The Bizarre World of Minecraft Ripoffs

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this is minecraft easily recognized by its blocky world timeless building mechanics and dedicated fanbase of people who think this meme is funny and also everyone else because it's the best-selling game of all time right ahead of Tetris GTA 5 and we sports you'd be hard-pressed to find any three less similar games and when some things iconography becomes that instantly recognizable you're gonna get coffee cats sir you just have to Google basically any two-word combination of mine block craft and world and after not too long you'll find a Minecraft clone today a very special guest to me and it's me I'm very special we'll be taking a look at some of these clones and what makes them tick whether they be a fun little project someone just made to entertain themselves or a shameless cash-grab trying to capitalize on Minecrafts existing player base today they're not safe from my grubby little eyes block world so block world has two basic game modes survival and free play choose your poison and you'll be thrown right into a blocky landscape obscured only by your character model clipping through your camera and the website the game is hosted on trying to sell you toothpaste I last an ad try to advertise personal hygiene products to gamers the lighting engineer is better than the one in actual Minecraft there are like shadows and stuff step it up Mojang you've just been outdone by crazy Gamescom did that sheep just turn into an ache or free players about what you'd expect from a mode called free play in a game like this you're just thrown into the world and you have full access to the building mechanics you can delete any block instantly and place any block instantly from the selection of all 9 blocks in the game that is under the assumption that the game's controls are working at the given time ok so if I move my if I move my head too far the cursor will just leave the game and and I can't turn the survival game mode is slightly different from what you might expect you still have infinite building resources the survival comes from a health bar that will gradually go down as you play uh-huh and you have to stop it from running out by running up to one of the millions of pieces of food on the ground and pressing e to eat it that's it that's the only difference between the two modes block world is the Minecraft inspired building game in which you can let your creativity run wild as you build structures that is the skyline start by mining materials from all around you using your pickaxe which you don't have and isn't in the game there are loads of these like little cute farm animals that look really nice but don't actually do anything or move at all in fact loads of the models look better than the ones in Minecraft the the collision could use some work for oh okay world craft I know this this will just gave me a black screen on the only website I could find it hosted on if anyone knows how to fix this please let me know I desperately want to play World crafts mine clone mine clone doesn't just clone mine crafts blocky landscape it also did that page just teleport mine clone doesn't just flown mine crafts blocky landscape it also clones a few of its assets as well mine clone has essentially the same building mechanics that block well does you start with a pickaxe that can delete any block in the world instantly and an infinite supply of any block in the game it also has surprisingly similar survival mechanics but instead of your health going down slowly over time your hunk goes down slowly over time and if it runs out your health goes down running out of hunger is the only way to take damage so this is really a distinction without a difference in both games you live on a death timer that's only extended by you eating food very similar but the first mechanical difference you'll notice is that this game has daily quests and every time you play the game every day that you get a new quest your objective will always be the same your objective will be to pig that's what it says that's what your daily task is your daily task is to pig habitat grassy plains notes does not fight back reward pork time to find some teleporting pigs and do miscellaneous things to them that will make pork Katherine yes well the quest itself is labeled rather ambiguously as just you have to pick what could this possibly mean I mean I'll tell you what it sounds like pigging sounds like it would be some sad British sex thing but actually it's surprisingly enough it means you have to kill the pig habitat grassy plains most does not fight back reward pork I guess we're supposed to kill a pig and supposed to kill it I just said like that's the challenge challenge page tailee task is pig guys we have to pay the game wants us to peg eventually once you find what the [ __ ] eventually once you find a pair yet I'll try to escape you by ramming its face into the nearest wall but because you're just too smart to fall for such brilliant 4d chess tactics you'll manage to pig until the next day when you'll be given exactly the same daily quest again Oh new daily tasks Pig we have to pay again as far as water physics is concerned yeah the game doesn't have those mine clone is a cool minecraft inspired game you build whatever you can imagine interact different blocks create structures you can also complete different challenges and gain daily rewards furthermore you can also interact with the various animals and creatures on the map by which it means pegs there's only pet there's only pigs these games and them not actually knowing what's in the mind clone - that's right this game got a tacit gramley at hangout grammarly does more than catch errors it also gets reset one-star by 63% if you mine clone 2 is pretty much an entirely different game from the first one the first thing you'll notice is that the fov is zoomed in so far that you can't [ __ ] play it which is moderately inconvenient the world is kind of pretty though I mean what you can't see of it you're greeted by scenery of palm trees vast lakes and whatever the [ __ ] this stuff is supposed to be I don't know it just looks kinda like an anime character buffed after three days of eating nothing but hard candy I mean is it is it supposed to be sand is this is this what sand looks like now I mean there is no other sand block in the game but if a beach looked like this I'd be worried it would stick to my shoe I don't like sand it's sticky and gooey and I don't really like touching it but I like touching you Padme you're played by Natalie Portman I'm starting to think it might not be sand because it spawns mostly in these massive clumps above the earth not on like beaches and stuff not sure what that means it's supposed to be [ __ ] it it could still be sand who knows you also will of course be pleased to learn that this game did retain the water physics off the original now of all the games we've looked at today with the possible exception of world craft mine clone 2 is the first one that even attempts to have blocks drop items as you mine them and an inventory in which you can store them and even a crafting system that you can use to well craft at least I assume that's what all those stuff is supposed to be but here's the problem with it lots of games when it comes to a collectible items will have a pickup distance to pick up the collectible you don't actually have to precisely touch it you just have to walk near enough to it and in some games that will just pick up the item for you and put it in your inventory and in others it will draw the item towards you so that it can touch your player and you can pick it up there gobshite in mine clone to the part of the system that draws the items towards you works but the part of the equation where it then puts the item in your inventory not so much instead the game will just fling items at you and then they will follow you wherever you go annoying you but not actually entering your inventory sorry I do realize that in a previous video I bothered a lot of people with my pronunciation of the word inventory but the thing is there are actually like multiple acceptable pronunciations of that word you've got inventory inventory and inventory those are all perfectly fine so get off my ass and that goes double for the items that are on my ass right now stop following me I all get in my inventory one of the two if you could just like stop clipping through my camera that would be great and speaking of the camera damn that fov though like who looked at this and thought yeah this is this is fine this is this is about as much of the world as the player needs to see now unfortunately one thing that mine clone 2 didn't retain from the original is the pigging quests but that's probably for the best because I've already ground that joke into the [ __ ] dirt another fun oddity about mine clone 2 is that it's the only game we've looked at so far in which the player can actually fly which is an odd disconnects as it's the only one where you actually have to gather resources yourself also grass grows underwater the game also has a second game mode in which everything is half the height called half game which exists and is their mine clone 3 odd by god does another one mine clone 3 has the most in depth menu screen of all of these so many options you can choose to play with or without enemies how long the days are or if there even are days or nights and you can choose from a vast array of different world types all of these options do have some effect on the game for example if you choose to play with enemies then these little green men will spawn in your world they don't do anything but there there there was one time I thought one of them was attacking me but it turns out it was just going in that direction anyway um sorry to bother you sir I didn't realize you were just going about your business when it comes down to it though it's probably for the best that the enemies don't attack you in this game because you can't attack them back despite the enemy's not being very enemy II of all the games we've looked at so far mine clue 3 easily has the most functionality you can actually mine blocks and have them go into your inventory in this one there are sort of water physics in it as well not so much for lava but this is definitely still a step up so good on mine clone 3 Oh mine clone 4 let me know when you've decided which sequel you would like to be and I will compliment you accordingly the sand is less cursed in this version which is nice although I would say it Stilson look quite like sand it looks more like hay to me if I saw some sand and it was this color I'm not entirely sure what I would think although I am slightly more concerned with how many frames are dropping god damn this doesn't seem like this game is particularly well optimized also no I don't know it's with the arrow that occasionally spins in the middle of the screen either Oh what spin okay we spawn now while a few of the previous games we've looked at have run ads which is absolutely fine particularly on games that are being given out to the masses for free mine clone 3 interrupts your gameplay like every three minutes to serve your video ad oh oh that's an ad I spoke to Mahler about it yesterday and he seems Jefferson oh the game is gone oh let's put this guy in lava since we couldn't kill him with us okay hey green boy oh we thought we we put ourselves in all right God guys you want to go on holiday to Miami oh I had time I loved how the screen shot for the for the loading screen it's from minecraft Oh bad time Oh bad time guys I really want to go on a holiday to Miami right now sometimes the hats in this game would appear more frequently than the frames but that's mind blowing three all right so what's in my inventory we've got some Rock some weapon of fire oh sorry not sword weapon and then weapon of fire let's use that I mean why would we not be using that didn't know it's that but they're exactly what I thought it would be oh my god that's lava and oh okay okay craft 3d via the menu screen art seems a tad familiar here hang on a second this is just my clone two again except the water is invisible I'll be honest finding footage to show you that something is invisible was quite difficult also instead of clumps of bubblegum sand we've got clumps of furnace tops yeah that's definitely where they got that texture not sure why though the fov is still zoomed in really far but hey you can actually mine items and put them in your inventory and place them now so I suppose you win some you lose some world craft too while the original world craft was an entirely blank screen world craft 2 has taken the series in a radical new direction by implementing the idea of maybe not doing that absolutely banging EDM soundtrack I just thought that my review like all two minutes of it to get across the feeling of what it's actually like to play the game soundtrack aside the game is probably the most basic version of the Minecraft floating we've seen that's a creative mode in actual minecraft if you delete any book you want instantly and then place any book you want from an infinite supply of every block in the game the sky is an empty black void of eternal darkness which is all even some kind of profound puppet on the nature of life our missing texture there were four different worlds to choose from and enjoy this made of different blocks only water you know what this is actually causing some strain on my voice now so I'm gonna I'm gonna go back to normal only one of the four worlds has a block in it that you could call a door look there it is let's place one of those oh oh but apart from a few blocks not working properly and then forgetting to put the sky in it world craft 2 is a pretty much functional and very very basic place blocks delete block simulator mine block nope that's just mine clone 2 again oh my god the questionable Sanders back as well why is this game being repackaged under different titles so many times what's going on cube world just kidding I know the key world is a great game that is in no way a knockoff of Minecraft and you should definitely play and that's the note I'm gonna leave on goodbye
Channel: undefined
Views: 887,443
Rating: 4.933517 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, block world, mine clone, cube world, mine block, mineblock, worldcraft, notch, minecraft ripoffs, minecraft knockoffs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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