How the Space Sharks Mentally Broke a Dark Eldar - Warhammer 40k

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there are a lot of frightening enemies in the Warhammer 40K universe and one of the races that you definitely don't want to go up against is the Dark Eldar these guys have advanced technology from the height of the Eldar Empire and all of the horrible ideas on how to use it they are Masters in torture and pain because the suffering of others is what gives them both satisfaction and vitality so when I was reading the book silent Hunters I was quite surprised from a particular moment because the book is focused on the space sharks a nomadic chapter of Space Marines that are known for their brutality these guys were able to mentally break a Dark Eldar Lieutenant this wasn't a run-of-the-mill interrogation no no no they wanted more than just information this was to make the Dark Eldar Lieutenant serve them and willingly take them into the dark city of Kamara this is one of my favorite moments from the book and I wanted to share it with all of you so sit back and enjoy the story about how the space sharks were able to mentally break a Dark Eldar dracon it was the tedium that proved intolerable the endless numbing boredom confined to a featureless cell with no conversations no windows and no diversions utak finally accepted the invitation that was written on the wall say when you are ready to talk the dracon banged on the door of his cell ance the whole damn vessel was silent he was given food in silence he could barely even hear his captors when they moved outside to deliver the meager offering of gruel pushed out using a paper Rod no one entered to remove his used plates and all utak had to relieve himself was a bucket that had not been emptied utak never thought that he would miss the dark city of Kamara that endless diversions Amusements of every kind and variety to enable The Immortal Dark Eldar to endure the passage of hours days years and even centuries his thoughts lingered on the city with fondness the views the pleasure Gardens and the torture Gardens of the Endless City he had tried to compose songs but the State of Consciousness he needed led to the Descent of the poetic Muse the poor squalor and blank featureless walls had closed in around him constricting his ability to craft the wondrous songs he would normally compose resist he must resist his captors utak recited poems that he had memorized danced striking poses of such exaggerated Perfection that even the blank walls must have noticed but they remained silent utak slumped onto the floor in dismay asking himself what is a Dancer without an audience in the end utak crumbled he beated on the cell door asking for conversation distraction even death would be preferable to the crushing boredom of his cell as a drukkari there was nothing worse than stagnation three days had passed there no one could say that he had not gone beyond a point of reasonable resistance most drewcari he was sure would have cracked in Under 12 hours utak was Bare and naked but this had helped him to endure longer by being able to appreciate his own physical Perfection he wondered if the monkey would be dazzled by the magnificence of his body yes he would Dazzle them with his Beauty and stupefy them with his wit yes let them open the door and he shall greet them as a king would greet a member of his court gracefully magnanimously and with a hint of veiled Menace the door slid back UTech had adopted a suitably Regal pose which had him looking up towards the ceiling he lowered his head slowly to meet his captors eye to eye and at the same moment a jet of cold water from a high pressure hose struck him in the chest hurling him back across the cell and pinned him against the far wall gasping spluttering and all but death he was held by the weight of the water until at last it finally stopped his senses returned quickly but he couldn't let this be known his perfect hearing was able to discern the altered rhythm of two hearts there were three monkey outside his cell waiting but they were fundamentally different from the rest of their kind Space Marines despite this their kind only had one brain and it was vastly inferior to his while apparently lying limp and taking his time to recover utak was already assessing his chances of disabling his captors and escaping the outcome was unacceptable even worse it would likely be messy and undignified utak was a dracon of the cabal of the pierced Rose and he fully intended that his end should be won to inspire poetry song and Legend instead he wiped the dirty water from his lips and stated if you wanted to wash the cell you merely had to ask but I will not hold it against you the dracon gave the most minimal of gestures the kind and Aristocrat might give a peasant for a thoughtful service we have been scarce introduced I am utak poet of the five schools artist Supreme and I am willing to forgive your assault upon my form the drukkari saw no response from the captors I am willing to forgive you he repeated adding as much silver persuasion as he could the water pinned him against the wall again they held him there writhing helplessly for what felt like eternity until the door closed utak flung himself at the door let me out he cried silence they kept him there for another day as he cried and bellowed on the door the next time they came he would be ready utak heard their approach through the Stillness of the ship this time he stood to the side of the door this time he would not be humiliated the door slid open and he waited remaining pressed against the wall he waited longer let one enter Then he would render upon its flesh punishment only a dracon could inflict upon a mortal the door slid shut utak threw himself at the door no no come back come back through his cries he could hear footsteps leaving him alone in his terrible Solitude again when next they came utak waited clearly visible in the cell as the door opened although his eyes were reduced to slits in anticipation of the oncoming onslaught the water jet pinned him against the wall again at least this time he had closed his mouth but it was harder to seal his nose the water pushed up into his nostrils choking him and forcing coughs that opened his mouth to more water the water jet stopped the door slid shut utak screamed as he heard them walking away he screamed as the sound disappeared into the silence he screamed at the silence then into the silence against the silence but the silence swallowed his voice and returned nothing back his screams eventually died away in the silence the awful overpowering Silence utek dracon of the cabal of the pierced Rose began to talk to himself mumbling songs poems and fragments of Forgotten lullabies from the deep past this humiliation continued to the point that utak considered self-slaughter but he had no tools to perform the act his own razor sharp nails had been removed to bloody stumps he had no choice but to endure but then he had a great realization they would come back to him they must surely want something from him for he still lived he would give it to them for in giving them what they wanted he would find the key to their desires once he knew their desire it would only be a matter of time before their heart would be resting in his hand the next time they came he stood in full view not making a move or saying a word utak waited they stood in silence watching UTech waited some more still they remained silent watching his finger twitched and they made no move and gave no answer utak inquired aren't you going to say the water cannon knocked him back onto the bulkhead they pinned him there with the force of the water again for a minute before slamming the door shut once more utak had endured enough of this nonsense by not torturing him they were torturing him he needed to feel excesses he needed to feel Joy and sorrow ecstasy and pain but there was no stimulation of any kind needed to feel something utek Hit the Floor he hit the floor again and again and again and again until he reduced the bones in his fist to fragments but at least he felt something when next they came he said nothing cradling his injured hand they looked at him as if he were a beast impassive dangerous but nothing more than an animal they waited and utak waited on them doing or saying nothing in fear of the water cannon then one pointed to the ground he understood that they wanted him to lie down the drukkari acknowledged this and carefully followed the instruction lying face down on the floor put your hands behind your back the tone was uncouth and the language course but they were the first words that utak had heard in an unbearable age of solitary suffering hot tears of joy sprang from his eyes as he hastened to follow the command they tied his hands and marched him through the ship utak was initially relieved to see new surroundings until he realized that it was all the same silent blank and boring no music no sounds No views to enjoy of the ship as he explored it he was appalled that they all lived like this pushed him up towards the higher levels of the ship and then through a small Bulkhead into a crystal Dome Atop The Vessel the Dome itself was closed and the monkey indicated towards a chair he was then tied to the seat with shackles on his wrists and ankles and a collar around his neck they must intend to interrogate him utak schooled his face to hide any form of satisfaction it would be a simple matter to turn them against each other it was only fitting given the indignities they had forced upon him but as he watched the Mong Kai withdraw from the chamber and closed the door behind him he was confused they were leaving him alone then he heard the mechanical sound of the Dome opening initially he was worried scared he felt a Tang of fear coursed through his veins were they exposing him to the warp surely not but his fear was quelled seeing that it was too dark they must have dropped out of the warp and back into real space utak settled back in his chair they were far worse things than being left alone in a dark room looking at the stars but as the shutters opened he realized that there was nothing but darkness no stars and no sounds it was the void there was no form of anything there was nothing absolutely nothing it was Agony to have such deprivation of his Myriad of senses and because there was nothing to take in there was no stimulation of any kind utex started to laugh but his laugh slowly trailed away into the all-encompassing silence outside as the hours passed tangata Manu and te karungi heard the silence give way to Defiance which then slowly trailed into a long quiet then the Dark Eldar began to cry they waited until the crying died back down to silence and then they waited some more UTech was now broken so that was the area of the book that I enjoyed the most I think that it was a fantastic way for them to be able to break a Dark Eldar because as a race who basically is built upon stimulation and excess it was torture to him to be starved of all of those senses and to be constantly stripped of any kind of interaction and comparatively to so many other forms of media it's so great to see that from utak's own perspective so I really enjoyed it and I hope that you all did as well if you do want to see more content like this where I talk about interesting moments from the Warhammer lore then make sure that you like comment and subscribe but that is pretty much about it for today so I've been Kiev and I will see you all on the next one
Channel: Its Kiv Kiv
Views: 69,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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