Oh No... Illumination's 'Sing' Is Coming Back...

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this isn't a christmas movie but in a sense it's kind of got that christmas spirit around this time of year everyone just sort of comes together for a little bit of a song and dance and somehow despite the track record of illumination entertainment being so low in regards to quality film writing i haven't really covered the guys very much all year so let's change that now and while i had originally intended to do a terrible video on sing turns out a lot of people actually really like it and to go one step further of course this film has sparked a whole new franchise as well as yes illumination sing is getting a sequel are you ecstatic or rolling your eyes for a revelation you've seen unfold like a hundred times by this point well for me i hadn't actually seen sing up to this point i mean i saw the trailer and that kind of covered everything didn't it still i'm not one for bunny shaking their butts or the obvious boomer bait of a silly pig singer but this is my job now so today we're going to be going through the meat of this film sprinkling the news of what's upcoming and see how things could expand with this established universe alright come join me as we slug through another one of illumination's masterpieces and they'll definitely let you know it's them with a 22 second sequence of their logo alone and right off the bat i can see the appeal on the very first location just from the fact this is an entire city populated by animals that is undeniably pretty cool it's a bit of a trend that others have done at the time sure but it's a twang of difference can't wait to see all the puns and visual gags they make out of that i mean it's just a great prompt for creativity anyway this prologue shows the theater in its heyday and when our main is protagonist fell in love with the theater buster mooned the koala he went on to buy the theater and become a failing showman with his stage crew currently angry at him since they've just had their paycheck bounced he's broke also his assistant's name is apparently miss crawley if that's the case shouldn't she be like a spider first name creepy creepy crawly maybe i've been playing too much phoenix right lately anyway buster moon escapes the place running above the entire set and cycling through town it's here we get introduced to all of our other protagonists and this sequence actually starts off pretty great buster cycles past this one alleyway and the camera lingers onto it as we're introduced to our first contestant the gorilla johnny and what's he doing at this time of day it's actually quite dynamic he's part of a criminal heist with his dad being the lookout though his heart clearly in the song in his head the mission's a bit scuffed but they race away anyway and that is an awesome establishment and such an interesting arc for an otherwise wholesome musical competition story the rest doesn't hit me as good it hits different badly i loved the transition of two characters physically being within the vicinity of each other that kind of stuff's just my jam ever since hoodwinked but the rest of this one or across town is just the camera going on a ride to its destination there's no real reasoning to other than that that's where the characters are and to me that's a shame especially because like johnny could have easily just driven past this next house so easily anyway your other characters are pretty standard tropes johnny is two but he's the most interesting you've got the pig mother with a million kids singing katy perry's fireworks about wanting to start again kind of sounds like she hates our kids but you get it there it's a hectic house and not a very supportive husband then we zoomed to a club gig with the duo porcupine band where the guy complains of the girl not staying as the backup vocals and then there's this random house with one elephant being really good at singing happy birthday isn't this like regarded as being really douchey maybe not to your family still in this case the family are aggressively supportive but the elephant herself is too shy then we get this mouse busking on a stairway who's got a chunk more personality though it's still pretty simple because he's the gangster type mean willing to scrap to get what he wants and then we sip right back to buster moon overall from just the characters i see why people like it but it's not amazing you know everyone's just kind of an archetype and their animal traits aren't really relevant the elephant is ironically not loud and the mouse is also i guess they're kind of like a frank sinatra rat pack pun maybe pigs have a fair litter size of like 7 to 14 but wouldn't a rabbit work way better for the mum anyway even in the next scene as buster is asking for more money there's no visual jokes in the background everyone's eating cake or soup there's no connection to which species are meeting and maybe i've been spoiled by the likes of zootropolis or bojack horsemen but what's the point of having them be animals if they're not gonna play with it more a singing competition who wants to see another one of those yeah that was my first impression too sebusta sets up marketing his new show idea setting out a 1 000 prize money competition some hijinks happened to crank that number up and all the posters go flying out the window who needs any other kind of marketing when wind will apparently do everything else and it literally does sure i'll believe it for a film like this all our guys witness a poster very conveniently or maybe this movie's just highlighting the few people who did see it and every other potential winner just never did that's my head cannon anyway i need you some coffee oh i got a little thirsty on the way up those stairs huh i guess that's why they skipped on the jokes they can't make any good ones so of course everyone's lining up for their chance and buster still hasn't seen the 100 000 error what follows next is illumination flaunting their budget with a hundred licensed songs back to back to back to back it's your britain's got talent montage of acts some good some bad some you'll recognize and still none really using their potential sure the shrimp are synchronized swimmers and the kangaroo has a roo in their pouch who sings but beyond that it's really scarce it's just a bunch of trailer bait though at least i can appreciate it chose a lot for the trailer without really revealing the story if only they kept that up with the trailers anyway through this montage mina gets her moment and messes it up i don't know if this is a cliche subversion because i don't watch many musicals but i like the turn on this it's a little more substance and with the day done buster picks his favorites that's totally not everyone from the entire day he picks just the girl in the porcupine band nice love the drama then for the soloist this buffalo richard then goes on to randomly fart all over the scene oh my gosh i am so sorry oh what is wrong with me then he steps on ray the snail with a poorly integrated wilhelm scream and then he runs away farting i was kind of getting into this simple plot but illumination always just has to go down to this level doesn't it gotta work on that checklist wilhelm farts galore then buster goes on to hire daniel the giraffe but gets angered for the hearing issues from being way up there the rare time they actually use a joke on the animal part but that's what leads him to eventually hiring johnny of all the roots to take this is just terrible writing and because they tackled the joke here of all places it kind of comes off as discrimination or ableism like how do you mess this up and the other beat has the pig mum rosita partnered with gunther the boomer beans and only now do they discover the 100 000 please blow that nose of yours no no no not in here blow it outside is this supposed to be a funny joke anyway now we've reached the meat of the story so here's some info on the sequel for a start illumination was so eager to milk this thing for money that though this film came out in december of 2016 the announcement of the sequel came in january 2017 just one month later and since we're still talking about it now you can imagine it's being delayed a bunch for all sorts of reasonings currently it's established to now release on december 22nd 2021 in just about a year's time so brace yourselves back to the original and buster isn't phased by the impossible lot saying at rock bottom you can only go up so he'll see them all tomorrow for rehearsal logic that night mina's mourning her last ash the porcupine is trying to convince lance the boyfriend that she should continue to gain the money for the both of them mike is struggling to get into a nightclub to chase some girl johnny is hired as the new getaway driver for the big hit and rosita is struggling to find a babysitter so instead she scraps together a massive rube goldberg machine huh i actually really like the creativity of all this sure it doesn't really make much sense that the mum can randomly diy all this but it's still super fun to see unfold perfectly and it's rehearsal time and everyone's got an uncomfortable twist rosita with gunther johnny with a piano now and ash given pop and not rock everyone's a little unhappy and they've lost their electricity too and as buster goes on a whole mission to steal some power for themselves mina then reappears to request a redo getting a job as a stagehand instead and she loves the atmosphere mike however does not to him it's all awful and that the prize is as good as his also he takes out a massive loan to impress and get into that nightclub ash is thinking about writing her own songs but is discouraged by lance mina is greeted by everyone on the street though they're unaware that she's not in the show and johnny is practicing his getaway driver skills grumbling in frustration which leads him to go faster and almost hits his dad wow that is the kind of sequence that i love the tension of dude's arc is like so much more investing than everybody else's i swear though at the same time it is still pretty generic it's a weird one rosita witnesses the success of her machine and buster reminisces on the theatre's opening i love that match cut any spice of creativity is all i ask for anyway another bead of concern judith from the bank has visited saying he needs to settle his account or they will repossess the property no shows have ever worked before and they have no faith in him so as an alternative money source buster finds solace in connecting to nana the celebrity who he watched in that prologue though she is supposedly brutal i don't have an animal costume for you this time but even still you should consider subscribing only you can help balance out my ratio and on top of that we're streaming today where you're just chatting if you want to have a conversation and tomorrow we're doing a nostalgia stream i'm going to be playing a bunch of games from my childhood when i was 13. call of duty battlefield it's not really my usual type of content so i figured i'd just have a blast from the past so that's what we're doing over there come check it out otherwise let's get back into this terrible world of illumination animations yeah rehearsals again and i swear mike's like the only one who actually plays with his sides dancing with the mic flirtatiously anyway some hijinks happened with buster randomly having crawley's glass eye in his drink spinning it out to almost crush mike knocking out this side character pete the camel and destroying part of the stage also i thought mike was being witty here calling meena dumbo you almost killed me jumbo it wasn't me oh is that something but it turns out he's saying jumbo instead shame almost witty so pete's out of the race as are these frogs i didn't really establish because they're arguing and breaking up you knew they weren't getting in anyway you know they barely had names samina is hired anyway without even hearing her singing voice yet okay rosita has a whole feet routine plan that gets devastated that hurts me more than it should ash continues to hate her pop style johnny is struggling at the piano and now his dad's calling in the middle of it so he leaves early and that night bit of an abrupt jump to immediately later considering johnny was supposed to leave early and not like whatever ash breaks up with lance after he's paired with another female porcupine mike scams some bears out of their money at poker and gets caught for it escaping by car and hey they actually use a rhino horn to pop a balloon it's something i swear i'm starving for some actual flair you know the next day buster is calling eddie the business friend only to reveal they're actually in the same place it's been done before but i somewhat appreciate it and they both go to nana's place where she accepts an invitation to see the performance for herself in a dress run to see the good old days of the old theater but anything's better than spending another evening playing checkers with this old fart huh he's not old though what are these jokes but hey it's another match cut is that like his motifing all right dress rehearsal time but johnny's got that heist happening now i love the drama on him grumpy that he's there he's told he has to wait exactly 37 minutes for their re-arrival that's enough time to disappear right so practice is ongoing ash is crying over her style flinging pines randomly everywhere johnny arrives but can't squeeze in early rosita performs but falls flat on her face cause dancing's too hard for her middle-aged body i guess she just can't get her head into it and the joke that follows is one that i actually think is genuinely good are you okay oh yes i'm fine thank you how are you so it is johnny's turn early i guess he rushes through his song rosita is unconfident on her place even being here mike is suddenly very nervous about the bears after him and then immediately switches to just insulting rosita and how she fell over and then he's just all confident again okay what a switch and johnny vanishes quickly after failing he's got to use his backup song instead he zooms to the getaway alley but it's stuck in traffic a buffalo has hit a lion why couldn't it have been like a deer because of the headlights or or a sloth being slow or a peacock spreading its feathers in threatening anger you know it's so simple to do something like this like they've already got a deer model don't they and the gorillas are caught by the police time to speak to them immediately in prison also like what's the backstory for each species talking to the other species here it's not established and not even a joke either there's no hedgehog talking to a fox for a sneaky little reference or a koala and a kangaroo from the same lens not even something like a giant bear and a tiny bird it's just all random and lazy because of that fact anyway you know how this scene will go dad's angry he learns of the singing contest and is not impressed it's already super cliche at this point but the blase-ness of the trailer really hampers down the effect of it i guess the trailers were built for parents to watch to judge for their children it's still stupid and feeling guilty he asks for extra piano lessons probably a good idea and here's another sliver of sing 2 news there's honestly very little to go on at this point which i guess is a nice change all things considered anyway it's about the cast this film already has an outstanding cast i mean nana is literally played by jennifer saunders so i'm not surprised at all that she's seen as some kind of queen of the show but then they've also crammed in scarlett johansson taran egerton seth macfarlane rhys witherspoon matthew mcconaughey john c reilly nick offerman i mean it's i guess it's the standard for animated movies to shove all of these together but there are two new confirmations to add to the cast list for sing two and that is adam buxton who oddly enough was already in the first movie as stan one of the gorillas in the gang and then there's also chelsea piretti you know her face she's from brooklyn nine-nine and she's been in a few animated things already no word on their roles just yet but it's something also though we know buster ash rosita johnny mike gunter mina miss crawley and piglet will be returning too supposedly that's pretty standard though isn't it anyway with that my new detail out of the way next up there's this admittedly not bad sequence of rosita in the supermarket getting into the flow of the music and finally letting her body move without thinking for the first time it's cute and i like how the staff guy contributes meanwhile buster and mina are working on the next cheat redesigning the entire stage taking window panes sourcing the water tower hiring squids i like the creativity and it's a cool back too and today's the day for the dress rehearsal rosita's machine is broken this time johnny's getting better at piano miss crawley randomly falls over for the funnies ash is practicing her original song buster loves that's very lucky and buster convinces mina to have the bravery to perform though she's literally never sung in front of any of them before and now it's on the super high stakes of impressing nana i don't buy it anyway it's time to perform though the bears spot mike and threaten him only for mike to say that moon has their money a hundred thousand dollars buster meanwhile is revealing the new stage powered by luminescent squid that's quite the illumination ain't it though surely the squids would have had needed so much like rehearsal time for all this still it's a genuinely interesting design for a stage and then the bears crash in forcing their way to the prize money where it's revealed how little there is and right on cue of everyone approaching buster the stage cracks in half and the whole theater floods guess those squids are dead mina clocks the exit everyone almost dies buster uses the top path again and johnny breaks the clog not unlike that one seen in kingsman i guess taran egerton just can't avoid the story beat and just like that mike has flushed down the sewers nana leaves unimpressed and the entire theater collapses this is an extreme twist to add some action and only buster's dad's old bucket survives and it's all played with sad singing music i i was confused roala who's singing because this is completely non-diegetic but it's actually nana from the prologue huh the bears can't find mike the pigs are caught in the machine mina is mourning johnny isn't visited by his dad lance is with becky at the bar and the bank seizes the property it's the end of act 2 everybody sadness all around buster has given up squatting at eddie's place everyone comes to lift him up but it doesn't work mina delivers some cake it's probably her grandpa's leftovers or something and buster shoots her down for her optimism on being a singer and he decides to follow in his dad's footsteps and work for a hard low-income life instead though he sucks rock bottom and with that there's only one way to go as eddie joins in in the car washing business at least they're using their fur for work and after almost a hard day's work buster finally hears mina sing upon the ruins of the theater sure is lucky he didn't move too far away huh inspired a new everyone is told of the revival and they work together to recreate the theater diy style themselves wasn't this repossessed though isn't this like trespassing at this point after the whole bank thing oh well it's all feel good mike is accepted back but rejects without the prize money as these guys are singing for themselves this time and with that the show is readying to start the audience is my newt only really being the family of the contestants all those pig kids will surely just shout over the whole show i bet i've experienced it it's time to begin [Laughter] again this is their excuse for a joke like maybe for a pantomime for five-year-olds but come on no wonder they barely try so first is rosita and gunter now with a laundry themed set and generic taylor swift which then moves to a remixed version of the same song with a new costume alright and here's mike wanting to join in now after being ridiculed by viewers watching on tv on the streets does that happen these days like what time period is this and with a success crowds begin to join you see how this goes next up johnny singing i'm still standing at the piano it's good but it would be because it's i'm still standing and to hit that easy feel good vibe his dad sees it in prison and suddenly 180s to love in it again would have at least been faintly better if that wasn't spoiled in the trailer still what is new is him using the opportunity to escape prison and leap across town over the rooftops that's inciting [Music] and a hint of beatsy creativity too ah everyone loves johnny though he's obviously still down about it all you are trespassing a private property and you will leave right now and i mean yeah that kind of makes sense but i do like how it times perfectly with the rebellious rock act of ash that's well structured and probably not in illumination's telling story for dummies formula by default took a little bit of effort i am calling the police she never does though i also like during ash's act this frenetic camera angle it's just on theme but it's nice to see still don't understand the random pines though mike's time and since his performance has always gone well this time it's time to not the bears spot him on tv and his love interest joins the chase also johnny's dad sneaks backstage for a hug with his son it's an easy plot point and it's got all the happy father line but you get it the helicopters chasing him also influence the stage pushing mike away from the mic and then eventually swinging him around it's fun johnny's dad disappears off again the bears arrive and finally it's meaner time again without any practice before really but alright and eventually after a little bit of more shy bait she sings surprise it's good yeah yeah i do like though that even mike is stunned by it the one guy who's been shooting down everybody else at every opportunity not sure on the logic of singing projecting when your mouth is behind a massive trunk but we'll accept it mike is nabbed away by the bears in secret and teleported to the street he escapes with his girl except he doesn't we get some callbacks with the old auditioning still in the same outfit and it's a happy ending for all even nana is impressed in the audience and with that the show is over the place is bought by nana timelapse to a rebuilt theater we hear that song from nana in the prologue again singing over it all and it's reopened with a whole new photo frame i guess all the story beats for each character was finished in the show itself because we don't actually see any post show scene that's a shame i kind of wanted to see you know a bit more dial it's a bit abrupt everyone succeeds happiness all around and mike oh god that was the last we saw of mike he's he's literally dead that's easy to go over your head yikes though he's casted in sing too so i i guess that's retcon number one but in theory he's he's he's super dead where can they expand in this direction i'm not too sure i got lost into a fake wiki of a fan idea for a sequel that was all about seeing the big city but that would make sense for the characters careers but how does that come back to moon and the theater i don't know also in that fake wiki everyone and their mother was secretly wanting to be a singer including judith the bank owner and the female mouse you saw the entire family of lance and becky and ash oh i was very confused for a while as for the other expansion options all there really is that i can think of is do more stuff with the animal element i mean is it just going to be a second show are they gonna relocate somewhere else it's kind of concerning but at the same time they'll probably just take the easiest most generic sequel route that's what you can expect as an expansion this is one of those films that's kind of hard to judge without showing bias you know this film is so generically made that it's a classic the story overall is pretty good it's standard i always find myself enjoying musicals way more when i'm watching them and then when i'm not i forget how much i like them in the moment if this was a stage play i probably really love it it's easy but it's feel good and it's fun to watch archetypes sometimes that being said it's lazy too the animation is good it's got a good budget i love the lighting yeah yeah yeah but the actual creativity in the writing and the the direction is just not there most of the time we've got a zootropolis-like society but it's pointless they never really do anything with it it's just visual bait to get the kids into it and any attempt at putting in effort into any real jokes just exposes how poor the writing is i have friends who love this film and some of its beats but at the same time it's because they've been done before they're tried and tested already sure maybe johnny's song gives you goosebumps but that's not johnny that's elton john and that's not a gorilla it's just a generic character wearing a gorilla skin it just looks a bit intimidating to fit with the ark but even like they don't do much with it every highlight of the story feels unearned because it's just regurgitated from stomach that already exists but at the same time it's a massive crowd pleaser and is that not the purpose of movies anyway if it cuts corners to get some cheap applauses in but satisfies the masses that watch it can you really call it a failure no and the reviews reflect that but to me the quality is still lackluster in regards to the actual originality it brought to the table i like the story but that's just the skeleton of the premise everything else is just lazy bait on top and illumination should feel bad for that but you know they don't i mean there's still that sequel coming and that's kind of the theme of all their films anyway and how much you want to bet this sequel is still going to have none of the nuance of that animal kingdom we've seen in other films still despite like four years passing to polish the world maybe it'll be a welcomingly nice surprise but i'm not holding my breath merry corporate christmas everybody i would call this a terrible movie but it's debatable what's undeniable though is sing is coming back see you all in a year for now my name's been jazz you didn't really care and i'll see you in a bit thank you for making it as far as you did all the way to the end essentially i uh i'm surprised how much i kind of enjoyed the story as much as they didn't really deserve it because it didn't do it just hit all the kind of easy beats but either way the secret code word for saying you've made it all the way here is bacon so chuck that into a comment otherwise hopefully i'll see you on stream bye-bye thanks bye-bye thanks again bye-bye why did i i didn't what was that was that supposed to be comedy oh vey
Channel: DazzReviews
Views: 609,670
Rating: 4.9238148 out of 5
Keywords: dazzreviews, sing, illumination, illumination entertainment, illumination sing, sing is coming back, sing sequel, sing 2, oh no sing is coming back, this movie is coming back, discussion, review, video essay, analysis
Id: nIwwMbvejXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 4sec (1624 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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