What's the most HEARTLESS thing you've ever been asked?

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our slash ass credit by Reddit and chill what is the most insensitive thing you've ever been asked who told you about this party same thing happened to me twice by different people condescendingly said what are you doing here once at a Bat Mitzvah and once at the school gym at the gym I was with my wrestling team who backed me up and told the guide to duck off basically great moment of camaraderie one of my ex's friends did the same thing to me at a bar a week after we broke up the friend's boyfriend however had no idea we broke up and greeted me like a longtime friend we partied for a bit like nothing happened lol I know 100% for certain he was chewed out later that night by his GF because the next time I saw him one week later he did the same exact what are you doing here thing his GF did same attitude inflection everything that man is whipped for sure I broke my back when I was a teenager and AM paralyzed from the waist down a girl from school asked me are you planning on killing yourself me what no why would I kill myself huh it's just if I was in your situation well her life must have sucked to begin with yep probably just would have been the straw that broke the camel's nevermind when sitting my dad and stepmom down to tell them I had cancer are you sure you're always overdramatic like your mother she watched too many soap operas then the following months after treatment and a major surgery they told people I didn't have cancer and I faked it they were they there for the major surgery in the treatments so I get asked by family did you really fake cancer WTF edit thank you everyone for your support it means the world to answer the question yes I kicked cancers ass I am very limited contact with all of my parents due to their toxic nature I keep minimal contact for the sake of my siblings I have confronted them but they act like they don't remember or don't know what I'm talking about I've showed my medical records to my other family and they were shocked my biological mother also supported me ro I'm really sorry that you went through that they still said you were faking after witnessing you receive treatments that's ridiculous agreed it confused me to no end how they could do that I was asked if I knew what I was putting people through by having cancer I'm so sorry that I woke up one day and decided I wanted to have cancer just to inconvenience you if I knew it wasn't convenient for you to worry about me I never would have decided to jump on the cancer bandwagon thankfully never had cancer and hopefully never will but as the kid got in a pretty serious accident that meant daily physical therapy for hours on end for over a year and a lot of time in a wheelchair I wasn't of driving age yet and honestly probably wouldn't couldn't have driven myself even if I could one day my mum was late to picking me up so I was waiting in the lobby and the receptionist basically said do you even say thank you your parents have to deal with a lot because of you driving you in and out of here every day do you even show them you're grateful like yes I do but also who the hell are you the receptionist was upset they had to almost work a full eight-hour day because your parents picked you up late but what a weird shitty thing for them to say to you why did you give him the money my managers response to me telling her I got robbed at gunpoint in our store I don't I know at that moment I just felt that maybe my life was more important well I hope you like your life more than that 300 bucks cuz it's coming right out of your paycheck they asked how my daughter was murdered I said a knife they then said but I mean how you found her tell me how what did she look like was she tortured I'm so sorry for your loss and all of the horrible [ __ ] you've had to put up with wishing you the best thank you my dad to me did you get fat so I wouldn't molest you usually it takes more words to say so many ducked up things that was like one of those writing prompts construct the most offensive statement with as few words as possible caught my girlfriend of four years cheating and after weeks of self-loathing decided to try and rebound ended up sleeping with a girl who always tried hitting on me when I was still in my relationship while we're ducking she asks in what was an attempt of being sexy how does it feel knowing someone who you told you loved every night was doing this with someone else I'm sorry how was it an attempt to be sexy apparently she was into being choked slapped etc so this was her attempt at getting me into it first time meeting my fiance's and she mentioned that I was part Mexican and her aunts first question was are you here legally I answered with my Pennsylvania accent yep I was in born delaware county PA my family background is just mexican edit grammar anyone ever ask you if you speak mexican no I speak American why don't you just like have a baby asked a day after I told her I had a miscarriage after seeing so many miscarriage related posts in this thread I am genuinely starting to think that a lot of people might not actually know what a miscarriages why are you gay I'm a FEMINIST for a man sure but I am not even gay ugandan interview intensifies so who is gay I have an Arabic sounding name to Westerners anyways and half my family is Muslim I am white and look the part ethnically Slavic I was dating someone a while back who took me to meet their family they did warn me that their father was terribly racist so I figured that I'd have to endure a couple of uncomfortable questions sucks but it wasn't anything new by that point first thing I was asked as the man shook my hand was so how much [ __ ] skin is there in you just turned around and left the flat without another word what can you even say at that point sorry nothing about pope urban ii sounds arabic you can't just go around and blow my cover like that man are you going to make your sister's death a national holiday this was because my sister died at 43 the first significant loss ever in my life this was the one-year anniversary of her death and I knew it would be hard for me so I requested the day off for work this was a kill worker who could name all the people she'd lost so she bragged since her brother died at age 14 and she said she knew like 30 people who had died since then I used to put up with her weird quirks but from that day on I hated her and didn't remain friendly with her it was the one-year anniversary of the last time I saw my dad alive before he died suddenly of a stroke I was visibly off that day at work and when I told my boss that was why I was upset he asked when are you going to stop using your dead dad as an excuse some people treat everyone else's distress as manipulation they think that when you cry you're trying to make them feel bad for you it's sick but that's the truth what did you do to cause that after I told a female friend of my ex-boyfriend he cheated on me ro that takes a special kind of a hilary maybe just low self-esteem she probably assumed that if a boyfriend cheated on her that it would be her own fault so when it happened to her friend she assumed the same thing kind of sad really why didn't you just date him it doesn't sound too horrible by itself but this was said to me by my best friend's mother shortly after he had killed himself he had a crush on me for a while and I loved him dearly but I'm gay he wasn't going to change that and he never really tried to but his mom thinks he died because I rejected him grief does horrible things to people so I get that she wanted to blame someone other than her son for the pain that she was feeling over his loss but he acts on her choice of words and outlet yep especially suicide or at least in my personal experience both my dad and my ex killed themselves my dad when I was 14 in this next bit is about my experience dealing with that I spoke to my dad the night he decided to end his life just house before he did it my parents were cost long-term nothing new I was having dinner with my mom stepdad and sister and he phoned we spoke for a bit my sister and I were due to spend school holidays with him two days later he said I love you and I didn't want my mom to think I loved him more so I didn't respond for years I sell flagellated myself over it then I interviewed everyone who'd seen him that day the week prior asking what their conversations with him were like did they fight was there tension what had happened to cause this because surely my dad wouldn't do this unless some Ducker made him I was relentless then I started having repetitive dreams over a week or so where I was alerted to him deciding to kill himself each night I'd fight my way through obstacles drama distance 700 km to get to him to stop the closest I got was outside his garage door that was too late every time I took this as a sign I couldn't stop it for a godless I am past all those emotions now it's been 20 plus years but in the heat of the moment I can see people saying things they may later regret when I was 16 I got asked by some random guy at my aunt's house if I knew that I was prettier when I wasn't smiling I've always been self-conscious of my teeth and he made it so much worse I'm 28 now and still haze them but will at least smile in some pic - insulting someone smile or laugh is a horrible thing to do it takes a lot of joy away when you remember it got back from the bathroom at a restaurant my mom asks in front of my family do you go into the bathroom to throw up after you eat I've only been conscious of what I eat after that my at the time bf and I went out on a double date with his brother and GF I went to the bathroom after I ate and got the same question from the brothers GF I said no but that she should which I know is wrong and I felt terrible after the fact she still hates me not gonna lie i genuinely cackled dat that i wouldn't sweat it you probably taught her a valuable lesson or at least ruin her day do you really think you deserve better than my abusive ex yes you do deserve better indeed I'm Hispanic and a co-worker saw a random Hispanic family and genuinely asked if that was my family but my white friend was joking with a half Hispanic daughter that a family they saw BB cooing at a park they were going past was her family from her dad's side it turned out that it was that's actually funny I'm Lebanese and was on a first date where the guy and he went is it true are Arab girls are secretly slops since you guys are all oppressed and [ __ ] my gay Saudi run mate told me this easy to say he didn't get a second date while their human slap rate or HSR does fluctuate between cultures countries timeframes etc one thing is certain that there are no consistent patterns in research provided father-in-law asked me if my husband and I if we were eating okay while at college my response was yet were able to make ends meet and get groceries and even have a little money left over his response was yet I can tell you've been eating plenty looks like you ate the whole damn grocery store I was 5 feet 4 and weighed 110 pounds sounds like a real charmer hope the apple fell far from the tree with that one it did really far but my father-in-law has gotten much better now I think his grandkids may have softened him up just a tad he still has his moments yeah why are your boobs so small like Brock because you didn't water them enough tell them to duck off oMG this reminds of a comment from a co-worker way back I was on a break with three co-workers and for some reason one of the girls asked why were my boobs different sizes without missing a beat another co-worker replied that's what happens when they're real we all knew she had fake tits but it was still funny I had a best friend died in a freak amping accident a tree fell on their tent killing them instantly I was taking care of their cat during the time and ended up taking care of most of the logistics of cleaning out their house canceling out their graduate program of study collecting stuff from their place of employment etc because their parents were a wreck I also helped coordinate the funeral and spoke at the wake because it was a friend and not close family member I couldn't take much time off work so was back at work much sooner than I should have been all of the faculty and staff I worked with were informed that I was going through some [ __ ] and mostly everyone kept their distance and were professional this one faculty member who was a creep and had hit on me repeatedly came up to me one day and said something along the lines of paraphrasing why do you stupid Americans camp outside anyway while laughing I was washing my lunch dishes in the public break room space at the time and it was just the two of us I closed my eyes and took a deep breath slowly turned to him and calmly said that if he didn't leave the room at our very minute I couldn't promise what I'd do to him I was so furious and had to leave work for the rest of the day people can be the absolute worst sometimes man who would laugh about that that's a horrible thing to say I'm very sorry about your friend and that person who said that the thing that I try to remember is some folks are from screwed-up backgrounds my cube mate asked why I camped in being from Africa I grew up in the country and had to get away from the city he grew up going from country to country in Africa and trying to survive he's probably been through his share of stuff I would imagine his sensitivity is mild a bit it Wheldon justify something like Arps story if that happened but Tamia gives a background I would probably respond similarly to opt BH and only reason it out like this after when I was 9 my best friend passed away from a stroke I was the one who brought her to the school office and stayed with her as Maddox came to take her to the hospital she died four days later it was an extremely traumatizing experience and caused a lot of pain and mental health issues I learned to cope by giving myself two days of the year devoted to thinking about her and letting myself feel my emotions fully those two days are her birthday and the day she died one day when I was in high school I think around 15 or 16 years old I was hanging out with my friends at the local park we were discussing what we were going to do the next day and I told them that it was the anniversary of her death and that I might not go to school that day that's when one of my friends turned to me and said what are you gonna do mornin and then she laughed like it was a joke all I could say to that was yell course that was the first time I noticed that my friends didn't respect me like they did each other that was the first time I noticed that my friends didn't respect me like they did each other oh man I know how it feels when you realize the people y'all being friends with your whole life don't even like you they just sort of stand you when I was in Afghanistan a few years back we had an aircraft go down in 2018 I was asked by a member of my squad on how he could get a specific moral patch the patch was made in Memorial of the crew we had lost the guy who asked me about the patch thought that particular moral patch was cool when I told him that the patch was made in memoriam he continued asking how he could get that cool patch I didn't know what to say it was super awkward for me he probably didn't know what memoria meant how do I get memoriam now that your father is gone you can have your own life are you going to have kids asked to me by an older cousin at my dad's wake his body a few feet away from us in a casket No I would much rather have my father alive them dead at 63 years old the sincerest condolences an Internet stranger can give how did you respond thank you I said in response I'd much rather having a living father then and I walked away how is your English so good well I am an English major chances are it is better than yours I'm ethnically Chinese for your information where are you from California number like originally Oh California no like your people my parents are from California and then the long pauses a person tries to figure out a PC way of asking your ethnicity said it but all joking aside if you are genuinely curious about someone's ethnicity heritage culture ask them directly having been asked all my life I'm genuinely happy to answer and I think a lot of people are as well some people won't like it but this is true about anything not just discussions about culture different people have different responses and reactions based on their own life experiences if you're the kind of person who is wondering about being PC or trying not to be offensive or just want to learn more about other people you're probably not at all offensive and are the type of person I already enjoy talking to that reminds me of this exchange from Parks and Rec Leslie you're not from here right Tom no I'm from South Carolina Leslie but you moved to South Carolina from where Tom my mother's uterus Leslie but you were conceived in Libya right Tom Roe no I was conceived in America my parents are Indian are you self-conscious about well you you can just guarantee that didn't play out very well especially in the long term Roah this question would eat me alive for the rest of my life my sister tried to kill herself and my ex rumen told me it was because she didn't believe in Jesus why did your mom try to kill herself I got that too regarding my dad from a psychiatrist edit as many people have rightfully pointed out therapy is different I've had many therapy sessions around the same topic but tack matters and there is an actual conversation around it this psychiatrist was purely judgmental probably not the best way of asking if depression runs in the family how I could consider it rape because I used to date MSM FH it's funny how consent must be obtained prior to each sexual encounter and act I worked as a waiter for a few years in high school elderly gentleman came up to me and asked is it okay to be dealing with food with all that acne my parents had a restaurant and they hired this sweet little fourteen-year-old who was super keen to work she had a birth deformity in her hands that left her with one thumb in one finger on each hand she would deliver the plates one at a time for obvious reasons a rude old man obviously didn't look at her hands and lectured her on how if she wants to succeed as a waitress she needs to learn to carry multiple plates she nodded and was polite and continued to wait on them my dad didn't want to embarrass her further by making a big deal in front of her but when the table left he followed them out and informed the rude old dude about her hands all his family was super embarrassed and they haven't ever come back not asked to me but directed at me which makes the question worse my mom once took me and my sister to the farmers market for this story it's important you know I'm half Mexican but my mother is a very white American this woman had one of the stalls stares at us while we walked towards them they had something we had come specifically for as we get to the table she looks at my mom and at us and then whisper yells what are they I was probably about 16 at the time so I was especially pissed off that she couldn't even pose a rude question to me directly my mom was upset but answered my husband is from Mexico the woman then said oh so they're not adopted from somewhere I'm a spitting image of my mother except slightly tan with darker hair my mom again answered no then she asked if we were here legally we were born here and my dad is lucky enough to be a citizen then she went on a tangent about some illegal lazy Mexican kids she fostered and how they're all the same it's the entire time she talked as if we couldn't hear her the entire experience was very dehumanizing I'm glad that I've never seen her at that market again how her a few of you were asking why my mom didn't parade fight that woman it's simple my mom is a teacher in a small town news travels fast she didn't want to lose her job I just hate knowing that some people see us as subhuman when I was living in Japan I met a few people who were genuinely interested that I was a US citizen with Mexican heritage it was so amazing to have people react with a sense of wonder and curiosity instead of the occasional mildly racial jokes that I get here in the States constantly what's the worst call you've ever been on don't ask firefighters Em's this question don't ask nurses or doctors this question don't ask police officers or military this question stop it I've been legit ask so do you have PTSD because of work by a friend's mother before I don't even know how to answer that yet it's simply tacky the way I see it I'm paid to carry that weight I knew what I signed up for I love my job and everything has a price to pay however that does not give anyone the right to pry if I want to talk about something I will ducking like and subscribe [Music]
Channel: Reddit & Chill
Views: 298,037
Rating: 4.9228029 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, reddit and chill, planet reddit, What is the most HEARTLESS thing you've ever been asked?, heartless things to be asked, askreddit heartless, reddit and chill heartless, what is the most heartless questions askreddit, askreddit most heartless things to be asked, heartless askreddit, heartless reddit and chill, askreddit heartless things to be asked, heartless questions, r/askreddit, funny askreddit, heartless, heartbreaking stories, reddit on tap, the last dance
Id: bNanbSzSsl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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