What Urban Legend TERRIFIES you the most (r/AskReddit) updoot reddit stories

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what herbin legend terrifies you the most the one about the [ __ ] guy that dressed up like a clown and pretended to be a statue or whatever while some girl was babysitting why I'm glad I don't have to babysit anymore this was on the joke thread the other day a babysitter called up the kid's father while watching TV in the living room could I put a blanket over the clown statue in the corner of the room it's creeping me out call the police we don't have a clown statue when the police arrived they found that the clown actually was a statue and the father had Alzheimer's someone laying on the ground next to their car on a deserted road like they were injured or in an accident then when you slowed down or get out to see if you can help a group of others comes out of the woods slash ditch slash tall grass and Rob slash kills slash kidnaps you freaks me out to think about ten people just coming onto the road out of nowhere in the middle of the night when you were all alone I vaguely remember reading a post years ago in some ask reddit thread pertaining to creepy situations that you'd encountered in your life and someone posted this best as I can recall something like the person posting was in the backcountry of New Mexico driving home or something and they came across a car that had been run off in the ditch and ransacked and two people laying on the ground the guy said he stopped his car and reached for a handgun he kept under his seat then slowly rolled by the scene when he was well past it he looked in his mirror and in the red light of his taillights he could see the two people sitting upright looking back at him and a crowd of twenty or so folks stepping out of the desert he floored and sped off creepy as hell but I wonder if it's genuine seeing as it's a fairly common legend I can't find that original post this one there was a hunter in the woods who after a long day hunting was in the middle of an immense forest it was getting dark and having lost his bearings he decided to head in one direction until he was clear of the increasingly oppressive foliage after a what seemed like hours he came across a cabin in a small clearing realizing how dark it had grown he decided to see if he could stay there for the night he approached and found the door ajar nobody was inside the hunter flopped down on the single bed deciding to explain himself to the owner in the morning as he looked around he was surprised to see the walls adorned by many portraits all painted in incredible detail without exception they appeared to be staring down at him their features twisted into looks of hatred staring back he grew increasingly uncomfortable making a concerted effort to ignore the many hateful faces he turned to face the wall and exhausted he fell into a restless sleep facedown in an unfamiliar bed he turned blinking an unexpected sunlight looking up he discovered that the cabin had no portraits only windows holy crap sticks my dad grew up in Karachi in Pakistan he used to tell me the story of the backwards feet lady she would walk in the middle of the night her feet were basically facing in the wrong direction my dad and his friend were working the graveyard shift and they were driving home my dad saw this lady walking alone on the side of the road and her saw her my dad's friend said to give her a ride because it wasn't common for ladies to ever walk alone so he stopped and asked her if she needed a lift he got out of the car and saw she had backwards feet he tried to get back in the car and drive away but she was right next to him and scratched his forehead he nearly got his head cut off used to scare the crap out of me my favorite is called genetic memory many classic horror icons such as Gieger Xenomorphs silent hill's pyramid head and other disturbing creatures share common characteristics pale skin dark sunken eyes elongated faces sharp teeth and the like these images inspire horror and revulsion and many and with good reason the characteristics shared by these faces are imprinted in the human mind many things frighten humans instinctively the fear is natural and does not need to be reinforced in order to terrify the fears our species wide stemming from dark times in the past when lightning could mean the burning of your tree home Thunder could be the approaching gallops of a stampede predators could hide in darkness and hides could make poor footing lethal the question you have to ask yourself is this what happened deep in the hidden eras before history began that could affect the higher human race so evenly as to give the entire species a deep instinctual and lasting fear of pale beings with dark sunken eyes razor-sharp teeth and elongated faces just be careful out there not an urban legend but I swear if anyone can tell me the title slash author of this short story I will give them gold a group of hunters get lost in the woods when a blizzard hits them unexpectedly they manage to stumble onto a cabin and settle down there for the night but when they wake up in the morning one of the four is dead with no real idea what killed him they put him outside but can't do much more because of the blizzard the morning after same thing happens another guy's dead one of the men decides to stay awake and watch and in the middle of the night he sees a skeletal hand reached down from a bundle of rags on a shelf and hook a finger into the soft spot under his companions skull driving the nail into his brain the surviving man immediately jumps up and sets the cabin on fire then runs outside and as the cabin burns down to ash the Blizzard stops I read this as a kid probably a good 15 plus years ago and it still freaks me out to this day probably no one will see this but I always take the opportunity to try and find out what sadist wrote it when I was younger the idea of the tails doll scared the crap out of me I accidentally got my brother and on it as well and he threw away a tails plushy he had a month later it came back of course we didn't know that our mom found it in the trash and placed it back in his room my brother made sure he hid the thing better and was pretty sure that it was coming for him four nights afterwards I remember hearing a story on Maury when I was a little kid about a woman who rented an apartment who had a creepy landlord one night she decided to take a bath and lit a bunch of candles to set the mood for relaxation I guess she looked up into the mirror and saw a man's face it was her landlords he had made an intricate pathway of tunnels throughout her apartment so he could stare at her as she went about her daily life thank God I blossomed into a morbidly obese small dict man or I would be terrified that my landlord was spying on me I know this comment will never be seen but I have been reading these after coming off a late shift with my wife asleep in the next room it's been pretty warm here the last few days so all the windows are open as I read through a lot of these stories I didn't notice but a moth flew in I was getting more freaked out by the stories when the moth decided to alight on my leg causing me to scream in fear and wake my wife up in a panic having explained why I screamed I am now in trouble with my wife and I can't sleep good job reddit I remember watching a program on TV when I was a kid about a physically violent poltergeist that terrorized a young boy the thing that bothered me the most about what I saw wasn't the fact that the poltergeist could move things and hurt him but the fact that he couldn't escape from it his family would move across the country to different locations all throughout his childhood but the poltergeist followed them everywhere the strangest and creepiest part was that the poltergeist would stay dormant for a few months after they moved to a new place and then it would announce its presence on a random night with a particularly loud and violent outburst throwing chairs turning lights on and off making the electronics hum with strange noises shaking the mattresses etc that concept still terrifies me now and even more so when I was a kid the idea that a horrible thing could stay with you for that long and terrorized you when you least expected it had nightmares for months afterwards and I still think about that TV program to this day I kind of wish I knew what channel it was or what show but it was such a long time ago and I was really young when I watched it warning this is gross and is the reason I can eat chicken sandwiches the story goes that a girl ordered a chicken sandwich from fast food place lettuce tomato pickles but no mayonnaise so she gets her Sammie drives off and begins to eat it in the car all of a sudden she gets a big mouthful of what she assumes in mayonnaise with her sandwich ruined and her being too far away from the joint to ask them to fix it she just decides to eat something at home and wrap the chicken sandwich back up later she gets rushed to the hospital to have her stomach pumped turns out there was no mayonnaise in the sandwich and the substance was determined to be pus from a goddamn tumor the chicken had I know how many inaccuracies this story has I know that's not how fast-food chicken is made but since I read that I have been terrified to eat a chicken sandwich goddamn it now I'm all skeeved out again when I was younger I was pretty afraid of walking in the woods alone too many misleading stories of moose being man slaughtering evil killing machines and Badgers eating your leg with no provocation nowadays I jog at 2:00 a.m. deep in the forest and the Lycan think nothing of it however a few days ago I heard some woman's wretched screaming deep into the woods then loud frantic sobbing then it stopped it sounded like it was closed so I went panicky as duck and tried to see if I could see who they were since it sounded like it was around 15 meters up in the trail but I couldn't see anything I was terrified as duck I literally lie down into the ditch like a coward and couldn't see crap and just waited for whoever I assumed was currently murdering a woman to get the duck out I started remembering all the urban legends of people running away from the local insane asylum and killing themselves / others in the forest killing themselves part is true bTW happens every few years around ten minutes later with no action I ran back as fast as I couldn't call the police they found nothing apparently I really don't know what happened I'm going to stay away from there for a few weeks though there's a story out there about a couple making out in their car who hear a radio news report about an escaped murderer who has a hook for a hand after much coaling by the girl the guy finally starts up their car and they hear a loud scream after the guy drives the girl home sure enough there's a hook on the car door ever since I've lived in constant fear of hook-handed murderers who are not only evil but don't have the common sense to use their other presumably non hooked hand to open a door there is one that stuck with me since I was a kid a guy went to bed with his dog by his side when in the middle of the night he heard a sound and put his hand out to see if the dog was still there he got a lickin reply knowing everything was okay he went back to sleep in the morning he woke up to see that his dog was murdered and writing in the dog's blood was human lick as good as dogs edit after reading further down the page I realized it was already here and called the licked hand I saw a different version where some cops stopped by looking for an escaped murderer after searching her house one cop called out that they found a dead dog the woman told the cops that that was impossible because she was just with her dog who was licking her hand while she was in bed the copper replies with humans can lick - I always thought this version was scarier because it seems more realistic than some dude guessing what the person would be thinking in the morning and writing a message and blood i'm indo-caribbean we have tons of folklore one in particular scares me because I'm pretty sure I've seen it for myself it's called an allegory and is basically a woman who kidnaps children she's a witch who lives alone in the rural areas with a horrible looking face hunchbacked in all it has something to do with African influenced voodoo and crap like that I remember once on vacation we were driving through the countryside the minibus stopped at an intersection where an old abandoned looking house was in the driver locked all of our doors then I noticed a beggar looking woman wearing a heavy trench coat naturally I stared because it was about 100 degrees out all of a sudden she looked directly at me with her glassy eyes and started screaming while rushing towards the van she was screaming angry gibberish the driver took off and told me never to judge a knowledge we again because they can read your thoughts it was a dark and stormy night a man and his wife were on a trip and needed a place to stay so on their drive through the dark back roads they come across a motel despite its creepy appearance they decide to try it anyway because they're tired and the roads are getting dangerous the couple is in luck because there is one last room open exhausted they get to their room and fall into the bed they're asleep for a while when the wife wakes up to a noise at first she thinks she is imagining it but the more she hears it the more she decides there is no way it's the storm but rather voices whispering it almost sounds like chanting scared she wakes up her husband and makes him listen he hears nothing and tells her to go back to bed she tries to but sure enough the noise starts up again this time a little louder so she wakes up her husband again and makes him listen he hears nothing and tells her to go back to bed a little while later the noise picks up yet again little louder the wife is now terrified but doesn't want to annoy her husband anymore so decides to investigate she begins to listen for the noise and try and locate its source as she moves through the dark softly listening she realizes it's not coming from either the neighbors or from outside their doorway in fact as she walks closer and closer to it she feels her heart sink as she realizes that it is coming from their bathroom so now beyond scared something compels her to open up the door to the bathroom and flip on the light as she does she see nothing but the toilet and a closed shower the chanting and talking paused for a second when she flipped the switch but it is now softly started up again now she can start to make out the words when the log rolls over we're all going to die she approaches the shower and throws back the curtain only to reveal an empty shower she stands puzzled and then realizes that the only place left to look is in the clothes toiled she reaches forward and lifts the lid slowly only to reveal three cockroaches sitting on a turd chanting when the log rolls over we're all going to die so she flushed the toilet and watched as the log rolled over and killed all three roaches the clown doll in the corner babysitter is taking care of the kids and when they start getting scared of the life-sized clown doll she covers it with a blanket kids are still scared so she calls the parents who freak out and say they don't have a clown doll so she grabs the kids and runs out of the house and calls the police turns out to be a dude trying to murder slash kidnap the kids this is exponentially more scary due to my fear of clowns weight dressing up as a clown and standing still for hours unarmed in plain sight somehow sneaking in between the parents leaving and the babysitter first getting into the room was this guy's plan a not sure if this is an urban legend and if it is specific to a country but my mom would always terrorize my brother and I by saying that if we did not behave the devil would come and grab us by our feet while we slept story according to her was that the devil would roam around looking for misbehaving children then when they slept he would grab their feet and drag them away she solidified the fear in us by introducing us to her uncle who had a bad leg and walked with a crutch she told us that he was dragged away by the devil and hanged in a tree by his leg out in a field when he was a kid did not help that he could not speak English and was not able to tell us the truth to this day I still cannot sleep with my feet uncovered or hanging off the bed also sleep with a huge Maglite right next to me in New Jersey I grew up hearing some terrifying things the one that scares me the most is the story of Annie's Road the version I was told was a girl named Annie was waiting to be picked up from her boyfriend they got into a horrible argument and he kicked her out of the car she walked home by herself until a bunch of drunken sailors offered her a ride raped her and brutally murdered her before throwing her body onto the road and driving away it is said that at night she will appear as a hitchhiker and when you pick her up you will lose control of your car or if you swerve to avoid her you'll crash and die to summon her simply turn off your headlights and tune into the oldies station you should see her in the rearview mirror apparently after her death sometime in the 60s her father would come to the guardrail where her blood was splattered and pained and read every year in hopes that she will visit my mother supposedly saw the guy painting at red once the devil's tree is another scary thing in New Jersey I won't dare go near the Ouija board hell no nope nope nope always wanted to try it just to see but nope not happening ever under any circumstances don't want to risk a bad or good spirit coming over and haunting me my only Ouija experience me and my buddies were fresh out of high school so early twenties give or take we thought it would be an awesome idea to take a board into a cemetery with us on a Halloween night we get there and take out the board start messing around with it we get some movement on the board of course the whole dude stop moving it I'm not moving it you are what the heck stuff some Punk teenagers happen upon us so we invite them to sit down for taking our marijuana and just chill with us they were real dick butts being loud and disrespectful about the whole thing the board stopped moving when they were with us once they left the board began moving again we think we contacted somebody / something the board's moving it's spelling out a name for us giving us yes / no answers the whole nine yards finally the board spells out leave now or something like that we asked why do we need to leave and the board responds you or last over and over again your last so this freaks us right the duck out we say goodbye to the spirit and pack up and begin to head toward my friends car as we get to the car there is a cop sitting in the parking lot of course me being the obtuse mother duck er than I am I volunteer to go up to the cop and speak with him you know so we don't look suspicious or he doesn't just flash us and pull us over as we pull out of the parking lot etc as I'm approaching the cop he rolls down his window I see he is tapping out on his computer and writing down on a ticket pad I'm polite and respectful good evening officer oh we're just here trying to give ourselves a little bit of Halloween scare you know he asks us if we saw anyone else because there was a second car in the parking lot as well and we say that yes we did see a group of kids but we parted ways about 30 minutes ago and we don't know where they are etc the cop is like all right which car is yours and I point to my friend's car and he just says okay you guys can go and don't do this in the future okay I'm like yes officer no problem um are we going to get a ticket or something I said motioning to the ticket pad he's riding on the cop says nope just as luck would have it I'm writing up this other car first you have good timing that you came back to your car when you did I was going to do your car last we nope the duck out of there after politely excusing ourselves
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 223,769
Rating: 4.9244328 out of 5
Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Id: vzdTuAp2zTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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