Most creepy / paranormal things the US Military has encountered (r/AskReddit - Reddit Scary Stories)

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people in the US military what's the creepiest / most paranormal thing you have encountered during your service u.s. Navy photographer here in the deepest parts of the ocean you will often steamed past small boats that are empty or seemingly empty sometimes they look like they got loose and no one looked for them sometimes they look disgusting like someone lived in them until they couldn't sometimes it's obvious someone is still in them but they haven't moved for weeks this is my dad's story after he was done in Vietnam he soon stationed at an Air Force Base in Greenland they had bad blizzards often there and when they came through the base shut down in every section of the barracks would take roll call these blizzards are intense there were cables running between all the buildings you attach to your person with a carabiner so if there was a sudden whiteout you didn't get lost and died they had people die literally 20 meters from shelter because they got lost in bad weather and froze he said for about five months every time they locked down for weather they would hear horrendous screaming outside everyone was accounted for so they didn't risk sending anyone out to investigate they wrote it off as an animal however every time this was heard the engine room would be wrecked tools everywhere paperwork all over the floor tables and tool boxes knocked over even one time a several thousand pound jet engine had been lifted from its workbench crane thing and smashed almost 30 feet away the hangars and engine room had cameras covering every single possible entrance with spotlights that made them clear even in a whiteout no animals no people no anything was ever seen entering or leaving those buildings then one day it just stopped my best friend's grandfather worked in some unspecified but very high-security stuff he refused to talk about most of his experiences but anytime the subject of aliens UFO s came up he'd get extremely serious out of nowhere and basically forced the conversation to be changed my friend said it was very unnerving to see the fear in his face one time my buddy finally pushed him on it and asked him if he believed in aliens and his grandfather just said if you honestly think we're alone then you're ignorant as crap the sincerity that was in his voice still bothers my friend one time at an Air Force Base in the ROK we had a power outage at night all of us walked out of our hangar doors to take a see what the problem may have been and we saw a very very large triangular shape passing over our hangar it was a clear moonless night previously and when we went outside to look around we notice the star scape being covered then slowly uncovered no sound associated with the event other than normal sounds of the location I'll never forget this is actually the first time I've ever heard someone describe exactly what I saw - must have been in the mid 90s my then-boyfriend was walking me home late at night he was talking and I was listening and looking at the sky then I noticed the Stars were blocked out and I pointed up and we both saw a huge black triangular object flying really slowly from the north towards where we were standing it made no noise at all and had no lights when we stopped to watch it it slowly turned to the west and eventually we lost sight of it in the dark this was in Alberta Canada as a Marine I used to have the graveyard patrol shift at the Beirut bombing memorial part of the memorial is dedicated to a Veterans Cemetery oddly enough I never got freaked out being completely alone in a remote Cemetery in the middle of the night surrounded by dense woods on all sides it was actually kind of peaceful to be honest however one night I was patrolling near the perimeter fence where some of the oldest headstones are when I heard the sound of a woman humming I followed the sound and noticed a light glowing through the vines and brush of a large tree as I approached I could literally feel my hair beginning to lift as if there was an elect current in the air I pushed aside the brush and what I saw nearly took my breath away it was an old weathered headstone with a large cross hatched into the marble only the cross was glowing a bright vivid blue like a neon bulb the humming was also suddenly much louder and had a weird plurality to it like it was coming from hundreds of voices at once needless to say I freaked the eff out I screamed like a scared little girl and sprinted back to the parking lot i radioed the guard who was supposed to relieve me and forced him to come early then spent the rest of my shift in the cab of his truck I don't think he believed me but he stayed in his truck and didn't go out on patrol until the Sun was fully up a few days later I worked up the nerve to return to the grave during the day of course as I suspected in the light of day it was a completely mundane headstone there was no name only the aforementioned cross I ran my hands over the stone and check to see if maybe there was some sort of hidden light source or solar panel but no it was just plain solid unremarkable stone the humming was gone too I eventually returned to my normal shift but never again experienced anything out of the ordinary I never learned whose grave that was either but I find myself thinking about it from time to time it certainly sounds absurd when I say it out loud and I suppose it could have been a hallucination or a trick of my tired brain but I don't believe it was I think it was real a ghost or spirit of some sort but I don't think it was malevolent at all not my story but from an article the fire fight that never happened Tyler Richards al QAM Iraq 2006-2007 the train station was attacked by insurgents in the middle of the night every post was returning fire with crew-served weapons CAAT went out the wire to engage fighters and were talking Cobras on using the tow system everyone had their fair share of trigger time when daylight broke QRF went out to do a BDA they found zero bodies zero spent rounds zero blood trails the post said bullet impacts on the bulletproof windows and everyone with thermals saw fighters dropping and maneuvering no one knows what happened to this day still a mystery third BN 4th Marines aliens no joke I was in the stand and I saw these green lights hovering slowly about 100 meters away then suddenly they got three times as big and shot straight up at a speed no human could survive it was like watching something accelerate through a railgun straight up then it turned red and disappeared I'm a very logical person and I have a TS clearance but I know that we don't have this sort of technology yet I used to be stationed in Fort Irwin in California it's a long story but there is a 30 mile road that leads from Barstow the closet town into the base which is in a large empty desert there are dozens of crosses along the road leading into the base from soldiers and family of soldiers who have had accidents on this road throughout the years anyways a buddy of mine who was my platoon mate and I were driving back from the mall in Victorville one night as we entered the starting stretch of Fort Irwin Road I noticed some fresh bloody tire marks leading off the side of the road directly into a cross which was dated something like August 11th 1989 this date was like August 11th 2006 really creeped me out and I thought I was seeing things about twenty minutes into our long drive down this isolated two-lane highway leading into the vast empty desert I look over to my buddy who was driving and lip synching to some song and then as we were going about 75 miles per hour something darted out in front of us I quickly caught a glimpse of what looked like a large humanoid beast with fur in a wet hairy face it looked directly at us even though we were going 75 miles per hour and it was running right across his car the thing was tall at least seven foot walking on two legs but the eyes the eyes were like I don't know how to explain it but for that split second when it turned to look at us as it turned its body and I looked into its eyes it was like time slowed down and its eyes were white Boyd's not a reflection really more like dead light Stephen King reference and it wasn't a look of fear but it was a look of I see you hello it was the most skin crawling thing I have ever experienced whatever that was it was not human not animal it was sentient but not not like we are I won't say it had powers but whatever it did to us when we looked at it I don't know I turned to my friend who yelled out holy crap and then the thing it ran off to the other side of the highway my buddy thought that we almost hit someone so we stopped and got out to check but whatever it was ran off into the empty desert night and then he began to repeat large hairy bird no no not bird fair bear no what what was that it took us about another 20 minutes to get to base and we just sat there music off not talking to each other he was quiet which he was never quiet not Brian I tried to think of what to say but we were too chilled to really talk once we got back to base and told our squad members about what had happened but no one believed us that is until a few weeks passed by and I started hearing quiet murmurs from people who didn't want to speak openly but they said that they too saw similar sightings years later after I got out of the service I did some research online and learned about native folklore passed down by indigenous Native Americans who claimed that Sasquatch was believed to live out in the barren salt flats Google pulled up a lot of interesting information whatever it was my friend turned white as a ghost that night and we never spoke of it to each other again one of my drill sergeants actually has a creepy story from one of his Afghanistan deployments he was infantry so being in the field and out of missions for multiple weeks wasn't uncommon one night while sleeping in a fighting position he dug he felt something nibbling at his feet he woke up and kicked it off and what he saw wasn't any type of marsupial but a little humanoid figure he could only describe as looking just like Gollum but being in the field with little sleep he chalked it up to just seeing things a couple days later he and another guy and on watch and the other guy pointed out something and said what the f is that and pointed at a stone wall in the distance my drill sergeant looked through this binoculars and crawling across the top of this stone wall was the exact little humanoid creature he encountered a few nights before so I'm currently stationed on an aircraft carrier commissioned in 77 there is never a lack of creepiness on that thing at night I work security on it at night and we rotate from nights two days every so often I remember one night my buddy was heading up to the flight deck with a rifle from where our armory is first deck up to the flight deck oh four level which is a five story difference it's a lot of distance to travel alone at night so he gets to a certain part of the boat that's almost pitch-black one story down from the flight deck and he hears these footsteps behind him he looks back and no one is there so he picks up the pace and as he does he hears the same footsteps he looks back in this time he sees a dark figure about thirty feet behind him at this point is F that switch turns on and he starts briskly jogging he then hears the footsteps also pick up the pace and run after him he dead Sprint's up the last flight of stairs up to the flight deck and hustles over to where we are on the front of the ship he's white as a ghost and tells us what happens we stay away from that area of the ship now other than that down on the seventh deck of the ship second-to-last deck before you hit the hull there are munitions storage areas basically where we keep our bombs for planes well back in the day a little girl falls down one of the ladder wells which is legit a six-story dropped to the bottom she ended up dying there are chains in various other items that can be moved and they say at night if you're not paying attention zoning out she'll come by and rattle the chains hanging from the ceiling and move things the fantail which is an area that is outside the ship that looks over the water on the back of the ship there are multiple ghosts that mess with two lookouts that stand watch out there one of the ghosts is of a little girl you'll hear her giggling then a bouncy ball bouncing on the deck out there then a splash in the water there is also a ghost that will come to you as you're nodding off on the watch he'll be in his dress uniform he'll tap you on the shoulder and say don't report this then he'll jump into the water other than that it's always a constant feeling of being watched at night if you're alone in certain areas on the other story I have is the time I played with a Ouija board but that's a long story I was in the US Navy and worked in communications I was a supervisor on my watch and enjoyed working the night tours while on deployment we stood 12-hour watches from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. around 2:00 a.m. I hear some chatter over the 3mc which is like our internal speaker system used between a few different stations on the ship it's the bridge asking combat if they see anything on surface or air radar maybe 10 miles out to our west combat returns with a negative and I don't think anything of it about 15 minutes goes by and the bridge asks again and asks are they sure there's nothing there then they ask us if we have any message traffic about any ships in the area aircraft or anomalous weather patterns I asked one of the guys on watch to perform the request and now my interest is piqued I walk out of the comm center and head up to the bridge I was on a frigate so the walk was quick and I get up there and ask what's going on one of my buddies points me over to the port side and we walk over there's about five or six circular shaped lights about 10 to 15 miles out in the clouds pretty large they aren't moving or flying around but just looking stable these lights are also casting lights downward on the ocean and you can see the light refracting back at the water from what we could see it didn't appear to be lights shining up from the water because they wouldn't pass through the clouds the clouds also weren't super thick it was lightly overcast and it was the middle of the night with no other light pollution on the water there was nothing in message traffic about any ships subs or aircraft in the area we were hundreds of miles from land and the last report of any unusual weather patterns was a waterspout a few hundred miles away we tried to take pictures with our onboard digital camera using a long exposure but we couldn't capture the phenomenon after about 90 minutes the lights slowly faded and then completely disappeared I'm sure there's some sort of weather or atmospheric condition for what we saw but for all intents and purposes it fit the description of a UFO unidentified flying object a buddy of mine was stationed at Kadena Air Force Base in Okinawa in the aughts it was a regular day full of standard base activity indoors and out when the sirens went off followed by a warning for all staff to report to the bases mess hall my friend and everyone else was quite confused but followed orders upon arrival at the hall they found it was full of the bases staff with a uniformed officer taking role the base commander settled everyone down and advised them that everyone was just taking a short break that there was nothing to worry about and that everyone would be back to work shortly everyone sat at the long lunch tables scratching their heads and discussing what could be up this particular room in the hall was interior and had no windows once the roll was completed and everyone accounted for the commander left and soldiers carrying automatic rifles closed the doors to the hall and stood inside them at attention essentially barring anyone from leaving this raised the chatter quite a bit but nobody panicked only a couple of minutes later an incredibly loud engine sound can be heard approaching the base as whatever is making the noise lands it shakes the entire island framed photos fall off the wall and trophies and glass cases are shaken over the engine hum and shaking then ceases chatter again Rises sharply as speculation about what the hell's going on increases after about an hour the noise starts up and the island shakes again is whatever itis takes off and quickly fades away shortly after the base commander enters and says everyone can get back to work warning them not to discuss today's brain and to simply forget about it when I asked him what he thought it was he immediately suggested that it was some kind of classified skunkworks biplane maybe the Aurora needing to land for emergency repairs or refueling of course he said since they kept us all from seeing it I'll never truly know my grandfather in World War two had a past life experience when he arrived in Nice France for the first time he remembered it like it was his hometown street names layouts etc US Air Force here not allowed to say what I do but my frame flew in Vietnam and carried dead bodies back and after Vietnam it was repurposed all of the older frames from that era are supposedly haunted from dead soldiers I've spent mid-shift midnight to 7:00 a.m. on these frames and I've heard people scream out in pain I've asked for a tool and had someone hand it to me and then turn around and they were gone multiple times you'll hear someone's name being called I don't believe in ghosts but those frames creep me the eff out I was a corpsman stationed in Okinawa between 2014 to 2016 there are a lot and a lot of stories about oke being haunted as hell I heard a lot of Marines tell me about episodes of sleep paralysis where they'd wake up at night unable to move with dark figures standing over them or more often women camp Hansen was particularly haunted or so they say I worked ambulance services there and there was a particular barracks building I can't remember the number that received quite a few calls while I was there of possession type incidents where Marines would suddenly become extremely violent and begin screaming about demons to the point where it would take about ten people to hold them down I personally responded to one such incident a marine was just drinking beer down by the quarterdeck a well-known marine with no prior history of mental illness or incidents a pretty straight shooter suddenly became delirious at the drop of a hat he went from chatting normally to smashing his face against the stairs screaming make it stop I arrived on scene and he was being held down by at least eight or nine people he was thrashing wildly and contorting like something out of the effing Exorcist trying to smash his back against the floor all the while repeating make it stop I did my job and got him to the ER I can't say for certain whether it was supernatural as there was a big drug problem at the time as well spice cough syrup OTC crap you find in Japan and I do believe he tested positive for rhabdomyolysis which can cause confusion but this was really really acute like at the drop of a hat not gradual in the slightest I don't know [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: ReddiTV
Views: 228,258
Rating: 4.8630939 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit creepy, paranormal activities, paranormal activity true story, paranormal stories, scary stories, military paranormal, military ufo, reddit stories scary, askreddit, reddit stories, askreddit scary, creepy stories, ufo sightings, ufo stories
Id: t3GrUhD6Blk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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