SCARIEST thing you have seen but no one believes (r/AskReddit) Updoot reddit stories

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[Music] our slash asked reddit posted by user I like pickaxes serious what's the creepiest / scariest thing you've seen but no one believes you when I was around 9 or 10 this guy who looked about 40 just kept being in every single public place I was in with my parents or not he was there at the store yes he was there bought everything me and my family bought in school yes he was staring at me on the other side of the school gate out in the city yes following me in the streets I told my parents so many times and they just ignored me and said I need to stop believing everything my brother says since my brother was really into creepy stuff at the time he was 14 one day this guy just disappeared the next thing I knew was that one of my friends kept seeing the guy everywhere she many times pointed that the guy was outside the school gate watching her I never saw him on the other side of the gate then she told me the guy disappeared after a few weeks then this other kid started telling everyone about the guy following him about 7 months passed and I moved to another town still gives me creeps edit for the people asking what he looked like he was a ginger head not really good-looking skeptical and that's all I remember when I was 3 we were picking up my grandparents for a Sunday Drive I was sitting in the backseat on the passenger side my grandfather was sitting in front of me suddenly he keeled over dead of a massive stroke as they hustled my little sister and me out of the car and into my grandparents store I happened to look over my shoulder and plainly saw grandpa walking down the street with two men both were dressed in suits which made it all the more incongruous that grandpa was wearing the same gray sweater and peaked hat he'd been wearing a moment before in the car there was nothing particularly creepy about the experience except that I wouldn't accept that grandpa was dead because after all I'd just seen him walking down the street naturally this didn't go over very well but I loved my grandpa I didn't want him to be dead and I knew what I had seen when our family doctor arrived to pronounce grandpa dead my mother asked me if I would take his word for it we had a very good trust relationship with our doctor so I said that I would the doctor assured me that my grandfather had in fact died but he was the only grown-up who didn't treat me like I was crazy he listened respectfully as I told him what I had seen and he suggested that maybe the men in the suits were angels this seemed reasonable problem solved but to this day I can still see grandpa walking down the street with those two men and no matter what my parents tried to tell me it wasn't just a guy who looked like grandpa coincidentally wearing exactly the same clothes he'd been wearing in the car it was him I had a similar experience not with death anyway for years there was a picture of a family sitting on the table in my grandma's house the picture would be taken down every now and then and a new portrait going up it was a portrait of some extended cousins I don't know their names one day my mom and I were in a grocery store and I spotted that family I pointed them out to my mom who had no clue who I was about they weren't cousins she had no idea who they were I told her they were in a picture on grandma's table she said there never was a picture on that table later that same day we had to go to Grandma's to drop something off when we got there I went to the table and the picture was gone it was there at least a week prior I remember that picture when mom went to the bathroom I asked grandma about the picture and even she had no idea what I was talking about to this day to this very day this mystery still bugs me ghost story time I was living with a few of my friends a year and a half ago and we're all pretty religious at least two of us work in religion we were talking about how we didn't believe in ghosts or demons at least in the sense that we couldn't see them if they were real we started talking about how if we saw one it would change our perspective entirely I said out loud if something is here I wish it would just show us two nights later I'm sound asleep and have the most vivid brutal nightmare I've ever had long story short I was in my childhood house we were getting robbed and the robber shot my father only it was me I was the robber my father and I had a very strange relationship and the detail of the shooting woke me up in tears I mean I was sobbing I looked at the foot of my bed and saw a man sitting on his heels staring at me it looked like he was 80 years old but never hit puberty that's as best I can describe it his face looked kind but his eyes looked so wicked it struck terror into my soul he almost looked curious but morbidly so he was wearing clothes that looked like he was a newspaper salesman from 1890s New York I only saw him for a split second and he was gone the wild thing is I got all of that detail in just a split second like he wanted me to remember him here's the crazy part so I was spooked to crap right I went into our living room and watched YouTube and some twitch streams for a bit until I convinced myself I was just half asleep and still spooked I lay back in bed in the moment my head hits the pillow my roommate sits straight up in bed still asleep points at the foot of my bed and says underscore my name who is that I lost my goddamn mind I literally drove home at 3:00 a.m. and told my parents through tears I wanted to stay home until summer I stayed at home for a week or so and then went back my roommate started having regular night terrors after that but we moved soon after I've never been so scared in all of my life all right so this one comes with a little back story gonna be sort long so strapped in mobile blah blah I worked at a YMCA summer camp in Colorado cool spot really secluded no cell service or Wi-Fi it backed up to some NFS land that we had permits to use I digress before this was a summer camp for kids it was a secluded farm slash ranch owned by his family the band ours who had been living on it and running it for decades time frame we were talking about his circa 1890 I don't remember exactly anyway this family would have these elaborate parties and other people from Denver and Boulder and the like would come and dance and get crap faced they had a dance hall on the property and this is where they would host parties sidenote the original bulleting is still on property and in use for staff and campers so one of the older boys in the band our family took a liking to a certain Denver girl named Mary Jenkins she frequently visited during the dance parties and ended up getting engaged to the band our boy at one point they were having a little pre-wedding celebration and Mary was up visiting them for a long period one day during her visit Mary and her husband-to-be were taking some wedding photos about a half-mile from camp proper the dance hall area there is this awesome Canyon with walls maybe 400 feet high on one particular while there is this really cool land bridge / arch in the rock so they were up on this rock bridge thing and suddenly Mary Jenkins falls off and plummets to the bottom of the wall she wasn't dead upon impact but was horribly mangled her groom-to-be in some others who were there carried her body back to the ranch house now camp office where she died now there is some speculation whether or not Mary actually fell off of the arch some people think that she was pushed off the rock by her fiance she had a large dowry and I believe back in the day that was an official agreement that was guaranteed money so after she died the dowry was given to the band our boy and he married one of Mary Jenkins best friends like a couple months later so speculative death with money and backstabbing perfect concoction for paranormal activity fast-forward to modern-day YMCA camp I have had three very specific encounters with a spirit that I and everyone else at camp believe is Mary Jenkins I know others who have had encounters as well but I will only tell you guys about mine otherwise I'll be typing all night encounter one I and my girlfriend at the time we're both working at camp it was the weekend so no one was there but since we lived there at the time we decided to go on a hike and come back to relax we came back to camp and it is empty no cars nothing even our director who lives there year-round was gone taking advantage of our privacy we decided to jump in the shower together in an empty cabin at one point during our shower there is a very very distinct knock on the door of the bathroom three or four knocks we both look at each other confused knowing we were the only ones there maybe someone came back we figured it was probably our boss or something I step out with a towel and open the door no one confused and now a little creeped out middle of the woods I hopped back in the shower finishing up and there was another ducking knock on the door at this point I am crapping my pants was creeped out the rest of the night but nothing else happened encounter two was off work and I was watching a movie in my personal cabin my personal cabin just so happened to be the original home of the band our family it's was busted and rickety but hey it was standing had a bed and a fridge one night I went to sleep watching a movie my computer was probably half battery life hopefully just enough to finish the movie if not my computer would go into sleep mode and essentially shut down I fell asleep anyway so whatever at about 3:00 a.m. my computer roars to life the movie I had put in earlier in the night starts playing on its own from the beginning this is usually something that needs to be manually activated by clicking or prompting a program etc additionally my computer was at full battery some weird electronic thing going on I shut that crap down and had a very uneasy sleep encounter 3 was in the dinning Hall the old dance hall was converted into the mess hall with kitchen etc I was standing in the kitchen with a co-worker cleaning up from breakfast all of the sudden our dishwasher started a cycle on its own just started running creepy is duck my co-worker noticed it too and was freaked as well additionally there are lights on in cabins at night when no one has been in them and random doors to cabins open or locked just super weird crap I don't think Mary Jenkins is a bad ghost she doesn't want to hurt anyone she just wants you to know that she is there but yeah it's definitely haunted I also didn't believe in paranormal before working there I also have a legit newspaper article about her death in the canyon from 1890 I will try to post a pic of it no one ever believes me when I tell them this except the few people that are involved my dad thinks we are just too imaginative even though my mom and I will tell the exact same stories at different times never having talked to each other but anyway here's what I have to contribute it's a copy and paste by the way I've told this story on reddit before my story starts when I was roughly 8 my parents bought an old farmhouse that's over 100 years old we found newspaper clippings in the wall when they renovated it from 1864 I had two brothers at the time and we were all outside playing and they had a tendency to pick on me so I decided I was done putting up with it and went in the house to tattle as year olds do I yelled several times for my mom and finally got back what is it they're not seeing her I yell where are you again I hear a voice I'm over here there I don't see her and call out again this repeats about four times and as I get closer and the voice gets louder I passed by a window and glanced out to see my mom and dad out in the distance working on a tractor my heart jumps into my throat and I book it outside my brothers are exactly where they were when I went in so I know it's not one of them messing with me throughout the years I hear voices and TVs and strange noises constantly throughout the house but just assume I'm hearing things move up a bit to me being 17 parents left town for a few days and I had some friends come over night starts off normal we play some video games and all as well two of my friends need to use the bathroom so one goes downstairs and one stays upstairs since dairies two bathrooms in the house first friend comes back from the bathroom and says yeah yes really funny guys too the three of us that are in the room we have no idea what he talking about he said banging on the door and making weird sounds while I'm taking a piss so funny we are all genuinely confused as we haven't moved he doesn't believe us but sits down and rejoins the group now the second friend comes back from downstairs and has a similar complaint he says we were bouncing a ball shuffling things around laughing outside the door and heard us run off when the toilet flushed we again are confused especially since there weren't enough of us to mess with both of them at the same time conversation kind of drops but neither seemed convinced we did nothing a couple hours go by and for some reason the conversation comes up again we deny it they don't believe it eventually that turns into jokes about ghosts and how we disturbed them when the house was remodeled I was about 13 when we started remodeling jokes continued and someone said ah come on now you can't really believe that ghosts exist and everyone is like nah they probably don't on the other side of the room is a single-fold closet door and right as we said that this store explodes open so violently that the folds slam together and bounce almost back shut we immediately end that conversation flip every light in the house on a no one dare to touch that door the next day I wanted to make sure something didn't fall but as I opened the door there is nothing close to the door and Dean nothing big enough that even could have fallen to slam that door open move forward to me being 20 and telling my mom of the weird things that I witnessed she tells me oh I know dairies at least a family of three that I know of two little boys one always has a bouncing ball and the other giggles a lot in an old man I hadn't even gotten to that part in my story when I was a kid I used to stay at my grandparents house a lot they've had that house for as long as my mom has been alive possibly even longer all I know is that the history of the property is still unknown to this day anyways I used to stay in my mom's old childhood room it was called the purple room due to the purple carpet in the lavender wallpaper it was a pretty big room with a queen sized bed in the middle and a humongous window right next to it during the summer I would frequently stay at that house and spend a lot of time in that room one night I vividly remember waking up late at night probably one or two in the morning and seeing a puppet show outside my window I wish I was making this up they were hand slash sock puppets and it looked like it was only performed by one or two people it was only a shadow of this performance which threw me off so of course I assumed I was still a little tired and totally out of it and imagining the whole thing I decided to brush it off my shoulder and ignore it oh man do I regret that as soon as I turned over on my right side there in the doorway was a large black figure it was pitch black out in the hallway but I could clearly see a figure standing there my stomach sank and my heart started beating quickly I was wide awake now I blinked a few times and I swear every time I did it got a little bit closer when it got arms-length away from me that's when I felt my heart stopped beating completely in my body turning cold I swear I could see my breath because of how cold it is I was able to muster up a scream that woke up both of my grandparents and brother from their deep slumber my grandma was the first one to come into my room but as soon as she flicked the lights on it was gone never to be seen again I was sobbing and trying to tell her what I saw but she just kept stroking my hair and saying I was just having a bad dream I know that wasn't a dream and what I saw was real I also believe that this thing that I saw as a child has followed me when I moved to a different state I was about six or seven when this happened a time sixteen now to this day no one believes me about a decade ago I was helping my sister and her husband move into their new apartment it was in a far-off city so I couldn't exactly drive home right after we were done and their place was also pretty cramped I decided to spend the weekend at her friends who L call Mary house for my bus back home on Monday now Mary is a widow keep that in my mind when I first got to Mary's house I was immediately hit by how and welcoming the place felt she was really nice but the house just felt angry as if I was an intruder the building was also ice-cold despite it being summer in there being no a/c it was off-putting to say the least but I just chalked it up to nerves Mary starts to show me around the house but a feeling of profound unease begins to steadily creep up on me starting right in my gut something is seriously off about this place but I don't know what exactly one room was her husband's steady it looked completely untouched since what I was guessing was the time of his death files books computer and keyboard pens and pencils and even a coffee mug all of it was covered in some serious dust the room didn't look exactly ominous but it was certainly bizarre she finally leads me to the guest room and I start to get ready to turn in it's about 11:00 p.m. I leave the one luggage bag I brought on the floor change into my pajamas lay in bed and try to get to sleep a few hours later at about 1:00 or 1:30 I wake up to what sounds like footsteps I don't worry too much about it thinking it's probably Mary on her way to the bathroom or something then something hits me like a brick these footsteps are far too deep and far too loud to belong to Mary they sound like the footsteps of a bigger guy now I'm sweating bullets but all I can really do I stay still and try to go back to sleep so I do I wake up again at about 3:00 or 3:30 now it felt like someone or something was pinning the covers from below the bed so that I couldn't move I'm utterly terrified and paralyzed in fear I managed to get the covers off and then the bed starts to violently shake I grabbed my phone and ducking take off I hustled down the stairs in my PJs and call a taxi to get to a hotel since I'm way too spooked to stay any longer once I get off the phone I quickly go back into the house to get my stuff from the guest room I will never forget what I saw next as I open the door to my room to my complete and utter horror I see that my luggage has been placed on my bed opened and the contents have been completely strewn about I practically crapped a brick scrambled to get my stuff into my bag and sprint out of the house I haven't been over at Mary's house since only my mom ever believed me about this unfortunately she is no longer alive so I cannot ask her for any more details than what I have been told while growing up my dad just never wants to talk about what happened I used to live in this rented house near an appliance store from birth up until I was six years old I am 24 now and out of the military if that tells you how long ago this was since it was a small house and I was the younger sibling and my dad worked nights I ended up sleeping in my parents room until we moved out it should be noted that one side of my bed was against a wall and the other facing the doorway I remember having this Cookie Monster plush that I was obsessed with and would never go to sleep without it if my mom ever tucked me and without it I would throw a tantrum until I had my best friend things started to change when I was about to turn 4 though my mom would wake up and notice I would be sleeping without the plush and that it would be under my bed not thinking much of it she would just put it back in my bed and let me continue sleeping this kept going on for a couple of weeks until my mom finally decided to ask me about why Cookie Monster would always be under my bed when she would wake up I remember saying something along the lines of he is my friend he talks to me and likes to walk around at night or something of that matter from my perspective I knew I was talking to Cookie Monster because I could see his eyes you know how he is those big white eyes that stick out he would talk to me at night and help me go back to sleep when I was scared my mom played it off as my overactive child's imagination but it slowly was about to get worse over the course of the next couple of months I would have night terrors no not simple nightmares I am talking about full-blown night terrors so bad to the point I would stiffen up and do nothing but scream as my mom tried to rock me back to sleep this went on for almost ever single night they were so scarring on younger me that to this day I remember what they were about I would be laying in bed at night when my Cookie Monster plush would came to life dragged me out of my bed and pull me under it to eat me crap I never stopped getting these dreams until I was 14 that is how scarring they were about a year from moving out of the house and into a better place my mom would learn the truth behind the whole ordeal she woke up to some noises one night and heard me out in the living room talking to Cookie Monster now you might expecting that I'm going to say she saw me talking to the plush but you were wrong you might expect me to say that I was laying in my bed and only the plush was out in the other room but you were wrong but reality is much much scarier than any fictional story what she saw instead is much worse than any paranormal activity crap you could ever see in any movie theater for instead of a possessed doll she saw me standing there talking to the dark my mom instinctively turned on the light and as soon as she did two old guys went running out of the now wide-open front door the only thing I remember from that night was my mom holding on to me for dear life as my dad and the police rushed to the house the thing that scares me to this day is not the fact that I was talking to two random strangers that night what scares me to this day is that I was talking to these people for months without knowing it I was talking to the people who were constantly breaking into my house every night that they were breaking in for months without kidnapping me or stealing anything from us what scares me to this day is that I still have no idea what they ever planned to do [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 611,780
Rating: 4.8820701 out of 5
Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Id: 2baL532Qi3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2019
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