What is the most unexplainable thing you have seen? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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what is the most unexplainable thing you've ever personally witnessed I was hungover yesterday morning I didn't drink to excess I didn't think any way but I suppose part of getting older is feeling the mighty bodily harm half a dozen blood lights can impart on our frail bodies splitting headache queasy for Advil and the coffee is usually enough to right the ship there is one left in the bottle son of a [ __ ] my wife and I talked and decided I'll take a trip to the shores down the street and get Advil and a few other things we happen to need so I hop in the car with my lists and the Sun is making things 1000% worse but I've made this bed for myself and so I will happily lay in it at the store I've grabbed milk backup Folgers the anvil and I decide my wife might like some fruit with her breakfast I am looking at granny smith apples when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye a man with no eyes this [ __ ] had no eyes totally by himself navigating the store you know how an old lady's mouth looks when she doesn't have a forced teeth in it was like that twice on his face I looked him in the face he appeared to look at me I put an apple in the bag is he going to ask me something I wondered and then deftly defuse the situation by looking at my phone like a jackass and walking away awkwardly he ended up being ahead of me and line to check out his speech was grumbled and strained he only had a few items I have absolutely no idea how he managed this I got a coffee this morning Duncan's sitting in one of the booths drinking a coffee and looking at a newspaper no I guy TLDR might be in an x-files episode will report back if still alive at end of the week when I was 15 I was babysitting for a family in my village it was about 1:00 in the morning and I was walking the 10 minutes home the roads were completely empty and everything was completely quiet I'd done this walk in the dark loads of times I wasn't scared I heard a noise which sounded exactly like a bicycle on the road being written really fast sound carries its night in the countryside so it was quite loud I looked up but saw no bike the sound got louder and louder and then went right past me but there was nothing there I was terrified and ran the rest of the way home still no idea to this day what it could have been listening to a song in my headphones out in public it was a song by him anon I see a car passing by and one of the passengers in that car looks right into my eyes and starts rapping the lyrics to the song that I was to listening to with perfect timing I just look at him all confused in his [ __ ] car drove off he was still going on and gave me a wink as the car took off I just sat there contemplating on what had actually happened and then I was like what the [ __ ] edit no I was not on the radio I was listening to music stored on my ipod I was somewhere between 8 and 11 with my mom and dad spending the night at my grandmother's house what I recollect at one particular night is laying my head on the pillow closing my eyes opening them almost immediately and it was morning I had no dream recollection or awaking in the middle of the night I roll over or peel whatever nothing I was well rested so I know I slept I'm sure it was some sort of brain induced illusion as opposed to say time travel but it was weird edit based on the number of me two posts I can only conclude that we were victims of some sort of alien abduction they zap just with a sleep ray - cousin performs insert humorous alien probe reference here on us then they returned us to our beds and zaps us with a wake ray the sleep ray inhibits dreams as I remember it when I was about five years old I was laying in bed staring at my nightlight as I tried to go to sleep it was a standard nightlight just a base with a bulb at the top that you'd plug into the outlet the shadow was always cast straight down beneath the Bears this particular night I watched in horror as the shadow rotate 360 around the nightlight coming to rest again directly below the Bears I freaked the [ __ ] out and was terrified even five-year-old me knew that was impossible a few years ago I was driving home from work home was in the country it was about 1 a.m. it's a straight line so I know there are no cars whatsoever to the left and the dead tree line I saw flashing lights red and blue I could see miles in every direction there was no one I got out of my car to change my perspective and maybe explain this the lights were still there I didn't see their origin it's like they had none red blue red blue the top of 25 feet trees very strange this will definitely be buried but [ __ ] it when I was 12 my extended family went on a Caribbean cruise on the last night my cousins and I were doing our typical running about and for whatever reason wanted to take the elevator down a few floors to cause trouble somewhere else so we press the down button the elevator comes and we get in but instead of taking us down that takes us a few floors up stupid elevator so we stay inside a press the floor that we want again this time it takes us down past the floor that we want to the below deck section we're only personal go where equipment is stored and where you typically need an elevator key thing to access of course we think this is awesome and get out commenting on how strange it is and how much you can really feel the motion of the boat down there then I swear to God it seemed as though the wheels of a bellhop Trog that was stored down there [ __ ] shifted 90 degrees straightening out and the trolley started to roll we promptly got the hell out of there back to the elevator which finally decided to cooperate I'm sure this can all be chalked up to a faulty elevator and the motion of the boat but at the time it felt ridiculously odd and creepy when I was in my teens we lived in a house that gave me the heebie-jeebies not horrible just an uneasy feeling sometimes it's night Abed would shake this happened about four or five times not a huge shaking that threw me out of bed but enough to wake me up completely and experience it for enough minutes to know it was happening I don't miss that house about a year ago my sister's hamster got out of its cage on the top floor of our house and it was nowhere to be found after a week we chalked it up to death by cat yes six months later my mom and I are talking upstairs in her room one afternoon and we hear and feel this sonic boom it shook her picture frames and was so loud we thought the hot-water tank exploded we raced downstairs to nothing everything was fine and still I looked down into the front door foyer and what do I find my sister's hamster just sniffing around in the corner like nothing's up can't to this day figure out what that sound was aware the hamster had been hiding all those months a running gag in the house now as the hamster as a time traveler that finally found his way home I don't believe in the paranormal but to this day I have no explanation for this one day I was sitting on the couch watching TV with my dog she was laying still then suddenly perked up and started growling at the corner of the room to the left of the TV suddenly she snapped her head toward the right as though she was tracking something moving fast across the room as her field of vision passed the TV a clock on top of the set fell off as though he were knocked off it happened when I was 16 I'm 26 now and still really want to know what the [ __ ] could have caused at the age of 16 a group of friends and I ventured to an abandoned campground to drink and carouse the grounds included a giant mess hall building with the fireplace big enough inside to burn two couches we threw everything we could find in that fireplace don't worry the mess hall was very well ventilated having no glass in the windows and various Huddle's and proceeded to listen to Pearl Jam and have a good time at around 3 a.m. some people are asleep but 3 of us are still chilling out in watching the fire we had run out of booze long ago and it was a bit too cold to sleep unless you were really drunk as we sat there watching the pile of burned-out garbage flicker and smolder the fire suddenly started to turn green that's not unheard of so nobody reacted assuming it was just some chemical surfacing on some of the garbage in the next few moments a roughly head sized lump began to form in the center of the fire it resolved itself into a face and began to make speaking motions and grim a since while but without making any noise other than the crackling of the fire after two minutes or so it collapsed into ash at that point the few conscious members of our crew looked at each other aghast and said the usual things what was that did you see what the [ __ ] double-quote it was very clearly a head made of ash we had multiple people witness it it very clearly coalesced out of a pile of garbage pretended to tried to speak and then dissipated I really have no explanation for it at all as a kid growing up in the rural parts of South Carolina my family and I would sit outside last night and enjoy the air talk and look with Wonder into the night sky one night my mom's twin sister directed our attention to the sky there we saw what can only be described as the underbelly of a plane it has two or three lights on the bottom it just hovered there strangely enough most planes don't hover the ones that do are exceedingly loud I found out the truth to that as a marine on Camp Pendleton CA when the Harriers arrived this vessel just hung in the air silently lights flashing I forgot all about it until after a year or so listening to coast to coast Haiyan with art bell and calling him and his callers lunatics then I realized I saw the same thing naturally I no longer call people crazy because of my own experiences this one time I went to a cheap palm reader tarot card whatever else psychics claimed to do on the boardwalk just for fun the lady proceeded to tell me that the break-up I was going through would get better for me but that I sholdn't get back with him when he came back around this was seemingly generic advice but she also told me the name of my ex and that the guy I was rebounding with right now was trouble she also gave me his name correctly it was such a strange feeling that she could accurately tell me all these things about my life and I really didn't feel like I gave her any leads I was alone so none of my friends could have given her any clues either it was so strange too bad this will get buried it's good or one I have a couple actually but this one baffles me to this day I used to live in an old house in Salem MA all kinds of weird [ __ ] happened there but one time when we were having some friends over the upstairs bathroom locked itself from the inside with no one in it it had the kind of locks where you slide the bolt through the slot it has two doors as one you could access from the hall and one from my bedroom both lock themselves there was no one in the bathroom we had to kick the door open to get in when we did empty window closed it was painted shut light song it was physically impossible for this kind of lock to operated unless someone was inside that room the hair on my the back of my neck is standing up just thinking about it all the guests were downstairs in the living room everyone was accounted for the house had a mysterious fire about a year later that forced us to move out it started according to the FBI find the couch where there were no wires outlets or anything they could never determine the cause still don't understand how it even happened I mean I understand the physics behind it but anyway back in high school my friend and I were walking behind my house mind you I live in Illinois so it's really [ __ ] flat we had this plastic pipe running from the gutters valve so that the limestone path wouldn't get washed away during rainstorms I'm talking to my friend behind me not paying attention and I tripped over the pipe the whole world starts spinning I then find myself walking forward like I was before my friend was behind me laughing really hard apparently I did a full front flip and landed on my feet and the momentum with enough that it sent me back into walking again I still cannot understand how I got enough speed to do a full flip and then land on my feet I have magic slugs they'll leave a trail that starts and ends in the middle of a room occasionally I'll actually see one once I had wet feet on a solid floor and left a footprint I took two steps turned back and there was a slug in my footprint I was not stepping on it there was no trail from outside the footprint Edit actually I'll change my answer my grandparents have a place on a remote stretch of coast I was over there with my cousin one time and we'd gone for a walk along the rocks something came zipping up in the water to where we were really fast a circle at a three evenly spaced spots on the outside that were bubbling only thing we could see was this dark disc giving off the bubbles it was there for about 20-30 seconds then just took off back out to sea I don't believe in Espoo psychics or anything but there's this thing that happens to me that I can't quite explain I'm sure there's some actual reason it happens like some biological perception or psychology [ __ ] but anyway here it is I'll just be going about my day doing whatever then I'll get this fuzzy feeling in my head and stomach everything seems to slow down around me or maybe my thoughts come faster as usual I'll think I dreamed this then I'll start narrating in my mind what's going to happen before it happens it's always really mundanes things and it only lasts a few seconds I posted this before that had got buried I'm hoping someone sees it this time it was about 9:00 p.m. in early February so it was well past sundown I was driving south on a two-lane road blowing up a slight hill I was approaching a t-intersection with a red light there was no snow on the ground at a time I live in the Chicago suburbs as I drove suddenly there was the column of greenish brilliant light shooting up into the sky I was just about to crest the hill and thought from the placement of this light column that perhaps the red light had exploded but no the rational side of me knew it was no explosion it went so high into the sky that it reminded me of lightning in Reverse it also reminded me of the searchlight but was far too brilliant and strangely colored for a searchlight it lasted for about three seconds it baffled me so much that I posted on Craigslist asking if anyone had seen this and one person from my area responded saying he had also seen it but had no idea what it was my mom was getting ready to go in for a minor surgery when she realized that she was still wearing her wedding ring which you aren't supposed to do so she took it off and left it in the center console in my dad's car she was out a bit for a while and she did tell me to remind her to get it out of the car but I also forgot because I'm a shitty remember a week later I realized and went to look for it I couldn't find it in the center console so I told her she should go look since she knows exactly where she put it she couldn't find it either we thought that maybe my dad had forgotten it well and maybe cleaned out his car nope or at least he wouldn't admit to it so we were stumped and quite upset three years passed and my mom was without her wedding ring which isn't a huge issue in our family but I felt bad Phil not remembering in time to save it and my mom felt bad for ever putting it in such a place to lose it and my dad didn't feel bad but we both thought that maybe he accidentally threw it out with trash or something he's more absent-minded that either of us if that is possible we were taking some China out of China cabinet that we hadn't touched since we moved in eight years before I took down the teacup in the farthest top corner and my mom's wedding ring was in it it was dusty and bent but there it was we kind of looked at each other and didn't know what to say still not sure our cars are parked a good 20 feet from the front of the house on the street and this china cabinet is in the kitchen at the back of the house I guess we just got or whatever got the ring back agreement I was on my way home from the gym when I saw a woman being mauled by a huge dog it had to be at least 100 120 pounds there were a bunch of people standing around watching it happen there were two people trying to get the dog off of her with no success I went up to the dog and stood right over him I wrapped my arms around his body and lifted him right up off the ground I'm guessing the shock of being lifted made them let go of the lady then as hard as I could I tossed the dog and I stood ready to fight this damn thing because it was going to go after me right after he hit the ground it didn't it just took off her owner now this is the weird part I thought the owner of this dog was just some innocent bystander the whole time that guy was that he did absolutely nothing he said absolutely nothing to the dog he stood perfectly still and watched that dog Maul that lady but when the cops got a he said oh I did everything I could to stop that dog and of course he blamed the lady saying she aggravated the attack I was screaming at the top of my lungs you [ __ ] liar to the point where the police threatened to arrest me no criminal charges related the lady who got mauled settled out of court for a ridiculously small amount of money I was told it wasn't more than a couple of hundred dollars I would have sued that bastard for every penny he had in 0-6 I worked the night shift at an electronics plant lunch with around 3 a.m. and one night I decided to go home to eat instead of paying nine dollars for a plate of subpar cafeteria food I made some ramen and put on the Exorcism of Emily Rose I didn't have cable or Internet back then so DVDs were my only form of entertainment the movie got to the really scary part where the devil is talking through her in the barn and suddenly I heard a loud click I looked over and my bedside lamp had turned itself on this was a five dollar student desk lamp from Walmart with a twist style switch the switch was very stiff and took quite a bit of force to turn there's no way a breeze or temperature expansion could have caused it to turn by itself plus my house was kept at a constant temperature anyway I also lived alone so there's no way it was rigged as a prank either I can't think of literally no explanation for this that does not involve the supernatural I doubt that the movie had anything to do with it but it sure added to the scariness after it happened I put my bolt down and ran the hell out of that house this wasn't the only spooky incident that happened there either I fully believe that house was undergoing an active haunting while I lived there about a year ago I thought my boyfriend had died about two weeks after almost every night my hand would feel really cold and there would be a breeze from nowhere followed by sort of tingles on my side as if someone was laying next to Yomi at first I was freaked out but then it was comforting about a month later I found out that the entire time I thought he was gone he was in a coma after his failed suicide attempt he told me he had dreams of visiting me laying with me holding my hand and listening to me to this day I still can't explain it a few years ago we had a string of pretty crazy thunderstorms that passed by over the course of a couple weeks I enjoyed hanging out on our family's back patio and watching the resulting lighting that came from the storms one night while the rain was coming down the entire storm started to light up at first I thought it was just a rapid succession of lightning strikes but it just didn't stop it just kept flashing brightly it gets weirder the sky starts flashing blue green and red like someone was shining a massive strobe light across the entire sky I thought it was just my mind playing tricks on me at that point but then I called my parents outside and they saw it too you'd think it would have stopped there but it gets even better eventually a strange shape appeared in the sky it was barely visible between the sheets of rain but to best explain it it looked like a massive spinning rave light in the sky it flashed red green blue white it just sat there spinning and lighting up the sky I know this sounds like the dumbest [ __ ] thing ever but this did happen I have literally no [ __ ] clue what it could have been transformer popping crazy wave thunderstorm enthusiast neighbor no idea but I can say with 100% assurance that it was the strangest [ __ ] thing I've ever seen I couldn't find my glasses once and even after asking my mom to use her mom powers to find them they remained lost so I did the most logical thing and said out loud something like goblins if you give me back my glasses you can have anything you want from the pantry in the fridge then I go to the kitchen and there they were my glasses sitting innocently on top of the microwave oven and I'm telling you black frames on top of white appliance there was no way my mom and I could have missed them before the mother got scared I just love my goblins when I lived alone in my first apartment there was a small shelf next to the door I used to leave my keys on it every day one day I was about to leave and could not find my keys they were not on the shelf I searched the shelf around the shelf on the floor the entire apartment several times then I thought ok I'll retrace my steps I opened the door and stepped into the hall then I stepped back in and said ok I'd put my keys on the shelf here and placed my hand on the Shelf right on the keys my brother is four years older my sister won one stroke two years older but with disabilities we all rode the same school bus I was in probably fifth grade this day we come home my parents at work and we hear this absolutely terrible loud noise coming from inside our home my house is two storeys and the top half under construction my dad built it himself open the door and the house is vibrating the entire thing scared to leave my brother's side we all head towards the sound which is upstairs there's a belt sander on the floor it had sanded partially through the plywood floor but at this point was lying with the sanding pot up just wiggling across the floor that alone was strange how I did it flipped nobody has been home since we left then my brother went and unplug it it was not plugged in nor had battery backup he freaked and kicked it and it stopped he threw it out the window into the yard my dad doesn't believe us but I know we both saw it that [ __ ] was not plugged in but was going full-speed late to the party but this literally just happened about 10 minutes ago and I have to tell this story so I work in a distribution center on second shift sorting I start at 4:00 and stop at 12:30 but I love an hour away so if I speed like hell I can get home in 45 minutes as I walk into my home I have two choices I can either go straight to bed or put my keys away in the kitchen I decide to put my keys away and as I'm rounding the corner into the kitchen I see my father he's in his bathrobes with wet hair and a hostess cupcake in his mouth not bitten through mind you but just hanging in his mouth I say hi but then I realized that he's still asleep what is this I got even this may freak someone out but yesterday I was on reddit for three full hours with no problems using internet explorer good speed and all for my serious response this freaked me out and still makes me refuse to use a bathroom at night I've alternatively used bottles I without in the forest behind my home it was getting dark so I started heading back I hear two huge crashes and not a meter behind me two massive trees fell perpendicular barely missing me I wasn't sure how to react I ran home and didn't say anything cos no one would buy it I go into the bathroom and the mirror is shattered like a web shatter and my reflection looked like I was crying so I did my business turn around and suddenly I was smiling no matter what I did I never frowned I asked my mom about the mirror and she just looks at me she quickly tells me it's nothing and goes back to her show next morning mirror is fine I go out to the forest trees where and there and the thing that scared me most out of all of this is that my dad had that bathroom locked for and we weren't allowed in the forest anymore the next week our neighbor disappears police called in all the next morning it was all normal again as if it never happened freaks me out so bad this happened in sixth grade in middle school I was eating my cereal in the morning like I always do I usually have another half hour before I have to leave but today I was early and had about 45 minutes instead my mom walks in the kitchen we have a short conversation all while I'm still eating my cereal at the same speed then we both look at the clock simultaneously we had a five-minute chat but I now had not 40 minutes before I had to go to school I had five we both stared at the clock for a second then checked the time throughout the house really quick we had lost a half-hour and my brother hasn't even woken up yet which he was supposed to do in about ten minutes originally at this point I've got four minutes not only to get me ready to leave but to get my brother ready to leave - there hasn't been an explanation as of yet ghost story time so my mom has the 1965 convertible Mustang and me and my friends were driving with her through the countries to get scared at night probably around 15 years old we pulled into this cemetery at night to put the hood up as it was getting cold in the distance we saw this weird light floating across the horizon it wasn't at a walking pace like someone holding a lantern but floating about a minute later my mom's dashboard lights start going crazy on a 1965 Mustang you can't control - lights without turning off the headlights on top of that my mom's hands were in the air I guess that my mom had bad experiences there before I'm not one for paranormal activities or believing in the bug that [ __ ] was [ __ ] I was 18 playin manhunts tag with some friends at a local recreational complex it had a small playground area which had a large metal slide about ten feet tall above the slide was a cover acting like a sort of roof which came to a point like a spire he had decided to wrap himself around the edge of the spire and Klint of the edges is a clever hiding spot apparently his grip was weakening just as the other friend who was it approached a playground he clung on silently until his hands simply had no strength I had been hiding about 40 yards away near some bleachers when I saw him fall he fell about 10-12 feet with his back told the ground to be met by a metal bar about three inches in diameter which was above a much smaller slide it was then that I witnessed his back then to the point where he kicked himself in the back of the head his back looked like it folded in half he then flung off the bar and hit the ground we all thought we just watched our friend get paralyzed or worse he laid there motionless for about 10 seconds as a bluff then got up and made it to base safely as if he had somehow planned the whole thing he hadn't to this day none of us can understand how he got up from that without so much as a bruise to show my stepsister 18 years old stepmother and I 12 years old were in the kitchen when a ceramic figurine flew off of a shelf at head height 6-8 ft away directly at me it reached the space where my head was and dropped straight to the ground and shattered we all just stood there completely stunned for what seemed like around five minutes my stepsister and I still talked about it that house sucked the alarm went off by itself all the time I was always blamed for this we would find cabinet doors open all the time also blamed on me the door chime would sound anywhere between the hours of 1:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. so this happened about eight years ago in my ex-girlfriends parents house it's a very old house and at one time had a heating stove in the basement it still has a cold in the basement that always was ominously shut my ex screw up in the house and said he'd always had paranormal experiences but she was prone to fantasy and I honestly thought she was probably just misinterpreting things we were in her kitchen which was near but not exactly above that basement I was tickling her and had her in a bit of a grip and she was laughing and yelling stop dot this went on for a little while but the next thing you know the same words were being mimicked from the basement but at a delay that couldn't directly make it an echo also my voice standing next to her was not echoing also the very strange thing was the best I can describe it it was like someone was doing a very good imitation of her from the basement the emotional pitch wasn't quite perfect when we finally noticed it happening we both got really wide eyed and quite scared I started to make noises from the exact spot to see if it would happen with me nope I yelled down the basement hello anyone down there and that's when the voice echoes stopped we then tried to make more noises again from the spot we were in but were unsuccessful at having any echo repetition of mine or her voice I finally got the balls to check down there but nothing nobody was there after that day my beautifully eccentric ex named the ghost a female name and was talked to it every time she had to go down into the basement by herself mostly because she doesn't like the idea of it being lonely she still thinks it lives in the old coal room I still sometimes miss those kinds of sweet eccentricities about her one summer evening myself and two friends were smoking weed at a local park we were all lying on the bonnet of my mom's car staring up at the clear night sky there were lots of stars visible but one in particular caught our attention it appeared to be moving not in a predictable straight line sort of way but in random squiggly sort of lines after 30 seconds or so it appeared to shoot off into the distance slightly freaked out and questioning the quality of the weed we tried to work out what it might have been when a few minutes later a tray appeared perform the same squiggly movements and again rapidly vanished as before it didn't reappear a third time and I've never been able to explain what it might have been [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 54,070
Rating: 4.8163772 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: zMKcvEkRHfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 57sec (2097 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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