Did the Space Marine Legions Actually Need their Primarchs? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal daddy issues is a hell of a thing out of all the chicks i know that are twerking on their instagrams or straight up just having only fans a grand total of zero of them have healthy relationships with their fathers whether it be due to abuse divorce parents or just the man just isn't around regardless of the method the result is always the same a young girl with a big hole inside of her that she tries to fill with copious amounts of internet clout and semen whilst i was scrolling through one of these lovely ladies instagram pages cause you know i'm a pig the thought occurred to me do daddy issues via a lack of a father figure out weigh having a present but [ __ ] dad to answer this i did what i always do started researching warhammer law the space marines despite their brainwashing augmentations and castration can also experience steady issues although it manifests in a much different way it was their desire to make their daddies proud that led so many of them into damnation so i wondered would the space marine legions actually have been better off if the primox didn't exist would have they been able to reach their true potential and make the galaxy a better place if they didn't have daddies to suck up to that's what we're gonna find out but firstly listen up weebs and we bets it's been a long time since we've tasted the sweet nectar of authentic japanese food but as i always say no problem is unsolvable so if you can't take the neckbeard to japan let's bring japan to the neckbeard queue the sponsor of today's video boksu is a subscription snackbox service made in japan that is loaded with all those wacky japanese candies that you can't get anywhere else it also contains a nice selection of teeth all you exotic poms out there all in all a great way to mix up your palette and level up your cultural awareness but wait there's more anyone in the us who picks up a boxu box will go into a draw to win a pair of tickets to japan what can i say sometimes you can take the neckbeard to japan so if you want a box of fun japanese delicious stuff as well as a chance to go to japan then use my linking code magikill below for 10 off your box you subscription you won't regret it cheers to box you for sponsoring this video today we'll go over each of the primary legions and discuss what would have happened if they had no primark as whether or not they would have been objectively better or worse off let's get into it the first legion is none other than the dark angels for all his blatant spurginess and poor people skills the lion was an overall good dad sure he sometimes lost his temper and sure he once punched the head off one of his loyal sons who was just trying to uphold the emperor's law but the decapitation came from a place of fatherly love the line was an effective commander and the knights of caliber made for very solid astarte recruits however the first legion were already wildly effective considered the emperor's favorite legion for a long time they were the ones who helped cull the thunder warriors after all the emperor's faith in them meant that they got to have all the fun toys that the other legions weren't allowed dark age of technology weapons secret formulas for committing hectic genocide and cooler armor designs these dudes had it all however without the lion it's likely they would have survived the wrongdong xeno side so whilst the lying definitely had some cons to him such as accidentally creating the fallen due to his spurgy social skills overall he was a huge asset to his legion and he led them to many glories that they otherwise would not have achieved the second legion would have been way better off without their primark as their primark led them to damnation and total erasure from the pages of history whoopsies the third legion is the empress children and they are probably the most interesting legion when it comes to whether or not they benefited from fulgrim being around on one hand due to a bunch of their genes see being corrupted by super aids and the rest of it being stolen by tres in the infinite for a laugh they were extremely depleted not only could they not replenish their numbers due to their lack of gene seed but many of their warriors began to die of said super aids by the time they found fulgrim only a few hundred of them were still alive finding fulgrim allowed the legion to take his dna to create new gene seed hence rebuild the legion so without their primark they likely would have become extinct however on the other hand extinction might have been preferable to where they are today fulgrim's pursuit of perfection resulted in him being corrupted by the chaos god of sex drugs and rock and roll leading his legion into damnation as they quickly became the most twisted out of all the traitors they pretty much non-stop do [ __ ] loads of drugs rape people and blast the base so hard that it ruptures their own capillaries so it really comes down to this question would you rather die but be remembered as heroes of mankind or live and become decrepit rapists who sustain themselves purely of space cocaine answer that and you'll know if the legion would've been better off without fulgrim now on to purdy puerto rabo was a great commander and ruthless warlord but he was also a massive dick his lack of complaining combined with his general unlikability resulted in him and his legion being assigned to the shittiest war zones imaginable on top of that purdy decided to decimate his legion meaning one in ten of his sons was brutally executed just because he was having a bit of a tanty before purdy the iron warriors were flourishing their jean seed was incredibly stable hence they were able to deploy in large numbers very early on their effectiveness in siege warfare also meant that the emperor gifted them with more up-to-date and better gear during the start of the great crusade they achieved a lot of great victories and they were thought of by the imperium as incredibly reliable and they weren't a bunch of pompous wankers see a lot of legions especially when they met up with their primark got all cultural and [ __ ] they would invent new and kind and not that effective tactics and war gear for the sake of style the iron warriors didn't care much for that and instead just did what needed to be do in order to achieve victory the introduction of pettaraba to the legion didn't really change this but it added a sense of bitterness to the legion purdy didn't speak up about the shitty wars they had to fight but instead just got resentful and took it out on his sons it got to a point where eventually he destroyed his own homeworld and pledged the soul of his legion to the forces of hell so i argue that perti overall despite his brilliance and been a huge asset to the trade allegiance was actually bad for his legion he took them from a reliable and staunch legion to a bunch of bitter and resentful legionnaires that were punished and decimated for no good reason they were also incredibly effective before purdy arrived so it wasn't like he was the cause of their success the fifth legion is the white scars the white scars were the scouts of the imperium they would go out into the galaxy suss what was going on take planets if they could and report back on them if they couldn't they were very scattered and lacked unity and culture jagdai their primark was the one who united them physically and spiritually he took them from the various scouting parties into a formidable legion and he was able to save their souls from chaos even when everyone else thought they would fall for sure jagadai would show his son's respect and love falling into a berserk murderous rage when his warriors fell in battle the khan was also able to help stabilize some gene seed issues the white scars had so without a doubt jagdar was a huge asset for the white skies now onto the sixth legion we have the wolf daddy with these wolf marines the space wolves wolf before they found their primark the space rules were next to nothing they were an experimental legion and had low numbers as a result of their insatiable appetite for chihuahua puss they were held back from engaging in the early wars of the great crusade their gene seed issues also made recruitment a bit of a [ __ ] despite this they were eventually able to deploy on various battlefields and whilst they were effective they had uh some discipline issues battles would quickly devolve into slaughters as the space wars chomp down on dead ass they were feral with no one to look up to that could curb their feralness i mean i guess the emperor could have but he probably thought it was funny when lehman was found his dna was able to stabilize their fatal gene seed problems saving the rectal cavity of many dogs the biggest thing though was how lehman taught his sons to maintain their savagery whilst also learning respect and discipline this allowed them to become a more effective force that eventually resulted in their means seen as one of the greatest legions in the galaxy lehman would go on to be a good primark who didn't let demon god sodomize his children's souls so in my book lehman was a huge asset to his legion the seventh is roguely dornely and his perial fists the fists were solid from day one they would conquer a world set up a fortress there in order to secure the world then move on these fortresses really help not only protect the world but also bring it into genuine compliance a lot faster the emperor himself was so impressed with their metaphorical fisting of non-compliant worlds that he called them the imperial fierce when roger was discovered he too liked building [ __ ] so it was a match made in heaven he would seamlessly take him out of his legion and push them to achieve greater things occasionally he did [ __ ] up like when he carelessly attacked perturbo at the iron cage killing most of his legion but his good deeds and loyalty to the imperium heavily outweigh his occasional stuff up overall roger was a good dad and his legion benefited from his presence the eighth legion is evil [ __ ] space batman and his night lords something wrong happened to conrad maybe his trip through the warp knocked a chromosome loose but he didn't turn out so hot he had a twisted sense of justice that was also incredibly narrow in scope he would fix a problem in the most effective and efficient way possible but that didn't make it the best way allow me to explain when he arrived at his home world and grew up he was able to wipe out crime by terrifying the [ __ ] out of everyone however he didn't invest in social security education and other helpful things that keep crime rates low and so when he left the planet they devolved back into extreme crime as the fear of him was the only thing keeping them in check this attitude combined with new nightlord recruits coming from his twisted homeworld was a blight upon the 8th legion their terror tactics were not the issue in actuality they caused a lot less death and destruction than many of the other noble legions the issue was that conrad's homeworld provided [ __ ] sadistic recruits whilst conrad himself had a number of mental breakdowns which made the legion as a whole look really bad the night lords were also incredibly effective at their psychological warfare even before conrad arrived so it's not like they depended on him for their tactics or culture these things put together resulted in conrad and his legion turning against the emperor but at least it wasn't via chaos god claiming their souls overall [ __ ] dab on the flip side the ninth legion the blood angels heavily benefited from their discovery of sanguinius no [ __ ] it's sanguineous before they met their primark they were bloodthirsty wretches that gave the post-brain nail world eaters a run for their money when it came to feralness they had the red thirst in them and nobody did tell them not to indulge in it however sanguinius saw the nobility in his sons and he raised them from being one of the most despised legions into an order of heroic knights and heroes the effect he had upon his legion was so profound that even 10 000 years later they continue to uphold his legacy as noble defenders of humanity except you flesh terrors you guys are [ __ ] cooked not much else to say here sangee is a legend the 10th legion is ferris manus this is an interesting one as ferris wasn't the nicest primark he also indirectly caused his sons to decide that cutting off their hands and replacing them with prosthetics was a huge vibe something he wanted them to stop doing but clearly not enough if they kept doing it ferris had a primitive survival of the fittest attitude refusing to allow his homeworld to become developed so that it continued to provide him recruits who had murdered their way to the top the iron hands were also a very successful legion even before they discovered their primark and it was ferris's recklessness that got so many of them killed including himself during the horus heresy so it could be argued that ferris is one of the few loyalist primarks that existence could have ended up stunting the i enhanced potential leading them down a path of irrelevance and self-mutilation the eleventh legion also would have preferred not to have a primark as their primark was so naughty he doesn't even exist in imperial record the 12th legion probably would have preferred not to have a primark even more so than the 11th this is because their primark was angron love him or hate him angeron was a shitty primark when he received the butcher's nails he lost most of his primark aura meaning that his legion wasn't chemically influenced to respect him he also beat most of his commanders to death when he was having a sook then he turned his legion into a bunch of berserkers eventually forcing them to all receive the butcher's nails damning them to insanity and a lifetime of suffering and war there's also that time he lost his [ __ ] and tried to solo kill his entire legion forcing his sons to knock his ass out he was so despised by his own sons that when the horus heresy broke out the world eaters despite their brain nails and many of the anti-brain now world eaters already being dead had the highest amount of loyalists that fought against him unreal needless to say the world eaters would win much better off if anger on was aborted this next one is easy the ultramarines hundred percent would have benefited from gilean they were already a solid legion but when given a smart thoughtful and logistical demigod who believed in common sense they became unstoppable and to this day continue to save the imperium as a wise matt ward once said urchins are the best the next one is a bit complicated and it depends on where you stand when it comes to how much you smell more tyrion before he became a hypocritical smelly moth demon was a good commander and primark he fought to help his people and barbarous defeat their twisted necromantic overlords sure he didn't really gel with his legion when they first met as he basically deleted their culture and replaced it with his own but he did care for them he never wanted all of them to become a bunch of fat ass disease-riddled dudes and only did so because he was tricked into leading them to nurgle so one point for that but minus 10 points for everything else the death guard legion were thriving without mortarion but when he arrived he made a number of mistakes that have eventually led them to where they are today if his legion are happy with where they are then sure but considering that time a few plague marines were once separated from the warp and freaked the [ __ ] out i would say deep down they aren't the 15th legion is the thousand suns and straight up they're doing way better with magnus around but major kill most of them have been turned into dust automatons and are pawns for the forces of herald timmy you don't know anything anything sure they are a little dusty and sure magnus isn't a great dad but the alternative is significantly worse see the thousand suns were not made very well their hypersensitivity to the warp was exploited by tits niche hence the legion was spontaneously turning at the chaos spawn magnus although he got kind of tricked was able to significantly slow this affliction called the flesh change so without magnus the thousand sons would have experienced a fate worse than death there is no desiring that magnus's existence is good for them number 16 gives us the arch [ __ ] and he's legion of luna wolves horus was a great commander and he did raise up the lunar wolves to become one of the best legions out there but he's full to chaos kind of completely shut on their reputation and strength when horus died the sons of horus as they were renamed to became everyone's punching bag hell even the emperor's children kicked their ass it was only when abaddon came and renamed them to the black legion did they start being feared and respected again no horus means no hectic horus heresy it also means abaddon would have likely taken command over the lunar wolves and if nothing else he is a great commander imagine that a loyalist abaddon leading a legion the lunar wolves would have been much better off with that rather than what they got under 17 we have lorger and his word bearers lorga twisted his legion's purpose beyond recognition word bearers are charismatic and were intended to spread the imperial truth instead logar took them and made them spread his own twisted religion that praised the atheist emperor as a god lorga was a fine primark overall if a bit of a [ __ ] so it depends on perspective word bearers are powerful mostly in control of the gifts chaos has given them and loga has been absent for a long time if being powerful and in control is better than being loyal and kind of irrelevant then lorga was an overall solid primark for his legion i don't even need to go into detail for vulcan and his friendly salamanders vulcan gives the best hugs hugs are good for anyone in every situation no more explanation needed the raven guard were one of the first legions to be deployed doing some serious damage during the unification wasn't beyond they were silent assassins ending wars before they had even begun and boy they were good at it the arrival of corvus didn't make them the stealthy warriors that we know and love however it did give them a bit of a backbone and recognition as a legion in their own right see before corvus they didn't really speak up too much hence horus basically commandeered the raven guard legion to be his [ __ ] making them fight alongside his lunar walls as he stealth and infiltration division with the arrival of corvus he was able to pull them away from horus and establish them as their own legend corvus would go on to purge the shitty aspects of the raven guard's culture like their cold emotionless demeanors and apparent lack of personalities eventually making them one of the most human legions out of all of them so yes ignoring the easter van drop site massacre corvus was a great dad and finally the 20th legion the alpha legion without alpharius there would be no alfarius and for his sons that means alpharius so overall in some cases the primarks brought their legions down in other cases they just kind of existed but for the most part a primark was a great thing for their legion would the galaxy have been better off without the primox as a whole hard to say the great crusade wouldn't have been nearly as successful and maybe even have failed it's heavily implied that the emperor was in a big rush to win the great crusade and without the primox it would have taken longer than he would have liked but without the primox there wouldn't have been a horus heresy so it really comes down to if the current setting of the galaxy is better or worse than what the galaxy would have been like if the great crusade failed if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be we're only one dollar per month to give you access to a boatload of bad almost 40 million hentai hit the subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more prime content join the discord for more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music] bow to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 433,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus
Id: p9KKePy0VUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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