What more do you want from me

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[Music] this communion Sunday Amazing Grace how sweet the sound come on let's sing it together with one Accord whoa amazing grace me see [Music] say Oh [Music] that's it come on everybody every voice is lifted [Music] come on twas grace that taught my heart to fear to us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how precious did that grace appear [Music] [Music] come on singing together with connection through many dangers [Music] I have already come on [Music] Oh come on disgrace has brought me [Music] [Music] well come on the Lord has promised good to me this the last stanza come on sing it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh he will my shield and portion me [Music] [Music] come on everybody let's stick it together [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on as a command [Music] [Music] praise God come on if you've got [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] god [Music] somebody give God a hand clap of praise come on if he's done anything for you this past a week some of us don't have to look past yesterday some of us don't have to look past this morning because he put breath in our bodies and gave us movement of each and every limb somebody ought to give God some praise on this morning I know it's raining outside but somebody said that the sun is shining brightly at empowerment temple and if you know the Sun as oh and if you know the Sun give God some praise on this morning hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah good morning empowerment temple it's time to go before the throne of grace but there is there anyone with expectations on this morning that only God can fulfill let's go to God in prayer good and gracious God we thank you this morning we thank you God because if the enemy had his way we would not be standing before you today but because the enemy God has no power we thank you God because of your grace because of your mercy because of your kindness because of your love because of God what you've called us to do and because you called us for this moment in this time for one reason and that's to give you glory to give you praise and to worship your holy and blessed name because God we are important to you individually and collectively you called us God you sent us God you blessed us God you protected us God and God you've shown us time and time and time again that you haven't given up on it God man has given up on it sent our God we've given up on ourselves but you got laid your life because you saw some minnows because you can't get up on that cross because you saw some menace because you are a god today yesterday and forevermore you've seen our past you know our future you stand in our presence because God we're important to you we bless your name God we worship You God now God on this day show us your glory bring down on us your love God we cancel out the plans of the enemy God and we embrace God the future and the present and the plans that you have for us God and God we will give you glory honor and praise now God for every gun every moment every second in this service God we pray Lord that you bless it anoint the choir god anoint the musicians god anoint the media God lift up our pastor God God anointed ministers God I'm like the ambassador's god anoint everything and everyone God let everyone that has breath go you are Northam God God prepare our hearts and our minds to receive you God for we have high expectations because we serve our high God we thank you God that you said hi and you look good now bless us God use us God and God that we might receive a word from you that will not only change our moment but will change our future will change our destiny that we shall be focused on you God and only you and it's in the matchless the mighty name of our Lord our Savior and our key that we give you praise then that we give you Thanksgiving in Jesus name we pray eight well if you're thankful for the blood can you say thank you Jesus can you say thank you Lord come on if your children that express your gratitude to the father this morning hallelujah come on let's say thank you Jesus we give you praise for your blood you can be seen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mother we're grateful this morning we give you praise and which is our gratitude to you we realize that without the shedding of blood that would be no remission of our sins thank you that we can confess our faith [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you take your dream Frankie [Music] [Music] Oh your hands if you want to thank him would you do me a favor this is our Thanksgiving season put your hook somebody and tell them what you're thankful for come on very quickly hug somebody tell them what you thankful for [Music] [Music] bless the Lord if you can't thank them for nothing else can you think of four extra hours sleep come on if you can you may be seated in the presence of our Lord how can we say thanks for all the things that he's done for us the voices of a million angels can't express our gratitude all that we are or ever hope to be we owe it all to him those of you who are grateful that God kept you through the month of October would you give God glory even now I am so grateful that how God has blessed us morning by morning new mercies we've been able to see all we have needed his hand has consistently provided empowerment temple to whom much is given much is required I share with you on last Sunday that God gave me a vision that we're going to feed 1,000 families in 72 hours of the week of Thanksgiving we're going to feed 1,000 families how many of you all know we can do it through three three different prongs is this going to be executed on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving we're pulling all the chairs out of this massive sanctuary and we're turning it into empowerment supermarkets somebody give God some praise people are going to come from around this city throughout the park heights corridors and even from out of our own pews I'll share with you on last week that Cornel West coined the expression the working poor that it's only in America that you can work 40 hours a week and still not having and have enough that you can work a full-time job and still struggle just to take care of your family and so we want to operate with a high level of dignity regard and respect for those who are in need of assistance over this holiday season I share with you my mother taught me that if it's family it's not charity amen if it's the family it's not charity and so we're going to give entrust whoever walks through the door they don't have to be a member of our church they don't have to show w-2s or stack stuff if you are in need the doors will open on that Tuesday before Thanksgiving at 4:00 in the afternoon our pastor why are you setting up this way every person that walks through the door will be entrusted with a u-haul box when they get that box they're gonna go down every aisle and fill it to what their family eats you'd be in fact presumptuous of us to just pick out other people's food for them and their delicacies don't line up with our tastes so they're gonna walk through the aisles and we're gonna let them pick out what it is that they want for them and their families that's on Tuesday at 4 o'clock Thursday which is Thanksgiving morning empowerment temple I hope you'll give God glory we've adopted four homeless shelters to women shelters to men shelters we've hired for motor coach buses and we're gonna pick them up on Thanksgiving morning they're going to come and worship with us on that Thanksgiving Day after service would have been concluded we're gonna put them on the motor coach buses and we're so thankful that we've partnered with two black owned restaurants that are going to cater for them a five-course meal on that day y'all gonna celebrate that let me tell you how proud you ought to be of your church for our empowerment Supermarket I shared that I needed 125 volunteers and we were able to pick them up on last Sunday just from 9:30 service alone I share with you that in order for us to do this that we also are going to co-opt the Upton North recreation center that's the same neighborhood that Freddie gray was reared in and was killed in and in that community we're gonna feed 350 families in that recreation center in one day how many of you all know God is able a to that in what I've asked of all of you is that on this day and every Sunday leading up to Thanksgiving that you would bring canned food items and non-perishable food items so that we can be a blessing for that empowerment supermarket at 7:30 this morning has already kicked it off in a strong way we need you all to turn it all the way up another notch and so I ask that you'll do two things for me ready yourself if in fact you brought canned food non-perishable items in just one moment you're going to bring them to the altar if in fact you did not bring canned food and non-perishable items I'm asking you to please bring a gift as close to $100 if you're able to do that we're gonna be able to really make an impact and take a bite out of hunger in our community because there are so many who are living with food insecurities right in our neighborhood and we want them to be able to not have a diet of McDonald's and Wendy's and y'all ain't say enough and half and half and cheesesteak serves we got kids going to school drinking grape soda and eating Doritos on test day y'all I'm not saying anything all right so we've got to do something in order to make sure that our family and our community is in fact operating on a well-balanced diet our dear friends who are over to this table are gonna receive your gift if you're gonna give a seed of at least $100 are they gonna give to you a gift from us which is an empowerment watch what is an empowerment watch say digital watch much like that i watch only you can't make no calls on it ain't man as I watch but scriptures come to your wrists three times and at the beginning of your day a prayer is sent to your watch out to set your morning off how many of you all know now that's the kind of time I need that's the kind of time I need if in fact you don't have $100 I want you to get your best seed in your hand this is not our tires this is not our offering but we believe the old Negro spiritual is right if I can help somebody as I pass along if I can cheer somebody with a word or with the song then my living is not in vain take one moment would you secure your canned food items I don't know where it is that you have it your non-perishable items I don't know where you secured it I need you to get it even right now you didn't bring it you forgot about it but you want to make a seed offering for our feeding program of at least $100 you're gonna go to this table you don't have $100 but you want to give something you're gonna come and bring her to the altar every person in the room the old people used to say but for the grace of God there goes you and there goes our knowing that under this economy most of us are two paychecks away from being homeless ourselves now that you have would you begin coming right now please would you begin coming right now get your canned foods if you don't have a canned food I want you to bring an offering a non-perishable gift even right now thank you so much every person ought to be moving every person ought to be sewing every person ought to be giving hallelujah come on [Music] I am Maggie yes I'm a giver I am I give her to the hall I am a killer yes I see [Music] let's elope would you do me a favor I want you to clap your hands for every gift for every giver you're not clapping good I said would you clap your hands for every gift and for every Giver there's a book that I want you to get please our Book of the Month you know that readers are leaders every month as a church we've read a book our book for the month of November is the Jewish phenomenon seven keys to the enduring wealth of a people Millennials will you just scream shout the cover of this book is on your closer screen you can download it on iBooks you can get it at Barnes & Noble it's available for you even on the Kindle or Nook it is available wherever books sellers sell books of quality so as that you'll please get this pastor why do you want me to get this book I want you to get this book because for the next seven consecutive Tuesday's the next seven consecutive Tuesday's I am going to be teaching on this book and so this is your textbook for this semester I need you to have it for the next seven Tuesday's I'm telling you you're gonna walk into 2018 with a level of fiscal and economic strength that you didn't even see coming to whom much is given much what come on church with you between four who much is given much is what I found out something in this book a chapter two of this book is called taking care of your own tucking care of your own and here's what I found out ladies and gentlemen is that the Jewish nonprofit agency last year we collected 4.7 billion dollars what does that mean that means what's this that they gave more than was collected for the United Way and the Red Cross combined they're only 2% of the US population and yet they're making this level of economic impact how is this happening and how can we replicate this model I'm gonna teach it to you over the next seven weeks it's gonna be an amazing amazing blessing to you I'm gonna kick off this series at our 11:30 service I want you those of you that know a millennial those of you that parent a millennial those of you that have access to a millennial I need you to drive them to our 1130 service 11:30 service is going to change their way of thinking in their perspective of the name of the sermon I'm preaching at 11:30 is called I will not sit out another semester I will not sit out another semester how God will release money for your education how many of you believe God will do that for you so I need you please to Corral as many young adults and Millennials that you possibly can our dear friends who are watching online I am so appreciative and that you are worshiping with us on today how God is helping us to really take a walk or feet or strong foothold in the area of Technology on last Sunday you helped us and I'm appreciative last Sunday 28,000 people watched us on Facebook live for worship service just for this service 28,000 people in God amazing I want you if you will those of you who are on social media if you'll please right now invite somebody to worship with us all they have to do is go to empowerment temple or empowerment temple or got music ministry is going to prepare us for the Word of God while they're so doing would you please and make your way to Genesis chapter 3 Genesis chapter 3 houses and holds our text up for this morning Genesis chapter 3 before I go another step further I'm appreciative for all of our guests but we have some very special people here with us on today I am so grateful under God to have the faculty and the staff of the impoundment Academy of the greatest school in all of Baltimore City County Anne Arundel County Harford County Montgomery on Prince George's County st. Mary's County there is no school Dickens go toe to toe with empowerment Academy we have the best principal we've ever had in our history and I am so grateful for her and for her commitment and for her sacrifice staff faculty will you all please stand and even our board members who are with us come on give God a hand clap of praise for them madam principal come on real quick please thank you I wanted her to give a word about what's going on at the school why it is that you need to get your children over to empowerment Academy for next semester's next school year thank you for next school year and one of the great things that they're doing at empowerment Khadem a faculty you may be seated thank you so much thank you and thank you all for welcoming us welcoming us here today I'll have a brief shout out to my school we are offering unique learning experiences to our children by exposing them to the Arts our theme in our motto and our mission is literacy through the arts we are offering our students unique learning experiences through offering them dance theatre drama song choir thank you miss hunt she's been working with our young people so what we also need is we also would like people to come to our school to volunteer all of our parents who attend our school and have students attending our school are required to fulfill 50 volunteer hours to our school but we also welcome community members if you have a business and you are an entrepreneur and you would like to donate your time or your services to our school we would welcome you with open arms we have more information on our website at Baltimore City Schools dot org backslash 262 you can follow us if you're on social media at empower a CAD 262 we are on Twitter Instagram and Facebook thank you would you give our principal a big hand please and she's married to a camera I love her thank you so much I'm music ministry is gonna get us I prepared for the word of God I ask that you'll please get your hearts and your spirits in line with what God is gonna say [Music] there's [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] season to cover our weaknesses [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] come on lay hands on yourself here come on lay hands on yourself if you believe it give dongle ovary thank you music ministry would you secure in your Bibles Genesis chapter 3 Genesis three you ought not take you give me just a little bit more Genesis three and I want to illuminate verses one two and three just lower down thank you I got a little feedback meet me in the middle Genesis three verses one through three we begin a series for the month of November called making money moves and that God has committed to move some money around on your behalf hallelujah how many of you need a financial breakthrough for the month of November Genesis 3 verses 1 through 3 now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made he said to the woman did God really say you must not eat from any tree in the garden the woman said to the serpent we may eat fruit from the trees in the garden but God did say you must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden and you must not touch it or you'll die you may be seated in the presence of our gun the gun really say you can't eat from any of the trees in the garden not that's not what God said he said just don't eat from the trees in the center of a God I want to preach using as a subject what more do you want from me what more do you want from me adapted from the African griot storytelling tradition is in fact the fable about the giving tree' it goes as follows that there was a unique bond forged between a young tyke and a tree the tree gave the little boy her apples to pick and her branches to climb on and their hearts became intertwined however as the boy grew older his interest began to wane as he begins to focus on girls grades and going out the tree is stricken with feelings of loneliness and abandonment until to the trees amazement the boy comes home from college for an internship the tree in an attempt to spark their old kinship offers her apples for the young boy to eat and branches for him to play on but the young man retorts he's not interested in apples because he now eats steak and doesn't want to climb branches because he now plays golf and all he's focused on at this point in his life is making money and the little boy who's now a college student ask of the tree can you make me any money and the tree bowels its head and said you can sell some of my apples my apples will be an asset so the young man picks a barrels worth of apples sells them above market value and it keeps the young man happy for a while until he realizes and comes to the conclusion that selling apples is not his styles so after the internship he moves back away to university after graduation the young man returns and the tree can only hope he'll swing on its branches but all that's on this young man's mind now is having a family and building a home the tree admits embarrassingly that she as an apple tree can't give him a family but if he wants to he can cut down his branches when he cuts down his branches he can use his branches to make a home and the young man doesn't think twice before he's pulling out a hacksaw it begins to cut down the branches until he makes his own log cabin after having constructed his own home it's many years later that he's now middle-aged before he returns at this point he's too old to play on trees and his only dream is to sail around the world and the tree yearning just to be close said use my trunk if you use my trunk you can turn it into a ship and sail far away the tree offers its trunk now leaving it already watch this with no apples it has no branches and now has given its trunk so the young man can make a ship and sail around the continents out of his own greed this middle-aged man can't even see what has become of the tree because all he could focus on was his own pleasure his own delight and his own entertainment after cruising around all the continents he comes back home hunched over because now he's an old man and the tree apologizes for having nothing else to offer it's got no more apples to eat because he sold those has no more branches because he used that for a house doesn't even have a trunk anymore wants this because in fact that was used for ship the old man said don't worry about it because I'm old now my teeth are too soft abide in the apples my limbs are too weak to climb on a tree as an old man all I want to do is just sit down and think about my life the tree my dear friends finally has one last radar of hope and says all I got left is a stomp come sit on me your just come sit on me I'll give you the perfect place to sit I'll give you somewhere to rest and finally at the end of your life we can be connected again and I'll feel attached to you my dear friends if you aren't careful this parable can become a horror story but you can give and give of yourself to somebody who doesn't even recognize your sacrifice who doesn't even appreciate what it is that you have given who takes for granted how it is that you made away for them and pretend as if you are obligated for their pleasure you have to be careful that theme rings all together too familiar so many of us so as a consequence this morning that's not even what I want to preach about it's not even what I want to discuss my concern is actually the opposite what happens here this when you're not being used what happens when your gift is not tapped into what happens when your potential is overlooked and although your familiarity has fooled you into believing that you know what the creation story is about I want to drag you back into the Garden of Eden for you to keenly see what has been an overlooked observation go with me if you will come on let's go to Genesis 3 I don't want you to take my word for it I want you to see the Word of God come alive for yourself in Genesis chapter 3 bib listen theologians have named this once this the fall of man or the great temptation because Satan appears as a serpent in an otherwise idyllic environment and aims what's this straight for Eve in it amazing that that serpent as crafty never talks to Adam but go straight to Eve misogynists have misappropriated the fall of man and blamed it on Eve the fall of man falls squarely on the shoulders of Adam pastor how can you say that I'll say that and I want you to check your Bible for me isn't it amazing that when you look at the record not once did God ever speak to Eve the only conversation he had was Adam I want you to stay with me Adam was the mega pastor of one member and failed to do appropriate discipleship so when it is that the serpent comes into the garden he knows who not to talk to God stay with me he never talked to somebody who has a direct prayer life he goes to Eve who has to get the world's second hand those of you that don't know how to talk to God for yourself you're always gonna be susceptible to the plots and the devices of the enemy but those of those those of you that know early in the morning will I seek Him that one thing have I desired of the Lord and that will I seek after note this ladies and gentlemen is that Satan of through this serpent tries the trip Eve up and says to Eve did God really say I want to say to you today that Satan does not have the authority to speak declarations he can only ask questions whenever you are anointed and called by God satanic people will question it but anointed people will make a declaration and I came to serve notice for those of you that believe that there is a an unimaginable call on your life to perform tremendous exploits in the earth realm God sent you to this 930 service just so that you'll know let there be no question if God be for you who can be against you let there be no question in the time of trouble he shall hide you let there be no question he will supply all of your needs and evil has not been appropriately discipled says no God didn't say we can't eat any of the fruit just the fruit in the center of the garden and my dear friends I now want to take you isogenic Lee through Genesis 3 and give you an approach to the text that I am not sure that you've ever considered after all of your years of Vacation Bible School after having successfully matriculated through sunday-school there's a point that I think you missed Eve my dear friends now escorts the snake through the garden and not only escorts the snake through the garden watch this to get to the center and here is my point of departure that I need you to be wrapped of in your attention here this is has anybody ever considered all the trees they pay us to get to the tree they shouldn't have God help me to preach it right and many of you don't even realize what does this have to do with me I am only preaching today to gifted people I am only preaching to those of you that carry an anointing and an unusual assignment it becomes overwhelmingly frustrating watch this when you know what you carry and the people who need you walk past you as if they don't need your gift as if they don't need your assignment and they keep choosing somebody less than you and you're pulling your hair out trying to figure out how is it that I keep being overlooked when I carry what is needed and what is necessary in order to get the job done and I'm crying out not because I need attention but because I need my gift to be used they walk right past it walk pass all of those trees that are carrying luscious fruit that was born created and planted just for the delight of Adam and Eve and they walk past to get to something that they should not have how to tell you that the onus of this sermon today comes really not even from prayer that the reflection of this sermon doesn't even come from study I was on social media this week and I saw mega movie star Tyrese Gibson crying looking into his own phone lamenting about his own custody battle and he cries out over three million strangers after paying three for thirteen thousand a month what more do you want from me god help me in this there's somebody who's in this room that has that same level of lamentation posture is what I'm doing wrong then I keep trying to help people and they keep treating me dirty what more do they want from me I suck the people that afflict me the most they not strangers it's Negroes with my last name they live in my house y'all ain't sayin nothin to me what more do you want from me I I go over and beyond and steal you can't find nothing to say you always got something negative to speak or what more do you want from me I'll lay down just for you to treat me like a doormat and the least you could do is say thank you what more do you want from me and we often sermonize and we often articulate and aggravate aloud the burden of a fruitless life that's not who I'm preaching to I'm preaching to those of you who are fruitful hear this but you got nobody to share it with I'm carrying a lot but I got nobody I can give this to I need you to lift up that hand I want to speak something over your life I heard God saying this week you will not die carrying your gift god I can't hear nobody every level of anointing that is on your life God is gonna find a place for it to be used God said you are too anointed to be ignored but in the last six weeks of this year get ready for people to see your value and to see your words and the Seder the goodness that rest in you God don't let me die with my fruit still on me you see their place you never thought about the fact that after Adam and Eve fell that they were thrown out of the Garden of Eden and as a consequence ladies and gentlemen you never gave a moment's thought that the trees in the garden had to spend the rest of their life being uneaten god help me do you know how many gifted people are sitting on your row who have never had an opportunity commensurate to their skill set do you know how many brilliant people are sitting in the row next to yours who if they ever had a door open return the whole culture of their family there now who's sitting behind you that they had to deal with obstacle after obstacle after obstacle and do you think the anointing on their life just for them to pay bills I got too much fruit off and many of you regrettably you've seen yourself as a little boy and you ain't the little boy Yuda tree because so far too long you let people play with you oh god I can't hear nobody if you've allowed people to climb on your body you've allowed people to play with your emotions you let far too many people pimp you for your gift only for their benefit you you lost branches trying to build somebody else up because your weakness is you love too hard and give too easy and give negros to benefit and a doubt you don't lost branch is trying to be a better friend to people then they could ever be - you lost branches lost branches but not only did you lose branches there five of you in the room that lost your trunk hallelujah that people got from you what they wanted and then they sailed away and then they came down with amnesia and forgot you were the one that believed in them when they couldn't even believe in themselves you don't build up three different grown Negroes that won't even your children but you in fact made an investment because that's how you built you know gave yourself away and now you you're in this season of your life and in this season of your life you're stalled you've stumped what am I supposed to do now this wasn't a plan for my life I'm stumped yeah I've been hurt so much I'm trying not to be bitter God I need five people in this room um I'm stumped because folks that don't know my testimony think I'm arrogant and stuck-up hear me they don't know I ain't stuck-up i'm just guarded yeah I can't hear nobody I don't just jump into conversations and the truth of the matter is I'm not anti-social I'm just not interested in your pity petty amusement God you gotta help me cuz I'm starved [Applause] some cuz I'm tryin to figure out why it is that I'm loving but alone god help me I'm I'm stumped because I'm I'm a nurturer but my own children don't value me but other children run up on me I'm stomped stomp I'm I've been listening in church and they telling me to be a proverbs 31 woman and cardi B got a wing and I got air she hands God I'm starved [Applause] [Music] what what more what more do you want from me hallelujah be seated please what what more do you want from me what more do you want from me hallelujahs a lot of y'all in here but I'm only preaching the 30 of you what what do you want from me and I Halliday I'm talking to my name I ain't talking to my friends and this is just for 50 y'all there to keep it real I'm asking God why do you want from me if after you pray then you're crying that's after you cried in your braids after you've done all this - do you want from me I'm sitting here stumped trying to trying to keep it together and I'm I'm coming to church this morning and I'm thinking about this African tree and route the 9:30 service another tree stopped me said your mom don't you dare talk about that tree or not mentioned me my story is so much more profound than that story but the pain is still the same I say tree tell me your stories Jamal please tell nine-thirty I too fell in love with a lowboy but I didn't have any apples I minded my business and in the middle of the night two teenagers break into the barn somewhere around two o'clock in the morning I hear the screeching cry of a newborn baby and they got no crib to put this baby in so they come around back and saw cutting off my branches and they make a crib for this newborn baby baby I had never seen before I got attached to him I don't know what it was but there was something special about him hallelujah I don't know what his real name was but there was a rumor that he shall be called wonderful his name shall be called counselor his name should be Prince of Peace and his name should be mighty God for a couple of years he went away and I hadn't seen him as a matter of fact 30 years pass and I never saw him and when I saw him I had my hand stretched out and I thought he was gonna be excited to see me and rather than climb on me he did something that I'd had not anticipated he cursed me hallelujah he got mad with me because I wasn't bearing any fruit and he said this ain't what I created you for I created you to have a fruitful life how in the world you gonna be alive and not be fruitful and just before he was getting ready to curse me to die grace fell on him and he said give me one more year y'all please forgive me I'm here to preach to the person behind you God told me to tell you your season of fruitlessness here so that the next year of your life is gonna be the most fruitful life you have ever seen in your life y'all ain't ready for it and so let me preach to those of you that are online cuz those of y'all in church act like you won't shout God told me to tell you just one thing the curse is broken everything that was blocking you from being fruitful everything that was blocking you from being productive has now come to a end you see that please hallelujah please be seated I just need 30 of you to shout out loud the curse is broken [Applause] here's what's amazing he gave me one more year to be productive to be purposeful to be fruitful and jamol I'm not one to complain but can I tell you a year later he never came to check on me what happens when you change and nobody appreciates it what happens when you're trying to improve and nobody notices what happens when you're turning your whole life around and nobody will acknowledge it when you're trying to do right but when you're doing wrong everybody pays attention I'm gonna say this to you because some of you don't come from nurturing and loving families God wanted me to tell you he's proud of who you've become over the last year you so much better than who you were in 2015 another on your road don't know what you had to climb out of it what you had to walk away from but those of you that have made some personal improvements would you do me a favor and just thank God you're not who you used to be will will you thank God I know I've been changed [Applause] said you Moll tell him that when he was born they um they took my branches and made a crib thirty years later when I run up on him he curses me out cuz I'm not living a productive life and then one Sunday afternoon something crazy happens is out of nowhere people leave out of work stop breaking off branches and start crying out Hosanna they don't even know I was with him the whole time god help me and so they use him my praise hallelujah they could have used their own hands but they tore off my branches just so that they could give God glory God told me to tell you in this season of your life don't you let nobody steal your testimony god help me in here you don't know like I know what the Lord has done for you if you do me a favor please PLEASE ignore the people around you would you just give God praise for what he did for you in the first 11 months he made away how he paid the bills has he kept a roof over your head how do you put food on the table how he kept you in your right mind he clothed you when you were naked how do you protected your children don't let nobody steal your pray he's in Jamal I know what it's like they took my branches to make a crib then he turned around and cussed me out then they stripped me of my branches to praise them and now five days later I heard something crazy there was a rumor in the forest that that little boy did I fell in love with we had never done anything to anybody had been wrongly convicted for death and they came through the forests empowerment looking for a tree to crucify Amon and I don't even know what I was thinking but some NIMBY said pick me I want him to die on me they only don't use me for three hours but I want the privilege of them using me and somebody asked him why are you volunteering to turn into a cross and that sure he said something that missed me up and I hope 930 will receive it the true said I wanted them to pick me just so he could lean on me because I want to feel the weight of his glory the only 20 of you who are in this room then that other folk don't know what it feels like but my Jesus cross alone the world go free now there's a cross for everyone and there's a cross for me though those of you that really ain't saved yet please ignore this angel message but those of you have been carrying the burden of your assignment and the burden of your call and the burden of your gift would you do me a favor don't complain about it would you just worship that he's leaning on you hallelujah it feels like I'm getting ready to crumble it it feels like I'm a pressure die under the pressure beside you for leaning on me I want to give him I wanna I want him to lean on me thank you holy God I feel glory coming in this room right through here Helen Lee I want God the full light of his glory yeah I want him to lean on me those of you they can live without his presence please ignore us for just about 90 seconds but those of you that know here's the air I breathe would you do me a favor just lean on them hallelujah open up your mouth and give him the sound of your worship this is what the devil is confused I need you to worship even while you're dealing with heavy weight I need him when it feels like a burden what more do you want from me lift up that hand please what more what more does he want from me and he said Jamal tell him I'm greedy I want all of you Halla lean if you give me all of you imma give you all of me wait where my worship is right through here I give him my heart I give him my soul I give him my man I'm tired of being a part time lover at the last quarter of the year I give myself away I bet y'all would be shouting better if I was promised in your cars and I was promising you to be millionaires and to be debt-free I'm telling you if you worship Him you gonna feel the weight of who he is and those of you that want to get in line with what God is doing come on lift up that hand and open up your mouth God let the weight fall on me God I give you praise hallelujah god I give you Thanksgiving come on let the weight fall on you I said let the weight fall on you it's the weight of God but I want it hallelujah this ain't heavy yes the Holy Spirit I want the weight of his glory hallelujah don't you dare crumble don't you dare quit don't you dare throw in the towel this ain't the enemy this is the body of Christ you are carrying you are carrying the weight of who he is lift up that hand your pastor wants to pray for you [Music] [Applause] I'm trying to move but I need you to turn up the sound a net worship a little bit come on feel the weight of him [Music] master you don't even know I felt like I was getting ready to die this we have fun like I was getting ready to fall apart this week I saw I was getting ready to lose it this week God said that's just the weight of my glory [Music] hello [Music] that hand is lifted I'm gonna pray for ya my life is not my own to hear my belong I give myself I give myself away did you hear what I just said my life is not my own to hear my ballon I give myself away I want to be used by him come on just take ten seconds and just open up your mouth and begin to bless you [Music] I kill myself I kill myself come on lift up that hand open up your mouth my life isn't [Music] I give myself Eugene one more time everybody open up your mouth come on everybody my life everybody come on my life my life is not mine to you I give myself and Here I am and Here I am to worse [Music] Here I am to say that you're my together and you're all all together [Music] lift that hand I want to pray now [Music] [Music] [Music] a prey of every lifted hand softly minstrels I pray over every lifted hand at the month of November you will feel no pressure but you will feel the weight of your assignment you'll feel the weight of your gift you'll feel the weight of your call I pray over every lifted ham that this month what you have to offer will not be ignored that people will seek you out because they have reverence for your gift and for what it is that you carry I pray over every lifted ham that not a day in November will you be walked by but I'm telling you great things that get ready to walk right up to you now this is gonna be one of the greatest months that you've had in the year of our Lord 2017 and I pray that this month is a sneak preview of what 2018 is gonna look like and those of you who are grateful that his glory rest on your life I said if you're grateful that his glory rest on your life handily I feel something lifting in this room I said his glory richly in your life would you take one moment and just give him glory come on I say give him glory I said give him [Music] I want to beckon you to stand even now I want to beckon you to stand even now ah the trees that I gave everything question I gotta ask you you would what shall i render what should I give unto God for all this blessings I didn't hear people play over me mess over me pull from me what they wanted and I never got what I needed wherever you are in this room you're saying pastor today I want to do something I am I want to give myself over to God whatever he wants to do with my life I'm giving it to him I didn't write it my way but it has not been beneficial so now I I'm surrendering whatever he wants from me I give it to him whoever you are in this room and the day you need to give your life over to God today you need to get saved you need to join this church today you are in this place you can hear my voice you're saying lord thank you that you didn't break me just to make me in know who it is that you want where you are sir ma'am please I've been trying to get your attention all year your soul has screamed it but your mouth has never declared it what more do you want from me because that all I want is you I want you to shout for this young man [Applause] this young man has come that there ought to be a flurry of those who are coming behind him where you are in this room and you're saying pastor God is speaking to me today I need you to shout for this sister that's coming where it is that you are you're saying I got to give my life to God because I've given pieces of me to other people but now I want to give all of me to him if that's where you are I'm begging you to come I'm begging you to come can you imagine that everything you went through this year was setting you up for today everything you've endured is just cuz you to mister round and fell in love with a jealous God did he'll shake up your whole life just to get your undivided attention that's where you are I need you to come the angels are waiting to rejoice I need you to come [Applause] here there comes somebody give God some glory I've done my part now I need you to do yours come on let's not just be hearers of the word let's be doers every person in the room move from where you're located I want you to go find two people whose names you don't know go find two people you've never met in all your days go find two people who are not your Facebook friends go ask them are you saved [Music] do you have a church home have you given your life over to God [Music] come on I can't hear anybody come on so you if there's somebody else help me shout for this young lady help me celebrate this brother [Applause] [Music] [Applause] listen just one more softly musicians softly praise t just one more I'm telling y'all when this last one comes I want you all to tear the club up when this last one comes we gonna cuckoo for cocoa puffs this last one comes it's gonna be the lost episode of The Price is Right I want you to go absolutely ballistic when that last one comes there's one person left who we're waiting on in this room I need you to do a roll check real quick ask the people on your roll hey you sure you saved you sure you got a church home are you sure you've given your life over to God I need you to clap your hands and believe by faith that God is gonna bring them here they come come on somebody y'all ain't clapping good y'all ain't cheering bless His Holy Name shut your right hand to faith and repeat after me you're in the right place at the right time John in the right church serving the only God and I know that's right show you're right if you're known right come on Big Ups to the Savior would you do that for me bless the Lord you may be seated in the presence of our God you may be seated in the presence of our God how many of you know that that word was for you today you know that word was for you on today in an amazing ladies and gentlemen that God gave His only begotten Son to die just for us it would be fair and understandable watch this if he gave His life that he just asked us to give him us give him our pinkie wouldn't that be fair he gave his life oh ye ask in return is for your big toe yeah that'd be fair wouldn't it a life for a life life for a pinkie I'm you getting off key and all God is asking watch this to handle the cost of your sin the cost of your transgression to crawl the costs Ruston's of your trespass he's saying all I want you to do is give 10% back to me said you claim you love me you act like you glad to be alive and yet I got to negotiate with you the reality is he could ask us for everything when we understand that God is the giver of every good and every perfect gift you ought to be zealous and over the moon over the top to say God whatever I have you should have it I don't know what has happened that you've gone from a tree to a weed then instead of bearing fruit you keep snatching other people's resource how much you right where you are our servant leaders they're coming amongst you if you're in need of an envelope and if you don't have one that means you need one in case you're confused if you do not have an envelope I need you to have it please lift up that happy hand you got no idea two ambassador's been waiting for our hour in 12 minutes just for this moment come on give them work to do I need you to lift up that hand right where it is that you are they want to be a blessing to you they want to partner with you God should take everything from us bishop edgar el van out of detroit michigan said what if what you don't thank him for today you don't have tomorrow did you hear what I just said what if what you don't thank him for today you don't have access for tomorrow I want you to get that best seed in your hand to say God you are deserving of everything that I have I did not offend and insult your grace towards me by giving chick-fil-a more than I give you God I can't hear nobody huh how in the world Comcast get more than Christ without a vision the people perish not without cable I need you right with is that your eyes I see it a couple of months ago in our 17 years of helping people in emergency services we don't had to help families with their funerals had to help families that stopped their house from being foreclosed their cars from being repossessed their children from being put out of college for absence of tuition and never once in 17 years has anybody come to church saying pastor can you please help me with my cable bill because we broke but we'll find a way for that TV to get off I need you right where it is that you are how many of you appreciate the vision that God has given your life you will die without a vision it was not enough for them to cut off Samson's hair because that way they're just cutting off his strength you get your strength back but if you don't have a vision I'm telling you you're going down Helen Keller said the only thing worse than being blind is having no vision I'm believing that God's gonna give you a vision for your life he's gonna give you a vision for your 2018 a vision for your family I want every person right where it is that you are on this the first Sunday of November in case you don't know this is the month of harvest how the new did you hear what I just said I need somebody to shout out loud my harvest is coming my harvest this is your month of a harvest and because it is your month of harvest you better hurry up and put a seed in the ground I'll see you don't miss what God has in mind and in store for you how could you stand to your feet please I need you to do that I want you to stand to your feet I want you to lift up that gift above your head lift up your gift above your head those of you who are giving electronically through a debit card or an ATM card I need you to please when your row begins to go I need you to move on either side last Sunday we broke all kinds of records 28,000 people watched our service live on Facebook 28,000 people and after the word they logged off if you can still hear my voice I'm telling you please don't rob from God after this power and the anointing and the weight of his glory has come to where it is that you are I need you just as we're sewing I need you to sew right where it is that you are every person lift up that seed above your head please every person lift up that seed above your head repeat after me Lord thank you for removing the pressure and applying your weight use this seed for somebody else's need in Jesus name Amen would you turn to your right I need you to begin coming from the last row leave my foot the Bible is clear that the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life every day the leaders who stand in front of you the passions voice you hear every day we sin by thought word and deed we don't stand before you because we're perfect we stand before you because we're perfecting it is our intention to be better than who we used to be as it is that Jesus assembled the disciples he began to walk them through how it is that they ought to be grateful just for the privilege Rev nikki is going to pray with us the prayer of general confession she's not praying over us she's not praying for us she's praying with us which is that main pastor collectively all of us are going to pray the prayer of general confession cuz it's not just Reb Mickey that sinned everybody in this room has fallen short of his glory she's gone leaders come on let's pray it together we do and the remembrance of them is grievious unto us have mercy upon us have mercy upon us most merciful father for your son our Lord Jesus Christ's sake forgive us all that is past and grant that we may ever hereafter serve and please you in the newness of life to the honor and glory of your name through Jesus Christ our Lord amen would you do me a favor the disciples asked of Jesus Christ watch this why are we here what more do you want from me when he commandeered them into that room he pulled out a loaf of bread said here you are complain it look at this bird this is my body it's broken just for you would you break it right in your hand the month of October with all the pressure you were under God knows you should have crumbled you should have folded you should have threw in the towel but God kept us together would you please take a knee ever so carefully pulling back the second level of your receptacle he said this is my blood it was for you some of us don't even realize how bad we needed it because you either got overused or over ignored but I'm thankful that the blur kept you together for that would you please take and drink the disciples say master what do we do on the dark and difficult days when we feel like we get ready to lose it all he said in that moment pray to the Lord's Prayer let's pray it together do me a favor be seated thank you all right where you where you are I want to sprint so that we can try to close on time let me do this if I can on tomorrow night we're going to the movies together as a church and I want you to fellowship with us a new film starring Denzel Washington that 23 left I have 30 left thank you all right we only have 30 tickets left for this service so for those of you that want to will go with us tomorrow night at 7 p.m. if you will please go register in the lobby we will email you your movie pass and you'll bring it with you on tomorrow night by the 30 of you that would like to go I ask that you please come it is absolutely free of charge I went to the premiere I've already seen it it's absolutely amazing it's gonna win every award known to humankind I'm telling you it's great you gonna be mad after it comes out you say that's the movie pastor was talking about I need you to please please come hang with us on tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m. you want to know where go register thank you and then you'll know wherever it is that you are expected to go then in this service that I asked those who are celebrating birthdays to saying okay I asked amen those who celebrating birthdays in the month of November would you stay in [Music] [Applause] come on would you give him a big cheer I want you remain standing or my brother-in-law's in over him I know you was November my niece is November November's heavy up through here everybody is standing who's wait just November just a November baby's understanding I told the 7:30 service my daughter Grace turned 13 yesterday god help me turn 13 I told 7:30 we all went to lunch yesterday and I had to get myself together cuz she had on lip gloss it was it was throwing me off down she see it on lip gloss and little pumps on a little dress and I said Lord my daughter is fine I said I'm going with you to the prom I don't care what you say I'm going with you to the prom and my 13 year old said to me get in line I said oh we can ray have trouble right through here this would I need y'all to do please my sister is also born on November 4th my late grandfather Bishop Harrison James Brown whose name I shared I was also born in November 20th November 20th and then my niece is November my brother-in-law is November this is a great month I need you to do me a favor you getting ready to hug these people watch this cuz they need your support your prayers pastor why I need you to hug and love them because they were not born in May would you please just hug them hug them for me please tell them God gonna bless you anyway God is gonna bless you anyway bless the Lord God is gonna bless you in t wait now be seated please I got 60 seconds I got a whole lot to do in 60 seconds Tuesday is our Bible study I need you to get this book I'm telling you it's gonna bless you over seven weeks I'm gonna be teaching on the Jewish phenomenon seven keys seven principles for your family to have enduring wealth seven principles your family to have enduring wealth next Sunday I need you to bring canned foods with you if you do not remember to bring them on Tuesday empowerment Academy thank y'all for hanging out with us I'm so honored to have you would you please stand to your feet sand to your feet thank you so very much lift up that hand repeat after me walk with God and he'll walk with me talk with God and he'll talk with me listen to God and he'll listen to me build for God and he'll build for me love God because He first loved me lift that hand as high as you see yourself going I'm telling you this is gonna be a great month for us I don't know whether y'all feel that if you excited about what this month is gonna bring just waved at hand Wiles lifted wave that hand I'm excited about your mom now under him who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may God rest ruling abide with each and every one of you his fault now and forevermore and all the blood [Music]
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 6,369
Rating: 4.8471336 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Jamal Bryant, jamal bryant, jamal bryant 2017
Id: IvIVmfuWkSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 38sec (6098 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2017
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