Former Inmates, What's Solitary Confinement Really Like? | People Stories #6

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serious former inmates of reddit what's solitary confinement really like you sit in a room with nothing to do all day 23 hours lock down with one hour allowed outside in a cage alone or you can shower or use the phone some guards are really lazy and offer inmates to lunch or dinner trees instead of letting people out and most inmates in the solitary unit agree to the deal because they are starving normally in a normal general pop unit you eat other food along with meals because the portions are smaller than a happy meal so it's a sudden shock when you eat little to no food the head of the kitchen told me that all three meals every inmate eats a day costs the facility 0.91 cents total per inmate some people have books if they aren't insane and it keeps the unit quiet but most people are banging on the doors or just plain screaming for hours you can hear other cells in the vents and people going crazy especially during christmas time but some guys go insane i've seen people purposely clog toilets to get staff in riot gear to come to their cell but they spend about 6-10 hours covering their entire floor with soap very heavily when the riot team tries to come and they will start throwing their fesses at them and cups of pee the floor is slippery and the right team eats crap as they try to enter the cell with the guy in the back of the cell they continuously spray pepper spray all over the cell which then goes all in the unit and it other cells and it's really annoying some guys go nuts the other way and are on suicide watch and the jail needs to pay someone to sit outside their door all day it's a dark dark place this sounds like actual torture 21 days for fighting at one institution shower in the cell a hole in the pillow contained a deca of 51 playing cards two pencils a pocket testament and a picture of a naked woman air conditioned except for the boredom it wasn't that bad i read the testament twice and played solitaire a lot sold food once to my neighbor for sleeping pills that didn't work and never tried to self-medicate again 10 days for disrespect at another got the porter to bring me books since the ceos wouldn't let me get any from the cart escorted to the showers one at a time whenever you signed up for the shower list bard sells so it was easier to trade books and food with neighbors no ac and crappy heat but luckily it wasn't hot or cold absolute heck i was in solitary for three days as a 15 year old which is nothing in a world where adult prisoners can spend a month or more in there no clothes no books a steel bed and the room was kept very very cold i was allowed a bible for one hour a day the rest of my time was spent staring at the wall i was locked up for three days because of the nature of my arrest i was put into protective custody it was basically a small enclosure with a toilet sink and steel bench lights are on 24 stroke 7 i was across from another cell with eight guys so they knew i was in there for something bad they tried to get my attention i was fed twice a day peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the morning and a burrito at night i could not shower brush my teeth or even make a phone call no blankets pillows or toilet paper the cell wreaks of urine and vomit the biggest mind trick was not knowing how much time had passed you did not know what day it was or if it were day or night the anxiety is unbearable you start to think of ways to get out dead or alive the scariest thing is the belief that someone will forget about you and you will starve to death or if another katrina happened and the guards will leave you to die the gods are pretty sadistic i understand that they have to be tough but they were not professional i was eventually bailed out and my legal case got resolved stayed juvie early 90s 5 feet x 5 feet cell with a drain in the center crap stains nut stains weeks of pee they strip you down to the community boxes and leave you in there need to go to the bathroom see the drain got a poop waffle stomp it it's also cold winter so you freeze your butt off w nothing to do for hours oh you got sick because you were too cold here is a u-haul blanket and now you are on dead time time doesn't count until you get better food chicken noodle water in a cup not soup because if you get three noodles in it you got lucky never saw any chicken bits your first 15 hours in there you don't want to touch anything after that you just say [ __ ] it because you can't stand anymore so sit in someone else's crap mt meeks d and d block a then b later that hall i will say i caused a [ __ ] storm while i was there and got a full release at five months on a 12-month sentence to her external drug rehab when i never did drugs lol i slept about 15 hours a day the lights are always on they do give you a book every sunday if you behave enough they gave me a book called man in the wire cage for my first book i laughed at the irony there maybe the only smile i had in there you don't get to talk to anybody there's also a camera on you at all times even if you're taking a dump the guy in the cell next to me was on a hunger strike and would yell every hour of every day and you could hear them trying to force feed him which almost always resulted in violence of some sort it's heck pure heck i was placed in solitary in td cj for two weeks for being set up with a shank and a scribbled note saying i was going to murder someone crap sucked south texas heat in an enclosed space with no direct facing fan was brutal i read the same book several times that stupid glittering vampire book 14s and masturbated till i couldn't anymore and when i finally saw a guard or ssi in and worker i'd try to get smokes and some weed and talk a little bit it was definitely heck i'll go on the run before i go back to that crap that incident made me lose my low risk clarification which meant i couldn't go out of prison grounds for work i had been mowing parts of the city with an officer riding by every hour on horseback then i got stuck on laundry i definitely started having visual hallucinations like color changes and stuff and slight shape distortions i was 12 i was sent to juvenile jail my crime was refusing to attend school for that i got one week in a small cell alone it had a thin mattress and a thin blanket and a toilet lights on at all times oh and don't forget a camera on me 24 stroke 7 i was allowed out for one hour a day to shower every other day or exercise two books though i was allowed to get new ones during my one hour out a day three meals eaten in cell i didn't interact with anyone but the guard who escorted me alone for my hour activity i wasn't let out to attend school in the facility because they didn't want me around anyone else which makes me laugh given why i was there the reason for all of this this was that they didn't want me around actual criminals the second time i spent 30 days i was 15 and in a bad phase of my bipolar assaulted a cop resisted arrest after destroying my house mom decided jail would help my mental issues in stifle therapy given my mental illness i was again stuck in that horrid cell alone for me it was torture i can't sleep with lights on and wasn't allowed to cover my face with the blanket the cameras made me paranoid that feeling of being watched eats at you in fact to this day if i am alone insane my bedroom i get antsy cause i feel that feeling of being watched it's suffering how long it stays with you being allowed books was a life saver but i was a fast reader and could easily finish my two books long before it get new ones i'd spend a lot of time laying on my bed or pacing the small room trying to breath and digging my nails into my arms i am claustrophobic i was trying to stop feeling like the room wqs going to fall in around me m27 no and so freaking glad i will never ever be in jail again i stay out of trouble because he'll be damned if i am going back to that kind of heck you couldn't cover your face with the blanket that is seriously what puts it over the edge for torture emo i gave serious thought on hurting myself to get out of solitary i never did go that far but i did give it some thought i was only in there for three one stroke two weeks if i remember correctly but it felt so much longer than that i was put in by a particular power hungry deputy who claimed i was resisting him when all i did was stand up from looking at the books on a bottom shelf he yelled out don't walk up on emmy like that inmate before i could do or say anything he kicks me over and i find myself in solitary i was put in right after breakfast the room had a metal bed with a toilet attached at the end no blankets no sheets nothing the light always stayed on there were no windows the long window on the door was covered even though i could peek through the cracks there was nothing to see eventually lunch came i was chowing down on a plain wheat bread with what was supposed to be balona i had taken maybe four bites when dinner was served i figured what the frick but okay this guy's a dong so expect this crap i got tired of being in my mind making up worlds and characters i used to play d d a lot and fell asleep i wake up to banging on my door and a deputy save free time like an idiot i get up and wait for the door to click open never does nothing i can do i go back to sleep again i am woken up to lunch no idea what happened to breakfast but okay i just eat it and try not to let it get to me well it does eventually i completely lost track of time freaked out my sleep schedule and made me worry about my sanity in general what if i was flushing my meals was i eating without remembering sometimes the deputy in question would wake me up tell me to gather my crap which i had nothing because they would not let me take anything and let me out only to put me in another solitary cell i could hear him giggle when he walked away yeah i admit i did end up yelling like mad but not for very long my voice gave out eventually i did get out i would have bet my life i was in there for months if not longer but turns out it was only a little over three weeks as others have said i will never go back in there i don't care the cost i spend eight months in solitary confinement when i had just turned 18 i had done nothing wrong except turn 18 in a juvenile facility everything was white white walls white painted window thin white blanket against the artificial cold white light on every hour of the day and night was just a memory i was allowed one magazine a day and i soon ran through their small stack of magazines there was nothing except some scant food pushed through the door sometimes only twice a day rotten milk that made me sick no visitors three minute phone call once a week if i was lucky i cried when i woke up praying to god that he would take me at night i never believed before i tried to kill myself by trying my bra around my neck but i ripped it off instinctually as i was losing consciousness and i wept i did not know when it would end and one day it just did i did two days in solitary the first time i ever got in any trouble with the law i was in jail for six days two of which were in solitary confinement there's no other feeling like it still to this day i can't stay in a room without windows without the door open as if it wasn't bad enough being in solitary i was also detoxing just imagine four white walls no windows a light that stays on 24 stroke 7 a one-inch thick pad to lay on and a toilet and alcohol withdrawal it was so awful i cannot even imagine spending more than a week in there i'd go completely insane i've been through alcohol withdrawal many times usually i ended up in a hospital and was given eight even i cannot imagine the horror you must have went through it is inhumane and should not be allowed people can die that way i hope you are doing better now i just had four years sober i was manic at 18 and spent three weeks in solitary i was allowed one book at a time i worked out slept and read and drew a lot this was in city jail i still thought it was real peaceful and had a nice time to find myself that actually doesn't sound too bad was in juvenile detention for a week for a crime i was later proved innocent of and they kept me in solitary the entire time because my charges were a violent felony my solitary was kind of tame compared to that of adult prisons in the sense that i was out of the cell for 2-4 hours a day and got to interact with the other people in solitary to watch movies and stuff but it still sucked but to start it was freaking disgusting in those cells smelled like crap there were stains from god knows what everywhere and there were a crap ton of roaches and spiders one of the guys i spent wreck time with got some kind of herpes from the bedmid they gave him there was a small bulletproof window that i could see out of if i stood on my tiptoes that window is what kept me sane it was the only way i knew if it was day or night lights were on 24 stroke 7 and it was an escape for my brain and the view i had was of a junkyard that was next to the jdc and i still can clearly picture it in my head there was also a bird's nest on the outside ledge of the window and that helped keep me company they gave me two books on my first night one was one of those books you would use to introduce first graders to reading and was about star wars the other was a mystery novel called split second i read both of those multiple times until my fifth day when the guards decided to open up all the cell doors in the solitary block to give us a treat because we were all on good behavior and i traded books with the dude in the cell next to me outside of my cell i got between two and four hours of wreck time with these two other kids that were also in solitary we became pretty good friends and we still keep in touch on days where we got four hours we had two different sections of wreck time we could either watch a movie and then play basketball outside watch two movies or play basketball for four hours we all would vote and it almost always ended up being a movie and basketball food was crap breakfast was at what i would estimate to be about 5 30 a.m normally generic brand cereal and milk with a muffin or something lunch at maybe 10 30 or 11 a.m which was always a ham and cheese sandwich dinner at about 4 30 p.m which was just like the kind of lunch you'll get at school a snack at about 7 p.m which was a pack of peanut butter crackers i remember losing my snack one day on the basketball court when me and this other kid were playing horse and agreed that the loser had to give the winner his snack i of course lost and was starving until breakfast that was the only time i did that i was in solitary confinement for about a week as a 16 year old in a juvenile detention facility about five years ago i had a light on and was able to have staff bring me books i got put in there after yelling at a court ordered therapist for advising the judge not to let me out to go to my grandmother's funeral i would say having to mourn her death that first week as a 16 year old by myself for 23 hours a day was a traumatic experience my life forever changed in good ways and bad ways after this happened and up to this day i have pain for never being able to say goodbye to my grandma just a little side note the night before my grandma passed i had a dream she was in and she told me my grandpa was going to die my grandpa is still alive to this day but i lost touch with him since my grandma died and i think that was what she was trying to communicate to me i didn't understand at the time it's not as bad as some think i served time as a juvenile for almost a year in a canadian detention center after a dispute between me and another inmate we were both sent to solitary confinement for 72 hours he may have been longer i'm not sure in my case solitary men 23 hours alone indoors with a bed and toilet we got two meals a day never spoiled or moldy just unseasoned they were small portions but not enough to starve somebody people generally didn't scream or bang on the walls because there was no motivation to despite how it is often portrayed my experience and those of friends that have served hard time in maximum security adult prisons was not torture it was simply boring i think the key word here is canadian looks like it might be a lot worse south of the border in the hole it's really crappy you wake up have no idea what time it is you can't tell if it's day or night i was in a cell with nothing but a roll of toilet paper for two weeks guards don't even talk to you they just hand you a tray of food and leave then they come pick it up whenever they feel like it you get a shower if they feel like it the shower is so small your butt nearly touches the cold wall while you're standing directly in front of the water most days i didn't shower cause what's the freaking point you know worst two weeks of my life if you're curious why i was in the hole it's because a few guys were trying to beat up 18 year old me they threw me in the hole for two weeks for my protection what a terrible two weeks they put you in 23 hour lock down only come out for a shower in the pod or if disciplinary feel attach it to your cell between 4 am to 11 pm they take your mattress and all three daily meals are cooked into what they call a loaf no books except a bible nothing else to do or use besides thoughts keep yourself occupied or you will go insane read read a lot you'll start to go crazy after a few hours and fantasize about breaking out and or killing yourself but it will come to pass though it reoccurs in waves when you get out it may take a few days or even weeks to retain your speaking voice i still have nightmares on the regular about it three years out now there's no end in sight source done time and juvenile solitary lockup went in and on a student with some emotional issues had symptoms of ptsd from severe child abuse that were never addressed beforehand came out with those symptoms heightened to the point that i can barely function even years of therapy later in my crime i miss too much school being in and out of mental institutions and the like the confinement cell were on the upper floor of the prison in our case let me just tell you that with everything that you will read in this topic the yelling the crazy the starving the loneliness the hardest for me was the sleepless night there is no ac in prison and even less in confinement try to imagine yourself in a small room surrounded by four concrete walls with only small vents mostly for the smell i always thought it gets too hot during the summer sleeping is nearly impossible i remember just being in sleep deprivation always sweating i just can't stand myself my patience was completely gone i was just unhinge ready to pop i understand fairly well those who can't handle it and go crazy i did three months in a three-person cell by myself got to shower out of the cell but other than those five minutes i was locked in 24 hours honestly not bad at all basically sleep count meals so i don't get confused about the time of day and watch whatever was on tv i don't think most people in solitary get a tv that would be a game changer fetch you boring i'm very content in my own solitude so as long as i had a book and a bag of cereal i could deal with it pretty easily now pre-trial i spent 22 days in psych because the police chief said i was a little nuts i was kept naked in a concrete dry cell with nothing but a plastic boat for sleeping no mattress and a thin blanket food came under the door no books no tv no radio no wreck no visitors 22 days alone in that room yeah it sucked but i made it out she was a breeze compared to that i did 10 days for refusing a work assignment let someone else pick up trash along the highway 8x10 cinderblock cell locked up with a window there must have been a little league field nearby because i enjoyed the click of aluminum bats and cheering most evenings caught fixed a wall on one side on the other a single sheet metal fixture with toilet sink and useless opaque metal looking glass was made by bayer as i recall no movement other than to shower every third day dart i remember after i was out a couple days my legs were sore form just regular moving about i've been locked up for pie five or six years of my life i've done quite a bit in solitary confinement and it really depended upon the institution what it was like if it was a bad place i'd go to war frickin let's get crazy if i got furious and wanted to fight i could start one once you started it the code said you had to follow it through because if you cuffed up you were a bee but mostly it was working out eating sleeping reading and jacking off at least until that got boring and then you started a fight with the ceos heck yes i already told my lawyer but basically i was told that i was lucky additional charges weren't added to what i was there for and that's how they handle people acting up like i was and to suck it up oh and i shouldn't have been there in the first place all that crap all in all i was glad i heard that bastard bad enough to embarrass him or whatever because that's all i'll ever get out of it i realized after all of this happened of course the truth of all of these things but still i thought i was going to die in that place and that's what the feeling is i remember most you're alone and at someone else's mercy there isn't anything you can do once you're in that system nothing i got out the 16th of august 2015 and i still haven't gotten my money back either 102.33 cents well i wasn't in jail but i was in sort of a solitary confinement when i was living with my dad for a while he grounded me during that punishment i wasn't allowed out of my room to go pee or eat or shower without his permission and i couldn't peek out of my room and ask either i had to wait until my dad felt like asking me he worked from 2am to the afternoon after i got out of school and during those times my family made sure i stayed in my room i went to school and whatnot but when i got there i wasn't allowed to talk about anything at home so no one knew about my situation if my teachers called him to say anything my time would restart and he never told me how long my punishment would end it was until further notice i had no tv no phone nothing just clothes and a bed no books nothing to draw with etc i decided to start sneaking out during the day to go to the library so that i couldn't go insane and try to off myself my dad even threatened to move me into the garage so that he wouldn't have to see me i should mention that i was like 13. if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 21,515
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Keywords: former inmate, former inmate interview, former prison inmate, solitary confinement, solitary confinement prison, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: HHf3Oy6R-UE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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