Book of the month The Jewish Phenomenon

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[Music] well praise the Lord everybody brother Adrian can you come and pray for us tonight everybody stand all over the sanctuary of you glad to be in the house of the Lord can we start by giving God a great big hand clap of praise only if he's been good to you and kind and wonderful hallelujah father we thank you we give you praise and glory Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ we come to you with a humble spirit at ah-ha-ah-ha just to say thank you Lord we come on this day for to get it empowerment with the Word of God that we could be disciples and ambassadors of Christ that we may be filled with the word father God we pray that this world will be a pleasurable two elves a psyche in our hearts Lord God that we will attain this word and we will live on this world and be what it is that you supposed to want us to become Lord of God father God we pray for our pastor that you will bless him from the top of a sea to the souls his feet delenn to be able to teach us properly Lord God to give us the understanding that we supposed to be happy for this word that he has for this appointed time in this appointed hour we pray for the choir in the praise team or the God that they will make a joyful sound and a joyful noise that would be pleasure to our ears we pray it for those that you will give traveling mercy to Lord of God the ones that's on their way Lord of God that you will let no harm a danger to come before them but that you will keep them and you will cover them and you will protect them and shield them from any harm and dangers of the seen any unseen father God we just thank you for the ones that have show up on tonight and we pray in pharma God that you would do the miraculous we pray that you would do the impossible we pray just because they came out here today that you will give them a word that we will go back with happiness and joy in their heart and Jesus name we pray amen well while you remain standing can you make the announcement the Lord is here come on if you really believe it that the Lord is here can you lift up your voice one more time and say the Lord is here and that he invited you to call me and he is interested in your worship he wants to know you intimately tonight so even as we declare the Lord is here can you put your hands together if you realize that the Lord has invited you to this worship experience father we thank you for being here we could be in a dry and thirsty place but thank you for your presence tonight the psalm says [Music] yeah say y'all the king the king let's make that announcement bolted to the night bit the king and because the king is here we can declare [Music] come on if you wanted you might have to look for joy [Music] come on the peace that passes all understanding declarant [Music] [Music] hey wait to see come on break every step of animate fine tonight further great Susie do that one more time [Music] [Music] like tonight [Music] [Music] Hey or that minute laser come on lift up your voice grayza kindness to the clerk [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] that's what we want father our hearts cry is that you would show us your glory as we've seen you in the sanctuary come Magister but we believe gun do come man ha ha and you me the cows [Music] signs and wonders [Music] [Music] okay show yourself strong on our behalf tonight your holy holy sacred and sovereign are you Oh God bless your name Jesus all over this sanctuary let's begin to disjoin in with the four and twenty elders and their angelic hosts [Music] [Applause] hallelujah come on with lifted hands all over the stationary God we love you tonight we declare that you are holy that is you are sacred and sovereign you're in a class all by yourself you're to be separated and consecrated you to be revered and you're to be reverence [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I will worship day I will say hi before is strong forever yeah [Music] all the angels and worship [Music] [Music] [Applause] or ever let's look would you lift up that hand right where you are God we praise you we magnify you will lift you what we glorify you you've been so good to us God thank you for not letting the brakes fail thank you for giving us the green light thank you for taking away that migraine headache thank you for giving us more than enough to eat thank you for getting our children home safely from school thank you for the blood running warm in our veins thank you that tonight we're not rushing to get to the shelter but we've got a roof over here it's God we say thank you that tonight we're not preparing a funeral for a loved one we thank you that we don't have to rush down to identify the body thank you dear Lord that we're not sitting in the emergency room God we say thank you for that would give you praise and give you Thanksgiving the Blessed people of God said amen we're to give God your best hand clap of praise even now while you're yet standing would you take one moment and introduce yourself to somebody around you would you do that for me just one person if you would [Music] thank you you may be seated let's let's go to work you may be seated how y'all feeling tonight thank you come on y'all y'all lookin mayor just smile a little bit like you glad to be in the house of the Lord to those of you worshiping with us online we're so grateful to have you with us on tonight would you go to Exodus 16 Exodus 16 and I want to look at verses 3 4 and 5 of Exodus 16 Exodus 16 verses 3 4 and 5 I was in Durham North Carolina on last night amazing amazing service I was dedicating a church they bought a warehouse and had it completely renovated in 52 days they followed the the model of the book of Nehemiah and the men of their church worked in shifts many of them sleeping in the church for 52 days to get it done I'm just all inspired by God how God pulled mobilized and galvanized them together Exodus 16 verses 4 & 5 Exodus 16 verses 4 & 5 amazing passage of scripture in it you'll note that the children of Israel are by moaning to Moses that we were y'all not gonna believe it we were better off in slavery because in slavery at least we knew what we were gonna eat every day but now that God has set us free we're struggling and they want a young I can't believe it they want to kill Moses leading them out of slavery God then responses is till the church in the Israel this is what I'm going to do I'm gonna rain on them watch this not fire not snow not hail I'm gonna rain on them Bri it but here's the catch I'm just giving them enough bread for the day at the end of the day the bread will spoil and the next day I'll rain bread again I want to teach for just a little while tonight called the burden of having too much the burden of having too much I was all inspired while reading our book of the month you should have it by now the Jewish phenomenon let me thank those of you who are watching online and those of you who are present in person Barnes and Noble has completely sold out of the book because of you as well as Amazon now has it on back order because of you the author of the book inboxed me and thanked me because the book is several years old and he didn't know where all of these sales were coming from and so he's extremely grave I said don't thank me paying me but I was completely enraptured while I when I got to the section of the book called be selectively extravagant but prudently frugal I hope if you've not read that book you've got to read it but I want you to write down the name of that chapter it's called to be selectively extravagant but prudently frugal selectively extravagant prudently frugal and in that chapter I found out something that was absolutely mind-blowing for me and what was mind-blowing for me is is that Jews they speak speaking generally do not go to Sam's Club they do not go to places where you buy in bulk for several reasons one you have to pay an annual fee you're forced to stock up on items that will spoil you cannot use a coupons for additional discounts and most of what you buy in bulk you do not need in bulk here's what the author who didn't pay me say it he said having a large quantity of product in human nature makes you become reckless about the supply and in being reckless about the supply you do not treasure it or value it but the main intention the main intention of places like Sam's Club was never initially for individual households initially the bulk was supposed to be for restaurants and for hotels and we end up buying in bulk stuff we don't need convincing ourselves that is just the savings I want to walk through for just a few moments that are ours to share you talk about how it is that our minds have been shifted into thinking there is no such thing as enough that we look at enough as a curse as a slight have you not noted in church that in the culture the Barama of the church we only thank God for more than enough but we never thank God for the sufficiency of enough the fact of the matter is you're not really gonna talk about it but God is giving you right now enough but you don't know how to praise him because your mind is on more than enough a lot of us we will raise old-school you know the expression your eyes are bigger than your stomach so you ordered whole ahead and then you can't eat it and so God sometimes has to do something to make you temper down your thirst so that you can actually meet a place that we never in fact Express and it's called satisfaction it is satisfaction settling or is satisfaction gratitude when do you say enough and do you only say enough what's this when you're fed up not when your fall do you know how to walk away from the table what do you keep eating because you like it because it's good or because you don't know when you're gonna eat again and has God put you on an odyssey on a journey in your own life where he only blesses you like the children of Israel have you forgotten the Lord's Prayer give me what my daily bread has our prayer language been so lost that we do not pray what's this for the sufficiency of the day you are already in prayer and expectation I can't wait for 2018 20:18 is gonna be my year but have you ever pause to say God gave me enough to get through this day I got enough patience I got enough grace I got enough understanding and that for me is my daily pray it there's nothing worse than wanting more not knowing you have enough would you write that down please nothing worse than having more not realizing that you already have enough I want to talk to you tonight about five things you should never get in bulk five things you should never get in surplus these five things are gonna blow your mind but I want you to have the first thing you should never get in bulk would you write this down is bleach nobody ever taught us where most of us I won't say all of us most of us don't even know bleach has an expiration date pastor why are you telling me that because you don't even understand that some anointings are seasonal bleach ladies and gentlemen is only good for six to twelve months and after that it can no longer do the job there are a lot of things that we keep doing thinking it is effective because of what it smells like the fragrance of bleach does not diminish but the power changes and a lot of us have in fact miscategorized the strength of authentic worship because it smells pure but is it really doing the job what's this if the stain isn't coming out so you're pouring the bleach you smell the same aroma your eyes are irritated but you still walk in with the same stain so I gotta ask you worshipers how is it that you're giving God all that glory but you still have the stain at some point in your worship there ought to be some areas of your life that have been purified but it has not in fact been able to maintain his potency for two reasons number one the top was not on right what does that mean in no uncertain terms a lot of us are losing our strength because we've never applied appropriate closure what are you leaving open friendships that you know have expired relationships that are past their due date habits what's this that are comfortable but are unnecessary the for the second second thing that you ought not buy in bulk it's gonna mess you up but I want you to have it anyway you should never buy oil in bulk never buy olive oil and bulk olive oil does not maintain its consistency beyond six months the residue of what it used to be begins to become grainy and a lot of churches are using expired oil the texture is not what it needs to be because it has just been sitting olives Amla grow in an atmosphere where there is light and your oil is in the pantry how do you expect the oil to flow in darkness the consistency is not there it cannot maintain and yet you keep using it why because it looks the same we have mishandled some people in ministry who are functioning and flowing in expired oil they are not using the oil they are now relying on their gift so yeah they can sing but nobody being changed they know how to read the scripture well but there is no impact they have a way with words but nobody is believing the testimony because it's old oil you got to begin praying under God God give me fresh oil because you didn't even realize that the old oil is what ruined the cake and that's why it is that the flour couldn't handle the flame yes because of the oil you put in it was expired so maybe what it is that you're working on is having no effectiveness because of the ingredients that you're using what is it that you're working on that's not rising what is it that you're working on they cannot handle fire what is it that you're working on that doesn't taste right what is it that you're working on that is always collapsing just when you think it's finished is it the oil bad you'll always leads to a breakdown would you write that down please bad or young always leads to a breakdown how to lift that hand if you have any hands-free I want you to lift that hand please pastor why in the world do you want my hand lift it I want your hand lift it because tonight I am praying for God to pour into this place fresh oil huh I don't want the anointing that I had in November I need a fresh anointing on my life fine I want to feel God differently I want to see him move in a capacity that I have never seen and all of my days God I need an or you're not my grandmother's oil because what I'm dealing with my grandmother never had to fight through but I I need an order for these demons I'm working with that I need fresh oil for the thoughts that I've been entertaining in my mind I I need an oil that will keep me together and not leave me to fall apart let the power of the Holy Ghost fall fresh on me I need the oil from Mount Hermon I I need the oil here it is that God experienced in the garden of gifts enemy at the Mount of Olives when I'm praying about an assignment that I really don't want that I wish you would give to somebody else and my tears feel like they're turning into droplets of blood God sent me all your because the people who are close to me or fallen asleep on me and I'm trying to keep this together by myself but my assignment give me not my attack my assignment is what is killing me and because of that God I need all your like God is saying Jamal are you sure you need all your in order for you to get oil something has got to be crushed so maybe what it is that I've been going through over the last four to six weeks is just for crushing process because God needs new oil to come out of my life and I cannot get oil out of me until I get rid of the pit and many of you are in the pit of depression and anxiety and stress and weary and no self-esteem and you don't even understand all of that is a part of the process god I need for you to be so heavy so thick so long that is starts at my head but it goes to the skirts of malreaux I don't want the or you just when I get to empowerment but I want every area of my life to be rich with the oil of the Holy Ghost how much ujin to be in the lineage of Aran that every person that's got my chromosomal structure my DNA my metabolism a person belated to me has the same anointing that I feel in this church God they send my oil never once do you throw out the oriole because you think it's bad you just keep it right there you should um you should dawn never buy in bulk canned vegetables because of the heat the high heat process used to cam vegetables and the head assault canned vegetables have an extended shelf-life but it's because of the salt and so the taste is still there but my body is rejecting it was this because of what preserve didn't maybe what is making you sick isn't of everything that's keeping you together and because you got adjusted to the attention of the chaos and everybody's signed there to it it's harder for you to readjust the full activity of your limb because you got comfortable being handicapped the pressure of what is canned watch this it maintains its color it maintains its taste but it does not maintain its nutritional value and many of you have had your gift and too long you've been able to keep yourself together you are preserved but are you meaningful are you contributing anything of any significance or are you fooling all of us because you look fine you give the appearance that everything as well nobody has any indication how frustrated you are how broken you are how angry you are and you gotta ask yourself was it worth the savings am I really gonna eat this much string beans when I buy it in bulk did I in fact utilize most of it or throw most of it away because I didn't know what to do with it once it was open people have to be careful of how you handle somebody gifted if you are not prepared for what I represent don't open me up because I'm too valuable to be discarded and because I understand what the contents of what I am worth it'd be better for you to not fool with me god I can't hear nobody so the reality is you can't handle all of what I bring to the table be prepared for the dosage you impress and you just in the introduction if I really gave you the table of contents of the substance of who I am I'm not sure whether you could ever finish the book because I understand that I am a high concentrate and because I'm high concentrate it don't take a lot of me to feel somebody like you god I can't hear nobody so the full measure of Who I am has only be doled to specific people because most people can handle your contents so you begin to ration out to people what you think that they can handle and what is amusing to you is they think they know you you don't know me you only know the part of me I exposed to you because you can handle me in bulk the pressure is too heavy and it's too sealed is the amazing thing about the canned vegetables is that they were already cooked before their can so the only thing really that you're doing is eating your now cooking when you are gifted Emmy people don't know you're already prepared and was crazy as people think that they're giving you an opportunity and they don't know I woke up like this oh all I needed to do is get out of the confinements of what I was placed in but when I arrived I was already prepared here it is to be served I am not prepared to be discarded and do you understand for what it is that God has in mind for you in 2018 you are already prepared you are already prepared this is not for your neighbor I need you just for yourself with just 50 of you just say that out loud I'm all ready prepare come on and I need you to get that thing in your spirit for the next job for the next opportunity for the stage for the window for the house for the promotion I can't hear nobody say it to your said this ain't for your neighbor I am all ready prepared that's why I don't even trip when stuff comes at me because you don't even know I expected you to let me down you even know in the back of my mind I knew you were not gonna follow through I am all ready prepared when they make the offer to me the reason why I ain't crying yes God already told me in my spirit that it was gonna be mine I just didn't know when or how it was going to happen so everybody else is shot and there's amazed but in my heart of hearts God already prepared me for this next moment and I'm just walking into it I don't need orientation I don't need your advice rights for your encouragement but I am all ready prepare for the moments I have my heart broken for the days that it didn't work out for the moments that I questioned myself for the seasons we have a slip into depression does it hurt and you for this you don't even understand I think you didn't know where I was don't take you but you are prepared for this ready prepared hallelujah Thank You Sola name hallelujah I need to just I need to just worship Him right through there I just need five or six of you would you just give him glory for what you believe you're prepared for ah Thank You holy God I'm already y'all don't feel that thing I'm already ain't nobody surprised but my haters I am already prepared now real friends they only gonna say I knew it I knew it I knew it was gonna happen for you this is not a shocker for me though you are built for this you're already prepared for what God has in mind for you hallelujah hallelu that maybe that wasn't even a word for y'all maybe that's just for me I'm already prepared a couple of years ago I was flying to London and I'm flying to London Humber fallen off to sleep sleep good on a plane I mean I sleep on a plane before we take off I'm away in a manger and I wear flannel London and wake up because is it's time for them to start serving food so I wake up and the row ahead of me they said you got three options you got either Beef Wellington on a seafood platter or salad and people in the raw head I made a order whatever it is that they order and the guy who is next to me I said I want to beef wellington and there Stuart has said I'm sorry two people in a row head already took it the people in the row head of us got the last one there's no more left and I'm just waking enough said dr. Bryant yo your beef wellington is ready I'm sitting beside this white guy and he trying to figure out who I am cuz I have it and and so I said thank you thank you and the guys looking flushed it upset and says I thought you said that you ran out of the beef wellington says yes we ran out of it but he pre-ordered it before we ever got on the plane so the people who are ordering now they didn't pre-order it so he was set aside I need you all to stay with me so even when it runs out for other people when God already knows what he has in mind for you it is no surprise for God can I tell you the blessing that God has for you I don't care what the stock market is doing I don't care where the Trump is in office or not there's some things that God gets reserved for the people that are in this room and you ought to be thankful unto Him I'm tripping over it I'm stressed about it I'm now right I'm not in competition because he reserves something with me and mine it's already prepared for it I want to give you I'm gonna give you this I want to give can I give you two more all right now I'll give you two more what's the first one that I gave you please thank you what's the second one thank you what's the third one thank you all right let's go to number four I'm gonna give you five all right so we right on all right number four is don't buy in bulk rice and grain don't buy in bulk or rice and grain rice and grains are lightly processed they're free of preservatives and they have their own oil so why not buy it in bulk here's the problem the problem is that while those are wonderful and healthy qualities preservative free products that contain watch this no oil spoil faster so because they don't have what would preserve it longer in the absence of oil it falls apart quicker according to eat by date which is a health health blog unfree unrefrigerated rice and grain only last six to eight months and then after that it begins to erode and unlike everything else it erodes what's this while looking intact so you can't even tell that it's decaying because it looks normal and you'd be amazed how many people are in Bible study how many people are watching online who are falling apart and look normal how many people are writing at their core but are able to function going to work you'll be blown away how many people watch this thought that they were doing well what's this because they are healthy how is it possible to be healthy and sick there's a there's a last week I wasn't with you I wanna thank pastor Holland forum for standing in on last Tuesday doing a wonderful job appreciative to hear me him walking away from his own church to share with us on last Thursday last Tuesday I went on a retreat with my four closest friends and we're in the middle of the retreat and we are convicted all of us are engaged in full-time ministry Marvin Sapp Rudy mckissick Antonio Matthews William Murphy we're on this retreat and we're convicted that all of us are in full-time ministry and have absolutely no balance that we can do the work of God and are not living a healthy life until now die yet dumb out what are you doing for self care that you pour out for other people and never sit in a place for yourself to be poured into you can know the Word of God and be emotionally unstable now you can be filled with the Holy Ghost and ever eating disorder God y'all ain't saying nothin to me I'm I'm telling you you can know God's Word backward and forward but you are not getting enough sleep you are healthy and sick at the same time and you're falling apart and you hide under spirituality so it is decaying grain it is defective brown rice give all the nutrients all that's needed and necessary and you have watch this what is potent and what is nutritious but you've not taken care of yourself because in your health you forgot to apply oil what do we do for our own balance then I get into such a healthy groove I don't smoke I don't drink I don't have outside sex I but my self righteousness has become a filthy rag where's your balance what would you be doing if you weren't in church and is Church healthy for you if you've made Church a hobby Church can't be your extracurricular activity what do you enjoy doing as a person but what can you do can you sit and be in the presence of God without her Franklin satellite radio plan I'm dead serious okay I'm not asking you can you pray I'm asking you can you listen there's a whole lot of us know how to talk to God but don't know how to listen to God in January I'm gonna be teaching you about mindfulness how to do introspection how do you meditate how do you pray how do you find the solitude of God without the activity of God that he ain't always in the earthquake sometimes he's in the still small voice and you keep missing them cuz you clapping where's your balance I know you know how to fast as you holy but do you know how to eat and enjoy it without being gluttonous where's your balance the only way you can be saved is to not date God y'all ain't saying nothin to me well you you are born and built for relationship but your spirituality is so fragile you can't handle company where's your balance good okay the only music you can listen to is gospel come on all for worship I'm down all for it y'all don't like this huh where is your back yes I want you saved it God knows I want you to love God with your heart your soul with your my God knows I do but it's the only thing you've read in the Bible it's nothing outside of that they can stretch you that can develop you that can cultivate you unless in secret you read insane somebody shout balance how many of you going into the new year one balance in your life you don't want to be healthy and sick never read the book never seen the movie I just like the title when I get a chance to read it or watch the movie I'm gonna preach it the incredible book if any of y'all read it imma let you cheat come tell me about it book called the cure for wellness I don't even know what it's about I just I just saw the title and I liked it but is there a cure for me thinking I'm well in it amazing that Jesus never asked anybody do you want to be healed he asked do you wanna be whole and a whole lot of us are healed and sick because we're not all my last one and then I bid you adieu what's the first one that you don't buy Inbal what's the second one what's the third one what's the fourth one or Isengard here's the fifth one I want you to write it I love this one I was saving it for last four reason the last thing you don't do not buy in bulk is seeds you do not buy seeds and nuts in bulk pistachios only last three months and mostly you'll find it and never check today so why would you buy a two point five pound bag of pistachios knowing you gotta get rid of it by the end of January even a large bag of walnuts may not be your best purchase unless you baking cookies because walnuts only last six months macadamia peanut cashews only last six to nine months and the FDA speaks to the health of a candy bar buy the chocolate not buy the nut and then here's the strange dichotomy is we chat we gauge our health by the outer coat when what's in the center is was sick man looks at the outer appearance but God looks at the heart nuts are expensive which makes buying buy the bulk sam's club at cost at costco it makes it tempting until you realize you are making an investment that won't last and so it is in fact the the system thought the wisdom thought of all of the things that I named the only thing that can endure he is the saved if you free said can't do that for Bleach please don't freeze bleach you may have an explosion I don't know what's gonna happen do not freeze bleach don't freeze km vegetables freeze your seat you freeze your seat watch this because when it falls it will still have the same active ingredient it was supposed to die in a previous season but because it was maintained it can renew its strength in another season because they got frozen I'm talking to y'all but y'all are missing it you found out from Benjamin Franklin's Farmers Almanac that in farming agriculture one on one you're sowing and reaping don't happen in the same season so if I plant something today don't expect the harvest tomorrow have you ever considered that when your harvest comes it may be because God froze your seed a woman who was coming up in years but knows that she still wants to be able to reproduce freeze it cuz I want to come back to it it's just not in this season I love you I am believing by faith just for tithers that are in this room that God freezes you're saved hallelujah and God freezes the faith in the seed watch this and don't let it fall until you're in the drought hallelujah and when you're in the drought all of the potency of whenever you planted that seed then begins to come alive huh please excuse us we got spectators that are in the room but I want to speak just to those of you who have tithe in 2017 God told me to tell you yes I know it's taking a moment for you to get what you prayed for but God said give me a minute I'm fine your seed out hallelujah everything you put into that envelope in August in September in October is getting ready to come to pass because what's this you weren't in the desert in August but now you don't even understand every seed has a time capsule and at the right time is gonna release and is gonna sprout out everything that was initially planted thank you holy God those of you that need a return on your investment that God everything that I sold it into this ministry I need you to pour it back into my life and here's how crazy and I am I need you to release the overflow interest of that seed before I step into another tax cycle so before January 1st at midnight for every see I sold y'all my saying nothin for every time that I gave for every offering that I plant it God I need you to yield it back to me here's what I need you to do God I need you to bless me for the seeds I forgot about for for the offerings that I gave him to overflowing I was in such a rush I never filled out an envelope I didn't do it for the credit I did do it for the tax deduction I didn't do it for write-off get it because I know my riches will be in heaven but I need the overflow to come down into the earth give us this day our daily bread I want you to lift up your hands I want to pray for you my time is fully elapsed but I'm praying just for those of you who are in the room just for those of you who are watching I'm praying and I hope you'll be able to receive it that God will just give you enough give me enough money to retire on give me enough gas who ain't got a stop at the station huh God give me enough wisdom to help guide the direction of my children God give me enough patience so I don't snap on that job tomorrow but I need enough God I don't need a big ol house I need enough house that will be able to cover my family and hold my shoes God please God I need you to give me enough I don't need more than enough I need your all sufficiency I promised God I'm gonna give you glory for them and give you Thanksgiving for it imma give you praise for it and those of you you crazy enough to believe God is enough for me I don't need him and something else I need him he's more than enough will you just thank God for who he is to you how much you right where it is that you are right where it is that you are hope your partner with me every person in the room would you please get a fresh seed in your hand I want you to get a fresh seed in your hand next Tuesday is gonna be absolutely amazing it's gonna be jaw-dropping members of the Jewish Council will be with us next Tuesday night at 7:30 or to talk about Jewish wealth and black poverty watch this Jewish wealth of black poverty here it is that that doubt sang God yeah I mean it's gonna get deep in here next week I promise you how much you to get a fresh seed in your hand a hand that says to God God send my harvest send my return I'm already ready I'm already prepared god I'm tired of being in the can I need you to pour me out to my assignment every person is standing every person is standing every person is standing those of you who are in this room would you stand please those of you who are watching online I want you to get a fresh seed in your hand here's what's crazy I wonder if you would ever give God the same amount you pay for groceries if he is your daily pour yet how come Safeway always gets it but he doesn't how come giant can get it how come Whitman's can get it but he can't get how come the farmers market can get it but he can't get how come Whole Foods can get it but God can't get I want you please if you're in this room and you're not saved you're in this room you don't have a church home you're in this room you're saying pastor this just might be just enough enough Church for what I need enough ministry for what I need enough impartation for what I need if that's the way you wanted a you saying you know what today I'm gonna make this my church today I'm gonna make this man my pastor today I'm gonna make Jesus my Lord if that's you would you come please I don't know where you are scattered through this sanctuary but if you're here you need to get right with God and you know you need to do it now would you come come on don't blame me come on you know you need this gospel you know you need fresh oil but you ask the people around you real quick ask them for me are they saved yes come do they have a church home ask them have they given their life over to God Melissa's name might I ask those of you who need a ride home would you come to me quickly your need of a ride home who can help my preacher get down Mount Royal in North Avenue who can help them please get down to North Avenue come on come on somebody got to help me thank you I want everybody if you would would you please bring your a seat to the altar we're gonna close together hold your seat in your hand but I want you to come we're gonna dismiss together hold your seed in your hand come on quickly please I'm grateful to see all of you on the night thank you pushing your way through the rain on tonight I'm grateful thank you Sunday is going to be our black business Bazaar out in the hallway as that you'll please come and support our black businesses on Sunday after all three services they'll be open and ready for business as you please invite somebody to worship with us on Sunday on this coming Saturday we are taping power to the people is alive at 11 o'clock can I invite you personally I want you to come and hang out with your pastor Saturday morning if you can be in the sanctuary by 10:30 that'd be wonderful but we're going live at 11 o'clock those of you who have never been a part of our live broadcast come on and hang out with us we're actually doing two shows on Saturday one at 11:00 the other at 12:15 you can come to both of them or just come to one but I would be delighted to spend some of my time with you on Saturday how could you lift up that gift above your head please Lord I pray that you will raise my income and raise the income of every person with their lifted hand so it is enough raise our income so it is enough to provide for our families raising income so is is enough to meet every obligation raise our income so that we don't have to ask anybody for anything raise our income so that we can in fact enjoy your all sufficiency and those of you who believe you serve but God of enough say Amen lift up both of those hands now 1 2 he lose absolutely able to do anything but fail may God rest may God rule may God abide but each and every one of you hints for from now and forevermore the blessed people of God said amen before you drop your offering let me say two things to you next Tuesday is our last Bible study for 2017 so I need you to please drag every person you can as well as next Wednesday is our last intercessory prayer for the year tomorrow night is prayer I will be here I hope that you'll be able to join me at 7:00 p.m. it is only 1 hour 7 to 8 r MC sometimes has us out at 10 of a so as that you'll please join us at 7 o'clock how many of you all still need prayer and so I ask that you please join us on tomorrow night would you lay your seed on [Music]
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 2,360
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, jamal bryant 2017, pastor jamal bryant, jamal bryant preaching, jewish, phenomenon, dr jamal bryant, jamal bryant sermons
Id: Qs7vXCNJO18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 1sec (4141 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2017
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