Why people Quit On Their First Day of Work

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managers of reddit what's the fastest you've had a new hire quit my uncle retired and after some time had went by he decided to get a part-time job at a bait store for some extra spending money the afternoon boss told him to be there at 8am but when he showed up at 7 45 am and knocked on the door to be let in the morning boss told him that he was 15 minutes late the guy started to guess in his case about how he was expected to be there a half hour before his shift to straighten up and restock shelves my uncle told him he could take his job and shove it up his butt he was back on the road by 7 48. and your uncle was well right to do so i'm not going to work a half hour off the clock for anything i was the manager at a diesel truck shop in college my boss hired a mechanic who was supposed to have all his own tools dude shows up with a toolbox the size of a lunchbox on his start day he made up some story about slowly bringing his tools over every day because his car was small whatever i put him on an easy job replacing a thermostat on a medium duty pickup truck the book time on this job was like an hour my day had gotten busy and i realized that like three hours has passed and homeboy hasn't even come in to even grab the new thermostat from me yet so i go out to check on him and couldn't believe what i was seeing the intake was off the radiator was removed all the coolant hoses were removed and sitting in a cardboard box there was coolant and oil all over the floor it was totally insane the mechanic had taken some drugs apparently and was on a different planet rolling around under the truck no reason to be doing this whatsoever to replace the thermostat on this track his phone was blasting the redneck kings of comedy and he was covered in sunflower seed shells that he had spit all over himself i turned off his phone and asked him what the frick was going on and he started crying saying he couldn't figure out where the dang thermostat was i told him to go the frick home it took one of my other mechanics like two hours to undo all the destruction he had done and we had to put all new fluids in the truck because this dodo drained them all out into dirty pans all over the floor and all of 30 minutes to replace her thermostat and get the truck back to the customer my boss had hired this idiot so i told him to call and fire him the next day he showed up to collect his paycheck for three hours of destruction and his lunchbox filled with tools he made apologies stole our yard dog that had lived at the shop for years and we never saw him again it was kind of sad and endearing right up until he stole the yard dog i used to work in a really small grocery store that usually only had one manager and one cashier in the store at all times i had put up my two weeks notice and prior to leaving trained up the new manager to take my place the next day after i left from what i was told the manager quit two hours into their first solo shift leaving the poor cashier behind who had been there even less time than the new manager only one manager and one cashier on duty so walmart zing i once needed a new graphic designer in my unit so i as was procedure told hr what i needed and they came back in a couple weeks with someone they had hired he met us all sat down and was very confused he was an accountant not a graphic designer they had hired him as an accountant and asked him lots of accounting questions nothing at all to do with the position hr was called he left with them i never saw him again i hope they kept him on as an accountant any company where hr does the hiring for a skilled position without the group team leader present is a no-go for me the first day i worked at a phone store in a very hispanic neighborhood he claimed to be fluent in spanish in the interview i probably should have verified that he learned pretty quickly that he'd really need the spanish so he got super stressed and stormed off i later found out he took a 900 dollar camo galaxy s5 with him when he left g let me just leave my ssn and all my personal info with this place then rob them of a 900 piece of technology but i have had a number of construction laborers quit on the first day including several roofing laborers who started at 7am climbed down the ladder for 10 am break and never came back i did that what i was told the job was going to be was not the job they wanted me to do painting equals roofing frick if i am going to do roofing for minutes wage hired a delivery driver construction materials first day he had a 26-foot box truck and three stops in the frederick md market about two hours from our warehouse he leaves at 7am and is back at 11 30 a.m i see him and say wow that was really fast he says he's going to get some cigarettes and we'll be right back in gets in his car and leaves we open the truck and everything is still there exactly as loaded he doesn't answer his phone and never comes back we never found out what happened for the next six months anytime anyone in the warehouse was having a bad day they'd say i'm going to get cigarettes he just really wanted to drive the truck around employee here had a guy get hired was sent to get his drug test and never came back we tell them about the drug test when they fill out an application and also when they interview those were the worst drugs he'd ever tested he didn't even get high the fastest was the one who was a no show their first day it's all good about eight months later they contacted us to say they were ready to come to work i used to manage a grocery store we had to come in at 6am to start throwing the loads and getting the store ready for the day had a new hire come in five minutes late on her first day at 605 just to give me her locker key and tell me if she has never woken up this early in her life and that she can't do the job used to work overnight stocking in a grocery store watched several people quit a few hours into fire first shift apparently they just assumed they could handle how tired they'd get i worked at a prison we had a woman come and get tired for her first day which is where we start the fingerprint scan to upload data to the feds and do your physical and tb test she had gone down and not come back after three four hours we called down to see what was up turns out she was one to two states over for identity theft and was now being housed at intake 15 minutes i hired someone to work in a manufacturing plant we did a tour of how hot the floor would be during the interview no problem first day at work he walked out after 15 minutes of work because it was too hot to be fair strolling through a hot place and working in a hot place is totally different i'm not a manager but one time i went on vacation for a week i came back and a few days later heard people talking about frank or something had no clue who that was so i asked apparently he'd been hired started working stopped coming in and apparently quit was fired all in the week i was on vacation they tried to replace you but it didn't work out we hired a girl for a live on job i worked on a university campus she was hired drove down like three four hours began her first day apparently got some other offers that were closer to home realized she made a huge mistake packed her stuff and was gone that evening dang wizards i was a quitter sorry i went to interview at my dream job came home crying because i thought i had bombed the interview called up the grocery store that had offered me a job as soon as you get into town the next morning i go in and do the training exercises and start learning to scan groceries the hr person who was in charge of my paperwork and training went home without telling me so after a while of what do i do next do i have a boss i've been here six hours am i supposed to take a lunch i got a phone call from the museum saying i got the dream job i rushed out of there so fast i had to hang the grocery store apron on the cart return because i accidentally took it with me not technically me but a manager in our company was struggling to hire someone at one location i bumped into an old friend i used to be a server with and she said she was unemployed and looking link them up first day she came in and said yay this isn't for me i'm more of a manager personality and quit that same day b you don't have a job and i gift wrapped one for you at one of our best locations we've had store managers ask for a demotion because they made more money as a clerk than they did as a manager it's not about the money it's about being able to delegate to other people we hired a machinist in training for our injection mold building division guy had run some cnc's before but on a production basis basically we'd need about six months to switch him over when he started we were balls the wall busy all machines were dirty because you'd have three or four being run by one guy his first task was to clean out one of the machines so he could get working with it that seems below me when i drive uber no one expects stupid chores from me he made it less than 30 minutes honestly in the 15 years i've been around this industry i could tell you another 30 or so stories out of all the jobs with machines i like cleaning the best you can't really freak that one up how about a story about the opposite an employee refusing to be fired i wasn't there when this happened but i shared an office with this legend for a couple of years it was a governmental agency and they had hired a new supervisor this particular employee and the new supervisor just did not get along it was like oil and water cats and dogs constant constant friction between them for no reason and for every reason he got wind that she was planning to fire him in a day or two so he stopped going to work figured that if she couldn't find him she couldn't fire him he refused to answer his phone he refused to return messages this was before email was widespread but i'm sure he would have ignored that too and then a miracle happened the supervisor got fired a couple of weeks after he stopped coming into work the new acting supervisor who was the person who hired me actually called this guy and told him it was safe to come back to work so he did btw this acting supervisor was a great guy after i had been there less than a year and consequently didn't have much leave built up i had a very serious health issue it kept me out of work for an entire month after my vacation and sick leave ran out he just started marking me as being present with the understanding that i would work every extra shift possible when i got back to pay back the time it was one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me i left that job years and year ago but saw on facebook a couple of years ago that the legend retired with a full pension and here i thought that he'd return to work and get fired by the new manager i worked at a place where i didn't get to hire the interns but had to manage them my vip just hired pretty women there were great interns and terrible ones but beth took the cake she came in 30 minutes late i started to take her through how our business worked what our industry was like and what she'd be working on she was on her phone and got pee when i told her to put it away she refused to take notes while i took her through all this i then sat her down at 10 30 and asked her to clean a list of potential clients in excel she laughed and said she was getting a coffee which i assumed was from our office 45 minutes later she shows up again with a starbucks and 20 minutes after that she says she's going on lunch i told her she used her lunch up to get that coffee she need to get some work done she laughed again and left didn't come back the rest of the day i sent a note to her professor about this the next morning i got a call from her professor apologizing for her behavior and letting me know she would be failing her internship my vip was p because beth seemed like just the kind of person we need around here we had an intern start who had been emailing us 24 stroke 7 for months asking for work experience how it was their passion etc etc they also interviewed really well at the informal coffee interview we had with him where we explained what the internship would entail they arrived early for day one seemed really positive during the morning induction we got them set up with a desk and their email login etc when it got to lunch we told them they had just over an hour they were welcome to go out and get lunch and eat it outside or in our canteen it was up to them he said he would go out and get some lunch and see us back in a bit he never came back we got really worried he won't pick up his mobile we went looking for him we emailed him and then we had to call his emergency contact just in case he had been hit by a bus or something we eventually got a text message from him that just said sorry i don't think i'll be coming back not a manager but i work for a decently popular e-commerce store despite our store's popularity our headquarters location was pretty run down at the time we had a new social media manager start and on her third or fourth day she went to use the bathroom and accidentally walked in on our copywriter pooping bathroom door didn't always lock properly she quickly went back to the main office grabbed her bag and we never heard from her again as someone looking to get into social media management marketing finding one of my new co-workers pooping would only be a hilarious benefit not the manger but we had a guy show up his first day after tons of testing and a paid for flight just to refuse to clean toilets he said he would clean everything else but not the toilets he was a janitor they bought him a ticket back home i was hired to work in a stock room once i didn't need a job at the time but fancied a bit of extra money second [ __ ] i got threatened with the sack because i went to the toilet three times in an eight hour shift apparently i should have told them i had a freaking bladder problem on my application boss was a generally enormous turd in a few other ways too but when i didn't need the job and was getting brought into her room to watch cctv footage of me heading to the bathroom every few hours i was like yeah nah i didn't need a job at the time but fancied a bit of extra money best kind of job to have or decide not to have we hired a guy in a restaurant he know crap quit in 30 minutes he was lazy and slow and realize that we all hustled harder than he was willing we had a good laugh called the second on the list who showed up 45 minutes later and worked a double but that guy stayed there for a year and loved his job i used to work at a community mental health center once we had a new front office person come in for her first day leave for lunch and never come back i actually did this once got hired as a dental assistant started my first day and the place was a nightmare the dentist literally let her dog run around the office and crap on the floor aseptic procedures were basically non-existent expired and unlabeled materials everywhere i didn't want to be liable for any of the inevitable fallout so i just bailed this summer i got a job as a lifeguard at a certain pool since the one i really wanted to work wasn't going to interview me till the end of june first day manager says they're planning on having me work about 20 hours a week but for most of june i have to scrounge all my hours off other people because i joined up too late to be put on that month's schedule fair enough i interview for the other pool which is within walking distance and they offer me 10.75 an hour compared to first place offering me state minimum at that time 9.25 with an imminent increase to 10.10 they want five days of my week however so i agree to not have a dang day off in my week and plan to have 10 hour shifts at my old job on the two leftover days so i can still fulfill the 20 hours i tell old job boss and he's p because apparently despite hiring three or so guards after me my new arrangement means he'll be understaffed and that he was planning on giving me more hours i felt like it was bull's men to keep me stuck there more but i threw him a bone and texted him asking how many hours a week minimum he needed from me to fix his understaffing issue he doesn't respond for a full 21 hours when he finally does it's to ask me to come in early with no actual answer in the meantime new job offered me 40 hours a week if i quit the old job and i freaked off immediately and enjoyed a summer working at a pool within walking distance of my house and with much better behaved patrons i don't regret it this is a great one because it was not a low tier position i was working at a farmer manufacturing facility and we were hiring a new hr manager she got the job shown her office basically this desk is not clean enough and that was that she left not a manager but the employee i quit a job the day before my first scheduled shift when the company i was working my last shift it offered me significantly more money almost exact same thing happened to me i had just learned my girlfriend was pregnant and was ready to start making more money in preparation for that found a new job pretty quickly and put in my two weeks at the current job the night before the first day of my new job i was offered quite a bit more money and an extra week of vacation days needless to say i took the offer working at jimmy john's we hire an older woman to be a delivery driver we tell her to put an apron on because when you aren't driving you do in shop stuff she said she wasn't going to make sandwiches and left at my jj location they paid us under minimum in shop and on delivery working as a tipped position made us legally capable of refusing non-tipped work i work at an investment bank in london after interviewing an internal candidate different division floor etc a couple of times called her to offer the role and let her know the salary we could start her off on she excitedly accepted i immediately contacted hr via email to put the official wheels in motion and an hour later she called me back to let me know that she had to retract her acceptance as another internal role she interviewed for months ago had suddenly called to offer her that role no mention of salary just that she preferred the sound of the other role a couple of months later i looked her up on the internet and she's still in her old role so i'm not sure what happened a salary negotiation tactic that i didn't bite maybe the other role fell through if it existed in the first place who knows a little embarrassing telling hr to ignore my last email though probably wasn't about the salary but the job itself or she was advised by someone to not switch the excuse was definitely made up i was a supervisor at a grocery store a few years back a guy i knew from high school got a job at my store and a mcdonald's at the same time he told me that at the end of the month he would quit the job he liked less the next day he quit from my store i asked him why he wasn't waiting a month like he planned turns out on his first day at mcdonald's all of the other people on his shift including the manager went out back to smoke and left him running the whole store alone for a couple of hours during the lunch rush the owner found out and fired everyone except him and promoted him to manager on his first day he decided he didn't want to bag groceries after that i didn't blame him once i worked a temp job at a salmon canning factory for a week or two we got a couple of new temps one day a girl in her early 20s and a creepy somalian guy who could have been 25 or 40 but somalian guy spends all day trying to hit on this girl asking her if she will be his girlfriend within a couple of hours he then begged her to go on a date with him to mcdonald's on our lunch break i guess he followed her to her car at lunch and started harassing her she drove off and never came back there's some real [ __ ] bags out there and i feel terrible that women have to put up with people like that not a manager but work in an office this was a few years ago when i was still interning while in college we had a kid start fresh after graduating college and he was gone three days later he had never worked a job before except being a camp counselor at a hockey camp he complained that all everyone ever does here is work and that everyone was super old yes we do work during our job and the average age of his department was like 25 real life is gonna slap the crap out of him worked as an interim assistant manager for a bridal store we had our amazing manager leave and the assistant manager that took her place was god awful i'm talking refused to work even mandatory weekends because there was always a problem with the babysitter for her granddaughter and we would get written up if we were late tried to give me a 0.25 an hour raise after two years of raises being frozen i put in my two weeks after that and i mean that was my response to being offered that i later found out the district manager had told her to offer me four dollars and at one point she refused to hang up the phone with her husband after her lunch leaving me alone in the store for an hour after my shift and making me late to pick up my son from daycare she then tried to yell at me for going over hours all of this is just background to make people understand how crappy of a boss she was my last week we had a new hire in alterations come in and do some training he was only there for three hours and in that three hours two of the other bridal consultants got into a fight not a tiff a full-on screaming match that crappy manager moved to the break room and then let them go at it for an hour i had customers complain brides leave the store which not only cost the store money but the consultants worked on commission and finally the new hire came out of alterations asked me if this was normal and then said he wasn't going to finish the paperwork because he was confident he could find a job where our long screaming matches didn't occur he probably wasn't wrong if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: UE Studios
Views: 95,693
Rating: 4.9050088 out of 5
Keywords: quit on the first day of a job, new hire quits, quitting, quitting my job, quittin time, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2020
Id: CMOqjGsm_s4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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