Red Flags That Low Level Employees Notice First🚩🚩 (Reddit Stories r/AskReddit)

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at work what's a red flag that only the people who are lowest on the totem pole are likely to notice missing payday if you get paid on Wednesday and Friday comes without pay don't bother coming in on Monday Friday payday no pay come end off day on Monday walk out no other reason you're there you work for pay whenever we got to cheap gifts or some new perk from corporate congratulating us on increased profits for the year it was pretty much a guarantee that a month later we'd be told that there would be no bonus thanks I can't wait to pay rent with this coffee mug full of pre dried out all point pens was once told by the cleaner this place is freaked I used to change the toilet rolls of the bugs twice a day now it's barely twice a week they're either crapping less all were getting less clients through the door she was absolutely correct place got extremely downsized within six months of that this applies more to the tech industry but when the CEO calls a meeting out of the blue and says they have plenty of funding start interviewing should have done this at my last insurance gig they suddenly brought us all in and told us we were all secure in our jobs despite a recent turnaround in the market one guy in my department started looking immediately he left shortly thereafter two weeks after he left they told everybody we were getting canned in four months late pay I've heard a few stories from people who have been paid late and stayed instead of looking for a new job then later being made redundant if the cash flow is so bad payroll is coming late it's time to get out of there requests for personal time off are ignored or denied likewise requests for specific vacation days go unaddressed or become postponed I'm leaving my current job in big part because of this exact thing once I got married requested some time off for it and was told to come in yeah right efficiency experts are brought in to sit with employees and observe their daily tasks never a good sign a drastic cut in your ass for those who work hourly service jobs if you go from five chef to three then down to one or two you're going to be let go they are either waiting for you to get fed up with the house and quit or you're about to be fired cleaning workers are usually bottom rung but they all notice failing health standards before anyone else and paid bills as bottom of the totem in a financial department for a small nonprofit I was the one putting bills into the system and then would print checks and mail them out when the higher-ups said to when I first started almost every bill was behind they covered it up by claiming the person I was replacing hadn't been able to keep up with the workload and that was why everything was late I spent over half my time on the phones talking companies into not shutting down our utilities he may be the last person was that slow but it was not that much full-time work yes but too much dog trash fortunately the right man had come in as CEO just before me and he literally saved the company from collapse I just happened to see what should have been the end of the company he was smart though no bills were paid until employees had been paid and no bills but critical ones were paid at all then he paid massive portions of debts off quickly to put us back an acceptable standing as we worked out payment plans that man saved a small company with a million dollar sign deficit in under a year I work in a different department now but its annual profit now is around two mil every boss I've had from the military to retail sales who says I'm not here to be liked has been incompetent it's true you are not there to be friends with everyone but if you have no people skills you can't manage people there's a big difference between a boss who says they aren't there to be liked versus a boss who isn't there to be friends it's tough to be someone's friend and boss equipment falling into disrepair OSHA standards being ignored workers being asked to lie about injuries OSHA standards being ignored workers being asked to lie about injuries can confirm got far shortly after I got injured on the job and found out my employer didn't have workers comp insurance I've seen two companies go down the tubes in both cases the first sign was removing unnecessary telephones where workers shared an office the private lines were replaced by a shared line when things got worse yet one shop removed the doors from bathroom stalls to discourage lingering this may only apply to retail and food service but price hikes if prices are increasing abnormally and quality is stagnant then either one the company is losing money or two the company is getting greedy and starting to bite off more than they can chew upper management can increase our products cost by two or three dollars and not bat an eye all they see is profit margins however the lower down hourly wage employees have to deal with angry customers and pressure from corporate if sales begin to drop look for any changes in benefits or amenities like if all of a sudden they cancel the coffee service or if they normally have free meals or something they stop providing them if you ever get asked to list what you do on a daily basis or to document difficult tasks and only you perform beware we need a summary of everything you do to be written in a procedural manual equals you're about to be replaced by some college intern the top guys seeing everyone else is the help I work for a company where the corporate office is probably like 25 people on my first day I was in the break room by myself and then the guy that hired me and the owner walking on the owner ghosts of the coffee pot the guy that hired me said hey Jim this is VTL 89 the newest member of our team owner doesn't even turn and look at me just goes oh and puts a lid on his coffee and walks out without even looking my way I lost a ton of respect for him and the company that day especially after my interview two days prior they were talking up how much they care about their employees bosses who take responsibility for nothing I had a boss regularly tell me how to do something incorrectly her boss would correct her then she would punish me for doing it wrong for doing exactly what she told me to do she'd do things like spill a coffee all over a cow workers super important documents then not apologize or admit it was a fault or even an accident she was responsible for no she blamed the step stool that was on the floor next to her that wasn't even in the way of her sitting down all the counter coworker was crying while I was trying to rescue the papers and boss spent the whole time being a bee about the step stool because she was too embarrassed and immature and disrespectful tone up to it the indifference of people in top positions they're the ones who let make workplaces turn crummy fighty admin shutting off access accounts when layoffs are happening when our CIO got laid off I heard the admin who got the orders had his finger tightened and double triple checked the order likely he knew before any of the CIOs direct reports in the vast majority of the company as someone who used to be busy most of the time the fact that I found myself stretching 30 hours of work into 40 all of a sudden was the first sign of bad time soon shortly after that started our boss announced that there was a cash flow problem due to a combination of factors less work clients not paying projects not progressing thus not being able to build our ztc I started looking for work immediately have had some interest but nothing concrete yet the first person got let go last week a recent hire I doubt I'm next but you never know when you all get the speech that you need to give 110 percent to the job and be a team player willing to take on more roles on the surface this does not seem bad that what my experience taught me it translates out to is we've let people go we are not rehiring we expect all of you to take on those other jobs too with no additional pay and if they start playing funny games with breaks lunch hours and overtime or demanding work after you've clocked out it is time to GTFO at my husband's large 14:50 company they were laying off several dozen people each quarter starting in 2009 your department would get an email to meet at an off-site conference facility Friday morning from there those being let go would be handed at box with your personal stuff a brown bag a packet with your severance info in exchange for signing a corporate waiver and handing in your badge you didn't get to clean out your office say goodbye finish your work you were just gone this went on for nearly three years terrible way to live he managed to make it to retirement but to this day he can't look at a brown-bag lunch that's cold AF when paychecks bounce the amazing thing about that job was the checks cleared when passing down the hall people who ignore your good morning unless they need something from you or you're higher up this is a major red flag and to anyone list on the hierarchy it's crystal clear worsening conditions in the back room the more stuff that gets back stocked the more full the back room guess which makes it harder to keep it organized which makes it harder to find what you need to send to the sales floor which means less product on the sales floor which means fewer sales fewer sales leads to less profits leads to fewer hours for the low-level employees leads to the back room getting worse retail logistics is a vicious cycle if you let it be the way the bosses or owners treat their staff is very indicative of the work environment lowest man on the totem pole will often catch the most crap how the bosses deliver that crap says a lot cleaners see everything late bill payments on desks employees cheating on their spouse empty liquor bottles placed in envelopes in the trash I've been a cleaner for 15 years and I've seen literally everything also cleaners tend to be really chill so people tell them things find out the employee turnover rate especially if it's a small company I worked at a place that started out great seemed to have great pay and benefits but had more and more problems with management then I started finding out that our five person office had 11 people quit or being fired over the past year in major red flag I stayed and put up with their crap much longer than I should have a hiring freeze and mandatory overtime raises a few eyebrows the seconded job tells me I have mandatory overtime if I'm salaried not hourly is the second I quit without notice I'm a tech writer which means I sometimes get to be effectively the first to user of a new application as I'm writing the manual for it you can always tell where the company has saved cash usually on UI UX design and UI copy I'm fairly technical a bit of front-end coding skill basic familiarity with a range of tech jack-of-all-trades so if I am struggling to work out how to do stuff in your UI I kinda assume customers will I came into the shop I worked in one day and all the sales assistants were taping the ratty old carpet down weird I thought then the fire escape door didn't close so we started locking it with to buy clocks but I think then I got told not to order in some of our more expensive stock during a very busy time of year one night as I was closing up I saw my boss leaving in a much nicer car than he used to have data Frick we are closing down and I was right mice workers will notice mice before management even knows or really cares unless your bosses are cats this is a really insightful question in restaurants as a server if the kitchen is in a bad mood you know you are flicked for the shift usually it means the manager is on a rampage bad management and poor leadership at a table because you have to do the work on the ground to implement their vision crap flows to the bottom when you are discretely contacted by law enforcement agencies asking questions about your employer and place of work water damage and termites will start affecting the lowest part of a totem pole first wood sculptures should installed into higher ground so water flows away from the base during rain also totems don't usually feature flags so a red flag is a red flag story one my daughter's first job out of college last year was working for a small internet marketing company her entire department was given an unexpected furlough during the last two weeks of December and I told her to start looking she got a layoff notice after Christmas via the instant messaging platform there used a class II she now works for a much better company story - one of our favorite restaurants locally owned stopped taking credit and debit cards their machine was broken this was before the rise in popularity of services like venmo and Apple pay there would occasionally have their phone disconnected they have been out of business for a few years now if your company gives you a phone get ready to be harassed constantly that phone is code for we expect you to be available 24 stroked 7 say your direct supervisor doesn't have to be until you need them then it becomes voicemail leaving device my dad worked 45 years for Sears Canada we saw the flags a mile away when they start selling assets and giving big bonuses I realize this doesn't count but civilians may find this interesting in the Navy United States it's a well-known end at least it was in my ship often times true fact that if out of nowhere the ship's galley kitchen serves steak and lobster there is bad news coming from the captain usually in the form of you're going on an unexpected deployment your deployments being extended or something along those lines it happened to us multiple times as to where we hated seeing that on the menu and after dinner like clockwork the captain hit us with the bad news jello hashtag feature me [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 191,079
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, TZ reddit, rslash, comedy, fresh, low level, Employees, red flags, red flag, alert, notice, noticing, work, job
Id: 5hU-Z4OwyV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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