How to Make a Good Captain Marvel Sequel

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/bluehulk900 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2019 🗫︎ replies
Captain Marvel has played by G's thefts people seem to like it the last time I made that joke so I thought I'd make the same joke but again is both an unstoppable force and an immovable object already after just two film appearances she's one of the most powerful characters in the MCU on top of that she uses violence as a first resort even when the situation she's in poses no physical threat to her she kicks people when they're down casually destroys other people's property and has kind of an ego but I'm gonna throw in a curveball here and say that none of this actually makes her a bad character I don't think any of these traits are handled very well in her own movie but there's no reason we can't have a great movie about a character who has all of these traits not every MCU hero has to be as pure of heart as Captain America and it's absolutely possible to write challenges that even the most power how see of characters wouldn't be able to easily overcome so get ready for a video or a piss off everyone all at the same time by saying that Captain Marvel is a deeply flawed film but while also saying that her character could actually be used for some really interesting things in the future is that like a personal attack or something Hey look I can use that clip as well welcome to how to make a good Captain Marvel sequel that doesn't just wreak on her character or take her powers away with something stupid like kryptonite because a lot of people seem to be saying that those are the only good ways you could make Captain Marvel sequel and let's start by talking about what is now undeniably one of her defining characteristics the fact that she is very quick to unleash a destructive potential take this scene for instance she's just landed on a strange alien planet thinks she sees someone and her first reaction is shoot to kill or this scene where she thinks a demonstration of what she can do as an order and decides I'll just blow up a part of the building I'm in now I know what they were going for here they were jokey jokes like oh she blew that thing up ha ha ha ha but as a writer you do have to understand that every decision you have your characters make it's gonna characterize them if you have a character make a decision that they need to in service of say a joke or in service of furthering the plot it's going to change the way people perceive their character if that then characterizes them as something that's not a great thing to be like overly violent then that might be a good thing to actually explore it's certainly not a great thing to just kind of leave hanging like Captain Marvel does let's look at a film that does this kind of thing much better guardians of the galaxy vol 2 by no means am I saying this is perfect but here's a scene that has loads of these little more it's your people promised something in exchange for our services bring it and we shall gladly be on our way I understand she is your sister she's worth no more to me than the bounty do for her and ever they told me you people were conceited douchebags but that isn't true at all what a bison battery in order to further the plot the film has Gomorrah treating her sister like an object in a jokey joke rocket is rude about the sovereign and in something that furthers the plot and as their as a jokey joke rocket steal some batteries from the sovereign plus you get another jokey joke moment with Peeta where he doesn't take this more serious moment seriously at all instead of this tip you buy one marvelous si video because I'm not ever making one of those the film doesn't leave any of these things hanging gamora's relationship with nebula is developed hugely throughout this film as they come closer to reconciling their differences Rockets general hostility and ass holder is something that this film really goes deep into having him grow a better understanding of himself and the people around him over the course of the story and even that two-second jokey joke made by Peter goes to what's characterizing him as emotionally immature I've hit my lip while I was saying that had tried really hard to not [ __ ] up the take even though I was in great pain but anyway Peters emotional immaturity is one of the main things that the film actually confronts him about so while both films are full of jokey jokes and plot driven decisions the ones and guardians are all very deliberate they're there as characterization as well as jokes and as well as things to drive the plot so let's compare this to Captain Marvel these earlier scenes set up that shield likes to [ __ ] with very little provocation and then over the course of the film it's just sort of like yeah she does do that and just to be clear this isn't me saying that the fact she kicks yon Rob while he's down makes him morally reprehensible it does characterize her a certain way but you can't really argue that it was undeserved and in fact I'm not here to pass moral judgment on any of the actions taken by Carol Danvers in this movie because I can't be [ __ ] bothered God the internet tires me we've now arrived at the point we talked about this [ __ ] deleted scenes because while the scene was deleted the fact that it was filmed in the first place means that the writers here believed this was in character for Captain Marvel that a guy comes up to her proves himself to be a gaping [ __ ] but only in nonviolent ways which point her responses let's beat the violence violence let's do it let's do the violence and so she threatens to rip off his hand well you know maybe the implication was that she was gonna like burn it off but I feel like he kind of splitting hairs at that point all of this stuff does seem to come from the same place her hands make seriously keep an eye on those I may have got distracted here but you putting up with my distractions is par for the course of you watching my content at this point all of this stuff does seem to come from the same place she starts out being unnecessarily violent continues to be and then the end of the film once she's defeated yokes are on he's on the floor having been defeated she offers him a hand he takes it and then she drags him along the floor to his ship and then you're just looking at it like yep that's something she would do but when it comes to writing a Captain Marvel sequel if you're dealing with a good writer this is a good thing you've now got a well established character trait that you can explore in your movie and I personally think this is a really interesting floor for a character to have especially when the character with said floor is such a powerhouse oh did I mention how much of a powerhouse Captain Marvel is yes I did but we're gonna talk about that in more detail now I see a lot of people saying that Captain Marvel needs to be nerfed if stories about her are gonna be interesting but before we get into that let's get into just how powerful she actually is because oh boy she is before she came along generally Thor was cited as the most powerful Avenger and recently a lot of people have been trying to figure out whether she is more or less powerful than Thor well the most impressive thing she ever does is destroy Thanos his ship she also destroys one of the accusers ships in the same fashion but just sort of eating her way through it I'll also bring up that if thought was capable of doing things like this why did he not do exactly that when Thanos his ship was there and needed to be destroyed and he waited instead for Captain Marvel to come and destroy it instead that's because he can't and Captain Marvel is just Opie but that's fine if you introduce a character who's so powerful that none of the established characters can really challenge her physically you just have to find different ways of challenging her while taking a previously established character traits into account let's think about ways that you could actually challenge Captain Marvel in her sequel well you can't really challenge her physically one thing that you can do really well is trick her what if a villain were to save feed her false information and tricked her into attacking something that they wanted her to attack shouldn't be the hardest thing to do in the world considering here trigger-happy she is that way the challenge that she's facing isn't oh there's this person they need to punch really hard it's oh no now everyone [ __ ] hates me because I attacked something I shouldn't have plus I don't know what information to actually trust one thing that dealt with a similar idea is one punch man the protagonist Saitama is the single most powerful character in the Canon no villains can challenge him physically but one problem he really does have to face is the fact that the public don't trust him booting Captain Marvel through a similar ordeal could be really interesting you could even push it to the extent where the villain is able to turn other MCU heroes against Captain Marvel and while they wouldn't really pose any physical threat to her she can't really fight back because they're her allies what kind of villain would be good at using trickery and deception rather than physical all right the scroll you don't have to do a full retcon on what happened in the first Captain Marvel film to have any Scrolls be the villain there are species like any other and like any other species there are gonna be good scrolls and there are gonna be bad scrolls but that totally is the way to challenge Captain Marvel without totally noting her if there were actually Scrolls opposing her in Captain Marvel - he wouldn't just be able to punch that problem away because at times she probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference between her enemy and just innocent people scrolls can disguise themselves they could even potentially disguise themselves as her allies and turn them against each other from the inside this could also provide good opportunities to actually explore the fact that she's very quick to violence because let's talk about that trait for a second I'm pretty sure most people would agree that she didn't actually need to shoot this cardboard cut-out in the face and what if that had actually been an innocent bystander she would have just [ __ ] killed someone but alternatively in this scene she punches this old lady in the face she knew that that old lady was a Skrull because she bumped into the same old lady on her way into the train and I guess memorized every detail of her face and clothes in like half a second no of course she didn't do that she must have just been pretty sure that this old lady looked kind of like the old lady that she'd seen before so I made a guess that that was the Skrull what's the worst that could happen she just punch some random primitive in the face we already know she doesn't care about killing primitives the thing is that he or she was right fighting a war against the scrolls while being trained by Cree could absolutely lead to you being trigger-happy because in situations like this one it could make the difference between the scroll escaping or you actually still letting this scroll escape anyway but after you punched it in the face the point is there's absolutely precedent for her being trigger-happy and exploring what led to her actually being that way in the first place could be a really interesting thing to see in a Captain Marvel sequel and having Scrolls actually be the villains this time around could lead to some really interesting opportunities to provide that characterization having moments like this one where she is quick to violence could be really good and in service of the story if that's actually what her arc is about having her talk about something like for instance the Kree having trained her to believe that preventing collateral damage is not a priority compared to actually capturing the scrolls and seeing her grow beyond that now that she's no longer one of their soldiers could be a really engaging thing to see and it totally fits within her established character you could even have an arc about her coming to terms with all the scrolls that she killed while she was under the kree's influence and suddenly just this simple concept of having a sequel to Captain Marvel doesn't sound so bad so long as we have someone actually competent behind it and now I'm wrapping up and that's really kind of annoying because we're almost exactly at ten minutes and then people are gonna see the like the 10-minute time stamp in the corner of my video and then you'd be like oh that's just some [ __ ] exactly 10 minute clickbait it's exactly long enough to get mid rolls but I am I am done talking about this now so I hope you've enjoyed it while I really didn't think Captain Marvel was very good I've certainly not written off at sequels just yet I'd hope to see at least something interesting not necessarily what I pitched but I do think what I pitched would be great done with her character but I'll see you next time for I don't have anything planned yet but I'll think of something thank you bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 91,607
Rating: 4.861753 out of 5
Keywords: movie, captain marvel, brie larson, deleted scene, carol danvers, mcu, captain marvel 2, review, how to fix captain marvel, ronan, thor, avengers, marvel cinematic universe, thanos, skrulls, skrull, talos
Id: 3F0aNWFgodQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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