WatchMojo Attempts to Argue Chibnall's Doctor Who is Good

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I want you to just think about the word quality when you hear that word what is it that comes to mind is it WatchMojo and Doctor Who Season eleven because if it is no it isn't you're lying to me see you've just set off my wrong opinion alarm we can't be having that so in response I'm just gonna run out this unlocked door what's the point of that alarm so in a video called top ten reasons Doctor Who Season eleven is actually good from WatchMojo UK didn't appear in my sub box because why would I do that's myself I thought it's very realistic today I want to try and debunk some of the arguments that I already know aren't very good because I've seen this video before in fact I streamed myself watching it and you're going to be seeing clips of that stream in this video it's like it's such a toy to theme things as far as I heard it's like hey guys did you know this theme and if you're very lucky in some of those clips I might not even have my cursor in the middle of the screen like a [ __ ] boomer teacher playing a video on the interactive whiteboard let's first of all start by establishing what it is they're actually trying to argue the video title is top ten reasons Doctor Who season 11 is actually good and today we're counting down the top 10 reasons Doctor Who series 11 was actually good and in their opening they say this list we're looking at all the positive points that contributed to creating yet another exciting entertaining and worthwhile season of sci-fi shenanigans oh my god they said it's worthwhile I'm deeply offended the claim that we're responding to isn't just here are some good things about Doctor Who season 11 hits here are some good things about season 11 that mean overall it's a product of quality let's get into the video let's let's watch this video let's see how good it is because I'm sure it'll be great and the first thing we have to bring up about why season 11 is actually good is number 10 accessible for new audiences ah that applies to another life and every passing series doctor who was starting to get more and more complicated collapsing under its own weight of every convoluted story arc that had gone before and over relying on alternative dimensions and tiny wannabe explanations you know who I am you must thank heavens then for new showrunner Chris Chibnall who took a blank slate approach to create an easier more streamlined experience first of all this isn't true they're arguing from a faulty premise dick acts like this is some new change being made by season 11 every passing series doctor who was starting to get more and more complicated thank heavens then for new showrunner Chris Chibnall while many scenes of the show do follow directly on from the previous one and you really do need that context to fully understand everything that's going on it's not like we were short of seasons that could act as a jumping on point for new viewers my favorite example of this is the season immediately prior season 10 believe it or not which you'd think they'd think to consider the season immediately before the one they're talking about since that's the season that season 11 is actually making changes from in season 10 we were reintroduced to all of the old concepts who already knew about through the eyes of new companion bill Potts and just in case you need to see dick proverbially slapped around the face with just how wrong he actually is episode 1 is literally called the pilot and just in case you're still clinging on to the idea that maybe that could be a coincidence here's what head writer Steven Moffat had to say about it at the time on purpose and quite deliberately we've made this a jumping on point for the show you could start right here this is the pilot hmm heavens then for new showrunner Chris Chibnall who took a blank slate approach but even if season 11 was the first one since season 1 that you could watch without prior knowledge that wouldn't make it a good series of television it's only good that you are able to access something if it's something that you would want to access in the first place dip your balls in Tabasco sauce it's quick easy and free but why would I do that it's quick easy and free so if with his next 9 point stick can't actually argue why the season is worth watching in the first place this point is pretty pointless but speaking of their next points here's number 9 on their list number 9 in keeping with the classic well that's quite the claim I guess we'll need to see what metric they're using to make that comparison because season 11 certainly isn't in keeping with the classics in tone or pacing or equality the doctor is a completely different character with basically nothing in common with her classic counterpart so I mean I guess we'll have to see what they say or treading all new territory is in some ways the fair ever Whittaker fronted storylines also have a far more grounded feel to them which makes series 11 feel much more like classic episodes a rackets in the UK is a story about a guy who illegally dumped some waste which causes spiders to grow several meters large and start killing people they just have a more grounded feel to them it wouldn't be silly enough to say that erectus in the UK was grounded surely well after they say it's grounded they immediately play a clip for Iraq myths in the UK classic episodes you're not supposed to be this big and you're definitely not supposed to attack humans also I'm not sure that grounded would be the best way to describe classic who either they then go on to make what feels like a completely separate point and say this addressing issues of social justice and using their historical settings to serve as a commentary for current events a lot of these ideas fell more in line with Peter Davison and Sylvester McCoy's adventures anyone remember their happiness patrol it attempted social commentary is not praised because previous seasons have done a much better job a social commentary this season get says hey you know what racism is bad and you're like yeah it's thanks guys speaking of social commentary there again acting like this wasn't in previous seasons when no it was end point of capitalism bottom line where human life has no value at all and hey remember how they took that character who just said that and in season 11 turned him now her into a massive shelf for a corporation that explicitly is shown to mistreat its workers on screen if you wanted also remember how they said these episodes were grounded but this was a value that the doctor had held for a very long time always sticking up for the little guy which had always lent itself to social commentary but hey this season is so in keeping with the classics because it just has social commentary and that's the bar number eight new villains again this one's all about series 11 setting itself apart rather than simply relying on Doctor Who staples which is the Daleks or the Cybermen the thirteenth doctor has been thwarted brand new buddies like Tim sure again this is just an incredibly low bar the show did have new villains like they sure were there but the quality is in the execution just having villains that haven't appeared before is quality neutral and then you think you are those villains again and then you're like all right the guy whose only character trait is racism they're generically evil blue guy who you glues teeth to his face the pitting guys remember the Patang this Trump caricature there's no deep character or nuance or anything meaningful to any of these villains okay so the new characters aren't yet quite as iconic as the master or Davros they offer something different for the future yeah but they're not good villains don't get me wrong they're not literally all completely terrible some of them are fine but that's not exactly high praise is it I mean the argument you made that was that argument would support literally any change to anything ever if in season 13 the doctor regenerates into a flying penis sausage you could still say ah well the penis sausage doctor may not be as iconic as previous doctors but at least it gives us something different for the future and it would be just as true notice that dick hasn't actually made any arguments for why these villains are good just that they're different and by merit of their difference alone that should apparently be reason that this is a product of quality number 7 Alan [ __ ] is King James yeah Alan [ __ ] was certainly entertaining in the role I see his performance is very much a love it or hate it performance because it was quite hammy quite over-the-top but I'd like to point out at this point as to why the season as a whole is good is that one actor in one supporting role did a good job which arguably he did we're now halfway through the list and they haven't mentioned the content of the writing beyond the incredibly superficial elements like what is literally in it the points that would have just as much merit would be oh it has the TARDIS in it it has a Dalek in it it has the doctor in it number seven Alan [ __ ] is King James the ever-watchful Alan Cummings brings to life a very OTT and flamboyant James Stewart I'm sorry guys watch mojo everyone say his name is Alan [ __ ] and then a second later say he's called Alan Cummings like not significant epic but [ __ ] [ __ ] proof watch your videos guys number 6 it demanded attention and got people talking the bar is now so low that Hitler can pass it in the run-up to Whitaker's debut it was big big news again doubtless the worldwide interest was partly down to the casting of Jody in the title role for the opening episode still brought in more than 10.5 million viewers and the first five averaged at 8.5 million they're not starts to be sniffed at so here we have the it's popular therefore it's good argument in its natural habitat we still need to debunk this it literally is a fallacy if you appeal to it's just it's an appeal that it's an appeal to popularity fallacy it's not even veiled behind anything it's explicitly that except it's not even that because they can't even argue that it's popular literally all they can say is that it was seen by a lot of people because that's the only thing that was true and it was seen by a lot of people number 5 inclusivity and diversity it was almost impossible not to be aware of the whole Bob surrounding the casting of a female actor in the lead role so the biggest or most infamous barrier was brought crashing down by Jodie Whittaker I use you to work but the series 11 tendency for trailblazing didn't stop there new companion Ryan played by toting coal softwood with dyspraxia inclusion is nice but it doesn't make a series of television good I mean case in point this argument also applies to another life which is a very diverse and inclusive show it's also hot garbage it also applies to some very good series like years and years and hey in that one they have a disabled character they don't just forget about that disability after the first couple of episodes but being diverse and inclusive well nice isn't enough to make a show good on its own or even when it's supported by one of the guest cast being quite good and the show being accessible like it was before elsewhere Doctor Who also cast its first blind actress Ellie Warwick in the episode it takes you away yeah and she was terrible she did a really bad job no offense to her I'm sure she's a lovely person but just listen to this line reading we need to click inside it always comes out on low she's a character supposed to be scared for her life there I think personally just having a diverse cast isn't good enough they also need to be able to act number four Rosa I mean yeah that Rosa was fine I guess the plot made sense if the villain was incredibly OneNote Rosa is not only a cracking tale in its own right taking the TARDIS to a crucial point in time but also a very emotional and thought-provoking episode Rosa isn't a masterpiece or anything but it's as strong as this season gets except for demons of the Punjab I just can't help the feeling that put it in any good season and it would be a middling episode it is fine it's a story that's perfectly functional which again pretty low bar who's praised on social media for starting conversations amongst families and friends about racial discrimination equality and social issues yeah but to achieve that all it had to do was be about racism and feature it prominently that has nothing to do with its actual quality as a story this again is praising it for what it's superficially about rather than the deeper content and what it actually has to say about those things how will it explores them and I am all for praising the superficial you will catch me salivating over the 1996 TARDIS design the different series that you won't then catch me saying that that makes the 1996 movie a good movie because it's really not what do you know Rosa is also the first example of what's undeniably a trend now that season 12 is mostly outstanding an entire 50 minute episode to comment on a social issue with about the depth that you could get across in a tweet unless people face facts and change catastrophe is coming I can't believe Jodi forgot to look into camera while she was delivering that line but roses know often 55 even despite the fact they share a villain so this one's tricky you know what I'll just I'll say that this is the strongest point they've made so far and you can take that however you want it should have been about doing so at the punch up though number three best production values yes the special effects have traditionally been a bit of a problem for Doc dome with the shows earlier gadgets and monsters looking little better than a bunch of papier-mache models and fairly liquid balls an even more recent episodes are played by some highly questionable CGI but dodgy props are no longer the ball the joke I'm sorry like why is that the clip they're showing like dodgy CGI and an effect that frankly looks fine because it's supposed to look weird and trippy like there are some much better examples of dodgy CGI and Doctor Who than that but Season eleven has great production values it looks good it looks really good actually in fact this is the first point they've made where I'd say yeah they're just right with no caveats or conditions although that being said it does make me kind of sad that has showed known for being loved despite its shoddy production values because the writing and the characters are just that strong can now be best praised for its special effects and production values just ignore the writing guys number two Bradley Walsh in what was perhaps the biggest surprise to the Matra hence of who funds host of the chase probably Walsh was not only really good but actually a bit of a scene stealer you don't look like an alien yes this is absolutely valid praised Bradley Walsh did a fantastic job with the material he was given and as the only character in the main cast including the doctor to be given any meaningful characterization to speak of he absolutely stood out as one of the best aspects of the season and certainly the strongest character even fans of the series would joke about how Ryan and yars barely had a character but honestly I think that applies to the doctor as well who has a shockingly low amount of characterization considering she's supposed to be the main character of this show which leads nicely into their final point Judy Whitaker series 11 received some flak that was for Judy Whitaker definitely answered her critics and she answered them with like a four attack she's fine it being quirky she's fine at capturing a normal standard conversation between the doctor and friends but what she absolutely hasn't demonstrated yet and I'm including what we've seen so far of series 12 is the wisdom and age of the character the deeper aspects that in all the other doctors underline their quirks whereas for her the quirks basically are just the character she lacked so many aspects that are central to the doctor like the aura of authority or the very traveled nature to the character I don't think it's really her fault I think she does a great job with the material she's given but there's only so much you can do with that kind of material I don't think he's really been given a chance to prove herself yet because she's not been given any strong [ __ ] any strong [ __ ] he strong scripts that really emphasize the nuances of the doctor it could be that if she's ever given a chance to work under a different showrunner that she'll really shine through although it's also possible that she won't but let's say let's give dick a bit more of a listen before we dismiss this point let's listen to what he has to say about Jody and why she's good their characters likeable a little outrageous at times without being obnoxious and given the opportunity she'll make sacrifices with real pathos with an emotional range that's wide open a soon to be iconic outfit of choice and an ever-present unpredictability about her she took a tough gig and triumph I mean a gasps yes she did convey emotions fine enough she did wear an outfit that I don't think I disagree with anything the dick is praising her for it just it takes more to be a good doctor than just those things well I don't really like her and he said that she's a likeable character but that's entirely down to the individual so I'm not gonna try and argue against that because that would just be me saying oh you have these feelings well I have these feelings and that's pretty pointless I like to keep my arguments substantiated and well-founded and that's it that's the last item on the list I can't help noticing that they haven't mentioned like a lot of really important stuff that goes into making a good series of television like Jerry writing quality they did attempt to make a couple of substantial points like talking about you know the main cast which is something that's very important to a series of television but for most of the items on their list they opted to find the bottom of a barrel and just scrape number six it demanded attention and got people talking like man when you have to think of just just ten just ten good aspects of a show and it can be anything from prop production to single characters single episode single actors a little neat details that design and and story and you have to fill up one of those items with what is essentially saying people argued about it because it had a woman in it like they couldn't think of ten good things and had to stretch now I do realize that if you like season 11 then this video could be quite frustrating to watch and I'm gonna be breaking down all of my criticisms off seasons 11 and 12 in more details so that if you don't understand where I'm coming from hopefully you will be able to by the end of that video but it's gonna be very long it's gonna break down all of the problems they have with it from the characterization to the plotting to the pacing to the fundamental misunderstanding of things that they're adapting so it's taking me a while to create but hopefully it will it will come out eventually but before I go I would like to make one last note and that is that I'm going to VidCon I'm gonna be in London VidCon from the 20th to the 24th so if you're there you might see me that could be fun and finally before I go one of my backers has asked me to share this beautiful picture with you so I'm going to oblige and I would like to correctly pronounce the names of Brett Vanity Fair and Anna jewel whose names I didn't quite do justice in my Star Wars review that's it so I hope you've enjoyed and I'm gonna leave now
Channel: undefined
Views: 446,611
Rating: 4.8730769 out of 5
Keywords: doctor who, chris chibnall, jodie whittaker, bad, season 11, season 12, doctor who series 11, doctor who series 12, series 11, series 12, chibnall, moffat, watchmojo, debunk
Id: flobeibwHqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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