These ghost stories made non-believers believe (r/AskReddit - Reddit Ghost Stories)

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people who use to not believe in ghosts but do now what experience changed your mind I saw a reflection of myself at the end of a hallway in a friend's apartment building only he told me the day after there was never any mirror in the hallways ooh ooh I have a story so in high school I worked kids birthday parties the place was basically a giant gym and gymnastics / dance classes were also held there one day I came in and one of the girls I worked with who was very spiritual and very religious was totally freaked out during the gymnastics class she taught that morning one of the kids was staring up at the ceiling when she asked the kid what he was doing he said there's a little boy up there and pointed at the ceiling strange enough but whatever kids are weird later two girls who were working a birthday party before mine came out of the gym and were visibly shaken a pair of five-year-old twins went down a slide and then stared at the ceiling they both said that there was a little boy up there in the same spot on the ceiling that the kid from the morning gymnastics class we all went in and inspected the ceiling of course it was just a regular gray warehouse why ceiling but we were all super freaked out at that point during my party I was pushing a little boy on the giant swing we had in the gym he too began to stare at the ceiling he said directly to my face hey there's a little boy up there we told all of our co-workers and managers about the three separate experiences we had today with children from different parties and classes seeing a little boy on the ceiling the next day we had downtime between parties and nobody was in the gym there are cameras in the gym that allow parents to see their children playing from the lobby my manager called us out of the break room guys check this out we come out and see the screen which is streaming from the gym showing that giant swing going back and forth nobody's in there it's just the swing going I like to think that the ghost was truly a little boy who just wanted to play and he finally got to go on the swing could be worse I'm still not sure if I believe but there have been some weird things in my life that I can't explain when I was five years old I woke up in the night and my grandma was standing at the end of my bed wearing a teal blue skirt and a matching blouse I remember that it was summer and the sky was still light but not light enough for me to read so I guess it was about 9:00 p.m. i sat up she put her finger to her lips and I rubbed my eyes a couple of times cos sleepy and when I looked back she had gone I just snuggled back under my covers thinking how nice it was to see her because I hadn't seen her for ages and I hope she would still be there when I woke up next morning my house was eerily quiet my mom was in a worse mood than normal but she had been crying so I asked her what was wrong my grandma died the night before she had been crossing a road after her bingo turned out at 8:30 p.m. about 60 miles away from where we lived she had a massive brain hemorrhage in the middle of the road and didn't even make it to the other side let alone to my house 60 miles away she was wearing a teal blue skirt and matching blouse my wife and I swear that our daughter used to talk to ghosts when she was a toddler she was an only child at the time first instance I remember was her telling me that she was talking to Nana that's what I called my grandmother who passed about 15 years before my daughter was born my daughter was young and so I hadn't even talked about Nana to her so I showed her a picture and asked who she spoke to there were four women three of which I didn't even know but without hesitation she pointed to my Nana okay no biggie some months later my wife and I are trying for baby number two after my wife gets pregnant my daughter is sitting next to her on the couch and puts her head on her belly and says mommy there's a baby in there okay maybe that's coincidence she overheard us saying something a few weeks later my wife miscarries maybe my daughter picked up on our sadness who knows but she again puts her head on her stomach and says mommy there's no baby in there anymore then several months and one more very early miscarriage later my daughter tells us I was talking to my brother last night and he said that my sister is coming to live with me soon again she's an only child and had no living brother we were still trying at this point but had not taken any tests we picked one up that night and sure enough pregnant when time came to reveal the gender I wasn't even interested my daughter had already said it was a girl sure enough I have two daughters my girlfriend's grandfather's ashes were on a little shelf in the living room right next to a very solid / heavy angel statue well one weekend she and I are fooling around on the living-room couch and out of the corner of my eye I see the angel statue fly off the wall accompanied with a deep grunt now when I say this thing flew off the wall I'm talking seven to eight feet of air before landing on the hardwood and leaving a dent where the wing hit even if this thing had fell off the wall it would have dropped straight down not soared with force well we both stood there in shock and I whispered if she had heard the grunt as well to which she agreed so we both booked it for the day well that night at dinner we told her parents what happened leaving out the naughty bit and Megan's younger sister burst into tears saying she had seen a dark figure at the foot of her bed the last couples nights but didn't want anyone to think she was crazy grandfather that died had mental-health issues that caused a lot of pain Vale after that day I was a believer awhile after my grandma died my mom and I were looking at a photo of her we had on a shelf she was never a nice person till the moment she died she refused any help from anyone but was quick to steal and lie my grandma also didn't like my mom anyways I mention how in the photo she's not smiling and how she never really smiled in life my mom agrees with me and then the glass cracked straight across my grandma's lips in the photo my mom took the picture down the next day I still don't believe in ghosts but I did have a strange experience I had a cat who I found in a ditch many years ago she was cute and I pet her so she followed me back down the train tracks about a mile to my home I opened the door for her and she went in she was offered the opportunity to go back out and did for a moment but then came back in she was mine forever I've had many pets over the years and loved them all but this one was different she wanted to be near me all the time I'd often said I'd never had a cat who made me feel like my personal space was being violated before she followed me up to bed every night and purred me to sleep she died fairly quickly I barely even had a chance to say goodbye I knew she was ill having been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism which cat owners will know is not a good thing to hear although progress has been made ask your vets about the Pens they've worked miracles for my current cat who also has it they vomit their food up and waste away slowly eventually succumbing to either congestive heart failure or kidney damage she had taken a turn for the worse and I thought her treatment wasn't working on examination they found tumors in her stomach and liver she had been dealt a mortal blow and was only going to suffer harder and harder in the most painful one I've ever had to deal with I put her down and she even me out one last time before the end I forgot to mention that this cat was also the most talkative I've ever had she frankly wouldn't shut up I buried her in the yard to keep her close and tried to go to sleep completely beside myself with grief as I lay down I heard something familiar I live in an old house in my bedroom doesn't have a door so I installed one of those plastic sliding doors the slats it's made of make a telltale clacking sound when they're disturbed like they did when a cat pushes in between them and the doorframe I heard this and a moment later I felt the foot of my bed compress and could feel the mattress to form around my feet up beside my legs and roughly to my hips I looked no cat I don't know how to explain this I don't believe in ghosts and I'm sure grief can cause some pretty significant psychological disturbances a quick perusal of my post history will very quickly show I am anything but cuddly but I was absolutely in the kind of deep grief where one would expect that as I love that cat more than basically anything else even typing this now years later is making my eyes well up with sadness for my lost friend I could write off the sound of the plastic slats as a breeze or a hallucination older members of my family said they saw my father after he died and I've read about grief induced hallucinations before but to feel my mattress deform like that in exactly the way she used to circle my feet and come up beside me I don't know what to think a few weeks after we put our dog down I felt the compression of footprints walking next to me along the mattress like she used to do when she wanted to cuddle was comforting in a way but also scary and confusing when I was about 10 to 14 I had terrible insomnia I would imagine things and felt incredibly unsafe as though I was being watched although I never admitted this to anyone I began only sleeping on the couch with my back against the wall and had to have the TV or some sort of light on I missed an immense amount of school because of this so my mom had me see a neurologist the neurologist diagnosed me with some things but the crazy part was during my sleep study I slept amazingly well no issues at all and slept in the real bed eventually I got transferred to a Children's Hospital and speaking to the doctor I explained I would see things and felt uncomfortable they had thought I was experiencing sleep paralysis when they told my mom she went ghost white she pulled me aside and explained she was experiencing things too she described in detail what I was seeing that evening she approached my brother and asked broad questions do you have anything weird happen in home etc he also described what we experienced it was then I realized we must have paranormal activity and I believed it ever since when we moved out of that house all my sleep issues abruptly stopped and I haven't experienced it since what were these experiences if you don't mind sorry I didn't think the post would really get this much attention so I didn't put a lot of effort into detail I would see a large dark figure that I believed to be a man who would walk the halls at night I would see things have or here things happening like a cup would fall off the counter or items on an entry table move one evening I remember seeing a black figure that was smaller size of basketball run across my bedroom floor hit the wall and went under my bed as I was convincing myself it was imaginary my mom came running in since she heard the thud at the time we hadn't all concluded the ghost thing so I didn't say what it was but ran out the house and spent the night at my friend's because I was terrified my mom experienced many times the feeling of someone sitting on her bed she said she'd think it was one of us and looked but there wouldn't be anyone there just an indent as if someone was there's more but I'm at work my breaks over I'll have to keep typing later if there's interest worked at a public pool I would work alone after hours cleaning the building in the pool one night around 2:00 a.m. I'm cleaning the change rooms the pool has been closed for four hours at this time I hear the sound of a child's laughter and bare feet running across the pool deck I go out and scan the area there's nobody in sight the doors are all closed and locked there is nowhere a kid could be hiding no wet footprints on the pool deck I rechecked the doors and the security monitors I am the only person in the building it was unsettling most of my family is extremely religious and believe in ghosts wholeheartedly most of them claimed to have seen something paranormal at some point in their lives I wasn't very religious and I always thought to myself if I haven't seen it then it's not real that changed during my senior year in high school I was dog sitting at my great aunt's house while she was out of town for a few days a little after midnight I'm watching a movie and my aunt's dog starts barking like crazy and runs up the stairs at full speed the dog was small but fierce suddenly I clear as day heard a gravelly voice at the top of the stairs say bad doggie the voice was deep and masculine I went upstairs because I was certain nobody else was supposed to be there I looked around and there was nobody in sight the dog was still barking at something that I couldn't see she was just barking at an empty hallway that's when I heard footsteps walking away from us down the hall and into my aunt's bedroom I could hear the footsteps but I couldn't see anybody making them I nope the F out of that house with the dog and went outside in my car the dog and I slept there for the night I'm not entirely sure WTF I experienced that night but I definitely believe in the paranormal now I never told my aunt about what happened but apparently my great-uncle her husband had died in that house a few months after I was born I never knew him but I'm willing to bet that it was him who I heard that night NSFW I was one of the firefighters working on ground zero for 911 I lost two of my buddies and it still haunts me to this day as I was making my way through the rubble I heard someone screaming I bolted to wherever I heard the sound and only found a twisted body on a rebar the body was burnt and pale and it looked like it had been there awhile I watched a firefighter walk up the rubble towards me and hug me I was confused but I understood why he wanted a hug I hugged him back and when I opened my eyes there was no firefighter I stood there holding a helmet I don't know how I got this helmet but it was in my hands the golden eagle on the front had been bronzed and a hole through the side of the helmet with dried blood around it I was holding this helmet in tears while in front of an impaled civilian I did some research and the firefighter that I hugged had apparently died three hours before I saw him I still have that helmet and I will never forget the hug the Fallen firefighter gave me I was visiting my mother after my dad died she went shopping with her sister and left me alone I heard my dad as plain as day up in his room he got up from his computer chair walked over to the door and opened it he walked down the stairs and stood on the last step for a few seconds before walking back up to his room and closing the door I was probably five feet from him in the living room I just froze it scared the hell out of me I'll be right there god I just got to clean out this hard drive and search history before anyone else can see what I was into I'm reassured now that I know I can still clean my HDD after my death I can sleep more peacefully [Music] [Music]
Channel: ReddiTV
Views: 80,530
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Keywords: ghost stories, scary stories, reddit stories scary, askreddit, reddit stories, askreddit creepy, scariest stories, scary things, creepy stories, ghosts, believe in ghosts, ghost experience, scary
Id: K4IipwsiQdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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