The 5 Most Brutal Deaths in Warhammer 40k

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good day guys and girl Warhammer 40K has no shortage of brutal deaths sometimes the writers will even go extra hard on a fan favorite character just to mess with us as books also don't really seem to have like an age rating per se some of these deaths go into excruciating detail making you cringe by the imagined Agony that these people are experiencing but five deaths stand Above the Rest deaths so brutal and hardcore that you genuinely find yourself staring to space being like brah for a couple minutes so I thought by sharing the five absolutely most brutal deaths with you guys we could see how hard 40K truly is willing to go before we get started it's now 2024 it's time to grow up being smelly and ungroomed just isn't a Vibe and it's something that needs to be left in 2023 so I've partnered up with manscape today to show you the performance package 5.0 literally everything you need in one value pack to be the nicest smelling most well-grown version of yourself the champion of this 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international shipping that deal applies storewide GE the manscape for sponsoring this video today we'll go over the five most brutal deaths in 40K not just via how hardcore the rider went but also in regards to the circumstances and context of the death after all if some random dude gets Mega killed it doesn't hit that that hard if he's only been around for two chapters let's get into [Music] it this first death wasn't super impactful per se nor did it happen to a fan favorite character but it is so overthe toop and ridiculously brutal and hardcore that it would be remiss of me not to mention it that being the death of kosan a captain of the sons of Horus when the heresy ended the trade Allegiance all fled to the eye of Terror and basically begun civil Waring their own tits off as a way to try cope with their humiliation and to also become the dominant Traer Force the stuns of Horus were especially targeted due to them being blamed for the heresy and the subsequent situation all the Traders found themselves in to rectify this and also somewhat unite the traiter legions abdon created the black Legion using a huge chunk of Sons of Horus but also allowing any traitor from any Legion to join as well abon didn't expect or demand the other Legions to join the black Legion however he did demand that all sons of Horus flu To His Banner some did not want to though including kosan kosan had become quite powerful he' been heavily mutated and enhanced by chaos and he had his own small army and Planet when abdon came knocking to secure his Allegiance he told abdon to go off and die hence abdon had to make example of him the black Legion viciously attacked cor Roan's Planet slaughtering his Warriors and taking him prisoner instead of a simple execution abdon wished to totally break and humiliate kosan so he gave him to his Elite Terminators who proceeded to crucify and impale kosan on their battle standard while he was still alive and carry him around like a Festival doof stick they kept him Alive by intravenously eating him the vomi and of their Legion slaves plus due to his War mutations kosan was significantly more durable the dude was alive for 5 months of absolute agony before eventually dying that would have been horrific and probably the most brutal death in the entire setting however as nobody gave a about corros I'm only having it as fifth on this list the next brutal death is that of Bea kinsa one of the most famous musicians in the entire Imperium during the Great Crusade the emperor decreed that at this time of epicness should get recorded hence thousands of artists poets musicians and whatnot were sent out to join the various fleets to record the legends of the primarch and Space Marines The Emperor's Children known for their love of art received some of the most talented and famous remembrances in the Imperium one of which was the legendary bequa she was a very extra woman who was also Mega horny banging at everyone she could no matter their gender I'm sure you can see where this is going when slesh started to tickle the legion's balls beo was inspired to create her magnum opus her finest song ever and while it probably sounded great to everyone who was listening to it it was overall probably and very random however due to the emotion poured into it alongside Becka creating new instruments based on the ones that the layer used she was able to summon a bunch of sesy demons while driving the audience into a state of orgasmic frenzy all of her co-performers were either possessed by demons which killed them or were then torn apart by the demon summon which you know also killed them the space runes in the crowd went insane ripping their mortal crew mates to shreds or eating them or flying them with their hands and wearing their flesh as fashion accessories however all of this pales to Beck was death as she was the epicenter of the Carnage she suffered the worst she was puppeted by slanesh and forced to move and dance in impossible ways ways IM mortal Never Should her bones popped and cracked her joints dislocated her muscles were shredded and eventually even her bones were crushed into powder but onward she danced at some point during this horrific contortion she died her soul then getting devoured by thirsting demons it wasn't the worst death there is however her performance is what really poisoned the legion's soul and drove the Emperor's Children towards sl's Embrace so there was a lot of significance to it this next vicious death really takes you off guard and feels very mean-spirited but I actually really like how it was written and how twisted it really was that being the death of car thonus car thonus was an interrogator for Inquisitor Gideon ravenor one of the most legendary inquisitors to ever live interrogators basically been inquisitors in training he was a Charming good man very extra as he wore dozens of rings but he was brilliant and loyal a good man however after taking a low-key chos corrupted drug he was subtly possessed by one of the most powerful demons to ever exist The Possession was very Insidious and secretive the demon had to slowly charge up its power hence wanted to keep its presence hidden so Carl went about his day without even realizing something was wrong it actually got to a point where Carl started manifesting demonic Powers however had enough control to use them for good saving the lives of his friends and even stopping the plot of a bad guy it actually seemed like kl's good nature and Will was keeping the demon in check however the demon had just been with Carl it was in control the entire time and could have killed him or dominated him at a moment's notice when Carl is kidnapped by the bad guys to allow for the demon to finally manifest it is seriously the worst ever the demon begins slowly manifesting putting Carl in massive Agony KL is holding it back though or at least he thinks he's holding it back due to his willpower and hope that Gideon will save him when he hears that Gideon is on the way he feels a surge of hope that seemingly pushes the demon down but then the demon simply laughs and overloads Carl causing his hands to turn into claws and popping his rings in the process blood spurts out of Carl's eyes mouth and ears his legs begin to violently seizure his eard drums explode and his eyes boil and melt in their own sockets he bites his own tongue off and screams a ggle of Agony through the blood the worst part is that the book simply then says this would be the last hour of carthon's human existence it would be the most miserable and ghastly 60 Minutes anyone would ever endure implying that all the up I just mentioned that occurred to him in the first 30 seconds of the Demon's manifestation was simply the entree to the true Agony of his death overall Kyle had a very very very bad time made by the fact that all the books pointed to car maybe been able to overcome the demon now on to the second most brutal death in 40K we knew this one would be on the list but we didn't know where it would be that being the death of sanguinius at the hands of Horus everyone knew this was coming established law has Horus killing sanguinius for the past 20 odd years but we wanted to believe hope Beyond hope that something would change that GW would wreck conet we had all grown attached to sanguinius and after him killing angron kabanda and Loki slowing the entire mind of caos for a little while he seemed Unstoppable but not only did GW keep sanguin his death but they made it brutal as firstly they had Horus depowered in his normal primar state to give him and sanguinius a fair brotherto brother fight they even allowed sangus to win this fight despite how wounded he was from angron and how strong Horus was it literally answered the question who is the most powerful primarch and the answer was sanguinius but then Horus activated creative mode and gained the power of a god it literally then says sanguinius charged at the speed of light but Horus moved at the speed of Darkness Horus breaks Sang's wings and then starts beating the out of him with World breaker the author literally says he beats him like a disobedient dog saying his lungs collapse the skin on his face gets half torn off hanging off like a skin mask and there's blood everywhere sanguinus can't even get his last words out as he chokes on all the blood in his lungs before Horus then picks him up and snaps his spine and neck with a vicious crunch then to add insult to the injury demons pour out of the shadows and string sanguinius' corpse up so that the emperor will see one of his true Sons broken and destroyed it was brutal as and I am all here for it it was the most undignified end for the most dignified character however that still doesn't quite match the brutality of this next and final death the death of Raven Divine this is going to be a bit convoluted but trust me you'll be an a of the sad irony and brutality of this death a true Testament to the writers of warmer books Raven was a massive prick he was the son of the leader of house Divine the ruling family of the world of MCH a ke Imperial world that Horus was King to Tech during the Horus heresy Raven was that dashing arrogant and charismatic kind of guy strong willed and cruel he also his sister who used to be engaged to his half brother Raven was also a knight a pilot of the legendary warx of the Imperium his brother alard was supposed to be the heir to MCH but during his bonding experience with his Knight he was sabotaged by the Agents of chaos which left him crippled then Raven's mother began subtly poising Alba to keep him in a near vegetative state Paving the way for Raven's Ascension so with Raven being such a prick you would think that his death would be justified after all it happened because albad was able to resist the poison reclaim his mind kill his bitch-ass stepmother and then was able to capture Raven Raven's sister SL buddy and Raven's kids before killing them one by one in front of Raven before then killing Raven as well a brutal death but seemingly deserved albad then took himand of the defenses of mullik against Horus you think that this would be a good thing albad was always more of the noble Knight to Raven's dashing Rogue but no see Raven was a massive prick but he was loyal to MCH the emperor and his own ego he wouldn't fall to C or betray the emperor because that was cringe and lame I mean he literally got lured to fulgrim's demon form and then when fulgrim tried to corrupt him Raven said you nerd and turbo blasted him with laser beams before running away he literally was faced with war corruption and told it to eat his dick he was also quite effectively leading the defense of mik even once almost killing Horus in battle with Horus only surviving due to cow's hacks albad on the other hand despite his surge of will was still mentally broken during the final battle for MCH the Imperials pulled out an imperat class Titan which was turning the tide of battle in favor of the Loyalists albad was reparing his Knights to charge the enemy when sesha's in infuence took a shot at albad he was so mentally weak at that point that when slanesh offered him a chance for Glory and A Renewed youthful body he accepted it creating a chain reaction which then corrupted the rest of the Knights of house Divine they then rode forth and attacked the emperator Titan from behind within its shielding causing it to death and losing the war for the Imperials the brutal part about this is that by the noble wronged son alard taking Vengeance against his brother Raven he doomed his soul and His World the death of Raven itself was pretty brutal but the fact that letting the prick win keeping albad locked away would have been the best result the brutalness comes from the irony that Raven's actions were almost Justified and that him being the bad guy was the best thing for the people of MCH I hope that makes sense cuz in my head it's awesome if you enjoy the video and you want to support the channel then subscribe half of you sexy that watch aren't actually subbed which is something you could rectify with a flick of a dick and a slap of a button dick flipping is optional join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you in the next one [Music] peace to [Music] me
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 201,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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