That Game of Thrones Browser Game You've Been Seeing Ads for is Garbage

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There are literally hundreds of these types of games on the big app stores, structured in nearly-identical fashion: you have a city/kingdom screen, you build and upgrade buildings and units from that screen, and then you enter into minimally-interactive battles with your units which reward you with currency that you can put back into your city/kingdom.

That's the loop. At first these games seem almost reasonable (if you can ignore shit like the in-game cash shop giving you an option to buy a CHEST OF GOLD or VAULT OF GEMS for $200), but within an hour you discover that advancement is gated behind increasingly exorbitant prices for buildings/units/gear and ever-lengthening timers that make you wait, say, 12 hours for a new building to be constructed or 24 hours before you can get a new soldier/hero/whatever. At that point your options are to quit, to limp along making excruciatingly slow progress thanks to the timers and pitiful in-game currency rewards, or to pull out your pocketbook and pump real money into the game to reduce the wait.

The actual gameplay, if you can call it that, isn't even fun. All it does is tap into that part of a gamer's brain that enjoys watching numbers go up - your soldiers get more health, deal more damage, and equip new loot with increasingly higher numbers. You get a lot of that with real games - strategy games, RPGs, MMOs - but at least in those games, they serve as rewards for overcoming challenges, and help you increase in power to take on bigger challenges.

In games like this, there's no challenge. All you have are numbers and checkpoints. You need a certain quantity of numbers to pass through each checkpoint, and you get to choose whether you want to slowly increase your numbers for free or quickly increase your numbers by giving the developers your money. That's literally the extent of it.

It's a scam. These sorts of games are constantly searching for two types of people - fresh newbies who aren't wise to the scam yet, and people with honest-to-goodness mental health issues (gambling addictions, gaming addictions, autism, etcetera) that they can turn into 'whales' (big spenders) and repeatedly victimize.

The worst part of it all is how well it works and how hard this sort of thing is being pushed. According to many gaming companies, this is the future of gaming.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 407 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rainghost πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

a clarification I didn't need but got to see nonetheless

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1405 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MisterLupov πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

TO BE COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY FAIR there is a character in GoT named Kevan Lannister.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 925 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rocky8u πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Of course it is.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 891 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MistaBoJang89 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Is there a heavily advertised mobile game that isn’t shit?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 358 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Heroiccrayfish πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

They also spelled Jon Snow's name wrong (John)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 251 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/uniqueusername699 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thank god, I thought I was the only one with these ads. Starting watching game of thrones last week and I’ve had hundreds of these ads pop up, just thought I had brought this upon myself.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 134 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JadedChapter πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Surprised Pikachu

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 240 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nu_med_knas πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The first website he went to is just a referral site not owned by the actual developer. You can view the source here:

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 47 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DontWorry-ImADoctor πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
okay let's be honest you have seen this game advertised you'll have seen adverse before you voiced YouTube videos it'll pop up at the side of websites even made its way into the background of one of my [ __ ] videos for a good chunk of you the advert probably played as you clicked on this video game of thrones winter is coming the officially licensed browser game is not something you can escape the officially licensed browser game Wow if HBO have given it the thumbs up that it must be good the adverts did a really good job of making this look like every other generic strategy game ever and the fact that it was being advertised inside bars and pop-ups didn't give me much confidence in its quality the most addictive game ever made there are women here click click woman click every time I saw these ads I think something along the lines of what kind of person would actually play this game and then I remembered what my job is oh oh [ __ ] I'm gonna play this game I now have around five hours in this game two and a half of which I streamed and now that I've done that I feel fairly confident and telling you that it fails in pretty much every possible way from bigger things like gameplay to the simplest little things like remembering to put spaces in between the words let's start by going to their website real Game of Thrones calm not secure played the world first game of Thrones game but there are other Game of Thrones games what the webpage also has two scroll bars one that Scrolls and one that doesn't it also describes the game is visually stunning while showing this picture of it at this point the site asks you to choose your hero giving you five different options okay so let's say I choose Arya your character will start with one special skill more skills can be unlocked by gaining experience assassin mage or warriors go with warrior and then play solo or play online I'm gonna go play solo and then it takes you to the actual game and none of that had anything to do with the game whatsoever this is this is the real one you don't start as any of those characters and you don't start as a major necessar or a warrior or just another quick reminder that HBO has officially licensed this also what we're here just a quick question why would you boast that the game is officially licensed like yes that is the requirement well done game so I created an account using a thrower email address and was ready to go and the first thing I was confronted with was a completely black screen that occasionally made noises when I masked over it I tried we started getting stuff and it just didn't work so eventually I had to download the desktop app the officially licensed browser game the officially licensed browser game browser game browser game browser game although it might not run in your browser though so be careful when the game actually starts working you're greeted to an overview of a castle by Melisandre I'm just gonna confidently pronounce all of these characters names even though I've not watched the show since season one she introduces you to the overview of your city which is one of the three main screens I actually managed to get to in the short time that I played the game before it became such a chore to play the continuing felt less appealing than [ __ ] trump we're classy on this channel I don't normally make Trump references but when I do it's about putting my tongue in his anus he also introduces you to the mechanics that you're going to have to deal with when you're interacting with this screen you mainly use the screen to build and upgrade buildings that produce resources for you or convert resources that you already have into other resources when you want to build or upgrade something or use one of your existing buildings to for example train troops pressing one of the buttons that makes one of those things happen won't just make the thing happen but will start a timer until that thing happens the first once you experience will be ten minutes but there are much longer ones too there's also a cue system that prevents you from having too many timers on the go at the same time almost everything you have to do on the screen has one of these timers does gameplay that just consists of waiting for things to happen sound boring to you good that means you're not insane unfortunately you get given a bunch of items that you can use to speed up these timers alternatively you can pay to bypass the timers using diamonds which are an in-game currency you can also pay for more time skips using diamonds how do you get diamonds well you can get them as rewards for completing parts of the game or you can purchase them using another in-game currency called black diamonds black diamonds with your [ __ ] credit card holy [ __ ] dollar option that was my live reaction from when I streamed this and I still stand by it I'm gonna be doing a few live reaction clips throughout this video they make it more fun at this point playing the game you'll also probably notice that there's an icon on the screen begging you to like the game on Facebook that you can't get rid of in this screen you'll also see a load of rebel camps around your castle taking them on in combat is a main part of the campaign and it's the first thing you're gonna use your troops for here's how the combat works you press attack and then it tells you if you won if you didn't win you can always just train more troops using the timer's if you don't want to wait for the timer's you can always skip them with Diamonds and if you don't have any diamonds then well you know exactly what you can do but just in case that's not enough to get people to go for the microtransactions the game will also just start begging you for money after half an hour and if you click no the game will just be like yeah okay but are you sure this is a store anyway that you can only use real money for just just in case just in case you miss clicked oh my god normally costs a hundred black diamonds but now only costs ten well I kind of want to get a feel for the game first before I pay for something like oh my god no wait it's only available for a limited time I guess I need to buy it now before I've got time to think about it or just a another quick reminder that HBO has officially licensed this when you reopen the game you'll be confronted with this shop that you can only spend real money in and then when you close that shop it will give you this shop that you can only spend real money and at this point in the game not only will you have noticed that it's garbage but also the bits incompetent Lee made garbage prompts appear on the screen for not anywhere near enough time to read them sometimes they don't even [ __ ] stay at all I will continue to advise you and help reclaim your cities my Lord cities is [ __ ] spelled wrong that's not how you spell cities attack a rank one rebel lead a dot awfully keep it in the r if only there was some kind of alternative to putting dot dot here they put an apostrophe before the s in the plural of the word gifts that's such a simple thing to not [ __ ] up the most of the beginning the game will use characters from the show but it doesn't take long before they start introducing their own original characters into the game of thrones universe the devs made absolutely show that these characters would fit into the world by calling them Chris Sheila and Kevin three of the most Game of Thrones e names possible I hit Joffrey was actually supposed to be called Kevin originally he was going to be king Kevin and Cersei was gonna be Sheila you have to pay to get Kevin by the way well you will have some interaction with these characters on the screen with all the timers in it you'll see the most in the next area of the game you're introduced to the weirwoods clicking on this tree takes you to this screen with loads of battles in it where you battle people I'm going to receive that's explained by something in the show because to me clicking a tree and it taking you to a battle doesn't make a whole lot of sense the bat that take place within the weirwood of probably one of the best parts of the game I'd give them like a 2 out of 10 but for a game that appears to be trying to be a strategy game they don't take a whole lot of strategy you can get through the first eight of these battles without pressing any buttons or moving the mouse or clicking literally just press battle and the AI will take care of it for you for the first eight unfortunately though once you get to the ninth one this strategy will no longer cut it and you'll be defeated by a character called Eggbert this is when you'll start having to employ a new strategy I did air quotes there in real life I don't know why you couldn't see that all the friendly characters like Chris Sheila and I assume Kevin but I didn't buy him have area-of-effect abilities that you can use on the battlefield right I've not watched the show is there any reason that varus's ability is a massive like bomb from the sky because from like I thought he was like a unit because he is that is that something he can do his balls were taken away by magic so no he has magic balls powers that's really good law the next strategy employed was to wait for the cooldowns to charge and then use the abilities as soon as they were ready using the infinite amount of time you get to aim them to make sure they hit as many enemies as possible this strategy worked for me up until the 40th battle this battle seemed to be impossible to pass by just spamming the abilities so for the sake of fairness I tried to pass it properly I gave it loads of attempts trying to use the area of effect abilities at the optimal times I only made varus fire his balls at his enemies when it was exactly the right moment to do so I tried adjusting my troop formations and the very limited ways you're allowed to do that and it didn't help at all like it wasn't just that I was still being defeated I was still being defeated to the same extent as when I was just mashing buttons it genuinely seems like this is a strategy game where employing strategy doesn't help the only other way to improve your chances of winning are to upgrade your commanders and their abilities the commanders of the characters like Sheila Chris and Kevin up until this point I've been upgrading them as I went because that seemed like the smart and logical thing to do but by the time I reached the 40th battle there was more I had to do to progress mainly go back to the screen with the castle on it and level up loads of stuff by waiting for timers which were really annoying at this point there are a lot of artificial barriers of blockage in this game and they're all just like timers all the stuff in the weirwood is also real incompetently made by the way often you'd be confronted by buttons that just didn't do anything when you push them voice lines for their original character sounded fine but voice lines for characters from the show had been really really badly compressed and sounded like garbage very occasionally in a battle after defeating all the enemies you would just lose anyway and then have to do it again despite despite fulfilling the wind condition we why wait what excuse me hang on I'm confused right because it looks like all the enemies are dead and my my soldiers are cheering like yay we won but on the screen it says defeat we lost the fact the buttons to level up your characters instead of saying like level up or advanced or something they said advanced in the past tense that's that's not right sometimes the word equip would have an e on the end of it for no reason you've unlocked a commander oh no I have unlocked commander after subjecting yourself to this game for a little longer you'll be asked by Melisandre to create or join an alliance which is just a guild where you team up with other players this is the part where they forgot to put spaces in between the words the button you push to create an alliance says created Alliance that's not how you say that game but ok when you're creating an alliance you get to design a banner give your Alliance a name and a code to the code for my Alliance is oag if for some reason you want to join it you also get to choose a language for some reason the game assumed I was going to want to play in simplified Chinese despite the fact had been playing in English for a good hour so I switched the language to English press to the created Alliance button and then the game decided that knew better and put the Alliance in simplified Chinese anyway ok so if any orders to actually know it's in Chinese I specifically set it to English Chinese no I'm not linking this to my discord they don't deserve such pain once you finish your building alliance you get taken to the third and final screen that I actually saw while playing this game which is the world map this allows you to raid AI settlements interact with other players and stuff like that and while in many ways it's different from other elements of the game in many more ways it's exactly the same things happen with long timers that you can use resources to skip there's just random incompetence all over the place random trance fee and that's pretty much it a lot of things about this game started to make sense when I found out the developers were based in China a lot of the mistakes we see in this game probably wouldn't be there if the game was made by a team of native English speakers and I think you'd be pretty hard pushed to find someone who grew up in a Western culture who'd think that Kevin was a good name for a game of Thrones character the creators of this game are called GT Arcade which are a sub branch of a company called yuzu and they specialize in making the boobs that you see at the side of websites why did HBO decide to officially license this if I was HBO I would consider the fact that this product was being marketed with my logo on it an embarrassment this game seemed to be comprised of only elements I've really seen in other places before but at least most copycat games have the wit to actually copy something that's [ __ ] good now of course it's totally possible that after the section that I played it suddenly becomes an amazing game that isn't total [ __ ] but even if that miracle did actually happen what would be the point of hiding an amazing game behind five hours of garbage the answer to that of course is that there isn't one and the game just is garbage but speaking of garbage thanks for watching mine I hope you've enjoyed it I'm gonna be doing an edited down version of the stream sort of a highlights type thing and I'll be posting that to my second channel soon so keep a lookout for that and once I post it I'll put a link to it here but that's it for today so goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jay Exci
Views: 2,307,708
Rating: 4.8711734 out of 5
Keywords: game of thrones, season 8, game of thrones winter is coming, browser game, garbage, game review, bad game, melisandre, varys, arya, microtransactions, hbo, sansa stark, john snow, dragons, GoT, video game, game of thrones video game
Id: m08Z-oDdvlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2019
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