parking lot send them off with the cops the conversation with parents when they realized what was going on was not fun watched a kid that worked in Valli total the handicapped guys car that had all of his assistive stuff in it there's more but that comes to mind brother works in a casino people bring babies all the time and leave them with slightly older siblings in an adjacent gas station rest stop pretty much all day I know I'm late to the party but I have one that has stuck with me five-year employee at a casino an older couple 60s would come in 5-7 nights a week the casino term is they are avid experienced players addicted she would go upstairs to play slots and he would play cards down stars a sizable group of executive level casino employees made the way to her machine and asked her to have a quick word in private she refused to leave the machine they attempted a game to ask her to speak in private but she very forcefully declined to leave she demanded to know what they wanted so one of the members let her know that her husband had a heart attack and he was being rushed to a nearby hospital but her response give me his wallet and went back to the machine broke my heart even when I think about it more than a decade later he died that night she didn't leave until the next morning about 15 years ago I was a bar manager bartender at a casino I had a lot of regulars I got to the point that I knew what drink people wanted and how often they would want one and what they would switch to based on wins or losses I had a regular family that gambled together a father mother and daughter who was about my age after a year or two off seeing then come in at least once sometimes twice a week we got to know each other pretty well the parents would always try to set me up with the daughter she wasn't my type and I was in a relationship at the time so I always let them down easy anyway it came to pass that the father got diagnosed with terminal cancer mother and daughter came in way more often almost every day complaining of the high medical bills every chance they got how the father was suffering so much etc I felt so bad for the father knowing he was dying of cancer and instead of having family there for him they were at the casino spending money that may or not have been needed on medical bills and end-of-life care regardless of the money seeing them at the casino while he suffered alone was a lot to deal with I wish I cold said something but I needed my job more than moral high-ground after he passed away the mother and daughter were in the next I brought their drinks I also brought his favorite drink a White Russian the mother cried she stopped coming in as much for a little while I don't feel like it was a spiteful act but I think it did put things into perspective for them probably too little too late I was invited to the funeral but unfortunately had to work they were way better tippers when the father was alive and after he died a mother would order as many screwdrivers as I was legally allowed to give her I can't remember if it was one an hour or every other hour so she and her daughter started really having a crippling gambling addiction as well as possibly developing alcoholism I hope they are better now they were excellent nice caring people who had an addiction I dislike gambling to this day I may have been in a casino less than five times in the last 10 years mostly to eat at the buffets which are amazing at some places and absolute garbage at others and to occasionally play table games actual cards instead of machines you have been visited by the romantic dog au comment love is magic so you never fall in the friendzone if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 136,833
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Keywords: reddit casino, casino workers, casino saddest, saddest moments, casino workers of reddit, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, casino work, casino worker
Id: 0Tvqc__RBqY
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Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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