What Was Each Primarch's Weakness/Flaw? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal primarks are bastions of strength and will able to pull out some serious hacks in order to clap the cheeks a very powerful and impressive foes they have all their Specialties their strengths whether it be corvus's hide and seek skills or Magnus being able to single-handedly ruin the entire galaxy by accident each Primark is the Lord of their own talents but I've already done videos about their strengths you can't walk 10 meters without tripping over the Lion's loyalty or giliman's extremely nerdy but wildly impressive Logistics skills but what about their weaknesses after all if the primarks truly were super awesome then the standard issue food for the imperium's military wouldn't be process human flesh before we get started there are things in life you don't really want to have to spend time and money on but you just kind of have to the biggest is preparing food I bet very few of you are heading up the local grocery store buying fresh produce and cooking five-star 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first box so there's literally no reason not to try at least one cheers to hellofresh for sponsoring this video as another note YouTubers recently cracked down pretty hard on this channel and kind of murdered my ass Revenue so sadly I'll have to try be a bit more PG for the next little while just while there you know I have saurons upon me in the meantime the best ways to support the channel is by buying the major minis picking up the magical Christmas merch or subscribing to the patreon every little bit helps today we'll go over the weaknesses of each Primark showing in-law examples of when these weaknesses were made obvious and knocked the Primark on their ass now let's get into it Primark 1 is Lionel Johnson who in my opinion is the best Primark his tactical abilities are insane his combat prowess is almost unmatched and he's willing fortitude is unshakable however he does have one severe weakness terrible people skills the lion is on the Spectrum and it didn't help that he spent his entire childhood his development years deep in the forest of caliban stalked by mutated warp monsters without any human contact when he was discovered by Luther and the Knights of caliban he quickly learned their ways and became an intelligent wise and honorable Knight but his autism remained his brain was operating at such a high level and he hadn't had good practice communicating so he struggled to relate to anyone and couldn't really understand the feelings of his underlings for example when the lion made a plan to unite caliban and destroy the beasts he got Luther who was significantly more charismatic to unite the nightly orders whilst he was the brains behind the operation when Luther had a moment of Doubt when a nuclear warhead was smuggled onto the Lion's ship the Lions instincts told him that Luther had a moment of weakness and nearly let him die however the Lion's autism meant that he just banished Luther and a few hundred veterans back to caliban without explanation causing resentment to Foster that would eventually result in caliban's destruction and the Lion's coma worst of all though the line was tricked by petarabo and gave the traitorous Lord of ahen a bunch of super weapons that he had just bled to keep out of horus's hands time and time again his lack of social abilities caused massive amounts of damage to himself and the Imperium Primark 2 had a lot of weaknesses otherwise he wouldn't have been scrubbed from the annals of history now for an extremely flawed Primark we have full Grim a lot of people think fulgrim was a g until he got the layer blade but nah the dude was a weak little [ __ ] well before he picked up that penis-shaped sword who was wildly insecure and needed to prove himself to everyone as a result of his narcissism however because his Legion had such a rocky start and nearly went extinct hence delaying his joining of the great Crusade he was reckless in his Endeavors and attempt to catch up even during the invasion of the layer he went against his advisors recommendations and attack the world without consulting the Imperial Army detachments connected to his Fleet resulting in a very high casualty rate for the empress children as soon as he took the layer blade his last vestiges of strength were torn away leaving behind a weak pathetic excuse of a Primark but the rubber's weakness mainly revolves around his terrible communication skills he was a dutiful and stoic son perfect for grueling Siege Warfare but he didn't want to just be this Siege master who was constantly thrown into the meat grinder but the issue is that he never told anyone that he never complained and simply let the resentment Fester inside of him if he had spoken up and stood up for his Legion then he could have had a path more similar to that of the Imperial fists Builders and not just destroyers he took out his resentment on the guard units attached to his Legion his owner starty Warriors and even his own Homeworld if he simply just spoke up it's likely he never would have fallen to chaos surprisingly the Khan who was one of the primarks that was looked down upon by his brothers is one of the most flawless he was a logical man driven by Common Sense and a strong moral compass he always tried to do the right thing I guess you could even say that his weakness was doing the right thing he would take intense risk in order to save the lives of a few insignificant civilians over helping to do his duty or defend a key area in the Grim darkness of Warhammer 40K humanity is a weakness rust on the other hand is a bit easier to poke holes in the dude is the definition of a bigot and a hypocrite despite the use of his Rune priests who were space Wolf psyches Russ was openly against Magnus and his use of the warp he feared it because he did not understand it which created a lot of issues such as the fall of Prospero which pushed Magnus and his Legion into the hands of the Traders Russ was also wildly Reckless and impulsive attacking horace's Legion in a suicidal attempt to atone for his own sins and he also threw away the emperor's special spear because he was drunk and sad rust would go on to have a bit of a character Arc that basically involved him regretting everything which only serves to highlight his weak weaknesses further rogal Dawn was a solid dude a Bastion of loyalty amongst the Sea of [ __ ] and traitors however he was extremely stubborn which is funnily enough for both his greatest strength and weakness his stubborn attitude is what keeps his walls from falling and his defenses from shaking however it also cost the loyalist dealy and nearly killed his entire Legion see when Nathaniel garro went to Helen Back to reach Dawn and tell him of the heresy Dawn was too stubborn to believe Nathaniel because the idea of horoscowing Traitor wasn't in the realm of Dawn's comprehension he was literally about to execute Nathaniel then and there dooming the Loyalists until he finally got concrete video proof of horus's betrayal his stubbornness would again bite him in the ass during his war against pretoravo at the iron cage he committed his Siege defense experts against petarabo's death trap Fortress after suffering massive casualties his stubbornness kept him there when all signs said he should Retreat he and his Legion would have been killed to a man if it wasn't for the arrival of giliman and his ultramarines do I even need to talk about Conrad's weaknesses I mean yeah I do it's my [ __ ] job Conrad was bad to put on [ __ ] insane not only were his future Visions dark and twisted but so is his attitude towards them he saw all these Visions as inevitable even though we the reader know that is not the case Fortune is fickle and can change on a whim however Conrad believed otherwise every bad Vision he saw he believed would come to pass no matter what he did hence he ensured it would actually happen he also detested what his Legion was becoming yet did nothing to stop its decline he was always bitching and complaining but never did anything to fix it in the end he was just a weak dude and the only Primark to take the coward's way out on the flip side sengoodius also had dark Visions but his attitude was different it was more positive however we're here to talk about weakness not strength and sanguineous did have his own share of that funnily enough his greatest weakness was his love of his sons he was very insecure about their Gene flaws and nearly felt a chaos because he thought it could save them singulis also wasn't a particularly good tactical Commander usually winning by dive bombing the enemy's backline and using shocking or tactics wildly effective against weaker enemies but not great against the more competent ones other than being a head shorter than his brothers Ferris did have a number of weaknesses first Wizz is in action regarding his Legion self-mutilation he did not like the fact that his iron hand Sons detested their own flesh and he vowed to stop them from cutting parts of themself off and replacing it with augmentics for a laugh but he didn't actually stop them his temper also clattered his judgment leading his loyalist forces on isfun into a Slaughter because his pride demanded he have a showdown with fulgrim Ferris was steadfast but his few weaknesses directly led to his death Primark 11 had a lot of weaknesses as evident by the fact that the Imperium deleted him anger on his 12th and whilst we could dump a shitload of weaknesses on him the tragedy of angron is that very few of them are actually his fault upon landing on his Homeworld he was attacked by some Elder they wounded him and he killed them in return When The High Rider slave man classes arrived to find him angron was too weak to avoid being captured but he was also too bloody and vicious for them to consider adopting in the arena he fought with courage and honor only becoming a Bastille [ __ ] which when they put nails in his brain so whilst angering is kind of stupid short-sighted way too angry devoid of Battle Tactics and smells bad none of these weaknesses are his own fault giliman is often considered to be the Jack of all trades the most optimal Flawless Primark however this isn't entirely true gillymen was very controlling and needed everything to go according to his own plan he also vastly overestimated his own combat prowess hinging entire War plans on his ability to defeat more powerful foes this would backfire multiple times as his fight with fulgrim left him in a 10 000 year coma his fight with mortarion ended in his own death only living because of the emperor's divine intervention even his fight with Largo and andron was a close run thing dude needs to accept that his vanilla ass ain't a top-tier Primark fighter mortarion had many weaknesses which were exploited to the max his hypocrisy was Chief amongst them alongside Russ Morty was the most anti-warp Primark yet he joined the Traders a bunch of warp snorting demon-humping Sorcerers whilst turning his back on the Loyalists who had literally just outlawed the warp in an attempt to appease Morty he would then unlock his own psycho powers and completely go against all these core beliefs he also held onto resentment towards the emperor for kill stealing his evil adopted father despite the fact that the emperor gave Morty a chance to do it and only saved his life at the last moment overall just a really salty dude magnus's weakness was his arrogance when dealing with the warp he thought he had all the answers and was too smart and Powerful to get manipulated it was this arrogance that led him to defy the emperor's direct orders and accidentally ruin everything he also doesn't know how to deal with his own mistakes instead of surrendering to the Space Wolves and traveling to Terror he did some weird [ __ ] that confused everyone and directly led to Violent conflict out of all the primarks magnus's weakness caused was arguably the most damage however you could argue that horus's weakness was worse Horus had a massive ego which chaos exploited the ever living [ __ ] out of to make him their War Master Horus was able to go from a loyal son of the emperor to the lord of the traitors over the course of a single Vision showed to him by chaos a vision that was pretty easy to pick apart as an avoidable Twisted future but because it played so heavily on his own ego he accepted it as fact allowing all the pieces of the puzzle to be twisted to fit his own narrative also he was bold which was probably the worst part to be honest logar another baldy locks had his own weaknesses Chief amongst them was his desperation to serve Divinity he had to have a God to worship and when the emperor shattered his dreams he turned to the Lords of Hell purely because they were the only other option he saw chaos as this primordial force that was neither good nor evil turning a blind eye to its true nature while pretending to understand it he learned his lesson the hard way when he thought he could supplant Horus as warmaster only for the Kaus Gods to laugh in his face and allow horse to humiliate him Vulcan is a pretty top bloke without many weaknesses after all the dude literally cannot die he's in a similar boat to the Khan absolute legend that occasionally puts Judy on the back burner so that he can save the lives of insignificant innocence he also has a habit of going on holidays which isn't really A vibe in the setting of 40K all in all though Vulcan is a very impressive specimen and not the subject of many complaints corvus corax is likewise a legend but his issues are a bit more obvious when he disagrees with something he gets pissy about it but he doesn't really do too much else leading to these Told You So moments where corvus gets [ __ ] over from following plans he knew were bad he also banished most of his Terran Marines as he didn't think their culture meshed well with his own the weakness of banishing them instead of retraining them like sanguine stood with his Legion meant that his own Legion was under strength for the Crusade and Horus heresy while I do respect him now becoming a demon Raven and scaring the [ __ ] out of laga his absence from the setting is definitely another weakness choosing personal Vendetta over Duty our forest was very arrogant and deliberately over complicated things costing lives and resources when he should have just taken a more direct approach he was so arrogant that he believed that the emperor wanted him to betray the Emperor as part of some 5D chess game that no one was playing he thought he had his finger on all the triggers which made him so delusional that he ended up eating rogaldorn's chainsawed Mortal Kombat style and Megan is a cool bloke though so when I say that the primarks were a bunch of uppity man children you now know what I mean if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then buy the magical Christmas merch as Chrissy is approaching anything that doesn't sell gets banned so this is pretty much the last chance hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more weekly content join the Discord for memes and I'll see you in the next one peace [Music] fall to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 343,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: 3KdNc9PrS5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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