What Happened When The Emperor Met Each Primarch? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal the pry marks are an interesting group of dudes each one representing a different aspect of the god Emperor of mankind as well as one of his many mental disorders these mental disorders were a key contributed to the galaxy taking a massive L I mean I mean there was severe enough to cause half of the pry marks to pledge their souls to the forces of hell with not a whole lot of convincing required these problems range from daddy issues a anger management all the way to severe autism with each of these little conditions been easily identified from the day that their golden daddy came down from the heavens to collect them you might be like major killer why are you talking about the pry marks lack of chromosomes this video is about the emperor meeting the prime marks well Terrence that's because each meeting between the pro mark and the Emperor was basically a literal metaphor for their said disability and pretty much dictated how the rest of their lives would pan out today we'll look at the brief origins of each of the prime marks and then the moment they met their daddy we'll go from the first legion all the way to the 20th also discussing which meetings were the best so such which were more interesting and which ones are pretty lame let's get into it the first of the prior marks was Lionel Johnson who despite his name was actually Wyatt the lion landed on Caliban which was extremely epic as was full of cows mutated monsters and techno knights by the time the Bagheera rived and Caliban the lion had already led a successful crusade against the monsters of Hell if any prymaat should get an origin movie it should be this guy like Tecna Knights fighting hell monsters led by the blackest white guy around hell yeah the arrival of the Emperor on Caliban was reasonably uneventful the lion quickly recognized this guy as his daddy and his techno nights are pretty hyped about the prospect of becoming demigod techno Nights the only incident was when a group of knights who wanted to maintain the use of their reproductive organs try to assassinate the Emperor however trying to assassinate the Emperor as a techno night is like Stephen Hawking trying to beat the rock in a fist fight it's just to be as sad over all the Lions greeting was a good reflection of his character he has always been a very level-headed man so in a shining golden God man knocks on his door offering the galaxy he accepted it with his usual levels of cold autism on to the second mark who we have absolutely no idea about other than the fact he is dead and no one talks about him from this I can only assume he landed on the furry planet and adopted their ways being mercy killed by the emperor upon his discovery the third pry marks affliction was obvious from the get-go narcissism the most interesting part about 4 grams origin is that it should have shaped an entirely different primarch Camus was a dying world where all forms of art and pleasure had been sacrificed in order to meet a Russian coroner to keep the people alive you would have thought this would result in a hardened Primark whose only concern was efficiency and only using what you need but instead we got this dude this is probably because the elder god of memes and spaghetti swapped for groom and the cons planet but details details lugar was an ass kisser so as soon as the bigge met him he literally dropped to his knees and attempted to perform fellatio on him metaphorically of course this was a pre rape snake full groom so not quite yet the disgrace he would soon become another pretty boring prior mark meeting but makes complete sense despite coming after full Graham and his pink Marines the 4th primate could not have been more different per table Oh now some pry marks were negatively skewed from the start Bertie was born with the ability to know how to do everything which sounds cool until you realized that the joy of discovery and curiosity were completely absent from his life that plus the fact that he could always see the eye of Terror many suffered from the mental affliction known as being a complete dick it wasn't always to be this way perdy was a prior mark that was dealt a [ __ ] hand but still dared to hope that people cared about him when the Emperor came Purdy was so excited to meet his dad it was the first time he felt wondering or so it was actually really sad reading the excerpt and when it happened perdy metaphorically sucked off the biggie even harder than fulgrim did when he met him instantly kneeling pledging allegiance and even shedding a tear little did he know that the big aegis intended a throne with the most horrific sieges that would create a legion of salty asteroid dudes but this one moment was nice so far every Primark other than the fairy has welcomed the emperor with open arms onto the fifth Primark we have the Karn who suffers from the mental condition have been an Asian aka overthinking things and having a micropenis the con like most Promax other than that you know [ __ ] living abortion anger on conquered YZ planet and had a good time when the emperor arrived and gave his usual spiel the con did immediately pledged to him however later journal recordings would show a very pragmatic reason behind it beyond just you know genetically royalty the con didn't want to instantly become a servant of the new master only six months after becoming Lord of his planet but he realized that if he genuinely said no he would die and also he didn't mind the Emperor's system as well as the Imperial truth also the only way the con would ever become the speed was with the Emperor's dope-ass space bikes the cons extremely reasonable approach her things would carry on to the Horus heresy when more tarean or more tea as I like to call him was like oh well geez can't oh I think you should like a join chaos and stuff like kill killed daddy's an [ __ ] and the Khan was like haha man who except evil tentacle God become tentacle fresh right my point is that when faced with the choice to choose one tyrant over another he chose the one that wouldn't eternally feast on his soul on to vi poor excuse of his son and the first actually interesting meeting we have Lehmann Rus because of Russ's wild untamed a brain he would likely never kneel before a golden sex icon when he was asked to the emperor in His infinite wisdom saw this and instead disguised himself as a hobo and entered into Russ's feasting hall rust this point was the king of Fenris and as we know the Fenris in women were pretty much the only ones hearty enough to take a space wolf load so Rus was pretty smug the literally as I'll call him in his hobo disguise challenged Lehman to a game that Lehman could pick the little II was pretty confident he would win because you know he was the Emperor of mankind and all and Ross was are just a drunkards space Viking so you can imagine he was pretty upset when it in an eating competition Rus absolutely dominated him despite the little eat eating enough to put a feed a couple in the ground technically at this point Rus could have declared himself the winner and the little II would be forced to serve as Russia's [ __ ] for a year as per their agreement but Rus liked games and he saw that the little he had some fire in him hence the next challenge was a drink off the literally once again drank like a champion but Lehman was born to be a wife-beating drunk and see once again destroyed the little e the little he was pretty [ __ ] at this point he was the god Emperor of mankind and so far he was out from - so he yells out listen here you little [ __ ] you think just you're so [ __ ] good because you can eat and drink and [ __ ] hairy women but I I got some news for you you ain't [ __ ] you little rang a [ __ ] and soon everyone's gonna make jokes about you penetrating your [ __ ] dogs Leeman and calmly issued the third and final challenge a fight as Lehman rose to begin this challenge the Big Ear was like okay Lamar and took off his disguise suddenly massive inform and clad in golden shining armor with a single punch of his power fizz Alima got knocked out and broke his Fang when he came to he smiled and pledged his loyalty the biggie a loyalty that would never waver if only the biggie punched the rest of his sons maybe they would have learned some discipline and wouldn't have gone all you know pledged soul to hell vii Primark also the least funny one Rogel dawn rogles a cold staunch and static man very similar to petrol boo the key difference was that biggie picked favorites and Rogel came out on top dawn was very autistic like he actually could not lie and always sort out the truth it's why cows never even bothered to tribe turned dawn to their side dawn was so artistic that the warps eased up and died around him hence when the emperor arrived dawn already had a large spacefaring empire as well as considerable levels of military might the power of autism their meeting was very bland as dawn instantly pledged allegiance and assumed his role as an unbreakable wall in which the enemies of the Imperium would break upon time and time again our mock number eight we have evil space Batman Conrad curse as we've discussed some pry marks had easy lives as with privileged white kids and others had rough lives where they got nails in their brain but none had it rougher than Conrad whose Space Shuttle crashed through his planet's crust and released them into larvae and hence Conrad's childhood was spent chlorines way through magma until he eventually reached the surface which was even worse as the entire planet was full of rapists and murderers after a few years of hiding and living off rats Conrad was strong enough to basically scare an entire planet into submission by being a one-man planet-wide police force my favorite scene being when a girl tried to kill herself but was stopped by Conrad as suicide was against the law he then proceeded to torture and murder the gillis punishment nice one Conrad when the Big E arrived he put a bit of a dick move see his armor was always super shiny and glowy for most people this would cause him to shield their eyes but for the people on Conrad's planet people had never seen the Sun and had like a zero vitamin D his arm was so bright that it burnt out their retinas causing mass blindness Conrad could see the future so he was aware these father would one day come for him the Big E brought Ferris fulcrum logger and dawn with him as well as a quarter of a million estar teased in a very strange show of force Conrad saw the future of each of the prior marks as they introduced themselves Ferris without a head log are ascending as a demon lord Rogel getting gangbanged and for Gravina slithering little snake but major cure if Conrad knew how each of the prime acts would end up why didn't he say anything shut your filthy cows loving mouth to me before I tell Conrad that you're gonna kill yourself Conrad's visions were very cryptic especially at this point in time and he didn't really comprehend entirely what he was saying finally the Empress Park and as he did Conrad had the worst vision of all he saw himself being violently assassinated and he tried to claw his own eyes out over the biggie put his hand on Conrad's head and restored his sanity an ability that Conrad really needed and he told him his name and that he was coming home at this point Conrad was just the knight Haunter but the biggie already had names for H Primarch most of these names were not the ones that Primax ended up with but some like Petrov Oh knew their own true names from the get-go once again a seamless primark adoption but at least this one involves some pretty heavy foreshadowing as each of the futures Conrad saw would more or less come to pass the next prime mark the glorious hawk boy sanguinis had a pretty basic [ __ ] meeting with the biggie after uniting ball senators giving a speech to his people and it really flex his angel status by flying at the end of it the beginning watched the speech from the crowd we didn't have E's disguise on anything so would have stat out as a towering golden beacon after the speech the Big Ear pertain to Aeneas who fell to his knees and wept probably because of how much he loaded himself some goodies then joined the Imperium with that issue and begun clapping on a lot of cheeks the tenth primarch was also the one of the ones we know the least about Ferris manners before he became about a head shorter thanks to fulcrum touching at penis-shaped Sword Ferris was an extremely loyal strong and level-headed primark it's a shame that we didn't actually get to see more of him before his death but in saying that his death was very impactful and important to the plot just as a note Ferris manners means iron hand in Latin his hands are made of iron his legion are called the iron hands and they cut off their hands and replaced them with iron in honor of their father who as I said has iron hands first was all about being tough he drowned a metal dragon in lava and then he made himself known to his planet and helped them enter into a golden age he still encouraged them any conflicts they had with each other in order to ensure and they the strongest survived so when the Big E arrived here in Ferris fought an epic animated battle Ferris pledged himself to his father afterwards as he finally found an opponent that surpassed him respectable so far there does seem to be a trend of prime marks who got punched in the face by the Emperor remaining incredibly loyal on to xi we have the second missing primarch who was likely exterminated by the imperial for unknown reasons I'm just gonna take a stab in the dark here and say it was because they watched anime without subtitles despite the fact that they couldn't speak Japanese number 12 we have the poster boy of why abortion should be legalized everywhere anger on and on and the Emperor's meeting was by far the most mishandled by daddyyy anger on was in Salinas slaved upon his landing in his planet and was forced to fight as a gladiator eventually getting nails stamped into his brain that was slowly killing him rough he eventually escaped along with thousands of his gladiator brothers and sisters then despite being a literal Spartacus he mean he's depleted army was soon surrounded by a much greater and better armed force from different regions of the planet the Emperor beamed down to anger and on the eve of battle and was like you gave it a good shot son now come with me and let's conquer the galaxy and anger on was like dope let me tell all my gladiator brothers and sisters that we've been so the big it was like um I know that they smell like [ __ ] and they all have nails in the brains no they're not invited Sangren was like okay [ __ ] you I'm not going the biggie was like the bigger than kidnapped and grown and took him aboard his ship resulting in the massacre of his gladiator family I'm gone even killed a custody's and try to attack the Emperor in retaliation after his abduction now the big is really pretty good at reading people and understanding the best course of action the new prime works like a Lehman and first would require show of force whilst others like fulcrum or sanguinis were destined to kiss ass from the get-go all angren wanted was for the emperor to drop in submarines custodies or even himself to kick some ass alongside him and his gladiators and then BAM you would had a loyal anger on maybe the biggie was just the Noida anger and turning him down initially but either way it's not hard to see why anger on will betray the biggie with a start like this oh no 13 we also have the amount of black Crusades Avedon has failed as well as the most privileged Primarch Ghul Eamon Diamond didn't have foresight stealth abilities War Powers insane strength insane speed wings or even a sense of humor but he's arguably the most powerful Primarch why he has super administration powers which while they are indeed lame means he conquered the tits out of his star system and he built an entire mini Imperium by the time the biggie had found him diamond swore instant fealty to the begin with that issue as he already knew he was created for a purpose and got pretty excited about the prospect of building a galactic empire once again our pretty boring meeting a father and son but matters pretty well with what you'd expect from the g-men onto the 14th we have another unfortunate meeting more Terry on Maury had landed on a gas top planet full of necromancer's and people who the necromancers were necromantic on Morty was adopted by the most powerful and necromancer's who was also a shitty dad after a time Morty escaped and met with people in a valley below seeing their plight and declared rebellion against the necromancers with Morty being a prime mark as well as highly resistant to gas attacks it didn't take him too long for him and his Merry Men to kill the necromancers bar one he's our necro daddy who was a mountain so tall in poison they're not even Morty could survive it when the big he arrived Morty got really jealous as his people were in awe of a golden tent hot man who promised some true salvation they liked a Morty he looked like a cancer patient on their third cycle of chemotherapy which just isn't the normal look of an inspiring hero when the biggie approached Morty he said come on already if you can't kill your necro daddy then your worthless piece of [ __ ] and that you need to come on my adventures but but but if you can then up then I'll [ __ ] off and Morty was like oh oh geez dad okay I'll do it hence Morty climbed up the tallest mountain and proceeded to get skull [ __ ] by the gas as he dropped to his knees and the necro daddy brought ed to kill him the biggie was like surprise [ __ ] and cut Necker daddy in half saving moat ariane as for their deal Morty did pledge himself to the biggie but he was incredibly salty at the biggie stole his kill which is stupid Morty got saved but what can you expect from a guy whose brains been non-stop exposed to gas so toxic it would make al switz look harmless onto the final stretch we have the 15th Primarch the big red note himself Magnus Magnusson the Emperor had been psychically communicating for years before they met and some Agnes was one of the Emperor's favorite sons as soon as the only one that had psychic powers to rival his own out of all the Primark meetings this one was by far the easiest other than Horace's meeting as Magnus had already pledged herself to his father years before he arrived officially I've got a thousand sons video coming out soon so get keen to learn the nitty-gritty of Magnus and how arrogance always leads to downfall the sixth thing Primark the Archbold [ __ ] was called Horace horse was the first son to be found by the Emperor but the details of his finding are very sketchy some records say he grew up on the nearby planet of cathuria however his accent sounded fake to some of the key need c'thun ends whilst other records state that despite landing on Kathuria he was found very early by the Big E and grew up in Terra only adopting the Cathar nias facade as a way to help secure the loyalty of the Marines harvested from that planet either way Horace's time of the emperor meant that he'd become the empress favourite son despite his obvious lack of hair and their meeting was incredibly easy as as a good chance Horace was a literal child and it occurred the 17th Primark was the second most evil bald [ __ ] logger and I'm not going to say logo was molested as a child but he did land on a planet those extremely religious and if there's something we've learned about religious people is that they love touching kids logo spent most of his life creating a religion based around the eventual arrival of the god improvement kind and he used this religion to crush the opposing religion which loki prayed the cows gods after jenna citing a large population of his planet in a religious war the emperor arrived now it's not hard to see why people thought the biggie was a god he had insane superpowers a flaming sword was constantly glowing and he looked like a god log i was like my god you've arrived and the emperor's like i'm not a god I'm a scientist and then logger was like only a true God would say he isn't a god what a god this trend of log are thinking the big evils of God would eventually come to a head as the word brows were extremely slow at conquering planets as they would stay on said planets and convert them to the Imperial cult and so after a good old-fashioned bit of mind rape by the biggie law I was no longer a fan either way once again this was an easy Primark as he looked up to his father as a god the 18th Primark was also the catalyst despite looking the most evil Vulcan Vulcan and the Emperor had a really cool meeting it wasn't a punch on but it was still quite challenging de volcán was now the lord of his planet and had just fisted some Dark Elves really hard and so there's a huge celebration during the celebration the biggie came in a disguise and said he could beat anyone there in any of the competitions Volken accepted this challenge as the big event said whoever loses become the other person's beard which was he standard challenge request by this point after a full week of challenges when neither the beginning nor Vulcan came out on top they had one final challenge go out kill a giant fire-breathing salamander and then bring it back fair enough Vulcan found a big chunk us and smashed his brains in however as he was carrying it back to the village the volcano he was on coincidentally erupted and threw him off a cliff he clung on to it with one hand but was unable to pull himself up as he didn't wanna let go of his bigger salamander eventually the biggie came and as expected with his big dick measuring contest s' he had the bigger salamander he used its body to create a bridge to say Vulcan and they returned back to the village Vulcan was declared the winner as Sienna had a salamander still and the biggie didn't but then our big scary Terry teddy bear was like nor my friends this gold and the white man is the true winner here he saved my life any man that values life of a dick-measuring is worthy of my service hence the Imperium gained Vulcan a man with a heart of gold unless you're an elder child the 19th and second or third last prime mark is Corvus corax aka the dirt Conrad wishes he was I guess Anglin also wishes he was Corvis as Corvis actually led a successful rebellion against the cool overlords of his planet the big he also came to Corvis in a similarly unique position to anger on see 90% of parks are already the Lords and kings of their planets before the emperor arrived except for core Visser anger on who were still in the middle of their respective uprisings with anger on he saw a man who had no chance of completing his uprising whilst Corvis was stuck in a unique dilemma Secor was found nukes that he could use on key enemy positions killing thousands of innocents but saving millions overall the biggie came to Corvis and the two talked in great lengths about important [ __ ] but the audience wasn't privy to then the Big E left and allowed Corvis to make his decision without offering any help or aid at all Corvus ended up nuking the overlords and forcing the survivors to agree to a treaty before then joining the emperor on his crusade the Emperor wanted to see if Corbet's had the balls to make the tough decisions and he was pleased when he saw that he did and finally the last prime acts such prior marks Alf re so Megan true to their nature of nobody knowing what the [ __ ] the Alpha Legion are doing we have no real idea about the origin of our fire so Megan one story has how far east landing on a planet where he waited for aliens to come kick the aliens arse and stole their ship where he then flew to the Emperor another story has our farias try to assassinate Horus and there's another story that our fire has got mind raped by evil xenos until the Emperor came and blew them all up none of these stories explain to Megan at all either so I'm genuinely dreading the day when I have to attempt to make an alpha Legion lore video and that does us for today guys the meet and greet of all 20 of the pry marks everyone loves pry marks and I thought it'd be cool to highlight their meetings with their glorious golden daddy some were way cooler than others but all them match their character as well as their mental disorder pretty well I should probably just make a video about how cooked all their brains are to be honest there's a lot of content there if you like the video I want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be only one dollar gives you access to everything or $10 gives you access to the hentai calendar coming out this week which I have blown over two grand on best investment ever click Subscribe then click the real subscribe button for more join the digital for my memes and I'll see you in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 784,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Primarchs, Lore, Story, 40k, Gamesworkshop, Ferrus Manus, Robutue Guilliman, Konrad Curze, Sanguinius, Lion El Johnson, Majorill, Space Marines, Australia, EXPLAINED, Australian, Astartes, Emperor, God Emperor of Mankind, Jagahti Khan, Lorgar, Angron, Alpharius, Mortatrion, Rogal Dorn, Vulkan, Leman Russ, Corvus Corax, Thousand sons, Magnus the Red, 30k, Fantasy, Age of Sigmar
Id: fql5n-_B3aI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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