The Legendary Barabas Dantioch EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k

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g'day guys and gal it's no secret that I have a crush on loyalist Space Marines from Trader Legions a studies who resisted the sheep-like Tendencies of their brother Space Marines and defied their daddies in order to do what was right these Space Marines are often of Greater will and character than even these studies from loyalist Legions as it's easy to follow the emperor when your dad is also doing it but to tell your dad to suck eggs and accept what will probably end in a painful death is some Sigma based Alpha Chad Vibes warsmith barbaross danteoc is a chief example of this a man who for a second in question is loyalty before single-handedly then clapping an entire iron Warrior Army and then going on to save the lives of both the lion gillymen and Alexis Pollux three key characters that without the Imperium would be kind of doomed that is worth talking about before we get started I'm happy to announce the latest and greatest major mini the son of iron this absolute chat is old tired and ready to [ __ ] coming with a big ass Hammer pistol and a can-do attitude he would make a great addition to any iron army or could be the start of a new one if he isn't quite your style because you know you have no taste then the major minis website has dozens of other models produced by me including the xenonids ra kitten Galactic shock Marines King orc lord of the night orc demon killer cetron the undying and many many more definitely worth checking out if you wanted to spice things up today we'll go over the life heroics and death of everybody's favorite iron Warrior to give the man the respect he deserves let's get into it [Music] the iron warriors were a bunch of tough competent bastards as a result of their extremely harsh Primark petarabo who drove them to Heights of tactical Brilliance and resilience far above most other Legions none embodies this unbreakability more than Barbara stantyok he was the chosen son of Puerto rabo and his greatest warsmith leading the 51st expeditionary Fleet he was tasked with engaging and battling a huge harad infestation killing them at all casts a war that killed half of his grand company as the harad's ability to rapidly age his studies into withered old men and then tear them apart was kind of overpowered barabus himself was aged around 3 000 years and took on a weathered appearance as well as developing a nasty calf the harad were beaten at huge cost however baribus had noticed something it seems as if their big migration that caused so much damage would the direct result of the iron Warriors attempting to genocide them hence if they just left them alone or quarantined their sector of space they wouldn't be an issue baribus was like to purty or boy Dad [ __ ] that was a [ __ ] idea you [ __ ] us and Purdy was like you little [ __ ] hence barabus was stripped of rank honor and the Terminator Place made for him to be exiled to a Backwater world called Lester damentine a world he was ordered to make compliant and then live out his days there barobas took a few dozen iron warriors with him and did as he was asked but boy how to Antioch doesn't do things in halves after making the world compliant the Mad lad made the most [ __ ] off overpowered unbreakable Fortress ever it was called The Shard and hold and holy [ __ ] it was like this upside down Fortress thing or deep in an underground cave it had countless kill zones choke points and automated defenses the Beast even created hundreds of large brutish clones of himself to garrisonet it was the most Overkill thing ever however turned out to be a massive asset as when the heresy broke out warsmith crendle and demanded he resupplied them and then joined the traitor forces baribus wasn't a traitorous piece of [ __ ] though and an ultramarine emissary had come to dantia prior to him of the heresy so he kindly told krennel to eat a fat one and [ __ ] off out of his Fortress he could have just riddled him with bullets then and there but iron Warriors are generally considered to be quite honorable and since barabus is the most iron of all Iron Warriors it makes sense that he would allow this honor to his enemy Crandall acted like a mustache twirling villain and promised he would tear this Fortress to the ground oh buddy was he in for retreat Crandall had thousands of iron Warriors millions of mortal infantry countless artillery and armored vehicles aircraft and even Titans danteoc had a few dozen iron Warriors a small Garrison of militia and a bunch of his brute clones to say he was outnumbered a thousand to one would be a bit of an understatement and guess what for over a year danteoc bled the Traders killing hundreds of enemy iron Warriors thousands of troops and hundreds of pieces of armor even taking down a few Titans every meter of ground the Traders gained was measured in the thousands of liters of their blood dantiok was the true master of Siege it was only when the enemy brought forth a nogalike imperata Titan did The Fortress finally get breached but this was just as planned dantduck wasn't an idiot he wouldn't just go down with his ship for no reason hence he guided his few surviving iron Warriors and the ultramarine to a teleportation chamber he then detonated thousands of explosives across the entire Fortress that wiped out thousands of iron Warriors and took out the imperata Titan it also [ __ ] up Crandall pretty badly as it blew up barbaross and his crew teleported onto the enemy iron Warriors Flagship called the killed the small amount of Traders on board and then took control of it I don't think there has ever been such a crushing Victory Against All Odds in the history of 40K the Antioch and friends then attempted to travel to Terror to Aid in the fortifications of the Imperial Palace however the ruined storm had cut them off and instead they ended up in Ultramar gilliman was happy to see them as he knew of dantioch's Brilliance and he got the report of what happened with The Siege from his ultramarine Emissary that was with the warsmith dantduck believed that he could help fortify mccrag however G-Man was like you yo dude check out this hectic Xeno device and Antioch was like sick see On The Fringe of Ultramar there was a world called sofa that contained the faross device an alien device that acted as a mini astronomicon a lighthouse in the walk dentyok was tasked with uncovering how to use it and to protect it dancer quickly figured it out and was able to light up mccrag like a beacon resulting in many of the scattered survivors of isvan Alexis Pollock's retribution Fleet the blood angels and the Dark Angels all getting through the warp storm and arriving at mccrag when Alexis met danteoc he was hostile to him due to his intense racism towards iron Warriors however little did they know that their initial hostility would result in the greatest Bromance in all of 40K see as Antioch and Pollux work together they gained a mutual respect realizing that there was actually very little difference between the iron Warriors and Imperial fists and that by working together they were unbeatable as they complemented each other's skill sets so well this friendship went even further when Pollux was ambushed by Conrad Kerr however Danzig was able to use the power of the forest device to detect Conrad and warn Pollux of his attacks he was able to do this live from many worlds Away showing just how powerful the first device was then he used it to teleport Pollux to safety saving his life he would repeat this teleportation trick to save both the lion and gillymen from a trap laid by Conrad making dance yoke sholly responsible for us both having the lion and giliman as tabletop models right now [ __ ] yes danteok and polix would become more than friends they were brothers however a splinter Fleet of the night Lords who had fled the Wrath of the Dark Angels discovered so far and realized that if they captured the forest device they could use it to find their lost Flagship as well as their Primark hence they attacked the world wasn't super fortified as the Loyalists wanted to keep it a secret if they put a huge Garrison on it it would make it seem like an attractive Target the night Lords only found out about it by chance Alexis and a small Garrison fought hard and well but were cut down with Alexis himself getting captured and tortured for information and also for danteop to give up the forest device and let them have it but dancer literally always has an ace up his sleeve he overloaded the forest device while giving it specific final commands its eruption annihilated the night Lords and prevented them from using it Alexis was spared due to dead to your specific final commands and even dentyok himself survived at least initially however the blast was still a massive kick to the balls a ball kick that Pollock survived since he is like the size of a [ __ ] Primark whilst Antioch is a 3 000 year old crippled man with a bad cough Alexis runs to danteoc and Scoops his Fallen brother in his arms the explosion had knocked off the antioch's face mask he always wore and Pollux was shocked to see just how old Antioch was it was pretty emotional Pollux cradles dantioch commanding him to live as a dandyok thanks Pollux for being a good friend and a great brother you gotta remember that dantduck was the ultimate Trader his Legion had betrayed the emperor and he had betrayed his Legion he was alone and hated by most on both sides but but Pollux had been there with him to The Bitter End danteoc died with a smile in his face his finer words being all hailed the Emperor of mankind beloved by all may his dreams be saved even if we cannot now Space Marines don't cry but Pollux began to cry he was a lot more human than most other astatis and the grief of this loss was too much for him he would sit there unmoving danteoc in his arms even when reinforcements arrived led by gilliman Pollux was still cradling Antioch denying all help only the direct order from giliman for Pollux to stand finally broke him out of his grief-stricken trance Pollock still insisted on carrying antioch's body as they gave the warsmith a funeral for Kings thus ends the tale of warsmith barbaross danteoc however danteok's Legacy would live on giliman was very public about Antioch sacrifice hence his name and deeds became known he was called the warden of the faros and hero of the Imperium by G-Man himself and his mask would remain on the mountain that held the virus device when the scythes of the emperor were created the mask was used as a badge of office between them as they continued to protect so far the world dancer gave his life to secure in the modern setting when the tyranids came to sofa and wiped the world clean killing the chapter Master of the size of the emperor the mask was burnt on his funeral pyre since sotha had fallen the role of warden of the forest had become redundant dantioch's name is no longer remembered however the sight of his funeral player on sofa still exists and is said to be the resting place of a traitor redeemed the size of the emperor often think about this unknown Warrior wondering if he would be proud of them [ __ ] why am I getting emotional unfortunately that wouldn't be the only Legacy Antioch would leave behind the overloading of the forest device caused it to light up like a mega Beacon across the warp in Space alerting the tyranids to the existence of sentient life within the Milky Way hence the actions of danteoc directly led to the tyranids invasion and sotha's eventual demise but like who the [ __ ] could have known as is going to happen so we'll give him a pass dantioch is one of the most badass well-written and enjoyable characters in the entirety of 40K and I'm honored to finally give him his own video If you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then pick up the son of iron or any other major mini for that matter hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more iron content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you on the next one peace [Music] fall to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 204,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: ZJ2MG4to9Xk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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