TWITCH AFFILIATE - The fastest way!

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hey guys got a level here and today I'm gonna talk to you about how to get affiliated on Twitch really really fast okay first of all what is being affiliated on Twitch its some sort of partnership without being the ultimate status of partnership basically it allows you to have a subscribe button that means people can subscribe to you and pay you on a monthly basis also you can have three different emotes dedicated to your channel that people can use anywhere else as long as they're subbed to you it also allows you to receive bits which is kind of the currency of twitch it's a form of donation so there's a lot of advantages but before all of that I really want you to go and read the whole affiliated contract because there's a lot of lines and they're probably some stuff that you don't agree with so really think about it and read the whole contracts before even trying to get affiliated okay now what are the requirements to get affiliated on Twitch it's super simple it's basically you need to have at least 50 followers you need to have a stream for at least 500 minutes which is 8 hours in the past 30 days in the same past 30 days you need to have 3 average viewers and to have stream at least 7 different days ok so that means like if you you can do the 500 minutes in one day it doesn't count you have to have that stream for at least 7 separate days in the past 30 days so as for everything I always say there's a normal way and then there's a grinding way if you're familiar with my channel you probably already know that I mostly talk about things on the grinding way the goal is to succeed we're not treating this like it was just a fun hobby on this side the goal is to profit and and really succeed in and be the best that we can be in that particular field which is twitch in this occasion so the first step the most important thing to get affiliated is to meet the standards that means no learn spend some time on twitch you have to know what is happening on twitch what is it really like to be a streamer to be a full-time streamer to be a small streamer you really need to browse around and I should get familiar with the whole concept of streaming on Twitch that way you can get familiar with a lot of things what the chat usually likes what what are the basics that you will need to set up your stream for example your overlays your panels how to go about getting donations and stuff like that and because there's a lot of do's and dont's that you need to know about before starting you can't just discover twitch and start streaming well you can't do that but you're not gonna get affiliated anytime soon if you if you take it like that so of course when it comes to graphic design try to get your twitch page to be as attractive as possible your profile picture people love faces so I always recommend to have a face in there but if you don't you can have a cool logo but keep your colors matching right now there's a problem with the twitch banner but I'm pretty sure they're gonna come back with the banner so try to have a banner that has the same colors as your profile picture and in your panels those need to be matching you need to create a visual identity for it every time they see those colors they immediately think about you when viewers go to channels that don't have any panels most likely they won't follow they won't even watched your stream I know I'm like that if you don't have any panels I'm not watching your stuff that means you're not serious about your channel you haven't spent even five minutes on your own page why should I dedicate my time to watching you you know same thing for alerts you need to get alerts wait a minute if you're swimming on console you can't have alerts okay you don't you can't have alerts that pop up on your screen but you can have a body that dips that displays your alerts in chat that way you know when someone has taken action if someone followed you can think that person can say thank you so much for following me because this is free entertainment they could just watch you and not follow so you have to thank them have to show your gratitude chorus same thing for donations and hosts and and all of that you really need to get familiar with all of those principles the second step is to schedule up we're not talking about streaming and already scheduling we're talking about planning your whole affiliated path and for now it's gonna be the affiliated path but it's mostly going to be your streaming path in the long run so so keep that in mind you need to prepare your plan you need to know how does streaming seven different days in five hundred minutes fits with your own schedule if you have work if you're at school if you do anything even if you're unemployed you need to know how many how many hours can you put every day for those seven days to get that affiliated status now as I said before you can have like the whole 500 minutes in one day you really need to get it in seven different days if you think oh I will just have to stream one hour for about eight days that's not gonna cut it because you're not gonna get three viewers average if you only stream one hour and that's gonna bring us to the next point let's say now you're all set up you're already meeting the standards and even doing more like you're more interesting stream than than most streams that means not only you have a very attractive graphic design overlays alerts but on top of that you bring something a little new you're in the right path if you're already doing that if you think that about your own stream you're already on the right path now all you need is to bring the viewers in when I say bring the viewers in I also mean the followers because the ultimate goal is not only to get people to watch you one day and then leave you want them to come to follow you and to come back every time you stream now to me personally I see it that way I see there are four different types of viewers on Twitch first type is the randoms those are people that just roam around twitch looking for most of the time smaller streamers so they can support and have relations with those are the cool people and those people are the people why you need to meet the standards once you start streaming if you look at your view count you will see that every single stream even if you had no if you even if you feel like you had no viewers during that stream you will your viewer count will go up that means people click on your stream and then they click away you need to model your stream in a way that less people click away pretty much those are the random viewers second type of viewers are the hosted viewers now how can you get hosted that's gonna bring us to the other types of you get hosted by friends other streamers random streamers that just want to host someone that is playing the same game as they are those viewers come to your channel and they're all potential followers if they like you in the first 5 minutes that you're being hosted they will most likely follow and you can get a lot of a lot of viewers a lot of followers a lot of regulars from that so always treat your host like it was the Holy Grail because it's basically doing all the work for you bringing the audience to you you will get a couple of randoms per day so that means if someone hosts you for 10 people or 20 people or 50 that's about two weeks of work that's someone just trained for you so be grateful for that now in my opinion hosted viewers are the easiest way to get followers regulars because they feel like it's within the same circle like you're related to that streamer that they just came from third type of viewers are the networked viewers I call them the networked viewers basically it's when you network with people and I'm gonna put a list of ways or are just groups where you can network with other streamers those are the people you talk to you hang out in their chat you become friends with them those are the people that will come to your stream just to see what it looks like but also to show you support if you're showing support to other streamers small streamers most likely they will come by as soon as they see you live they will follow you you will you will get like this is the tree if you're networking well the three average viewer is nothing is nothing if you network with let's say a hundred people I'm an admin in a group where there's 4,000 people if you network with like let's say 50 people you can easily get three of them to show up pretty much on a regular basis every time you stream so that that that that box has just checked at this point so yeah networking is very important and if you don't know how to network I will probably make a video about it I guess but it's it's literally talking to people supporting people being active in their chat showing interest and that's it the best people you network with will become friends that's automatic and the people that you don't want to be friends with you can still network with and you can still show support just don't hope for any support back it's really like supporting a lot of people and getting a little bit of support because you need the support but also once you meet those people you will feel better about yourself because there are truly some amazing people out there and the last type of viewers is what I call the marketed viewers those are the people that come from social media that means posting about you going live or posting a clip from your stream will get some views the problem is there are thousands not to say millions of people that are also going live during the same day probably the same hour as you and they're also posting on social media so of course places like Instagram and Twitter use hash tags use the hash tags and if your post kind of stands out you will get a viewer well you will get a viewer anyone that thinks oh that's original I'm interested that's one more viewer that you will get in a potential follower a potential subscriber but that's when you get affiliated those are the marketed viewers those are also super important I'd say the networked the everything is super important like the random viewers are the is important in a way but they're also important because they tell you if your stream is entertaining enough if your stream is worth it if rendom if randoms come over and they just click away then there's a problem there's a problem with your stream you need more audience retention that is keeping people that come in all right the next step is to choose wisely now of course depending on your own life your schedule and in your free time you will have to do some sacrifices of course if you if you're like oh I'm gonna put three hours of streaming note that streaming in average is usually a three to four hours minimum if you're not putting three to four hours you're putting just two hours a day you will you will most likely see no growth at all because you need to have we were talking about random viewers you need to stream for a long period of time so those random viewers can come in and you can have like a bigger number of random viewers so you can get more followers if you get 10 people most likely one out of ten will be interested in your stream enough to follow or even talk and chat but the nine others you lost them but if you stream for one hour most likely you will just have one or two random viewers and if the two of them don't really feel your stream then you just made zero follows for that day so what should you choose wisely you should choose the games that you decide to play games not only games if you're gonna be streaming in the creative section if you're gonna be streaming in the IRL section you need to choose what type of content that you want to broadcast but also when do you want to broadcast that content okay now there's a dilemma here the dilemma here is between doing something popular that already has a lot of people streaming it but also a lot of people watching it and streaming something that is not popular that has a small amount of people watching it but if you get a lot of it's like it's easier to market to those people because you're gonna be on top of the list let's pick a game let's let's pick an old game I don't know Super Mario 64 maybe it's not the best example cuz a lot of people are speedrunning this game but whatever that's if you take an unpopular game for example and there's only four people streaming it but there's 400 people watching it most likely the first guy on top of the list he's gonna have like 300 viewers okay and there's gonna be a couple of viewers on the rest that's advantageous because if the top guy wants to host someone who's playing the same game your chances are way higher because there's not a lot of people streaming the game basically he has to choosing between two or three or four people to host and if he hosts you then that's good also if he doesn't host anyone and he just goes offline and his viewers still want to watch the game on twitch they will most likely click on the game and see that there's now only four people streaming the game like with would you like plus one so that's that's four people and that also increases your chances of getting random viewers way more random viewers then if you were playing a game popular as such as overwatch or pub G or R League of Legends because there are literally thousands of people streaming it so you're all the way at the bottom that means to even get to you as a random person they have to scroll down for ages before they even find you in why would they do that why would they even want to do that you know but if u stream regularly and you're streaming a popular game that also means that more people will want to watch this game it just doesn't guarantee that they won't want to watch you that's that's that's just the problem so non popular stuff because of more visibility super popular stuff because more people because of audience retention you have more chances of a random wanting to watch some overwatch gameplay then some Super Mario 64 I know I want I'm bi prefer watching some overwatch game played in Super Mario 64 or pop gr for at night even though I love Super Mario 64 those are the choices you have to make also you need to think about your audience what type of audience where are they from is this is kind of like a business you need to really think about where who is my target audience is it people from Australia so that means you will stream on the on the best time for of the Australian time zone or is it people from EU is it people from na really have to think about that usually the best time to stream is for a specific geo location it's around 8 p.m. that means people that are coming back from school people are that are coming back from work can watch you but you need to figure out where where in the world all right my bonus tip is to do giveaways this is still within the realm of getting viewers and some people go on Twitch and literally go to the search bar and type giveaway because they're so eager to win something it just type giveaway and they just go click on streams that are doing that are hosting giveaways and if you're thinking oh my god I don't have money ok this is why I want to search because I don't have money first of all bad idea also you don't need a lot of money to do giveaways you don't need sometimes you don't need any money but my preferred technique is to buy those key boxes so if you go to site websites like Humble Bundle or GTA calm you can buy packs of games that are cheap like for ten dollars you can buy literally like 10 cheese that means you could do 10 giveaways with $10 one giveaway you can last a couple of days of course try to put some something that is reasonable don't do your first giveaway saying Oh first giveaway is gonna be when I hit 100 followers because it's gonna take you a while to get that 100 followers so you can do something like every 5 follower I give away a chi in chat every 10 follower I give away a key make sure that it's something that doesn't cost you too much and that you can do regularly that is kind of a hack which means it's a shortcut but also it doesn't guarantee it on the long run it's not something that works giveaways are kind of like follow four follows they're cool and all they will give you the impression of succeeding but in real life it's not it's you're not actually you will get viewers your average free viewers that will help you with it but after you get affiliated don't count on those same viewers to become regulars it can happen but most of the time people that go on stream to find giveaways they go on stream to find give always they're not gonna stick around if you're not doing giveaways anymore okay so keep that in mind and the final final final tip is creativity is stand out as I said before when I was talking about about about the marketed viewers those are the people that only came to your stream because they saw a post that was creative enough for them to say oh that's interesting let me check it out keep in mind that if you're part of Facebook groups you have an Instagram a snapchat snapchat is a good way to tell your viewers that you're going live but you already need to have viewers for that but Twitter and all that post simply posting your link saying hey guys I'm going live with some pop G it it just doesn't cut it it doesn't it doesn't cut it I know it sounds like oh I'm gonna say that I'm going live with pubsey and they're gonna come because they want to watch what that's that's not true that's not true at all people really want to Tibby to see your creativity that means simply posting a link with I'm going live or supporting the stream or something like that will not work will just not work no one clicks on those posting a gif posting a picture if you're handsome or you're beautiful if someone ever told you that you're attractive post the picture use that post the picture of your face it's gonna work more people gonna it's it doesn't matter if oh I don't want people to come just because I might rap that's because it's the contact it's the initial contact that you want to establish it's not about it's not necessarily about that post it's about making them discover your stream they're not gonna take oh you post a picture of yourself your stream on must be just about showing your face that's not true okay you can have some posts that are representative of your stream I personally like posting clips from my previous streams as going live posts because they see a little highlight of how fun my stream can be and if they get interested and they like the person the little bit of personality they can they can find in that clip they will most certainly come to your stream and they will follow and if they still like it they will become regulars they will subscribe they will support you donate cheer and all of that so be creative with your posts if you have any talent when it comes to I'm not gonna say Talent if you have any skills when it comes to editing first of all you should if you want to be a broadcaster learn how to edit a damn video this is very very important because you're gonna have to make highlight reels compilations at some point and that's just basic stuff use those are you good with Photoshop Photoshop yourself into a character Photoshop yourself into a meme do anything that will make people stop when they're scrolling down their Facebook or their Twitter or their Instagram be creative I actually have a video on how to be creative believe it or not I know it sounds crazy but I give a bunch of tips on how to actually stand out on social media alright guys that was pretty much it this is my tips on how to become affiliated super fast my good friend Jenn panada owns a blog where she often gives tips about how to become better broadcasters or better social media influencers and she actually has in or a call about how to get affiliated in less than 30 days to be honest I think that if you if you follow all of those tips on this video you should get it like in less than two weeks that's my personal opinion but you have to wait the 30 days because twitch will take into account only the 30 days only after 30 days sorry so head over to her blog and read her article about getting affiliated because she goes into details about the scheduling and how you can really prepare yourself to get that done that was it guys if you have any questions please leave them in the comment section below as usual follow me on social media twitter at TV slash girl level slash level gale slash gal that loves all of that just all of that okay I will see you guys next time like and subscribe share the video gal level out
Channel: Gael LEVEL
Views: 109,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch affiliate, twitch partner, partnership, how to get affiliate on twitch, how to get twitch affiliate, how to become partnered on Twitch, Twitch affiliate program, affiliate program, twitch streaming, twitch affiliate invite, how to get affiliate, stream on twitch, tutorial, how to, streaming tips, twitch tips, how to become twitch partnered, twitch affiliates, earn money twitch, twitch earn money, how to become a twitch affiliate, overwatch stream, pubg stream
Id: jaXwsrinLwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2018
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