What the HELL is The Academy of Magic? (a TERRIBLE Harry Potter RIPOFF)

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this video is brought to you by nordvpn [Music] what the hell hijack animated Harry Potter rip-off and I don't mean as in kind of with hints of teenage Wizards and witches and Magic no I mean a full-blown movie that rips off Hogwarts rips off iconic characters rips off Harry's Scar and hey let's just rip off Disney while we're at it and make our main character look like Anna from Frozen why not my name is Aura heffenpfeffer liar released in 2020 The Academy of magic was a blatant attempt to ride the tail coats of Greater properties with a poster trying to hide that fact initially you look at it and think ah well the characters don't look that bad until you see the move in the movie or I guess lack thereof [Music] this kid in the background for example I don't even know why he's here he was a bully the entire time and made fun of our main character and he wasn't even the main bully that honor goes to off-brand Malfoy and this lady over here she wasn't in the movie at all who are you why are you a thing whatsoever is that one of the creators of Pixar's Cars worked on this movie yeah he like wrote it and directed it which is I'll be real more embarrassing if anything how do you go from this to this [Music] yeah the movie is hilariously bad with scenes that range from being vacant and boring to needlessly violent and destructive at one moment we're in the not Hogwarts cafeteria with the only seven students on campus but after that there's an action sequence with two wizards blowing up the entire campus with buildings that were made of Lego [Music] but the thing I cannot get over and made me laugh the hardest was how the film was like oh damn it we're too short we gotta pad this out um quickly show concept art from the film which is obviously not concept art at all it's just a filter over screen caps from the movie and you know what you'd think there'd be credits going above this nah it's just a slideshow the credits come afterwards and they take forever but real quick bad time so quick shout out to this video sponsor nordvpn you want to know what sucks more than this rip-off being region locked out of shows you know actually I think this is worse but region luck stuff yeah that still sucks the office used to be on us Netflix but was removed years ago but Canadian Netflix still has it if only there was a way I could still access the show oh wait there is Boom with a single press of a button you can access over 5000 servers around the world easy as that Nord also offers security and allows you to protect your privacy and encrypt your data it's also super fast with no bandwidth throttling and streams to your PC and smart device with speed and Security Plus Nord features a threat protection feature which offers even more security against cyber threats it blocks trackers malicious ads and steers you away from harmful websites and files so hit up my link in the description down below and use my link nordvpn.com saberspark to get an exclusive nordvpn deal also to commemorate nordvpn's 11th birthday for a limited time only you will also receive an additional mystery gift on top of that dang I'm actually like really curious what that could be go hit them up today but the mystery box could be anything he could even be a boat you know how much we've wanted one of those then let's just take the box the studio behind this movie was Gold Valley films a studio I never heard of before they were founded back in 2012 and are headquartered in Burbank though I suspect that most of the animation comes from China based on the credits of this movie alone other films they worked on include little sorcerer and Cinderella and the secret Prince I haven't seen either of them I don't know if they're anything like the Academy of magic but hey they look pretty on the outside but if they're anything like what I just watched then they're probably garbage on the inside also this movie apparently cost 12 million dollars to make but only made back like four hundred thousand dollars but even then it is very obvious that the money for the film did not go into the animation Department I don't know where it went this does not look like a 12 million dollar film me wonders if they did something else with their money hmm I just I don't know allegedly I'm curious I just won there you're a tax cheat admittedly there are some good voice actors in This film like bendiskin and Laura Megan stall but they had terrible Direction and lines to read it all comes across as very one note with inexplicable shifts and tone that come across as very uncanny who are you hello I'm Sean I'm going up to the academy and this dragon is the ride up there my name is Aura by the way really Aura is your name uh-huh let's get going hurry up Aura but what about the story itself yeah it rips off Harry Potter but does it do it well unsurprisingly uh no it does not and let me tell you why the movie starts off with this yellow robot that is shaped like SpongeBob running with a baby through a storm and just drops a kid at a door of some lady's house and then shuts down the lady's like oh you know what I could use a baby with black hair that turns red the next scene over I'll take this kid She's mine now why not it's also revealed that the kid has this magical scar on her hand which is like of course my own original character not that uh Charlotte and Harry Potter what are you talking about the scar is completely different also her name is Aura not Anna Aura and we're gonna rip things off let's do it twice so time goes on Sunrise Sunset and Aura grows up on the Apple Farm she is now 16 and for some reason has like magical powers she is also like super tall compared to her auntie and the villagers but the movie never bothered to tell us why it's just like they're Hobbits I guess I don't know also since it is aura's birthday the Spongebob robot wakes up finally and tells Aura hey um your magical and you need to go to magic school a good timing because you definitely looked apart for a farm girl who works at the Apple Farm I'm really glad you're already wearing a school girl uniform a good timing indeed so Aura and the robot set off to the school with the robot showing off he can play instruments and it's really impressive actually he's got a drum he's got an accordion he's got a tuba uh he doesn't need a piano he can play the piano without a piano he's just that good [Music] so the two get picked up by not Ron Weasley or I assume it's Ron Weasley he's got red hair he's a wizard he's a boy close enough and there is this Dragon too that looks like a plastic toy like just just the most uninspired design ever and the two get to campus in the sky and they get grilled by not Snape and then rescued by mall Santa Dumbledore at this point it is painfully obvious how little these characters emote they have like two expressions and just flail their arms around like Kermit the Frog also they don't really interact with the environment that well and just look like they're slapped over the setting along with their wonky physics where they float in the air lazy walk cycles and awkward scenes where they're hover hand hugging we are then introduced to the rest of the student body uh not Malfoy not the Weasley twins a girl who looks super tired Friar Tuck not Anna and then the love interest the boy Ron Weasley I'm sorry not Ron Weasley that's it that is literally the cast of students on the campus wow booming industry right the students then get their doctor strange robes and then they eat at the not Hogwarts cafeteria for some reason the audio engineer for this movie decided to highlight how few students there are on campus by providing this crazy Reverb Echo this is nobody here to buff out the sound it's a terrible acoustics so exciting to be here don't you think do you want to try one of my apples also uh Malfoy's like hey you're a farm girl Aura I'm gonna make fun of you now that's my reason that's my motive just because screw you in particular at this point you would expect the movie to explain more of why Aura is at the school and her family or purpose or just something what's going on why was she abandoned as a kid there has to be more to it nah not not at all the film's like you can wait till later or it might not happen at all the robot is like you gotta be an enchantress it is your birthrights but that's all I'm gonna say I'm not gonna tell you who your parents were I'm not gonna tell you why you have magic or scar I'm just gonna tell you go to school that sets and of course aura's like that makes sense I'll do it she's she's pretty brainless I just gotta say you know what you're right yodel we didn't get to the classes with nut Snape and something about running up this invisible staircase to grab a magic ball Aura does a rain dance sure and runs up the now slippery staircase but Snape just straight up punches her off the staircase he's like I don't think so bam get off Anna then reads a book so she can actually learn magic she's like I I'm not learning anything in these classes I'm gonna go study magic in the library with upside down books in the background but then she sees her love interest sneak out of a not very well hidden sliding bookcase ooh the plot thickens Aura then goes to class for transformation spells and gets turned into a butterfly and then has to run away from a butterfly's Immortal enemy a hawk what or then explorers not Hogwarts a bit more and finds a door she can't enter she gives up she goes to get some more food where not Malfoy is like I'm gonna get her back by not using Magic by putting hot sauce on this cake slice in front of her face that'll show her only for him to get like the old Switcheroo and he eats the cake in his leg sauce in my food I guess he's British after all or continues to Pine over the mystery boy the Ron Weasley I'm sorry the not Ron Weasley and grows closer to him the class then has a flying contest but instead of like using brooms as one would expect they get garbage pallets instead like static shock was this inside the dragon poor yes it will function as your flying craft now personally I choose to believe that they did not have brooms because it would be too difficult to animate and that it wasn't a matter of ripping off Harry Potter it wasn't like no that's too much guys we can't do brooms let's have some Integrity here no they have zero Integrity that was just a lazy call and now folks we get to the big reveal and the big twist like up to this point in the movie This film has had no plot whatsoever but then gives us all the plot at like the 50 minute Mark the film's like hey sit down all right you're about to get everything all right quickly I will tell you what you should rightfully know then you must go now the terrible evil can never be claimed by him so the boy the entire time has been going to this cage and the I guess school and there's an old man locked up that's his grandfather his grandfather's like get out of here you shouldn't be here apparently he's been locked up for 16 years where does he poop I don't know why is he in the cage cause he's trying to like keep this key and spell away from this evil guy and then he's like oh who's that girl behind you my my grandson oh it's it's a girl she has this Mark it's you it's you uh sit down we'll tell you a story and by the way this is all poorly like given to us in a 2d like illustration story sequence that looks like it was done by some 8th grader on deviantART it does not look good it looks very very immature I'm just being real it looks bad I don't know what's worse the 3D or the 2D both are pretty rough see God like this wizard guy who has like a blanket tied around his neck like it's not even like a robe or or a cape it's like a blanket like a kid would get an entire round with a knot and he's got like this really silly mustache he's like oh I guess a doctor strange cosplayer he he founded the wizard school he was a good Wizard and then he discovered this box of evil magic where they were mining in like the mountain or something and he's like this box is evil it's it's got powerful magic I gotta hide it and he like takes this incantation to spells and then two keys and gives the two spells the two keys respectively to his two best friends I okay I I don't know why I didn't keep it himself but he gave it to his friend and his other friend one of the friends was the grandfather the other friend was evil just evil guy and he's like I want the spell and the keys so I can have unlimited power and he locks the other guy in the cage and then the wizard guy shows up and he's like I will fight you and battle you and he like lost and he's like oh no I lost runs into a room sees aura's dead parents on the ground takes the baby cries he's like no what can I do what should I do I'll build a robot I'll build a minion SpongeBob robots and give the baby to the robot which the robot just holds the baby over his head like running off and he's like I'll just whatever happens happens and they get turned in stone what I uh it's like the film had no Exposition no motives nothing to work with no substance and then just dumps it all on us at the same time in a flashback 2D story sequence that looked awful God have mercy on my soul and then we get our twist villain who could it be could it be this one adult or the other adult on campus that's the flip a coin I guess that's a Snape or is it Dumbledore turns out it's actually uh Dumbledore ooh Some ready my expectations it is Frank by the way that's his name Frank the wizard Frank but you may all call me Frank there are some who call me Tim I guess the movie was like ha you thought it was Snape the only other adult character but it was actually not Dumbledore that's who it was this this guy you know in a way though uh the movie vicariously ripped off Harry Potter by having a once beloved person that was put on a pedestal reveal themselves to be a piece of garbage by saying and doing terrible things you know we then get to the final action sequence of the movie where not Ron and Aura fight the dragon for some reason the dragon's bad now and I guess this guy and the dragon aren't friends anymore Franklin threatens to kill this kid and the grandfather is like no don't don't do it I will give you anything uh please don't hurt my grandson and then he calls Frank a bastard like why where where that word come from I will do everything you say you best friend then gets the magical spell and key and gets to access The Well of Secrets no not the chamber The Well of Secrets and then he gets the magic box but realizes that oh there's a third T needed and he he immediately is like it's Aura it's her scar that's the key like immediately and was right he was like I need a third key it has to be exactly this how did you know Steve then shows up I forgot he was in the movie gets owned and turned into stone and then Frank turns the rest of the student body all two of them into stone too because you know screw him why not also what's what is going on with your belt buckle it's like stretching out and and like has its own like physics what's going on here dude usually metal doesn't like move like rubber we didn't get a wizard fight that includes a magical baseball bat miniature Wizards and want and destruction you can fly but you cannot hide Aura then pleads the Frank uh to his compassion to his power hunger but Frank is like I'm evil that's it I'm just an evil guy uh just like Jack Horner from Puss in Boots and then Frank and Aura have a battle of the ages Frank then accesses the power box and turns into Jafar with this Giant floating body and continues to destroy more school property I'm asking myself why why the destruction what's his motive and you know there isn't one you want to know why because I'm evil Laura tries one last desperate attempt to stop Frank by making him fat that wasn't on my bingo card with her glitchy shirt and ripping off Kung Fu Panda 3 or gives a bunch of her own magic to Frank who is all like wait hold on uh Aura what are you doing and then you would think that Frank would explode like because he's getting big but no he just shrinks back down and gets thrown into the box and then the movie like wraps up immediately I'm not joking as soon as he's defeated they're like we did it good job there are amazing the students are then turned back from Stone to their fleshy vessels with even new students who are like just now strung up in the film to I guess to show off that they had a student body this entire time and then you got like aura's grandfather the wizard from the flashback that was him Shakespeare wizard with a Shakespeare hair grandfather I knew he would come here and folks that is basically the movie The Dragon is now good for some reason Aura is made the Headmaster of the school even though she had like one semester of like actual learning with five like classes that's it and I feel bad for not snappier he's like not getting that promotion I guess that tracks but yeah that's right this girl like who's just so new is now in charge and she like thanks her friends quote unquote with some speech she's like I want to thank my friends who helped and she's like gesturing to the bullies who did nothing to help at all and yeah that's the movie oh and again I can't forget about these concept drawings and the credits that don't feature the credits how um believably lazy overall The Academy of magic is an unbelievably stupid and basic movie with terrible animation brainless dialogue and a plot that is so vacant of any agency that it makes you wonder if any character has any motive besides pretending to be a Harry Potter rip-off and the most insincere and minimal way possible why was Aura destined to be a magic user not set until the end of the film so it doesn't matter why was Frank evil hey he's just evil that's it no explanation why are the people of Apple town so short no idea so many things are introduced but with zero substance the writing in this film was atrocious none of these characters have any meaningful arcs or Charm or personality and were left completely in the dark until we're like three-fourths to the film and then they're like hey you know what we need Exposition all of it right now boom and it's confusing and unrewarding it's like the movie panicked and was like oh damn it we need a plot The Flash back Exposition right here right now even name is Montrose and your grandfather found in this school I'm sorry what it is possible that this movie started off with some kind of meaningful intention but its production completely fell apart jorgin here is actually a pretty prolific artist and has a substantial resume so I'm like very confused about what happened here with this movie it is very possible that it fell into production hell with a lot of mismanaged funds and a hasten production that yielded a dumpster fire as the final result and maybe in a desperate attempt for a Hail Mary maneuver the folks making this movie were like just make it look like frozen and Harry Potter and maybe we might get our money back womp womp and here's the thing the concept of a school with magical users outside of Harry Potter that can work the owl house they nail it the Academy of magic not so much so yeah this film is hilariously bad and has no soul whatsoever the writing is the biggest and of all like it shouldn't be that hard to copy the backbone of the character arcs of Harry Potter what's Harry Potter and rip it off and not be Harry Potter this is like writing 101 give me a character motivation build a mystery give me something to work with here but instead we got a talking robot who looks like a minion procreated with SpongeBob SquarePants and gave us this [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Saberspark
Views: 815,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saberspark, saber, animation, ripoff, aniamted ripoff, what the hell, academy of magic, harry potter ripoff, frozen ripoff, anna ripoff, bad animated movie, animated ripoffs, awful
Id: aI84USl1NEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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