What Made A Lot Of People Quit At Once? (r/AskReddit)

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what happened at your work which caused multiple people to all quit at once the boss went off on a tirade on me for something that wasn't my fault and I got him to scream people like you are expendable pieces in this company and I can replace you tomorrow if I wanted to 80% of the engineers quit the next day simply didn't show up including me from what I know the entire project folded because my now ex boss couldn't find people to replace us because no one wanted to do the kind of work he was looking for at the salary he was paying they decided after six years it was time to do a drug test even lost the CEO in that great idea cancelled all raises and bonuses for everyone except the CEO his wife financial and HR and his son utterly useless IT in a year where we have record profits and brought in almost double the clients on top of announcing they aren't looking to hire more people when we were already overwhelmed good part about it was when the majority of us quit they lost almost every single client shortly afterwards to their competitors in the company is now defunct this feels really good to read word slipped out that the whole accounting department was being replaced so they all resigned all at once my mom's company did Matt decided to outsource all the accounting staff then was surprised that all the accountants quit even the ones they wanted to keep on to help transition the books she was one of the ones they asked to stay and she refused law we stopped providing free coffee and were so cheap that we sold our coffee maker this was in Seattle so a couple of people bought their own coffee makers to put in their cubes that tripped the breakers several times so it was very disruptive since our computers would shut down management then said no coffee allowed in the office at all we lost four very good engineers tattoo shop owner who lived in another state hired some butthole to come revamp the shop I had been managing for three years at this point and he just expected me to teach him how to do my job so he could replace me that guy had no clue how to run a shop plus the owner had been embezzling money for her coke habit and had blamed the longest-standing out at the shop for lost revenue accused him of stealing I did the books no one was stealing she was nuts anyway all the artists and I mutant it and left at the same time Frick then over good with that idiot at the helm the shop didn't last a year after we all left many years ago in high school I worked at a movie theater the place was pretty poorly run from the moment I started there we never got paid on time and management was basically a bunch of lazy jerks who sat in the office talking all day and never actually did any managing it would have been hard for things to have gotten any worse but after a couple of months they brought in new management who seemed to want to make it their personal mission to run the theater as poorly as possible they first decided to implement a new policy requiring all projectionists to wear ties despite the fact that projectionists are never seen by the public not to mention that tiny little detail that the projectionists worked around giant rapidly spinning objects that at I could get caught in management refused to reconsider the policy and every single projectionists quit as a result they then decided that the door people of which I was one who were always scheduled seven days a week would now only be scheduled on the weekends and refused to reassign any others to concessions on the weekdays so we wouldn't lose ours as a result almost every single door person quit including me after that they started imposing impossible cleanliness standards on concessions things like requiring them to scrape popcorn kernels out of the cracks in the trim behind the popcorn machines concessions was there until 5:00 a.m. every night trying to meet their standards most of the concession people quit as a result by my count the theater went from a staff of about fifty to a staff of about twelve in three weeks I swung by about a month after I quit and found out that in town management staff had been fired and replaced yet again by an entirely new one ones who actually seemed to be running the theater properly my best guess is that the previous management had been told to whip the theater into shape and there were idiots who had no idea how to effectively do that I used to work at a grocery store we had a manager who was hired to run the store but not be the franchisee and when his numbers were satisfactory enough they would let him franchise it suited the year later and this guy was doing everything he could making the store run and look wonderful and all the staff liked one another out of nowhere he is told they are putting in a franchisee bid and tell him that if he wants it he can have it he bids it so does one of the district managers sons he gets it original manager result core speed but except to stay as the grocery manager if he keeps pay rate fast forward in the new franchisee gets fired for not following regulations they do the French as he bit a second time and tell original manager of the same thing he can have it if he wants it they give the store to another person a second time I felt bad for the guy because all of his hard work and how well he treated me store starts going downhill causing a lot of change and a lot of paid off people I was the first one to walk out as all loved hours of a cat the new franchisee he never spoke to anyone but would be if we didn't do things away I find out 14 more people quit within a month we just had a company-wide except the directors of course pay cut off 20% and a four-day work week instead of five everyone including myself are currently looking for work and they will lose their workforce oh so quickly when I was 16 I worked in the concession stand at a minor-league baseball stadium minimum wage at the time was 5 dollars and 15 cents a jar this job paid $1 and it was always in the evenings so it was perfect work for a high school student the only bad thing was our management was terrible the main manager would throw toddler tantrums about once a [ __ ] over stupid BS like not ordering enough of a specific beer she did the ordering or running out of precut lemons for tea one night the stadium was running a promotion and it was incredibly busy easily 2 - 3 X the normal volume of customers we were all working our butts off handling multiple rolls each with absolutely no downtime although we all cleaned as we works nobody had a chance to do far a cleaning for the whole shift because of the never-ending hungry baseball fans the manager showed up three four hours late per usual and throws the biggest freaking tantrum ever over the unswept floor finally she announces listen up you lazy freaks minimal work gets minimal pay everybody is being paid minimum wage tonight because you slobs won't clean up anything both of our bartenders and the barback quit on the spot which caused the chain reaction we all took off our aprons and hats to leave she blocked the exit and was red in the face from screaming so one of the cooks climbed out of one of the big serving windows where we served customers so I did the same and most of the staff followed bear in mind that this all happened in front of like 200 plus customers of course my final paycheck got lost so I had to file a wage theft complaint with the Texas Workforce Commission promised a bonus at the end of the year told everyone they will not be giving out bonuses due to the low company performance company had a successful year boss was in the middle of building a multi-million dollar home brother-in-law manager just bought a nice home that year I quit on the spot many others quit soon after Oh fricking boy I worked at Buffalo Wild Wings for a few years as a line cook two different stores same frickin pay it was the type of work where you ask for a raise and they scoff and say yeah me too anyways I had been pretty dead set on quitting sooner or later our kitchen was very small most people ended up closing 4-5 days a week with doubles on the weekends while still attending school full-time as it was a college town on Superbowl frickin Sunday a useless co-worker who ducked out in the bathroom most of the shift finally stops showing and in response the managerial staff delegated closing to my pal Jay dude was a freaking delight to be around hands down the best co-worker ever Jay had told them that due to being a full-time student he no longer wanted to be first in last out 4 p.m. to 12 a.m. 1 a.m. on the weekends they basically told him to go Frick himself and that they don't have any more shifts for him immediately me and one other cook walked to the office and quit on the spot buff Wild Wings lost four cooks on Super Bowl Sunday leaving them with seven full-time students on the schedule it was a managerial crap show I was hired by the new owners to replace the existing manager I was under the impression that he was moving on to another job somewhere so after about four days I asked him where he's headed and if he's excited he just looks blankly at me and says I'm not going anywhere I'm just training you as the assistant manager right the look I gave him must have been a great tip off because he got up and walked into one of the new owners offices after about 30 seconds they were screaming at each other then he just storms out of the office grabs his stuff give me the finger and leaves over the next few days I'm trying to calm things with the employees they're not faulting me but now have a very bad taste in their mouths about the new ownership over about two 7-10 day time period my team shrank from 15 people down to three i hobbled along with that the best I could while we tried to hire new people but the new owners were offering so little weekend trouble finding people after three months or so of that I started to get fed up and overwhelmed and when the owners started to get on me about missed deadlines I had had it we were still only at five people two of which were brand-new and still training they didn't allow me to refuse work or push deadlines out they expected the same output as a 15 person team so after my third day in a row of being the rated for missing a deadline that was impossible to make I quit they laid off half the company with no warning this included a gentleman who was less than a year from retirement and had been there for 35 plus years the company was shocked when half the remaining people abandoned ship shortly thereafter worked at a Wendy's and one of the regional managers started running a store because they couldn't wouldn't find new managers to replace the old ones well anyways this guy practically ran the place into the ground before he started running the store most everyone liked working there as it was a good environment a few months after a couple of people quit because of him and one day I roll in at 9:00 to help open the store and he comes out to my car as soon as I park I was 15 minutes early usually just sat in my car until 9:00 and tells me hey I need to start early because the three openers just quit on me we managed to get the store open and had a number of people from other stores help run the place until the people from the next shift came in a couple days later I hear the full story of what happened from a co-worker the regional manager is supposed to be at the store at 7:00 or so and the openers 30 minutes later he didn't actually show up until 8:30 so when the openers already peed at being at work really early and not being on the clock saw the regional manager Rowland and knew it was gonna be an awful shift all decided that they were done with him and just quit right there like so at least six people quit because of him by the time I left the place probably more left after me I did landscape construction the cheap art owner kept taking bigger and bigger projects while never hiring more help we were all overwhelmed stressed and anxious as heck one of our foremen quit and I followed suit a few days later two more guys quit the next day he was down to three guys for the obscene amount of work he wanted to do of course everything gets way behind schedule but he's convinced it's not his fault at all he went out of business less than a year later I was working for a very large IT company before the tech bubble burst we had a meeting with our new director and the VP they were tired of people complaining about things that should be changed at the job and how they managed people so they sat around 200 of us down in our auditorium and the director said she didn't want to hear any more complaints on how she was running things and if we didn't like them there was the door and that there was no way we'd leave such a great job while there was a mass exodus and probably close to 50 people left within two months she and the VP were a ORD and given zero reports they were gone after a round of layoffs happened shortly after I thought you were gonna say that it happened on the spot like she said in a rhetorical way if you don't like it then there's a door and then to her shock the entire auditorium stands up and files out I'm gonna pretend that's what happened because it's funnier a well-known colleague committed suicide and we were told by management via a brief side note in an email about stats at the end of the day it caused a lot of upset in the office and quite a few people didn't return after this owners retired they were literally the greatest people both very sweet that kept the place running like a well-oiled machine they took pretty good care of us in their restaurant when they left they gave the restaurant over the their nephew who at the time was a busboy waiter kind of standoffish didn't really interact with us too much a bit lazy at times but for the most part did his crap and went home he seemed okay until he got the power of being the owner he fired four people including two of the four cooks and two of the three dishwashers literally that same day on a Friday night just before the dinner rush all because he didn't like their attitude he refused to allow people to take vacation that they'd already requested and gotten confirmed by the original owners would change the schedule randomly without telling anyone and then scream at people when they missed a shift or came in late because of it he'd refused to replenish the kitchen until we were literally already out of things then take forever to put in the orders he showed up randomly and would drink at a bar for free of course because he was the owner and then bring in all his buddies to drink with him together they'd get way out of hand and grab at women and try to start fights within the first month of him being the owner over half the staff had quit usually walking out literally in the middle of their shifts after being screamed at they'd basically throw down their aprons and tell everyone else that they were so sorry but they couldn't do it anymore after the last cook this big dude who usually kept the kitchen laughing and running at a decent pace started crying in the middle of his shift and dropped everything he was doing after the boss came and yelled at him for being too slow and making slaw then walked out the rest of us just bailed along with him four months later the place was closed his aunt and uncle were absolutely furious and devastated that he'd run the business they'd built up for over 30 years into the ground they called everyone into a major company meeting and informed as we were all except for sales and managers being offshored to India in the Philippines they had a plan for us training our replacements that strangely didn't account for pre schedule turnover people started finding jobs literally the next week and waha Maha Jing never stopped they reviewed the cameras back three months to catch people coming in less than three minutes late and have them all write apps like 20 people walked out across the entire unit new management in a month for kitchen staff quit leaving me to be the only original kitchen staff hire from the previous manager she completely changed the vibe of the workplace no one was happy no one felt like talking or listening to music or being friendly it was robotic worked at a data company the guys in the sales department flicked around all day they'd literally be in the parking lot drinking beer and racing RC cars when it came to handling accounts clients they frequently gave away free accounts in order to retain customers and make their own sales numbers look good and somehow they got away with it meanwhile there were dozens of programmers and database nerds working tirelessly behind the scenes to integrate a bunch of complicated data and make it easy to access via the website a yearly holiday announcements come around and upper management besides to send the entire sales team to Hawaii for an all-expense-paid vacation when the Furious developers asked why they were just taking the sales team the confused CEO literally said well I mean I guess we could ask the sales team to pick one person from each department who helped them the most this year and take them to the programmers engine is database people were livid and walked out in droves gee I wonder why the company tanked that's the one way to totally screw your company pee off the people who keep it running several years ago I worked in a mental health center we worked primarily with kids it was time for the center to renew their certification instead of keeping up with everything that needed to be done over the course of five years the proper procedures were ignored in this couple months before recertification administration made us sit through a ridiculous amount of training on things that would have been covered in training such as HIPAA laws and identifying child abuse then came our paperwork our Center encouraged us to do things that aren't exactly covered by Medicaid or approved through certification for example taking kids to the park isn't allowed but guess where they instructed us to take these kids so they didn't disturb the therapists working I had to go back and edit five months worth of documents to get rid of the evidence the kicker was that bathrooms were supposed to have a log of when it was cleaned an administrator perfectly forged a signatures of multiple employees I don't think they would have went through that trouble just for a bathroom log what else were they forging out signatures on the potential risk of being charged with Medicaid fraud was too high for me I quit as did many others wasn't my office but one in my building the old CEO retired he was extremely well loved and very fair his replacement was a lady not known for her social skills she hired her sister as the new VP and passed over everyone who was in line for promotions literally everyone but the sister and the secretary quit the next week together to go work for a competitor the former CEO had to come back to try and fix everything he ended up having to help the new CEO hire basically a new company I don't think it's going well I feel bad for that old CEO School District I sometimes subbing had a big round off hiring a bunch of building substitutes applied for the jobs and only about half of them got interviews of the subs that got interviews myself included the only one who made it past the screening interview was a relative of the current employee the rest of a subs weren't the right fit the real reason is that there's a substitute shortage and they don't want to lose any of us not a single sub who isn't a relative was hired for one of over a dozen teaching jobs many of the building subs are coming back next year working at a local restaurant that had recently changed owners multiple issues came up difficulty getting off for important things hiring people to work in kitchen who were bad at their job that cheap cheaper ingredients et Cie as well as owner just kinda sat around and drank while they're not doing much things were tense and after a few months we were really just hanging him there cause we liked each other previous owners were a sweet old couple that set a great vibe I know some others and I were already looking for a job anyways there was a young mother who waited tables there and really needed the job couldn't afford to be between jobs one night she got to call that her grandmother had a severe stroke was unresponsive and was not expected to make it through the night she asked to get off and start her three hours drive to Dallas manager says of course but the owner says no manager and owner got into a verbal fight in the back the waitress ended up pleading her case crying manager said that if the owner wouldn't let her go he was done owner ended up firing them both on the spot within the next 15 minutes everyone who hadn't been recent hire ended up walking out of the building find the manager of a retail store and I had found out a cashier with stealing product by scamming reward card benefits I came up with a detailed incident report to present to this employee and I was under the assumption it was just her after I confronted her in a reasonable manner she freaked out and got really angry and quit on the spot she was using fake accounts instead of using a customer's reward card to get herself points and redeem them for products gift cards so the customers were getting the points they are owed which is a headache from the if they notice and complain the next day every other cashier called me and quit and after thinking WTF just happened I found out they were all in on it and we're using this lady as fake card on their shifts too so I'm down for cashiers and I have one left this same day my last remaining cashier disappeared for 20 minutes turns out she was in the bathroom with another employee doing the nasty she quits because her dad is a cop and doesn't want to find out she got fired for this and she also asked me if she should go to Urgent Care because she didn't take her tampon out before they did it and she couldn't find the guy also quit because he didn't care and was moving anyway I was down to literally managers only so the first part is the mass exodus and the last part was just four can you believe this crap the owner died and his idiot son took over and decided that the company didn't make him enough money and started to implement cost-cutting measures like turning off the AC in the building worked in construction as part of HSE team the chief engineer was peed that the job was taking slower because of the HSE especially safety procedures we had the couple lost time incidents at this point and just a week before a guy almost died but he was still pretty peed about the delays so he got everyone in a room to say you're not here to do your jobs you're here to do what I tell you to do 20 people asked to quit on the spot freakin C turned out our owner was keeping the Social Security money taken from our paychecks and yes he was caught I worked at a discount store and it wasn't that bad at first until one of our night managers quit and was replaced with well let's call her Becky sue Becky seemed nice at first but we all started to notice her changing a lot of things around the store people on the night crew got moved today she gave people weird orders and most of the time she won't even be at the front when we needed her she used to keep her phone on her all the time like on a phone call constantly so she was always on the phone with her partner who happened to be a manager from a neighboring store one day someone stole a box of candy from the store and she literally went out there and got into a fistfight with them which is a huge no-no you're not supposed to go after a customer like that even if they did steal sue Becky comes in all bloodied in the face and were not really sure what to say or do so we all just look away and get back to work after that she acted really really weird throwing people under the bus and claiming we weren't doing our jobs which is funny cause she was never up front when we needed her what ended up making pretty much the whole night crew quit was when Becky started getting grabby with one of our younger cashiers and the girl was already in a bad place and didn't want to lose her job so she tried to ignore it it but one day Becky tried to get the cashier in her car to take her home since she didn't have a ride and the girl wasn't comfortable with it she ended up calling me to come get her she rejected Becky's approaches so back he went on full petty mode and claimed the cashier had drugs on her and told the cashier to go home the next day the younger cashier was fired so the younger cashier tried to tell our DM about it but he said there was nothing he could do this was the last straw for everyone and most of us quit within the month they bought our mattresses so employees wouldn't have to leave to go home during a classically busy season it mass exodus after that just sleep here don't go home to your families or home where you can de-stress just be here never leave or and follow my logic here sir you can kiss the fattest and most robust part of butt cause I quit they tried to make us do a third straight 16 hours shift while telling us off we were taking too long this was years ago as a basic box mover in a courier company they cut their staff in half and still expected us to do the same amount of work it got bad enough the head office people came down to supervise those at the end of shift we stopped taking any breaks and worked well past her hours without overtime the second day they were there our immediate supervisor of our team about 10 of us asked for the night off next week Christmas Eve and most of this had family and the bosses refused we all quit their entire workforce quit in less than 10 minutes there were three people in the office that morning when the other 300 of us walked out most of the other workers were pretty disgusted in how they treated us enough to pack in their jobs they called within an hour and offered us all pay rises and actually hiring people to help with the workload it didn't help they already screw themselves trying to save money on wages so they were never going to make their deliveries a month earlier it may have made a difference but a week before Christmas the company consistently outpaced competing firms and found itself emerging as one of the industry leading agencies this was also a California tech firm so shorts flip-flops beers at lunch getting high on the were all rather common but we were rapidly growing and the atmosphere location made us a hot ticket for talent anyway CFO and CMO cashed out and the CEO decided to totally remodel the company by making it far more corporate on top of all of this they implemented unattainable goals and removed our work from home policy the final straw was they removed our rather generous vacation policy and replaced it with unlimited vacation which was a facade for you can take as much vacation as you want if we approve it like one stroke fourth of the company quit and immediately landed a better jobs also profit tanked and our company is doing incredible let's change everything worked at a deep underground mine the mine had always had issues due to the geology wanting to collapse think lumps of rock falling the size of houses the geotechnical engineers stated the mine was not in their opinion safe management disagreed not geotechnical at the same time the mine in cost-cutting had no serviceable rescue chambers little steel boxes that are your lifeline when things go bad then mine rescue was abandoned the only people who can get you out when the worst happens these were not popular changes hum I wonder who I should listen to about if a mine is safe geotechnical engineers or middle managers this is a hard one our boss had a meeting and announced new policy that all salaried employees had to work a minimum of 45 billable hours per week because of the increased project load we hired I pointed out to a few co-workers that our employment contract specified 37.5 hours per week and that I would be adhering to that policy well about a week later I was laid off due to lack of projects ha I was happy to go and at least two others left voluntarily within the week the job I found next was much better and wasn't run by someone quite so clueless about how to treat people for me it wasn't what happened but what didn't happen we were making only about two dollars above minimum wage around eleven dollars to do tech support for a web-based startup a college degree was required for the position so we all had large amounts to pay off in student loans we weren't really making enough to do so and still pay for rent groceries and other life expenses three of us there were four in addition to me had other part-time jobs in addition to this full-time forty hour week position because we couldn't survive otherwise every other position and the company was being paid quite a bit more so we didn't exactly feel valued we got sick of this and were talking with each other how abysmal the pay was in addition to less than glamorous and often frustrating work we also didn't get any PTO or bonuses and there was pretty little momentum for moving up in the company so at our next team meeting we asked our supervisor if we could discuss our pay grade and the opportunity for a raise we had all started at the same time during a very busy time of the company as it was undergoing a platform transition and there were no higher members on our team aside from our supervisor we felt like we had all put in good work and deserved equal recognition our supervisor flipped out at us saying that we should never talk about our compensation with any co-workers and that we could potentially get a raise in a year or so but that our inability to pay expenses wasn't the company's concern so of all us found other jobs and bounced within the next two months leaving them to start over with a brand new staff during the busiest season of the year employers that say you cannot discuss your pay with co-workers make me livid not discussing compensation only benefits the company glad you got out of there I used to work at a McDonald's and we had a terrible manager who hated a lot of people working there everyone else hated him too but no one wanted to call him out on his crap and quit I was the first to do it because I requested two weeks off in August of that year about three months in advance my family likes to plan our summer vacations early on when August came around he had my shed you'll setup for all of August off except for those specific two weeks there was no way that he could have misinterpreted my request when I got my shed rule I stormed into the restaurant called him out on everything and then quit on the spot about two weeks after that I heard from one of my work friends that five other people had enough and quit as well I kind of felt good to be the first random witness drug test at a chemical refinery 45 people just stood up and walked out the door they just went to refine chemicals elsewhere about 15 years ago a company I worked for announced as a way of keeping from having to layoff anyone else in the already bare-bones crew they announced 10% pay cuts were coming in a month it took me a week to find a new job at the same pay I took it lots of people quit within that one month time frame about a year later the place came back to me with an offer well above what I was making previously when I started back at work that's when I found out everyone who stayed was still getting paid less than they were before the pay cut I felt like I hacked a system by refusing to take a pay cut my girlfriend at the time got fired because she gave me a hug on my birthday and she was leaving for the day the owners of the store got on to us a couple of weeks prior to the incident about flirting in the store which only happened if there was no one in the store but we listened to them and apologized and stopped the flirting so she gets fired and leaves and they call me to the back to talk to me about why they did it I told them they freaked up and they could close the store that night they have no knowledge of their products so I walk out and meet up with her and another girl that worked there the other girls boyfriend was still on the clock and left for his lunch to meet up with the three of us he calls during his break and tells them he's not coming and then his girlfriend Lee the same thing it's a small store but they lost their entire staff in the span of 30 minutes it's crap like this that makes me wonder how economies even exist I worked at a large national law firm in one of their Bay Area offices there was a weird and intense rivalry with the other Bay Area office to the point that our office manager for baddest from asking for help from their office in any capacity including coverages or help with a client our office was smaller and tight-knit and we also build more per quarter the office manager was helpful and our managing partner was great one day our managing partner was offered her dream job at another firm and she put in her intent to leave we didn't know who our new manager would be at first but as soon as it was announced glad the SF office was moving part of their staff over three stroke fourths of our office quit on the spot attorneys and admin staff and went to another firm those office who remained realized why we never worked with SF and slowly but surely we were fired over minutiae it took them about two years to get rid of all of us great times over reliance on institutional knowledge basically it was company non policy not to bother documenting anything never to create procedures never to get wrapped around the axle by planning etc it so the jobs basically lurched from crisis to crisis aimlessly in the name of being biased Awards action and not getting bogged down by bureaucracy as such getting anything at all done meant finding the person who already had the knowledge in their head and relying on them to remember how they addressed a specific issue previously annual maintenance was effectively his scheduled crisis with everyone fumbling to remember exactly what they did a year ago or to adapt memories of previous crises into a solution for the current crisis then one day a multi-decade employee got sick of the dysfunction and left for greener pastures this gaping hole meant that simple problems became crises and genuine crisis became group hysterics this made an already toxic environment almost comically radioactive and within two or three months over three quarters of the department had left the company I'm a shipwright and about 10 years ago I worked on a shipyard and the owner decided it was a good idea to bring someone and to look at how we work to see if things can be done more efficiently and smarter nothing wrong with that except the guy he brought and didn't have a clue what it takes to build a boat from scratch so one day we had a meeting in the break room the owner and this guy were there and first they asked the metal guys what their thoughts are on how to improve things they say they need new welding equipment and some other stuff no problem we're going to take care of it the painters are next same thing then the mechanics same thing again and then they got ting us and things fell apart now here's the thing that's true for all shipyards I've ever worked on shipwrights always come last when we need new tools or whatever but everyone always comes to us to solve a problem we keep the place going so you'd think we got what we asked for instead they tell us we have everything we need and we just have to improvise we all looked at each other and we told them were done Frick you Frick your shipyard and flick everything we all packed our tools got in our cars and drove home our company relocated from a small suburb to a large city pretty much everyone had to take public transportation to get there my supervisor was firm in only allowing to work from home days a week I told him I was exhausted and having one more wfh day would make a huge difference but he wouldn't budge I told him I would need a raise because I was spending hundreds of dollars a month on transportation and it felt like I had been demoted he refused I was offered another job and I took it he was shocked that I was leaving about a month later all but the worst employee had either left the company or left his department my company asks the office what we'd do if they moved our location about an hour away we said we'd all quit they didn't move you have been visited by the fashion doggerel comment your MV strengthens me so you always look beautiful like and subscribe you magnificent person
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 198,838
Rating: 4.8822117 out of 5
Keywords: workplace, workplace drama, all employees quit at the same time, all employees quit, quit job, quit job like a boss, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: EgTVN7Gpm1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 30sec (2190 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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