Parents, What House Rules Completely Backfired? - (r/AskReddit)

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our /oscar edit by planet reddit parents have read it what lessons have to tried to teach your kids that completely backfired I wanted to teach my son the value of money and work ethic because he kept wanting Roberts I decided it would be a great teaching moment and the win-win opportunity as he was just getting to the age in which I think he should start doing chores around the house he really wanted to buy some skin or something so I created a chore chart and gave each chore a value we established a schedule and everything it was working out majestically every day without asking me he was doing dishes cleaning his room picking up the dog poop it was epic then one day I came home and nothing had been done I asked him hey man what's up with the dishes oh and go pick up the dog poop - he simply replied not fighting back rage I simply said excuse me he said he made enough money over the last text days that he bought his skin and he was good now it was hard to argue this is like the same effect going to a hotel house you go to this clean place where food is delivered to your bedside and no one is ever making you do anything then you go back to your crap job and crap life of having to pick up after yourself today I learned that teaching kids lessons is like getting your wish granted by dhow chibok genie not a parent but my in-laws love telling this story about my fiance he was resistant to potty training and they eventually got him to start using the potty by telling him that he had to be out of pull-ups before a family trip to Disney World because Mickey Mouse only sees big boys and girls and also he wants to log a diaper bag around Disney anyway it went great they had a great trip and the day after they got back he took a [ __ ] in the living room when I asked he said I don't gotta use the potty cause I already saw Mickey Mouse they very firmly told him that if he was old enough to use logic he was far too old for dad and that was the end of that my daughter did something similar my mill promised her a Hello Kitty house place it for learning to use the potty so after one week of using the potty every time she had to go my mill gave her the Hello Kitty house next day she started wetting herself again because she got the house so what was the point in still using the potty I explained she still had to use a potty to be a big girl and made a sticker chart no more promising toys for things the child has to do but a sticker chart seems to work wonders in my house when my older son was about 3 or 4 years old we realized he was starting to act very spoiled and materialistic we always tried to make him see how lucky he already had it but he constantly begged us for every toy candy and treat he saw anywhere and everywhere around that time I came across a great photo spread that involved the photographer traveling around the world and snapping photos of different children with their most prized possessions of course the kids in the US Canada and Europe were mostly photographed in rooms filled with stuff but there were also photos of children from impoverished nations usually showing the child with only one old dirty stuffed animal I thought I was going to accomplish this brilliant parenting move by sitting him down and going through the photos with him I'd explained how the kids with rooms like his were beyond lucky and he should feel more than satisfied with all of the great stuff that he had then I would show him the other photos and he would finally understand that there are so many other children in the world with far less than he had we looked through the photos and talked about each one we finally got to one with a little boy standing on his cot with his one-possession a well-loved dingy looking stuffed monkey my son looked at if for a long time I could see his wheels spinning success I thought after a long bit of silence he finally looked up at me gave me a sweet smile and said I want that monkey Captain Price mission failed we'll get him next time how old is he now did you or him ever bring it up again I'm curious as I can see this being very embarrassing to look back on not a parent but when I was around 12 my father suspected that I stayed up late playing video games even though I didn't one night he went into my room and told me that I shouldn't play my gameboy advance past bedtime because I needed to rest that's when I realized I could play my gameboy advance past bedtime and I've suffered from insomnia since then this story is my favorite when parents give you an idea you didn't even consider previously and she said it's important for kids to be good in sports because the alternative is drugs well that was the first time I'd heard there was an alternative saw a clip on local news about a toddler saving her mom's life by calling 911 when she collapsed figured it was a good idea to teach my toddler 911 had two cops at my door five minutes later good response time my youngest niece did that the force call and the cops were cool about it they stormed in thinking it was serious much to mortification of my sister-in-law but soon the truth came out that it was a toddler who called them they sat her down and had a long talk with her explaining to her that calling 911 should only be for an emergency like when people are hurt once she seemed to understand they gave her a sticker of a police badge and left her interpretation call 911 get sticker a friend of mine was trying to teach his son not to hit his daughter so anytime the Sun hit the daughter he started hitting the son in the head not hard but enough to hopefully jog some sense of empathy actual result the son would cover his head with one hand and smack his sister with the other when my daughter was 10 she wanted to try out for a community theater version of Beauty and the Beast she got nervous though and almost backed out because she was so sure she wasn't going to make it my husband who did some acting in high school stepped in and said that he would also audition even though he knew he was never going to make it he wanted to demonstrate to her that it's okay to audition for something that you don't think you're going to make she ended up not only just making it but she got the part of chip my husband got the part of Morris Belle's father he didn't even want to be in a goddamn play this Dakine happened to Emma a few weeks ago well kind of I wanted to try out for a part in the female version of The Odd Couple that my town theatre company is doing my boyfriend came with me as emotional support because I was nervous they asked him to read the male parts because no men had come to audition the next day he gets a call offering him a role and I get a call saying sorry but you're not in the play now they want me to be the ducking stage manager when my daughter was young I was trying to teach her the value of money and decided to start giving her an allowance she had a few tasks to do around the house and afterwards on the weekends before we would go out I'd give her five dollars I explained that because she helped out and did her chores she had earned money to spend on whatever she wanted she happily accepted and stashed her money in her room I thought nothing of it later that evening before I tucked her into bed after reading to her she goes to her money jar pulls out two dollars and hands it to me and explains that it's for being a good daddy edit it's come to my attention this isn't the definition of backfiring please take back your imaginary internet points to answer some questions after I got the money I gave her a hug and told her I love her when she was asleep I put the money and some more in her jaw buy yourself something nice hunter I said nice not expensive my aunt and uncle were trying to teach my cousin manners and wanted him to address people as mr and mrs they used each other as examples and consequently were known as mystery a new Chile for two months one of the funniest moments of my life was hearing my uncle describe how in the middle of the night instead of dad he started hearing mystery and he chilly cracks me up every time my 4y Oh cousin was taught to introduce people at school he would introduce his parents to people like hello I would like you to meet my friends mommy and daddy I'm kind of sad he grew out of that this is so adorable my youngest boy would never listen and he was always totally fearless he was also always really lucky damn near every time either of us told him don't do that you are going to get hurt he would do it and then not get hurt so we ended up teaching him that when we said not to do something that probably meant it was a fun thing to do I remember really hoping that he would fall and break an arm or something non-life-threatening or disabling like that so he would stop constantly giving us heart attacks which is weird to say as a parent but it never happened so it doesn't matter anyway he never got anything worse than a small scrape or cut that could be cleaned and covered in five minutes before he was back at it again looking back I'm just glad this was before there was anything like jackass around to further encourage that [ __ ] now he's a stuntman for movies can't say I'm surprised tailed my children they should always have a good reason for what they want to do as a way to curb impulsive behavior and hearing about all the reasons constantly my dad tried to implement the whole you must eat all the food on your plate in our house during meals my mom was never a fan of that lesson but my dad was stubborn so she just let it go well one day my sibling had 2-3 bites of food left on their plate and was very clear that they were absolutely full and couldn't eat another bite but that wasn't having it and insisted they could not leave the table until all the food on their plate was gone my sibling realized they weren't going to confess our dad that they were too full and finished the last few bites and then proceeded to vomit on the table and our dad he stopped enforcing the rule after that when I was about two years old my family was at a game in Angels Stadium my mother went to the restroom and left me and my siblings with my dad while he was busy watching I wandered off when they eventually found me I was halfway around the stadium a crowd had gathered to watch as a police officer held me out at arm's length while I screamed call the police this man is not my daddy over and over again my parents had taught me stranger danger but forgot to teach me what police look like edit grammar call the police sir we are the police I need an adult I am an adult tell my children repeatedly that if I found any more mess junk on their bedroom floor I would be donating it to the thrift store I told them they have 15 minutes to clean it up off the floor came back to find everything picked up except they went into the kitchen cupboards and had put every food they didn't like in a nice neat pile right in the middle of the floor not a parent but as a child I noticed my sister was writing her name on the walls when she was drawing on them with crayon taking on the role of helpful big sister I informed her if she was going to graffiti things she shouldn't write her name and give herself away a few weeks later she was carving patterns into the wooden desk in the study and carved my name into it instead I remember in third grade getting in trouble for putting graffiti on the school wall the artist had signed it with my first name which is a fairly common name I was both outraged at the false accusation and offended that they thought I was that stupid and kindergarten I took a pencil to recess and wrote duck on the playground with my name right below it so it ended up looking like duck my name didn't think it through had to go out and da-rae's it with the principal I always tell my children that the lottery is attacks on people that are bad at math I let my eight-year-old spend a few hard-earned dollars on a Powerball ticket to prove it and he won $100 taught my now 16 year old to always compliment people who insulted you we were in a Burlington Coat Factory in Michigan when my mother was shopping for a bathing suits to take to Florida there were few to choose from so she was complaining my kid was for a woman trying on pants and said something rude to my mom who was asking my opinion and my daughter caught on that my mother was agitated she squeezed out behind me and told the woman your teeth are such a pretty yellow edit holy-shit read it 20 care votes I tell you this is my most upvoted comment but I doubt you'd care ha ha I can't tell if she knew what she was really doing but super awesome either way I don't think that counts as backfiring law my parents taught me to call 911 when I saw somebody doing something illegal I called the cops on the Wiggles movie I was watching when I was 5 because a clown stole a cake luckily the 911 operator realized I was young my story didn't make sense because it was a kids movie asked to talk to my mom before sending out cops I called 911 when I was four or five years old because I witnessed the mailman steal a letter out of my mailbox I had to be told how to mail system worked after that I didn't call 911 but when I was three or four these people were moving out of their house next door so at night my sister and I see people taking furniture out of the house and taking it away we thought they were robbers nanny not a parent two years old was refusing to weigh her hat it was hot I told her if she didn't put her hat on she would have to wait in the car she started walking away from me where are you going playing carnival fair games is a waste of money my son wanted to spend his $20 to win a Pikachu stuffed animal from his allowance that he saved up we told him he will be wasting his money and he would not win he spent $15 and won the biggest prize to be fair playing carnival fair games isn't a waste of money if you have the mindset that you are paying for the fun of the experience and not the prize edit if you can't play ring toss without developing a terrible gambling problem and losing your house I don't know what to tell you thanks for watching subscribe for 3 videos a day [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
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Id: 21PDd69Aa0c
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Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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