Twitch Subscriber Perks

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Today we're taking a look at subscriber perks to help out all the people that are subbing to your channel and we're doing this because a lot of people have been watching my videos and letting me know that they've reached affiliate status which makes me super happy so this video is for all you new up-and-coming or brand new affiliates out there hey it's me it's wild coming at you from my stream support playlist where I bring you the best tips and tricks and if this is your first time here and you want to learn how to grow and improve your stream make sure you hit that big red subscribe button and tick that bell so you know when my videos go live for you so how do we know if you want to offer subscriber perks well it's completely up to each an individual streamer everybody's gonna kind of have a different answer it really comes down to how much do you want to reward the people that are supporting you in your dreams and your goals on platforms like twitch YouTube and mixer now if offering subscriber perks is something that you're interested in offering to your subscribers and your community members you're in luck I've made a list that's really gonna help you out of ideas that you guys can use that's gonna really grow your community and your subscriber list now I've divided this into two sections one is for free things that you can give back to your community and one will be for extra funds that you'll put upfront to fulfill the rewards that your subscribers will be going into but it's up to you to pick and choose what will work best for your community like we said before it's all about what's gonna work best for them so pick and choose which ones you think will be good and you can put these at any tiers that you want to your 1 tier 2 and tier 3 it's completely up to you on what you think will work best alright let's start with the free side of sub perks that you can offer to your subscribers and we're starting out with one of the best ones if you're a twitch streamer out there that plays games giving priority to subs on multiplayer games is one of the best things that you can do and it shows a little appreciation this doesn't mean you can't play with regular viewers or followers out there it just means they get a little priority access when they jump in and this is a great reward a really common perk that you'll see a lot of people start out when they do to build hype within their stream when they get subscribers is start displaying that subscribers name somewhere within the actual visuals of the stream they'll generally write their name on like a whiteboard or chalkboard or put name on like a balloon or some kind of like paper mache origami somewhere to display within their stream and it makes a personal connection this is a real easy one to do you'll see a lot of girls streamers do this hey you got the assets work it to your advantage nothing wrong with that it's a really cool way to show your appreciation by bringing them into the physical plane of the stream and displaying them somewhere and you can do this once a week once a month and refresh it and start over but it's completely up to you and it's a good one to start with one of the main reasons people subscribe to your channel is because they like you so why not give them a little bit more of you or to be more specific why not give them an easier way to communicate with you and you can do this with discord just make a subscriber only channel within your discord and give access to those people you can even do the same thing with like teamspeak you can also move this into social media platforms as well hey do you have a snapchat out there you can give people access to that that subscribe to you on that platform or you can follow people back on like Twitter and Instagram there's a lot of different things you can do with social media in these aspects and it's a great way to keep the lines of communication open to grow and retain your subscriber count now let's just say you've got a pretty decent amount of subscribers in your channel and let's just say they're all really cool you've got a really good uniformity around everybody everybody likes everybody you know it's a really cool subscriber perk that's popping up a lot recently is doing a sub movie night something like a sub Sunday that you can do on a platform like I'll put a link in the description below but you can all watch a movie together or you can watch an anime series together and the cool kicker about this as long as you don't mind watching movies with others is it gives you something common to talk about in your next stream and it'll engage of a lot of other people to want to join into this because you're gonna create hype around it so doing something like a movie night is a great way to get new subscribers and it's a nice kicker to get people to talk in your next stream now if you are creative out there or better yet if you're not creative one of the fun subscriber perks that you can do the moment you get a subscriber you can do a doodle of something that they recommend a walrus a dinosaur it doesn't matter it's completely up to you but it's a fun little way that you can do something with in the moment to show your appreciation for that streamer and it's kind of a little better if you have no creative talent at all because it makes it a little more fun for the stream now if you have any kind of social media that you can do on your phone or an easy way to take a picture sometimes just sending a goofy picture to the person that subscribes to or just posting on your channel is something easy and fun to do you can make this whimsical you can make it goofy but it's actually a very easy and effective way of one expanding your reach on social media and marketing and two showing your appreciation for your community and for all you gamers out there if you get a subscriber you can do something kind of unique depending on what game you play you can play on the next round or match a certain set up that the subscriber recommends for you you can do this on a lot of fun games they'll probably make something challenging or something kind of odd but it's a great way for you to show appreciation that doesn't really take much effort and it makes them smile and lets them know that they're appreciated for the subscription that they just gave for you so give that a shot if you're a gamer out there and there you go those are some easy free subscriber perks that you can offer your community feel free to put your own in the list there but that will help you out but what about some that may cost you a little extra money to get started well these are the fun ones that your community is really gonna love one of my favorite ones that cost barely any money is actually just sending a postcard with a nice note on the back it's a really cool personal connection it only cost you a few cents heck it only cost you the price of a stamp to send it out but it makes a strong personal connection and shows that you're really trying to grow and build your community so give that one a shot now depending how far you are in your streaming career you may have some really cool personal branding that people want from you you know what you can offer up actually your personal branding this is something I got from one of my friends that I subbed to on his channel and he does his own work that he prints out and gives out to his subscribers depending on how long you've been a subscriber for or what tier your at and this is a great reward because nothing is cooler than getting a little bit of their personal branding or their personal art that they can send to you now going along with the personal branding or personal art if you are creative why not make a little reward depending on what tier or how long of something that's very easy to craft or create that you can send again this will fit in like a medium mail or Priority Mail or sometimes a single stamp will get this and this is a great little perk too I like painting certain things and I like sending them out and I'll tell you what it pays off gangbusters at times now again depending on how many subscribers you have you may want to consider doing something like a gift card giveaway you know sometimes you hit milestones and you want to do something really cool for your subscribers maybe hit 50 subs or 100 subs and you want to give some cool rewards back a gift cards actually a really cool way now a lot of people are gonna recommend doing a digital gift card and you know what that's kind of easy if that's all you can do I recommend doing it just do a normal giveaway through your bot and send them the you know the twenty four digit code or how many numbers and letters it's gonna be to the winner over there but you know what I think's actually cooler sending them a real gift card and here's why one you get to write them a note and let them know that you get to thank them for their personal support for however long they've been helping and you get to say thank you so boom personal touch too you can send in some personal branding material to them like your business cards or where they can find your artwork or where they can find your stream or your schedule and they'll promote that a little from them on their side with their friends and their family so you may even get a little kicker of more people coming your stream after that and that's the cool thing about sending a physical gift card because you never know who knows who on twitch they may talk about it on their streaming Channel or they may talk about how they won something and another streamers channel and it may cause a little bit of a hype for people to come check you out now let's say you want to do a physical giveaway it's not gonna be a gift card or anything at that maybe it's gonna be like a game or something that you personally made or own that you're gonna give away for a milestone or just for the fact that you've got so many subscribers here's a cool little tip that I want to pass out to all you people right there make it something visual that people know that you're building like maybe you're gonna do a giveaway once a month or every milestone what I like to do I like to write all the names on an actual ticket and put it in here and shake it up and as I get subscribers throughout the month or the milestones I will eventually pull names out of here and I will send them prize or make something for them and it's cool because people see that the tickets are going to use and the fact that it's physical and they can build some train hype so you know get some tickets I'll put a link in the description below where you can pick these up it's very easy it kind of goes back to the days of when we all went to Chuck E Cheese everybody likes getting tickets you know so this is a fun little cool thing and it's visual so that way every time you get a subscriber write a name down put on here give it a good little shake and pull a name out of there every now and then if you've got the stomach for it and you've got the passion to grow your community you know what's a really fun one that you'll see what the lot of people doing bean boozled it's actually a very easy thing to get I'll put a link in the description below where you can buy it on Amazon but they sell in a lot of stores every time you get a subscriber you can just flip the pinwheel and you have to pick out up a jelly bean and eat it a lot of people come like this for the fun goofy cringe factor but it's something very easy to do and you know it doesn't cost a lot of money to do this as a subscriber perk but just a fair warning if you get a subscriber train oh my god will your stomach hurt later on so be careful about what you can do for how many beans you could put in your tummy and there you go there are a ton of great subscriber perks that I just gave you but you're probably wondering what do I think is the best subscriber perk that's an easy answer it's your emotes it's the simplest one and it should be the best one that you have now I have a video coming up on this soon then I'll put up in the card and the link in the description below when I have finished it but it basically goes over what makes a good a mote and what makes a good subscriber badge these are very important to grow your stream because one it shows that your community loves you and your brand and two it does a little extra marketing when they use it in another stream so if you haven't had the chance or you just got newly affiliated work on those emotes now if you're wondering what kind of subscriber perks that I offer in my channel I like to keep it simple when I first started out I had way too many and it got way too confusing and I couldn't keep up so I kind of reduced mine refine mine and made mine impactful whenever I have any subscribers they get priority in any multiplayer game that I'm playing and I do my best to keep everybody rotating in and out to keep them happy my other subscriber perk that I offer is I do discounted birthday paintings I mean as you can see from my paintings back here every he likes them so I give them a huge discounted rate on them and all they have to do is pay the discounted rate plus shipping and everybody super excited for that one so I just kept mine down to two basic ones for the most part because kind of gets hard to keep up with them depending on what you do but again it's completely up to you and what you want to have for your stream in your community just try your best to keep on top of it now just a bro note, bro tip, bro advice for all of you people out there I don't recommend doing any subscriber perks they're gonna interfere with your personal life things like Skype and Facebook these can have negative repercussions on you and your personal life so I kind of recommend distancing those from you and your community but again it's completely up to you you know what's really super important making sure with your subscriber perks it's not gonna alienate any part of your community you want to make sure you drive the point across that to be a partner community they don't have to subscribe to you it's just a little extra bonus remember this is all about people helping out for you to reach your goals and dreams on Twitch you don't want to alienate anyone and you don't want to make them feel the only way they can participate in your community is by subscribing to you subscriber perks are one of the best ways to pay appreciation back to your community and if somebody does subscribe to you one of the best bro notes I can give for all you bros and Baes out there is take a moment of your time stop your stream for a little bit and say thank you give all the appreciation you can because somebody just spent their hard-earned money on you because you're creating high quality content the best thing you can do is be polite have fun make them smile make them laugh never forget it's all about unity when building your community dang that was pretty deep so always stick with the people that are helping to support you because they're gonna get you through some very tough times on Twitch YouTube and Mixer hey if you guys like this video and you want to show your support make sure you leave a comment below and if I miss a subscriber perk that you think is worth mentioning put it down in the notes below so that way we can share it with the whole community here and if you want to keep up with me on my social media and know when my videos go live or when I'm putting new artwork up make sure you follow me on my Twitter and my and if you want to see me paint live on Twitch or play some games every now and then make sure you follow me on I love seeing all of you there and helping everyone out that I can't thank you so much for watching this video I will see all of you next time in my stream support video coming up real soon take care peace
Channel: Wild4Games
Views: 75,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best twitch subscriber perks, best twitch sub perks, best twitch sub rewards, What makes a good sub perk, twitch sub perk ideas, Good Sub Perks on twitch, twitch subscriber perks, best twitch subscriber rewords, good twitch subscriber perks, twitch subscriber rewards, twitch sub perks, sub perks twitch, twitch subscribtion perks, Twitch Perks, twitch subscription explained, How to Reward Loyal Twitch Channel Subscribers, best rewards for subs on mixer, wild4games subs
Id: IK0yNMaDDo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 13 2018
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