Parents, When Did You Know Your Kid Was A Weird One?

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parent of a weird kid how did you react when you realize that your kid did weird creepy stuff not my kid but my nephew he's 10 years old and is being taken out of school for homeschooling he's had major trouble learning and fitting into the classroom in general the weird kid aspect is this crush that he has on a girl in his class I hesitate to say crush because it's full-on creepy ten-year-old stalking his parents have had probably thirty talks with him about moving on and that this girl does not will not ever see him as anything positive in that he needs to get over it he has seen two different counselors who recommend he be taken out of any situation in which he might be around her because he's completely obsessed with her this causes him to have a panic attack because it's part of his identity his exact words were if I'm not the boy likes then I don't even know who I am that's me I'm the boy who likes he isn't allowed to have any type of electronics that can take pictures because he took his iPod to school and took a bunch of pictures of this girl his parents are worried about where this will go so to try and combat it they have pulled him out of school and he's in serious counseling he's a sweet kid but holy Frick does he have some major fundamental problems I babysat the neighbors kids when the parents went out a little boy around 6:00 told me I'm going to kill mummy and took me to the top of the stairs where he'd tied string across the banisters at ankle level I used to tie strings around things to make little trip traps when I was a kid too but never at the top of the stairs and I certainly never did it to kill mummy I hope you told that kid's parents I was reading on our porch the other day when I heard my 11 year old stepson say he was going for a ride around the neighborhood I said okay without looking up from my book then so he glide down our driveway on a razor scooter in a Grim Reaper robe but he's not creepy weird just entertaining weird he also had his sister perform a wedding for him and our dog last year and won't let the joke go that the dog is his wife thanks for the concern but he is not fricking the dog my son decided he was married to a cat he called her his cat wife and joked that I would be allergic to his children about a year later he announced that they were no longer married and he was too young to have gotten married in the first place I dunno if it's creepy but my son loves fat bellies when he was younger he used to hug people and smash his face in their bellies he always liked our fat friends the best he's seven now and still keen I have to remind him that ladies don't like being told they've got two nice big squishy belly or a future chubby chaser when I was supervising her in the bath she stood up dropped her washcloth in the water stood on it to push it under the water and menacingly whispered now think about what you've done funny in hindsight but at the time I was a little concerned that my daughter tried to drown a washcloth my three-year-old daughter loves old monster movies I'm in the habit of putting a movie on while I cleaned the house I plugged on King Kong 1933 next thing I know my daughter is enthralled she can't stop creaming what's that a monster and crying crying when Kong kills a dinosaur I asked her five times if she wanted me to stop the movie and got an emphatic no since then she's gone on to fall in love with Ray Harryhausen films and garb Zillah films she cries her eyes out every time Mothra leaves earth in Godzilla vs. Mothra the battle for Earth my wife was concerned that a three-year-old actually enjoys crying and watching movies that make her sad or scared I just shrugged and found some old Kong and Godzilla toys on eBay when her friends who are girls come over she tries to get them to play monsters they look at her like they have no clue what she's asking I was a weird kid myself so my only hope is that I can convey to her that there is nothing wrong with being into things other kids aren't that it makes her unique and cool and interesting she's going to be frickin cool when she grows up my son is obsessed with roller coasters that he runs around the house making whooshing noises and banking at the turns he's 13 in the law of averages someone has to be below the average line my son is weird and I have accepted that he will be the weird kid in school in fact you're welcome that you can say at least little like that kid rollercoaster tycoon man he'd probably love it he's not my kid but my godson is extremely creepy he likes to stand in his little sister's doorway while she naps and watches her sleep I ask him why and he says it's the closest I can get to seeing her dead he also likes to shove her fists in his mouth as far as it can go because he wants to know what suffocating is like just in case I'm pretty sure he'd be a serial killer if it wasn't for Mario Kart he is eight she is five he hasn't done as many creepy things lately it was mostly right after she was born he had a hard time adjusting he still says the odd weird thing here and there but nothing as bad as what I mentioned above his offhand comments are much more innocent such as I'm going to sell you on Kijiji and I'm going to sell you for a quarter and ask for change to his sister also his character in Mario Kart is always Yoshi and although he is unhealthily obsessed with the game he is an otherwise normal eight-year-old my youngest daughter around the age of four or five used to tell me she was going to chop off my head eventually it escalated to Daddy if you do that I'm going to chop off your head and cook it on the BB Q she's ten now and will laugh with a fondness in her chuckle that she remembers that and still thinks it's hilarious we told her that although we laughed our asses off at hearing this it really isn't funny and I would prefer to not be decapitated and subsequently cooked on my grill I'm fairly certain she doesn't want to kill me fairly my kid is a classical musician we are the village idiots so I have no idea where this talent came from but he is known as the weirdo in the family don't get me wrong we're very proud and there really is nothing quite so moving as listening to the planets live from some major Performing Arts Center it has been a real education for us alas we really don't fit in when we attend his concerts and we are the weirdos nice to see weird being beneficial interesting as opposed to freaking creepy as it has been in the rest of the thread best of luck to him my kid hit a dead animal it's escaping me what kind are my the bird or squirrel he kept it there for a long time till it began to stink up everything when found I thought though crap am i raising a serial killer I watched him closely for years he's fine now in college good grades etc if he's a serial killer I have no idea if he's a serial killer he is pretty good at it at least I hope my kids are good enough serial killers to cover their tracks and not make crap awkward I come home from work one night to find my darling two year old blonde daughter standing at the top of the stairs staring up at the full moon in her jammies teddy bear in hand she should have been in bed by this time not wanting to scare her I walked up the stairs knelt down next to her and asked her what she was thinking about I was imagining she would say something childish like is the moon really made of cheese daddy something cute like that instead she turns to face me with a very serious look in her face and in a very serious and creepy monotone voice says to me we are all in the same cage two years old I nearly died off right I literally recoiled from her and ran back down the stairs backwards I couldn't believe it she said a few more creepy things like that but it stopped after a while update that was 12 years ago she has since turned into a very happy and well-adjusted teenager who is only slightly in league with Satan Long Kong keep your doors locked she's coming for you she's gonna break out of this rusty cage collateral damage daddy not my kids but my niece a few months ago I read a similar thread and later that night just for fun I asked my brother and his wife if their kids ever did any creepy they both immediately looked at each other unseen surprise that I had asked apparently the last few couple of weeks they would hear my niece talking to herself in her bedroom they assumed it was just playful imagination so they didn't give it much thought one day however my brother asked her who she kept talking to she said it was her new best friend Satan that visits Arita window every day her window is close to the ground so they were seriously concerned that there was someone actually going up to her window and kept a closer eye on her for the next few days every single time they would hear her talking he would go outside to her windows but never found anyone but they began asking her more about his new friend and apart from his name being Satan she mentioned hey he follows her everywhere she goes in that he promised her he will bring her a cake one day at a late cookout at my parents a week before they mentioned that she took her mom outside to he backyard and pointed at the pitch-black backyard and told her that her friend Satan was there and she wanted to meet her also that made chills run down my spine since I was at that cookout also after that they made her promise she wouldn't talk to Satan anymore haven't checked with my brother how that worked out though and nbsp update so I got a chance to talk to my brother and not much happened since then after all of that happens since they know it was not someone actually at her window and to not scare her they simply they kept close attention who she brought up in conversations a wall of not hearing about it my brother and his wife asked her about Satan and she just said she doesn't see him anymore they haven't heard about him since then that was about six months ago now the only friends she talks about are her soccer team friends bTW she's five I guess my son was weird from conception he rarely moved and laid transverse the entire pregnancy right up to delivery after he was born he had to be held all the time ended up just getting a sling he would scream for a good two hours every night for no reason I always said he was releasing his frustrations refused to sleep on his crib as a baby the only way to get into sleep was bundled up in his car seat as he got older he had some quirks that I just chalked up to his personality obsessed with cars and would run them back and forth in the dirt for hours he was a quiet kid Owen played alone for hours had to be very careful with movies if things got sad like when Bambi mother died he would sob for hours when he started preschool his first week was spent under the table when he was in kindergarten the teacher started dropping hints he's an odd yet lovable boy prefers to be alone gets upset over odd things first grade it finally became yes to me we have issues the day he walked out of his classroom on his hands and feet to meet me I knew we had something going on he also wore sweats because jeans were too hard had to have cold blankets aka sheets at night to cover up spent hours and hours playing with LEGOs socks and underwear were huge problems eating was an issue he'd get stuck on a food and only that for weeks he had no friends and didn't want any said other kids bothered him had him evaluated and yup autistic no hostages as he had some serious speech issues he is now 22 on disability and happily living his life he still has no friends and doesn't want any he spends his day playing video games and watching documentaries on Netflix just pray he doesn't want to talk to you about it because he will go on for hours and hours and hours lol in a way I'm jealous I wish I could be so content with my life he just goes with the flow as long as things don't change lol he has no wants not because he has everything but because he is just content with what he has he only sees today has no concept of planning for tomorrow he totally lives in the moment , the day he walked out of his classroom on his hands and feet to meet me I knew we had something going on I have Asperger's and until this moment it never occurred to me that this isn't normal kid behavior when my son was around two years old he was obsessed with the phrase the ship sinks in the water he'd said something like echo Utah for Spanish el barco sarandon el agua while making a gesture with his hand emulating a sinking ship his hand upside-down bent a little to form a ship and putting it down slowly but he talked about it constantly and even asked me for youtube videos of sinking ships I used to indulge him to see his reaction and it was kind of weird to see his glee while looking at those videos but to everyone he met familiar or unknown people the first thing he'd said was that phrase he would come to you randomly say it and then he'd go off like nothing his obsession has moved to Mario Bross nowadays he also makes comments since he was little about his sister who died when he was a baby he's convinced he knew her but he never had any siblings see reincarnation my kid is into nature documentaries very into nature documentaries one day when he was three years old my wife was getting his bath ready she was bent over the tub checking the water temperature my son shoved his face in her butt took a huge whiff walked away and said our dominant female but I have since realized not only is he into nature and it's beasts but he retains almost anything he sees while watching those educational shows he is also most likely going to be in but man pretty amazing that he made the connection to his mom being the dominant female though so when I was like three I became like obsessed as Frick with Hitler I think it was because I saw World War two documentaries and Hitler looked like a total badass with the armies and pomp and splendor and whatnot but my parents wanting to foster my interests in history bought me the encyclopedia of the United States at war and read it to me before bedtime I would have them read to me about Hitler over and over again and then go to class in pre-k and tell the other kids about Hitler I watched thousand hours of history documentaries because I was obsessed this fascination also led me to tell my parents that people that will out at restaurants must be Jewish my parents were called in for a PTA meeting and they were instructed to stop telling me about Hitler because the other kiddos were starting to like him too psychometric fella Fuhrer of the Fourth Reich at age four my father died when I was about nine years old yes later when I had a son I named him after my father when my son was three he would build elaborate train sets out of the bribe trains that my father gave to me I would hear him in his room talking like he was having a conversation so one day I was in his room asking him about another elaborate train he had built and asked him how he figured it out on his own he answer oh I am NOT alone I am with my friend Mike my dad's name and his name he always helps him by the way he says he loves you I never knew what to say or do when he played with Mike I guess I just have to believe it was what it was my son has said that when he kills someone he'll put their body on the train tracks so no one will know they were murdered and then he said if anyone saw him he'd have to put their body on the train tracks too he was six I embrace his dark side it'll help out a lot in the future zombie invasion combo I embrace his dark side it'll help out a lot in the future zombie invasion if he doesn't somehow cause it that says he's unbelievably interested in bugs of all sorts in second grade his class was learning about bugs and their body parts thorax abdomen etc his tests asked him to circle all the pictures of bugs that had mandibles he got a point off from not circling a mosquito he went and talked to the teacher and told her that the mosquito has a proboscis not a mandible she gave him the point back it's me I'm the weird kid who likes bugs as her entomologist this is not weird nurture this and your son is going to have a pretty cool and good life ahead of him out of the blue my four-year-old daughter tells my wife mommy when you die try to stay asleep it's easier that way my kid has been the weird kid since about two years old his favorite bedtime stories were the user manuals - my appliances at 3:00 he became obsessed with human biology and would watch open-heart surgeries on YouTube he was also obsessed with vacuums for four years he would spend hours in department stores demonstrating to shoppers how to use them at 5:00 his summer plans was to teach himself mechanical engineering and physics I could go on when he turned 3 is when I started to suspect he was different it scared the Frick out of me he was my firstborn so I had no idea if he was developing normally or not his thirst for knowledge became extreme and I didn't understand how to handle him so at 4 I sent him to a child psychologist I was terrified my son would have a nervous breakdown because although he was so young he never I mean never once in his life played all he did was learn the psychologist made it clear to me that he was gifted but that I had to force him to play otherwise he would develop OCD and other disorders I'm trying to make this short he is eight now and still different but he does play sometimes I'm happy he is who he is but I can see that he has a difficult life ahead of him he doesn't have many friends mainly because he would rather discuss the news than some new game or toy I can say this though I don't think I'll ever meet another human being who is anything like my son and I love that about him my wife's son from a previous relationship is 12 years old and ever since I've known him since he was 5 still won't talk in a normal person voice or volume if that makes any sense he will talk and all sorts of weird overly animated voices or tones I asked him to stop talking like that but I truly don't believe he could if he tried he is pretty introverted with anxieties we are working on but that is the weirdest thing my only reaction to that is it's hard to take anything he says seriously I have a hard time wanting to have conversations with him because it bothers me that I don't get a solid answer out of him or feel like we could have a real conversation after working with him for so long to try and remedy it I feel defeated sometimes the little boy my grandeur took an Israeli creepy but no one else sees it but me he is obsessed with five nights at freddys and gums he has so many toy weapons it's worrying he also likes to tell me in detail how he is going to kill me and my grandma all he does is sit at the computer and play minercraft he makes these really complicated machines to kill NPCs and then he laughs when they die he also likes to attempt to get into the bathroom when anyone is doing anything in there so he can watch it's not any one of these things that make him creepy it's all of them together especially his fascination with talking about and killing fake things maybe cut down on visits to Grandma's house male cousin of mine 12 years old asked several of my female relatives and even my girlfriend if he could give them foot massages while we were on vacation Lake Powell it got to the point where he was very forward and pressing to give the foot man Sascha's and making people say number three four times before moving on to someone else I'm pretty sure he is on the autism scale maybe Asperger's creepy nonetheless probably had a foot fetish and was being weird about it with love my daughter has Asperger's and is about to start her second year in middle school middle school girls aren't known for their empathy and while we've worked tirelessly for about ten years to help her get along socially it's exhausting for her and she's probably the weird kid at school she's got a small number of friends that will hang out with her individually that is not during school time but gets them in a group situation at school and they large a social dynamic cut middle school girls kicks in and she's left out so yeah my daughter's the weird kid she's also loving and funny and an honors student and into anime and minecraft and theatre weird kid here was adopted by my grandparents in my teens but they basically raised me spent a lot of time there growing up months upon months Emmure parents were abusive I'm bitter and was pretty obsessed with death self mutualization anything sad dark or scary they never addressed it outright but took ample time to assure me that I was loved had support and sent me along to do tasks on the farm that I hated that later appreciated many times I came home drunk or high and they would just ask if everything was all right I'd say yes stumble into my room and right the next morning was always greeted with a Huggle attempt to feed me breakfast and a task to do be homework actual work or a soft suggestion to see friends looking back what they did wouldn't have worked with a lot of other kids never would have sobered up ex but they really knew me better than I did though after listening to Manson a bit too loud they introduced me to polka music still don't enjoy it but it always makes me smile I really love this it's like they wanted you to make mistakes and learn on your own but still reassure you that they loved you coming from someone also basically raised by grandparents grandparents are seriously the best mine liked polka music too my youngest son is pretty weird creative funny smart but weird last year he was upset because it made him feel lice elated he has friends but he knows his mind works different from theirs he isn't on the spectrum he just makes intuitive leaps and mentally connects information in a way that isn't traditional I reacted by crawling into his bunked with him and cuddling him I held my eight-year-old and told him that being weird is okay I told him that I was pretty weird myself and that while it meant that he wouldn't connect with everyone the people you do find as friends are going to be true and amazing friends I told him that being normal was boring and if anyone ever teased him for being different then flick those kids because it isn't like these other people he is going to be hanging out with in 20 years then we arranged for some counselling so he could talk to a professional about it and be reassured that no one is as normal as they seem not a parent but a friend of mine is extremely weird and I wonder myself how his parents react he has several weird tendencies he absolutely refuses to get a smartphone he has an old Nokia and even after we tell him eventually there will only be smartphones he counters this by purchasing one hundred of these phones on ebay just in case he has no problem having one others look stuff up on our smartphones though he hates condiments and meat on sandwiches when he goes to a deli he gets just bread and cheese nothing else he is terrified of alcohol when someone put vodka in a drink of his he took one sip and had to go to therapy I forgot he also still sleeps with one of those safety bars on a bed to prevent you from falling he's 27 he's a good friend just very different if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 21,311
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Keywords: weirdest, weird kid, parents, parents stories, parenting, parenting 101, parenting tips, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: Rrqxmu5R250
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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