What Happened to the Flagship Of Each Space Marine Legion? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal with all the chainblades powerfists and disproportionately high rates of melee combat in a Sci-Fi setting it's easy to forget that there are bigger spaceships in Warhammer 40K that can one shot armies from orbit the biggest and best are the flagships the Gloriana class vessels of each Space Marine Legion the emperor gave his son's many toys probably too many with how spoiled they ended up being the biggest of which was a custom mega ship for them in their Legion to act as a mobile base ships that were designed to be like the Titanic in space Mighty and Unsinkable well just like the Titanic that proved to be a load of [ __ ] as many Legion flagships have been lost or totally annihilated always making for some great lore as they fought to their last before we get started the first thing someone notices when they look at you is your face not your arms not your stomach your face fortunately the face is also the easiest thing to make look good or at least dramatically improve to help you with this I've partnered up with geology once again for this video your patchy oily a dry or pimply skin isn't just a result of bad genetics or questionable Health choices pretty much all of those issues can be fixed with a basic skincare routine the issue is that us blokes have no idea what to do when you put on your moisturizer what cleanser do I use what the hell is Eye Serum geology takes the guesswork out of the equation by getting us to fill out a quick survey then bam a custom skincare routine is sent to your door as I am in Australia which doesn't have an ozone layer my morning moisturizer has a little bit of sunscreen in it whilst other people who have greater issues with acne would have a routine more suited for them fixing your skin is the lowest hanging fruit on your bathroom going from a stereotypical Warhammer neckbeard to an approachable attractive contributing member of society so you'd have to be an absolute fool to not at least give it a go especially since using my linking code magical 70 below you'll get a massive 70 off your first trial skincare package with an additional 50 off on any additional product from geology which includes deodorants washes shampoos and everything a Warhammer fan needs cheers the geology for sponge in the this video today we'll go over the status of each of the Space Marine Legion flagships we'll also spend some time speaking of their General law let's get into it the Dark Angels Flagship was the Invincible reason the first Flagship ever created as befitting their status as the first Legion it was incredibly ornate and reliable a lot of its parts were made as one-offs due to the excitement of creating the first ever Gloriana class ship it served the lion well during the Great Crusade and even better during the heresy engaging multiple demon-class ships and coming out on top every single time despite some damage the ship survived the Horus heresy and Remains the flagship of the Dark Angels alongside the rock the second legion's Flagship went to the Bermuda Triangle for its maiden voyage and was never seen again the empress children Flagship is quite ironically named The Pride of the emperor definitely [ __ ] not his pride I'll tell you that much for free it is by far the most ornamental Flagship out of all the legions and took way longer to build as a result of this sacrificing a lot of practicality for Marvel pillars statues and other cute little things the pride carried fullgram throughout the Horus heresy and was able to survive intact even engaging in heavily damaging the eye enhanced Flagship in a surprise attack shortly after the heresy gillymen and one of his heaviest ships engaged The Pride crippling it and damaging it Beyond repair as such fulgrim had to summon the powers of the warp to stitch it back together turning it into a mangled Abomination an Alibaba version of itself The Pride hasn't been seen in ages probably just being used as an orgy ship for the past 10 Millennia on the other end of the spectrum we have the iron Warriors Flagship the iron blood this ship is by far the ugliest out of all the legion flagships with Puerto rubber removing all windows from it because apparently stars are gay or something the iron blood was unique in that it was built in the shipyards of Olympia instead of mars or another planet within the soul system it was huge one of the largest flagships by a big margin and was more or less indestructible the closest it ever got to being threatened was when it was bordered by a kill team of Imperial fists but all they managed to do was spook petarabo ironically despite petarabu removing all windows and viewports stating that all specs and scanners were enough he actually popped his head out of an open launch bay to watch the Battle of foul which was a huge iron Warrior vs Imperial fist space battle after that battle he relented and finally installed Windows in the command chamber sure all specs and scanners are the best way to coordinate ships but you don't get to see dopa's space battles that way the iron blood is still probably floating around somewhere but hasn't been seen in a long time the white scars Flagship was the sword storm and was by far the mechanicum's least favorite ship to create this is because they already made the white scars a Gloriana class ship but then Jagged I told them it was dog [ __ ] and they had to rebuild it according to his specifications which basically involved making it go faster it served the Carn well during the Great Crusade and half of the Horus heresy allowing him to have the speed to break out of an alpha Legion blockade however during a battle against the death guard the Khan baited mortarion on board the ship and then blew it up remotely with what Tyrion barely escaping whilst most of his Death Shroud Honor Guard were killed being too slow to get away in time probably not worth the sacrifice since mortarion wasn't actually killed the space rules Flagship was the harathnical I swear if I just pronounced that correctly on the first try I'm actually a God it was [ __ ] massive easily one of the top three biggest Gloriana class flagships despite this it didn't actually feature a whole lot Lehman would usually Join one of his yards on their own ship during operations or wars only very rarely commanding the haraphne curl he would use it to engage the sons of Horus Flagship where it was seriously damaged but managed to escape it was then most likely destroyed during the Battle of urant when the space rules were attacked by a fuckload of traitorous studies and only survived due to the rescue of corvus corax as same likely as although I can't see confirmation it was already damaged when the Battle of yarents started and it would have been a prime target it was also never mentioned again afterwards the Imperial fist Flagship was unique in that it wasn't a Gloriana ship although they did have one called The Eternal Crusader which are now accessed the flagship of the black Templars know the the Imperial Fish had the Phalanx a legendary mobile star Fortress dating back to the Dark Age of Technology the Phalanx would have no issue annihilating any ship or Fleet for that matter and was always avoided by the trade religions where possible it survived the heresy and Remains the flagship of the Imperial fists this very day recently been repaired and upgraded by the adeptus custodies the nightlord's flagship was the Nightfall a solid ship that was more or less one big torture chamber Labyrinth it was the Nightfall that was used as demon Primark angoran's prison to keep him confused and trapped until demons were allowed to manifest on terror hence angron could be sent down to the surface this was because if he had instead been placed on his own ship he would have destroyed it from the inside out when the Dark Angels clapped the nightlords and Scattered their Legion the ship was taken over by gandor scravock to be used to help Horace during the siege of Terror gender was killed by the blood Angels chapter Master alderon on the surface and we have never seen the Nightfall again there's a good chance it was destroyed during the scouring as it was still somewhat crippled by the Dark Angels the blood Angel's Flagship was the red tier and holy [ __ ] this ship went through some serious [ __ ] although serving well during the Great Crusade it ate absolute [ __ ] at the Battle of cygnus prime where the blood angels first encountered the forces of chaos chaos was able to infect the mind of the ship's Captain causing her to murder her Bridge crew and crash the ship into the planet it was then turned into a fortress by the blood angels in which they waged their war against the demons from when the demons on cygnus Prime were purged the absolute [ __ ] Fest of the ship was then towed back to Bal but got caught in a warp storm and instead appeared at Ultramar where it was repaired and brought back into form as the blood Angel's Flagship it was hidden away with the Phalanx at the rim of the Soul system during the siege of Terror as a plan B if Terror was to fall and may still be around today however it hasn't been mentioned as far as I know the iron hands had the fist of iron makes sense which was a legendary Flagship as befitting the iron hands Mastery of technology and building how however it was ambushed and heavily damaged by the empress children in an active treachery despite being very functional it still had a lot of aesthetic Beauty and wasn't just a dead piece of metal like the iron blood due to the damage from the pride of the emperor the fist of iron wasn't actually present at the is fine drop site Massacre so could still be around in the current setting however just like most ironhand's law it barely gets mentioned the 11th primark's Flagship was hijacked and crashed into the imperium's Trade Center causing a lot of ruckus and tomfoolery with some even suspecting it was an inside job by malcador the world eaters have a very badass Flagship with some awesome lore the Conqueror although an impressive ship it was the conqueror's captain lotara sarin who was the real MVP the ship was massive larger than most of its brother's ships and fought to The Nail across the Horus heresy however when angron ascended to become a demon Prince by logger this ship began to rapidly mutate most of the crew went insane with the world it is used in the Conqueror as one big arena and hunting ground in her arrogance though Tara believed that she could maintain control of the ship whose machine Spirit had become sentient due to the Warped corruption lotara could not eventually fusing with the ship to her horror as her soul became merged with the machine Spirit creating an entity called the mistress who was more or less the soul and brains of the vessel after the heresy the Conqueror remained active and at the Forefront of many chaos invasions of Imperial space the ownership of the Conqueror traded hands many times between many different chaos Warlords however none could hold it for long eventually Lord kosselax the de facto leader of the world eaters was on the verge of finally Conquering the Conqueror and bending the mistress to his will but then angron appeared and finally retook Humanity's Legion uniting Primark with Flagship once again the ultramarine's flagship is called the mccrag's honor and took an absolute beating at the Battle of calf yet it survived and chased corfere on ship into the war due to some spaghetti it got stuck in the wharf but after a few years was eventually able to pull itself out and returned to Ultramar where it would go on to survive the heresy and remain the flagship of the ultramarines chapter however when gilliman was revived and used the mccraig's honor to try get back to Terror it was captured by the red corsairs a chaos warband funnily enough though the mccraig's honors machine Spirit was so Noble and loyal that it was extremely difficult for the red corsairs to use or corrupt it so the red corsairs literally just gave it back to the ultramarines back in giliman's hands it once again became his Flagship and was heavily upgraded by belsarius call the death guard's Flagship is the endurance and like its namesake it has endured despite being the backbone of the death guard Fleet it didn't see much direct action during the heresy with typhon's ship the Terminus s been more often used as the death guard's main ship the endurance was heavily corrupted at the same time as the legion becoming one big smelly piece of [ __ ] that literally houses a section of nurgle's Garden within it it remains as mortarion's personal ship and was used to invade the realm of Ultramar however with voltaren's defeated the hands of gilliman it is likely just sitting in orbit at the plague Planet literally licking its own wounds the Thousand Sons Flagship is the faux tap which is more or less a big ass Library [ __ ] nerds when the space wars were sent to Prospero to spank Magnus Magnus set the faux tap amongst other ships away to safety eventually those ships would find Magnus at the planet of sorcerers and reunite with the legion however due to some confusing 4D chess the photop would be used to Aid the loyalists in protecting the Magna Mata a key ingredient that would later go on to help create the modern day primaris Marines the fate of the fotep is unclear but I think it's still floating around somewhere the sons of Horus have the infamous vengeful Spirit although they did have a twin Gloriana ship called the Magna tyrannus which Abaddon uses his own ship during the Crusade in heresy the vengeful Spirit was one of the largest and took a part in everything Horus did it was the flagship of the traitor Legions and it became so corrupt That by The Siege of Terror it was literally a piece of flying War when the emperor killed Horus most of the ship's corruption was dispelled with Abaddon taking it deep into the eye of Terror it would re-emerge as the flagship of abaddon's newly formed black Legion causing massive issues for Imperial forces but in turn nearly getting destroyed multiple times due to abaddon's low IQ Battle Tactics most recently it was hit with a suicide ship that blew a massive hole in it forcing it to do an emergency warp jump to safety it is now currently under repair within the eye of Terror the word barriers those greedy [ __ ] had three hectic flagships the first was the Furious Abyss which was created in secret at the dawn of the Horus heresy in order to try destroy mccragg it was stopped and then destroyed by a ragtag team of loyalist World eaters Space Wolves ultramarines and a loyalist thousand Sun the next was The fidelitus Lex which was destroyed by giliman's Vengeance Fleet in the orbit of Ingram's Homeworld they gave it a death by a Thousand Cuts as thousands of small ships swarmed all over it a nice bit of Revenge for the atrocity on calf the final word Bears Flagship was The Chronicles of Ashes which was captured by the ultramarines during the scouring purgative taint and then given to the Nemesis chapter one of the early ultramarine successes so yeah wordbearers got [ __ ] this doesn't even include corporon's Flagship which was destroyed by the mccrag's honor the salamander's flagship wasn't actually a gloriana-class ship although they did have one called The Flame wrought that was destroyed during the eastvan dropside massacre no Vulcan created his own Flagship called The Chalice of fire which was one of his famous artifacts of Vulcan the Chalice wasn't taken to isvan hence was not lost there but was lost during the subsequent battles it drifted through the void for ten thousand years but was recently rediscovered by the salamanders and has been brought back home currently it sits above their Homeworld acting as a mobile Forge and orbitable defense system The Raven guards Flagship was the shadow of the emperor and probably had the least impressive career out of all of them it was destroyed by the Terminus EST at the start of the dropside massacre Epic the alpha Legion have two flagships as befitting their two primarks the Alpha and the beta no [ __ ] both ships were heavily modified to become mazes making boarding parties confused as [ __ ] both cut a large sway through Imperial ships however with our Furious being traitor and omigon been secretly loyalist they didn't end up doing as much damage as you'd think our forest was able to sneak the alpha into the soul system thus attack Pluto well before the rest of the traitor forces arrived however his arrogance was his downfall as rogel Dawn brutally killed alfarious in a jewel as a result of that the alpha beta and Primark omegon and most of the alpha Legion then withdrew from the siege of Terror both ships haven't been seen since but much like omegon are probably still active behind the scenes surprisingly most Allegiance flagships are still around with a number of them even being active [ __ ] the return of the primarks I want to see The Return of the flagships give me them juicy Gloriana class ship battles if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be B well there is not only a boatload of battle mace 40 million hentai but also a bunch of sexy live action nude cosplays hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more Gloriana content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 428,594
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Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: tL17UhROS4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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