I will give it back to you when i can

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whoa come on we do it better when we swing with one Accord [Music] say who come on the father wants to hear you sing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to worship you I live come on everybody [Music] come on wave that hand give it to him to worship you I would you do me a favor please would you just give God your best sound to Thanksgiving I want to salute and commend and he'll give high commendation to all the fathers who are here I want you please would you give a major cheer for all of the fathers if there's a father knew you would you just embrace them give them a half-hour tell him you're doing a great job you're doing a great doing a great job bless the Lord hallelujah you may be seated amazingly serendipitously on this Father's Day we're submitted to the Holy Spirit by the critical act of the sacrament of communion in it amazing that the very first time that the Holy Father acknowledges the son is when he submits himself submits himself through the act of baptism and God then turns on the audio video meant from heaven and makes the announcement to the earth this is my son in whom I'm well pleased he models for us an amazing example of fatherhood because he gives affirmation without action Jesus hadn't taught he had preached he hadn't assembled any disciples just because he acknowledged the presence of the Father the Bible is clear honor your mother and your father so your days may be long upon the earth on this day empowerment I want you to share with me and giving God glory for 22 people who are coming on this day come on you got to do better than that coming on this day to submit themselves to the heavenly father I through the sacred act and ritual of baptism I want us to pray together all kids about Almighty and everlasting God who of your great mercy did save Noah and his family in the ark from perishing by water and also did safely lead the children of Israel your people through the Red Sea figuring there by your Holy Baptism and by the baptism of your well beloved son Jesus Christ in the river of Jordan did sanctify him and sanctify water for his holy sacrament we beseech you for your infinite mercy that you will look upon these individuals but don't just look at him wash them with the Holy Spirit that they may be received into the Ark of Christ's Church and also being steadfast and faith joyful through hope and rooted in love may so pass the ways of this troublesome world that finally they may come to the land of everlasting life there to reign with you world without him through Jesus Christ our Lord amen they're coming and as it they're coming I want you to be prayerful for them we're one family in Christ Jesus on today and as a consequence while this may not be your son your daughter your grandchild we're all in it too and so I want you to pray for them as you would your own beloved loved ones pastor Bryant we present to you Braxton Chase Roach Owens name this child Braxton chase Roach Owens I got it Braxton we baptize you in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Spirit that God would rest rule and abide with you all the days of your life and that you will be the head and not the tail and those of you your faith has connected to the faith of this family come on give God some praise for Braxton mother and daughter Ashley Nicole McGregor and Skyler Tyree race baptize you in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Blessed Holy Spirit and the two have become one when God has the power of agreement nothing will be able to break in Paul and Silas came together doors opened and chains fell off I pray that God will give you an unbreakable bond as mother and daughter and now with the Holy Spirit a three strand cord is not easily broken come on let's give God Hank laughter praise for this family [Applause] Raya l Soudan you put your hands on her shoulder you lift up both of your hands please i baptize you in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Blessed Holy Spirit no weapon formed against you shall be able to prosper the rest of your life is gonna be the best of your life because we're forgetting those things which are behind and we press towards the mark of the high calling come on let's give God a Hank let the praise pastor this is a family Renisha fitz harry cokely and sonship King Phipps if you will sister Beverly come stand behind her so she doesn't fall I'm not getting no lawsuit on you thank you all right thank you so very much I want to baptize on this Father's Day father first i baptize you in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Spirit you are the head and not the tail above and not beneath you are in fact the Linda and not a borrower pray that God will give you strength for the journey to be the husband and the father that God has emerged you to be in this hour Jesus name how to baptize this son next i baptize you in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Spirit I pray that God will equip you to be the greatest man who has ever carried your last night that God will use you to hold up a standard and a legacy I pray that if we weapon formed against you will be under your feet and nothing will be over your head you are noted for leadership and the Blessed people of God said amen i baptize you in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Spirit I speak the word Shalom which is peace that nothing is broken nothing is missing all you will need his hand will provide and those of you who come into agreement for this family come on let's give God a Hank let the praise [Applause] camryn makalah Lee i baptize you in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Spirit I pray that God will open up doors for you that nobody will be able to close that he'll gift you with opportunities I pray that God will give you a magnetic presence so that people who are in influence will always want to help you that God will always put you in a place where you'll never be a need but God is giving you the gift of a good samaritan and those of you who believe in the future of this black man come on give God some praise for father and son Quinton and Christian vini Quinton and Christian yes you Christian all right I've baptize you in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Spirit I pray that God will give you the covering and the covenant of Abraham and Isaac just when you think you need a sacrifice God will always to provide a ram in the bush I pray that God will exceed your expectations and make your dreams manifests I pray that God will in fact take you into places you didn't even dream about I pray that your prayers are answered before you ever speak up in Jesus name Amen Rene banister Renea i baptize you in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Spirit I pray that God would give you the gift of Miriam that even when God is dealing with you nobody can go forward until you're ready I pray that he'll prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies I pray that God will bless you to live a life of no regret I pray that you'll never have to fight through depression or low self-esteem but your testimony will always be the joy of the Lord is my strength somebody give God a hand clap of praise Kenny Ashford please i baptize you sir in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Spirit everything you've been through up until this day was preparing you for this moment God just pressed the reset button I prayed that the oil of hezekiah now drip onto your life then he'll give you seven more years of grace and favor and mercy and peace the enemy is humiliated because he thought he had you but gods go and get the victory out of your life somebody give God a hand clap of praise Candelaria Barrett i baptize you in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the precious Holy Spirit I pray that God will in fact descended of of care to alert you that the storm is over and you're now walking into a brand new world I pray that God not just cover you but every person that is connected to you and those of you with like-minded faith will you give God your best sound of Thanksgiving and pastor we have a family LaShawn Johnson shamea Johnson Zinn Marie Johnson Noah Dean Johnson Jaden Stokes Jordan Johnson and Deshawn Johnson Jordan stones what a beautiful family come on let's give God a hand clap of praise example of God's grace I'm appreciative is ought to be a lamplight for so many of the blessing of a blended family that when God brings people together nothing shall be able to separate it I'm gonna go from the youngest first but it's the only girl oh yes all right it's okay we friends i baptize you in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Blessed Holy Spirit I pray that you'll never meet a day of sorrow that God is preparing for you now authentic friends I pray that God will give you the strength that you need that you'll never have a moment to feel like you by yourself not only do you have your father but your brothers watching your back and the Holy Spirit will always be your guide the Blessed people of God said amen Noah i baptize you in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Blessed Holy Spirit I pray that you'll live up to your name that they'll never be a storm you won't survive whatever God gives you to build he will give you the resources to get it done and those of you that believe it come on let's give God some praise ties you in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Blessed Holy Spirit I pray that God to give you the desires of your heart you'll never find yourself falling behind but always running ahead I pray that God will give you an a celebrated grace that whatever you go after you'll never know second place but you'll always come out on top and those of you that believe it would you give God some praise baptize you in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Blessed Holy Spirit I pray that God will impregnate you with wild ideas and crazy imagination that God will push you to always think outside of the box that you'll never settle for the norm but you'll always stretch the status quo I pray that God will anoint you to be a leader and never a follower and those of you that believe it give God some praise now [Applause] baptize husband-and-wife i baptize you in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Blessed Holy Spirit I pray that God will consecrate your household your family your generations yet unborn that God will bless you like Abraham just as you see the stars in the sky in the sand on the beach that will be the blessings that will follow your family and the Blessed people of God said a man come on let's give God come on let's give God Hank lepor prays for the blessing a family I know I told these young men I remember when I could grow my hair how dead long is it's amazing I'm just blessed that God would bless us on this Father's Day to be able to be able to share in the rejoice and to celebrate resoundingly would you give God a hand Klepper prays for these wonderful families come on you can do better than that [Music] come on let's turn our feet what a mighty God we come on clapping hey Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus is the God come on is in that name in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus we have a big Tory [Music] [Music] we'll have to sand be us when we [Music] Jesus Jesus precious Jesus we have a big story come on let's give God a Handclap of praise even now bless the Lord as you remain standing I want us to just take a moment of silence of reflection we mark today of an anniversary of the horror the massacre and the tragedy of what happened at Greater Ahmet mother Emanuel AME Church where it is that nine were in the midst of Bible study and a young man deranged in mental faculties came in the middle their Bible study and in fact ended all nine of their lives from the past of the minister ule staff and the chair of the Stuart board all of them were they are learning about Christ like charity reading who is of my neighbor and that man who said in that Bible study left out went to his car and came back with a loaded weapon and emptied it out on those worshippers and those parishioners this Saturday I'll be going down to Charleston South Carolina to be with that church family and community how to let them know that the world has not forgotten even when America has a short memory would you join me in just one moment a moment of silence if you would for life health and peace let's give God a hand clap up rose [Music] you may be seated in the presence of our Lord our music ministry is going to prepare us for the Word of God for our dear friends who are watching and worshiping with us on today while it is that many of you are watching us from around the world we welcome you and we're thankful for you but for those of you who live in the immediate maryland area i want to remind you that early voting is afoot and we want you to be a part of it we are hallmarking that today is souls to the polls and so we're challenging churches across the state of Maryland to lead your congregants parishioners of friends and visitors to participate in early voting is the fifth time that Maryland has participated in early voting and the last time that we had it on souls to the polls Sunday only 800 people went to go vote today we according to defy those odds at 1:30 I'm going to be meeting elected officials and galvanizing the community at the Pimlico training center our praise team was gonna be there we're gonna be praying for our democratic process but I'm gonna challenge every person to please go vote because your vote ears your voice we are mindful that the government is on his shoulders and while it is the electorate is in your hands please do not waste this critical and this powerful opportunity our praise team is coming once they would have concluded how would you please stand for the reading of God's Word [Music] and oh man [Music] we worship You Lord you are worthy to be you are alpha you and Omega we worship you [Music] come on let's lift up our voices with one Accord and sing that again yes God and oh man [Applause] yes come on we're gonna lift it up one more time all over the centuries a mighty choir [Music] [Music] you [Music] if you know our God is worth our praises horny we give you come on we were great master and King you are majestic I love your where's your the class all by yourself and me we bless you this boy come on priest lift up your sacrifice of praise and say [Music] we give it to you we give it to you again [Applause] come on join with the forward 20 Enders come on with heavens voices and let's lift up our voices with empowerment temple has become what pressure than the spirit we get Bowie King eternal - the key to the only wise God Our Saviour be glory Majesty don't make your power we worship You God [Music] Oh God come on with lifted hands all over this Holy Spirit's sweep through this [Music] holy spirit teachers stand up in our man of God like a trumpet and blow blow Holy Spirit we need not let a mere man teach us anything but Holy Spirit turn our master into another person in the spirit and speak the Word of God and let it fall on the good soil of our hearts and bring forth fruits some fighting in some sixty and some 100 old we bless we honor you God we love you we love you we love you Lord we love you Lord we love you Lord we love you Lord we love you Lord we love you Lord we love you lord thank you for answering our questions this morning we give you praise O God we bless your name Jesus hallelujah come on over this sanctuary one more time with lifted voices United we [Music] [Music] [Applause] you are you are worthy to be come on open up your mouth bless him with the fruit of your lips the atmospheres pregnant for a breakthrough come on would you magnify him I hope you'll lift him up would you do that please come on is that all y'all got come on I don't care if you got to open your mouth or clap your hands on bless him any way that you can [Music] [Music] [Music] come on let's celebrate our gone with an applause of Thanksgiving for visitors and friends of we are in a summer series called getting out of the red ridiculous economic decisions we're believing forthrightly by faith that between now and Labor Day God is going to help you to make some better financial decisions and undo some financial consequence how we're challenging every person to do two things and number one is to get our Book of the Month which is called don't die talented and broke don't die talented and broke it's available to you wherever it is that booksellers are in your community or electronically and audibly as well as we're asking that you would support our website of the month which is she knows she knows I think is that net or dot-com that allows you to buy black manufactured goods and wear so that we can in fact be intentional to circulate black dollars within our community we're mindful that in the Asian community in the Jewish community their dollars circulates somewhere in the orbit of 12 times before it leaves in the Asian community nine times in the Caucasian community seven times in the black community you're check-in in your hands for 30 minutes before you give it to somebody else but we want to stretch the parameters of that and so ask that you'll go to the chinos store and please whatever it is from deodorant mouthwash to toothpaste all of your household needs are produced by black manufacturing companies as that you'll please support those on this coming Tuesday we are recalibrating how it is that we move our Bible study will begin at 7 p.m. Bible study will begin at 7 p.m. and then our economic development courses on financial literacy and about foreign stock trading as well as our intensive for business leaders starts at 7:30 so our Bible study is at 7 to 7:30 and then our Economic Development intensive begins at 7:30 so as the chill please adjust your calendars and your gauge and make sure that your present how would you go to the book of Deuteronomy Deuteronomy chapter 15 Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy Deuteronomy whew daddy is right amen she'll stand to your feet all over the sanctuary those of us who grew up old school you had to learn all 66 books of the Bible y'all don't remember that amen he had to give a scripture before you could eat that was right before the grace any y'all grew up in that kind household Amen we got to go back to those basics so that this next generation doesn't lose the sacredness and the value of the Word of God deuteronomy 15 to Tyrande me 15 verse number 6 I want all of us to read this together with uplifted voices I want you to internalize it I want you to marinate on it Deuteronomy 15 and 6 everybody let's read together for the Lord your God will bless you as he has promised and you will lend to many nations but you will borrow from none you will rule over many nations but none will rule over you come on let's read it again that's that's a word for your life that's not for your neighbor that's for you come on let's read it together for the Lord your God will bless you as he has promised and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none you will rule over many nations but none will rule over you I want you to look at the person beside you I want you to point out of my don't give you the words to say point at dead naman would you say as forcibly as you can for the Lord your God will bless you come on point at ISM as he has promised coming at him tell him you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none you will rule over many nations but none will rule over you if you believe it come on let's give God a shout of victory [Applause] you may be seated for the Lord your God will bless you as he has promised you will lend and not borrow you will rule but not be rolled over I want to preach for a little while today using as a subject I'll give it back to you when I can give it back to you when I can if you've ever heard those words but you just lift up that hand to me come if you've ever said those words wave that hand I'll give it back to you when I can my dear friends when the detectives have finally arrived to investigate the crime scene called the United States of America to try to figure out what murdered our democracy undoubtedly the blood trail of illegally deported immigrants and children who were unethically separated from their parents will be a factor the aggressive action of law enforcement on people of color will have to be considered gender inequality will be put in the equation for the maltreatment of women the incompetency of the commander in chief can't possibly be ignored but for those of you that stand squarely on the Bible when we come into their courtroom Exhibit A will have to be this country's violation of Deuteronomy 15 and 6 that clearly says for the Lord your God will bless you as he has promised and you will lend to many nations but borrow from none in essence he was saying if you are my nation you are a lender and not a borrower in direct opposition to that covenant as quiet as it's kept our country has borrowed 1.3 trillion dollars from China 1.3 trillion dollars from China to stave off the national debt as a consequence China is angling to make yen the standard in global currency in replacement to the dollar as well as they are presently entertain modifying the interest rate which would have a direct impact on our economy and your present loans this helps put into light why we were admonished not to be borrowers because it compromises your strength and empowers the entity you are indebted to the only thing I learned from George Bush while he was in office he touted that the only thing he carried in his wallet beside he is a driver's license was an American Express because he didn't want to owe anybody anything over 30 days he said in public statement if I owe how can I lead did you hear what I just said if I Oh then how can I lead you have way too much to do than to be indebted to people who want to control you Suzan Orman who is arguably one of the most influential financial gurus recently attempted to unpack in an interview with US News and World Report that this whole notion about good debt and bad debt is a mirage you didn't hear what I just said Suzan org Orman unpacked at that good debt and bad debt is a mirage while there's a great debate around high interest loans and credit card debt are damaging than other forms calling it good is misleading because you are still tied to an organization or an individual whether it be owing your mother or when your best friend Oh in a car company in any event you have abdicated your seat of authority because the person in whom you are now indebted can make a demand on that debt at any time y'all are good until money gets involved everything you're straight until they got a reminder you should do this you still do only that $50 y'all act like y'all never heard that before our community has been conditioned by a sharecropper mentality to spend what we don't have borrow beyond what we need and act like we have more I'm praying that the Lord make you a lender you will benefit because what's this they need you you can't be beginning at stake you can't stay in a place where you're always in need of somebody else's rescue but God's gotta equip and strengthen you so that other people become dependent on you why because you are known as the loner gods get ready to put something in your hand give me to give you an amazing resource he's giving you to give you an untapped possibility of economic strength that you're known as a loner now God then invariably cannot bless you if you have the spirit of selfishness can God trust you to be a loner if you are of the mind to keep it all to yourself you wonder why it is that you're not blessed is because you want to keep all of it and loan none of it you've been lending your time lending your expertise lending your talent lending your resource and why does God make you a lender he makes you a lender because if you are a lender it breaks the demon of selfishness because you're looking for somebody to bless looking for somebody to in fact pour into and somebody to invest in you can't be possessive of something you don't intend on keeping I want you to lift up that hand whatever use the hand of your authority of your left hand it lift that left hand if you're right-handed lift that right hand I am praying for you as pastor that God will so bless you you have enough to lend you all didn't hear what I just said huh you don't find Saints praying these kind of prayer come on lift up that hand and I want you to shake that hand god bless me until I have enough to live I can lend in and I won't even miss it I can extend it into the life of other people and it won't impact my lifestyle and I won't have to rearrange anything from my family come on lift up that hand God unlike them to be a lender so that they'll be able to be a better steward to people then people were to them that they'll be able to rescue family members from eviction and be able to block friends from heaven utility is cut off and be able to interrupt cars from being repossessed we ask them to be lenders well God to put you in a position of authority in a seat of power that you'll be able to lend to people so that you will become the closest thing that many people know to be God didn't hear what I just said see if hi we're talking to you about being a recipient you would be shouting all over this church but you got to change your mind friend God equip and anoint me that I able to do business as a lender that I am so fiscally secure that when people are in trouble they think of me but they also know that I am NOT running a social service agency if I give it to you I'm expecting you to give it back because I am about Kingdom business he gives seed to the sower so he's only gonna give money to people who know how to release it as long as you trying to figure out how to keep it the kingdom can't trust you but when it is that God will give you opportunities to invest in other people of the businesses and of the franchise and that's when God put you in a seat of authority and the history of savings and loans it's recorded in 2nd Kings chapter 6 that the sons of the prophet Elijah express how the place where they are living is too small for them so they got to go chop down trees beams by the Jordan River in order to enlarge their capacity that ought to be the feeling of a great remnant of you who are in this room that if in fact you are a child of the king where you live should start feeling too small for you God I'm telling you when you get that next check you ought to look at as they just too small for me God y'all don't have that kind of faith fight I should have preached this at 9:30 you you ought to be looking at your circumstance say this this ain't my size did this gotta be the size of my god and the size of my expectation and they went to Elisha and said we are your sons how can we live in something so small says we gone down to the Jordan River we're gonna stop chopping down trees so that we can enlarge our territory and the Prophet agrees to go with them while they're chopping down trees watch this the axe head falls off when the axe head falls off they find out what the problem is is that the axe was borrowed oh yeah I got the wrong people in here ah you gonna build something great for yourself when you always have a nabarro to build it I'm praying for 15 of you that have outlandish faith that whatever it is that you want to build next you won't have to take out a loan to do it I'm praying for somebody who's watching today that they'll know whatever it is you trying to enlarge whenever it is that you're trying to develop you'll be able to do it and you'll do it with no loan that the axe didn't break just the head of the axe broke I'm talking to somebody in here God told me to tell nine of you you better shout when I'm talking to you God told me to tell nine of you you ain't gonna lose your head over the loan hallelujah you just missed it you you ain't gonna lose your man because of your indebtedness you you ain't go go crazy because the first of the month is coming God said imma make you razor sharp in the process the lead cause of debt in our society is no longer credit cards the lead contributor of debt in our society is now student loans undisputedly a bachelor's degree can enhance your earning potential but far too many graduates walk across the stage and walk into debt seventy three percent I want you to have this seventy three percent of all people with a bachelor's degree are not working in their field God y'all not saying nothin to me they got a what to pay off their debt and not pursue their passion there's a book that I want to offer to all the parents that are in the room is a book by Zack Bissonnette and it is entitled debt-free university debt-free university how you can pay off your college education without loans or scholarships fans write that down please grandparents write that down I want godparents screenshot that book how to pay off your college education without loans or scholarships it articulates how student loans can be detrimental to one's financial condition what's this that a student loan is more risky than a mortgage if you file bankruptcy it can eliminate credit cards what's this but even if you file bankruptcy it does not dismiss student loans if you file bankruptcy what's this the government will go so far as to garnish your Social Security if you are in default but even if you are in default you are still responsible for student loans the enemy understands the value of knowledge the value of wisdom value of Education if it didn't mean anything why would they have made it illegal for slaves to learn how to read and write they knew if you ever enlarged your mind that you are a dangerous weapon they don't care you got a Gucci belt on they want to know what's in your mind and if you can get your man shop nothing will be able to take that away I shudder to tell you this morning I shudder to tell you this morning that the prison system in Maryland graduates more high school diplomas than the public school system of Baltimore and more of our young men are getting their high school certificate behind prison bars than behind this I'm educated to be a prisoner on yesterday one of the members of move nine was was released out of prison after 35 years in jail just for fighting for the liberation of our people and yet you've invested in video games but not a tutor so your children know how to play but then negro don't know how to read what's wrong with you you and the prisoner the Lord has Solomon what do you want do you want Fame do you want popularity do you want well and Solomon said Lord gives me wished he said if you get wisdom I'll give you everything else can I tell you the problem with these 21st century runaway slave Christians is we keep shouting to be debt-free and to be millionaires and to be wealthy but nobody is teaching us wisdom so God keeps giving your blessing and you keep wasting the blessed day cuz you got no wisdom to go with you well but I buying stupid decisions God show us how to operate and function in economic wisdom let's meet with the kind of wisdom that I didn't even get from my upbringing that I didn't get from a book that I didn't even get from academic pursuits I need you to give me wisdom on my feet hallelujah that I'll figure out that everything that glitters ain't gold some of it is aluminum for your God I need you to show me delayed gratification I I need you to help me so I don't bad stuff I don't need with money I don't have to impress folks that don't even pay attention to me God give me wisdom that sometimes I got a downside see in order to upgrade and because I don't go down for a season you don't mean I'm cursed it don't mean I'm punished it means I'm smart it means that I'm making wise decisions for my children's children you too old to need a bag for yourself at speed you too old to have to go shopping to feel better what ought to make you feel better is I still got something in the bank and if this job lets me off I have saved long enough so I can live without it give me wisdom Spike Lee spike leave my Morehouse brother filmed his first film she's got to have it and the whole production he did it on his credit cards Spike Lee ended up getting five credit cards to pay for the movie use credit cards to feed to safe to rent the cameras and I only want to tell you this fact Lee then had to do three more films just to get out of debt creative but incarcerated because of his own dead some of the worst advice you can take is to use credit cards to start up your idea as high risk and is greatly unadvisable because it's not yet proven unemployment soar graduates is at an all-time high and people I'm telling you will spin quicker on a credit card than they will with cash because you can't see the money go you need rustiest where brother robinson talks about all the time is you need startup capital you need something that will help you take off not something that will slow you down I came to tell the demon that was a sign to your idea don't ever let me get started if I get out the gate on what it is that I'm working on nothing will be able to stop me the hardest thing for an entrepreneur is getting started but once I get my groove once I get my momentum once I figure out my rhythm nothing will be able to slow me down will you look at your neighbor and say don't let me get started don't let me get started on my idea don't let me get us started on my assignment don't let me get started on my book don't let me get started on my nonprofit don't let me get started on looking for my next house so let me get started for a plan to go back for my masters don't let me get started because nothing can stop me we on out where your if I ever get spotted Oh what God has given me I'm telling you if God be for me who can be against me I came to speak over somebody's life it's a simple prophecy but God told me to tell you this is the summer you get started this is the summer you start saving this is the summer you start getting out of debt this is the summer you don't shop to feel better but you're saved to live well this is the summer it gets started [Music] and what I find interesting is that all I've admonished you to do all I've asked you to do everything I've challenged you to do I almost feel guilty telling you to do it because I've got a lack of role models I'm showing you how to live without borrowing as far into our community and it's even far in our faith how do I do it your dad died in dead mother works your whole life fighting dead you know made your children inherit dead and put the phone in their name you don't have no example nobody ever told you ten ten eighty nobody told you to to tithe ten just save ten and live off your eighty nobody ever told you ain't no interest coming out of that Bank that you got to find another way to get a real high interest on your savings because the bank is living off of your investment I gotta ask you a critical question where's my example how do I live without borrowing and I regret to tell you that even our loving Lord ignored Deuteronomy 15 I know I'm about to be charged with heresy I know you get ready to run me out to church but I gotta tell you this that even Jesus it was too hard of a standard for him to follow Deuteronomy 15 and 6 for the Lord your God is gonna bless you Wow cuz that's what he promised and you will land to many nations but borrow from nun sounds good it excites me and if do you rates me it compels me it challenges me it stretches me and I was with it until I got to Luke 23 when I get to Luke chapter 23 something happens that confounds and challenges my faith and I got to tell you what happened you ain't gonna believe it Jesus he who knows no sin took on the sin of the whole world he who old no dead but took on my day can I tell you what he did you ain't gonna believe it in Luke chapter 23 he's crucified and and he pays my debt if I was in a Baptist Church that's where they were shout right there they they hung him high and they stretched him why he hung his head and then he died I know you think I'm running the resurrection ain't going there cuz you can't miss the point in the principle that I'm trying to preach on this morning is that when he died that ain't where to sin happen something happened on that Friday night after it is that they took them off that cross god help me a wealthy businessman by the name of Joseph he shows up in palettes house without a hot meeting and says give me Jesus's body hallelujah that don't sound too bad to me until I get to that next clause where is that joseph of arimathea since I'm gonna put Jesus in a borrowed tomb no these years of preaching the gospel all these years of reading it I never realized that Jesus was in fact a borrower hallelujah what do you mean by that preacher I'm telling you Jesus was a borrower because he allowed them to put his body in a tone that didn't belong to him hallelujah but the tomb really belong to Joseph but he borrowed it y'all are looking at me loss hallelujah you're looking at me a little bit dazed and confused I realize you haven't had coffee and I know you thinking about whether you gonna be late for your brunch reservation I know some of you are arguing in your mind whether you should have got your dad anything please just give me two more minutes and I'm a bid you adieu but here's what I want to tell you is that when he took Joseph Sbarro tomb can I tell you what Jesus said to Joe he said to him I'll give it back to you when I can because it was never Jesus's intention to keep the tomb he made up in his man i'ma give it back to you in three days y'all blake god bless you're real good but i came to tell you that within the next three days God is gonna give you a plan to pay back everything that you borrow here nobody you ain't gon die in debt your neighbor and say neighbor Oh lift up that hand I gotta go can you imagine that God is going to help you pay off your biggest debt in the next three days or y'all ain't got faith in here I said can't you trust God that whatever bill was buying you God will help you pay off in three days how much he lift up that hand you ain't gonna be indebted to nobody y'all ain't got that kind of faith ain't nobody holding nothin over your head huh you gonna give it back in the next three days lift up that hand I want to pray for you along the name of Jesus I pray over every lifted hand I need you to intervene on every outstanding bill god I thought y'all was gonna worship better than that huh I pray dear Lord that you'll give them a plan a formula in sight a blueprint as to how to pay off their debts god I pray over every lifted hand that you begin moving in their lives so that they will be able to live debt-free God I'm waiting on the worshipers to show up thank you dear Lord they there'll be nothing handcuffing us to our pasts but you're breaking us free from bad financial decisions and those of you your faith is connected to man and you believe God to help you do it would you give God your best shout like he just paid are yelling shouting good I said give God glory like he just made it how much you standing all over the sanctuary there's somebody in this room I don't even realize that your greatest debt is you oh god you did you hear what I just said you Oh God you what's the point of your attendance if you won't give him your attention hallelujah God wants your heart he wants your soul he wants your mind and he wants to know when you're gonna give it to one he made the ultimate sacrifice and laid his body down on a janky wooden cross just so you could live a life possibly knows wherever it is that you are in this room and you're saying pastor you don't even know that you were talking to me today cause I believe that God's given me to free me from whatever's been holding me whatever's been strangling me whatever's been trying to stop me how much you to come meet me at this altar I want you to give me your hand and anything I want you to give God your heart you're in this room and you're saying pastor I can't go another day feeling this weight of debt and I'm gonna feel like I can give everything over to my loving Lord and Savior even Jesus borrowed but he gave it back how much you please sir please ma'am would you join me at this altar if you're saying pastor I need a church on on this Father's Day I gotta get connected to my heavenly father hallelujah your biological your physical father wasn't there but God's always been there your biological your physical father's gone on to be it with the Lord in heaven but God is still present he's omnipresent he's everywhere at the exact same time whoever you are in this room would you please let join me at this altar if you're saying pastor this the kind of church I can rock with this the kind of ministry that gives it to me like a TI I need you to please meet me here don't worry about these folk looking at you they're gonna be working for you soon I need you to please come on meet me give me your hand but I want you to give God your heart the doors of the church are open if you're here you don't know Jesus Christ if you're unsure of your soul salvation I need you to come please if you're in this room are you saying you know what it's time that I finally get myself together because my financial decisions are reflection of my personal decisions my debt is evidence of my character wherever it is that you are you're saying it's time for me just press the refresh button come on give me your hand come on give God your heart hallelujah if you playing hard to get you don't even know I got undercover agent sitting around you they get ready to kick into overdrive they get might do a jump out right there on your Pew and get you right to this altar come on in power let's go to work everybody would you move and talk to somebody find out if they are saying find out if they got a church home find out if they've given their life over to God would you do that for me if there's one here there's not say one that doesn't have a church home one that hadn't given their life over to God I need you to complete [Music] he was it was No bless His Holy Name come on y'all whatever you do is I don't want you to ever lie but please don't lie in church come on now you know you're not saved no you don't have a church home come on get right with God and do it now hallelujah would you give God glory and Thanksgiving in this hour [Music] you may be seated in the presence of our gone hallelujah how many of you got faith that God can help you pay back everything you borrowed y'all don't believe that I said how many of you believe God will help you pay back everything that you borrowed Malachi chapter three is the only time in 66 books of the Bible it's the only time with God signs the permission slip and says tests me check me out I'm telling you I'm so fair a Brit on what he does I do I'm telling you ain't no way you're gonna outdo me in giving I want those of you who are in this room I want your faith connected in my faith there today I'm giving watch this I'm giving my way out of debt I'm giving my way out of debt and that's what I'm believing for you I want our ambassadors would you partner with me even now I want you to make a real life investment in real time a real life investment in real time also we used to saying only would you do for Christ will last I want on the back of that envelope on the back of that envelope just as we do on Mother's Day on the back of that envelope would you write the name of your father write the name of your dad on the back of that envelope I'd dear friends we've got several ways by which portals by which you can give on today you can give through cash app and we invite you to do that you can give on give Allah five we invite you to go to that app you'll be able to do it you can go to empowerment temple org all of these are secured sites I want you to please do that I'm gonna challenge you every visitor every person who's watching online every person who's not a member of our covenant I'm gonna challenge you on this Father's Day that you would give a seed of no less than 50 dollars on this day some of you are clutching your pearls having an asthma attack but you don't think twice about fifty dollars for you hey er how much will you invest for your heart how in the world do you put a greater premium on entertainment than you do on empowerment you buy tickets to a concert without even blinking but have a front-row seat to be with God is absolutely priceless I want you to get that seed in your hand if you're giving it by cash I'm going to challenge you the seed of 40 $50 gift laughs I I want you to do the same if you're writing a check you're writing it out to empowerment temple you're giving electronically and you're presently in this sanctuary when your row starts moving on either side of the sanctuary you're gonna be able to give I want you please I'm gonna challenge you on this Father's Day he said how dare you say you ain't got a father who you think been feeding you every day who you think been putting a roof over your head and making sure you got clothes on your back how dare you act like you ain't had nobody lower I am with you always even unto the ends of the earth I want to challenge every person who can would you stand to your feet right where it is that you are staying to your feet yeah stand to your feet God loves what kind to give her cheerful give I'm glad to give because I got something to give how do you I mean y'all remember when you had nothing really his grace is still sufficient those of you who still got nothing blink at me amen it's gonna change in the next three days hallelujah God has got that kind of power to do it lift up that gift above your head would you repeat after me Lord thank you for what you did last year for what you did last week what you did last month what you did yesterday but the seed in my hand is an expectation for what you're gonna do in the next three days amen turn to your right if you begin coming from the last row [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on let's give God a hand clap of praise forever gift and forever giver you may be seated for just a few moments I'm gonna just share with you if I could I am so excited our engraved of bricks for hours Cynthia Brian Pitz prayer garden is in route to the sanctuary to be laid come on give God a handclaps of praise and we'll be here in the ensuing weeks a chair of our trustee board share with me that we still have availability of other bridge to be engraved those of you on this Father's Day on this Father's Day want to buy a brick in memoriam of your dad or your grandfather a significant mailer in your life or in honor of a living father or even for your husband I want you to please I know that our trustees are being the lobby we'll help we'll be able to help facilitate that but we want their name and their legacy to be able to live on our next Sunday is our scholarship Sunday I can't tell you how excited I am that will be rewarding deserving students of scholarships for higher education somebody give God a hand clap of praise and so as that you will please that bring your young people your young adults so that they'll be inspired and encouraged to know that higher education is available and is a viable option also as it your please partner with us in so doing I wanted to remind you again that our balanced retreat is coming up and is coming up swiftly August 22nd through the 25th in Las Vegas Nevada you want all of the information to it please go to the website balance of Vegas dot-com I was sharing that with Bishop William Murphy of Bishop Marvin said Bishop Rudolph mckissick at Caesars Palace they're doing a special this weekend if in fact you buy your registration then the registration of your husband or your dad is reduced by almost 50% because of it's Father's Day weekend so we want all love you to point in your direction you ought not wait to the last minute there's a new thing out called plane tickets so you don't want to wait to the last minute for that I'm telling you even Southwest goes up if you wait long enough so as that you'll please go to balance of Vegas calm my dear friends who are watching and worshiping with us online I hope that you will please join us in Vegas for that season of celebration as we move together would you stand to your feet please and then be seated thank you thank you I just want you to exercise let me ask if I have any great-grandfather's would you come to the altar any great-grandfather's would you come to the altar please our great two grandfathers come on give God a hand clap of praise five dear brother for two of our dear brothers come on give God a hand clap of praise a great grandfathers let me ask all of our grandfathers to come all of our grandfathers if you'll come now y'all clap so much better than this on Mother's Day I don't like that clap all of our fathers would you please make your way all of our fathers gentlemen if you move in just a little bit please all of our surrogate fathers those of you who are father figures I want you to come meet me at this altar empowerment I need you to help me give God a hand clap of praise now let me say this sisters y'all make me sick I'm about sick of y'all cuz if we clip for y'all like this on Mother's Day I mean we wouldn't hear the end of it so come home come home on this Father's Day I wanted to be intentional so much of the world beats up on black men and black fathers and talks about all of the negativity on this day I didn't want any of that to be heard to be said or to be spoken I want to celebrate and commend these amazing men of God who are doing an amazing job at their capacity and I want you to know that the community is indebted to you our children's future is brighter simply because you are a part of their lives come on empowerment temple I want to pray for these men I want you to just stretch your right hand to faith all of our men if you lift up those hands pray that God will bless every single one of you he'll give you the wisdom that you didn't even know you had they'll give you the patience that is absolutely necessary he'll give you the grace to hold back your temper he'll give you the resources to do everything that you would never afford it I pray that God will bless you to be a better father than your own father I pray that you will be a hero in a role model for your children I pray that every mistake you've done in your parenting will be overridden by all the success you do in parenting I pray that God will in fact help you to feel esteemed honor to valued and appreciated and that today begins a new chapter in your fatherhood narrative and those of you who believe that God's gonna bless you with everything you need for divine fatherhood would you clap your hands and give God glory thank you yes please I'm wanted to share with our men just a small gift come on sisters I need y'all to move as quickly y'all go as slow as we do with the flowers come on I wanted to just give you all just a small token of appreciation I've been saying over the last couple of weeks that a short pencil is better than the strong longest memory and so we're equipping you with two things one is we're giving you a prayer devotional just for me in prayer devotional for 30 days to help you in your prayer life to help guide you to help direct you in to help lead you but we also with giving you a pen why because the Bible says write the vision and make it plain those pens are to do two things in line with our economic development program most of our men have done no estate planning have done no preparation for their future on this Father's Day I want you to write out what you want for your children I want you to write out on the day what is the legacy that you want to leave behind I want you on this week to write a letter to your children most of your children have never received a letter from me not a card I want you to write them even if they live with you their hold on to that for the rest of their lives and remember that you made that amazing incredible deposit may the works you do speak for you empowerment temple as these champions of our community as they go back to their seats I need you to cheer for them like these soldiers coming home from the war come on give God some praise for all Louisville come on you can do better than that and you that's his name let me ask with sister Phyllis go I didn't you see her somebody go get her for me please brother Eugene come on quickly please thank you we always honor hallmark incredible people within our community incredible people in our myths and I wanted to take this day to really highlight and to salute incredible and credible come on sister Phyllis an incredible man of God he looked sharp today doesn't he you did good sir thank you I see you sister Phyllis you dressed him today yeah thank you so very much I'm appreciative for our ministry the anointing on brother Eugene he has served us faithfully for five years he and his incredible wife he's a father and now a grandfather a young gone shout phone come on [Applause] he's brought a level of discipline and excellence to our fine arts ministry that has been unparalleled now they are grand parents how many grandchildren you got five grandchildren and so they got that grandma grandpa itch on them I and they are relocating to Atlanta Georgia to be with their grandchildren I and pursue other ministry opportunities they under good care with my covenant brother Bishop William Murphy I and so they are come on but you help me salute them help me salute them and celebrate them on this day their last day with us will be July 8th yes July 8th and minister Eugene is gonna preach on that day send us out strong with a bang and so I want you to please please be a part of that amazing celebration on this Father's Day I'm gonna ask Minister Eugene and sister Phyllis they're gonna join me at this back door I just want you to share with them how much their ministry and their life has been valuable to you over these last five years and how much you appreciate and celebrate them being here and let them know you know what if you'd like to be a grandparent amen and you want to watch them babies grow up would you stand to your feet all over the sanctuary stand to your feet amen all right Minister Eugene I'm just gonna let you be pastor for today you just give us the benediction and walk first lady out thank you well come on lift your hands as high as you see yourself going father I thank you for these your precious people thank you for the word that has fallen on the good soil of our hearts and thank you Father that you're going to advance us more and more we give you praise and glory for what you've done even in this time that we've shared and I thank you Father that as iron sharpens iron so you've sharpened us now father even as we leave this place but not your presence at the angels of the Lord in camp around us keep us in all of our ways bears up with their hands lest we - our foot against a stone is in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus the Christ we pray and all of God
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 2,830
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, pastor jamal bryant, jamal bryant 2018, give, when i can
Id: Kv36qbOvCB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 50sec (5390 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 17 2018
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