What SURVIVAL Fact Should EVERYONE Know?

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people of reddit what is a surprisingly unknown survival fact that everyone should know this is a tip for surviving with mental health issues i often ignore my own advice but when i remember to do it it usually helps when you're feeling super depressed ask yourself these questions am i thirsty am i hungry am i tired and in need of sleep have i showered today have i gotten up and walked around in a while have i gotten out of bed and dressed i find that a surprising number of times something s on that list needs attending too and once done i often feel better there's no cure for depression there's just learning to manage and live with it hope that helps someone if you are ever involved in gunfire or a shooting of any sort a sharp cracking sound means a gunfire is aimed at you a deep thumping noise means the gunfire is aimed away from you anything standing its ground and being loud just wants you to leave if you don't they will attack when they are relatively quiet they have already decided to attack this goes for humans too if you are stuck with canned food but no can opener flip the can upside down and rub it back and forth on asphalt or concrete while it can open a cut through the lid the retaining ring holding the lid on is actually quite thin and can be abraded in 30 seconds or less don't starve to death next to a flat of alpha jetty in your bunker if you're about to pass out from being exposed to heat pour cold water on your forearms ice works even better this is an old farmer trick you will feel the effects immediately you will stop being dizzy and feel better almost immediately if you're walking and suspect someone is following you pretend like you're calling someone on the phone asking them their whereabouts then face a direction your follower can't see like the corner of a building and raise your hand and start waving it saying yes i see you i'm over here your follower will think you're meeting someone who's around the corner and will go the other way if you are in the car to confirm someone is following you take four right turns and if they are following you around the block call for help or drive to a busy location police station if you somehow are in a situation where you feel like you could drown and have no energy to go on turn on your back and do the backstroke saved my life while at the beach last week after getting sucked out by rip current float for your life during the winter it is way better to be slightly cold than it is to sweat if you start to sweat you can go hypothermic way faster reminds me of a quote from bear grylls i need to work quickly before hypothermia sets in but not too quickly because then i'll start to sweat the sweat will freeze and then hypothermia sets in when wild camping and hiking in scotland some dutch outdoor guy told us to always keep tampons to start a fire he was so right in a wet environment where all the leaves and branches are moist and the wind blows like crazy we sometimes needed one five hours to start to fire and we needed the fire to at least have a warm meal in the night they're the best fire starter they're lightweight and tiny easy to carry you can pull them apart and there's a lot of easily burning material that you can use as a fire starter they also frequently come in sealed plastic wrappers so are basically waterproof pack a whistle there's no chance your voice will hold out yelling at the top of your lungs and whistles carry long distances especially handy if you've injured yourself and need to rely on others finding you sos and moth code is so three short blasts three longer ones three short pause and repeat this is an especially handy and harmless device to give kids that are along for a hike along with if you get separated stop walking and blow the whistle lots and we'll come to you in general signals in groups of three are signs that you need help anything that's clearly not natural counts that could be piles of rocks signal fires strips of cloth tied to a tree etc obviously you want it to be visible audible to whoever might be searching for you but the group of three means that it's not an accident or a coincidence and so draws attention if you get stuck in your car in the snow stay with your vehicle hypothermia makes you delirious and you can wander the wrong direction and freeze to death your vehicle is also a lot easier to locate than you are if you want to prevent being the victim of a crime it is your subconscious that is going to tell you that you are in danger do you will think something isn't quite right if you ever have a feeling that something is wrong get out of there immediately that's millions of years of instincts go to trusted lizard brain biting is an underrated technique and a life or death fight how many times in an apocalyptic style world does a character get pushed on the ground and literally just submit to being punched out seriously when someone means to kill you or advance on your orientation bite them just because you're drinking water doesn't mean you're safe you need to take in salt as well i've seen this kick people's asses big time they drink and drink and drink water but still overheat throw up pass out because they didn't take in any salt or electrolytes if you are drinking plenty of water but still showing signs of dehydration headache fatigue muscle aches blood vision stumbling around you may be low on electrolytes salty foods can really help with this but oral rehydration salts such as pedialyte work even better and should probably be in more people's backpacks disclaimer those symptoms aren't limited to dehydration and can also occur due to heat exhaustion hypothermia or altitude sickness you just solved a big problem for me holy shield i forgot about myself barrel cactus in the sonoran desert are not full of water as is commonly portrayed instead they are full of acidic solutions that induce vomiting and diarrhoea if consumed these can easily be fatal for a dehydrated person in the desert the barrel cactus fruit by contrast is one of the most agreeable edibles in the cactus world they are easy to pick thornless and tasty i was led to believe that you should drink cactus juice it'll quench you nothing's quencher and it's the quench east if you or your child almost drowns go see a doctor even though you feel seem fine if water has been able to enter your lungs you can be secondary drowning if you are lost in the wilderness if you have shelter and a source of water and if you have reason to believe people will be looking for you you are usually better to stay put than to try to find your way out wandering around lost you expend a lot of energy you could easily get into a fireworks situation and anyone looking for you will likely start at your last known or expected location which if you are lost you might be wandering farther from this is not always the case it depends on if you are injured or not and the nature of the injuries on your relative safety where you are at how far you are relative to your expected or last known location how visible you are and a number of other situational factors it is often worth a low risk climb to a better vantage point if possible people have died a few hundred meters from a road which could have led them to safety i've participated in a number of lost personnel searches this is very good advice if they know what area you were in they'll simply grid it off and start doing line searches if you stay stationary they will find you if you move around you could move out of the search area or into an area they've already searched but stay your butt in one spot if you want to live you can squeeze relatively safe water out of moss obviously you should still boil it and it's going to have some dirt but it way better than drinking out of a steam or puddle the amount of research i've done on moss for my thesis approves that this is indeed a safe method the ability to weave looked at as more of a craft than a survival skill but my grandma taught me that if you can weave you can make clothing shoes traps shelter etc with nothing more than the vegetation on hand this was hammered home later when watching that show with naked survival people the guy harris the girl because she spent most of the first two days weaving but in the end he had to be taken out because he was sick yet there she was having crab for dinner if you accidentally disturb a beehive or wasp nest and are being swarmed do not run for water it seems intuitive that jumping in water will keep the bees off you but actually they will wait for you to resurface and resume stinging you instead run as fast and as far away as you can these wasps are territorial and will not easily leave their home range so once you leave their comfort zone you're pretty much safe or set yourself on fire colon taps foreign a mirror is the best way to signal for help you can use the reflection of the sun directed at a boat or plane like your sibling would to annoy you the proper way to use a mirror to signal for help is to hold up one hand with a peace sign and position it so that whatever you are trying to signal can be seen between your fingers then shine the light from the mirror on your fingers this guarantees that whatever you are signaling can see the light your car is in general much easier to locate than you are so unless you're absolutely certain that you can get to a safe place it's better to stay close to your car for any searching party of course if it's stranded in the middle of a road and any incoming car will hit it you probably shouldn't stay in your car and in the desert it's better to be in the shadow of the car than inside where you will get cooked alive but the general principle still remains i used to be in military cadets when i was a teenager the most important thing i've been taught to take care of is my feet he mentioned how if you're gonna wash one thing that it should be your feet as you take them for granted think of how difficult it is to get out of a survival situation where you have trench foot even if you're in a spot where you can't wash your feet just take your boots shoes and socks off and let them air out and dry water filters are really easy to make one layer of gravel and a layer of sand split half and half on your container will pull most stuff out just boil the water before drinking glasses lenses can be used to start a fire think magnifying glass much easier than the two sticks method it's better to run a little colder when outside in winter than to sweat if you sweat and you have no shelter you die being colder just burns more calories to a degree applies at any temperature below plus 10c generally irrigation canals and culverts make mediocre shelter from tornadoes but better than nothing lay flat and point your feet in the direction of the wind if in an open ditch same advice applies for explosions lightning will strike the same place twice coyotes are not friendly nor wily if lost in the wilderness order of survival is shelter fire water security food half of surviving is staying positive landlines will work if the power is out the glasses trick only works with certain prescriptions but i have also been told by an internet stranger a drop of water on the lenses will make it work if you're nearsighted never tried this myself though so take it with a grain of salt a lot of landlines are now voip internet phones these are power dependent i didn't realize this as i live in a province the physical size of texas size of france for our european friends with only a little over a million people in it we're a little slow on the upgrade outside of major centers water filter details you'll need a waterproof container poke holes in the bottom and fill one stroke three to one stroke two ways with gravel fill the rest with the finest sand you can find this will pull things like large sticks some parasites and mud out of the water you might have to run it through a couple of times if your container is smaller like a water bottle it isn't guaranteed to remove bacteria smaller parasites and viruses out though so boil thoroughly before drinking still most chemicals like pesticides will make it through as well so try to avoid water sources downstream of agricultural areas bonus points if you add a layer of crushed charcoal in it will help filter out some of the smaller stuff and absorb some of the pollution in a water supply as well charcoal layer should go between the sand and the gravel then simply flow water through it if you are disorientated under water hold your hand over your mouth and exhale lightly bubbles go up if you are disorientated on land you can let some spit dribble out spit goes down i've hiked and backpacked thousands of miles over the years and the simplest thing that could make or break your survival in many outdoor situations especially a lost in the wilderness situation is a band-aid always bring a band-aid or moleskin hiking not for cuts but for blisters if you start to feel irritation when walking long distances you have to address the spot quickly a blister can absolutely debilitate even the most in shape athletic people it's what every seasoned hiker learned the hard way at some point always be wary of children that have lost their parents as it's a common ruse for abduction especially if the child tries to let you somewhere what you should do in those situations is keep the child with you and contact emergency services it may be in your instincts to follow a lost child to where they claim they last saw their parents but it isn't worth the risk let the authorities take care of it if the child is lost you'll have helped them if they aren't you've dodged a bullet always play it safe in situations like that weirdly enough i learned this lesson from fallout 4 mayo it wasn't a child but some random woman was crying and screaming for help and when i approached her she had me follow her into some abandoned building sure enough as soon as we enter she runs into a back room and a bunch of bad guys start shooting at me smh when i was a producer on the amazing race our security team always briefed us that the safest floors in general in a hotel were four through seven above the fourth floor is the safest zone from any kind of bomb or explosive that might be driven or tossed into a building and below the seventh floor gives you the best chance of survival from a fire i got so many other great travel tips from them but that one has always stood out and to this day i request a room between those floors if you're trapped in an extremely cold environment a rudimentary igloo will keep you relatively warm if you're smart about it they keep heating fairly well however always be sure to mark where you are with something that won't get covered in snow so if rescue comes they don't miss you in the snow if you hear of a mass shooting currently taking place in a location where a loved one is like their workplace school church the mall they said they were visiting etc you may feel very very tempted to call them don't if they're alive they are hiding and trying to stay invisible if their phone rings or even vibrates it will draw attention to them quite possibly that of the shooter s and give away their hiding space don't try to contact them at all until you are certain that the perpetrator s have been stopped not a survival tip but if you see dead elephants and whales stay away from them they can explode like a ticking time bomb contrary to popular belief if an alligator is chasing you you should not run in zigzag do one zig and then run straight the alligator is not going to try to follow the zigzag it will just run for you straight and you'll be slower do one zig so that the alligator will have to do one zig if it wants to get you and then just run in a straight line like your butt is on fire do not provoke an alligator or crocodile this is meant for people that somehow accidentally provoke them i am not an expert i was told this by a guy that worked with handling alligators if you leave an alligator alone they will leave you alone was told that crocs were more aggressive just stay the frick away from both types of animals imagine you dumb you look from the alligators pov if you zigzag alligators probably all like yet this is natural selection at its finest when anyone talks about survival skills everyone jumps to the conclusion is that the scenario is that you are lost in the forest or wilderness or something and tips are often things like how to read stars for directions or make a fire out of sticks etc survival skills also apply if you are in a big city or maybe survival skills in prison which could include how to stay safe and out of trouble best as you can or for those on a tight budget survival skills could be how to make the most out of what money you have during a thunderstorm inside your car is one of the safest places to be yes the metal may attract the lightning but it will just run down the sides it isn't going to penetrate street smarts throws money clip a red line just under your skin starting at a cut and tracing its way up your limb that's blood poisoning go get medical help right away when boiling down water in the winter remember that ice is 90 water 10 percent air snow is 90 air 10 percent water melt ice not snow you can remove the top of most cars seats to break the windows of your car in case you can't open the doors especially useful if you drive into a lake or something like that edit not all cars can get this done not all are removable or sturdy enough for this but it's an option of last resort just get a window hammer they're dirt cheap and often come as part of a tool you wanted anyways in my case it's also a seat belt cutter pocket knife and magnesium strip magnesium strips are fire starters strike them with steel to get sparks i have two i learned in self defense classes test your pepper spray before you have to ever use it imagine how much angrier your attacker will be when you pull it out and find it doesn't even work because it might have been faulty or you weren't familiar with using it and fumbled if someone is pulling you it is much more effective to push back against them than it is to pull in the opposite direction use their flow of force against them to try and make them stumble or fall if they tug maybe pretend to tug back and wait for them to pull harder then force yourself forward in their direction as hard as possible they don't expect the way to shift like that without a fight and by overcompensating their force they may fall backward i've got two if you are ever caught in a rip current swim perpendicular to it if you swim into it you will die if you let it carry you out to sea and aren't a strong swimmer you will die if anyone ever is trying to get you to a second location via abduction fight like heck and make a massive scene even if you are killed on the spot that's better than whatever they've got in store for you i've been caught in a rip current this advice is incredibly useful to know because without it you're also going to panic real hard when swimming towards the shore doesn't work if you are at the beach and see the tide go in really far like you can see abnormal amount of beach where the water should be run the frick away and get to high ground as quickly as possible because a tsunami may be coming if you can see that tsunami wave crest approaching it's already too late that wave is much faster than you if you have a watch with hands and dial not digital display you can use it as a compass hold the watch flat and point the hour hand at the sun halfway between the hour hand and 12 o'clock points south you use the shorter gap to 12 so if the hour hand is a 4 2 would be south if the hour hand is at 8 10 would be south there's a few problems such as night time and when the sun is directly overhead but it helps in a pinch put stick in ground trace shadow wait a while trace new shadow you now know which way is west walk against the flow of traffic i'm shocked at how many people i see walking with traffic i've always heard you're supposed to walk towards traffic and if you're riding a bike go with it if you're walking against traffic you're able to see cars and jump out of the way if one comes towards you biking with traffic because impact won't be as bad compared to a head-on collision while on the platform waiting for a train subway stand sideways facing the direction the train is coming this is so that your body is facing parallel to the tracks and if someone pushes you or bumps into you you will not fall into the tracks there have been cases of crazy folks just shoving people onto the tracks if you are facing the track you can only stop your fall if you step your foot forward which you might not be able to if you are standing sideways not only can you see someone coming at you from the side but your feet are planted in such a way that you can resist a shove facing the direction the train is coming for also allows you to see that a train is coming a towel is the most useful thing to have you can dry yourself if you are wet but it is also a blanket if you are cold can give shade if it is warm or you can use it to wipe your sweat it's a hat a cushion a bag wrap it round your heads to ward off noxious fumes or avoid the gaze of the ravenous bugblatter beast of trowel if you get bit by a venomous snake the best course of action is to get to the hospital as soon as possible sucking out the venom does not work and could cause an infection sucking kits do not work my emt instructor held up a car keys during the snake bite lesson this is all you need to know about snake bite treatment dessert tip always have water in the car lots always have a couple of large trash bags can be used as a poncho in storms and also to make a solar still always carry a sturdy comb for removing jumping cactus quickly and effectively never step over rocks always step on the rocks and then step as far off it as you can rattle snakes are no joke never ever ever ever hang out in canyons ditches or any low narrow areas it may not be raining anywhere near you but flash floods could take you out in an instant dessert tip don't go to the desert if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 27,575
Rating: 4.9449034 out of 5
Keywords: survival, survival fact, surviving, could save your life, could save you, should know, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: mLFWfoYq97w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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