Whatever Became of Buzzfeed?

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whatever happened to BuzzFeed have they actually dropped off the face of the earth like it kind of seems like they have in the last couple of years it actually seems like it's been ages since I've seen a controversy form around BuzzFeed about something that totally wasn't designed to cause controversy we promised I kind of secretly hope to annoy some men oh no now loads of people are talking about a brand how awful this is the opposite of what we wanted to happen I started to get really curious as I realized just how long it had been since I'd heard anything at all about BuzzFeed be it a rational discussion of some of the things they were doing or a video that was worse than the thing it was responding to in the first place I'm willing to bet none of these try guys have slept with more than three or four girls ever this one on the right is very likely a virgin Brooks no stop this guy Brooks or no bullshit literally starts out his video response to BuzzFeed by saying the most attractive thing you can be is confident what actually makes a man attractive confidence confidence and experience strength is also attractive and intelligence then after two minutes but if we're talking about their appeal to women I mean maybe if the girls like pretty boys if they like feminine looking guys and maybe that one on the left the discount will arnett looking guy maybe girls would find him handsome and dapper but the other guys are pretty fucked they better be rich or hilarious on their dates I'm willing to bet none of these try guys have slept with more than three or four girls like seriously dude what happened to three you can find some petty girls who are all about looks but I would say most get over that at some point so it looks not important if you have confidence but the try guys seen here oiled up and naked they look so feminine that they probably haven't sexed enough people okay I kind of got distracted there by no bullshit's bullshit let's get back onto the curiosity I was feeling BuzzFeed I wanted to start by looking to see what BuzzFeed had been doing recently and the most logical way I felt to go about doing that was to just visit BuzzFeed calm something I've never done intentionally before the first thing that struck me as a little bit odd was just how totally different some of the articles were that they put near each other on their home page this man faces deportation for carrying cannabis despite living in Britain since he was four that's genuinely terrible I mastered the human horse jump and now I don't really know how BuzzFeed works like who can submit stuff to it and stuff like that and I don't know if this kind of stuff is normal for sites like this cuz I don't normally visit them but this just dropped me is really weird seeing serious stuff next to this kind of thing um I mean I struggle explaining to people over 40 what my job is first article on the site that I picked out to look at was this one Rihanna has just proved that Americans have been saying her name wrong this entire time oh shit people on the internet are arguing and this is news but what are they arguing about well recently Rihanna said her own name holy fuck so as you probably just heard Rihanna pronounces her own name Rihanna however if you're from America you probably pronounce Rihanna Rihanna now this is definitely not an area of pop culture I personally find interesting and I would never want to shame someone watered as they personally enjoy unless it's generic easy target but doesn't this beg questions like has she never said her name before she has because of course she has but holy shit has this article already got us sorted out because it has already thought of that or at least the person who wrote it has pointing out the people were claiming Rihanna was pronouncing her name differently in various songs showing the last two examples that I just showed you apparently she pronounces it so differently in these two instances the people are arguing over which is correct I would probably judge people for this but I do similar things only my Rihanna is Thanos I guess the moral of the story is that everyone's a nerd for something even if the thing that they're nerdy for isn't a typically nerdy thing so I'm guessing that basically anyway she said it would be considered acceptable and the fact that she said it again isn't isn't really worth pointing out but speaking of nerdiness is something that's more my speed 35 Avengers Ain't game details that make you say how did I not notice that it's been over a month you don't get spoiler warnings anymore ant-man doesn't shrink and go and Thanos has bun he grows and puts Thanos in his box so obviously the trope of this kind of thing is to put the words things you missed in the title of the thing and then to fill the thing with incredibly obvious stuff let's see how BuzzFeed did at that Captain America says Avengers Assemble before battling Thanos um well I didn't miss that a decent amount of this stuff is good though that first detail is really cool but then there's all a lot of stuff like hey you know when Thor said I went for the head that was a reference to when Thanos said you should have gone for the head Thor thanks BuzzFeed now according to the cliches there are two main things that BuzzFeed makes the first being bite-sized chunks of political activism that are great for people who already believe the things being said in them and want to have their views reinforced and the second is silly quizzes what I've visited BuzzFeed , I really didn't see much political activism at all but what I did see a shit-ton of were silly quizzes when I heard like all of the cliches about all of the silly quizzes that BuzzFeed apparently has I never really believed them I thought they would probably be exaggerated because a lot of cliches are I was definitely ready to accept that they probably had some pretty silly quizzes on there but I had always assumed the the legends were exaggerated they're not not really like maybe some people have exaggerated it but the stories I've heard are pretty much true in fact I'd say that a lot of the quizzes are sillier than what I've heard believe it or not we can guess your eye color just based on the clothes he shoes I don't believe that and in fact I took the quiz and surprisingly enough they weren't right it's almost as if those two things are completely unconnected the funny thing is all of the clothing they showed was from the same brand so I'm assuming this was some kind of sponsorship where the actual content didn't matter so long as BuzzFeed were getting people to look at these clothes also I thought most of the options were horrible anyway make a pizza and we'll reveal what kind of first impression you usually give people by dorm room items from Urban Outfitters and will predict your fortune for the next week I mean that literally just appears to be the sponsorship half of the title and then the clickbait half of the title go shopping at Urban Outfitters and will tell you the month you were born because if you're falling for this shit it was probably yesterday your taste in Urban Outfitters will reveal who your VTR soul mate is Klein an Italian vacation and will predict your summer romance sorry Jonesy but only Millennials can get out of town on this trivia quiz a little bit of a gatekeeping there I don't think recasts Aladdin will refer you your greatest strike they take it or leave it to these luxury items and will reveal your future network which milkshake EU I know you're definitely wondering and I was vanilla we can guess which wrist you have a freckle on BuzzFeed seems to have done something really impressive here and finding something that would be both impossible and not that impressive anyway oh that's um nailed an edge well you Chris Evans Chris Hemsworth Chris Pratt or Chris Pine MJ don't freak out when we accurately guess your zodiac sign is one of the questions when we born another thing that feeds into the bullshit of zodiac signs make some slime and we'll reveal how many kids you'll have it's totally possible to make a quiz in the same format as a lot of those quizzes we were seeing from BuzzFeed there but one that also operates within the parameters of like reason these ones don't know not that I feel in any way is smart for pointing that out like obviously you could totally have a quiz along the lines of Oh tell us your favorite movies and TV shows of all time and we'll try and guess your age now there are factors there that relate oh you'd liked a lot of shows from the 80s and 90s maybe you were born in the 70s that's completely reasonable and you could totally make a quiz like that those kinds of quizzes are fine but the problem with a lot of these quizzes as relate things that are in no way related whatsoever now I don't really know if anyone actually believes the shit although I can tell you it's exactly the kind of shit I would have believed when I was a kid but a great deal of it does seem to be pushing on scientific ideas which I'm definitely not a huge fan of and they are clearly very click Beatty if I had to guess I'd say they probably don't care whether or not people believe what they're actually typing in their titles so long as they actually click on them a mindset that I'm really not a huge fan of the most common trend I've noticed and you've almost certainly noticed as well is that they relate things that are in no way related to demonstrate this I'm going to give you the start of a few of their quiz titles and then I'm going to give you like a couple of seconds to guess what the quiz is actually about what it is they're actually trying to guess based on the information they're asking for from you let's do that order a six-course Japanese meal and we'll guess the first letter of your name choose some desserts and we'll guess your exact age this color quiz will reveal when you're getting married okay fine I'm taking it first pick the sexiest red I'm not attracted to any of these their colors I like that one the most though I wouldn't fuck it but it's pretty color now pick a really nice blue this water seems nice I like I like a nice mustard yellow the pastel wha take a shade of that it's one of the questions how can you give a fuck about a shade of gray that one again choose an orange that's more gold isn't it but I'll take it take the best green those are not green those are turquoise why did it sound blue when I clicked it 2051 that's a bit of a way off in it maybe it gives everyone who takes the quiz a high number because it knows know what's to settle down with someone who invests mental stock in BuzzFeed quizzes where's the correlation BuzzFeed so now that we've looked at the stay I film these over several days but I want to maintain the illusion that I'm filming it all in one day and that means not filming at night so I'm running out of time to film and I forgot what I was trying to say now this is a great take I might leave it in right so now that we've looked at the buzzfeed.com page site place let's look at their YouTube channel because I'm pretty sure that's where loads of the controversy used to come from visiting their main YouTube channel painted a pretty similar picture to visiting their main website most of what they're putting out these days appears to be generic content farm content the side channels that used to be named after colors have been rebranded into more specific interest things and their view count has absolutely plummeted when I used to watch generic content farm videos like we dna-tested our dogs 24 hours without a phone cheese lovers challenge how many cheese's can you name BuzzFeed was actually one of my main sources for them this would have been a few years ago at this point I love my family and then I love cheese Wow BuzzFeed doesn't remember it used to usually hit the millions these videos are in the tens of thousands to the hundreds of thousands only breeching a million very occasionally we're just sort of vaguely remembering that they used to get more views I think isn't good enough so let's check the stats the stats say I'm right right from the beginning of how far back in the stats go BuzzFeed we're getting around 250 million views a month then in 2018 between the months of June and December these are a pretty large drop-off in views and today at least seem to be getting around 100 50 million views a month it may mean that their new videos are getting almost no views and their older videos are the ones still getting the views but based on publicly available statistics I can't really tell you what's going on just that they're getting less views now and that's coincided with me not hearing about them for ages although I will include a poll if I can figure out how to do that on a YouTube video I've never done a poll before there should be it should be appearing in the top right corner of the screen or top left one of those depending on what language you speak and if you write from right to left or left to right but the answers to that poll should help you and also me understand whether or not BuzzFeed actually have dropped off the face of the earth so that seems to be what's becoming fuzzfeed there are content farm that makes broadly speaking inconsequential and often very silly things that not as many people are watching as there used to be oh but also in 2018 they were finalists to repeal it surprised one of the most prestigious awards in journalism advert you didn't expect that Hewlett surprised is so prestigious that when you google prestigious awards for journalism Google is like our fam you must mean the Pulitzer Prize and the BuzzFeed team were finalists for a prize for international reporting this is because according to the pilot surprise they ran a probe that helped prove that operatives with apparent ties to Vladimir Putin have engaged in a targeted killing campaign against his perceived enemies and British and American soil but holy shit this is like actually serious stuff it would appear that BuzzFeed have actually done some really impressive investigative journalism as well as making loads of appointment shit that doesn't point out anything of worth so I suppose the conclusion today is that BuzzFeed are a lot like me if I had ever done some impressive journalism thanks for watching my garbage and oh good bye [Music] [Music] [Music] before I go I just like to say a huge thank you to carpool party for providing my new outro music I've loved what they do I'm pretty sure since before I started these YouTube videos so I am beyond thrilled to be working with them so go check them out
Channel: Jay Exci
Views: 376,464
Rating: 4.8594465 out of 5
Keywords: film, parody, nobs, Buzzfeed, buzzfeed.com, the try guys, rihanna, buzzfeed quizes, buzz feed, avengers endgame
Id: WYYNoWgnzss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2019
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