Who Is The Best Space Marine From Each Legion? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal despite how awe-inspiring the primarks are how god damn sexy the custodies are and how much i want an elder mummy to crush me with their muscly thunder thighs it's no secret that the space marines are the creme de la creme of warhammer they sell the most minis they have the most lore they have the most characters if you tell someone you like warhammer they'll probably say what the [ __ ] is that if you tell someone you like to go pippi with your little plastic space marines they'll probably go oh yeah i've seen those before before giving you one of those looks of like worry and disgust there are so many awesome space marine characters that it's literally impossible to say which one is the best however i've been able to come up with the top 18 choosing the best space marines from each legion before we get started massive shout out to grandmaster cal for his incredible paint job of the shark daddy magikill mini the paint scheme cheeky kit bashing and overall vibe is uh yeah boy the shark daddy as well as over a dozen very awesome minis in my bias opinion can be found on the mageskill website at majorkeel.com ships worldwide all prices in australian dollars and i'm keen to soon unveil the next mini that's on its way today we'll go through each legion picking out the best space marine from each i'll be judging them based on their impact on the legion how liked they are by the fans how impressive they are as well as my own expert opinion let's get into it [Music] starting off with the dark angels because they are the first legion and these lists are a lot easier to go through when i'm not counting like a spaz there are a few strong contenders here but cypher stands out above the rest mostly because he has been able to string along [ __ ] around and downright prank the dark angels for over 10 000 years which is hilarious his loyalty is also unclear which adds a sense of mystery about the character on one hand he is without a doubt a heretic joining the fallen and using chaos to further his own convoluted agenda on the other hand he saved giliman's life and was a key aspect on getting him to terror so he could take up the mantle of lord regent of the imperium and save everyone [ __ ] that's right cipher saved the imperium so yeah like you can't give him too much [ __ ] about that hey the fallen dark angels are a cool concept angels who were loyal to the emperor and attacked the lion because they were manipulated into thinking he was a traitor however gw keeps squandering them making them fall to chaos and become chaos laws even though that is the opposite of their original purpose however cypher maintains the true renegade yet ultimately lawless vibe of the fallen a concept which time and time again has shown to be extremely interesting the second legion's best space marine is anthony albanese the new prime minister of australia who was able to finally rid us of a decade of dog [ __ ] corrupt [ __ ] with politicians the emperor's children is an interesting one you couldn't really be blamed for choosing fabius bile because of his impact and unique perspective of the galaxy until you remember that rylanor exists i'm sorry well not actually sorry but rylanor just automatically trumps all the others for the virtue of kicking his [ __ ] [ __ ] father in his many sets of testicles if you don't know who rhylenor is then you're a worthless piece of then allow me to educate he was a loyalist dreadnought who was one of the only survivors of the istvan atrocity where the trade allegiance sent their loyalist members to be killed in mass he survived a nuclear bombing followed by a war followed by another nuclear bombing he obviously wasn't in great shape by the end of this however he put together another nuke and then broadcast the signal to his traitor father to come see him some thousand sons went to see what was up and fulgrim came as well rylanor doesn't waste time taunting or monologuing as soon as he sees fulgrim he tries to allah by that [ __ ] but the thousand suns block the bomb detonation with their space wizardry fulgrim then taunts rylanor basically threatening to rape the [ __ ] out of him however rylano remains defiant the traitorous heretic thousand sons were so moved by rylanor's spirit and will that they decided to let the bomb go off killing themselves in the process as well as permanently damaging the immortal fulgrim's pride it's thought that rylano's last stand against fulgrim is what has kept fulgrim out of the setting for so long badass for the iron warriors it'd be easy to give it to danteok the legend and call it a day but warsmith hansu takes the cake this is the psycho known for creating the demonic lila bar and he waged a war against ultramar that actually had the boys in blue sweating he rose from rock bottom being looked down on for having a mix of imperial fish and iron warrior gene seed yet despite this he rose in the ranks to eventually become a war smith commanding a large iron warrior army and even enthralling demon princes to his cause it's because of war smith hansu that you have heard of uriel ventress the white scars are a pretty shafted legion having very little lore despite an amazing primark probably something to do with their pain-in-the-ass paint scheme however jubal khan is the clear frontrunner for the best of their space marines he was awesome declining multiple promotional offers from jaggedi khan so he could keep killing people in melee combat on the front lines using a power guando which is [ __ ] sick he became the first master of the hunt a role that was given to special white sky warriors who would go out and kill a single target that the white scars hated this put him in a direct confrontation with abaddon and sadly it ended in jubal's death but his legacy lives on as the tradition of the master of the hunt remains to this day as an extra note jubal was extremely close to beating sigismund in an honor duel having to forfeit because he got too injured with sigismund barely doing any better on to the space wolves legends have come and legends have gone whilst they nearly gave this to bjorn the fell handed for obvious reasons the younger logan grimner takes the cake logan is just on another level to other space marines magnus has fought against a number of space marine chapter masters and he's killed most of them logan was the first to actually beat magnus in a melee fight and live to speak of it he is capable of sprinting in terminator armor something that was previously considered impossible and he uses an extremely heretical kornite battle axe without getting corrupted in the slightest it's likely corn already considers him a beast and doesn't feel the need to exert his influence on him it's easy to forget that the space walls under logan are only one chapter considering how much of an impact daddy wolf seems to have on setting he's also surprisingly level-headed seeing the primaris as an asset rather than the threat that numerous space rules thought overall a great leader and an even better character for the imperial fists there can only be one sigismund the greatest astartes warrior to ever live i literally made an entire video about why sigismund is an absolute beast but it basically boils down to the fact that he can and will kill everyone if there was a doom slayer of 40k it's sigismund a lot of people say it's actually khan but sigismund [ __ ] killed khan khan is like evil doom slayer sigismund's character arc from respected warrior who symptoms father to the cold and ruthless lord of the black templars was an awesome one to follow by the time the siege of terror occurred his only task was to hunt down and kill as many cows champions as he could and holy [ __ ] did he do just that it wasn't just like oh and he went off and killed 1 000 chaos lords no like he was killing named characters characters that had their own chapters in their books post the heresy he would go on to found the legendary black templars who to this day remain one of the most powerful if not [ __ ] insane chapters in the galaxy i wouldn't say steadfast though recent law has some of them going cuckoo and killing their primary reinforcements but i guess that's what happens when you weaponize autism double-edged sword after learning more about them i've really fallen in love with the nightlords their regality and nobility conflicting with their savage nature creates an amazing aesthetic so it probably comes as no surprise that the best nightlord that been savitar was the only ever space marine to beat prime sigsteman in a jewel and in typical nightlord fashion it was by cheating civita is autistic not in a haha smacks his ears because loud noises trigger his tics but the super focused yet abysmally [ __ ] social situations autism this ironically culminated in him being extremely well liked he gave xero flux was honest and a legendary fighter three very admirable traits in space marines because he wasn't focusing on all the petty backstabbing and social climbing that his brothers were doing he naturally roasted the top by the end of conrad curse's life he only liked like three of his nightlord's sons the chief amongst those was savitar by the time conrad had well and truly lost his marvels cevita was the de facto primark and his alleged death signaled the beginning of the end of the legion you know when you wake up sometimes and all you think is holy [ __ ] i'm over 1 000 years old and tired as [ __ ] i just want to [ __ ] die but apparently the fate of the imperium rests on my shoulders so i'm not allowed to no well dante thinks that every morning this legendary blood angels has served for around 1 500 years been one of the oldest loyalist space marines to ever exist he is a legendary warrior overcoming many foes including the swarmlord whilst also been an incredible commander universally respected he embodies the nobility that sanguine has hoped for his sons actively directing them away from their natural savagery dante has even been able to resist the red thirst allowing his body to age instead of giving in to his selfish desires due to him being such an all-round dude giliman has made him the protector of imperium nilius which is like half the galaxy dante accepted but now he wakes up thinking holy [ __ ] i just want to die but now i'm the protector of the side of the galaxy that is getting mega raped by demons the iron hands are a bit of a tough one considering how hard they've been shafted in the lore like i genuinely didn't know any iron hand characters off the top of my head even their first captain gabriel santor was killed at the same time as his primark fortunately their current chapter master carl danstronos is a bit of a beast he has been the longest serving leader of the iron hands since ferris mattis himself he's kicked mega arse flattening awkwars titty slapping tyranid high fleets and bone bonking the necrons whom he hates with a passion this guy isn't all warren party though a big issue with the iron hands is the whole the flesh is weak vibe which chaos actually uses against them kardan on the other hand believes that by embracing their humanity and mastering their emotions they can become perfect space marines i think that sounds pretty wholesome but it's coming from a dude who looks like he can slice a kaiju in half so take it with a grain of salt the 11th legion's best space marine has to be bruce lee firstly because he's a badass warrior legend and secondly because he's dead as [ __ ] the world eaters is beyond obvious khan the betrayer despite being a pretty insane murder machine who is universally seen as a massive [ __ ] he is the highest melee body count ever by far this dude treats warhammer 40k like a video game which is fair enough a lot of us do too with a primark weapon in one hand a jacked permanently tensing bicep and a kill counter in his helmet this dark rendition of the doom slay isn't here to [ __ ] spiders i made a full video on just how much of a monster he is if you want to learn more the best ultramarine is obviously i catosticarius no not really although kato is actually pretty cool in the current lore now the real big blue boy has to be marnius calgar i'm not the biggest manist fan i think he's a bit overpowered and that gw missed an opportunity to kill him off soon after giliman's resurrection but you can't deny the man is effective whether it be by punching avatars of kane to death punching the swarmland to death or punching demon princess to death the man loves punching and he has a big [ __ ] fist for it his biggest dub though was allowing elder a living saint an inquisitor and a big ass mechanical hentai monster to go fondle giliman's corpse until he came back to life a lot of chapter masters would have said get [ __ ] no you can't molest my dad's corpse but kalgar's open-mindedness literally saved the galaxy so you go big punchy blue man typhus definitely had the biggest impact on the death guard pretty much single-handedly selling the entire legion sultan nergal but [ __ ] typhus nathaniel garrow is the best death guard to studies and is one of the people responsible for the imperium's victory over chaos during the horus heresy this is because nathaniel was one of the space marines who discovered that the traders were about to bomb istvan killing all the loyalist elements in their legions he allowed saltavits to go to the planet's surface and warn them of the imminent virus bomb directly disobeying the order to shoot him garu then escaped being the one to warn the imperium about horus treachery if it wasn't for him horus would have had plenty more time to prepare and weaken the loyalists before playing his hand from there garo went god mode becoming the personal knight of malcador the dude literally wielded space excalibur massacring the traitors and he helped found the grey knights of which he didn't join because malcolm needed him to keep kicking ass it was garrow who defeated and nearly killed abaddon during the siege of terror with abby being teleported to safety at the last second literally as garo's killing blow was about to land he represented the resilience and tenacity of the death guard showing what they could have been like if they didn't all end up stinking like [ __ ] the thousand sons choice is pretty obvious azak aruman this dude is a [ __ ] for knowledge [ __ ] loves it unfortunately he loves it too much attempting rituals and spells well beyond his understanding or ability for example to try cure the flesh change in his legion he performed a ritual that empowered all their psyches but turned all their non-psychostatis into dust hence the existence of rubik's marines he has also been desperately trying to access the black library with limited success even though he is in open rebellion against titsnich seeking ways to regain control of his destiny the changer of waste thinks he's super entertaining so he allows him to keep doing his wack [ __ ] without turning him into a cow spawn also arrowman's armor is [ __ ] dope like wow for the sons of horus i can see why people would instantly just say abaddon because he's the one of the big bads of the setting but if you've been watching this channel for a while you are probably aware that i reckon abaddon is a bit overrated and poorly written a son of horus or more accurately a luna wolf who isn't a [ __ ] however is gavil loken gavil was one of the two loyalists who survived the israel atrocity with the other one being rylanore the war drove him insane however causing him to wander the wastelands killing his own comrades who would come back to life via a chaos zombie plague fortunately nathaniel garo visited him and brought him back to sanity allowing him to become one of the coolest characters in the entire heresy this also gave us an extremely badass revenge plot as he made it his life's work to hunt down and kill the leaders of the sons of horus achieving quite a lot of success but obviously not enough with abby still kicking around also garvel is considered hot for a space marine so do with that knowledge what you will i'm not the biggest word bearers fan lorga is the fanatic erebus is a piece of [ __ ] and corferion is a pedophile however argelta was an absolute bro this dude merged with a demon and became the equivalent of 40k's venom their symbiotic possession was considered the perfect specimen of chaos by lorger neither side dominating the other but becoming powerful through mutual cooperation despite the demon in him argo remained a solid dude not becoming a sadistic monster like most of his brothers argol was the only thing keeping khan mentally sane and he was the only word bearer that the custodies actually liked which made it even more brutal when he betrayed and killed them argol wasn't a good guy he was evil but he wasn't this piece of [ __ ] mustache twirling villain chaos needs more argles it's just the shame that erebus keeps killing them all the salamanders are known for their kindness and respect for basic humans so it was this one moment that made tushan the best out of the lot a marine's malevolent captain ordered the bombing of a human hospital full of injured to kill some orcs as he couldn't be [ __ ] protecting it the good old-fashioned way tushan learnt of this and he entered the captain's quarters he then said put on your gauntlets i'm about to beat the ever living [ __ ] out of you and he did just that tucson smack this captain to the moon and back sure the salamanders are cuddly but if you [ __ ] with the [ __ ] they like to cuddle you're in a bad time my friend the raven guard are another chapter that just isn't front and center despite a cool primark and a unique approach to battle however nakona sharokin makes me moist and is the best they got firstly he was really good at wraith slipping which is a rare ability unique to the raven guard that lets them somewhat emulate their primox invisibility he was then personally trained in combat by corvus which is probably why he was the first dude to ever kill lucius the eternal as he killed the cursed swordsman he reflected that it was like killing a rabid dog no pride only a miserable job that needed doing as he took no joy or pride in it lucius was unable to reincarnate through shuriken and instead needed slingshot to directly revive him it's likely that sharokin killing lucius without pride or ego is what gave slyness the idea to give lucius his [ __ ] resurrection ability sharokin would go on to wage guerrilla warfare on the traders causing quite big events to take place or be denied if it wasn't for sharokin perturbo would be dead and finally the alpha legion [ __ ] me man i don't know they all call themself out farias and it's not like we get to see their day in a day life whenever one of them does something cool it's impossible to know if it's them their mate disguises them or literally alfarius who is probably a megan but it could be our farias so yeah i guess our farce is their best of studies if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be only one dollar per month give you access to a boatload of battle mace 40 million titty pictures hit the subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more [ __ ] content join the devil for more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 661,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: Ct2hYtrXsr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Mon May 30 2022
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