The Decline of History Channel

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more like the decline of cable television

👍︎︎ 253 👤︎︎ u/BoosterDuck 📅︎︎ May 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

Great video, was just about to post this myself. Quinton may not be breadtube but hes an interesting guy who does a good job researching things. I really liked his last video on the Tiger King, though I wish he talked more about the misogyny surrounding its popularity.

👍︎︎ 165 👤︎︎ u/Ahnarcho 📅︎︎ May 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

holy fuck matpat is the history channel of youtube. No wonder I find his videos so grating

👍︎︎ 58 👤︎︎ u/randomfluffypup 📅︎︎ May 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

The History Channel is one of the biggest flops out there, if you see their positions on the Civil War they placate the idea that the confederacy's whole cause of war was a noble idea, and that the Civil War wasn't about slavery. The about the history channel is that they constantly promote Christian propaganda ( particularly when it comes to the history of the church ), they never show the actual real history of the church and how it came about, and the different elements of how Christianity may have come from paganism, and not just Judaism, in about how Christianity could go back as far as Plato and Socrates they never discussed that.

Not to mention they gawk at Rockefeller and JP Morgan. Morgan who owned the RMS Titanic and literally saw thousands of people die for his pretty penny wallet that was trying to compete with the shipping industry, and they never mention the Homestead Strike and good like neither they sided with saying Andrew Carnegie manager Henry Clay Frick's intransigence had won sympathy for the strikers. History channel is just a laughing stock. I don't think any historians actually believe them, I mean just the fact that they were promoting a series on the Book of Revelations at one time is the reason why only the ridiculous take them very seriously and anyone with any credentials do not. The History Channel has the nothing but promote conspiracy theories over the last couple years.

👍︎︎ 193 👤︎︎ u/Pikachu760 📅︎︎ May 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

Forged In Fire is the most hilarious shit, and I don't know if I'd be through quarantine without this staged testosterone roller coaster.

That said, yeah, channel's a conspiracy-shoving abyss now.

👍︎︎ 51 👤︎︎ u/AsleepInspector 📅︎︎ May 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

At least the Stargate franchise does the "misinterpretation of alien tech" thing to white peoples as much as everybody else. And also, under the goa'uld, there were lots of humans who did learn the math and physics and engineering to build the ships. It's just that they would only be allowed to after intense brainwashing and to-the-death loyalty to the false gods, and a galactic cultural hegenomy in which these people died in acts of war and terrorism as much as anyone else. (most of the educated humans would be on ships all the time, getting blown up).

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/Aerik 📅︎︎ May 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

is there any channel or streaming service that provides solid history based shows/docs without needless ideology? obviously History channel isn't that, but I was disappointed to find Curiositystream was the same. i just would love to watch an analysis of history that doesnt try and force some dramatic narrative, like telling the story of a king's reign through the king's eyes, or what the king was or wasn't thinking. why not just analyze what the king did and what the effects were? this would require a perspective sympathetic to the working class and not desiring to gamify history and turn it into an unnecessary narrative. history is interesting enough! the ramifications of policies and social structures is engaging akin to a narrative! i just wish there were more options for something like that

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/verlandj 📅︎︎ May 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

man I remember watching history channel as a kid and getting massive anxiety attacks because I was scared of all the conspiracy nonsense they spouted.

Btw Trey the explainer is a cool youtube channel if you wanna check out some actually good documentary style videos.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/randomfluffypup 📅︎︎ May 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

I've never watched the Aliens show: have they ever covered the accomplishments of Greece and Rome (seen as the founders of white western culture)?

Quinton drawing this explicitly would have been good, especially since the subject of this thumbnail is ethnically Greek.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/Chrristoaivalis 📅︎︎ May 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
On January the 1st 1995 The History Channel was officially launched as a basic cable station included in packages across the country it premiered the exact same month as the Gulf channel which seems like an odd thing to point out if not for the fact that it signified a trend in channels with oddly specific programming while the Golf Channel played golf footage every hour of the day and every day of the week The History Channel would explore the world's pass through a series of television shows and specials for sometime the History Channel was regarded as a brilliant educational exercise which proved that entertainment with value was possible in modern America today however the History Channel is seen either as a total oddity or a punchline so far decline from its initial healthy goals that you would think it was a metaphor for my diet during the quarantine meanwhile the Gulf Channel still seems to play nothing but golf to this very day what happened to history this was a question I briefly considered covering in my last video before I realized that it was such a hefty topic that it really deserved to be split off and analyzed on its own and so today we're going to be taking a look back at the programming of this station as we talk about the good the bad and the generally stupid and this look back is arguably possible thanks to today's sponsor glasses for those of you who have been watching this channel for the last six months which also is I think the last time I got a haircut you'll know that I got this particular pair of glasses from glasses and I wear them pretty much in every video every week and that fact is not true out of any Bob Legation but instead a legitimate pride for the quality and style of these lenses glasses can save you up to 70% by cutting out the middleman and selling these glasses directly to you and because of the virtual mirror you can preview what each pair will look like before you make your / yes it's really like being in the store but from the safety of your own home but wait Quintin I hear you saying I don't have my prescription anymore how can I buy glasses online well and this is something I almost didn't believe when it was explained to me you don't need your prescription at glasses all you have to do is take a few tests with your current lenses and the app will tell you what your prescription is that's magic right there we live in the future everything's connected and with the service you get free shipping and returns and a 100% money back guarantee this is the definition of a no-risk purchase those are all things that regular glasses shops didn't always offer in the beforetime glasses is also offering a special 70% off on all blue light lenses which are designed to protect our eyes from the harmful light that can be emanated from all the screens we look at on a day-to-day basis our phones our TVs our laptops you name it and all you have to do is use the code blue 70 at checkout you can get that on top of a special offer just for fans of this channel right now at the link at the top of the description throughout this video I'm also going to be switching between the many glasses they sent me so if you find yourself falling in love with any of the frames that I'm wearing and this one all those will also be linked in the description down below seeking out the earliest History Channel programming was a really interesting task it was neat seeing how these different shows stuck to the basic theme while being totally unique and beyond just having different shows dedicated to different time periods inspector gadgets field trip was a 1996 show which featured the character Inspector Gadget exploring different parts of the world the gimmick being a mix of traditional animation with live-action footage of real locations similar to the 2004 PBS show postcards from Buster history's Lost and Found meanwhile would go through various historical items of the past once which were once lost and others which can still be found today American eats featured discussions on the history of America's favorite foods from spam to canned ravioli ancients behaving badly was a sensational look at figures in history known for horrible deeds forensic Fight Club is a show we won't talk about and in my personal favorite example extreme trains was about a guy who's really into trains getting paid to ride them all day and just showing off his boyish excitement about the fact that his life consists of doing this all the time right here what it boils down to it's just like a giant teapot however out of all of these modern marvels probably stands out the most the show is an exploration into the technology available in the modern age very similar to how it's made but with more emphasis being put on the history of these achievements episode span vastly from the Eiffel Tower to Kentucky bourbon its providing a fascinating story and a lot of truth to be discovered but it should be pointed out that just because something was on History Channel during its golden era doesn't mean that it's actually what I would call good documentary storytelling and that's usually because they rarely chose to cover more than a surface level look at the past remember when your middle school history teacher would come into class hungover so she'd put on a documentary she found at the school library and just sort of said in the dark for a while that's what these are for it's textbook storytelling intended to invest you into the past without telling you the bits that make the story uncomfortable it's Hamilton the cable channel it was really annoying when I found a documentary that talked about Andrew Jackson who is if he didn't know one of the worst people in all of history only to discover that they so quickly glossed over some of the greatest atrocities of his term as if they were simply footnotes to his legacy it's baffling that someone could literally commit an act of genocide only to have a reflective documentary spend 15 seconds discussing this before spending 20 minutes talking about juicy juicy 19th century drama he was the type of man it was a complex individual to say the least as all great individuals are this is a personal thing that bothers me that might not bother you but I think that if you're going to make informative media about the past you shouldn't purposefully underreport the actions and beliefs of these figures just to make them more likeable if you make a documentary about Thomas Jefferson and you don't talk about the fact that he raped a fourteen-year-old you've made a bad documentary about Thomas Jefferson these reveal themselves to be the sort of films that think it's more important to remember the names of all the presidents as some sort of glorification of the American Empire than to actually understand their contributions to society but on the other hand you could argue that from an educational standpoint there isn't importance to that you could definitely argue that kids probably do need to have a Sesame Street version of history talked to them before they're able to actually learn the hard truths of what really happened the point is that while it might be more satisfying in a timeline to say that all History Channel content was once the golden standard of journalism and then it just fell off the rails the truth is that from the very beginning history featured the sort of content we associate with it just to a more benign and less comedic degree if one sees the show ancient aliens as a more bloated and exaggerated version of the unsolved mysteries UFO segments then the middle ground between them is ancient mysteries a 1994 History Channel series hosted by Leonard Nimoy perhaps our cosmic visitors were here many times at the beginning of human history perhaps they brought with them a message from the stars that may still lie buried within these stones and ruins what would happen if extraterrestrials landed on the White House lawn I don't think people would panic I think they'd be more worried about what would happen to the stock market nowadays ten years later in 2004 the network premiered conspiracy question mark a show whose sole purpose in existing was to analyze recent historical events and then make it seem probable that they were all part of some secret scheme in other words the channel was platforming conspiracy theories in order to increase ratings this is a great example of what I talked about in my last video about the motivations of reporting in shows like this the producers of conspiracy question mark obviously always had to put forward the conclusion that any event they covered was almost certainly some conspiracy this is bad informative TV by default the 2003 show ancient discoveries is perhaps the missing piece to the puzzle the show would go through every known ancient civilization and would cover the great accomplishments of these cultures as well as likely answers to how these different things were done the only difference between ancient discoveries and ancient aliens is that discoveries would explain that ancient man was actually smarter than we presume and aliens would say that ancient man was stupid and thus their accomplishments are without explanation however I think the real thing that caused the content of history to change so suddenly was the sudden obsession cable channels developed with reality television in the mid to late 2000s so there's this concept that comes attached to a lot of hyper branded channels that's called Network decay the idea is that as networks struggled to compete over time their content broadens and broadens until the station's become increasingly homogenized entering into the early 2010's it can be hard to tell if a show is made for History Channel Discovery sci-fi Travel Channel Food Network The Learning Channel and even Cartoon Network to some extent as they all started airing reality TV which is based around extreme characters doing weirdly specific things and it feels like such a weird quick transition from one or two of these shows being on history in 2007 to constantly seeing moments like this any time I turn the station on today you're freaking make up you're only 14 everyone does it at school so you have to look like this to be their friends you're not gonna do this you're not gonna go just try and look like them and try and be the cool kids and it's easy to see why networks prefer shows like these they're cheap to produce you can make like three seasons in a year you don't need writers so if there's a strike you can keep making TV these people love hamming up to the camera and they're good at it and the ratings are almost always killer these shows don't necessarily demonstrate the end of History Channel being good at history but their massive success marks the moment with a station sort of shrugged and went ah [ __ ] it and this brings us back around to ancient aliens the phrase ah [ __ ] it personified as 15 seasons of an ongoing TV show I watched a lot of ancient aliens for this video and let me tell you how not easy that was because this stuff rots your brain the positive is that by absorbing as much as I could I really was able to understand the show on a more general scale I know a lot of you will expect this video to be me going through each and every one of the claims they've ever made and debunking them all one by one but other youtubers have done that better and as I'll talk about later this show is constructed in a way that's pretty much impossible to really debunk just by knocking down a few odd specific arguments I'm more generally interested in talking about the format and the themes of its own existence one of the first things I noticed when watching is that the show does this brilliantly deceptive thing where they tend to mix legitimate sources with total nut jobs during information collages so they'll interview someone with an Oxford history degree and have talk about how the Aztecs had an impressive sewer system and then they'll cut to some sci-fi author with no credentials and he is the guy who says what if that sewer system was built by aliens it's essentially the same trick that Tiger King pulls off half the people in the documentary are trustable and this tricks the audience into believing the whole narrative put forward even if the reputable people only put forward a non-essential piece and is when we look into the backgrounds of the essential characters who are interviewed that things become a little more clear ancient aliens presents itself as a documentary trying to reveal the truth about history but in actuality it's really a show about mythology and not ancient mythology but American middle class 1950s folklore Roswell grey aliens HP Lovecraft to some extent the goal of these speakers is to make said folklore seem like a total reality and they have motivation to do that most of them are public speakers about UFOs and aliens they sell books they go to conventions they charge you money to take photos with them their bank accounts depend on people believing that aliens are real and on earth and thus they'll probably come to the conclusion that anything they see has to be aliens no matter what I mean for God's sakes the cultures they present in this show aren't even allowed to invent basketball without that being blamed on aliens the players would knock a rubber ball through stone they thought that this is a representation of alignments of the Sun I actually find it hard to disprove a lot of what's said on this show because what I look into proving or disproving something I think what did they say what did they mean to say what's their source on that information but half the time they just make stuff up on the spot and I don't know where they're getting any of the things they're saying if you take antibiotics and you treat them in the pyramid the power the antibiotic was multiplied tens of thousands of times here's an episode where they claim that statues are alive geologists point out that stone is not as lifeless as it might appear rocks and us are made of the same exact thing the famous statues on Easter Island were said to be alive but eventually there was a revolution on Easter Island now they had to kill the statues they would snap the neck of the statue what archeologists have done today is reacted them on platforms put the heads back on did these statues actually have some energy or power I know you guys want me to do a big deep dive down the rabbit hole here just presenting a ton of evidence but what do you expect me to say hey I did six months of research overseas and it turns out the Easter Island heads there rocks apparently later on in the same episode they claim that all of these statues are transport beacons or maybe internet modems they can't decide from one minute to the next and again like how do you want me to debunk that how do you want me to debunk that Aztec statues are internet modems backtracking a bit did this dude just claim that all of the Easter Island heads were once knocked over and that archeologists put them all back up do you realize how impossible that is a lot of the Easter Island heads have been sitting in place so long that the earth has actually risen around them and those statues have full bodies which almost no one has ever seen there are other episodes of the show where they talk about this they've done like five episodes about the Easter Island heads and every time they come to a different stupid conclusion a lot of times on this show they talk about the concept of energy and they never defined what energy actually is half of the time they just say this item has immense energy and we're supposed to guess that there's some scientific meaning to that specific phrase despite the fact that no one seems to have any idea what it means Carnac as a place is highly charged with energy as you walk down these stone corridors you can feel this charge the placement of the pyramids are very interesting because they seem to be placed where the energy is and I think the ancients understood this very carefully I think that these stones are transmitting energy the stone statues become vessels of this cosmic energy building a crystal in the exact shape of the human cranium does have some sort of energetic quality ancient aliens are structured almost exactly like a mat Pat video now if you've never seen a mat Pat video if you've never watched game theory let me fill you in on what most of his videos are like mat Pat will set up a potential theory he'll spend an excessive amount of time explaining what the details of that theory would entail what it would mean and at the very moment where you expect him to show any substantial evidence that proves that there is substance to this theory being real in anyway he distracts you with some stupid [ __ ] it might be a joke it might be a tangent it might be a skit but when the distraction is over he just starts over and begins explaining a new theory that also doesn't have any evidence and it's hard to say that he's lying because Matt pets videos aren't really theories they're open-ended questions that are meant to be left up to your imagination every guest speaker on this show except for this guy usually avoid saying that any idea is actually true instead simply stating that it might be true and that's all that really matters is it possible during the genetic manipulation of human beings we at one point started out as Sasquatch and Bigfoot and yetis and the answer is a potential yes that's why in every single episode the narrator always says the words is it possible is it possible is it possible is it possible but is it possible this is the core gimmick of ancient aliens they never put the burden of proof on themselves but instead it casually glide off the fact that what they are presenting are overwhelmingly unfalsifiable claims they can't prove themselves right but I can't prove them wrong and even if I did go through and pick apart dozens of examples they bring up the speaker's would just fall back on different pieces of evidence the way you prove the ancient astronaut theory is not with one single piece of evidence it is a conglomeration of different puzzle pieces and when you really start to listen to these guest speakers it's usually pretty obvious that a whole lot of them don't know anything about ancient cultures and they're just sort of talking out their ass he is got a beard and a mustache and that is an unusual thing because American Indians do not have beards and mustaches exactly the fact also that the beard and the moustache are so pronounced that they're not little wispy ones their nature so people are gonna be really mad that I pointed this out but have you ever noticed all the guest speakers on ancient aliens are really white that's weird right because this show is primarily about analyzing the culture of people of color in ancient history and yet the only times I ever seem to notice a local being interviewed is to just give basic facts about the area the locals are never the people claiming that it was actually aliens the show is still on the air it's got almost 200 episodes and they're still making more of them so I'm sure there are exceptions but anytime I see it on TV it's always a white dude describing things that non-white people did saying that it was impossible for how undeveloped they were and then saying that it had to be aliens how could these Islanders have invented their own writing without some other cultural influence they're doing things that would require precision work how could they have had these advanced machining tools the one answer would have to be they'd gotten it from ancient aliens the Mayans could not possibly have developed these systems on their own so it is clear that they were given to them by aliens out there of course the ongoing narrative of these moments is clearly a somewhat contradictory lack of respect for these civilizations and their people their art is interesting enough to analyze their accomplishments impressive enough to praise and yet the hosts always come back around to directly or indirectly saying that they were too unsophisticated to have accomplished any of this without outside help which is an opinion that they never seem to come to about European churches or a castle serve anything like that clearly someone told the local people how to place these stones in two different areas so your surmising the technology was given to these people the engineering knowledge because this screams mathematics I will certainly concur to this extent some one or some one's had extraordinary knowledge here this is not easy to build no the funniest thing about this show to me is that if you believe all of these guest speakers and you think that 90% of the accomplishments of people of color were done with the help of aliens and meanwhile we have Stonehenge and nothing else doesn't that imply that aliens don't like white people I mean aliens were going across the globe throughout all of early civilizations and meeting with all these two from people and helping them invent things and helping stack structures and building pyramids for them except for us what did we do what did we do that made aliens avoid talking to us for the rest of human civilization I posted that joke on Twitter and a couple select people got really really mad so now in my ongoing fight to make everyone on the internet mad I'm officially selling aliens don't like white people merchandise on RedBubble get yourself some aliens don't like white people t-shirts coffee mugs blankets shower curtains deliver this message to the world with the utmost pride link in the description anyways y'all want to see some alien titties within these kinds of different murals we find some of the most amazing paintings of people emerging out of the clouds and they're actually floating in mer what a beautiful poetic way to depict something that they might have witnessed it was a complete misunderstanding of a visitation by technologically advanced space travelers if there's one word you hear in almost every episode of ancient aliens especially from this guy it's misunderstood or misinterpreted every time he talks about an ancient legend or a piece of art it's the locals misunderstanding what they were really saying which he then uses to circle it all back around to legends that he personally believes in I see an astronaut in a helmet I'm immediately reminded of misunderstood technology it was some type of misunderstood technology an extraterrestrial tool because we didn't understand was it really flying snakes for gods that were snakes of course not it was misunderstood technology now of course it wasn't a dragon in a biological nature but it was a misinterpret machine they were misinterpreted flesh and blood extraterrestrials a flesh-and-blood extraterrestrial whom our ancestors misinterpreted as being God when it all comes down to it it was all a huge misunderstanding to me this is the equivalent of reading through ancient religions and trying to argue that each and every one was actually Jesus and a wig trying to mess with people this is something that white people just generally tend to do a lot whenever we come up with our own folklore that is sort of unsubstantiated we try and make it seem more legitimate by pointing to the cultures of other people and saying look they saw the same thing they just didn't understand what they saw because they're stupid this is something you see a lot in Bigfoot culture in America various hunters and locals will always claim that American Indians had stories of Bigfoot but when you look into it it's just some various mythical beast that has nothing to do with Sasquatch but the Bigfoot hunters roll their eyes and say Oh for the love of God it was Bigfoot they just didn't know what they saw our beliefs and our culture are one-to-one with reality but the beliefs and cultures of minorities are skewed and warped because they aren't as smart as we are this is at best cultural appropriation and at worst immaculate stupidity I originally had a lot more to say about Bigfoot but I realized that doing it right would just take up far too much time in the script so if you guys want to see a Bigfoot video you know leave a comment below because I actually still don't know if it's a good idea or not it is worth pointing out though that there is an episode of ancient aliens that claims that Bigfoot is an alien because the show is basically a parody of itself we can't rule it out as a possibility that Bigfoot are somehow an extraterrestrial species one of the most annoying things about ancient aliens is that the show is not only promoting pseudo archaeology but it's making it harder for real archaeologists to do their job one of the biggest examples to me is puma punku puma punku is one of the most mysterious locations on earth because we really only have theories about how they built it or what it was for but one of the main reasons we know so little about it is that people keep going to puma punku and just taking [ __ ] and it's mostly ancient astronaut vacationers who are taking these artifacts home and probably destroying them in search of magnetic energy or dragon eggs or whatever they believe in that week this is something they do in the show they take an artifact from puma punku back to america and they start cutting it up with power tools they use a laser cutter and a diamond saw and it's all just so this old dude can go well the laser saw in the diamond saw cuts they look different from the ones that puma punku of course they do why would a Junt Bolivians have power tools if you're gonna take ancient artifacts home with you that's bad you're a bad person but at least like put them in a museum or something or put them on your shelf like you're [ __ ] Frazier don't run around cutting up ancient artifacts I mean for the love of God we know what kind of stones were you at puma punku just get the same kind of stone and do your stupid little science fair experiments on that don't go around cutting up ancient artifacts in human history in your surreal stupid hunt to prove that UFOs are real you're not Nicolas Cage [ __ ] this is hacksaw archaeology this is Backyardigans archaeology I mean this big haired [ __ ] has a degree in sports information communication why are we allowing him to run around destroying ancient artifacts in his ongoing pursuit to consistently prove all of his theories wrong another episode of show features this guest speaker and blindly supports his theory that a group of mounds in Bosnia are ancient pyramids that have been covered up by soil he notes that this makes them the largest pyramids in known human history this is all absolutely not true these are Hills they sloped up because that's what hills do so what this guy's been doing has been raising money to go in and reshape the hills to look like pyramids which he calls excavating lost sites and in doing so he's actually been destroying real archaeological important locations in order to support this conspiracy theory that he's essentially invented in his own mind and the reason he's been doing this is because this not only has bred a massive tourism industry but has instilled a nationalist belief that the people living there descended from one of the most impressive ancient civilizations of all time many politicians have supported this conspiracy and naysayers have been accused of being anti Bosnian what ancient aliens really supports in segments like this is something that used to be extremely common but is now actively fought against and that is archeology with motivation people used to say that archaeologists around the world would hunt for the past with a pickaxe in one hand and a Bible in the other and because of that bias a lot of the discoveries people made in the 20th century are now being questioned and it's being asked if we've lost key moments in history because experts have become obsessed with proving their own biases correct be it a belief in God or a belief in an advanced alien race and this issue highlights exactly what we should and shouldn't be doing with our history books it's not a question of what we can disprove but what we can prove with utmost certainty running around arguing that certain unlikely situations must be considered simply by lack of not being certainly untrue is ludicrous and a waste of everyone's time and arguing that impressive accomplishments of foreign cultures couldn't have been accomplished without concepts invented by modern American folklore is just insulting basically this whole section of this video has been a long-winded way of arguing say it with me now just because white people couldn't do it doesn't mean it was aliens look ancient aliens was the thing all of you came to hear me Duncan it's even what the thumbnail is based around but to me it's no more than a roadside attraction in the story of History Channel because it's child's play to get the past wrong and History Channel has done it time and time again but what's really impressive is to get the future wrong every single time December 21st 2012 daybreak doesn't come all remains dark the world has come to an end is 2012 the year the cosmic clock finally winds down to zero days zero hope definitely some of the gods will return there's absolutely no doubt so over the next two weeks I'm going to be covering a couple additional topics which could have fit into this video but what have made it like an hour and 10 minutes long and believe it or not right now I'm really worried about making content that people actually feel comfortable clicking on so they're gonna be fun videos they're going to be sort of tangentially related to History Channel and it's just going to be some interesting little side voyages and the first one is going to be talking about 2012 documentaries and this one is just going to be fun we're just gonna [ __ ] on these and trust me there's a lot of funny stuff in there so come back next week and we're going to be doing that if you don't want to miss this so remember to go down and hit subscribe and click that Bell set it to all notifications and follow me on Twitter if you want to stay up to date with how that next video is coming along but more importantly remember to go to that link at the top of the description right now to get a special discount just for you guys my fans at glasses i can tell you guys with authority that these glasses are great because I wear them every single day and I know you guys will like them too so remember go down to that link and use the code blue 70 to get 70% off of all blue light lenses which are intended to help protect your eyes from that extra screen time we're all soaking in right now check all that out and tell me what you guys think these glasses are so good aliens must have made them you okay so we've made to the end slate don't forget to hit subscribe if you want to see more content like this and the video coming out next week and if you want to see another video like this one right now I suggest the video I made last year about area 51 and alien culture which covers much of the same ground with that this has been my Quinten quarantine and that's all you need
Channel: undefined
Views: 926,583
Rating: 4.5436635 out of 5
Keywords: Documentary, Quinton Reviews Documentaries, History Channel, Ancient Aliens, History Channel Ancient Aliens, Modern Marvels, Ancient Aliens Season 15, Ancient Aliens Season 14, Ancient Aliens 2020, Ancient Aliens 2019, Aliens, Aliens Real, UFO, Aliens UFO, Ancient Aliens Debunked, Conspiracy, Alien Truth, Area 51, Area 51 Raid, History Channel Debunked
Id: vc3vt1Gqrn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 30sec (2130 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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