How Much Of 2020 Can We Remember? (Game)

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What a fantastic idea for an episode!

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/SwaggiiP 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

Lost it at "I'm going to Wuhan"

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Cobraninja97 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

This was very clever!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/theeley 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
- How much of 2020 can we really remember? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) "Good Mythical Morning." - I think everybody and their grandma can agree that this year has been one of the craziest in their lifetime. It's been so bizarre, sometimes I question whether it was all just a dream. And other times, I question whether everything else was a dream making this the nightmare. - My grandmother's dead, and also, I don't follow the logic, but I'm gonna take comfort in knowing that one day, we're gonna look back on all the videos we made this year and remember what a crazy time we lived through. - Yeah. Well, that day is today. - Oh, okay. - It's time for "This Year Was a Blur, it Put Our Brains in a Blender. Did We Change the Show Teaser? Who Can Remember?" - All right, we weathered a lot this year. And the question is how much have we blocked out in order to maintain any remaining slice of sanity? - Yeah, so in this game that we're gonna play today, we're gonna literally relive moments from GMM and see how much we can recall that we supposedly learned. And we'll also be testing our knowledge of 2020 trivia in general as well. - So we're gonna replay some of the games and reconduct some of the experiments just like we did the first time on the show, and then see what's stuck with us. I mean, this is gonna be easy because we've already done it, right? - I don't know. There's gonna be varying amounts of points up for grabs in each round based on the things that we're gonna be asked to recall. And the winner in the end is gonna receive a time machine helmet, so you can go back in time and prevent the events of 2020 from ever happening. - All right, okay, so let's begin by moving through time and space as travel across the globe. It's time for ♪ Where in the world do these international ♪ ♪ McDonald's menu items come from ♪ - [Rhett and Link] Part 2. - Look at us, we changed clothes. They told us to put on other clothes- - And we just realized it right now. - To get back into the place where we originally wore these clothes, which is the first time we did this episode. Stevie, please explain. - [Stevie] Okay, so before we begin this re-round, we have to find out who gets the advantage of throwing second. So whoever- - Okay, 'cause it is darts, yes, is that correct? - [Stevie] It is darts, yes. So whoever buzzes in first with the answer to this 2020 trivia question gets the advantage. But be careful, because if you get it wrong the other guy just gets it. - Okay. - [Stevie] Here's the question. What film won best picture at the 2020 Oscars? (buzzer farts) - [Stevie] Link, excuse you. - Was that a... Was that a burp or a fart? - That was a toot. - [Stevie] That was a toot, I believe. - [Chase] It was a fart and then a little fart. - Okay, my answer is "The Green Book." "The Green..." (crew laughing) - [Stevie] I mean, sorry, I didn't mean to laugh. I meant to say incorrect. (buzzer buzzes) (crew laughing) Yeah, you guys have completely forgotten 2020. The answer is "Parasite." - Oh! - Oh, yeah! - Yeah, you feel bad? - I even saw that. - My favorite movie of 2020. - I saw that after. Okay. - Okay, so that means that, Rhett, you get to go second just 'cause you didn't answer first. - Thanks. (chuckles) I'll take it. - [Stevie] So in front of you is an international McDonald's meal from a GMM episode we released on April 13th of this year. - A long time ago. - [Stevie] You know where this meal is from because we told you where this meal is from. But now, you have to re-guess, if you can remember. - Is that cottage cheese? You know how to play. Eat it and throw the dart. - You love cottage cheese. - I didn't love it... When I ate this before, back in April, my love for cottage cheese had not blossomed yet. That only happened like in the past two months. This is a precursor to that. I do remember eating this 'cause we were like, "Where's the meat? Is that cottage cheese? I don't like cottage cheese." - Yeah, I'm sure we said all of that. Okay, but you gotta go first because you got it wrong. - [Link] Where the freak are the labels? I remember labels before. - There are none. - [Chase] I took them off. - I cannot remember anything. I'm searching for any type... I think we talked about the radishes. I'm going for Spain. Why? 'Cause it's the first thing I looked at. - I always wanted to visit. - Not a bad throw. I mean, what do you remember? - Well, the radishes, cottage cheese, and arugula, no meat, this is just kinda screaming Eastern Europe for me. I'm going Romania area, Turkey-ish. Okay, well, a little bit low. - [Stevie] Okay, so now's the point where I'd usually tell you all the information that you need to know, but since I've already done that, we're gonna go back to when I did that before. Here's the clip. - I recently discovered that I love cottage cheese. - Yeah, how did you recently discover this? - I tasted it, and I was like, "Man, I like this. Where's it been?" With berries on top. - Why did you wait so long to taste it? - Because it's something that grandmas eat, I thought. - I thought it was for like, fitness moms. I'm gonna towards the closest (Link laughs) to the Middle East that I can find on the map, and that would be Turkey. Oh, see? - I think this is Denmark because of the fitness grandmas. - There's a lot of fitness grandmas in Denmark? - [Stevie] Okay, this is the McMuffin Twarozek. This variation of the breakfast McMuffin is made with sweet cottage cheese, salt, pepper, red radish, and arugula in... Poland! (Rhett and Link yell) - This is gonna be relatively close here. - So I did discover my love for cottage cheese earlier in the year than I realized. - You forgot. Hey, 2020 could have been that much worse if you had waited that much longer to understand how much you love cottage cheese. - Yeah, that's a positive. - [Stevie] And you also talked about grandmas too. - Yeah, grandmas. - Crap, but in a different context. - Okay, Link, you had 6. Rhett, you had 7. (both yelling) - Oh, dang! - So what'd I get? What'd I get? - Wow, by a centimeter. What'd I get? - I think you just get a point for that round. Is there points? - Yeah, there are points. You got one. - You got a point. (bell dings) - Is there still arugula on my face? - Nope. - Okay, 'cause that would have been since April. - Okay, apparently, now it's time again for "Guess that Price on eBay for that Weird Thing." Please welcome a guy who knows where babies come from, he just doesn't believe it, Link Neal! (applauding) And me, Rhett McLaughlin! - Hey! Hey! We're both playing this game, but that doesn't mean I'm giving up my sweet game show host jacket, which is a little bit different than the one I wore the first time. And reprising the role of the person who always persons the board, it's Stevie! - Oh my goodness! (Rhett laughs) - [Rhett] Hey, Stevie. - Hey. (laughing) - You look like- - It's me, Stevie. - If Cousin It decided to reveal his face. - [Stevie] Oh my God. - [Link] Spot on. Spot on. - I love it so much, so good. - [Stevie] Okay, so before we go into the eBay trivia, it's time for some more 2020 trivia. The person who answers this question correctly will take home the original prize from this very episode, which came out all the way back in January, on January 21st. The question is in 2020, a huge snack food company killed off their mascot as part of very odd ad campaign. Who was that mascot? - [Buzzer] Booba, looba, Luby's! - Hey! (laughing) I just did it to see what my buzzer said. But now, I have to answer. - It said, "Booba, looba, Luby's." - Chester Cheetah? Did Cheetos kill off Chester Cheetah? - [Stevie] I believe this was around the Super Bowl, or it started at the Super Bowl I've been told. The correct answer is Mr. Peanut. He was killed off - Oh, yes. and then later resurrected as Baby Nut. - I remember that, but I would have never remembered it without being reminded. - I never knew that. - [Stevie] So Link, you'll get the prize at the end of the round. But let's move on to the question at hand here. On January 21, 2020, you were shown this Vintage Long Legs Stuffed Baby Doll. Was this strange, nightmare doll selling for $35 or $79.99? - I've never seen this baby doll. - Yeah, I remember the baby doll. I remember the long-legged baby doll. I have zero idea how much it cost. - You got a 50/50 chance. You've never played this game before. How does it feel? - I hate it. - Yeah. (laughing) So I said $35. - Oh, okay, well at least we said different answers. I said $79.99. - [Stevie] Okay, Stevie, please reveal the answer. - Okay. (laughing) - Yeah, look at me! - Ah, $35. I got it right! (bell dings) - [Stevie] Okay, there's another question in this reprise. It's worth an additional point. The seller of this doll had a unique way of describing it in the actual eBay post. How did they describe it? And your hint is that Rhett said it was also how Stevie described herself on her resume. - I don't remember how I described myself. - You said it, that gives you an advantage. I had to have been listening. - I'm down two to zero, so I need every little bit of help I can get. - I have no clue. I said, "Good with Microsoft Word." (laughing) I do remember that on your resume. It's like, "Oh, we gotta get her, man." - Yeah, I know this isn't right, but it had something to do with creep, creepy, the word creepy, and then maybe spindly and legs. - Oh, you were really cutting on Stevie then. (crew laughing) - [Stevie] Okay, let's see what they actually said. - The seller describes the doll as cuddly in her own way, pretty in face, creepy in body, with elongated limbs, which incidentally is how Stevie described herself on her resume. (laughing) (bell dings) - Stevie, I like how, watching that back, you started laughing at the joke before he gave it, but you were looking at his laptop, cheating at the... - [Stevie] Yeah. Oh, wait. So Link, you get the prize from way back when too. - Yeah, give me the prize. - Oh, yeah! - We kept this, or did we buy another one? - Oh, good. - No, we kept it. I'm glad we didn't have to buy this twice. - [Chase] I don't think there's two of those. - Yeah, that's a one of a kind item. - I'm a put this on my book shelf. - Oh yeah, you got quite a collection brewing. - I guess that means it's time again for! - [Rhett and Link] Putting Things in Things, Vice Edition. - You want to get yourself a set of these bobbleheads? - I want to get a set of those. - Well, it's the last quarterly collectible item of 2020. You have to be a 3rd Degree Mythical Society Member in order to get it. Don't forget to join 3rd Degree Quarterly or Annual by December 31st, that's the end of this year! Visit for details. - Bobblehead! - [Stevie] Okay, guys, you see that vice behind you? In a second, you'll be using it to crush something that you already crushed back in February. But for the special of being the one who gets to actually crank the vice, which you know you both wanna do- - Oh, I wanna crank it. - [Stevie] You must answer this 2020 trivia question. Back in May, a new wave of giant flying insects migrated from over seas- - [Buzzer] Booba, looba, Luby's! - [Stevie] Rhett? - Murder hornets. - [Stevie] Correct. - Murder hornets. You get to crank the vice. - [Stevie] You get to crank it, so you can go ahead and remove the duvy that's on top of it, see what it is. It's a tuna can! - [Rhett and Link] Oh! - Do you remember cranking this last time? - It's how many cranks does it take. - I don't remember who cranked it though. - [Stevie] You're gonna have to guess how many cranks it took then, and then we're gonna crank it again, but you're gonna guess how many it's gonna take this time. So before you do any cranking, guess how many cranks it took then. - Okay, I don't know if I'm right by any means, but it's an informed guess. For the first time, it's an informed guess. - Informed by what? - My memory. - That's weird. - Yeah, exactly. I haven't remembered anything until right now. Murder hornets and that. It was murder hornets that opened up my memory box. - You wanna know our answer now or- - [Stevie] Yeah. - Three. - I said 14. - Oh, okay, there's a discrepancy. - [Stevie] Okay, the answer was 11. - Okay. (Link sighs) - [Stevie] So Rhett's closer, but now, erase that. - Rhett just got a point? (bell dings) - [Stevie] Yep, and go ahead and guess how many you think it's gonna take this time if it took 11 last time. - I don't know why I erased three. I should keep that answer. - Well, 14 minus 3 is 11. It means nothing. It's just math. - I think you're gonna get one more crank out of it. - I think it's gonna be the same thing. - You got a fair crank, get to it now. Fair crank, okay? - Lightning never strikes twice in the same place. - That's not the saying. (Rhett chuckles) - One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. - [Rhett] Oh, it was at nine! - It just spurted. - It burst right past nine. - Keep going. Let's take it... Oh, oh, oh, oh! - [Rhett] Keep going? Keep going? - Yeah, oh! - Keep going? Keep going. Keep going, okay. Ew, nasty. - [Link] Woo, that stinks. - So I got that point too! - Dang, man. (bell dings) I went up one. I had faith in you. - Don't have faith in me, have faith in the can, man. - [Link] You've taken the lead. - It looks like it's time for, - [Rhett and Link] The game formerly known as Year Eye with Two Straight Guys, but now called The Shuffleboard Game, Soda Edition. - Welcome to the shuffle zone, again. - [Stevie] Okay, so in that cooler, there's gonna be a soda, and you're gonna guess what decade it's from. Not yet. Because before that, we have to ask a, I have to ask a 2020 trivia question. Whoever gets it right gets the advantage of shuffling second. So the question is true or false, Brexit happened in 2020. - [Buzzer] Booba, looba, Luby's! - [Stevie] Link? - True. - [Stevie] The correct answer is true. It happened back in January. So you can open the cooler and look at that soda, and then shuffle. - So you get to go first. - Oh, it's Diet Coke. Which I thought it might be - Diet Coke. 'cause there was a Diet Coke inside the things already. Well, I need a little pick-me-up. - I'm down by one. Is this worth at least two points, right? - Anybody's game, worth two points. Okay, I gotta go first. - In a time long forgotten, the years were distributed randomly, and not chronologically. - I think that this is either 1970 or 1980 because no other decade really makes sense on that board. I remember it all my life, or did it come out in '80? But see, here's the thing, if I go- - Do you get the sneaking suspicion you're saying the same thing you said before? - Yeah! I know I, I'm going... But I don't remember if I was right or wrong, so I can't... (sighs) I think I said '70 last time, and I was wrong, so I'm going '80s. I think Diet Coke happened in the '80s. - [Link] It's an easier shuffle, that's for sure. Okay, you have hit '80. Now, if I also said '80, I think I would just need to land more completely in '80 to be- - [Rhett] Yeah, if more of your- - But I think it's '70. - Deal is in the '80s and '80s is right, you win. - Now, here's the thing, I can land completely in '80s and still be closer to '70, so that's what I'm gonna do. - But if you're not completely in '80s and '80s is right, then you're wrong though. And you cannot bump me. You can't bump me. - [Link] I can touch you, but I- - Oh, you can't, no. Bumping disqualifies. - If your position is altered by me to the point where that makes you lose, then you don't lose. That's fair. - Okay. - [Link] I'm gonna try not to touch you at all. Oh, gosh, I just screwed up. All right, so I've lost. - You're further from '70s and '80s. - I've lost. (Rhett laughs) - You did the only thing you couldn't do. - You psyched me out! - You did the only thing you couldn't do. (Link yells) - [Stevie] Never heard that phrase. Let's toss to a clip to see who's right. - And I feel pretty strongly it's not 1980 because I was around in the '80s, and I would remember the introduction of such a beverage. We would have a celebration at school or something. I think it's the '70s. - Ooh, light touch. Still overshoots it by a good margin. I think it's '50s. (Rhett laughing) - [Rhett] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! - I thought it was '50s? (Link yells) - [Stevie] While it's true that unlike a regular can of Coke, a can of Diet Coke floats in water, this does not mean that Diet Coke is actually a witch, but rather that this artificial sweetener-based soda was invented in the 1980s. (Link yells) (bell dings) But only one of you gets the time traveling helmet, and that person is Rhett. Stevie, please bring it out. - Oh, thank you, Stevie. - All right, Rhett- - Thank you, Stevie. - Hey, listen, man, this is important. You have to go alone because we only have one helmet. You're going back to the beginning of the year, and you're gonna change everything. What are you gonna do? You only have a few seconds. (Rhett chuckles) - I'm going to Wuhan! (laughs) - I don't think he has to walk with that helmet. I think it just kinda happens. (crew laughing) It's time for this to be over. - Hi, I'm (indistinct) from Pakistan. I'm watching Rhett and Link on New Years, and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Happy New Year! - New Years. - Click the top link to watch us match the crew members to their earliest memory in "Good Mythical More." - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. Hey, if you want the Rhett and Link Bobbleheads, it's the last month to join the Mythical Society, 3rd Degree Quarterly or Annual plans by December 31st to be eligible. Visit for details.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,420,212
Rating: 4.952991 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: muZSbzg-Cd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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