[SERIOUS] Divers of reddit, What is your most HORRIFYING experience underwater (r/AskReddit)

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one of my first dives was in crap show conditions there was a strong current and so much sand / debris everywhere that visibility was at about 12 inches for some reason the dive master was like it'll be fine once we get below 40 feet we started descending on a guide wire and after getting to about 55 feet my brother and I who were dive partners could not see anyone else in the group we waited at the bottom of the wire for 10 minutes and after no one showed up we started to think that the rest of the group would be waiting on the surface we came up and one guy from our group was at the buoy looking confused and the boat was gone turns out there were so many problems that the boat driven away so that the waves wouldn't throw it on top of us but there were such large swells that the boat couldn't relocate us we floated for about an hour before finally getting the boats attention and being picked up by far the worst motion sickness / dehydration I've ever experienced this reminds me of an experience I had in Bali within regulated underwater activities I wrote a blog post about it here it is our first activity was the underwater walking we all got in a little speedboat and then took a short 5-minute trip out to another boat that had all of the equipment the activity was similar to the time I did snub in the Caribbean and that the oxygen tanks were up on the surface of the water instead of having a scuba mask to breath out of though we had a very heavy helmet it was about 80 pounds I'd guesstimate placed on our heads they also gave us rubber shoes so that our feet wouldn't be mutilated by the coral I went first and the procedure was very simple I just went on a ladder with most of my body in the water they placed a rubber circle on my head to cushion my shoulders and make a seal with the helmet I presume and then they put the helmet on the second that it was on my body I felt its weight forcing me to the bottom of the ocean it was kind of scary because I went down pretty fast which caused the pressure to build up quickly I made sure to swallow and yawn a bunch and I was fine also I could never really get a deep breath of air because as I breathe in the helmet began to make a vacuum and I would have to stop to let it fill in with more air friend 1 and Fran 2 followed suit and then a scuba diving man came down to be our guide he handed all of us a piece of bread in a plastic bag which threw all the fish to us and it was fun to see there were metal guiding handrails in the ocean floor which I followed friends 1 and 2 followed behind me it was very difficult to walk because the current was surprisingly strong in the helmets were quite heavy we all enjoyed it though as I breathed there was a constant loud sound as water whined and through the tube it was kind of annoying but it meant that I was getting air which is very good that's why I was so scary when the sound suddenly stopped I was confused but it quickly came back on after about four seconds and I could breathe again it happened one more time and again it came back on very quickly I rationalized it by assuming that my tank had run empty and they were switching it to a different one no big deal I didn't understand how they would run out so quickly but I didn't think too hard about it it came back on and I could breathe so no big deal after about 10 minutes I'm guessing I have no idea how long we were down there the guide points at me and indicates that he wants me to climb over the railing I was very confused but I did it after he made it very clear that there was what he wanted it was kind of hard to see out any peripherals out of the masks so it was easy to get lost I looked back behind me to make sure that my friends saw where I went and didn't get lost we made eye contact so I assumed we were all good and then turned back around to follow the guide he had me walking in a very small path between two corals so I went very slowly to make sure that I didn't cut my legs up on them it was hard due to the strong underwater current my unwieldly helmet and an occasional tug by the air tube as I pulled it taut as I reached the guide Meyer stopped again I figured it was no big deal like the previous two times and continued on I followed him a bit and it still didn't come on five seconds ten I started to get confused was this some kind of joke if so it wasn't funny at all fifteen seconds I thought to myself don't panic they always tell you not to panic I panicked I started taking quicker and quicker breaths but I forced myself to stop dad I knew that was the worst thing I could do I spun around to the guide and started pounding fists on my chest that was the sign for I can't breathe he seemed to notice I sure hope he did and started walking away I could only hope that he was taking me to the boat I thought maybe I should just try and shrug off the helmet and swim to the surface I didn't know if I had enough air to make it I didn't know if the boat was above me I didn't want to hit my head I didn't know if I could actually shrug it off and I didn't wanted to get the bends so I figured it wouldn't be a good idea thirty seconds I started to notice that I was getting less and less oxygen with each breath water was starting to fill in my helmet I had to look up to breathe with little air I had I grabbed hold of the guides arm so that I wouldn't lose him and also so that he would understand the gravity of the situation I gave him quite the death grip 40 seconds I saw the ladder of the boat I knew that all I had to do was make it there and I would be okay I must have gotten some sort of adrenaline rush with a renewed hope because I almost forgot about my lack of air I fumbled for the ladder for a few seconds it was hard to tell distances through the helmet because it had a bit of a magnifying aspect to it before I grabbed it and started pulling myself up as I broke the surface air came rushing into my helmet and I took a nice deep breath breathing had never felt better that was definitely the scariest experience of my life 1/10 would not recommend I had a dive buddy Goa out of air on me on a wreck in the st. Lawrence thankfully this was a no dekho dive in less than 100 of water and we weren't actually inside the wreck but the part that made it particularly challenging was that the wreck was right in the middle of the shipping lane where really large freighters travel with really high current so we couldn't just make an easy ascent to the surface we had to navigate along a series of lines pretty thick rope tied off on some good anchor points that had been laid out to give divers something to hang on to so they could pull themselves against the current on the path to the wreck and stabilized themselves during the swim back to the anchor line we were making our exit and everything was going fine he was on my long seven hose out in front and I had a hand on his knee so we were keeping in good contact then for one moment I let go of his knee to deal with some gear and in that split second he came off the line and got caught in the current ripping my regulator out of his mouth in the process I saw him manage to grab hold another of the lines downstream and he was hanging on for dear life completely inverted in a shipping lane with no regulator in his mouth and no gas in his tank flapping in the current like a flag in the wind I bolted towards him as quickly as I could while still maintaining my own safety and gathered up the seven of abandoned hose and regulator along the way I caught up to him and managed to get the regulator back into his mouth but since he was inverted it went and upside down and as a result didn't breathe like it should he fixed it himself but slipped off the line he was holding on to in the process I managed to get a hold of him but not without having to let go of the line myself so I ended up hooking both of my feet around the line to keep us both in place somehow I managed to pull us both back down to where we could grab hold of the line it was at this point that another diver in our group saw what was going on and assisted and from there we were able to get back to the boat without any further incident edit since many have asked this was on the wreck of the Henry sodaro its resting upside-down in about ninety of fast-moving water that has frequently traveled by freighters up to 700 long it is not a place you want to be floating around at the surface I was on a wreck dive off Oahu down about 90 feet with an ex-girlfriend and the owner of a local dive shop the ex and I are experienced divers and we were all just messing around checking out the wreck and the turtles nearby there had been a group that was on the wreck but they had left as we descended so it was just as three about halfway into the dive another person shows up alone he got the attention of the dive shop owner and after furious scribbling on slates the shop owner came over to us and wrote out you both stay down and finish her dive I'm taking him up and then turned to the other dude and gave the guy his Octopus regulator to breathe from we didn't really know what was going on so we had a perfectly lovely dive got some good pictures and ascended like normal when we got back on the boat we heard the story that other guy was from a different boat and had been diving a totally different dive site he somehow got separated and lost and had somehow drifted about a mile away from where he went in there was nothing else around in the direction he was going except Tahiti a few thousand miles away worst part is that the other guys boat didn't even realize he was gone and left without him if that guy hadn't floated past our wreck I don't know what would have happened the current pushes you away from land where we were and since the boat didn't even know he was lost he would have been floating out for a long time before someone realized they had a missing diver I was in Belize for a multi-day diving trip with a girlfriend this was her first dive trip after getting open water certified weed over the Blue Hole and a few other spots and because of the depth and number of dives we had to do a decompression stop for five to ten minutes or so at the end of this last dive during that last dive my girlfriend was struggling with water getting in her mask and started to panic and we were between forty-five to sixty feet down I could see she was freaking out and pointing to her mask and slowly going toward the surface I was trying to make signs to her that she had to stay down and to not go to the surface but it was really hard to communicate that at around 15 feet I had to physically grab her and start pulling her down she had a little air in her BCD which wasn't helping I cleared any air from her BCD and just started pulling her down it was really so scary no one wants the bends when we finally got on the boat she thought I was just mad at her for not swimming with the rest of the group thinking I didn't understand she was having mask issues and didn't realize what I was trying to tell her doing my potty open water in Australia about 10 to 15 years ago and aside from all the hilarious brushes with jellyfish and Aussies and even worse other Brits I had a good diet that was just beautiful warm clear water good dive buddies calm seas loads of fish just what you hoped for except that I'm having trouble equalizing it's not awful just a bit distracting so I carry on eventually we head back up and the pain starts to increase still not debilitating or anything just that I'm becoming more aware of it back on the boat and it's still there so I talked to the dive master and he just waves it off I stick my finger in my ear and can almost feel something in there he says it's a bubble of water and not to worry okay grand except it doesn't feel liquidy it feels solid II and it hurts a lot now I keep trying and failing to not stick my fingers in there but each failure still yields no results until suddenly I feel a scraping as I withdraw my pinky there my finger as happy as a clam is a tiny bastard crab I look at him he looks at me I look at the other divers they look sick I look at the crab and I swear to God he gave me a cheerio type wave and just scuttled off my finger and onto the deck before disappearing behind some kid I spent the next little forever convincing myself it didn't lay eggs or leave a few mates behind he didn't by the way and generally wondering why we have stupid crab holes built into our stupid heads probably my most horrifying experience is seeing firsthand how under-qualified and ignorant some divers and even dive professionals are I'm pretty sure a girl on our Palau live-aboard had no idea what deco limits were she just dope until her heir ran out the rest of us could hear her dive watch beeping like crazy nearly every dive on another dive off Charleston the dive instructor had a clearly panicked diver and either didn't notice or didn't care there was a lot of silt and Serge and the odd angle the wreck was resting on gave you a kind of vertigo I wasn't in their group but right at the start of the dive I see a guy absolutely racing for the mooring line so I ended my dive to ascend with him when he hugged me on the surface as thanks for hanging with him I tear it up a little and wanted to punch that instructor in the face Oh another horrifying experiences seeing dive masters manhandle marine life even grabbing a porcupine fish to make it puff up that happened in Nevis but overall recreational diving is awesome and very safe when done properly if anyone reading this threat is thinking about learning do not let these stories scare you off the world underwater is incredible after a day of boat diving in Monterey Bay on the California coast we had a night dive planned I was there with two friends celebrating my birthday and we were part of a larger group of divers on a chartered boat my friends were too tired for the night dive and I really was too but was invited to buddy with another diver whose friends also decided to stay on the boat being tired and night diving in a kelp forest with an unfamiliar diving buddy is not a combination I would recommend so i'm following my new buddy through the kelp when some of the catches on my tank I tried to pull clear but managed to get tangled even more to the point that I was unable to move I kept shining my light around looking for my buddy but he nowhere to be seen after what seemed like an hour but was probably just a few minutes I felt some of the kelp loosened up and then saw that my buddy was cutting it off with his knife I was so exhausted after struggling that when we got to the surface he had to tow me back to the boat ran out of air about 12 to 15 feet down we were on a rig in the Gulf of Mexico this was my third outing after getting recertified I took a whole semester in college but never really pursued it after the first dive in the morning went fine on the second dive the dive master wanted to know when the first person was at eight hundred pounds per square inch so we could have sent to the safety stop at 15 feet and then surface I was the first one to eight hundred during the stop I quickly noticed how hard it was to breathe and then it was gone I got up as quick as I could but was gasping when I surfaced the regulator malfunctioned and had frozen at the 800 pounds per square inch level when the tank was inspected on the boat it was empty this was rented equipment if I hadn't been paying attention to the regulator or stayed down a few more minutes looking back that whole dive had safety problems things could have been worse there are people who have been on thousands of dives and never had an issue my personal opinion is that it is a skill that needs to be practiced fairly frequently it's easy to forget things and when you combine that with a challenging environment things can go bad quickly dive safe edit the dive was down to 60 feet you stopped at 15 feet to decompress when returning to the surface my soul and I are going on a resort dive in st. Maarten we are both certified but forgot to bring our cert cards there is only one other couple so just for divers the dive master and the dive boat captain we watch the video do a couple of practice masks clears and regulator finds in the pool then off we go for a 35 dive we get to the dive spot diem tells Seoul and I to go down first follow the rope down get to the bottom sit on your knees other two will be down then diem will be down will clear masks and do it regulator find then off we go to see what we can find so Anna get to bottom woman from mother couple gets to bottom man doesn't quite make it he keeps floating back up diem grabs him pulls him down he floats off again diem chases him down drags him to the area we are in pushes him on his knees into the sand he stays we do the clears and rich finds off we go this guy's is still having blue and sea problems I sympathize I've had a hard time with boolean sea control before but the sky is really all over the place he's crashing into me crashing into his girlfriend crashing into my so everywhere about 20 minutes into the dive he goes up to the boat with his girlfriend so and I finished the dive see some eagle rays watch the diem spear a couple of lionfish see a turtle a good dive for us get to the surface back on the boat I say to the guy so sorry you were having such boolean sea control issues it really sucks to be bouncing around like that and other encouraging words about how it took me a few dives to figure it out his girlfriend says to me I think he did a great job considering he'd never been in the water before yesterday and doesn't know how to swim it took all I had and the strong hands of my soul to prevent me from going off on the couple in the DM but hey who signs up for diving if you don't know how to swim fast forward a few months so and I are taking a refresher dive course first night we all hope he end the pool to swim eight laps to prove we can swim tread water etc as we are making our way down to the pool I jokingly ask everyone here knows how to swim right everyone laugh until one guy said he did not the DM of our class was awesome showed the guy how to doggy paddle and told the guy he could do all the shallow and stuff while learning to swim throughout the class end of class guy got his certification and knew how to swim now I always ask when I get on a dive boat if everyone knows how to swim surfing but hey close enough I was out alone or so I thought on a stormy pretty big day too early for lifeguards cloudy choppy and at least five feet faces could be a fun day so I'm paddling out when all of a sudden a set wave breaks a couple hundred feet in front of me bummer but I'll just go under it as it gets closer to me I don't know why but my brain just started setting off alarm bells going turn around get out of the way go so when I went under the wave I turned my head and protected my face BAM something hit me in the back of the head super hard and I think I blacked out because all of a sudden I was underwater with my head touching the sand 10 plus foot down I was super confused and couldn't figure out which way was up I was so dazed I thought sand equals lion before I realized I couldn't breath so I just sort of crawled up my leash to my board promptly got destroyed by another wave and went through the process again so I get up to water and I feel the back of my head lots of blood and there's something jagged sticking out of the back of my head I try to paddle back in but I think I had a concussion so I couldn't stay on my board I was so dizzy I threw up and yelled for help but nobody was there I eventually elected to just hang onto the side of my board and let the waves watch me in I was so exhausted I couldn't kick I was bleeding out my head and I was concerned about sharks because my neighbor was killed by a great white in the exact spot I was a few years before I eventually reached sure and laid down after a while I walked up to the lifeguards who were literally just showing up to the beach and told them what happened they took me to the ER where they pulled a three-inch chunk of surfboard nose from my head fractured skull I guess there was someone else out there that day never saw him sorry for dunking up your board buddy I was doing my advanced open water at Dutch springs in Pennsylvania we were planning on going from a school bus to a helicopter that has sunk in the quarry I am with my advanced open water group to dive masters and my step-brother was my dive buddy I swim inside the bus swim out and no one in my group is at the bus I begin to panic but keep my cool due to just being trained thankfully there are ropes that go from vehicle to vehicle for people to follow and to guide you I am still at the bus and a group of people come back I think to myself that's got to be my group but after looking at tanks and fins I decide that's not my group at all now the real panic sinks in I get my barriers and remember northeast is the shore where we entered so I grabbed the rope that has pointed in that direction and swim along it alone I feel like I am pulling along this rope for like 10 to 20 minutes but in actuality it was only about five minutes when I surface close to the shore I see my family there on the shore about to go on their own dive I tell them what happened and in about 20 to 30 minutes the dive group I went with surfaces near us instead of being surprised I wasn't there for most of the time they asked me how the dive was they had no idea and neither did my step-brother that I was gone I couldn't imagine if something had actually happened to me down there and no one came to help or even realized truly terrifying for my seventeen year old self when I was about fifteen sixteenths I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to get my advanced open water potty certification for advanced open water you have to choose three specialties to peruse to broaden your knowledge as a diver I chose fish identification deep dive and night dive my group decided to follow me on the later two so we did a big group night die - over 100 feet the place we dope was off the coast of Catalina Island off the shore of California this is one of the best places to dive in the world awesome visibility forty foot minimum amazing depth of color and variety of fish and sea life the other I guess cool part is that there are a lot of dense kelp forests normally this is exciting and exhilarating but not this day for a night dive you obviously dive at night with flashlights to see my plan this trip was to use the night time to get some sea life identification that I can get during the day to speed up my certification on the specialty to try and squeeze a fourth in on the same trip to be closer to rescue diver and dive master my plan was known to the group and we set off with our master everything was amazing for the first 30 minutes or so awesome nighttime visibility plenty of sea life a warm summer night I was identifying fish left and right showing the group and pointing them around once we were around 130 feet crap hit the fan I was second in the cluster behind my dive master one of my friends was third and we could tell he was getting a bit scared and jumpy this is 100% understandable as we're in the ocean at night over 100 feet deep and at this time we are only basic certified which is usually good to about 75 feet my buddy wants to go ahead of me and he lets me know with hand signals I signal to go ahead so he can be more comfortable and we have a safer and more enjoyable dive the problem was we were in a kelp forest using the flashlight is crucial you can use it to signal from fat protect observe and a ton more our our divemaster was signaling that there was a rock slash cave to our left and to not go near or in we were not certified for that at this time and there can be funky pressure changes temperature changes and a ton of dangers from simple rock formations protruding my buddy saw this light and from what he told us he thought we were going that way from what he says he slightly panicked as he thought the dive master was already gone as he could not see him he quickly turned to the side and kicked to follow this trail the issue is that when he spun and kicked hard he hit me in the face with his fin my mask was almost completely taken off my face and more importantly my regulator used for breathing was knocked out Here I am deep in the ocean cold water hitting my face after being warming the goggles for almost an hour no regulator to breath with a no way to see I started to panic playing memories over in my head I couldn't think of what to do this was a literal worst-case scenario I could have Thomas go up before after what seemed like eternity I got myself together a bit and thought of what to do normally to recover your regulator you will turn the side of your body the hose comes off the tank up down and swoop your arm around to grab it the issue here is that I was in a kelp forest so all hours grabbing was kelp I could not find a way to get it without sight after a bit more thinking and admittedly panicking I remember that my BCD vest to go up and down exhausts air from my tank they teach you this very briefly thinking quick and keeping my air supply in mind I start to a sense some then let some air out to breath I don't need a ton of air as I'm not exerting my body but I'm panicking and breathing quickly after a few minutes of this I'm far enough up in the kelp that it's not super dense and I can recover my regulator and purge it once I do that I go ahead and relax for a second then get my mask back on and purge that I can now see two light below me searching so I start flashing my light from above my dive master and buddy see it come to me about 15 feet up and signal if I'm okay i signal fine but stressed I had a little kids riding board on me for my fishing so I write down a short line saying basics of what went on and signal my air gauge I had just enough to get to the top but we played it safe and did Buddy breathing while we took a slow ascent we had to go slow for me as I went too high too fast in my recovery and had to prevent nitrogen bubbles in my blood after we got to the surface I explained what happened and ended up getting part of my rescue diver signed up for my a distressed recovery overall this was a very scary and frantic but exceptionally thrilling time I wouldn't want to do it again on purpose but it is one of my strongest memories [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 26,407
Rating: 4.7849464 out of 5
Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, creepiest things found, brainydude, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation, toad films, toadfilms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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