What is the most awkward moment you have EVER had? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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while waiting in car with my college girlfriend of three years and her family her father made me get out and walk home because I wasn't family rajat what is the most awkward moment you've ever had when I was little like 9 - 10 years old I went over to my friends house to chill and work on our science project at about five 0-0 just before the Sun started to go down my friend's dad called him and he told me one second I'll be right back double quote jump forward twenty minutes and my friend is still gone I go look for him and his whole family is in the kitchen eating dinner his dad asks me oh hey big juicy do you know your way home I had no idea how to respond so I just grabbed my backpack and walked the two miles back home it doesn't seem too bad to me now that I walk a few miles every day but - chubby ten-year-old me it was [ __ ] torturous I was so confused at the time as to what to do but looking back the whole situation was extremely awkward for everyone involved and frankly quite rude they never offered me a ride home some dinner or anything they just sorta ignored me and then told me to get the [ __ ] out way back in high school my then boyfriend was over visiting at my house I decided to be nice and heat up some leftovers for him from the fridge right as I sat down the plate my dad walks in and says that is our food and takes the plate away from him and sits down to eat it at the opposite end of the table I just stood there in painfully awkward silence until my dad finished and left I was talking to a friend of mine about my upcoming formal I think it's a prom in America she said that she couldn't wait to go and that she had just bought the most beautiful dress I was a bit confused because I didn't know she was going and asked her who was bringing her she said yonghwa's mutual friend not his real name now this is where it gets awkward because I knew John had actually asked another girl we knew I seen him ask so I say to her are you sure I thought he was bringing a she looks at me with a confused expression and gets out her phone to text John we stand an awkward silence for what seems like an eternity until finally John replies but to my phone asking me to tell her she isn't going I show her the text and she just says oh then looks at me and says I have to get back to my mum and practically runs away holding back tears as it turns out John asked our friend then decided he didn't want to bring her anymore in just ask Tex instead without ever telling her I have never felt so awkward than when I was having that conversation and have never been so furious if someone as I was at John my grandparents both in their late 80s invited me to come down to Florida the spring break one year and they said I could bring a friend I was thrilled and so was my friend em she and I booked our tickets and were really excited for our trip about a week beforehand Graham called me to talk logistics what kind of food should they have for us what kinds of things would we like to do would we be wanting to share a bed she kind of slipped at last one in there and I short tailed her that them and I are not gay I'm pretty sure she didn't believe me because every morning at breakfast while we were there she told us about how there were several gaze at her church and they were wonderful and the whole congregation was very open it was the cutest thing but so awkward especially when my World War two vet Grandpa strong and silent chimed in his acceptance TL DR my grandparents are extremely supportive of my non-existent gay relationship last year I went to visit a friend Shirley after her brother had died her brother committed suicide by running the car in the garage when I got there there was another girl at the house I don't remember her name but let's call her Lisa who was eating a plate of food that Shirley's mom had cooked before I got to the house apparently Lisa had driven Shirley's dad somewhere down the street because Shirley's family wasn't using the car that killed their son I don't know the exact details anyway before Lisa leave she asked Shirley if she can have gas money for driving Shirley's dad down the road it was literally a mile or two that she drove him so I thought it was a bit stingy of her so Shirley calls her dad into the room and says Lisa would like gas money for driving you today and her dad says okay and I would like food money for the food you ate in my house it was really awkward that I was proud of her dad my friend invited me out to eat with her husband and kids and asked me to make a cake for her birthday the day before the dinner she called and said her grandmother was going to be there and that I didn't have to worry about paying for my meal I'm unemployed but I had cash I wouldn't have agreed to go otherwise but I thought that was nice of her grandmother I was on my way to her house with the cake and her grandmother called and said that one of her friends was coming into her non-family friend would be upset if anyone who wasn't family went but that she would pay me for the cake being the godmother to her grandkids didn't count and I shouldn't expect to be invited double-quote I dropped the cake at my friend's house so I wouldn't have to see her grandmother and while I was there she asked me to babysit the following week get my dad to hold something for her grandmother and loan at $20 and gas money needless to say we aren't friends anymore although this was a month ago and she calls and texts me several times a day I broke up with a girl during high school and a few weeks later I had to take stuff that was back so I headed over and had some misc things some clothes a few games and her dad's projector I called her to let her know I was there so she could open the door but her dad's opened it as soon as I walked up I gave him the projector and proceeded to walk upstairs to her room I put her stuff on the bed and went to walk out but she stopped me begging not to break up with her this lasted for two hours she wouldn't let go I kept telling her no when the crying just got worse I tried to pry her hand off me but she pulled an oboe and hung from me after I got was free I went downstairs and her dad was waiting for me he asked what happened to the projector I was confused because when I brought it over there was nothing wrong with it I have used it the week before he showed me that the backside had be smashed somehow and that I needed to pay $500 to fix it or else he was going to report me to the police for destruction of property I left promptly he must have dropped it while I was dragging around a crying girl for two hours glad I moved on not even a year later she ended up pregnant now has a cute boy with a boyfriend who acts his son's age damn shame I am sure this is gonna be buried so I feel a little safer telling it I was 15 years old and a sophomore in high school I was in an honors algebra class and was generally friendly to everyone there was this really quiet Cuban girl who sat ahead of me named Christine we barely talked and out of the blue one day she gave me a car that was an invitation to her birthday party I was kind of shocked and while since not really planning on going as I didn't sort know her or her friends the night I was supposed to go to her party me and friends smoked an awful amount of weed they actually convinced me to go so I called her and told her I could make it she said that her and her aunt were gonna pick me up no problem lots of Vezina later I was good to go she picked me up and we talked about randomness for a while as they drove back to her house when we got there I was still stoned out at my crib but no one was really noticing I walked into her house and was surprised by the lack of high schoolers apparently it was a fairly tight family gathering and I was the only one outside of family to be invited now Here I am surprised stoned and stuck talking to family of a girl I barely know anything about all I remember about the house was the double mirrors everywhere and I kept thinking she looks so high they must nurse but everyone acted very nice in fact me and her went to go see the first lot a movie in fear as that night I was unaware of it as that was her bday present from her aunt it was a double win for me as I got to see at last hidden for free TL DR so got tricked into going on a date where the girl in high school after I was invited to her assy birthday parties I farted once while going to eat with my girlfriend's family it was silent but the smell was dead animal mixed with rotten eggs and a pinch of kimchi anyway I just knew I was busted however when her dad said oh dear Lord who did that I remained silent and then inexplicably the girl says I did it double quote I think that's when I finally understood what love was my parents invite my boyfriend to the house for Thanksgiving dinner this is a big [ __ ] deal for me because I'm there my coming out wasn't exactly the easiest thing in the world and I had been with this guy for three years by that point and it was really serious I was so proud of my parents that I could burst parents were on the couch watching TV I bring him in make the introductions and nothing they say hello they asked how the drive was but that's it nothing they don't even get up they just keep watching TV I understand that they might have been uncomfortable or whatever but my dad one of the most generous and friendly people ever doesn't even get up to shake his hand dinner the next night was equally awkward almost complete silence and when they did talk it was to my sister and I neither of them made an effort to engage him in the conversation at all last summer I brought him home to help me help my mom pack up the house and she was much friendlier my dad had already gone on ahead to where they were moving to and talked and got to know him but that first time not only was it awkward for him I was painfully embarrassed and pissed at my parents I walked over to my friend's house after dinner one time I knew he was the only one home so I let myself in only to realize I was in the wrong house the family that owned it was there eating dinner I apologized and explained what had happened thankfully they didn't freak out those first couple of seconds rather less talkative my life during my junior year college a large public university I lived in a house just off of campus there was a basement to the house and me and my roommates would throw parties from time to time to help pay for utilities we would have themes but generally we will let whoever in and oftentimes we would end up having a couple hundred people show up over the course of the night one of the parties was beach themed and we bought leis to give to people when they bought a cab they worked to fold people enjoyed them because they are in college and enjoy free [ __ ] and thought they were more a part of the party but they also let us know who bought a cup or not one of my roommates or I were always at the kegs making sure people actually bought their cups rather than stole them I was taking my turn watching the kegs and the stairs down to the basement simultaneously at that point the basement was packed and there were about 20 people between me and the stairs I looked over and saw a guy carrying a girl down the stairs my first thought was [ __ ] that girl is probably wasted and can't even walk this guy must be trying to make sure he gets him tonight so I yell across the party hey if she can't walk she can't come in immediately the crowd of people parted like the Red Sea and at the bottom of the stairs was a motorized handicap chair for what Ivan realized was the handicapped girl she was a friend of my roommate and he always invited her to our parties but never expected her to come I don't know how I did not see them carrying the chair down but I ran over and apologized profusely and gave the girl a free cup and lei my ex-girlfriends stepfather once came home to a front yard a floating used condoms and [ __ ] I had been flushing condoms down the toilet like a [ __ ] idiot and it backed up their entire sewage system so badly that a huge pipe burst under their front yard and it all surfaced the awkward moment for me having to sit down with her her mom and the stepdad and stick to the ridiculous lie that my ex told her parents in order to preserve her image as a virgin that I had been masturbating into condoms in the bathroom on the night staff I stayed over to show the other side when I was growing up I had a best friend Danny who lived three houses down his mother treated me like one of her own invited me over for meals with the family for family vacations the whole shebang this one time not at band camp his mom was working late so I invited him over to my house for dinner I ran home all excited and told my mom he was coming she nervously told my father who took me aside and told me what a horrible pose I was I was around six at a time for assuming they would feed someone else's kid and that I was a spoiled little brat for thinking I could invite people over whenever I wanted because this was his house not mine I had to walk back to Danny's and tell him he couldn't come over for dinner I wasn't allowed to have people over after that growing up in an abusive setting isn't quite as obvious to those on the inside as it is to those on the outside after a long time in that kind of household it becomes normal which would explain why a lot of these stories the kids went along with the family dinner no Outsiders allowed thing they didn't know better or were too scared to know better I recently moved in with a high school buddy who is kind of a spoiled brat even though he is 23 or so he still lives with his mom and she was gracious enough to allow me to live here for a bit since I got a new job in the area their relationship is very I guess aggressive he is always yelling it here throwing tantrums like a little kid it's ridiculous the other night we were upstairs and she went into her room and he yelled out here at the top of his lungs about if she had done something with the car and when she didn't answer through soda bottles at her door from upstairs until she came out all the while each and every night I just sit there looking at my hands and not sure what to do I feel sorry for her and thinking I'm going to do everything I can to move out a SAP and get rid of the friend I went on vacation with my best friend to South Carolina I was living in NJ at the time so it was a bit of a drive now my friend always told me her mom was a crazy [ __ ] but I never spent much time with her so I had no idea anyways so we were there for maybe day three of a six-day trip and I had accidentally thrown away my ID I didn't remember how and her father had thrown the trash into the dumpster so we had to go out and dig for it on the way my friend's mom went batshit insane she screamed at my friend and I was trying to diffuse the situation by saying please don't fight it's my fault I was not in any way being rude while this [ __ ] flipped made us take a Greyhound bus home 19 F at the time when my parents offered to buy us airline ticket so mom said no they will suffer because we had apparently ruined her trip they drove us to some ghetto Greyhound stop in Georgia and it took us 17 hours to get home worst vacation ever TL DR best friend's mom is a total nut made me take a bus home with her daughter I don't even know the most awkward moment but here's a good one I was at a bar with a few friends watching some game or another some hilarious name comes up so my friend says that's what I'm going to name my second son why don't you just name your first son Bert are you going to name him jr. I asked I get stared at for around five seconds and then it hit me that he has a three-year-old son I went to church with my best friend she's white I'm black one Sunday and she decided without asking her parents that I could come over after and help them put up fence posts on their land they call her to another room once we get there and she comes back and says I'm not going to lie to you my family wants me to lie to you and tell you were going to visit relatives because they don't want you here turns out they were a tiny bit racist even though I had been there before it was always night and apparently her father didn't want the neighbors to see I was over super awkward when her mom comes in the lie on her lips hurry and take her home so we can go to your arms Stephanie I was 15 my girlfriend at the time invited me out to lunch with her roommate and herself she knew that I didn't have any money or a job at the time to offer to pay someone back if I needed money she had us go to how favorite restaurant not expensive but I still had no money seeing as I took her out for lunch often even though I had no reliable income I thought she was going to pay for me for once her roommate ordered food she ordered her food and quickly paid she looked at me as I stood there in awkward silence and asked when I was going to be ready to order I had no money I smiled and said I guess I'd wait till I got home she and her roommate proceeded to sit down and chat while they waited on food while I waited on their meal to arrive in the boxes they would normally serve Him they ate their food in the restaurant while I sat there with my stomach grumbling no money and no words for these people that call themselves my girlfriend and friend I was immediately brought back to being 8 years old and poor as [ __ ] while all my friends ordered food at restaurants I never thought someone could be so inconsiderate to someone they love and then play it off like nothing had happened I used to chill at my buddy's house every night till like 2:00 a.m. for like 2 years straight and one time I was leaving and his stepdad who is like 65 years old and his fat as hell was in the living room which happens to be where the front door is and he was sitting in his big computer chair and was fiercely masturbating he was leaning back with his eye closed and it looked like he was talking to his shoulder he heard me walking and stopped and started to fake snore really loud that was six months months ago and I refused to ever go in that house again I have a similar story but where the success is the best revenge happy ending for over ten years my gfs dad wouldn't talk to me GF is now my wife when I would go over for dinner he would always do something mean like lecture us about whether we want a society of winners or a society of losers he thought that my gf and I was [ __ ] and would never amount to anything well a few years ago I graduated with a PhD and today we just got the news that my GF wife just got her PhD I was 9 - 10 years old and at my best friend's house for the first time his parents were German immigrants really nice but really German his mom called us to lunch and I sat down and she served up a plate of liver and onions I had never eaten it but I was taught to eat what you served especially when your company so I give it my best shot I got about three bites in and bath'd like all over myself so I go to the bathroom and there's this big commotion and his mom goes and gets me a change of clothes and I'm totally embarrassed so I make excuses about how I'm not feeling well maybe have a flu or something I finally get cleaned up and come out and they're all still at the table and his mom says don't worry only a little bit got on your plate I scraped your food a new plate and you can eat liver is good if you're sick double-quote i sat down and faced it went green and then turned on some little kid tears and asked to call my mom to pick me up still can't eat liver probably not as awkward as some of these other post but here is one I can remember right this moment a few months ago I attended my best friend's grandmother's funeral we had grown up together and I knew her grandmother very well I even called her grandma while we showed up to the funeral and as we are walking and I see my own grandfather sitting in the back I was a little or confused but I assumed he was there for support because the family had known him for a long time well after the funeral we all go to the church dining hall for food and to visit with one another my grandpa sits next to us and we are talking remembering her grandmother and all the good times we had with her when my friend's mother walks up to thank us for being there my grandpa stands up and shakes her hand and literally says I was debating on coming but I couldn't pass up an opportunity for free food though I am sorry for your loss everyone in the vicinity looked at him in shock and I wanted to sink into my seat and disappear thankfully my friend and her mom both laughed it offers the rantings of an old man that wasn't quite all there I spent the night at my girlfriend's house she was still in high school and living at home I wasn't supposed to be staying over but fell asleep in her bed either willfully or other I can't remember my GS set an alarm for around the time her mom would wake her up I climbed out the window walked around the house and knocked on the front door her mom seemed surprised that I was there so early and said that my girlfriend was just waking up and invited me in I went to her room kicked off my shoes and went straight back to sleep when I was 15 I was at a sleepover with a group of female friends one of my friends had just been dumped by her first boyfriend and was heartbroken we were talking about it for a while and we decided to ask him on instant messenger his reply was that he didn't want to be with someone who sucks their brothers dick then he proceeded to tell her how disgusting she was for being in love with her twin brother and doing all these sexual things with him we were all watching as he was saying these things it was so awkward a few of us had we mentioned how her and her brother seemed to have an odd relationship in the past anyway she didn't even deny it she just started crying then called her mum and asked to be picked up when I was about 11 I was invited to stay with a girl from school she was a boarder this is in New Zealand for the holidays she wasn't even my friend but I went anyway to this huge sheep farm in the middle of nowhere it was a long bus trip then a two-hour car ride to their place and from the minute I arrived it was hell I had really long thick hair and every time a shampoo commercial came on the tea Vivaan mother made a snide remark about shedding cats Dina was a huge slab of fatty lamb which I couldn't eat that's the best part and there was a bug in my spinach next morning I was served brains for breakfast nothing I could do was right I was too quiet too polite my hair was too glossy I was a fussy eater the visit was supposed to last for two weeks but at the end of the first week they told me they were going to visit their grandmother and I couldn't go so they drove me to the bus station and left me I had to organize to get home and then bring my parents to come pick me up I was 11 just last year I was over at my gfs parents house in the middle of a cornfield in Ohio just before I left for my home country we were watching TV in the living room right by her parents bedroom door we just sat there because we were not allowed to sleep in the same bedroom even though she's 23 years old we were snuggling under the blanket on their couch and suddenly her mom came out of her bedroom and she started parenting her about how in apricot she was being and how disappointed she was in her for snuggling me it was really awkward for both of us eventually my girlfriend just went upstairs and cried while I was sent to my room in the basement that was the last night we would see each of a face to face for five months as I'm writing this we are snuggling in our apartment on our couch and her parents have no idea that we've been living together for six months now : close bracket I had a friend named Craig who invited me and two other friends to his beach house in eighth grade my friend Craig was a notorious [ __ ] who always needed things his way at every sleepover he would beg for benadryl because his eyes were a chi or butt but if his pillow wasn't fluffy enough he was really picky about food and would make special requests to his hosts if he didn't like what was being served you get the idea anyway we were invited to his beach house for a few days and his dad drove us during the trip if one of us called shotgun for the front seat of the car Craig's dad wouldn't let us sit there because Craig was his kid it wasn't a big deal or anything it got annoying after a while of course a parent will favor their own kid but his dad took it a little too far one night my one friend John was on Craig's lat top talking to friends on a I am apparently he was telling a friend at home how Craig was being a little [ __ ] Craig decided he wanted his laptop back and he grabbed it before John could delete the conversation Craig read it all and started to cry his dad yelled at all of us in decided we were leaving the next day by far the most awkward Drive in my entire life Craig's dad wouldn't speak to us and Craig Craig the whole ride home we got dropped off and there were no goodbyes or anything just silence not a very fun beach trip this is probably never going to be seen under all these comments but who goes edit punctuation when I was 14 I had a boyfriend called George being 14 all we ever did was make out and watch movies together and his dad was cool enough that sometimes we would have some of George's friends over too one day George and I were chilling out with our mutual friend Steven watching crappy TV and whatnot when his dad walks in and says you guys just watching telly then while George I think I'm going to call our old Mary common we're British yes comma so about 10 minutes passes and someone comes to the door and they go upstairs George then turns around and says casually old mare is a prostitute by the way the look on our faces must have been rather special I think we sat through about five minutes of the dodgiest sounding sex before making excuses to leave what a [ __ ] up father-son relationship old Mary I used to babysit a three-year-old when I was in high school it was her birthday and her dad invited me I bought her a stuffed sakes since she was into snakes and some helium balloons and showed up a few minutes early in case the parents needed some free babysitting while they set up I get mer and nobody is there except the mom in the three year old so I play with her unsupervised while the mom ignores I exist which is cool she scares me anyways about an hour goes by things are getting a bit awkward nobody is showing up I'm in their house being in the way but leaving now would be rude so I wait around finally kids and family show up the kids are upstairs all these adults are sitting around the living room and nobody acknowledges I am there I smile and try to say hi but people just look away so I stand in a corner by the stairs waiting to be thanked so I can leave and about another route goes by me just standing right there in the corner of the room about five feet away from everyone awkward as [ __ ] the dad shows up and he stands right next to me staring into space sipping a beer I try to chat with him but he just nods and stares off into space ignored by the rest of the people as well finally I'm thinking [ __ ] this so I announce I have to go everyone just stares for a second then turns away so I just walk out of their house no thank you no bye no hello no offer of food or drink no offer to sit down in high school I was 15 dating a 16 year old girl her dad caught us doing to date I hightailed it out the back door two weeks later my parents made me take her to the homecoming dance that we had agreed to pre-incident so I had to go to her house to pick her up i sat there in her parents living room for 45 minutes waiting for her to finish getting ready while her parents sat across the room from me just staring her father's face was literally purple Oh God I can be an extremely awkward person at times here is one of my worst what the [ __ ] was I thinking moments I had plans to hang out with my friend Dom we had been hallway friends for the majority of high school but only recently had started hanging out keep in mind I am extremely shy and awkward when I first start getting to know someone and since we had only recently begun to hang out I was still in the awkward phase he had an appointment at the time I didn't know what for which is a very important detail set for after school so I told him I could just pick him up somewhere in town after he was done we decide on Safeway which is a pretty central location I pull into the Safeway parking lot and I see him walk up to the car he is all smiles I'm not really sure what the occasion is but it's always nice to see someone happy I unlock the door and let him in the first thing he does is flash a huge grin move his face in super close and are asked notice anything double-quote little awkward ol me has no idea what he is talking about and frantically searches for anything noticeable since he is smiling so big my eyes are naturally drawn to his teeth which were in need of some brushing never in my entire life will I ever understand why I did this but I give out a little half laugh and say nothing a little brushing won't fix double-quote his smile drops I just got my braces off I done [ __ ] up he looked like he just got beat over the head with a sack of dead puppies I saw the words leaving my lips of joy seeking missiles and each one scored a direct hit we drove in silence to his house continued to hang out afterwards but never spoke of that situation again my house was completely destroyed due to Hurricane sandy my new boyfriend five months was at my house the entire week helping out he had a few of his things in my room so when we found his guitar case he was elated sentimental reasons he scrubbed the [ __ ] out of it and left it in the yard Whitman do not throw out pile we went back to what's left of my home today and lo and behold the guitar case was missing side note my family came to help and started throwing stuff out without asking me because they deemed it trash but it's been a few days and I've had time to stress let Emmie see what's left of my life before you throw i.t away anyways I asked my family where the guitar cases they all deny touching it and my aunt starts a war in the middle of the street calls my bf a scumbag [ __ ] Oh guitar case we lost an entire house you're not welcome to hear selfish prick blah blah blah ten minutes later my uncle comes out with the guitar case and Chuck's it across the street into a huge puddle and it snaps in half mind you my BF has been gutting the house washing belongings in the yard in 40 degree weather with no heat power or hot water for people he's met five times before the incident [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 55,480
Rating: 4.8516688 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: g9uC3tZuuIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 1sec (2041 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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