Can We Find The Name Brand Soup? (GAME)

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rhett licking links finger during the tomato soup round... the fanfic episode references are all around us...

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/gcahoon 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Amy's soup reminds me of name brand frozen pizza brands. A lot of the times, the generic pizza has more toppings(veggies, meat, black olives, what have you) on it than the name brands do.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/MontanaDukes 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

so now Josh has a podcast?! That's too much.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/deadmallsanita 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Shout out to Akron Clam Chowder!! Northeast Ohio represent!💁‍♀️🥣

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Tiggergirl0325 📅︎︎ Mar 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

This was gold

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Rosalie2017 📅︎︎ Mar 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Can we taste the Progresso from all the resto? - Let's talk about that. (warm synth music) Good Mythical Morning! - There are few foods as multi-talented as soup. You can eat it to help you feel better when you're sick, you can have it in the cold weather to warm you up, or you can take a bath in it to get the clicks. - Of course, we couldn't do anything like that. - No. - But does it really matter which brand of soup you buy? Is there a difference between Progresso and Kroger? Campbell's and Kirkland? Well, we're about to find out. It's time for Knock-Off Knockout, Soup Edition! - Each round, we'll have four bowls of soup in front of us and one will contain a big name brand that we all know, and the other three will have some variety of store brand or generic version of that same type of soup. - And we're gonna be competing to correctly guess the name brand. Whoever wins gets a gold star soup lid and will be known hence and forevermore as the Souper Star. - Oh. - Let's get slurpin'. - [Guys] Round one! - Okay, first up, we got classic chicken noodle. We gotta figure out which one's Campbell's. - Now, you think this is gonna be easy-- - Everybody always thinks it's gonna be easy! - We know that, I mean, I'm not, lookin' at this, this one's totally different, but these three, I, let's start down here. - There's some ham or something in there. Chicken. (laughing) - Mm, man, that is salty! - Do you pronounce the P in Campbell's? - No, that would be stupid. - [Rhett] I would think that I had Campbell's soup there. - I'mma get like a ham cube in this one. It looks like ham! - I got so much ham in mine. (laughing) Man, that might be too much. - I'm struck with how salty both of these are. - This is less salty. - [Link] And then to, oh, this one's got more-- - [Rhett] This has got a new ingredient-- - Carrots. - Carrots. - And it's still got ham-like chicken cubes. Mm. - That is a good soup. - That is a good, good, good soup. Again, it's less salty of the three. The carrots really do help it. Oh, you hungry this morning, huh? Or you just Rhett again today. - Yeah, I'm still Rhett! - [Link] That's a good soup, now, we know-- - [Rhett] The one that's definitely not Campbell's. - [Link] This ain't Campbell's, but-- - Oh, that's not ham, friends, that's chicken. - It's like strips of chicken. - No cubes! - There are spices! - Man. - Spicies! - That's so good. - It's not, I mean, spices, it's not spicy. - I love that. - I actually-- - I'd bathe in that, I mean-- - Yes, I got my Link can. - I gotta guess, I gotta guess. - [Stevie] Here we go, three, two, one! - Slammed, ow, you hit my finger! (laughing) Come on, dude! - Hey man, you gotta watch out when I'm choosin'. - I knew you were-- - Are you okay? - A mommy to kiss my boo-boo. - We need to make these out of metal, so I can just pierce his hand directly to the answer. - It's like, oh, it's just stuck in there, gosh! - [Stevie] Okay, guys, the Campbell's is in bowl number two! - Yeah! - Yeah! - [Stevie] So the others, from Rhett's side to Link's, Walmart's Great Value. - Not bad. - Too salty. - [Stevie] Kroger generic. - Kroger? - Yeah. - Kroger is doin' it! - Yeah, Kroger always does it, isn't that what we've learned in these tests? - Kroger always does it. - Yeah, always doin' it. - [Stevie] And CostCo's Kirkland. - CostCo's Kirkland? Kirkland also doin' it. - Kirkland is tryin' hard! - They might be tryin' a little too hard. - And succeeding, but yeah, too hard. Kroger, hmm, call me! - [Guys] Round two! - We have before us my favorite salty sea soup, clam chowder, and we've got to pick out the Progresso. - Oh, the Progresso. - Now, do you like the New England clam chowder? - Yes. - What about the Manhattan? - Name a city and then say clam chowder and I will respond in the affirmative. (laughing) - Okay, Akron clam chowder. - I love Akron clam chowder. - Okay. - This is not Progresso. I'm just gonna throw it out there. - It's thin. - [Rhett] This is missing something. - It's not bad, I don't think. - I think it's actually pretty bad. - Yeah, lemme compare it to this, this one-- - I think this is gonna be a huge step up here. - This one's lumpy, this one's almost like gravy. Mm! - Way, so much better. - That is a lot better. - Like, that doesn't have things in it that make soup soup. - And then over here, we got some more gravy. I mean, you put this on a country fried steak and you know, I'd be fooled. - Until you ate it. - I'd fool be'd. (laughing) - Huh. - More clammy. Am I right? Yeah, I know I'm right. - I don't know if I like this one better, though. - [Link] And what about this? - [Rhett] This one has lots of chunks. - Eh. - That's not good, it tastes like a MRE. (laughing) - Like a dog food. - Reconstituted-- - Taste. - Doesn't it taste reconstituted? - And I like dog food, but-- - I don't want another bite of that. - I've already determined that this is my fave. But does that mean that it's Progresso? - But would they put the correct answer in bowl number two two times in a row? They're not crazy. (laughs) Or are they? - Please stab safely this time, on the count of three, two, one-- - Whoa, ohp, bup! Okay, so you think they did. I think that the clammier one, you know, 'cause the clammy taste-- - He might be right. - Is higher quality, but too high quality. - It's one of these two. - [Stevie] Progresso's clam chowder is in bowl number four. - What, no, what, no, what, no, no! - [Stevie] And here's a huge shock for you. Guess what's in bowl number one. The one that you hated. - Oh, don't say Kroger, don't say Kroger. - It's Kroger. - Kroger! - Oh man, no. - Come on, Kroger! - Oh God, I can't return your calls now. - We had a thing! - [Stevie] And number two is Target's Good and Gather. And number three is Walmart's Great Value. - Walmart, okay. - Walmart's got, is Walmart gonna dethrone Kroger? - Hey, Walmart! - [Guys] Round three! - A couple of days back, we tried all of Ben & Jerry's ice creams, and it turns out Josh was so inspired that he decided to create a Ben & Jerry's burrito, so head over to the Mythical Kitchen channel to check that out. And while you're at it, check out Josh and Nicole's brand new podcast, it's called A Hot Dog is a Sandwich, where they engage in great food debates every single week. This inaugural episode, they debate if pineapple belongs on a pizza! Check it out wherever you get your podcasts! - Okay, but to soup. This round is minestrone. - I do not know what minestrone is. - It's what you see before you. You're tryin' to find Amy's, did that help? - So Amy's is like a-- - Natural, all natural. The rest of 'em are very unnatural. - Hey, what do you mean by Amy's is all natural? - Amy's is like known for being like the-- - Not had any work done? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, right, yeah. She has original nose and everything. - That's kinda bland. - She wears Natural deodorant. - Is Amy bland? - So she smells like Amy. - I bet Amy doesn't put enough salt in her soups. Because you know, if you stop eatin' salt, you forget that it exists and then you start to think that tastes good. - Right. This one has a different type of pasta in it. (laughing) - Yeah, that has a lot of sugar. That also didn't have sugar. - [Rhett] This one's orange. It looks like vomit. - Well, I was gonna say it looK like your Feelin' Good sweatshirt. - Oh yeah. I do feel good. - I'm tryin' to decide if it tastes good or if I just don't like minestrone. - This one looks very generic. - [Link] This is just like tomato soup, there's like green beans-- - This is like something you get at school. What is in that? It's like somebody, it's like-- - Weird tasting. - It's like a saltine cracker crawled in there and died. (laughing) You know what I'm sayin'? It has like essence of saltine. - Yeah, and it's not the salt part, it's the tine part. - Just the tine part! The tine part of saltines has infiltrated that soup. I don't know what to say or do! - Damn, yeah, I just, I don't think I like minestrone, guys. I think that's where I'm landin' on this one. - This is not a soup that I ever choose. - Amy, she's, she's up to only good. - That's right. - She's tryin' to be so wholesome. - That's right, I'd love to meet her. - [Stevie] Okay, here we go-- - All right, I'm ready. - [Stevie] Three, two, one-- - Bam! - Shahah! - Oh, you goin' back there? - Yes! - This has like lots of pieces. - You think the piece-- (laughing) I mean, you could be right. - Look at all these pieces. - [Stevie] Amy's is in bowl number one! - Yeah, that's right, Amy! - Aww! - You know me, I know you! - [Stevie] The others are Safeway Signature brand, Target's Good and Gather, and Aldi's Chef's Cupboard. - Aldi's chef is pretty barren. - Yeah. - That cupboard. - Keep it on the shelf. - Not the chef, the shelf. - [Guys] Round four! - In the mood for some loaded baked potato with bacon? - Y'allways! - Yeah, so we're gonna play some Marco Progresso here, you know what I'm sayin'? - Oh, I get it. - So yeah, we're lookin' for Progresso one more time. - This is the kind of soup flavor that makes you feel a little bit naughty. You know what I'm sayin'? Like, I don't know if I should be doin' this. - That's good. It's creamy-- - This one's got some thickness. - [Link] Look at that thicc-- - [Rhett] This is gelatinous. - With two Cs! - Oh, good. - Look at that. - I mean-- - What's that called when you put your smooth stuff on your house? - Stucco. - You could stucco a house with this! - [Rhett] I'll look into it. - Dink it, up! Sync. (laughing) - All I taste is flour. - It's like bad gravy. There's a lot of cheddar hittin' me. - It's unnecessarily thick! - Let's forget that happened. - You wanna see cheddar hit you, go the club with me. - What you gonna do, throw money at me? (shushing) (laughing) - That was my, I only had one hand that's not in soup, this was the top hand throwin' the dollar bills off. - Here, lemme give you the bottom hand. We could go together. - Cheddar, that's what I call it. - That doesn't happen in the club. - Yeah! - In general, it's just, it's a specific type of club. - No, I do it at all clubs. I do it at the rotary club. (laughing) I go in there and I like, aha! - Rollin'! You rotate! (laughing) This is-- - Weird. - Thin, weird-- - Cheese. It's just cheese soup. - [Link] And then this down here-- - They got the color off on this one. - This looks like porridge, look at that. - This is thick too! - Thick with one C. That's thicc with two. - Oh, that's a good flavor, though. - That's a oniony flavor, why is it so oniony? - I don't know, I like it, though. - But if I had to say which one's the best, I actually thought we might start to think this one was bad. - I don't know which one I like the best and I don't know which one's Progresso. (sighs) - [Stevie] Sounds like you're ready! Three, two, one! - Oh, okay! (sighs) I, that's the best, and did you think this one one was the best? - I thought it was oniony. - Were we right? - [Stevie] Progresso is in bowl number number three. - Oh. - What, the cheese one? - [Stevie] The cheese one, the others are Target's Good and Gather, Safeway's-- - What is it, what's the name of the brand? - [Stevie] Good and Gather. - It's not good. - [Stevie] Safeway's Signature. - Not good! - [Stevie] And the last one is Walmart's Great Value. - Walmart bringin' it, Walmart's still bringin' it, they're bringin' the onions, at least. - [Guys] Round five! - Okay, Link, now we have the liquid version of something that you hate, but I do know that while you hate tomatoes, you don't mind tomato soup, why is that? - Right, because it's cooked and there's other stuff mixed in it, so I just kinda think of it as like red soup, and I'm cool with it. - So you'll like olive soup if I made that for you. - Probably not. Because I don't wanna try it. (laughing) But I will try this. So we're lookin' for what? - We're lookin' for Annie's, not Campbell's. Campbell's tomato soup is like the thing that's like, it's like the most famous soup in the world. - What do we know about Annie? Is she okay yet? (laughing) That's pretty good. It's sweet, but not too sweet. It's thin, but not too thin. (laughing) - Goldilocks up in here, what? - [Link] Now this is some thickness, look at that. - That's got like a, this is what I think of when I think of tomato soup. I wanted to grab hold of the spoon. - Well, do you like ketchup? Because this is just a bowl of ketchup. (laughing) I mean, no difference. - This is more traditional. - It just tastes like ketchup. - How often do you eat tomato soup? - Not often. - How many times in your life? How many times do you think I've eaten tomato soup in my life? - [Link] Are you tellin' me-- - At least 400. - It tastes like a bowl of ketchup? Is that your expectation? - Yeah, but I don't just eat it straight, I dip things in it. I dip grilled cheese, I dip saltine crackers, I dip my finger. (laughing) I'll dip somebody else's finger if they get too close. (laughing) (laughing) - I didn't think you were gonna it. (laughing) Now I feel stupid. - Now, I was just operating on instinct. You gotta understand, I won't even remember that in five minutes. (laughing) - I will! - [Stevie] Everybody else will. (laughing) - I've definitely learned my lesson. And I will never forget it! Can somebody sanitize that while we? - I dipped more than your finger, I think. - You dipped my hand! - I dipped your hand, I wanted to make sure it got in there. - Now this is some-- - This is a different color. - This is orange creamy stuff. Look at the magic. (laughing) Look at that. - That's pretty good, that's got-- (sniffing) - Oh, there's still a little bit of it there. I think, did you just lick one finger because? - I believe so, again, I'm about to forget it. (laughing) - This is not-- - That's got a lot of cream in it. - Very French. - Which makes it very French is what, exactly what I was thinking. You mean like French dressing? - No, like French cuisine. - Ah. - Is Amy French, I mean Annie? - I don't know, I haven't been with her when she was doin' 23andMe. - Have you been with her, period? - Oh. (laughing) I've been with Annie many times. At least 400. - Again, this tastes like ketchup. What you're tellin' is what it's supposed to taste like. - I don't know what Annie tastes like. - I like this one. - But I know that Annie is into, like, health. (laughing) I don't think she would put cream in there. - [Link] She's not French, man. - M'kay. - [Stevie] 'Kay, here we go, three, two, one-- - Nope, right there. All right, so, I can tie or you can win. - [Stevie] Annie's is in bowl number one! - Ahh, you did it! - I tied! - [Stevie] The others are Kroger's, Trader Joe's, and Walmart's Great Value. - Trader Joe's is, they're on their own French path. - I like the French path. Okay, well, I guess you know what, we can trade this back and forth every day. - Okay. - You know, you can wear it now. - [Link] I'll put it close to you, how's that? Maybe you'll decide to lick it. - [Rhett] I might put it in my mouth. - Now, you'll cut yourself. - All right, congratulations, us. (laughing) We're both Souper Stars! - Thanks, us. (laughing) Thanks for subscribin' and clickn' that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hey, I'm Will! From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. Spin that John! - Okay! - Okay, Will! - All right, dude! I'm spinnin'! (laughing) - Click the top link to watch us guess what dry soup packet we're eating in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality going to land! - Here we go. Here we go, here we go, make it all the way across the pan, it's like a race against the clock now. And boom! I'm proud of that, that's awesome, is that an ant?
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,856,546
Rating: 4.9476118 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test, Can We Find The Name Brand? (GAME), campbells, progresso, target, walmart
Id: m2ORS_zi9Xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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