5 HORRIFYING Moments in Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal Warhammer can be a pretty graphic and disturbing setting like there was literally a scene in the night Lord's Omnibus where a bunch of innocent astropaths are tortured beyond belief by the night Lords kept alive purely through chemicals at the moment of their death they were literally just like slumps of melted flesh with how badly they had been messed up a lot of them were children but I wouldn't exactly call that Horror in the traditional sense I wasn't scared when I read it just a bit disturbed so it begs the question does Warhammer 40K have true elements or stories centered around horror short answer is yes I mean the black Library literally has a section on their website dedicated to horror short stories and novels the long answer is this video before we get started I want to thank you guys and gal I wasn't sure how the magical plush would go but it was incredible to see us not only hit our three-week goal within 24 hours but blow past it entirely meaning I don't have to be one of those depresso expresso YouTubers who has to end up canceling my plushie because nobody wants it you poor poor bastards however just because we hit the goal doesn't mean we're done we're currently the 19th most funded plushie but I want to crack the top 10. we have 15 days to overtake the gay T-Rex the lesbian T-Rex and most powerful of all the trans T-Rex after those 15 days this guy is gone forever never coming back again so grab him as like a cute desk companion or you know like a sturdy toy for your kids The Shield is actually supposed to come off relax or as a cuddle buddy to help you forget the cravings for the warmth of a female's touch to top it all off if you buy a plushie and send me the receipt or confirmation email I'll send you a custom video message just for you could be birthday wishes could be a question or could just be me talking absolute shite it's mostly just me talking [ __ ] so there you go plushie and discount Cameo app all in the one purchase today we'll go over five moments Characters themes or whatever from Warhammer 40K that inspires genuine horror they won't necessarily have to come from a horror book or story let's get into it the first horrifying on this list involves spiders I'm not a fan of spiders as I'm sure many of you are also not so this one hits home a bit harder in The backwind Saga which is the third Trilogy for the Inquisition series we follow the perspective of a blank clone of Elizabeth beckwen eisenhorn's old companion she's in an elite society that claims it's a training ground for inquisitors but it's actually the opposite as such We Gather a lot of things are wrong Clues here and there that point towards there being a Sinister force behind the entire Society then there is the super creepy way some Society members voices crackle when they talk it's uncovered that the people with the crackly voices have pretty overpowered abilities that allow them to project powerful forms of energy to destroy their enemies hey that's pretty cool kinda like Dragon Ball Z until we discover the source of those Powers see the society would clone a blank train that clone and then once they were ready shove a big magic spider down their throat that would live inside their body with the crackling voice being the Reverb of the lungs against the spider within them we find this out as an empress children psycha kills one of the Society members by forcefully extracting the spider and crushing it the clone of beckwen obviously feels pretty sick seeing this as a society intended to put a spider in her as well before [ __ ] went down and her true adventure began the horror element here is the build up we know something is wrong we know there is something sinister going on and we think we might be just starting to figure it out then bam [ __ ] eight-legged freak out of nowhere in before one of you retards eats a spider so you can try become Goku the necrons are a bit of a two-sided coin on one side we have Tris in the infinite acting like an immortal Ash Ketchum exploring the Galaxy kidnapping people for a laugh and just having an all-round good time then on the other side we have Legions of soulless Undead robots that want to exterminate your balls or you know fly off your flesh and use it as a cloak because this coin contrasts so hard with itself there is a debate about what type of necrons people fair I reckon both are good in their own way and both have their place the more horrifying necrons are obviously the ones more applicable to today's video hence the next scary moment was Ironically in one of the Kane novels novels known for being a bit more light-hearted and funny when Kane is exploring an ice tunnel they keep getting ambushed by these big scary insectoid things not ideal but the real horror is when they accidentally stumble into a necron tomb these necrons aren't messing about they have flayed ones and even the incredibly rare parais which is a blank merge with the necron chassis to create an extremely scary enemy like their superpower is the fact they are so scary Kane realizes has to try to shut down the necron portal that keeps teleporting enemies in so he recruits an Elite Squad of Stormtroopers to help him these guys are hard as nails they have no fear of death at all like when one of them dies the rest just kind of shrug and pour out a cold one for them on their way to the tomb they fight some necrons no biggie then flayed one's attack killing some of them and stealing their flesh still still no biggie however when this Elite Squad is face to face with the pariahs they all freeze in fear even Kane can't move as the terror of being in their presence turns his legs to Stone he is only saved because jurgen's blankness somehow blocks their blightness it doesn't make much sense and probably wouldn't fit into the current Cannon too well but there you go Kane escapes but these Fearless Stormtroopers spend their last moments screaming praying pissing themselves and crying as they are torn to shreds by the necrons it was cool to see the necrons in all their horrifying Glory since the last time I'd read about them was the significantly more light-hearted infinite and divine novel this next one is sad unnerving and quite horrifying the short story The Strange demise of Titus Endor Endor and the legendary eisenhorn used to be best friends as they were both trained by the same Inquisitor at the same time Endor was quite the handsome charming go-getter whilst eisenhorn was the reserved quiet achiever their Inquisitor master was infected with cerebral worms which is basically warhammer's very Grim duck version of Alzheimer's basically worms infest your brain and nervous system eating away your brain matter causing your memories to merge and distort until eventually they eat your way out of you as you die you can literally see the worms dancing behind someone's eyes if they have it eisenhorn and Endor were by their masters side until the end at which point they both went off to have successful careers eventually Endor [ __ ] up and ruins his career and friendship with eisenhorn going off by himself to do lower grade Inquisitor work this is where the short story begins his current assignment is going after a Target in a city trying to find Clues as to his whereabouts the way the story is written is quite jarring with sections seemingly missing almost as if there's gaps in endorse memory as well as Endor himself having a strange and borderline senile thought process he doesn't know where his assistant Inquisitor is he acts stalkerish and creepy to a girl he meets as he tricks himself into thinking she is a clue into finding his Target it just kind of gets more and more fragmented as The Story Goes On he often thinks about an experience he had younger in life where he survived in an attack by an alien Beast however the legend goes that eventually that Beast will return no matter where he goes to finish him off eventually his assistant Inquisitor arrives after being spam called by Endor and he cracks the [ __ ] telling Endor to stop bothering him as he is now a full Inquisitor and and or hasn't been one for years this upsets and confuses Endor but he doesn't let it get him down he continues his investigation which by this point has all blended into a confusing mess sometime later while he is watching a play as part of his investigation his assistant Inquisitor arrives and starts apologizing to Endor saying he had tests run on him and that they found cerebral worms in endor's brain he says he wishes he was there for him and can make him comfortable in his last few months Endor brushes this off as he is too busy with his investigation the assistant Inquisitor who turns out to have been a full Inquisitor for years after being promoted by Endor himself sadly leaves Endor then realizes he is totally alone in the opera house before he sees the monster of his past approach and puts him out of his misery obviously the monster was just a metaphor and hallucination for the worms who finally ate their way out of his brain killing him the investigation he had been running had been solved years ago with fragments of it merging with his current memory creating false Clues and false leads it was a creepy sad story to read leaving you feel deflated especially as it speaks of Endor as a man who had so much potential and was so bright in his youth but it all went to [ __ ] and he died a horrible death it's theorized that by eisenhorn and Endor being so close to their Master as the worms took him that is what infected Endor the fact that he was paranoid about a xenom Monster hunting him the whole time helped tick this into the element of horror not to mention when someone has cerebral worms you can see them swimming around in their eyes Cosmic horror is a tough one to write about it's also kind of have to describe a lot of people think of the warp or that the tyrionids are cosmic horror and they kinda are but not really see we can kind of understand the warp in our own way the chaos gods have pages of lore detailing their past present and even future the tyranids are also understandable with the hive mind having been witnessed and even wounded by various events within the Galaxy but to say that Warhammer 40K doesn't have Cosmic horror would be like saying transgender athletes don't have a physical advantage over people born as female it's just incorrect various worlds have unexplained scp-like entities on them whilst the Halo stars are a thing the Halo stars for those that don't know are a terrifying section on the border of known space the necron Empire within it went insane and all became flayed ones the worlds within them are impossible to exterminatus and the tyrannid high Fleet that threw through it developed a lot of problems the best part is that chaos doesn't even have a purchase there it isn't a chaos realm it's a lovecraftian section of space where things that even the chaos gods fear reside the galaxy has almost been destroyed by the horror of the Halo Stars so definitely not one to [ __ ] around with another bit of cosmic horror is The Well of Eternity an anomaly within the warp that even tit snitch is too scared to get close to instead the god of change arguably the most powerful being in existence has been steadily throwing greater demons into it to see what happens only Kairos fate Weaver was ever able to emerge now with severe retardation two heads and the ability to see the past and future simultaneously as you can imagine he doesn't make for very good company I love this [ __ ] stuff at the gods of chaos and even the tyranid hive mind know very little about it opens up so many possibilities is there another realm where the old gods of the universe reside locked away but leaking their influence into real space is this what the rundung were a race so powerful due to their Cosmic horror that the emperor had to let the void Dragon fight them like a [ __ ] legendary Pokemon I like not knowing everything and I like there being room to let my imagination should run wild in the most horrifying of ways and finally speaking of the Halo Stars we have the Halo devices these Xeno devices found by Rogue Traders within the Halo star scene core giving you immortality and superpowers not bad until we get to the side effects and boy are there some [ __ ] side effects sure the first little while using it is good your body is Purge of all imperfections and impurities and you can even regrow lost limbs this is the honeymoon stage as the device sensitive flesh and becomes one with you however after only a couple of years your mind will begin to break your body will distort and you'll gain a hunger for flesh after a few decades you will have become a literal Xeno and not in like a cutesy Elder way you'll be a walking Abomination who is nearly impossible to kill it's unclear if the xenos who made the Halo devices were total [ __ ] [ __ ] or it's simply just not very compatible with humans regardless these devices are horrifying the artwork of someone who uses them is scary and I really don't know why people use them you get like a year feeling good until you become a monster really [ __ ] deal in my opinion I mean like only after a couple decades of using it you're completely Gonzo horror within 40K is something I Vibe with hard there are plenty more elements of it so if this video does well then we'll do more if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be really one dollar per month give access to a boatload of fun fun stuff that you probably should not show your kid unlike the plushie which you definitely should hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more horrifying content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you on the next one peace foreign [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 403,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: 0DnBcAn2Vy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 01 2022
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