What is a company secret you know? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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what is something about the company you work for that they would not like the customer to know I manage a major retail account for a shipping company they pay us to move their Freight across the country then deliver it to their retail outlets they pay for a whole trailer which they rarely fill then both seal to avoid tempering we take that trailer across town to our facility break the seal to back fill it with our own [ __ ] damaging much of theirs in the process then send it on to the destination on their dime rather than ours when it arrives we scan things as damaged in transit to avoid liability and report their original seal number back to them so it looks like their shoddy loading rather than us blatantly crushing their stuff with forklifts also as a result their product moves across the country in an unsealed trailer this is a fairly common practice in the industry just got laid off by new day limited formerly known as sab credit limited until a very recent and very pointless rebrand home of the infamous aqua card marbles and opus credit cards actually technically I worked for a major multinational corporation they paid to do their dirty work collect debts in the UK these cards are running everyone into the ground every other call I took on a daily basis so maybe 45 out of 90 was to set up a payment plan go through an income and expenditure form the cosmic customer was in financial difficulties and couldn't make their minimum payments these cards are specifically targeted at people with poor credit histories it is completely common for them to be issued to the unemployed when a customer is put on a payment plan or some kind of debt management strategy we an act and they perceive as though we're doing them a big favor in actual fact everyone at the company is 100% aware at least half the accounts will be the faulted on so yeah add new day limited sub credit limited first data corporation to your [ __ ] list literally the devil don't give me any [ __ ] about how if they couldn't afford it they shouldn't take out the credit cards many credit cards I'm totally fine with these cards in particular I think are morally wrong no corporation should be allowed to issue the vulnerable unemployed and mentally handicapped a credit-card charge in excess of 40 percent APR they're sucking wealth from the poorest in society and putting it into the hands of their Bodrum directors and managers so we say everything is made in America oh yeah we just order the stuff from China and grind off any identifying marks that could identify the company or country we get it from we tell people that our products comply with the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act and even supply some government agencies I am scared that someday somehow we will be found out and get sued : Open bracket former law firm assistant lawyers I works with don't license the software BC $300 for a legitimate seat is too expensive while billing clients $300 to $400 aha also look for the metadata in your legal documents you paid your attorney to offer few lawyers know anything about technology and the metadata could reveal a previous client or even another firm that means you paid for a plagiarized document the previous client paid and then you paid most attorneys I worked with not very many did not like using written fee agreements written fee agreements are in my favor as a consumer to use attorneys like to block bill look it up block billing reduces documentation you want and increases fees a charge its standard is the warning phrase I used to find another attorney I follow up every conversation with an email to document our discussion due dates documents process etc helps me remember and keep my bill low the company that I work for just now has a new policy called by management the happy guests policy so in short it means that you can use as many coupons that you want on any items you want there were limitations and now even expired coupons can be used you can even use the same coupon on pretty much your entire purchase if you ask we cannot say no to our guests I worked for American Express American Express owns a company called American Express publishing guess what they do they print books and magazines for ayyyy customers here's the catch every year a book is published called food and wine insert here here and sent to AE customers the book costs around $85 and is just billed to your account now since these are charge cards and not credit cards the majority of customers pay the balance in full every month so if you do not want your bill carefully you'll pay $85 bucks for a book you did not order and think you get as a perk of the card the books come automatically and the only way to opt out of it is a postcard sent to your address that you have to check opt out you're ready for the kicker even if you opt out this year in 2014 you will get one next year you must opt out each year of publication whenever customers called we instantly gave a credit for the book a knows it's a scam and makes way more money than it looses with this one I work for a phone and Internet company if you tell us that you were supposed to have a credit of X amount on your bill every month we'll put a credit on your bill every month we don't research try not to be too greedy don't go above like 20% of your base price before taxes we also only issue credit in $5 increments edit sorry to crush your dreams guys it's windstream also my last day is Friday if you have a business account PM me because I don't give a [ __ ] at this point at a major pizza chain I used to work at you'd think that the veggies would be the cheaper toppings but actually most of the meat including the chicken was much cheaper than say the tomatoes I know this isn't too damaging but it makes you wonder how do we get me to be so cheap and consequently what are we really eating you know the four hundred and fifty dollar our attorney fee you ping he's not even looking at your case and he pays me 25 dollars ow to take care of it and figure it out also when you go to hearings there is about a 50% chance you'll see him on the phone beforehand asking me to describe what you look like if I can make him laugh with my description he buys me lunch want to know the difference between a made in Mexico fender and a made in America fender price both are made the exact same way by Mexicans I was offered a job two protential II work for the Custom Shop section of fender in Corona California and when I went to tour the factory they really didn't want to show me the made in America section I was happily shown the Custom Shop section with the master builders building great guitars with great price tags but once I requested to see the more standard staff I saw a bunch of Mexicans scared shitless and I walked through the door and that maybe I was ice in short same guitars but hundreds of dollars more for no reason sorry for the crappy sentence structure I'm working with her to chime in I work at the higher end Country Club and we give out gift certificates for golfers raffle prizes for a lot of benefit events somehow they end up in the hands of some people who just to put it bluntly round our club so we put an expiration date on the GC and tell them that we are full and can't come out the days that they want nothing too crazy I just thought it was interesting when I found out these two things are illegal to do edit not a race issue all of those games you place a farmville candy crush two dots etc so we're all made to scam you out of money you're basically agreeing to play rigged casino machines other than the theme of the game nothing is allowed to change the formula of the game unless it proves to increase profit this is why you get farmville CityVille dreamville grocery store Ville carnation Ville they're all the same they're not actually fun they just rely on your inherent need to make progress fill up progress bars to reel you in and get you addicted for more dollar sign dollar sign dollar sign dollar sign edit puzzle games are worse because what you expect to be random pieces falling from the top of the screen or whatever are actually very calculated into not giving you the pieces you need to progress the only way to progress is purchasing power ups or blasting your social network graph for help double quote someone needs to make a documentary about this casino slot machines do not pay out more than they take in ever they pay out 90-95 percent of what is put into them eventually we are guaranteed to keep 5-10 percent of your money slot machines have different chances to pay out based on what they are set for areas that see a lot of foot traffic by food finance cages entrances will pay more often to give the impression of people winning but in smaller dollar sign amounts see first point as to why we can charge as much as we want for things because we allow you to use your points earned by gambling it may feel like free money to you but to us it is just reclaiming the money we refunded you on the slot machines which we know we will get back a loan of sorts pharmacy we don't judge you unless we know you are abusing and we do know when you are abusing while we the employees do our best to keep prices for drugs affordable due to contracts prices on those medications are 100 - 500 percent above what we pay for them and as much as 2,000 percent on rare medications due to the cost to obtain it and the risk of you just dying without picking it up we purposely try to get the worst-tasting least desired brands of commonly abused drugs flavoring your liquid medications is a crazy overpriced monstrosity one bottle of flavor will cost us a couple dollars and we'll flavor 20-50 medications that we charge three dollars for work for lab brokes UK bork maker if you consistently win you will have your betting monitored and bets restricted if you lose you are free to keep losing if you play on the force betting machines you are free to do what you want because they're fixed against you over your lifetime you will lose to them UK bookmakers have to be seen to be complying with regulations i.e not letting people get addicted but staff are judged by how many bets profit turnover their shop takes if you have a guy spending you accrued one thousands a week it would be detrimental to your job to discuss with this customer repeat like to bar himself from your shop if shops get robbed they reopen a SAP if they get robbed twice than Ladbrokes consider putting in a bandage screen a manager was murdered in a London shop whilst working alone Ladbrokes continued to staff shops with only one staff member at night and have yet to inform staff as to how a person lost their life disclaimer this is second-hand and I do not proclaim it to be true machines manager for at Ladbrokes region once advised managers took the free bets to customers wishing to bar themselves evil company I work for the airlines I'm sure the customer wouldn't be pleased with the amount of [ __ ] that is broken on an airplane at any given time or legal for the FAA though I just fly a small turboprop and it's not uncommon to have anywhere from 3 - 10 things not working the way they should at any given time a favorite of mine when calling in something that is broken did you try turning it off and back on again double quote all the fact that it's left up to the flight crew Turkey the planes in between flights we used to have cleaning crews but those went away in an effort to cut costs during the merger typically we are allotted about 20-25 minutes from when we pull in to get all of the passengers off groom the cabin and get the new passengers back on not much happens with cleaning aside from crossing the seat belts and removing the trash that passengers love to put in the seat back pockets so yeah I would wash your hands after you fly luxury car dealership Cosley with issue and the customer owner is not aware of unless a customer complains about an issue or it's related to the repair in progress we are not allowed to inform the customer of the issue unless it's safety related and even then it depends on what the issue is Kaza have price tags of $100 zero zero zero plus leaving not in 100 percent because the company doesn't want it upsell ex for work bothers the crap out of me these cars should be 100 percent every time they leave here and if anything is wrong the owner should know US government contractor IT field formerly from there is an FNS there are corporate in government warehouse is just full of millions of dollars of [ __ ] like NetApp arrays that will just sit there and will never be used they were purchased by the government just to be mothballed this is your tax money spent for the sake of keeping large companies nice and rich and to justify budgets for government programs this is buried but whatever I worked for nonprofit that set up volunteer trips overseas a lot of times we had difficulty maintaining partnerships with schools orphanages hospitals et Cie because a lot of international volunteers suck it's funny because an American Canadian European will go somewhere like an orphanage in Kenya or a school in Vietnam and think they're God's gift to humanity but a lot of times they're a giant pain in the ass not very skilled don't know the language showing up late showing up drunk hungover missing work to go on a vacation with a local not mentally prepared for culture shock getting sick and taking up the time and resources of the facility I could go on and on close bracket car sales dealerships dealerships don't make a lot of money off of cars as in we aren't making thousands of dollars a profit off of you when we sell you that 2008 Hyundai Sonata we might make about $300 bucks most of that goes to the salesman's Commission and whatever money we sunk into the car to make it presentable we make money when you sit in the finance office warranties is where we make all our big money this is also the part that could determine if you're $200 month payment is now going to be a three hundred and eighty dollar month payment by the liver room service in a high-end hotel and any and opened alcohol delivered to the room or brought in and left by a guest gets resold it gets bagged up by housekeeping or picked up by us brought back to our coolers and then sold again I think it's a little weird especially when it's stuff that the guests obviously brought in because we don't sell it anywhere in the resort edit to reiterate this fabulously profitable Resort in a tourist City sells alcohol at a 300 percent - 400 percent markup 21 percent service charge and delivery fee and if the guest doesn't use it they salvage it like some sort of Dickensian crackhead trying to scrape the barrel to pay the landlord also the servers and supervisors are exempt from overtime pay by some legal voodoo also the place is [ __ ] filthy a couple wet rags will be used a clean schmutzie [ __ ] off of service trays then used to polish silverware glassware whatever surface needs to be wiped with an unsanitary wet rag is the rag failing to get the silverware shiny after wiping curdled milk off a tray give it a quick rinse in some tap water if you feel like it every time you grab a live to put on a coffee pot is like reaching into a scrubby nurse box of cockroaches it rides me crazy the place gets cleaned up a real good on inspection day I guess they check in at security so we get plenty of heads-up sometimes I control a fleet of ambulances and manage emergency responses within a geographical area sometimes I have no ambulances to send like at all because they are all unavailable not staffed stuck waiting at hospital so I have to just stare at my screen and hope nobody seriously hurts themselves or you know guys this period of time can last from 30 minutes to several hours with ambulances being immediately deployed again as they become available so you back to having nobody it's not a great feeling large investment firm here our financial advisors have no [ __ ] clue they do have access to internal research and guidance Apple equals by AMD equals cell etc coma but that info is available on the market as well e.g from S&P they make their money from old reg but financially illiterate people i caught on to this after I've made a few sweet investments and the fast started calling me for tips I also see their conversations with each other in a facebook like internal app used to work for future shop Canadian Best Buy and if you buy a TV with a warranty and out TV lasts the length of said warranty which is feasible as it's normally only four years before it's up leave your TV on permanently with a few heavy blankets on it the warranty requires them to replace a TV that burnt itself out and after four years they won't have your model anymore so you will get the newest model in that line buy a new warranty on your free TV and repeat enjoy as one of the only assembly guys in my manufacturer I have to retrofit parts to fit each other constantly when everything should go together without a problem many times I am repainting black paint laughs chipped off with a permanent marker and using oil and a hammer just to get something to fit together have fun taking it apart to do maintenance at home because the screws are not what are holding everything together it's because they are a bad fit and my answer was a rate pound did blow hammer for about one year I worked as a government contractor I worked for a private company which was being paid by the US government's to rice software for them there are a lot of things about this industry which have made me never want to pay taxes again backroom deals between contract holders and private companies rewriting entire applications my five million dollars contract simply to spend more money etc here's my favorite example when a government official is put in charge of a budget they will make sure that they spent the entire budget let's say the end of the year is coming up and they are coming in under budget big problem if they come in under budget then it is going to be difficult to ask for the same amounts or more next year so you will see a ramp up in spending such as unnecessary travel dinners hiring more contractors which benefits the executives at private companies who probably know that contract holders in the end of it amount of money is pissed away so that the individuals in charge of budgets can look good and everyone is happy unless you pay taxes and care where your money is spent TL DR your tax money is part of a very expensive pissing match between many government employees with a budget and private companies profit from it a major American University is corrupt from top to bottom top meaning that its last president got massive checks for backroom deals with politicians bottom meaning that the legions of adjuncts those people who make minimum wage teaching the vast majority of undergraduate classes are cutting corners half arcing and bullshitting a significant amount of every student's education that's not to blame the adjuncts because they're economically squeezed to take the greatest possible number of classes nevertheless every student and everyone who pays money into this system is getting screwed during the swine flu epidemic before it was clear that it wasn't as bad as predicted we decided who would receive the vaccine and who wouldn't at a fairly local level there was never enough vaccine to hit cover the at-risk groups the antivirals didn't work and we plan seriously to lose a good chunk of the population all of the vaccine and antiviral stuff in the news was a smokescreen we genuinely expected it to be like the Spanish flu in 1914 with bodies in the streets public official for municipalities we don't really work in the people's best interests we work for our clients best interests our clients are the school board hospital museum police department etc so if one of them Raleigh [ __ ] up we still need to do our best to clean up the mess this happens way too often this isn't necessarily a bad thing as someone needs to help these services operate and defend themselves that we don't go around spouting that we don't actually represent the people company publishes and brags about creating jobs when in actuality they had to hire a bunch of people after they cut our stat under 28 so they don't have to offer health insurance and then blaming litigation when it was directly their decision to save money with this strategy wouldn't it make more sense to pay a good wage to full-time employees who might stick around and get good at their jobs increasing productivity efficiency reliability and directly impacting the customer experience I am ashamed of the fact that I work for a company who adopts this philosophy I used to work in the fruit and veg section of Morrison's a supermarket chain in the UK my job was to walk around checking the sell by date on items and collect those going out of date the next day as well as selling carrots apples potatoes etc in one kilogram bags we also sold them loose so that people could buy just one or as many as they needed I think this is the same for supermarkets in the US but maybe not anyway the majority of the loose producer buy has just been emptied out of a prepackaged that has gone past its sell-by date when you call a cable company and your call drops randomly so you have to call back that isn't random customer service reps CSRs are judged on [ __ ] metrics including average core lengths many calls go over the average accepted core length so to bring their average back down CSRs have to hang up on a few calls a day those nine second calls bring their averages in line with job requirements they hate it too CSR's also had pay services you didn't ask for onto your account under their employee number then remove those services and zero out charges under another reps number to meet their sales quotas you might call that you will be told we upgraded your software and added it on by mistake and caught it before you were charged there is no customer service in cable just sales driven by made-up metrics based in no earthly reality by VPS who have never spoken to a customer in to be life my former employer that rhymes with jujitsu made a routine process out of finding small startups with interest in tech from a single joint development venture then giving their designs to the in-house development teams to get a build on their basic ideas and get a boxed product on the shelves before the people in the startup were even aware give them just enough cash advances to keep them from signing anything hey you just take the money we haven't even signed anything yet so this is all yours we can call it a consulting fee we'll draw up papers when we get to a point where you're ready to release double-quote and of course they never have enough money to defend themselves and double you out anything signed it's all too late they still do this to this day easily 25% of their company is based on stolen tech products and services it's way cheaper to throw five - 100k of someone and steal their products than it is to do a bond out they literally make billions off crushing startups feel free to take legal action here are the 7 firms that represent us pick one double quote oh and this was always done through an intermediary as well hi I'm Greg and I'm the lead developing consultant working with jiu-jitsu and they've authorized me to further insulating themselves from any possible actions I work for a defense contractor that specializes in basically doing the thinking for the federal government we are paid via no bid contracts because we save them money we rarely work more than two real hours in a given day I bring beer to work for the whole office home brew once a month and people get hammered and then return to work we have a 1959 minute rule that basically says you can charge anything to Maine work so long as it's less than a full hour and other tickle tools I create we cycle the same core code over and over with small changes we code in MATLAB we regularly talk about how [ __ ] stupid the government is for paying us so much my first month I was told to slow down on completing tasks or there wouldn't be any work available for me to charge tool and that would look bad for everyone else the company I work for has a collection box for breast cancer research sells bags covered in pink ribbons and every October the whole place is filled with pink merchandise and flyers to help raise money my manager was diagnosed with breast cancer and ever since her bosses have been pushing her to leave but if she left work she would lose her health insurance and be unable to pay for her treatments not to mention she's a single mother with young kids and needs the income so she comes in sick as a dog from chemo to get the mandatory almost 50 hours to keep her bosses at bay I'm not even going to touch on how other employees are treated Baker the vast majority of baked in store bread muffins and pastries can be traced back to about five companies that supply everyone from your independent small Baker to grocery chains to wholesale clubs I always laugh when people come into my store and rave about the local bakeries rolls being so much better when they use the exact same pur made though we do I used to work there cake and cake products are even fewer three companies 90% of the cakes you see in stores and I've honestly never seen a cheesecake in any store that wasn't made by the same company and then private labeled with a store brand or under a different company's name a Walmart in the Inland Empire area of Southern California I'm using a throwaway because as much as I hate it I actually do need this job hazardous waste disposal bins are located 1 foot away from a rack use to store food products this is not an exaggeration televisions and other sensitive high-value electronics are often dropped on the ground no inspection is ever made to see if the product is damaged employees are forced to use an unsecured 2 feet wide metal ramp to unload trucks because the store refuses to pay to have the docking ramps repaired several injuries and close calls have already happened employees often do not report serious injuries for fear of management retaliation there is a cockroach infestation near and in the food storage coolers an alarmingly large number of employees have had to go on medical leave because of severe reactions to insects spider bites home depot every employee is given by the CEO $50 worth of wiggle room to put the customer first this means every dillhole that works they has the ability to knock $50 off your purchase there are times when employees are urged not to use it but all have the ability this includes price matching up to the $50 level it is against company policy to question the customer hint tell them it costs $45 less at Lowe's they will meet and beat for savings of $49 52 for cheap and no proof is necessary close bracket also anything that is on a green handwritten tag they want to get off their books and they will give you money off all discounts are going to be higher on Mondays and Tuesdays start a budget week and even larger early in the month want to buy a bunch of clear and stuff they have has it been very little while not in a hurry ask for the department manager and ask can cut you a deal and let them know you don't mind waiting I used to give big discounts on big clearance orders if they bought on the first day of my fiscal month that way I could budget for it that all our passwords are the same or just a variant in numbers we can all access each other's accounts and if we don't we just ask for the password it makes life easier for when somebody is on holidays and only he has a specific access to fix a problem for example the only reason we do this is because security is so tight and the deadlines are so awful that going through the right paperwork to grant temporary access would cost us money because it takes too long now no biggie you think but I work in IT and our clients are some of the biggest in aerospace industry they take security very seriously if I was savvy enough I could easily plant a backdoor in one of the programs through the accounts of someone higher up I could stop a missile launch costing millions or find out the administrators password and sell it on the black markets to terrorists making myself millions pedophiles workout theme parks I mean a lot of them they work there to get close to your kids how do they get the job well they've never had charges pressed so they don't have a record what if they do have a record pedophiles also move close to theme parks and buy annual passes so that they can take creepy pictures of your kids when you let them go to the bathroom by themselves I don't want to upset you I just want you to think before you leave your five-year-old out front when you go into a ride stop doing that before you go to the parks take a picture of your kid front and back have meetup places if you get separated have a code word that someone can tell them to let them know it's okay to go with them use logic you're on vacation that's great but use logic people just because you're if the happiest place on earth there's still horrible people that want to ruin it for you and for God's sake if you're going on a ride don't leave your Chanel bag lying in your stroller that you park outside the amount of money I see wasted here is astounding there's a place called the RP 80 yard where they shred incinerate everything in an effort to reduce US presence in Afghanistan it doesn't matter how expensive or a usable it was just destroy it so we don't have to worry about sending it home or finding someone to sell it to MRAPs for example cost about $500 zero zero zero for a vanilla truck there is an endless field of them on Bagram waiting to be shredded and sold for scrap they weigh in at about 30000 pounds and are sold for 93 cents pound call it $30 zero zero zero of scrap metal even though it's probably a lot less I guess the customers are taxpayers edit from my understanding most of it is being bought locally and then raised sold to China I can't find any corroborating sources but that's just what I've heard through the RP eighty grapevine also shipping them all home would be my second-to-last option I would sooner sell them to other governments at a discount I made this argument to a lady I met doing cost analysis here and her response was we wouldn't want to give our tactical advantages to other countries which is an argument I've heard several times the thing is mraps are designed to be counter ie D we don't fight with those tactics so what do we care if either governments have Mr AP type capabilities in a conflict it doesn't much matter if it's an MRA P or a bicycle if we hit it with a small it's not driving any more used to work out the Levi's flagship store in San Francisco we had a pair of the oldest-known Levi's in existence framed on the wall in the boutique and every now and then some out-of-towner would come in boasting about how rich they were and how Levi's represents the American dream yada-yada and among the rarest thing in the store is in the mentor we were told to direct them to the torn Apple jeans on the wall and tell them they were from the eighteen eighties and have been found in a barn in the early 20th century they would then fork out one thousand five hundred bucks or so and be on their way with their [ __ ] up jeans and we would replace them with another copy from the store room now that I think of it Levi's would probably like people to know about this what with all the assimilated working-class propaganda they used to sell their pants distraction from the more evil [ __ ] unfortunately I haven't been to a sweatshop so those stories will have to be left to someone else [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 211,698
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: MAqMNz8k1Qk
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Length: 35min 48sec (2148 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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