One of the Worst Takes on "Joker" Ever

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2019 🗫︎ replies
joka seems to be the film that's inspired a thousand bad takes and I kind of knew I was probably going to end up covering one of them in a completely unrelated note this video from screen crush pops up in my recommended recently Warner Brothers hasn't announced the Joker sequel yet but maybe that's because Joker is already a secret prequel to the DC extended universe meaning that it takes place in the same cinematic universe as the Justice League God know could we please actually like not do this joke was actually a good film yes I know we live in a society meme but like it is a good film so I would prefer to keep it as far away from DC's situation as we possibly can but apparently there's evidence that it's in the DC EU which is unfortunate because now it's going to be tied to things like I was gonna cut to one of the more embarrassing scenes from the DC EU here but I think it's actually better to just cut to black so that your mind can fill in the blanks with one of the many many options there are but that's unfortunate isn't it but there's evidence that this is tied to this as much as I love the idea of a huge interconnected universe where everything connects to ever that's what it's connected means Jai Joker was great as a standalone so it really sucks that there's definitely 100 percent for realsies evidence that Joker is a part of the DC EU wait actually that's not true I've deceived you in like a cold open style bit at the beginning of this video I bet you feel like a fool right now hang on my chair keeps rotating like by itself because I guess gravity which means this is happening and it's really distracting to try and talk well like continuously budging myself back into a non stupid position actually there's broadly speaking no evidence that these films exist in the same universe and screen crush just made it up in a really bad video that they released because money I guess but know there's very little evidence these films exist in the same universe in fact there's quite a lot of evidence that they don't but we'll get to that first let's get to the evidence that screen crush brings up that these things are interlinked their first point of evidence is that jokah spoilers ends with a crime wave and the DC EU is kind of dark listen to him talk about Batman he burns pedophiles with a bat brand uses guns and kills people alright so how does this relate to the Joker it doesn't sorry sorry I cut you off that please carry on how does this relate to the Joker well what if there's a reason this universe and particularly Batman is so dark maybe it's because Joker actually takes place in this universe and the events of the film kicked off a violent masked criminal crime wave man that's crazy like I was thinking that maybe it would be some just like mediocre evidence like I know both films feature a character called Martha or something but this is like a really solid connection and Joker's finale the people of Gotham wear clown masks they riot murder the wealthy in the streets and free him from police custody leaving the audience to wonder well what's gonna happen next from this point he speculates that the ending of Joker would probably have caused a lot of problems going forward in Gotham yeah he then argues that this would make the Bruce Wayne growing up in this Gotham more violent and extreme which isn't necessarily true most portrayals of Bruce Wayne have him growing up in a crime-ridden City that's why he becomes Batman because of Gotham's serious crime problem he wants to stop but does a more violent and extreme Bruce Wayne remind you of anyone in particular the Bruce Wayne of this Gotham City would be more extreme more violent and especially more vengeful toward any criminal wearing a mask this Batman who would torture and kill criminals sounds a lot more like the bat flick of the DCU but hang on isn't it really heavily implied almost to the point of being explicitly stated the the Batman of the DCE you used to be blessed violent and less extreme but slowly lost his way over the years new rules for criminals Alfred they've always been criminals mothers Jennifer yes it has sir men fall from the sky innocence died that's how it starts the feeling of powerlessness turns good man who what you're describing is events creating a Batman who would be surely dark from the very start no not a Batman who was good before but gradually lost his way over the years I mean that seemed that I just showed you that I really hope I don't get claimed for because Warner Brothers is about how Batman has started doing bad things and Alfred is blaming Bruce's fear of Superman for it not the Joker and Bruce's rough upbringing it's almost as if there's no connection here a proliferation of mask-wearing villains could have been the initial inspiration for him to dress up like a Batman it sure could have maybe possibly been it's at this point you may be wondering hang on right okay enjoy could we see Thomas and Martha Wayne getting killed like they do at the beginning of every Batman franchise ever we also see Batman's parents getting killed in the DC EU and it's a different scene where they're played by different actors where different things happen for example the killer is wearing a joker mask in the Joker version and isn't in the DC EU surely these two versions of events can't exist in the same universe you'd be right to think that but screen crush Minh has he covered he could explain that away with his magic words and the Wayne's are leaving the movie theater there's a poster for the 1981 film Excalibur right here and Batman vs Superman is retelling of the Wayne's late-night alley walk Excalibur is coming soon now this is an awfully random detail for Joker director Todd Phillips to include if this wasn't meant to be the same family of Wayne oh my god this confirms it all other differences aside there's the same poster hanging up which means they're the same scene brilliant [ __ ] checkmate atheists now this is an awfully random detail for Joker director Todd Phillips to include if this wasn't meant to be the same family of Wayne you know it could be an easter egg I've heard that you know about those based on the fact that your channel is full of Easter egg videos it could even be a coincidence so okay one poster is the same how can you explain all of the differences a big problem here obviously is that Thomas Wayne looks nothing like Jeffrey Dean Morgan who played Thomas Wayne in the DC EU but then comic book movies recast all the time there's some poetic license when you're retelling your version of a story and also this isn't an exact retelling of that event this is Bruce's dream of that event that's why it focuses on such small details like the pearls so maybe Bruce Wayne had some bad pizza fell asleep watching The Walking Dead and dream that negan was his dad holy [ __ ] they're the same franchise okay so what you're telling me is that they're different because one is how it actually happened and one is how Bruce remembers it you know if I was dreaming about the murder of my parents as I often do that's a joke my parents are fine - die well now I haven't killed them I promise if I was dreaming about the murder of my parents one thing that would definitely stick out in my mind was the creepy [ __ ] clown mask that the murderer wore I mean you're on ironically arguing that a proliferation of mask wearing villains could have been the initial inspiration for him to dress up like a bat while also arguing that when one of those masked criminals kills his parents the mask isn't something he really cares to remember you know one thing he remembers really clearly in that dream the movies that were coming out in his local cinema this is an awfully random detail for Joker director Todd Phillips to include if this wasn't meant to be the same family of Wayne yes it's totally supposed to be the same family of Wayne's that's why all of the other details except that one are completely different for [ __ ] sake okay so maybe they recast Thomas Wayne sure that can happen but then why would they not bother to like match his look like he has a mustache in the DCE you are they just gonna [ __ ] it to sum up these are radically different interpretations of the death of Bruce Wayne's parents there's a huge number of differences that make it abundantly clear that they're not meant to be the same portrayal however one movie poster is the same calling this evidence is like calling this character development and also you might be thinking doesn't the DCE you already have a joker yes I think a few people might have been thinking about that yes Jared Leto played a version of the Joker in Suicide Squad overall I always felt like letõs version of the Joker was just trying too hard okay so he makes the point that Jared Leto was definitely trying too hard when he was playing the Joker and then he goes on to say that this might be in universe because Jared Leto's Joker is just imitating the original Joker and he's trying way too hard to be like him maybe that's because this Joker actually is trying too hard because he's not the original Joker I mean that certainly isn't impossible he's trying to live up to the original Arthur Fleck who inspired a movement so he's overcompensating with tattoos and just overall by being too creepy okay so what's your evidence that there's a connection here I'm sure you have some right you're not just going hey these two things right you know these two things actually he does have some evidence here it is Jared Leto's Joker has a tattoo of four aces that says all in on it this could mean that he's all in on imitating the original Joker evidence I'm not joking I that's actually what he says it's like the four aces that read all-in meaning he's all in on assuming this identity or the text gods only child meaning that he alone is worthy of Arthur flex legacy only hang on you're taking that he has attached you with the word only in it I'm taking that to assume that hey maybe he's not the only Joker because clearly that's what that could mean just to be clear I'm not saying that this means he definitely is the Joker I'm fairly sure it's just some random nonsense that they decided would make him look edgy I'm just pointing out that you focused on the word only and decided it meant he's not the only Joker man come on why are you doing this don't tell me that you are neurotic Lee believed that any of the stuff you just said is true there's a connection there that hey this tattoo could mean that he's not the original Joker this is evidence you don't really believe that come on the best thing you can do for your reputations at this point is go yeah I was making it up because the alternative is admitting that you actually believed that there was some validity to this which like if you're gonna stand by this if you're going to double down if you're really telling me that you and ironically believed the things you said there get help please get help anyway let's move on to some more of this guy's points I mentioned earlier that Leto's Joker has a grill to replace his teeth fan Sofia Rhys that Batman punched out all of his chompers after Joker killed Robin which makes sense because if this version of Bruce Wayne would have watched a guy in a clown mask kill his parents then he would have like zero tolerance for clowns the sight of a villain resurrecting the image of the Joker would make him want to send a message no more Joker's in Gotham okay so there's a lot of stupid to unpack here just to be extra crystal clear the logical through-line here is in the movies the jared leto joker has a grill in his teeth therefore maybe he's not the first Joker right just to be clear the only part of this argument that's based in Canon events of the films is that he's killed Robin in this universe and he has a grill the idea that those two things are in any way related is a fan theory based on nothing else but hey even if that was canon like that literally happened in the films on screen those events scream crushes argument would then be hey the Joker killed Robin and then Batman punched out his teeth Batman's motivation behind delivering this punch is probably that he really hates clowns I'm just imagining a different version of that scene where like I don't know the Riddler kills Robin instead of the Joker and Batman psyche [ __ ] hell man if you were a clown I'd probably get really angry right now also look at the Thomas Wayne that we see in the Joker he's more violent he ruined Penny's life and may have beaten Arthur when he was a child if the Wayne's have this level of violence in their DNA it's easy to imagine young Bruce growing up to brand criminals and try to murder alien man come on why are you doing this don't tell me that you are not clean actually I'm really having to resist the urge to just play the entire clip of me saying get help again do dis on ironically arguing the Thomas Wayne kind of violent in Joker this must mean he's the father of the DCE use Batman because that Batman got the violent Jean because that's how genes work they're that simple please get help but also it's possible that this Joker can be read conned and replaced Jared Leto as the Joker because the DCE use timeline is constantly shifting see in this universe time travel actually does alter the course of history yeah we have something again that's possible but there's no real evidence that it's gonna happen DC may have motivation to make it happen they've got one Joker that seems to be quite popular and one that certainly doesn't but you know yeah this is possible the title of screen crushers video is how Joker secretly connects them the DC EU and here they are at the end of their video making the point that I know they could put it in like it's possible hey and that's the last of his points what an embarrassingly bad video like genuinely this is one of the worst Joker takes I've seen and there are some crazy ones out there part of me wants to refuse to believe that anyone is dumb enough to actually think all of this stuff is true but then I look at what I'd like to dislike ratio and I'm like oh clearly a majority of people who saw this were like yeah I can get behind this crap but either screen crush Minh genuinely believe some of the stuff he's saying here or thinks that his audience is really dumb which also isn't a good look despite the very strong possibility that is right I mean look at that [ __ ] ratio but that's the end of the video and all I've got for you today I really hope you've enjoyed as I'm recording this I'm about to move into a new home as you're seeing this I've moved in and without internet for a while so don't worry if I'd become completely inactive until the 22nd of October which is when I kept my internet but until then a goodbye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 345,218
Rating: 4.8072672 out of 5
Keywords: joker, joker movie, joker take, dceu, batman, dc, screen crush, debunk, clickbait debunk, screencrush, justice league, Arthur Fleck, Todd Phillips, Joaquin Phoenix
Id: EW4Lx1Hxbrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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