This is taking a lot out of me

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how grateful you are that every day he's put food on the table a roof over your head protected you from danger seen and unseen the whole church uses say he's been better to us than we Bend our selves the praise team the dancers have already done it but we haven't heard you do it would you open up your mouth and give God your fish out of Thanksgiving come on come on let the father [Music] you may be seated hallelujah has he been good to anybody I said has he been good taking anybody hallelujah long before we used to do praise and worship where you save testimony service would you just turn to the person beside to tell them one thing God's done for you one thing that I Heavenly Father has done for us from your response it don't sound like he's done that much turn to the person on the other side tell them one thing that the father has done for you [Music] we give God glory we give Him praise and we give Him Thanksgiving it's Father's Day new birth I want you to give God a cheer for all of our fathers [Applause] y'all ain't clapping good I say give a cheer [Applause] all of our fathers I honor my own biological father Bishop John Richard Bryant 76 years old last Sunday I'm just thankful I had to have a father who saved and healthy and is alive ain't men but you just give God glory for your father he's uh he's preaching this morning at the church I found it in Baltimore empowerment temple I was late coming out cuz I had to watch off amen I'm still taking notes he meant old R&B song said no matter how high I get I still be looking up to you my father's my hero and I'm just thankful for his life and for his witness I want to ask all the great-grandfather's if I have any great-grandfather's would you meet me in at the altar please all the great-grandfather's would you do that for me please all the great-grandfather's come to meet me all the great-grandfather they look good y'all [Applause] y'all better clap louder for them come on Lord these brothers look good all the great grandfathers come on come on come on steel pipe it amen come on you better hope gentlemen you look this good when you get their age come on pop you killing them with the white suit thank you still got it thank you we're appreciative amen for these distinguished gentlemen amen I want to ask all the grandfathers to come all the grandfathers [Applause] [Applause] yelling cheering form come on [Applause] y'all look good gentlemen y'all look good let's the load all the grandfather's all the grandfather's y'all pull in come on pull in for me pull in let's make it tight man all the father's I want you to come all the father's I want you to come [Applause] when I'm calling for you is not just biological father's father figures and mentors come on give God a hand clap all the men who have had to step up all the uncles that serve as fathers I want you down here come on new birth make some noise for all of our expectant fathers ask that you'll come you gonna be a father in the next nine months brothers ask that your inner lock arms with another brother what an amazing sight my father's name is John Richard Bryant and growing up in Baltimore he was repeatedly suspended thrown out of school my grandfather had had enough of it went up to the school one day I said do you know what your middle name is I finally said yes Richard I'm 14 I know what my middle name is I gave you that name Richard because that was my father's name father was dumbfounded because my great-grandfather had passed before he had an opportunity to meet him he says you are in here embarrassing my father's name I need you to pull it together my father 14 years of age looked at his father and says what did he do that made him so great that you want me to live up to that said your great grandfather Richard whose name you carry only made seven dollars a week and had six kids and his wife and my father said to my grandfather ton about his great-grandfather he was named after what made him so great that you gave me that name my grandfather said I gave you that name because he didn't have much but he's staying [Applause] he said you're the real test of your manhood is can you stay when it gets hard can you stick in now when things become difficult the task becomes trying we salute you gentlemen who are at this altar who are flanking in all these owls simply because you stayed sisters y'all ought to be shouting better than that debt that I mean you did everything right but you trying to make an effort for that we give God glory sisters would you just point your hands towards these strong men on this Father's Day before it is that I pray I want to challenge all the women or around in this room would you just begin praying for these men pray for their health pray for their wisdom pray for their choices pray for their discernment pray for the Holy Spirit to rest on them pray that they'll be better men than their own fathers pray that they'll defy the odds operate in the supernatural traffic in the things that are holy law in the name of Jesus I pray for all of these men then not one of these men are gonna have to combat prostate cancer pray for these men then none of them will be haunted by PTSD I pray for these men that none of them will in fact become a number in the prison pipeline I pray for these men then not one bullet will enter their body I pray for these men that you'll anoint them to be captains of industry that you will shape their focus so that they'll be history makers and world changers I pray dear Lord that you will unleash every available angel to cover these men so that they will not died with their dreams they'll die with their memories that everything that you've put in their heart to do they'll be able to accomplish I removed from all of these men in each strand of dementia I can't hear anybody in here I declare then that one of these men will spend their latter days in Hospice that now one of these men will die alone in a nursing home but I pray that they'll always be surrounded by family that loves them and values them and that they will understand that they are gift to our people and a gift to this community even in the moment that they feel ignored and forgotten that even in this moment that you will allow them to have a peace that passes all understanding and for those of you who thank God that strong men are still in our midst would you do me a favor tear the roof off this church [Applause] [Music] come on y'all got to do better than that I salute these men y'all ain't shouting loud enough for me I salute these men nobody said the road would be easy but I don't believe he's brought him this far leave him now gentlemen unhook that hand now lift up that hand I feel compelled to the Holy Spirit I speak reconciliation speak reconciliation from father's who were at this altar who are separated from adult children I speak peace over every man at this altar who's fighting for visitation I pray for every man that has had to jump over obstacles just to be able to maintain a healthy relationship with their child I pray this week God worked it out for your good those of you that got the god-kind of faith' to believe it would you give God glory for him even right now gentlemen after after church is over we got a small reception just for the fathers donuts with dance right in the fellowship hall i want you to meet me there and that's what they usually do it to school donut super day we're doing that today for all of the fathers but because amen we in life Anya is doughnuts and chicken wings amen amen so we tweet we want all cuz we a little hood is lemon pepper wings amen I need y'all to do me a favor please for these fathers when they go back to their seats would you cheer for them like these are soldiers returning home come on come on make some real noise for [Music] [Music] No brought me this [Music] [Music] come on our car too far [Music] come on nobody told me nobody told me [Music] bless the Lord clap your hand again for all of our fathers you may be seated is the biblical blueprint that our fathers would operate in the role as provider and protector that our men ought to be able to stand in a stupendous economic strength I want all of our men would you go to a place that you can take notes there's something I want to show you and I want you to adhere to ask that you go to the note-taking station in your smartphone and your device even for our dear friends who are watching online I want you to get it I saw this video captioned snapshot this week on economic development for fathers economic development for fathers 6a benefits of it and I wanted our fathers to have it even if your father is not here I want you to take notes and share with him when you all go to dinner there's afternoon and here amen so ask that you please get it on media Minister if you'll help me six benefits five fathers doing economic development six reasons every father and/or family should own and invest in multifamily units apartment buildings or what we call anchor properties right here's the six reasons why you guys to be intentional about learning these strategies I'm giving to you a laying out on a platter one is that multi fifty housing as we talk about crazy cash flow for you and your heirs so as a dad as a CEO of your last name as a family leader and visionary you want to put your family in the best position your heirs in best position to the tax advantage is three the equity on these assets and a future appreciation of the assets three for excuse me is only the asset and the self had is I mean touchable tangible and to the touch and feel for your family but then five rise it one two three four five is that multifamily apartment buildings to be purchased with no money down you can literally have no money down no credit no ash sets with the right strategies and syndicate and effectively acquire multifamily housing for your family and then six out of our six reasons every father of families from the acquiring investing in and learning how to grab anchor properties for their family is the fact that anchor properties are a great tool of leverage for future assets meaning as you create all this equity pay the mortgage Japanese properties create all this cash flow you also can use this tool this asset as leverage for another apartment building residential units subdivisions developments purchases college and all the things that you want to do as a father as a family right so the six core reasons why you want to be intentional about not being scared of thinking it's not for you just because you're gonna learn it kindergarten through twelfth grade just if you didn't learn it and your associates degree or bachelor's degree a bachelor's degree there's another level of wealth education out there I'm an education out there called wealth education that our schools intentionally didn't teach us this is stuff that sixth graders can learn break it down to you the most relatable of ways on how you as the father or family member can acquire and put your family in position through apartment buildings multi-family houses what we call anchor properties all you've got to do to learn these strategies is real simple come join my webinar laying out on a platter come on I need you to do me a favor please I want every man every man in the room would you get your wallet in your hand I want you to lift up that wallet every man whatever it is that you hold your finances in I want you to lift it old-school players you got a rubber band whatever you got I want you to lift up whatever it is that you carry your money in come on all of our fathers all of our men lift it up high I'm praying for God to increase it for God to multiply it there's a man near you stretch your hand towards whatever's holding his money it may bless you later I'm trying to help y'all sisters amen oh now y'all shout thank you lord I pray for the finances of every man who is in this room and every man who was watching online I pray dear Lord that you will connect him with influential people everything he needs in order to get his idea off the ground will turn into a sweat less victory I pray that he will be far from poverty that he will in fact walk into the righteousness of his wealthy assignment I pray that you'll turn some things around that he won't have to work for other people but you'll anoint him so he'll be able to work for himself I speak now not just for our older men I speak over the life and the destiny of every young boy connected to this sanctuary that he'll never look at something illegal as a viable option but thank you dear Lord that your grace is sufficient and those of you your faith is in alignment with your pastors faith and you believe that God is giving to give a boost to the finances of the men of this ministry I want you to open up your mouth and give God Thanksgiving for it come on give him Thanksgiving y'all ain't shouting out loud I say give him Thanksgiving hallelujah now I'm believing that God is give me do something for the whole community every sister I want you to lift up that wallet their checkbook he'll lift it up high lift it up high yeah I needed God to bless that man first cause it's out of God's will and out of his order for you to be supporting a grown man y'all ain't saying nothin to me I'm not even just telling my somehow your daytime tell my somebody you raise it done got real quiet right here I pray that God will bless your idea that God will breathe on your concept I pray that God will break up every false obligation that God will give you wealth to be able to walk in to the power and the assignment that God has given to you I pray that God will so fortify you financially you won't have to ask nobody for nothing but then it will roll right into your life and every sister that has that kind of faith I need you to open up your mouth and give God glory come on I can't hear you I'll say give God glory [Music] let's the same on this Father's Day this Father's Day we come to honor our Heavenly Father come to honor our Heavenly Father pastor why you honoring him I'm honoring our Heavenly Father is because he never all child support how many you all know God has taken care you I mean your whole life he is taking care of you our Usher's are moving amongst you if you're in need of an envelope I want you to receive it secure it even right now on the back of that envelope I want you to write your father's name back of that envelope I want you to write your father's name even if you're giving electronically those of you who are part of our cyber sanctuary even while you're worshiping with us online I want you to type your father's name on the screen right now wherever you are in the sanctuary would you allow every person all over this would you speak your father's name out loud right now come on speak why cuz we're not gonna let the earth forget the legacy of your day and I'll let y'all didn't say nothin to me we're not gonna let the earth forget the legacy of your father on the back of that envelope I want you to write your father's name our Deacons our elders are going to be praying over those envelopes this afternoon and praying that God will give strength and health to them God will release favour and blessings around them you do not have permission today to be in depression even if your father's gone on to be with the Lord the Bible says rejoice with those that rejoice amen I want you to have that seat in your head please don't give your father Old Spice in the offering the heavenly father does not need soap-on-a-rope I need you to come on upgrade what it is that you're giving to the Father you've already testified in this worship encounter out one of the ways in which God has blessed you I ask that you'll go even a little bit further on this day I ask that you would give an expression of your gratitude old song writers said how can I say thanks follow the things that you've done for me the voices of a million angels can't express my gratitude all that I am or ever hope to be I owe it all to our Father to God we give him all the glory and the old deacon in my former church say we give God all the credit and none of the cash sometimes we got allow our actions to speak louder than our words do you believe God is deserving of your greatest gift how can you honor the father on today you can't give God it a tire hey man you can't give him a gift certificate or a Hallmark card you can give him your obedience what the father requires of all of us is our tithe that we would give to the father 10% of what it is that he has given to us new Bertha we are a tithing Church because we are typing churches I'll be reflective in evident in our gift and in our giving there's some of you who owe God back when you won here last week or the week before that amen but God was good to you even when you weren't present aren't you glad you don't serve a god that just blesses you on Sunday but every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before get that gift in your hand please lift up that gift if you don't mind even if you're giving electronically you're able to do so through cash app do give the fire text to give push to pay acid you'll do it those of us old school write a check write it out to new birth but we want you to be able to give those of you who are watching online I with thankful for your partnership your alignment and your agreement as your gift is lifted repeat after me Lord thank you for what you did last year for what you did last month for what you did last week for what you did yesterday but the seed in my hand is in expectation for how you're gonna provide for those who don't have a father a man bless the Lord archers are moving amongst you to be able to receive your gift as is the custom and the culture of our church if you'd like to so you give for yourself the altar is able to do so but even as our ushers are moving as that you give your rapt attention to your closer screen so that we can share with you our announcements for this morning today is a special day today is Father's Day we'd like to say happy Father's Day to all our fathers and we want you to meet us in the multi-purpose room for a special treat right after service pick check this out we've got some exciting news we've been announcing some new pop-up events that will go along with our escape room theme but in order to receive those notifications you'll need to download the new birth app and enable notifications on your phone the app can be downloaded in the App Store or Google Play Store make sure the download today and don't miss out on all the exciting news we want to make sure that you join us for our global impact who say this powerful service will be Sunday June 23rd at our 9:30 a.m. worship service in on Monday June 24th at 7:30 p.m. and on Tuesday June 25th at 7:30 p.m. you don't want to miss our powerful speaker the Honorable Bishop John Francis stand you know more and the reason why is living in the past future hey grab those lawn chairs and join us for a movie on the lawn that's right it's that time of year to enjoy the outdoors join us tuned 29th at 7 p.m. come on out and donations are accepted oh and the movie on the big screen is a classic get ready for a car wash make a child happy this upcoming school year that's right we'll be collecting new shoes for boys and girls grades K through 12 it's our back-to-school drive and it begins Sunday June 30th through Sunday July 28th just bring new shoes to the altar and if the shoes are not in a box please just tie the laces together and we're also inviting our virtual members to join us by mailing new shoes need a shipping label well they're available online at new birth org McDonald's black and positively golden presents the 13th annual inspiration celebration gospel tour Saturday June 22nd 6:00 p.m. right here at new birth this free concert features Donna Lourdes keke Wyatt Kiera Shearer sir the Baptist tides ribbit DJ stand out in host Lonnie hunter just visit new birth org for ticket information hey we know you all love our group therapy sessions but we will be entering a month of sabbatical that's right it's a month of sabbatical for the month of July during this time please do some self-care and spend time with your family we'll resume our regular schedule Tuesday August 13th and just a note sabbatical does not affect our Sunday worship schedule hey maybe you're interested in the fashion component of Imaginarium if so make plans to attend the fashion meeting June 29th at 11 a.m. in the chapel that's all for now and again we want to say Happy Father's Day to all the fathers come on let's give God a hand clap of praise for all that is taking place in our healthy ministry I wanted to underscore just a couple of things in route to the Word of God as that you'll be mindful that next Sunday begins our global impact crusade Sunday morning at 9:30 and then Monday and Tuesday night at 7:30 flying all the way from London England as Bishop John Francis it's gonna be amazing huh how many of you just need a boost to get through the second half of the year need a boost to get through the second half of the year I ask that you will please please bring all of your friends all of your family we need revival in this hour hallelujah didn't hear what I just said I said we need revival in this hour and so I want you to please be a part of it on June the 30th we begin collecting shoes for our back-to-school drive we want to be a blessing to 2,000 students in DeKalb County 2,000 students in DeKalb County and so we want you to please please pick up a pair of back-to-school shoes for both young men and young women we don't care whether they're Nikes or payless we only have one benchmark only buy the kind of shoes you will put on your own children y'all not saying anything to me I said only buy are the kind of shoes you put on your own children if you wouldn't have your own children wear them then don't do it amen but we want to be a blessing over 2,000 young people in DeKalb County our superintendent of schools is gonna partner out with us and then we're gonna have a major blessing service for all of those young people they're gonna come to the church the Saturday before school starts our intercessors are gonna pray over all of those shoes amen that all of them that fill those shoes are going to be able to graduate and graduate on time y'all didn't say nothing to me they're gonna graduate and graduate on time too we're appreciative for that as our video announcements have indicated our we are on sabbatical in the month of July just from Bible study our Sunday goes on sunday goes on as scheduled as should you be a part of it of the last three weeks in our Bible study we have been teaching on the gift of the Holy Spirit and I'm telling you if you have missed it you playing yourself I'm telling you playing yourself real bad this coming Tuesday this coming Tuesday is the demonstration of the Holy Spirit and if you weren't here last Tuesday you better ask somebody Amen now those of you that we're in Bible study last Tuesday make some noise for me right where you are a Tuesday at 7:30 I need you to please make sure that your present and accounted for I'm grateful to have my dear friends pastor ivory his amazing wife they're here all the way from the Bahamas won't you all please stand they passed her together come on give God a hand clap of praise for them I am so so so so grateful and I want you all to know you all the in fear today I have really planned on preaching a very short sermon today I really planned on it I was just gonna give you a draft by shouting I was gonna give you one bullet and I was rushing on to the airport but I got an incredible Father's Day gift my children came in to see me on the day Grace Ainge in the door wants you please stand they are daily every time I see them I might a find my position on gun control every time I see you I'm telling it they are gorgeous and brilliant I'm telling you you you do not know what it means to be on board unless you were in a house with teenage girls if it will humble you I mean they were telling me you are not wearing that to church today they was I got a pile of clothes that they told me I need to throw away and never put back on again and I'm just so grateful for them neighboring majority on my heartbeats outside of my chest Thank You grace angel doing come on come on clap for [Applause] and I honor their mother Giselle Bryant for helping to facilitate that thank you so very much your gift you're an incredible mother that's where you say your incredible day is my day thank you amen but I'm just appreciative for her and appreciative for them our music ministry is coming now they're gonna prepare us for the Word of God while they're so doing would you invite somebody invite somebody please to come and worship with us online there's somebody who needs this word I don't know who they are I don't know where they are but they need this word and we want them a plugged in and all they have to do is go to new birth org and they'll be right in the middle of our site you will be able to worship with us come on open up your mouth become the blessing love him come on come on open up your mouth [Music] would you get your Bibles in your hand get your Bibles in your hand I want you to go to Genesis chapter 2 Genesis chapter 2 as if you'll stand for the reading of God's Word easy as a book and a Bible to find Genesis chapter 2 Genesis 2 and I want to consider critically verses 21 through 23 Genesis 2 verses 21 through 23 once you found it won't you say I got it if you can't find it say lord help me y'all pray for the fathers please Genesis to 21 through 23 so the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep and while he was sleeping he took one of his man's ribs and then closed up the place with flesh then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out at a man and he brought her to the man the man said this is now bone of my bones flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman for she was taken out of man you may be seated the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep while he was sleeping he took one of the man's ribs and then closed up the place with flesh then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man and brought her to the man the man made this declaration this is now bone of my bones flesh of my flesh and she shall be called woman because she was taken out a man I want to preach for a little while today using as a subject this is taking a lot out of me this is taking a lot out of me would you look at the person beside you and tell them you got no idea with everything I'm dealing with he's taking a lot out of me this is taking a lot out of me while you can't find it on Netflix or on demand with your cable provider there's a documentary film and I want you to go find over the summer it's available on YouTube entitled the reality of organ harvesting to define that documentary film on YouTube the reality of organ harvesting it opens up with a late great comedian conspiracists and social critic dick gregory who suggested there drive-by shootings are avenues for organs dealing as the feature unfolds his theory is frightening sad horrific yet unbelievably true the underpinning for the runaway box-office hit get out fiction eliza's of every burdensome reality back in 2013 right down the road in Valdosta Georgia a 16 year old young man named Kendrick Johnson a student at Lansdowne high school and star athlete was found mysteriously dead in the gym of the school grabbed in a wrestling man when the parents demanded an autopsy he was discovered that all of Kendricks or have been removed and replaced with newspaper for those of you who find this hard to digest sometimes the truth is hard to swallow most recently as of last Saturday CNN reported the disturbing case of 41 year old Army veteran Everett Palmer Jr who was traveling from Delaware to New York to visit his ailing mother and was allegedly stopped in Pennsylvania for DUI and was taken into custody at the York County prison the family is horrified because two days after he was arrested the body was returned to the family except he had no throat had no heart and his brain was missing I wonder how many men who is sitting in this sanctuary who are watching this park as who are viewing this broadcast I wonder how many men amongst us have had their organs taken away and yet they're walking around unaware because it's not just every every Palmer jr. really stands as a principle what has happened to so many men in our community start down the road of life and before they know it three critical organs are missing what they took from every Palmer jr. was strategic and insightful for the plight of so many fathers they took from every Palmer his heart his brain and his throat sisters I'm not really preaching to you today I'm talking to the men you love and to the men that you have raised because I'm curious as to how many of them have a missing heart Jesus commanded let not your heart be troubled if you believe in the father believe also in me the Tin Man In The Wizard of Oz after he gets oil has to go find a heart but nobody ever launches an investigation to raise the probing question who left him in the storm and if they left him in the storm why is that that they counted on him not surviving man I got to ask you where's your heart that you sit silence while drugs are being peddled in our community I'm just asking I'm just saying how where's your heart that you are dissatisfied with your place of employment but you don't have enough heart to step out in entrepreneurship where's your heart that you would be moan around the house you can't work for nobody else and yet you lay complacent while your children have to fend for themselves where's your heart were you adamantly we'll buy out the bar but don't have enough heart to buy out the block where's your heart don't show me the women you slept with show me the women you made money with where's your heart where's your heart can you be a mentor to a young man without trying to sleep with his mama where's your heart what happened where you thought that it was all about you for individual success and not about Community Development and advancement I don't care what kind of car you drive if you have no direction where's your heart your your heart has gone missing they didn't just take away ever it's hard but they took away Everett's brain your brain missing the fastest-growing HIV and AIDS population in Atlanta is black women between the ages of 18 and 34 from down low brothers coming out of jail or living a double life style I'm not here to judge if that's what you like stay over there but don't contaminate the whole family y'all ain't saying nothing to me where's your brain where's your brain jay-z is now a billionaire with no college degree whatever excuse you I hiding behind is now removed from you where is your brain that our fathers and grandfathers and uncles were able to make a decent admirable living through plumbing an electrician and carpentry and now you've abandoned all of that cuz you too cool to sweat and do a full day's work and then complain when the Latino community comes in and takes the jobs that you think you do good to have where is your brain got to be able to rehab flower houses and then flip on you you're supposed to be reversing the trend of gentrification you're also supposed to be a provider and a protector you can't be a provider and a protector when the only people you shoot people that look exactly like you you you got all of them privado you that gangster why you not chasing down the clan that those Evangelic calls that will try to flush you down the prison pipeline you had hood change the hood [Music] where is your brain where's your brain where you have the capacity to understand that you got to think your way out and not shoot your way out a man is a terrible thing to waste can't just be a slogan from Lou Rawls in the United Negro College Fund but every day that you wake up you ought to be thinking about another strategy and concept of how you gonna defy the odds and change the game you don't even know that you are a dangerous black man the day you start thinking with your head and not sinking between your legs where is your brain happens when your heart is missing when your brain is missing hey they didn't just take away every palmas heart didn't just take away his brain they took away his throat Marvin Gaye says it makes me wanna howl and throw up both of my hands I don't know what has happened to this generation of black men who have contracted laryngitis of consciousness you are supposed to speak truth to power it ain't up to just the baby's mama to show up for PTA you don't even understand it's gonna everything when you walk in and touch that teacher and say I expect not just my child to learn but I expect you to teach maybe some demographics will be different if our fathers will show up for PTA and do pop-up drive-bys at elementary and middle schools and put your foot down and tell the system you are not gonna put our children on Prozac and Ritalin and make them color for five hours I expect them to conjugate verbs I expect them to reduce fractions I expect them to have proper sentence structure even if I can have it I expect my children is your boys found out in the Jewish community when a teenage boy goes to court the men of the synagogue go to court with the boy and tell the judge you are not gonna send this Jewish boy to the detention center leave him in the hands of the men of the synagogue and will turn them around are y'all ain't ready can y'all imagine in DeKalb County every time one of our young men go to court we stacked the courtroom with men from new birth and look the judge in the eye and say treat him the way you would want your own son treated I'm sick a mealy-mouthed man that got all of these opinions in the barber shop and the street corner but won't go to City Hall won't go to the State House and won't tell Trump cider we don't tell your kingdom well is the throat of our men don't you ever believe for one moment that praise and worship is for women when you open up the Bible David was dancing until they took his clothes off and he said if you are offended by that I will get are more undignified than this I am believing Newberg we gonna have a church full of men who are not ashamed to give God glory and for me to dance for me to shout for me to worship it don't make me less of a man it makes me more of a man you you ain't never gonna be a man till you can bow down to the man we got too many Lions who are acting like they are in a petting zoo you are supposed to operate with such authority that when you show up systems and structures are supposed to bow down I'm looking for men who understand that before I be a slave I'll be buried in my grave and go home to the Lord and be free I don't need the women to shout but I need some men that are not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ would you open up your mouth right now and let God know I still got my road whenever there is trouble in the community and I'm all for unity I'm all for standing together but whenever there's crisis in the community people should not just be looking for men from the nation Jordan got quiet there ought to be a call where are the men of God who will stand on the wall and understand that we will not be compromised by what it is that the system thinks because they will kill your son tomorrow and look for you the day after that I come every young black man and that is in this sanctuary that what happened to the boys in Central Park will not happen to the boys in your house the season a profiling is over well where's your voice keep waiting on another Martin another Malcolm another marcus garvey another man day look stop looking this in you if you would stop being shy and coy and intimidated you gotta have a pup I spit I can't stands no more I need you to look at another man around you say this ain't the time for you to be quiet this is the time in the words of James Weldon Johnson where we got a lift every voice here it is not an sing and screech I need you to look at your neighbours if you wanted a quiet church this ain't your church but if you know that when the praises go up the blessings are getting ready to come down would you open up your mouth and give God glory like you believe God is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond what you can sow man you ought to be on guard because you're a part of a system a part of a culture part of a society that's trying to take your heart trying to take your brain trying to take your throat you got to be mindful of what Ecclesiastes says that there is nothing new Under the Sun I hope history of being in humanity we've always had something taken from us I want you to act like this is something new going all the way back to Genesis chapter 2 we can find where stuff is being taken from men and Genesis shefte to the Lord walking through the garden and maybe you forgot why he created man he created man because God was sick of being alone and he said it ain't good for men to be alone y'all ain't saying nothing brothers I better say that again he he looked at man and said it ain't good for man to be alone he ain't never say that to women women can handle being alone when we alone we do stupid stuff yeah y'all ain't sayin nothin to me he said Adam you got dominion you got authority you got power but if you ain't got nobody to share with you get ready to blow the whole thing it ain't good for you to be alone Playboy you too old y'all done got real quiet on me you you you too old to be butting that shirt all the way down to the fourth button showing two gold chains you got out of the pawn shop y'all ain't saying nothing wearing sandals with a three-piece suit we can tell you allowed you it ain't good for you to be alone [Applause] y'all look straight ahead he's y'all elbow there you go there you go said it ain't good for you to be alone because if you got this much authority your assignment is this heavy I understand that sometimes the enemy will work in you through loneliness I'm not just talking to me and I'm talking to women of God now need to know you got too much on your life got too much you're supposed to produce too much you are supposed to execute to think you gonna do it by yourself God said I'm gonna provide somebody with you who's not gonna complete you but complement you you are knowing it before you met them you were poppy far you met them you knew God before you met them says I want you to be alone Adam I know you don't know how to choose I don't want you to mess this up so I'm going to make you go to sleep make you go to sleep do you know that the average black man does not sleep more than six hours a night watching TV pacing the floor on social media watching pornhub I thought this was for grown-ups young he says I am now giving you a season I don't know who needs this today I am giving you a season of Sabbath I need you to rest because there's too much that I need you to execute for you to be able to do it with fatigue I need somebody lift up that hand I want to speak rest over your life I'm telling you starting tonight you gonna have the best sleep of your life God say while you sleep let me give you vivid dreams and I'm gonna give you understanding of what you dream I'm gonna give you a peace that passes all understanding that's been robbing you of your sleep I'll deal with it while you were asleep those of you who are tired but not sleepy I want you to give God glory for rest and for the gift oh come on y'all gotta do better than that I say give God glory for the gift of rest they dad him go to sleep and when he made Adam go to sleep immediately with no prep work the Lord starts a surgery no anesthesia no nurses just a man in God God starts operating I don't know how many of you all will be able to receive it and I'm telling you that while you sleep tonight God's gonna start working on you oh god I can't hear nobody they didn't work over how I thought it would I said while you were asleep God is gonna start removing who and what you don't need [Applause] while you were asleep I can't hear nobody he is going to subdue every plot every enemy every trap every disease every sickness why are you our slave he puts that in the sleep and the Bible shares with us that he takes out a rib and out of the rib he makes the woman in all of our years of Vacation Bible School Sunday school gospel radio stations podcast nobody ever explained to us of the 206 bones that are in the body why did God choose the real conjecture told us that he didn't take a bone out of the foot because the woman is not supposed to be under man didn't take the bone out of a hat after the hand of the man because the woman is not supposed to be abused by the man nobody ever told us why he chose to him he didn't create Eve out of Adam's throat he didn't take Adam brain or his heart he took a bone and in it amazing that it took researchers in scientists a loo over 2,000 years to discover bone marrow that in the bone marrow it produces 5,000 blood cells a day and the bone marrow watch this when applied appropriately stops cancer and inflammation so he says man what I am pulling out of you it's gonna stop the cancer in the community but I need you to be available for me to be able to pull something out of you that will make an impact that will far exceed your own life says I I need the bone marrow why because that is what manufactures red and white blood cells I need that because the white and the red blood cells are used for reproduction Leviticus chapter 17 announces that there is life in the blood you don't even understand how much authority you have is that when a child has got to be tested for their DNA they don't test the mother god help me to find out where she comes from they got a test blood of the father you ought to be giving God glory only if you are a man they're saved that the same blood that covered my life is the blood that is gonna cover the lives of my children because God knows what can wipe away my sin nothing but the blood of Jesus do you know why I'm giving God glory is that the blood of Jesus is now resting on the lives of my children so that the mistakes and the issues and the shortcomings and the vulnerability and the failures that I went through on my life will now not be in my children I speak the blood over my children I need somebody to open up your mouth right now and declare I wish you had the Epiphany that I am worshipping God that the blood is working productively that whatever was in their father will not be in them I know some of y'all don't want shout like that I better make that announcement again whatever negative that was in the father will not be in the children you are breaking every generational curse that it will not be passed though I can you know about it your father's tripling issues will not be in the children I don't know where my worshippers are they won't be an alcoholic like him they will not be unmotivated like they will not die prematurely like him they will not be unmotivated like here that's missing negative that was in the father will not be in the chilled since I'm taking the blood from the father and I'm putting it on the kids why did he choose the rib out of 206 bones hope you gonna appreciate this the rib is the only bone in the body that has the ability to repair itself I'm trying to get to the next point but I feel something pulling me right through here hallelujah would you just pull it right there pull it right there I'm trying to move what what you're doing pastor this this ain't Callister I'm pulling down every stronghold [Applause] [Music] god I can't hear nobody I said I'm pulling town every stronghold there's somebody in this room God says I'm freeing you from it I'm I'm releasing you from it whatever it is please hallelujah I feel the Holy Spirit rightly there hallelujah I say you just got disconnected from your father's issues hallelujah I'll know where you are I say you just got disconnected from your father's hang-ups and your father's handicap you you just got disconnected from every chokehold the enemy put on your father's life will not be in yours [Music] trying to move this ain't even what I'm supposed to be preaching about y'all don't pull me in another direction but God said I'm disconnecting you from the bloodline and the tainted blood of your father God say you don't even know why you came today he said I had to free you from it the three of you in this room I'm talking to right now you were touched inappropriately by your own father God said I need to heal you from it cuz you can't go on like this it's handicapping your whole life wherever it is that you are the three of you I'm talking to I need you to just come touch this altar to get it all for you your dating life been off your sexual life being off God said I'm getting it all for you but I need you to come right here how you look at relationships been messed up he said I'm getting it off for you [Music] every good man God said you ran away if they even remotely reminded you of your dad God said over me I'm killing off every salt turn the two young men in this room your father almost beats you to oblivion it wasn't even discipline it was aggression it's only way that you were able to learn how to say and God says I'm disconnecting you from that spirit abusers learn how to abuse from other abusers I'm getting it out of you you know how many teenage girls are getting beat up in high school y'all ain't saying nothing to me from the sons of an abuser God says I'm give me just connect you from it even in this moment these two men who I'm talking to you I need you to meet me at this altar God says I'm getting ready to free you from that cycle you don't even know where that anger comes from you don't even know where their blind rage comes from but God said I'm pulling it out of your system all right until you get angry and when you get angry you shutting everything down but God said I'm getting ready to save your life young man I just need you to get disconnected I can't hear no worshipers he said I needed you to get disconnected [Music] I don't want you to emulate that same pattern your manhood ain't build on all the notches you can get on your belt be a real man and put a ring on it y'all ain't saying nothin to me settle down get yourself together you too old being a boy come on I need you to be in a place of authority but I need you to disconnect from a bloodline somebody in this room I don't know where it is that you are but God brought you to this place simply so that you'll be able to forgive that you'll finally be able to move forward you've been harboring this hate this resentment there's animosity this regret and it keeps haunting you that you're not even able to function with any level of decency or normalcy because as I need you to forget those things which are behind so that you can press towards the mark of the high calling said I need you to give it over to him cuz I'm sick of you bleeding over somebody who don't even deserve to have access to your life for father you I don't even know whether you realize it or not God said you ought to be shouting that it lets your father close y'all ain't saying nothin to me I was shielding you I'm I was protecting you and you you don't even know no better but you owe me glory say took that bone out of Adam why because the bones in the ribcage is the only bones in the human body that can regenerate itself Genesis chapter 2 the Lord takes to the bone out of the rear by Adam and never gives him time for hospice never gives them time out he says I expect you Adam to work the garden even with a missing real passion what are you saying to me he's saying in no uncertain terms I expect you to be a man even when you ain't got it all I expect you to walk in your Authority even when the primary stuff in your life has been missing cuz you don't even understand that while you're working I'm helping it grow back there those of you who are in this room they don't even understand everything that was taken from you it's getting ready to start growing back [Applause] Samson had all of his hair cut off but he said put my hand on the pillow and let me push it just one last time and when he played made that request what happened his hair started growing back I do this last altar call he all forgive me I'm talking to some young people now not to adults talking to some young people 12 13 15 16 17 you in this room I'm talking to you I'm talking to who besides you I'm talking to you 13 year-old 15 yo 16 yo 9 years old you in this room hear me well don't worry about your mama get mad your grandmother getting upset I'm talking to you I'm your pastor I know we've been raised in a culture you are not saying that you'll demonstrate family business in public I got to save this young person's life 10 years old 11 years old 13 years old 15 years old I need you to meet me at this altar why pastor not everybody I'm talking to those young people who hate your father I need you to come meet me right now you don't like them can't stand up step over whoever sitting on your row and meet me at this altar come meet me come quick new birth this is where I need you praying right through here let the young people get as close to this alt as you can can't stand them I need you to meet me right here [Music] don't even want to talk to him on the phone [Music] don't want to be around them don't want to be bothered I need you at this altar parent guardian custodian don't you stop them from getting here don't you worry about what these church people say I need you at this alt I'm waiting on three more you to come you worth it to me I'm waiting on three more you to come [Music] all of these young people I need you to pull them at the altar all these adults I need y'all to back up please they okay y'all won't go to school with them they alright [Music] adult y'all back up y'all let them go to the mall by themselves let them go to the altar by themself [Applause] I need to do something for me please adults if you'll back up two places away from I need them to have space please I know you love them I know you care you a good parent I'm a fiving you back up off of them he'll and get many happened in this room I'm telling you healing give me happened in this room and you get ready to see the Holy Spirit do something you ain't seen but I need you to be available for it I need father's who are you in this room give me father's who are in this room and you're estranged from your child I want you to come meet me at this altar [Music] father's in this room your estranged from your child meet me at this altar all these adults y'all back up off me now back up please back up Deacon's I got it let them through let them through it's gonna be a Father's Day you ain't never gonna forget scary be a father says you may change your whole family life your whole bloodline is getting ready to be shifted because of what happens today thank you all that his men is coming to meet me at the altar would you please stand in front of one of these kids all y'all come stand in front of one of these kids I know your norm I know they ain't yours but I need you to stand in front of me now this way I need my deacons deacons y'all come staying in front of each of one of these kids come on stay in front I got five right here I need y'all come on deacons now just I need you they don't really hate them they just don't know how to love them they don't know how to reach it fathers you've been disconnected from their child for reasons I don't know don't get along with the mother stepfather don't put a wedge they don't moved out of town penalized kid you didn't had the money for child support had to go through all that argue and all the drama God says I'm getting ready to heal it and I'ma heal it to a child you don't even know young people I need you to look at me all these young people that daughter look at me this man who's standing in front of you is getting ready to show you how to be loved with no strings attached 65 percent of teenage girls who become pregnant become pregnant by man that's older than them because they looking for a father issue y'all ain't saying nothin to me overwhelming majority 78% of boys that are in juvenile detention centers have no relationship with their dad and got counsel and mentorship from somebody on a street corner cuz they didn't know what man who was supposed to look like man I'm getting ready to free you to operate in your office and in your authority even why you got a miss and real and I tell you that the key to do it I want you to embrace them their child they're standing in front of you and I want you to embrace something like this is your own seed and the only don't do it yet i'ma tell you when the only thing I need you to keep saying to them as I love you you saying it to them but you speaking it over the life of your own child then healing just get ready to happen don't do it yet all I'm asking you to do is don't let them go until I tell you cuz you don't know how bad they need this touch how bad they need this contact new birth wherever it is that you are I need you to just open up your mouth and just begin interceding for healing to happen in relationships between children and their fathers come on dance embrace them kids right there embrace them come on tell them your lover come on these two [Music] come on embrace hallelujah embrace them so much staying with this young man for me right here come on help me please come on elder you right here and pray is something I want you to do better than me I want you to go further than me you better than me every curse is broken be man enough to say forgive me let me be a better father I speak healing over every child's life I speak restoration over every relationship you are never gonna deal with low self-esteem a rejection of your identity I speak it over your life the rest of your life is gonna be the best of your life and healing begins on this day and those of you your faith [Music] your faith comes into agreement with my faith new birth we know how to shout over cars clothes and money but which I'll shout for fathers with their children I can't hear nobody I said shout for fathers with their children [Music] as we great conciliation of all of you something is getting ready to happen a revolution of love is committed to happen a revival of restoration in our communities is getting ready to take place for these fathers and for these children but y'all tear the roof off the church cuz you don't know how bad the father's needed it I can't you know about it I said you don't know how bad these father's need as they go back to their seats I want you to cheer for them as they go back to their seats come on celebrate up [Music] [Music] keep on healing Jesus keep on restoring Jesus [Music] come on open up your mouth you're here [Music] restoration bikini [Music] everybody is standing everybody is standing here in this room in this room and you need this kind of church that believes in the reconciliation power of God the restoration power of God that's who you are that's where you are I want you to come I want you to join this church I want you to become a part of this ministry I want you to start the next chapter of your life right here at new birth come on place [Music] I'm each other's shout for knees and me and wherever it is that you are in this room you're not saved you don't have a church home and I need you to come and I need you to come quickly you you can feel your heart pounding in your own chest you supposed to get here you just feel like something was just lifted off for you I need you to meet me here even our dear friends who are online I need you to partner with us I want you to join I don't care where you live you can be a Wichita cancer Kansas I don't care where you are Ocala Florida I need you to be a part of what it is that God is doing Springfield Illinois I don't care where it is that you are now Roby Kenya I want you to join my ministry just go right now new birth are y'all excited about those that are coming now my time is almost up we about to get out of here but it's 20 more people that need to be at this altar I don't know how y'all thought we were gonna leave just like this there 20 y'all would you just come come on come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] y'all better shall farm come on come on [Music] I said 20 so I'm still waiting on 15 Here Come three I hope y'all are get excited about it I see how y'all gonna act y'all gonna make me work for it I get it alright let's do this please I want to do it in two waves every person in the room would you just please would you ask the men the young men the boys the husband's the brothers the boyfriends whatever male is around you would you ask that man for me as he saved find out if he has a church home find out if he's given his life over to God I need you to come please come on I'm calling on me and calling all men the good news about the blood of Jesus is that he didn't just have four men but women need to get saved and each other thank God for this strong man coming come on give God glory come on give God glory hallelujah here comes another brother y'all excited about it come on let's get happy Claire Mama's where I need to go i loo there's a sister around you that needs to get saved it's a woman around you is still wrestling with some daddy issues she needs to get restored and new birth is the place where it can happen the whole family there sitting around you that today they're collectively are going to start a new chapter of their lives come on you've already talked to the brothers would you find two sisters who you don't know I'm waiting on nine more people I need you to find two sisters who you don't know two sisters who you don't know as that woman is she saying does she have a church home has she given her life over to God whoever it is that you are I need you to come please hallelujah we are you our heads about all eyes are closed would you join me in praying for the three more people who need to be walking come on would you stop praying for and praying that God would give him the strength God will remove the spirit of fear the God will block the spirit of procrastination you wait till next week tomorrow night promise you got to come unto Jesus while you still got time wherever it is that you are I'm pleased I ain't too proud to beg I need you to come here comes one would you give God glory for me [Applause] here comes another brother y'all gonna shout about it y'all didn't believe prayer work come on come on y'all better shout for this whole family coming right now y'all better get excited he comes a beautiful black brother come on give God some praise form as it comes [Music] right heading to faith here comes somebody else come on we give god blower stretch your right hand to faith repeat after me you know now don't repeat here they come come on turn it off [Applause] [Music] he dumps another brother y'all excited about it on Father's Day stretch your right hand to faith if you out there come on I need you to hurry up I'm I'm making my kids take me to brunch I need you to come home please whoever it is that you are need you to come and get saved today wants you to join the church say I want to be your pastor I want Jesus to be your Lord I need you to come meet me please come on come on come on stretch it right hand to faith repeat after me you're in the right place at the right time John in the right church you coming come on give God some glory you come somebody else I'll shut your hands let's try it from the top everybody repeat after me you're on the right place at the right time joining the right church serving only God and I know that's right if your norm writes a show you're right come on give God some praise right here you came as friends but you're leaving as family would you please follow us out this way come on new birth make some noise for our new family members [Music] thank you you may be seated in the presence of the Lord yet on through my whole sermon all the way off hallelu how many of you all know God is a healer God is a healer let me have the order worship program please thank you what a harvest on Father's Day come on clap your hands again Tuesday were operating in the demonstration of the gift of the Holy Spirit as that you'll be here Tuesday at 7:30 as that you'll be mindful next Sunday begins our global impact crusade Bishop John Francis Sunday Monday and Tuesday on Saturday June 29th Saturday June 29th I would turn in our whole parking lot into a drive-in movie theater come on give God a hand clap a prayer it's gonna be amazing and our first movie for the summer is car wash how many y'all old enough to remember car wash Amen we are two of our father's water richard pryor suit today three-piece white suit y'all didn't even know they were doing an advertisement for car wash amen and so on the 29th at 7 p.m. here's our film I next month I think we play in the five heartbeats and then the month after that we playing something else I don't even know what it is but we playing something else it's gonna be absolutely amazing can I remind you this week to start collecting brand-new back-to-school shoes elbow to person besides and tell them new new brand new back-to-school shoes make sure that you are a part of it all of our fathers all of our fathers I want you to please that join me in the multi-purpose room for our doughnuts in chicken wings only at a black church doughnuts in chicken wings for dads as that you'll please join us and we want to honor all of our fathers as well as our father of the year is our own deacon MC Norman come on give God Hank leper praise for him come on y'all give a shout to dig your nominee we love you deep thank you you're gonna be the first one to get wings in a donut we got you remember we want to honor him on today I want to do this lastly before the benediction because so much negative is always said about our men and about our fathers I want to give a high commendation that they really want to give a special award on today special acknowledgement today I want to ask fathers who have full custody of your children would you stand please fathers who got full would you come meet me at this altar fathers you got full custody you raising the kids by yourself [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] these men are champions that they are gladiators because so many times we hear about mothers that are doing double duty but very rarely if ever do we celebrate the men who are having to do it all come on y'all now you're saying nothing and I really wanted just salute and celebrate that's all y'all got [Applause] under salute and celebrate our fathers so as all of you go get yourself go get you whatever else you got I need you to go get it in your kids meet us in the multi-purpose room we just want to salute you in a formal way amongst all of our fathers and said you'll do that new birth give God some glory for them as they go back to their seats thank you everybody is standing everybody I'm telling a no Church like new birth I know there's bad English but you know what I'm saying ain't no Church in the world like Newburgh you never know what's going to happen Amen how many of you love your church you love all of our fathers ask that you will immediately upon the pronouncement of the benediction that you'll please that meet us immediately in the multi-purpose room we don't bought three million pounds of donuts and I need you to please join us last but not least we got a pop-up in in the lobby colleagues by nature's all-natural hair and skincare company are selling men's products and natural hair products they are set up by the bookstore they're members of our church they have generously supported everything that we have done here at the church from the bailout project to soup for souls so as that you will please support this minority business on your way out as well as get your new birth t-shirt if you do not have one please go get your new perfect t-shirt for for July weekend we're all wearing them together and I'm gonna give you more instructions on what to do with those t-shirts on the next Sunday up a nest that everybody will please buy a new birth t-shirt oh but you lift up your hand please if nobody told you today please know your pastor loves you I'm praying for you every day I want to see you get everything that God has for you your children are trifling and they are not taking you to brunch to come get doughnuts amen go get doughnuts in wings amen we got everything to miss up your cholesterol and your blood pressure to make you sick for Father's Day so as that you will please join us thank you amen thank you all right off my home repeat after me walk of God and you'll walk with me talk with God and don't talk with me listen to God and they'll listen to me love God because He first loved me now I went to him who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may God make you sleepless until you help somebody God make you restless until you help yourself may God you were take you until you have enough sense to worship Him and may God bless you until you have to give some stuff away yes for now and forevermore and the Blessed people of God said it in their all of the father's come on join us in the multi-purpose room we want to celebrate you today [Music]
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 39,499
Rating: 4.8170581 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, pastor jamal bryant, take, a lot out
Id: 3v5ksGGSj28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 24sec (6324 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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