What was the "incident" that happened at your school? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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what was the incident at your school a security guard came across a student plowing another and offered not to tell if they blew him to friend and co-captain of the soccer team brutally murdered his parents his mum was my English teacher a girl no one suspected was pregnant gave birth one weekend her father was a police officer and before he could break down the bathroom door she suffocated the child a friend's little brother freshman stood up in class and killed himself he had taken the gun from his oldest brother their parents had no idea that there was a gun in their home he had written a note to a girl saying he was going to do this she went to her parents with it they took it to the school the school did nothing teacher was found jetting sexual favors from a 9th grade girl who was held back like three times I went to a school for people with added autism and other more severe learning disabilities a year or so later another girl claimed at 6 she'll abuse from a teacher who didn't actually do anything she just was mad because he won't let her keep disrupting class he got fired and can teach anywhere but hey wait a ducking go Scylla this guy was like 60 something and his whole life was devoted to helping kids he bragged about it being fake and getting him fired everyone told her she was a huge piece of it edit her name I smacked release Kyler obviously but still guys this happened like seven years ago maybe cool it with the death wishes this made national news in 93 stroke 94 my freshman year of high school a pretty and popular girl got pregnant by her bf the bf denied it was his and wouldn't have anything to do with her she told her mother and the mother flipped out and kicked her out of the house and she committed suicide the spanish-language Channel was doing a graveside interview with the father on live TV during the interview the mother showed up to the grave that's when the father walked to his car grabbed his gun and shot and killed her on live TV the father ran but was caught trying to get to Mexico I believe going to school was real sad and weird for a while after that I didn't know her well but we shared most of our classes together and that desk that stayed empty the rest of the year was a constant reminder it was my junior senior years between my high school and our rival south school there were 11 - 13 deaths of students primarily suicides including suicide by cop pretending to hold a gun to get shot and by car wreck kids stole a car and crashed it into another car died on impact there was a series of three within one week everyone at the school was really depressed students were constantly missing had to bring in extra social workers and therapists and teachers basically were powerless to control the student body and got really lacks on schoolwork the school brought in the survivor who jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge and we cancelled school for the day to go to the assembly and listen to him speak kids just sat in the auditorium and cried and just ditched class I heard it's gotten a lot better but no one from my graduating class talks about it anymore a sophomore in high school was filming up girls skirts and got caught it was all over the local news kit found out he couldn't process alcohol at a school party vatta's he found out by dying in his sleep that night someone set fire to the school which led to us having a longer summer holiday legends for your information I live in the UK it seems every school has an arsonist or two 1980s in an Australian High School in a country town teachers having affairs with teachers and their partners finding out one partner husband chased a teacher that was having an affair with his wife around the school and punched him male teacher having affairs with multiple female teachers at the same time and them finding out not bad for a school of about five hundred students who needed drama on TV we could watch it at school murder-suicide happened in the middle of the street mid-morning just a block away from the school two brothers grown men one borrowed money from the other and couldn't pay it back the very next week someone called the cops of a gang of armed militants marching on the school and everything was locked down for hours some little old lady saw the JROTC team doing their parade drills in their usual spot at the usual time with their wooden rifles my last year in high school a girl whom everyone liked died in a car crash because she wasn't wearing a seat belt it broke the heart of a lot of people the day after it happened everyone showed up to school wearing blue in remembrance of her it even started a hashtag called for name of girl everyone on social media was posting about her how much they missed her et Cie it was truly a sad occurrence and everyone seemed to be grieving obviously there were people who capitalized on her death for attention exposure that sort of thing posting selfies with the hashtag soundcloud rappers using her name in songs to gain exposure that same year a close friend of mine attempted to overdose in the school bathroom he was the type of kid people made fun of because he was quiet and also seemed like a school shooter there was no hashtag for him edit this was in Arizona friend is still alive okay so this one's a little dark but anyway this happened when I was in year five idk what grade this would be in America but for reference I would have been like 11 I remember coming to school and everyone was quiet I asked what was happening but nobody would tell me eventually one girl in my class let me know basically this teacher who was teaching year 4 at the time was caught trying to meet up with a 14 year old girl for six they had talked online for like a month and during this time she repeatedly said she was 14 he also said some pretty ducked up it like there's something innocent and fresh about them in regards young girls and baby baby I just want to hold you and feel your lips on mine it turned out to be a police sting operation and he was arrested and given a two-year sentence fun fact for our Easter parades he was the one dressed up as the Easter Bunny who would give out Easter eggs there was no more teachers dressed as Easter bunnies at our parades after him student have six with a teacher got caught and posted all of the female teachers nude pics online had a couple senior pranks that made the news high school grade 11 announcements lady set it down instead of sit down during a severe weather drill those Wonka tears expect us students to keep quiet he could do anything but keep quiet someone microwave the cat and left it in their locker after a couple days the stank was so overwhelming they had everyone in that hall open their lockers ended up with ten drug arrests and one smelly ass cat a sixth ape was discovered between three students maybe one was filming don't remember the breakdown the guy came in the girls eye and she was known as Cyclops throughout the rest of high school not sure how people saw this tape cuz it was like 2004 before smartphone so it must have been like a physical tape bedbugs infested the school the school didn't notify students or parents till a week after it was discovered almost 100 students brought them back to their home the county ended up paying for the cleaning of all the students homes and finally everyone figured out which student initially brought the bugs to school poor bedbugs plen'y the fork incident my freshman year to read wearing gangster kids that got into a fight for some reason that nobody remembered or cared to even remember and the two started a legitimate fistfight the fight escalated within seconds and the other kid stabbed the other kid with a fork for some reason all the kids for the rest of my high school years remembered the incident if a kid was gonna get in a fight some kid would inevitably say to bring a fork give a kid a fork as a joke a ceiling tile fell on a student two students were found having sex in the girls bathroom and they were both dating other people in ninth grade we spent 45 minutes in world geography class watching our teacher who was also the baseball coach chase a cow off the baseball field 10th grade English teacher Mrs Y forgot the intruder alert drill was just a drill and freaked out and farted quite loudly trying to make a barricade out of desks no one told her that it wasn't real and Teletoon an innocent kid in grade 10 died in a gang shooting last year four people committed suicide my sophomore year the CDC came to the school to try and figure out why teacher dated a student fairly openly they got married immediately after graduation rural school in the 90s before my time some kid brought a nail bomb to school tailed his buddy about it who thankfully told the administration police shootout in the surrounding neighborhood it wasn't uncommon to find bullet marks on the outer walls of the building I miss puto Greco female teacher gets drunk and Hassocks with a student on a spring break trip to Spain when we get back they don't fire her she spends the next six weeks getting drunk and tries to make a run at several of us me included she was not invited to return the following year easily happened when I was a senior this longtime couple cutest thing ever but he ended up cheating on him in a threesome andthe six tape was released to school she was dumped spiraled into depression tempted to off herself via train she lost an arm her legs but managed to survive I don't remember much after that it was wild this thread is too dark here is my addition a few kids were having a farting contest in high school and one of them at himself there was the guy that ducked a goat my senior year don't have any other details but do you really want to know the details around a guy ducking a goat someone clogged the toilet by outing a brick so wide and solid that it filled the circumference of the toilet hole like it was as wide as a Boston cream doughnut and a pure solid the bloody unused culprit was never found the year was 2005 during lunch someone supposedly took a dump and broke the toilets in half principal along with 20 teachers brought all the guys into the gym and showed us slides of the turd in toilet bowls in half the entire gym was laughing so hard while the teachers tried to get us to settle down nobody ever confessed to the crime during the school day somebody set fire to the toilet paper rolls in the men's bathroom for some reason though the school was put and locked down instead of being evacuated I guess it was because the fire was relatively small and was put out fairly quickly but it did send my social studies teacher to the hospital since he got hit by a stall door trying to put the blaze out a guy killed himself he jumped in front of a train he was apparently bullied and he might have been gay he was 15 y/o I knew something was up when I was walking from one school building to the other when a few janitors came together and talked about an accident with the train which wasn't far away from school I knew it had something to do with one of the kids and unfortunately it was true I still think about it every time I Drive past the spot where he killed himself it's been 11 years now 2016 was the year known for a lot of celebrity deaths right well that spilled over to my school 2016 was the year when a friend's mom died due to health complications a friend's dad died no one knows what happened my dad died a kid my entire class knew got cancer a kid's entire family died in a freak accident teachers mom dies this all happened within a three-month period we couldn't stop going to funerals as a class it felt like every weekend something horrible happened some bozos stuck his entire life savings into a fund raiser senior got pancaked by a kid in a car outside of school it was a mess teacher got fired for posting pictures of attractive underage students on a known pedophile site the Education Minister commented on it a 33 year old mother stole her daughter's identity and came to school for 3 days to relive her high school days she even joined the cheerleading squad our all-boys private school used to have a yearly dance party with an all-girls private school just a few blocks away I say used to because they canceled it after it was revealed that a bunch of girls were giving head to the bones Corral style in circles on the dance floor had a couple in junior high one doubts of a kid who was always acting like an ass got beat to a bloody pulp for asking the quiet weird kid why'd your mom kill your dad and not you two during a movie kid in the back of class whipped out his D and started jerking girl sitting next to him saw it and told the teacher he never lived it down three transfer students freshman Wally scary-looking probably six minus five inches 220 picked a fight with a kid half his size but who knew how to fight tall bully promptly got his ass beat down senior prank when I was a freshman a group of 10 seniors broke into the school at night removed the ceiling tiles in the library and covered a lot of the door handles in peanut butter there was also apparently a camcorder and some money that was stolen anyway school got shut down for a day so they could clean it all up we were all the way up in Maine and the incident was reported on as far away as in Floria apparently the kids made a huge mess of the library tiles and a ton of them were broken or unusable the peanut butter was spun as a deliberate attempt to trigger allergy attacks although I'm pretty sure this was nonsense the town billed it as a case of vandalism in retrospect it was just a prank that got really really out of hand and one jerk used it as an opportunity to score a camcorder my high school had five fires in one year three were construction and two were people like toilet paper on fire and then throwing it in garbage cans almost a year ago early in the morning a kid was found hanging in a stairwell it was all anyone could talk about all day and everyone was pissed that the teachers didn't do anything to help us cope with the trauma he survived though when I was in high school my friend dropped dead a couple of months before graduation he was talking to his girlfriend on the phone and she heard a thump and he was just dead his little sister found him before the girlfriend could make it to the house no reason found on autopsy either he just died at my primary school a child in nursery maybe reception died of a brain tumor the school and friends of the family raised more than you acute 200,000 for an experimental surgery in America now there's a small garden named after her in her memorial rest in peace Amelia on a lighter note a bunch of kids got roasted by our Deputy Head than year ten for offensive memes during this some kids search history got shown to the entire school among it will lesbian abuse porn and girl tied up and finger to death in grade five the teacher was reading The Diary of Anne Frank to the class and we were all on the carpet listening intently things were serious as she explained to us that they were about to get caught out of nowhere pool releases an unstoppable seven second fart into the middle of a group it was one of those farts where it's obvious he'd been holding it while the pressure built in while his sitting on the floor created an exemplary in BAU sure that trumpeted Paul Paul's misfortune throughout the room it stunk too we laughed he cried we all got to talking to there was a guy F for privacy who had just transferred from another high school he wore weird clothes and a lot of people joked that he was going to be the next school shooter I personally didn't pay much attention and felt that he was a pretty chill dude just a bit odd one day he was asked to make a report for class I forgot the topic and I wasn't in the class he decided to make a PowerPoint about the Second Amendment apparently he specifically asked the teacher if he could do this and the teacher gave the okay he made the PowerPoint and accidentally left the flash drive that held it in a school computer some students found it and reported it F tried to explain that he was given permission to do it but the teacher straight-up denied it in the end the school suspended F and said that they would only him back if he went through a mental evaluation test F was fed up and just dropped high school to go get his GERD TDLR guy made a PowerPoint about the Second Amendment got suspended for fear of being a school shooter true story I went to a high school that's shaped like a swastika I think if you wikipedia'd burn coat senior high it has a whole page about it law and if that wasn't bad enough we had three different cafeterias the B cafe the C cafe and the D cafe and which one you ate in basically depended on your race B cafe was all the black kids C cafe was all the white kids and the D cafe was all the Hispanics the Hispanics in the blacks got into this huge race war one year and one morning we had a legit riot over the speaker's they announced CodeRed did the teachers ran to lock all the doors and kids in the hallways were thrown into random rooms the school was on lockdown for six hours the kids were all fighting each other and eventually the teachers tried to stop them which turned into the kids throwing teachers over desks and fighting them too we had something like 25-30 cop cars show up and they arrested a bunch of kids the students made a bunch of t-shirts that said I survived Code Red no size zero six the shirts were not allowed pretty terrifying at the time especially because at first no one knew what was really going on luckily no one got really hurt I can only imagine the fear of being in a lockdown these days good times one of the teachers daughters gave a dude a [ __ ] suffer more who was super athletic and in good shape varsity football plus tennis was playing tennis one day and went into sudden cardiac arrest he died just like that it's a strange feeling knowing that he was there in class with you one day and the next he's completely gone for a senior prank a group of guys somehow snuck into the school cafeteria during off-hours and put pieces of dead deer above the ceiling tiles without anyone catching them a few days later students and staff started complaining about an awful smell it took a few more days before anyone figured to look in the ceiling nothing really happens at my school but one time one of my best friends drowned going down to river saving a girl's live after she was drowning because she had a bad leg school then after half a year took down his memorial we have in the hallway in the trophy area and everyone and I mean everyone was pissed medic off he was the legend and loved by everyone an explosion we had an auto shop class to learn about basic work they do on cars in shops for the final project they were going to be tasked with making barbecues out of peppermint oil drums one day the teacher was not there and they had a substitute one kid who was ahead of everyone decided it would be a good idea to get a head start on his project although the teacher had not fully cleaned out the drums and was not there to tell him that he started cutting into the drum and it exploded in his face he ended up dying later that night we all got evacuated from the school while not quite sure what had happened I thought there was some sickness spreading or something because there was hazmat and para demyx everywhere sad and scary day for everyone at my school and the teacher ended up developing severe depression rumoured he became suicidal also and eventually quit story you [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
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Id: 9akMFygvLv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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