What awkward thing turned into something great? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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I accidentally ruin a pregnancy announcement for complete strangers then months later was told I was responsible for their best story of their life what are your most awkward stories turned awesome backed when I had short hair a cop pulled over my father for running a red light on our way to the you a basketball game and asked why he ran a red light my father replied I didn't see it the cop asks where we were headed and my dad replies that were going to the basketball game i meanwhile was sitting in the backseat of the car reading my novel the cop says exactly this well since your little girl is being so good and quiet reading back there I'll let you go I told the cop excuse me I'm a boy do you see any breasts on this chests or long flowing luxurious hair on my head the cop blushed the brightest red I've ever seen a man a blush and said I am so sorry and he took out his wallet pulled out a $50 bill and gave it to me my best mate invited his close childhood friend along to the beach with me and my girlfriend they secretly had been crushing on each other for years unbeknownst to me and each other long story short I was taking pictures of them at sunset and jokingly told them to kiss they did that night they spilled their guts to each other and now they've been dating for four months with plans to marry I have a beautiful shot of their first kiss on my computer midway through my first year at college I took my recently dumped friend with me to a party she ended up getting trashed and slobbering all over this random dude who was almost as trashed being the good friend I am I helped her to the porch so she can puke her guts out then the random dude comes up and starts going on about how much he likes her to make sure I get a home okay etc I get my friend back to her place and she breaks down telling me she didn't like the guy at all I felt bad because the guy seemed like a fairly classy dude but what can you do the next fall my roommates invite a bunch of people over to chill and one of the guys looks familiar before he leaves I asked this is a weird question but were you at a party at last winter he replies yeah at the same time we both realized who the other person was and instantly became best friends right through the rest of college TL DR my drunk friend hooked up with a random dude six months later I Rea met the dude and we became best friends one of my best goo eye friends and I were hanging out at a bar with friends we had slept together once before but we weren't officially dating it was getting late and he said he was disappointed he would have to leave because he had work the next morning mildly drunk I said why don't you tell your boss that your girlfriend got you sick or something pause oops to which he replied and my girlfriend he smiled my girlfriend I thought about it smiled back yeah your girlfriend then we kissed went back to his place he called in sick the next morning and we had brunch at what is to this day still our favorite special brunch spot engaged and cohabiting four beautiful years later equals I recently finished a humanities class that is basically just community service we have monthly meetings in the last month I was asked to be the keynote speaker at our end of the Year banquet I'm not a very confident public speaker I tend to get the shakes but I figured I would have no problem giving a speech to 50 or so of my peers so I accepted be on and not quite realizing what I had gotten myself into I wrote a short speech a few weeks in advance and showed up a half hour before the actual ceremony began during socializing hour and realized immediately that I had made an enormous mistake the hall was packed with more than 400 students parents and staff even the college president was in attendance to make it worse I hadn't gotten the memo that it was a formal of I was wearing Dean's slides and the obnoxiously bright orange shirt that they had handed out to all the seniors in the class I went weak-kneed as soon as I walked in the door with 15 minutes until the start of the ceremony I took off to the local Walmart to buy a shirt and eraser I proceeded to shave in the Walmart restroom with the limp ass faucets that only dribble out a couple of teaspoons above water at a time it took me nearly ten minutes to eradicate my neck beard and by the time I showed up the ceremonies had already began I walked onstage with a glass of water and a razor burnt face to recant my most recent dilemma as my icebreaker the room burst into side-splitting laughter and I was able to walk off the stage with my dignity mostly intact so there was this creepy guy who was a friend of a friend of a friend he was not exactly invited to large group gatherings but not turned away either because he was known for the church blah blah blah well he was constantly trying to put the moves on me and the guy I was starting to date sat next to me he caught on to me helped me vibe and held my hand and kissed me discouraged mr creepy says wait are you seriously dating this guy I turned to him you down he shrugs yo I'm down he walks away fuming a few months later we are actually very happily exclusive he again but less forcibly his puting our moves on a bit during a pool party my love M Sheen scoops me up and sneakily moves my favorite ring to my left hand while our backs were turned he proudly and quietly announces we are engaged mr creepy again skulks away not to be seen for some time we have been together since then we were truly engaged five months later I was working as a cashier in a local hardware store you placed orders in the back and they were coated with your name and came up to the one register we had open someone with a kind of generic name John brown Commerce said they had an order from the back I rang that up first not thinking about it and then the 100 ish plumbing pieces he had I tell him the total and it is thousands more than he expected I tell him I pulled up his name and repeats his name to him he says yes that is me so I start saying that is his order when the guy behind him interrupts and introduces himself with the same name while I'm bringing everything up again they made plans for a barbecue and he was going to help him with the work at his new house they became friends and I had to spend another 30 minutes ringing everything up again when I was a young guy I worked in this restaurant where I also was dating the banquet manager one day I come into the office where my girlfriend was complaining to this guy about what a [ __ ] I was being I deserve it I was in my early twenties and a bit wild but I knew I was being a [ __ ] so I wasn't mad at anyone his back was to me and he was totally hitting on her while also telling how she deserved better she did she went white and he realized that something was up he turns around sees me and I give him the steely look but inside I'm cracking up at the awkwardness of the whole thing I said something I forget what turned around and went out before I started laughing she and I broke up not long after but that guy went on to be my best friend years later I'm retelling the story of how we met and told his girlfriend that story turns out he'd been embarrassed about the incident for years I thought he knew that I had never been mad but he didn't and was really relieved I'm 12 hours late for this one but here it is when I was 17 I was pregnant and planning on giving the baby up for adoption everyone knew this and felt it was the right thing and tried to be supportive at about eight months I went to a party in this guy that I didn't know was drunk and got really excited that I was going to be a mom he was gushing about his new baby and how amazing it is and how wonderful it was going to be for me and how even if it seems scary it work out and be the best thing that ever happened to me I didn't really say much and he was mortified the next day when a mutual friend told him that I was 17 and not planning on keeping the baby it had literally never occurred to me that having a baby could be nice I was the youngest of seven and kind of hated babies the drunken angel was the reason I kept my daughter she is now 14 and incredibly awesome and we have not only made it worked we have excelled at life and I couldn't possibly be happier that someone's awkward gafe changed my entire world forever first semester at college and I'm walking outside to go to Eltham at practice a girl was looking around frantically she knew my friend and asked if he could help her out she needed to print out tickets for a Toby Keith concert that she had to leave for in ten minutes my friend said no but I said yes I'm a very shy awkward kid who wouldn't think twice about talking to this girl she's blond and one of the more attractive girls on campus I said maybe about two full sentences the entire time she used it but apparently that's all I needed to say a few months later and it's winter break I liked something on her Facebook and she ended up starting to talk to me it turns out she has been attracted to me ever since that one day and never spoke up about it until then we've been dating for about nine months and every day is the best TL DR helped a hot girl who needed to print something ended up dating a few months later and still going quite strong summer if you're reading this you da best I once ruined a surprise wedding shower at the restaurant I worked for I had no idea that it was a surprise a bunch of ladies entered claiming that they had a reservation for a wedding shower and I seated them then two stragglers came in 10 minutes later asking if a few women had come an earlier I replied oh you mean for the wedding shower and the one woman gave me death eyes while the other said oh I guess this is my shower I didn't know it was a shower I thought it was my friend's birthday my response was to turn bright red in Apollo profusely I then gave them to another service so I wouldn't feel bad at the rest of the night so me and my ex had been broken up for a while we'd [ __ ] a couple of times and was still pretty good friends so one day she texts me she seemed pretty pissed off and said she had to talk to me so later I get a call from her she was not happy can't remember the exact reason but she was pissed so she says she doesn't think we can talk anymore bla bla drama drama meanwhile in my head I'm really confused still not sure why she's pissed and she's not about to explain it at this point I think [ __ ] it I'm gonna go full diplomat to this day I do not remember how I did it what I said or how the conversation turned to this but we ended up with her asking me to have a threesome with her and a female friend she'd met at uni I need to let my subconscious deal with these things more often TL DR ex called to fight with me ended up in a threesome I don't know mine isn't exactly all good but it was one of those moments that meant more to two other people than me one night my friends went to a pub that does karaoke every Sunday I was drunk and butchering yellow by Coldplay when I saw two people slow dancing as I sang I was hitting notes that didn't exist it was bad when it finished I wobbled down from the stage and towards my booth full of buds and Boozman decouple raced over to me to tell me that yellow was their wedding song they had been having a bad night or a fight something like that and heard me stop to sing this and fell in love all over again it was really sweet all I really remember for sure is that the girl said to me was a wonderful moment thank you everyone who was there that night still laughs about it since they know how awful my singing truly was I was spending the 4th of July 2009 in a little condo in Steamboat Springs Colo with some good friends everything about the weekend was shaping up perfectly some other people who paid backed out so everyone got bedand we had more than ample amounts of alcohol and food the first night that we were there we started playing circle of death King's Cup never have I ever we made up our own rules as we always did one of the cards was when was the last time Dart I so happened to draw the card and said when was the last time you had sex obviously to brag about the sex I had that morning with this girl I had been seeing I started and the answers went clockwise the girl sitting to my wife said may next up was her boyfriend who took a long pause looked right at her and said February the awkwardness filled the room immediately everyone finished their answers haphazardly and he stood up walk down the hall and closed the door to their bedroom for the weekend she eventually followed we proceeded to make Road drinks and walk up the mountain while the two figured it out the rest of the weekend was sort of tough and awkward but now eighteen months later they are one of the happiest couples I know I was working out of town for the summer when my sister flew into a nearby city for her cousin and law's wedding since the only time I had to visit with her was right after work on the night of the event she and I agreed to meet out in the parking lot hang out for a little bit and then go on our ways once I arrived she insisted I come inside and sit down at a table and get something to drink I'd launched at the idea considering I was in my paint and saw dust cover stage carpentry clothes she insisted it would be fine and pointed out a few of the most casually attired wedding guests to put me at ease not five feet into the reception hall are we when I hear this squeal of delight wedding crasher cheered the bridge she bounced up to us OMG I have a real wedding crasher it was about them that I remembered the wedding crashers movie had been released a few short months before obviously she knew I was my sister's to win what with the resemblance and all and she was fine with my coming in the fact I crashed her wedding was just the icing on the cake so now there are photos in the official wedding album of me the bride me and the new couple my sister and I with the bride and so on every time they see us I am joyfully greeted it's an honor to be their official wedding crasher but I am still mortified that I left my sister talked me into walking into their wedding wearing a say no to drugs t-shirt and cute off jeans me and some guys met some girls on vacation hang out with them until two days later they ditch us for another group of guys because they have weed we are generally annoyed fast-forward another couple days we are sitting by a campfire in town one another completely different group of guys we have never seen before just randomly sit by the fire with us we all just mind our own business because it was a public fire by a restaurant and figure they just want to stay warm about five minutes later we start a conversation with them turns out they are the brothers of these girls that we met and the girls we met lied about their age to us tell this they were 18 they were 14 [ __ ] years old we tell the brothers they ditched us for weed the brothers are pissed that their 14 year old sisters are smoking with some other guys we all decide to leave the fire together and go to Starbucks then BAM there we see the girls leaned up against a wall talking to the guys all of us proceed past the guys and whisper in their ears they are 14 years old double quote the look on their face I will never forget one of the most glorious moments of my entire life Breckenridge Colorado common no better place a woman I work with had just had a baby and asked me to be said baby's first badass sitter we are pretty tight which I had no problem with considering I'm like the Pied Piper with kids - the leading into a cave of course so I'm babysitting an infant and an 80 oh no problem got this put them to bed decide to what shelter on their Netflix still good here's something in the backyard being a strong black belted independent woman I decide to go survey premises so I go outside realize it's just the apartment complex behind them no big deal go back to what ChaCha oh [ __ ] the doors locked in a blind panic I ran back and forth between the front and back doors attempting to open clearly locked barriers whilst vaulting their six-foot fences around the third lap of free cart I discover there's a gate and decide to call the parents out for their first day since spawned so fully out of breath I try one more bright idea of banging on the ATO window trying to wake her up no avail and neighbor dog goes insane end of story parents think it's hilarious and still bring up crying mosquito sweating me on their front porch freaking out over being a negligent baby watcher also the ATO may be traumatized by a night where a stranger banged on her window late at night who knows second weekend at giant college and City as a freshman was incredibly daunting it was really hard to find friends and even if you did click with someone in one of the stupid orientation events our school is so huge that unless you go balls-out socially successful penguin and ask them to go to a movie or something with you fifteen minutes after meeting them you will probably never see them again so I'm thankfully in a class with a girl that I get along with well enough and late in the week she asks if I want to come to a party at a bar that had been rented out with her that weekend thankful to finally have been asked to do something with the prospect of making a real friend I'm super excited about it sounds so lame now but this college really is [ __ ] huge and I was so overwhelmed fast forward to Friday I meet her at this bar we have a great night make some real friend headway suddenly it's 3 a.m. and we decide to go home my dorm is across the city viola really sketchy walk and being the terrified freshman that we were neither of us thought me making that walk alone was a good idea new friend offers to let me stay in her dorm her sweet mate is out for the weekend so I have a better to sleep in we get back to her dorm drunk and tired and lo and behold her crazy sweet mate has not only locked the door to her room but zip-t the doorknob it's a college dorm sir no couch new friend awkwardly asks if I want to sleep in her tiny ass college twin bed with her keep in mind we've had at most four conversations prior to this night and I can tell she's hesitant to ask but also doesn't want to kick me out I'm unfamiliar with the subway and don't want to walk back alone so I agree and we spent the entire night spooning in a tiny twin bed wake up the next morning to her roommate who had barely conversed with her at this point giving us extremely quizzical glances four years later and about to graduate we're still living together and she's become my best friend from college I guess it's good or else it would have made for a few weird exchanges in the hallway and the roommate has also become a great friend TL DR spooned with my best friend first week of college before we were friends at all one time my friend's grandma died so we wore all black and tried to look super fancy because we were preteens I don't know after the funeral we went out to dinner at one of those chain restaurants because nothing pairs with crying quite like wordplay themed appetizers so we're sitting there and our server comes up and he's bursting with flare and bouncing everywhere and so ready to tell us about the specials that he's just going to explode with compliments so he does so girls you look super nice must be headed to earth funtime you're all dress up got a big date big dance love it love dancing you all look souped for a big night where's your date's going solo cute so cute tell me about your big plans he's foaming with excitement here are a bunch of awkwardly dressed up preteens and he's like 20-something and I bet he thinks we think he's so cute and charming and my mom is probably going to give him a monster tip but I'm 13 and I [ __ ] hate everybody so of course I have to be the one that looks at him straight in the eyes in the most yet Panvel I've gotten say no we just came from a funeral her grandma died his face dropped so quickly that it was actually painful to watch it was the most awkward moment I have ever created to date and I am an awkward situation maestro never before had I witnessed someone actually stumble over their words out of sheer embarrassment he was so flustered he couldn't get out more than a couple grumbles that sounded a little bit like sorry but more like mmm GGG HRH DJ and then he just turned around and fled afterwards we giggled like the horrible little creatures that are thirteen-year-old girls but it was thigh fuckingly awkward for that guy poor waiter also our food was free so that was awesome [ __ ] you ler potato skins I caught my mom cheating on my dad I knew this girl online and turns out my mom met her dad online and went to go see him somehow the girl puts two and two together and messaged me that my mom was there I realized my mom had been gone for days not at her aunt's funeral but with another man she was always a drama queen and mean-spirited a lot my mom comes online after I demand to talk to her and tells me that my dad knows turns out their marriage was failing and he wanted her to see if someone else could make her happy so supported a decision to find someone new I go to my dad and says and ask if they are getting a divorce he hugs me and says they probably are my dad is six feet five or so and about 350 pounds he was in his tighty whities at the time and suddenly breaks into a dance to the beat of the heat is on by Glenn free singing the [ __ ] is gone the [ __ ] ji-won the sight of it was so hilarious to me I started laughing through my tears to this day whenever I think of my parents divorce I think of this somehow funny moment when my dad was being a big goofy [ __ ] dancing around in his underwear singing his parody of the heat is on double-quote went to an NFL game and tailgated with a few friends one friend brought a new girl he had been seeing for time I met her I'm drunken talking to both of them and I asked them if they're together evidently they have yet to have that conversation but they ended up having it on the walk into the stadium I was invited to their wedding three years later I get drunk at a party there is a noise complaint everyone leaves I head back towards my flat walking with two women I'd met at the party I have a girlfriend comer anyway one of them mentions they need to use the toilet and I say oh I have a toilet at my flat come on over we get back to the flat one of them wanders into the living room and meets my flatmate the other goes to the washroom then comes out and sits down in the living room I'm thinking to myself whatever I wanted to go to bed but I suppose it's socializing time cos it would be rude to kick em out so we play a drinking game over the course which I'll then they live very far away and it's very late I recommend to them drunkenly and not very elegantly that they spend the night on the couches they clearly take this as an attempt to sleep with them probably due to the drunken not well thought out way of saying it which was not my intent and it gets awkward they leave and I go to sleep the girlfriend isn't in town still waiting for the story to turn out awesome I once [ __ ] my pants on vacation we ate some strange food in Brazil and long story short I [ __ ] my pants through my shorts and into my socks while getting ready to go out the weird thing is I didn't even feel sick I think it was just some kind of fish that I couldn't digest the oil this may sound unremarkable but it was one of those ones where you fart and [ __ ] comes out however usually you know when poo accidentally comes out this one I honestly thought I just farted and then felt warm liquid running down my leg into my sock this might sound funny but it's the most terrifying thing to have happen to you for the rest of the trip every time I far I had a shred of doubt in my mind to this day I still have that thoughts in the back of my mind I tell this story and people think it's so funny but it's one of my biggest fears this isn't about me but I was there my boyfriend and I were at an event and we see our friend there she was in an open relationship with a really close friend of my boyfriend after the event my boyfriend took a photo with her making out with some dude and sent it to the friend's brother who eventually sent it to the friend my boyfriend kept talking about it as if the girl cheated but I kept saying she didn't because that's what an open relationship is when the friend saw the picture he had a long talk with the girl and they decided to become an official couple neither of them were mad at my boyfriend but I wonder if they realized that my boyfriend was the one who truly brought them together when I was in college we used to play a drinking game called the Buffalo Club you weren't allowed to ever drink with your glass bottle pitcher in your right hand if you were drinking with your right hand and were caught any of the other members of the Buffalo Club would shout Buffalo at you and you had to check the remainder of whatever you were drinking on the spot the way you recruited new members was to just randomly ask the person if you could borrow a nickel since most people even broke college students will readily loan you five cents they usually hand it over then you inform them that like it or not they just paid their dues and are now members of the Buffalo Club the year after I left school I returned to party with some friends that were a year younger than me there was a new girl we're sitting around the table and she kept drinking with her right hand I knew my friends and was absolutely sure that she had to be in the club if she was one of their drinking buddies now I waited until the next time she took a drink and pointed at her and shouted Buffalo my friend sitting next to me immediately leaned over and whispered pointedly she doesn't have a left hand after that I noticed that she always kept her left hand or should I say her left wrist stump tucked in her pocket or under her shirt I was horrified but he either didn't hear me didn't understand or played it off like it was no big deal I have a rule to never ever bring up a premise II unless a woman talks about it first there were a few amber se incidents with women just being chubby but the worst one to cause the self-imposed rule happened about ten years ago I worked in a drugstore and a guy I knew came in all excited getting prenatal vitamins and told me about how long they had been trying how excited his wife and their families were yada yada the next day I saw his wife in the store so I went up and congratulated her telling her how happy I was for them she looked at me and started crying and told me I lost this one too I felt about two inches tall hang around me when you are obviously pregnant that fact will remain the elephant in the room unless you stop talking about it I wound up interrupting a threesome on my way home from work they were in the car next to mine with one of their windows down so I could hear everything that was going on as I opened my door the girl freaks out and gets everyone to stop for a second I get in my car one of the guys pops out and gives me a nervous smile I told him it's all cool then I went home and applied I bleach later that week I was working until closing and had a party of eight common for a reservation one of them recognized me as that guy who made things really awkward they ended up buying me desert at work which was pretty nice of him TL DR watch threesome get cake I was invited to a graduation party for this girl who was in my class in high school and there were tons of people there her parents were really chill and always seemed to like me it probably helped that I dated her sister a year or two back and because I spent a bunch of time at their house during the summer anyways back on track everyone was swimming playing volleyball generally chatting it up and talking in the pool house when me under the influence of teenage hunger goes inside I see a [ __ ] ton of food that people were munching on appetizers soda chips pretty much everything the one thing that stuck out to me however was the price graduation pizza I took a slice while everyone was outside hey why not comer and it was amazing I promptly loaded my plate and went outside to tell everyone that pizza was ready I opened the door and yelled for everyone to listen to me I told them I just had a pizza no ordinary pizza but a pizza filled with [ __ ] anchovies lo and behold her mom walks in to me and tells me that they were saving the pizza for after the appetizers I immediately told her to excuse me as this made me feel uneasy I went to the bathroom and lo and behold my stomach does not agree with anchovies I stopped throwing up again and again and used just about the whole toilet roll to clean up after myself when I went to flush the toilet got clogged so I opened up the back of the toilet and what's inside a [ __ ] brick of weed TL DR an ordinary sandwich so I have this friend John who was in a friends-with-benefits situation with a girl Jane we'd never met Jane but they knew each other since they used to go to camp together and also we all attended the same College well after we graduated their situation remained the same John would hang out and he wouldn't shut up about Jane every story was about Jane after a while we finally met Jeanne of this bar I was hammered and was talking to Jeanne trying to get to know her somehow it slipped out that he wouldn't shut up about her and I used the phrase you're the one the next day Jane gave John an ultimatum either they were going to be together officially or she was leaving John said he liked what they had going and didn't want to be exclusive so he bailed Jane ended up dating some guy for a year and almost got married but he knew she wanted to be with John John fooled around with a bunch of girls but he knew he wanted to be with Jane eventually they found their way back to one another one five years later and got engaged almost immediately they've been married for two years and have a beautiful baby boy I like to think I had a hand in their coming together despite me [ __ ] up my boys good situation he had going I have three kids and all of them were induced when my second was born we were leaving for the hospital at 4:30 a.m. while it was still dark we let our German Shepherd out to do her business before we left since we would be gone all day while we were outside she ran up to an animal that we thought was our cat turns out it was a skunk and she got sprayed she then proceeds to freak out run between us wiping the skunk spray on us in the process and run back into the house her crate was in the very back of the house and she managed to wipe the spray on everything between the front door and her crate it was too late for us to try to clean ourselves up since we were supposed to be at the hospital by 5:00 a.m. when we get to the hospital needless to say we stank we explained the situation to everyone who gave us a strange look and no one could help but giggle about it the nurses over hooking me up to the IVs and monitors were laughing by the time we were settled in over the next few hours we had every nurse in the maternity ward coming in and out of our room wanting to hear the story it had become quite the rumor they all said it made their shift an interesting one I'll make this as short as possible my girlfriend and I were at a wedding this past weekend great wedding met some great people ate and drank a whole lot the after-party was at a casino while we proceeded to have a couple no drinks it was at this time my girlfriend decides it would be a good idea to gamble I asked her a she's sure because we may not be thinking strategically after all bourbon and champagne she said yeah babe I used to go to Vegas a few times a year when I lived in l.a i can play Jack Black I know no problem gimme $100 so I give her $100 I figure she'll find a lower limit table and take her time but now she wants to do this quick and dirty like some kind of drive-by I'm not much of a gambler so I figure she knows what she's doing she sits down at the blackjack table and places a bet the dealer deals and she's got three cards she says excuse me am i almost seeing double or do I have three cards the dealer says you're at a poker table blackjack is that away she turns around and looks at me with a smirk I'll never forget and proceeds to play the hand and wins close to $400 we're still not exactly sure and we got the F out of there before we could decide to blow it on roulette or something stupid I have no doubt that there were a couple of people at the table that night that thought we were running some kind of hustle then sex went to a party which quickly got boring me and my friend were messing about hitting each other this quickly escalated into a full fight not serious it was common for our friendship then this girl comes over asking to join in we let her fight me thinking it'll just be a bit of a mess about instead she runs straight for me and start trying to claw my face off I hold her off asking for help as this girl has gone absolutely mental she runs at me again so I pick her up and put her to the floor to subdue her turns out she hit the floor a little harder than expected and I have chipped her front tooth I then think that some guys are going to go full white knight on me and beat my ass she gets up screaming crying blood pouring from her mouth and attacks me some more she's screaming get away from me while repeatedly slapping me in the face and she rips me shut almost clean off after this Fiasco has died down and people have helped me and my friend decide we should leave as we've caused a shitstorm we get told it's fine but we insist that we should go the girl whose to fight [ __ ] proceeds to come up to me apologizes and ask for my number a couple days ago I was sitting in my language arts class doing an analysis of this passage to pass the time I texted my friend I'm bored a few minutes later I look up and see my teacher grinning at me she says to me you do realize whom you sent that text to right I was so confused because I thought I sent it to my friend but then I realized I had missed dealed and sent the text to my language arts teacher thankfully she just laughed it off the next day in physics I receive a text message from her saying are you bored me being the sassy man that I am and being well aware that she has a class I replied shouldn't you be teaching right now I got a lot of high fives for that and the best part is that I'm not in trouble for anything [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 157,115
Rating: 4.8411865 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: LXke7f1Vf0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 53sec (2333 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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