The Furry Franchise from HELL - Alpha and Omega

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this video is brought to you by hellofresh [Music] journal entry june 15th 2022 it is now day four of my viewing of the alpha and omega franchise and i see now that i have made a terrible mistake barricaded in my office in order to prevent any contamination outbreaks my rations have run thin as i'm almost out of water wild berry pop tarts and brain cells i'm currently watching the sixth film of the franchise and i do not know if it is my sanity eroding or if there are actual dinosaurs dancing on the screen with birds at a golf course accompanied by a water fountain musical number is is this death itself i also made the regrettable mistake of googling the movie is worth my safe search off i wore a witness to horrors that no human should ever have to suffer it is my fault to think that i was brave enough to survive this eight movie onslaught that i could make it to the end and use my suffering and research as a word of caution to all of mankind so our species could avoid descending into the spiral of madness i fear that it is too late i can hear her whispers now and it is only a matter of time until the seal is broken and they escape but yeah no cap this franchise sucks reviewing the alpha and omega franchise is easily one of the most requested videos in my entire youtube career i've had a guy email me for months for almost four years requesting me to review the alpha and omega franchise and i realize now that this individual is a jerk at best and he's saddest at worst probably both for those who don't know the alpha and omega franchise is a descent into chaotic furry direct-to-video madness with some of the most confusing stories characters and specifically animation i've ever seen take for example this running cycle you'd think something this bad would be the exception but no it's the status quo and we see this caliber of content throughout the entire series well except for like the first movie which is serviceable but just barely still full of other weird stuff though [Music] for me bear wars wolf ghost beating up wolf pups eugenics ancient curse dinosaur burial grounds i'm not making any of this up and there are eight of these movies eight of them y'all think the lamb before time franchise is bad oh oh it's nothing compared to the alpha and omega franchise at least those movies have somewhat bearable stories and songs and visuals with the first one being incredibly good but if you think you're going to get that with alpha and omega oh then you are truly forsaken it's like the lamb before time franchise is an airplane that took off and then nose dived over the years but for alpha and omega that plane never got off the ground it just kept running forward and started to drill into the core of the earth so for this video my goal is to dive into this chaotic franchise and watch every movie from start to finish so i can truly understand why they even exist was the first movie good enough to warrant seven sequels or is this just a corporate attempt to sling some low effort fur bait to unsuspecting children and their parents also is this franchise really as bad as people say it is or might there be something more to it for it to garner this level of perceived success oh by the way i asked my furry friend rishi who like does amazing art commissions by the way to watch all of these movies with me you know have a consultant on standby to verify if this franchise is just fur trash in disguise she courageously and foolishly said yes but then it dawned on me saber you might have condemned her to death what happens if none of my objectives are answered that that means that i made her suffer all of that pain for nothing i'm a good friend i'm marge and i'm chased hold on did he just say i'm based this is disgusting this is awful in every way if i could kill it i would does rishi make it to the end of this cinematic death march can i has anyone will i find the answers i seek or is this just a pointless endeavor into the maws of death well let's find out [Music] [Music] the first alpha omega film was released in theaters in september of 2010 and performed quite modestly considering the robust competition it was up against that year distributed by lionsgate and produced by crest animation productions the movie cost around 25 million dollars to make but brought in roughly around 50 million dollars at the box office so it obviously did something right for those who don't know lionsgate is a mixed bag when it comes to their animated releases lest we forget about norm of the north and food fight so i'd absolutely consider alpha and omega to be one of their stronger higher quality titles though that's not saying much very get my lawyer we're gonna copyright that roar make it into a ringtone crest animation production which is now defunct has a wild history that can be its own video but it was mainly known for its work on the swan princess franchise another direct-to-video empire there's actually a behind-the-scenes exclusive from crest about the first alpha alphan omega movie where the directors anthony bell and ben gluck talk about the process of making the film conceptualization designs the production workflow stuff like that it's actually kind of a bummer because some of these 2d drawings for the characters looked pretty damn good and stylized but none of them translated well over to 3d one of the producers richard rich who is the founder of crest animation comments on the importance of eyes with the characters and how that is an immediate draw for viewers which is true by the way but these 3d wolf models look far too uncanny with their big eyes which only get worse when the wolf pups arrive in the sequels look at them look them in the eye and tell me that they have a soul and stop staring at me with them eyes now apparently alpha and omega was originally supposed to be a much more dark and mature film with its tone but allegedly lionsgate told the writers for the movie steve moore bing gluck and christopher denk to lighten things up so the film can be more easily marketed towards children it's kind of wild to think that there might have been a timeline where this franchise was edgy and somewhat violent and not this lame bug-eyed crap voice actors for the original movie include dennis hopper hayden pana tr and justin long though none of them would return for the sequels dennis hopper actually passed away before the film was released and would be one of his final film credits their performances though you know they're fine all in all the first alpha and omega movie was able to find success despite critics dunking on it with low reviews but alfin omega was not in the oscar-winning business they were in the franchise building business cousins businesses are booming and i guess one could say that alfin omega was also in the bedroom eyes business too i mean come on kate humphrey stop i i bam becky you please stop it with those looks cut it out the only thing more hungry than their eyes is me that's right it's the sponsor i gotcha it's hellofresh what is hellofresh it's america's number one meal kit that makes cooking at home easy fun and affordable how literally how shut up i'll tell you they deliver mouth-watering seasonal recipes and fresh pre-measured ingredients right to your front door no need to waste time at the grocery store or stressing about meal planning everything you need is prepared delicious and saves you time and money i mean guys those days happen you're busy and you just want a simple and satisfying meal that's easy to put together like i'm literally having a day like that at this very moment of recording so it is genuinely awesome to have meals from hellofresh that are good to go follow the step-by-step recipe with the already pre-portioned ingredients and boom it's food time also the meals are fantastic with a ton of variety to pick from and again hello fresh is a big time saver that is a huge draw for me since i'm usually in a time crunch with meal prep and would rather have something simple but tasty ready to go at the end of the day no sacrifice on flavor but all the added bonus of not wasting my time aimlessly wandering the corridors of the grocery store like some kind of labyrinth with brochures who are minotaurs that's right i'm saving my time during those busy work weeks so folks use my link or go to and use code pogsaber july 16 for 16 free meals across seven boxes plus three free gifts once you click my description will live update to count up the purchases all right back to the video prepare for furry pain [Applause] and now folks we begin our descent into hell the first circle the original alpha and omega film in 2010 easily the most competent film of the franchise it sets the table for the nightmarish sequels to follow our main characters include humphrey an omega wolf he's silly lighthearted yet marginalized along with the other omegas of the wolf pack because they're all considered weak and soft then we have kate an alpha wolf and daughter of the pack leaders she's more goal-oriented disciplined and serious humphrey here unsurprisingly has a crush on kate but the pack forbids the two from ever being close to one another there's also something about kate being betrothed to another rival wolf pack in order to prevent war or something like that but then both humphrey and kate are captured by humans and are relocated to the dreaded idaho in order for them to repopulate the wolf population yeah if you know what i mean sex so the two team up in order to find their way home wacky hijinks silly bird side characters with french accents running from bears and all while growing closer to one another along the way at the end a big bank war erupts over the failed arranged marriage because humphrey and kate want to be together but that's interrupted by a caribou stampede wait hold on i've seen this before kate bonks her head she doesn't die the wolves decide to chill out when it comes to their pack laws and the film ends with a semi-sexually charged howling ceremony the end all in all a pretty predictable but harmless movie with the story that is structured around archaic laws and the pack hierarchy of wolves but apparently omega wolves don't even actually exist like i was reading about it briefly there's something about how they were thought to be a thing but actually aren't i don't know i'm not a biologist but wolf packs definitely have their pecking orders so i can see what this movie was trying to do was the dynamic between kate and humphrey and the other wolves in the pack could that narrative have been better yeah sure but there's no denying that the movie itself has a lot of fluff and low brow humor for kids which by the way it's totally fine it's a kid's film but nobody and i mean nobody was quite ready for what was about to come alpha and omega 2 a holiday adventure released in 2013 we got ourselves a christmas movie right out the gate by the way the original writers for the film are now gone and instead we have tom kane who will be in the writers driving seat for the remainder of the franchise hold on let's uh let's check out uh his imdb page here uh oh oh no oh and for the record all of these movies will be around 45 minutes in length moving forward if you can call that a movie so you're like the original main characters from the first film huh well that is too bad because now their kids by the way they have kids are now the main characters stinky clawdette and wright wow uh stinky and runt got screwed over with their names stinky and claudette here are the alphas of the litter and are more bold and adventurous while runt is the omega who can uh climb a tree like the sequels really want you to know that runs here can climb trees this is amazing yeah and as you all most likely suspect the animation just drops in quality terrible run cycles wonky physics low quality textures low quality background assets clipping clipping everywhere and then of course the infamous poop river it all just looks so half assed and unfinished and that goes for the story too runt here goes missing is kidnapped by another wolf pen is rescued by his parents and siblings and then they all celebrate christmas at the same convenience store from the first movie where the owner tried to shoot kate and humphrey but now gives him dog food leaves the door open to his store and then just leaves what did he from gunshots to free food go figure alpha and omega-3 the great wolf games released in 2014 the three wolf pups return and are now part of some wolf competition that is very poorly explained like what's the um what's going on here it's a it's a running trial is that what is that what it is just just run that's that's actually what it is run why are you running why are you running that's it it's always running as a matter of fact 30 of this franchise is just the wolf pops running and 100 of it looks terrible so humphrey here trains his three pups and their bear and porcupine friend for the wolf competition oh by the way the bear cup was in the second film for like a second and it had a little kid voice but now it sounds like neil from family guy yeah that'll work yes fine they're not birds they are monsters the competition goes down some boy wolf has a crush on claudette his father threatens to beat him if he loses there's a tie and then the evil dad realizes that beating his child is probably not the best way to motivate him that's the movie oh and the stock sound effects mwah wonderful and i'm looking for a few good competitors for next year and the composer for this movie chris bacon has decided to go all out with his compositions at all times he is trying his best and it's frankly too much [Music] alpha and omega 4 the legend of the sawtooth cave also released in 2014 this particular entry is arguably the best in the franchise besides the first film the visuals are admittedly better but still looks somewhat rough but the story is actually kind of interesting in a nutshell it's about this haunted forest where some ghost spirit protects this blind wolf named daria the wolf pups stumble across daria one day and want to know more they eventually discovered that the ghost is daria's mom who died while trying to protect her from other wolves who wanted to kill daria when she was a pup because she's blind and weak in the end daria is brought back into the pack and the evil wolf who tried to like kill her as a pup gets killed by the mom ghost in some kind of like ethereal tornado of ghost power awesome so i can only imagine right now y'all are going sabre you lied you said that this franchise gets worse with every single film okay hear me out okay they do sawtooth here is the exception and it's actually kind of nefarious what they're trying to do it's 4d chess from the alpha and a mega franchise they're trying to fool you into thinking oh it could actually get better when in reality you're being dragged under water and you come up above surface to get like one last breath of air before you're dragged back down into the abyss and let me tell you how alpha and omega 5 family vacation guys this movie is like 20 flashbacks from the first film like they literally went back and dubbed over justin long's voice with humphreys new voice actor in order to do so by the way no shade to the new voice actors who are like working on this franchise ben diskin all right you are a cinnamon bun i i saw you tweet me about this voice acting you you're doing the grind you're doing the work same for you and like all the other voice actors who have to work on this no shade you're doing your best and you're one of the very few good things about this franchise okay so you're precious and protected the director and the writer on the other hand released in 2015 this movie is just about the family running from hunters who are trying to relocate the wolves again that's it that's that's the story and the flashbacks are like family guy cutaway gags hey kate remember that one time when i was uncomfortably turned on by you like i don't even want to bother going any further it's not necessary family vacation more like family guy vacation brian look out and then there's alpha and omega 6 dino digs in 2016. at this time crest animation was now dead and splash entertainment had taken over production maybe the movie might be better right yeah this was the one that broke me i i actually have um hear that notes in my hand from the film and i'm just gonna try and improvise a synopsis here because trying to put my thoughts into a script wouldn't give justice to this dumpster fire of a film okay here we go it starts off by saying like 65 million years ago a pink dinosaur is being chased by a t-rex they fall into a pit there's some heavenly light we fast forward 65 million years into the future it's the wolves setting by the way nothing changed a bunch of people are showing up humans to dig into the dinosaur burial grounds or something like that and there's a weird narrative of like we shouldn't disturb nature says one twin brother to the other while the other twin brothers like we need money we spent money we have to dig this up so they're trying to dig it up a hole is created the pink dinosaur is like oh crickets the lights and i'm like wait have you have you been down there for 65 million years and then like she's alive but the bones of the t-rex are like over there and i guess the light if it touches the bones brings it to life i don't know what the light is i don't know if she's been waiting there for 65 million years i would have just just off myself by that point but we learned that the raptor or the t-rex whatever her name is it's amy and she like is discovered by the wolves and um the wolves are like yo it's a it's a dinosaur in a tree we're hanging in a tree how great is that and then like the t-rex comes to life and there's like a musical number with like the the goose and the duck who golf with the bluebirds and like some kind of vegas like show numbers and musical uh amy is like like crickets we have to like go places the wolves are running with amy and like the t-rex somehow comes back to life the t-rex just immediately goes after amy by the way the eyes and the t-rex and amy look awful they they look so derpy it doesn't work especially when they look right at the camera it's awful this movie is like a fanfic out of the entire franchise is like baby's first fanfic but this movie in particular is thing happens thing happens thing happens and it's a fan that's it's a fan fan it's what drastic world dominion should have been bad run cycles no no logic no consistency nothing is explained the t-rex and the rapture join in with the other birds and dance around because they can't help it because i guess they're birds too dinosaurs are technically birds at least some of them and then like the heavenly light zaps away the t-rex and we're told like it's actually like a time traveling portal magic in the mirror i can't [ __ ] what is this movie if i just clip my microphone so hard i uh it's too much and i'm even mentioning that like humphrey and kate here are like brought around by some wolf realtor who's like how about you moving to this plastic cave next to a golf course this kate who's the alpha pack decides just hey screw the pack we're gonna move to the suburbs into these plastic caves because that's what i'm about now oh it's awful folks it it is terrible and to add insult to injury comic sans in the credits because that's the life we're living dino digs is the biggest dumpster fire out of the entire franchise it is pure chaos then there was alpha and omega 7 the big fur ease also released in 2016 tom here decided to channel the energy of the ice age franchise and even has a squirrel at the start being chased around as it obsesses over a pine cone the story here is just a big old nothing burger kate and humphrey go out to hunt they get caught in the snowstorm the pups go out to rescue them the bears the bad guys yet again and then the family makes it home to the cave for their version of christmas so i guess that's two christmas movies for this franchise oh and the sound effect of the golf balls hitting the bad guys it's like the horny bong sound effect though so you know how appropriate and finally there's alpha and omega eight journey to bear kingdom released in 2017 we are now at the end of this franchise and and folks like we're almost done this is it this is the movie that uh we just need to be done with and we can say that we watched this entire thing and you think that this movie would be just as hollow and effortless as the fifth the sixth the seventh but for some reason tom here decided to finally dump some world building into the series the bear kingdom is sending its queen and princess to the forest but then a rival wolf pack arrives and treachery the bear guards betray the queen and the wolf pups have to protect the princess bear it's it's wild because up to this movie the bears are just kind of mindless bad guys that just show up occasionally but now they have like a kingdom and a sergeant at arms and i'm beast for some reason the caribou care about the bear queen and so do the squirrels okay and also there's something about the evil bear controlling the water yeah yeah that does not look like water it looks like something else at the end the wolves team up with the good bears and fight back against the bad bears and the bad wolves and then win the day we even get a shrek ask dance outro because why not and that folks is a summary of the alpha and omega franchise oh oh i could have gone much more into these films but that would have been cruel to you speaking of cruel apparently the director for the sixth seventh and eighth film tin mobby allegedly played with the idea of saying that the three main wolf pups are actually full-grown corgis and that's why they're small throughout the sequels that he even wanted to show some of the other wolf pups growing up while the main wolf pups stayed the same size just to mess with fans bro that's delightfully evil but yeah that did not happen also there are no foxes or bunnies in this franchise which is like really rare for a series that's based in the forest and also has furry tendencies as far as the ninth film goes apparently there was rumors of one called um tropical vacation and that it was on the logo of splash entertainment's website but that it was taken down but it turns out that it was a fake logo that someone posted on 4chan as a joke so have we been saved from entering the ninth circle of hell or is it just a matter of time no matter what though we are truly forsaken and that goes double for rishi who by some miracle survived this experience from start to finish oh no she's dead oops so what are my overall thoughts about this abomination of a franchise was i able to find the answers to my questions yep i absolutely did but in the process it raised a few more questions we'll get to those here in a moment first off was the original alpha and omega good enough to warrant this many sequels um no no it's not a terrible movie but it's far from good but here's the thing about franchises they don't have to be good they just need to sell air buddies for example does this to a terrifying degree like i watched the air buddies halloween movie and it was bad but that doesn't matter those movies aren't here to win oscars they're here to sell videos to parents and their little kids who just want to watch the funny dog talk and you know what that's harmless enough and that folks is the case for the alpha and omega franchise the talking wolves it works talking animals just work in general because they're universal and relatable why do you think there are so many animated movies and shows with talking animals as characters cause literally everyone on earth knows what a dog or cat or fishes kids can connect the dots immediately and that's a strength that many studios and companies lean into but seven sequels that's ridiculous and you can tell that the writers had no idea what they were doing that or they just did not care probably both it's extra sad too because i think that they could have built something at least semi-competent you got this forest setting of wolf packs and other woodland creatures which to be fair the franchise occasionally uses for plot points but it's incredibly inconsistent just scattered continuity that makes me go oh yeah i remember that character three movies and two strokes ago like at least the land before time had the great valley and sharp teeth who are the bad guys of the series except for chopper we stand for chomper but for alpha and omega it's all over the place it's the marginalized wolf pack from the north it's the banished cannibal wolves from the south oh no the bears are bad oh wait no they're not wait no actually they're good oh no they're bad again hey look the wolves from the good guy pack are now randomly bad for some reason and let me tell you folks it does not help that the animators use the same models over and over and over again for the bad wolves it is very confusing i swear that there's one wolf model that was used like three times to be three separate bad guys and three different movies it's wolf olympics okay now it's running from humans because they're bad okay wait it's christmas movie and the humans are good okay hold on now there are talking dinosaurs for some reason and now there's a bear kingdom with royalty and armies and they're fighting over water what [Music] don't get me wrong i love unapologetic chaos but not when the characters are predictable and boring stinky caudette runs boring kate and humphrey boring the bird side characters i i hope that gaston gets you both this entire franchise is simultaneously turbulent yet static and that blows my mind and once more it could have done something constructive with its premise the alpha's lifestyle the omegas consistent world building factions and other creatures it was all right there in front of you an easy layup but you decided to cherry-pick random elements instead and leave the rest as wasted potential i can see it now uh hello welcome to furry king what can i get you yeah uh give me the talking bear with a lisp of the porcupine who spins like sonic the the boyfriend wolf who disappears for like three movies but then becomes important again in the fifth movie for some random reason and yeah give me some of those uh uncomfortable bedroom eyes and sexual injury windows from the wolfe parents thank you so when it comes to alpha and omega across the board there's nothing of quality in regards to its stories its characters its visuals just nothing but that doesn't matter because little kids don't care about quality they just go with what catches their attention and it just so happens to be these big-eyed wolf pups with their monkey live faces and eyeballs eyeballs that are about to pop out of their skulls little kids like what they like and lord knows that i loved a ton of dumb stuff when i was growing up i practically begged my parents for creepy crawlers but there's no doubt that the folks behind the alpha and omega franchise provide the bare minimum when it comes to fielding sequels for this soulless franchise [Music] now to answer one of my other questions from the start is alpha and omega a corporate attempt to sling fur bait to unsuspecting viewers uh mostly no let me explain rishi here my furry friend consultant said that this franchise was most likely the furry awakening for some of its viewers but that the franchise itself wasn't created solely for that purpose that's like saying that the lion king was deliberate fur bait because some furries got their start with that movie yeah that's why the movie was obviously made and why it almost broke one billion dollars at the box office right cause furries it only makes sense if anything furry awakenings are just byproducts of companies and studios making content with broad appeal believe it or not a majority of people love anthro and animal characters but wouldn't call themselves furries yeah there's a small portion of people who do but i would not call them a targeted demographic when it comes to the alpha and omega franchise that being said does elephant omega have characters and designs and traits that furries enjoy oh absolutely and i wouldn't be surprised if there are some furries who work on the films but again the use and popularity of animal and anthro characters is nothing new and i doubt that the executives behind alfin omega are plotting otherwise i could see it now when they're sitting in their boardroom we gotta get those fairies and their money quick make kate's bedroom eyes larger yeah more by the way rishi brought up another thought that i hadn't considered was the alphan omega franchise the leftover remains of a failed cartoon pitch you know what i think so it's possible since the movie plots are stretched out and disjointed but you know what who can say to think that there was a universe where humphrey could have had a cartoon crossover on nickelodeon with jimmy neutron oh that could have been amazing oh jimmy look at the pretty wolf girl i'm gonna pet her she's biting my arm jimmy in conclusion the alpha omega franchise is undeniably a terrible descent into coincidental furry madness as someone who routinely suffers from watching some of the worst animated movies ever made i have to admit that witnessing the entirety of this franchise was akin to falling down a staircase through each circle of hell with every level somehow growing worse in its own particular way now keep in mind there are nine levels of hell in total and there are currently eight alpha omega movies if fate is truly cruel that means there's one more film that needs to be released in order for the ritual to be complete only then can google images kate unleash her plague upon the world over the top rhetoric aside the alpha and omega franchise is essentially a bunch of low quality low effort movies specifically designed to distract little kids as their parents throw on a film to shut them up for an hour that's what it is just dangling some subpar fairy keys in front of their eyes they're big stupid wolf eyes now there's nothing wrong with that inherently lord knows i watched a bunch of low-tier animated movies and shows when i was a little kid but there are much better alternatives out there that offer actual substance and competent visuals the baltic trilogy comes to mind and though it's not perfect it is superior to alpha and omega oh and i feel that we all collectively owe the lamb before time franchise an apology yes it's bad but it's not alpha no mega bad so if you're looking for some bad movies to rip on with your friends then maybe maybe i would suggest the alpha mega franchise specifically the dinosaur entry but if you're going to these films hoping to find something of redeeming quality then you are truly forsaken and you will find yourself up a tree again and again and again [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Saberspark
Views: 1,938,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpha and omega, review, furry, furry franchise, alpha and omega furry, saber, saberspark, sequels
Id: -2CfDlqZNtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 10sec (2230 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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