What is the weirdest thing you have seen someone do in an escape room? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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our /r screwed it escape the room employees what is the weirdest thing you've seen someone to in one of the rooms the most depressing [ __ ] I saw was a tired looking couple who brought in their bespectacled NASA shirt wearing eight-year-old geek of a son in to have some fun the parents couldn't have been more discouraging to him he was excitedly bouncing around the room pointing out things that he thought were clues clues while the parents dismissed every idea he hadn't told him to stop getting so excited the parents took charge and proceeded to ignore the obvious clues he was pointing out and spent most of the time pursuing dead ends sad part is his instincts were more often than not correct but his parents just didn't listen and refused to let him explore and try stuff out hopefully his curiosity and enthusiasm survives them we give people a box for them to bring in so they can store their belongings while they play one time about half way in an inquisitive older man started going through their own stuff he pulled out a person shouts guys guys I found some this is our stuff isn't it it was hilarious for some reason people like to put the flashlight that one of our rooms has in their mouths when they know they aren't the only ones who have used them some people put them between their legs in the crack of their ass as a joke and not to mention just roll around the ground a majority of the time besides that I've seen relationships almost fall apart one couple insisted on going into our most challenging room just the two of them and we let them know this was probably not going to be a good idea or enjoyable for them but they didn't really care you could tell the guy wanted to impress the girl but both of them were dumber than rocks I had to sit for an entire hour watching them get literally nowhere threw the first puzzle arguing with each other and then sitting in moments of orchid silence I offered to give them help and said I would just tell them if they want it at this point but they refused also people love to not listen to our disclosure we have to give before we send groups into rooms and kickin our air vents and break through our drywall and ceilings when we specifically say not to input tape that says not a part of the in bright yellow colors employee here one group gave up after five minutes and decided to drink alcohol rest of the game they paid 120 euros for the game it was only a one-off escape room I designed for a university Society event but one guy was so desperate to find clues he tried to disassemble the wooden casing around a radiator it scared me because I didn't own the room we were doing this in so I could have been on serious trouble finally my time to shine we had a group that was evidently high they weren't disruptive or anything so we just briefed them and took them to their room so far so good we have cameras and microphones inside the rooms that way we know what hints to give out another important thing is that the room they were at had a small fountain and since the particular ascetic of this room was dusty that water was filthy I'm talking murky brown yellow mud water at one point one of the guys says he is thirsty and proceeds to stick his mouth on to the fountain stream and take a hefty gulp of the [ __ ] water we spend a second of shock guffaw and told about drinking the [ __ ] water isn't part of the puzzle the guy reads the hint and just says that's all right he proceeded to do the same thing four times and drank the whole fountain small fountain but still like a gallon of mud water we've had more inconvenient things happen but that still remains as the worst thing I've ever seen went to an escape the room with some friends on Friday my one friend took his shirt off four times the crazier thing that happened though was how we solved it we were supposed to get the word Waterloo from a series of clues and use a dictionary to find out the Battle of Waterloo was in 1815 use that four-digit number to get a key that let us out of the room while he got the word he to law instead of Waterloo we assumed that it was an anagram and we used a word scrambler to get the word air alight from using the dictionary we found that aerolite was invented in 1815 well we got the key and we confidently told the employee how we figured it out he was dumbfounded I'm not exactly sure what the odds of solving the room like this is but if someone could solve that for us that'd be dank my friends and I have been trying to figure it out since it happened did a Space Station themed Rome we got paired with a mother and her adult sons the sons did just fine but mom was clueless there was a prop fire extinguisher on the wall that she was certain had to be for something for a now she wandered around aimlessly carrying a fire extinguisher I worked at a room escape place for a year in grad school I learned very quickly to give thorough warnings at the start of each show that breaking things assaulting actors this was trapped in a room with a zombie and sexual-harassment were not cool yes literally had guys Harris the [ __ ] zombie mid-show perhaps the most interesting phenomenon I noticed was just how much personality factors into the teamwork involved I've seen a lot of shy people or people otherwise lacking in confidence be completely on the right track only to be steamrolled by the loudest more confident strongest personalities in the room maybe it shouldn't have come as so much of a surprise but I watched perfectly smart reasonable people actively ignore good points logic and strong evidence in service of a cult of personality of charismatic players the whole thing felt like a depressing study on group dynamics edit changed hit on to Harrisville greater accuracy I've explained circumstances in follow-up comments the guy gave some rules to us when we were doing the room the first rule he gave us was please keep your clothes on we used to have a giant banana as a mascot and once we had a group of kids that were intoxicated and the one of the guys in the room started crying so we decided to let him hold it so the guy cuddled with it on the ground and fell asleep about 10 minutes into the game had the time of his life two best stories from www.irs.gov the best we have a room themed like a team girls bedroom in the 80s it has a phone in it players can use it a group of young girls had no idea what it was or how it works having grown up with cell phones only so their ganna master had to explain it to them best part was it was her personal friends and she was super embarrassed for them same room Gama Master saw someone with a lighter on camera immediately interrupted the room and casually asked why they were using a lighter that they shouldn't have brought it with them they replied that they were lighting their farts on fire she suggested that while hilarious this might not be the best place for that started working in an escape room around three months ago this is not really a weird thing but more a cute one one day a dude called in told us he was proposing to his girlfriend and that they were both huge fans of escape rooms so my boss and came up with a cool idea of how we could change our escape room to make it more romantic and that at the end of the escape they wouldn't find the key of the room that the ring and the bottle of champagne we also told the dude the solutions of some of the puzzles to make sure they would actually come to the end of the road it was the cutest thing I have ever seen the way these two worked together and the room and how excited the dew was when they found the ring and the champagne at the end and he asked to marry her they were both in tears so were my boss and I she said yes after that they stayed with us for a bit before heading their own way it is still one of my favorite evenings and one of the reasons I love my newfound job so much actual escape room employee here the weirdest thing I saw was a young couple in our hardest room they asked for our hardest who when they couldn't solve our puzzles took off their shoes and just sat down and talked when I would send them hints to get them to start playing again the lady would call me a commie it was weird for example the lady would pick up a red clue paper that goes with a pyramid puzzle they would stare at it then put it to the side I type in a hint the red papers go with the pyramid she looks up the screen we were getting to that commie I'm not a communist and the room isn't communist themed in the slightest I saw mani - magnet there are rubber snakes in the room and one has a magnet in its mouth he thought he should do as the snake did he offered it back but we told him once he found it he could keep it I currently work as an escape room we had a youth group come in and play some rooms and half way and we smell this horrendous smell our control room is right next to the room when we got them out we noticed they built a little tent and inside was two giant mounds of [ __ ] kid took a [ __ ] in the room and we approached the adults and said oh that wasn't us we thought you put that in there so they denied it even though the kid had brown stains down the back of his pants our owners called they confessed and we deep cleaned the room while they got charged for it great times obligatory not an employee but I'm sure my friend group looks pretty weird to them we did the one where you get stuck in handcuffs and have to unlock them but we couldn't get the key to work on one of my friends we assumed that there was another key to get the last person for some reason and left her attached to the wolf for like 20 minutes turns out her cuffs were broken and we had to pause the game so the employees could come get her out with bolt cutters they were shocked that we just left her there that we thought it was part of it one time I did an escape room with some people from work the final clue is what time does Bible study meet and a 4-digit combo lock after we couldn't find any useful clues I just went over to the lock and put in 606 1 5 etc it opened at 0 7 0 0 apparently we were supposed to look out the window to where the church across the street had their schedule printed on a big sign according to the attendant nobody had ever tried that before I don't work out escape the room I work at breakout games but it's the same I had a couple in a handcuffed blindfolded room stopped feeling each other up until I said over the microphone just a reminder that I can see you guys from four cameras in the room if you need any hints let me know edit additional story we had a customer try to put his finger in an outlet because he thought a key was in it that isn't his fault because there are rooms of do this but I was scared half to death t I didn't understand why any escape room would put anything important in a place that normally as a hazard actual escape room employee here one couple couldn't agree on how to solve the puzzles and broke up inside the room another couple had the guy surprised the girl with a proposal another couple got a horror themed escape room and just sat on the floor and cuddled they didn't look scared they didn't bother to solve anything either they just cuddled with all the creepy props and sound effects surrounding them I guess they couldn't find a creepy motel to cuddle in actually work in an escape room but this one happened to my colleague we have this false dog led to a wall which is to make people believe that's the way they came in there blindfolded at first one guy was so happy that he found the last key in a record time that when he opened the door he slammed his head so hard that the group in the next room got scared at our establishment we have a room called jailbreak where the fake door towards the very end it's covered with plywood this girl takes one look at it and says jail break and charges the door full force and breaks through escape room employee here actually answering this while I'm watching a room here are a few of my strangest encounters sex has not happened but people have gotten very close had a guy hide under the camera and use a pocket knife to cut the hinges off a box because they couldn't figure out the lock had a team escape purely because the toddler was mashing buttons on the escape keypad for 20 minutes straight more than once people fall asleep in the rooms if anyone had any more questions I'll try to answer them a team failed to escape a room because no one knew how to spell balloon and were too embarrassed to ask for help I went to a space-themed escape room and there was a spacesuit and I put it on it didn't help us solve anything when we finished I asked do people normally put the suit on the guy said it's not against the rules but you're the first person to do it Edit this was in Texas it wasn't the opening but it was relatively new they only had two rooms at a time the place is called xscape it was a team-building exercise for a school thing we were doing we finished with five minutes left of 45 to complete the puzzle I'd recommend looking them up also we had a guy hi on what I assumed was Muammar rubbing his nipples constantly under his shirt and grinding his jaw that's all he did for 45 minutes it was extra funny called our cameras our night vision and his pupils were insane he was on a staff party and was the only one who seemed to be high clearly not a team player I am NOT an escape room employee but I asked this exact same question when I went to an escape room a few months ago the guy working there said a man pulled out a pocketknife and started cutting the carpet out convinced that there were clues under there not an employee but participated in an escape room in which a key was stuck to a filing cabinet by one of those weird little metal puzzles the key was to open a drawer in a desk on the opposite side of the room no one could get the metal puzzle undone so the guys just picked up the filing cabinet and carried it over to the desk it was a mob themed room so we received a phone call a warning about rearranging the furniture that was hilariously in character we escaped the room I work at one the first group we ever put into a room was a family in the mom tried to put a key in the electrical socket but we caught it just in time on the camera and have covered them since I had a group pull out a tool kit then screwed every furniture to find some combinations they didn't escape and I made them fix every ring took them about an hour not an employee but my coworker during a team-building exercise if an escape room was telling me that he had done one of the other ones with his mom there was a briefcase on a table in which his mom went up to it and put in a code right away without even doing the puzzles to get the code turns out it was a briefcase that she sold to a woman a year earlier who was the owner of the escape room as soon as he told the story the employees got excited and said that his mom's situation is infamous among the employees there tailed far and wide small world a we did an escape room one time where there were these jars with severed limbs in them when we got out we commented to the guy running at that we found it interesting that the jars were some include shut cement glued to the shelf and the Shelf screwed to the wall seemed like overkill to us well apparently the reason they do this was because another group had managed to pried the jars away from the shelf and opened the jars this is about when they realized watching the cameras that something was going on so they rush in to see what's up and he hears guys we have to drink the water the nasty part was the water was out if the local river a few blocks away just to get the dirty murky look a guy didn't help any of his friends he just sat and ate two pints of ice cream which he had snuck past me just started working at escape the room and we have rules about not jumping out the windows and not sticking keys into wall sockets because it has all happened before not an employee myself and not a real escape room but this might fit anyway there was an augmented reality attraction in Munich a few years ago where visitors would walk alone through a bunker which was decorated like an old hospital including a room with body bags on the wall a visit took one hour and you were down there completely alone but the employees wouldn't tell you that you can guess how surprised the staff were when one visitor upon exiting remarks on the scary looking guy in the corner not reacting to anything naturally the employees went down into the bunker to see who else was there but they found everything as it was no person was down there after looking around a bit more they found the scary-looking guy a drug addict from the central train station nearby had snuck into the attraction and climbed into one of the body bags hanging on the wall to sleep there some dude was eating this chicks s when we checked on them my friends and I did one escape room that had a bunch of tin cans scattered across the rooms like 25 of them not sure who got it in their heads that we needed them but for some reason we started carrying them from room to room each of us with handfuls of tin cans they served no purpose there was never anything about needing tin cans the guy running the fin was killing himself laughing at us once we got out of course he then had to go out them all back the escape room I went to started with all six of us being blindfolded and standing handcuffed to chains attached to a rolling cart we took off our blindfolds and looked around the only light in the room was from a television in the corner I noticed a paperclip on the floor in the corner so I had everyone move with me so I could get it I used the paperclip to pick the lock on my handcuffs then started picking the cuffs of the person next to me the watcher said on the intercom how did you get out of those handcuffs I said I picked them with the paperclip in the corner he said hum that's not supposed to be there the handcuff key is on the wall behind you one of our puzzles has to do with a bunch of lights and paper stapled at the intersections to the lights needless to say groups like to rip the paper down and lay them on the floor to try and solve the puzzle and got confused when they needed the lights to what are the words on the paper I'm not with escape of the room but I work for a very successful room near a city I see a lot but most of it is in good fun the usual stuff is just friends yelling at each other maybe a couple strain their relationship with a fight though the weirdest things range from teenagers making out we have cameras in our rooms I've had successful proposals in rooms this one kid once stuck a prop into a power outlet and caused a tiny fire and once a guy was rummaging through the ceiling and got electrocuted both the fire and electrocution were fine but those were the dumbest things my so had a friend who went to an escape room and the employees forgot to brief the important rule to them if it's screwed nailed or glued together don't take it apart if it doesn't come loose with little effort it's not a clue while they walk in the door shuts behind them and immediately the friend curb stomps a chair to pieces because he thought a clue would be hidden inside it somehow that's not how escape rooms work and now you owe them a new flimsy chair in our room there is a flagpole that's purely decorative it has nothing to do with a puzzle this guy was 100% certain it was a clue and had been messing with it for the entire game he eventually hid the whole thing taken apart and was holding the pole of a flag the room he was playing his horror themed and the rest of his team solved something which caused a scare he lost it he freaked out crouched turned around and threw the flagpole like a javelin at the wall which shattered a picture frame needless to say they didn't finish their game I'm an escape room employee lady last week was so drunk she started screaming at other customers and she ran into other people's room basically a total [ __ ] show another thing that happened we had two teenage couples come in and one couple was totally into doing a room while the other couple was just intent on making out the whole time when they came out of the room they wanted to do another one but the makeout couple didn't so they just sat in the lobby in front of everyone making out for 45 minutes owner of an escape room here couple things dad threatened to cut off child's lungs with lasers in the room mom farted loudly in room and stunk up the place other guests were very uncomfortable couple gave up three strokes fourth way though and just started making out in the corner - 40-ish female was so scared she actually started ran out the emergency exit for your information she actually ended up giving us a really good review escape room employee here in one of our rooms we have an actor pose as a spy and the people in the room had to solve a case to figure out who the traitor was after they finished the puzzles it turns out the traitor was actually the spy the actor was playing the spy then pulls an obviously prop gun orange tip and well not and the group has to defuse a fake bomb one of the groups that did this room was a police squad that was doing this to bond when the actor pulled the fake gun and said some cheesy limes the actor was promptly tackled and restrained until the cops realized it was all again edit it's defuse and not defuse I'm a dangle goofus on a works night out a couple of weeks ago one of my co-workers got blackout drunk before we were supposed to meet up at the venue when we all got there it was pretty obvious how drunk this guy was as he was stumbling across chairs and slurring his words anyways we all got split into groups to go into our separate rooms we entered the room and the lights were turned off then this guy starts declaring how much he needs to piss this was one of the holler rooms loosely based on the Saw movies so there was an empty toilet with a key to open one of the padlocks for a puzzle inside he literally pulls his pants down to his ankles and starts urinating in this standalone toilet everyone is looking in horror at what the [ __ ] is happening in front of him piss is flowing from the bottom of the toilet onto the floor now everyone is backed up into a corner to avoid the ominous trickle of doom children are screaming somehow the employees never noticed until we had made it out of the room and he was left behind sleeping on one of the mattresses cuddling with a bloody dead body current escape room employee had a blind date come in and do one of our rooms guy and a girl 30 minutes in the guy leaves the room passing by the front desk yelling this [ __ ] is crazy leaving the poor girl stayed in the room attempting to finish by her self seemingly unfazed sadly our rooms require at least two people to finish also had a game in which a guy continually kept hitting the emergency escape button thinking it was the hint button this happened so many times I had to go into the room walk him over to the hint button and then to the emergency button explaining the difference we point these things out in the brief beforehand in a not so hard to understand way nonspecific stories include people who are high as [ __ ] who basically sit in the room and do nothing and people who are drunk as [ __ ] who sit in the room and break everything then pew Canal hallways don't drink and go to an escape room but feel free to smoke beforehand easy reset throw away for reasons last month I had a group of a famous pitch television show cast and crew to play one of our rooms I was their host games master they played were slightly drunk but they were a lot of fun they were clever too and got out with a decent time after they left my boss got a message over Facebook from the director of this TV show he said he had a great time and wanted to know my full name so that he could thank me over Facebook my boss did ask me if this was ok and I didn't see a problem with it in hindsight I should have said no he then added me on Facebook and proceeded to sext me he started asking stuff like what if we were all naked in the room what would you have done with us and he also complimented my trouser bulge and he sent me a dick pic even after I told him I wasn't gay and had a girlfriend I pride myself on being a good host this was validation in a weird way I went for a job interview at an escape room my group didn't escape the room so we didn't go through to the next round I think they were using the process to get people to test new puzzles for free we had a group come in last year who were doing really well got about halfway through the game and then hit a wall one guy left the room to go up to his car and when he came back he had a whole 30 rack in his bag the whole team proceeded to sit in a circle and use their remaining 30 minutes to kill the entire thing it was pretty damn impressive to watch not an employee or anything as bad as some of the stuff in here but last time I went to one with my friends there was a hole in the wall that you are supposed to reach through to manipulate something and get a coin one of my friends is a very small 5 ft asian girl and instead of reaching through the hole she just crawled through instead employees found it hilarious and said that they'd never had that one before not an employee but we did one where we were handcuffed to the bench sold the room while still handcuffed by moving the bench around and attempted to walk out the door with it an employee said that it was the weirdest thing he's ever seen given that the key was on the wall behind us the zombie in our room cornered me while he was on all fours then he started rubbing the top of his head on my crotch and grunting and grieving really heavily he did this for a good 10 15 seconds while I just stood there frozen at that point I said well I guess if you can do that I'm out right and awkwardly shuffled past him from the corner where he had me pinned to the dead corner it was a real hit for my co-workers to see that escape room employee here we have a zombie themed escape room where an actor dresses as a zombie and his chained to the corner of the room and every 5 minutes he gets an extra foot of chain somebody wants to use the props to distract the zombie a chain hook used as a fishing hook on rope and Perl and stabbed the zombie in the eye the zombie screamed and the guy kept doing it thinking the scream was fake set up a room specifically for a couple with props for them and he proposed had a drunk 4 ft 8 woman attempt to fit a proper larger than a person an attempt to steal it adult-themed room normally had people sneak in alcohol two people have tried to climb through the ceiling tiles on multiple occasions we now have to mention in the pregame spiel that it's not necessary to climb through the ceiling tiles my job often reminds me of this scene in the office people laugh at the things we mentioned but anything we mentioned that you don't have to do has probably been attempted before one of my co-workers said that a group started getting really destructive in the room to the point where they literally threw the computer on the floor to see if something was hidden inside there wasn't anything hidden inside they need to use a special magnifying glass to read the monitor we abruptly removed them from the room after that they actually ended up coming back another day and were extremely well behaved I guess they learned their lesson I work at five-wits and when kids get scared most of the time their parents won't even leave the room adventure with them they send their kid out the emergency exit to wait for them to finish that kid normally ends up wondering where they shouldn't if one of us doesn't see them we have had a few kids end up lost wandering the back halls of the mall and parents want to get mad at us like we told you they have to have an adult with them at all times I hope I didn't miss out here I am an escape room employee one of our rules we give us to not eat any portion of our game we had to add that after the fact another weird thing we had someone do was try to fit the smallest person through a slot we had made for a gate we built the intention was to use a device to acquire items through the slot and open the gate with those items to get to something bigger I've seen people try to dismantle our cot we have in one of our rooms that's designed as a war bunker I've seen people use the studs inside the wall with magnetic pieces of our game to try and get out lamps are just the worst I think a lot of employees can relate here all of our games are family-friendly but we have groups that are just so jumpy even though none have a horror component they seem to think someone is lurking in the shadows which I would be just as surprised about if there was I usually tell people that ask if anyone is hiding in the room that if they find someone else - let me know so that I can run out of the store also not an employee but one time my group of friends walked into breakout KC and my friend proceeded to turn off the main circuit breaker all the doors and some of the traps were locked electronically so basically we beat the escape room in a record nine seconds don't work in one but I went to one where there was yellow masking tape covering some stuff I was told a group went in and started unscrewing the light-socket and punching holes in walls looking for clues they didn't think they would have to tell people not to do those things had a drunk guy piss in the corner we had to add a rule to our waiver because of it don't be the guy that makes her sad a rule former zombie room escaped employee I had to confiscate someone's cell phone for the rest of the hour because she tried to take a picture of something instead of writing notes during another session when we were located in the basement of a rock club a couple people tried to walk in while a session was going on just to see what it was about I told them three times that I couldn't let him in and finally one woman on her birthday took a little bottle of orange vodka out of her person used it instead of these weighted balls they had to find for a puzzle I don't think they successfully escaped the tower zombie for that hour got to keep the orange vodka edit one guy was so strong that he removed a belt loop in a box without the wrench they were supposed to find I guess the Superman shirt he was wearing gave him superpowers I own an escape room in Australia and a guy called up and said he was bringing his friend for her birthday her nickname is pickles so he requested that at the end of the game they could find a jar of pickles so I obliged and went out and bought a jar of pickles and replaced the possessed doll you were meant to find with a jar of pickles I guess that was the weirdest thing in our outbreak mastermind escape games SS we had a group of teenagers take popsicle sticks and make a pentagram on the floor and proceeded to place various objects from around the room at the five points then they began to chant something inaudibly to this day the game master who was watching that game is reluctant to enter the room not an escape room employee but I tried one in Buda pest a specifically stated rules was that we have to physically move anything to solve the various puzzles anyways there was one sort of library room that upon entering my pathetic party of Welsh boys and Irish girls on a pissing tour immediately began ripping all the books off the shelves in a mad savage attempt to find some sort of code about 15 seconds into this room rape the middle-aged Hungarian dude working his guide disappointingly reminded us over the intercom that our actions were ultimately unnecessary to solving the cursed room needless to say we all felt a bit foolish well a very common theme is to not follow any of the damn instructions we give them yes you can break through the wall yes you can rip the wooden box to pieces yes that magnetic picture frame can be shattered with the glass orb on the table that damnit that's not what you are supposed to do and it's expensive to fix you asses someone cared all the boxes and locks off of a table in the corner laid down on it and went to sleep until the group escaped I've been waiting for this thread for a while I've been a gun a master at an escape game for over a year I have dozens of stories rude people white trash people mean people dumb people drunk people one time I was called arenda myself having brown hair and blue eyes and being white as paste this same group threatened to stab me in the middle of my intro and had loud sex in the bathroom just yesterday a woman accused me of being a pedophile simply because I watch people on not so hidden cameras one time a woman was confused for over an hour because she didn't know all our stuff would be locked also it is not uncommon for me to see an erection while I am handcuffing a gentleman and once I had to clean off a seat where I had handcuffed to a woman if anyone has any more questions or would like to hear more details or even more stories feel free to ask I love talking about my job I've seen a divorce a man came out as gay to his friends in the room various misuses of the props was in somebody not knowing how to use a microscope or magnet I got new once I think thumbs out wild stuff yo happens in the back room the people run in your room probably have 10x more fun than you do some weird [ __ ] happens there we have old computer parts lying around one of our rooms like completely torn apart was a broken keyboard etc one night I watched drunker guy spend the whole hour in a corner trying to build a computer out of all the parts we had one group pull out a screwdriver and unscrew every northern handle off every drawer in the room another founder hath him under some furniture and then complained that it wouldn't open anything multiple people would start vaping in the room two people have wet themselves one tried to bribe me into solving a puzzle for them and another passed out on a table in the middle of the room several people have broken or shattered a prop and then hidden it somewhere so we find out during the reset giving us less time to fix it and some try to be nice and reset for us locking back several locks but that's actually somehow worse since we have to re unlock everything to make sure all puzzles are where they should be and I had one kid who purposefully reset every lock we had and locked them all together into some sort of mega lock my favorite though is the time a guy got frustrated and called his friend for help he got three answers from him which he tried on all available locks then he called to complain that they didn't work all of his codes were for a different room we had I went to one last year and one of the three employees working at the time was insanely attractive like way too hot to be working there this was also the time when Pokemon go was at its peak and she let us know that nothing special spawned around here so she definitely got a bump up for us college guys at a time anyways my roommates and I seven of us in total all go into the room trying our best not to stare too much you'll make any comments that can be overheard we fully understand that we're probably being recorded when we get into the room since there's a TV and each that can give us hints if they notice we're struggling so like 10 minutes into the puzzle one of my roommates who is a bit of a Loudmouth just goes I wonder how many times that first girl gets hit on by guys who come in here to which I immediately respond with I wonder how many creepy comments she hears from guys once they get into the room and think they can't hear them right after I say that we look up to the TV because we now see there's text on it all that's on the screen is we all laugh not knowing if that was in response to our conversation but we all like to imagine that it was used to work at Austin panic room one guy proposed to his girlfriend in a room I was assigned for that shift so he came in the day before and talked to me about what he was planning on doing and how he wanted it to go normally we'd only be allowed to give so many hints throughout the process but the day of since it was just the two of them instead of 10 people in their room I just walked them through it when they would run into any particularly hard puzzles I had changed the combination to the last lock on the door to be that day's date and when it was time for them to escape I gave her the hint and she started unlocking the door and he backed up got on one knee and was ready for her as soon as she turned around on our work computer we had access to the cameras so I saw the whole thing happened took a bunch of screenshots and emailed it to them got tipped 80 dollars it was a good day the easiest way to make our life miserable is the propose at one of these it happened three time in the nine months I worked there it makes it so we have to get you to finish and some people aren't smart enough had a guy take a screwdriver into the room and begin to unscrew all the locks without telling the rest of his group he would then take the clue out of the locked drawer box cupboard and then hide it in his back pocket then when the rest of his group actually unlocked the drol box cupboard they would find nothing and there and be really confused but screwdriver guy would then laugh at them and tell them he did it earlier he did this multiple times we had a black light flashlight attached to a chain and three mirrors in the room my friends and I kept trying to use the mirrors to aim the backlight somewhere after about five minutes the guy came on the speakers and had to tell you that's not what it was used for a stupid chain stumped us for a solid five minutes that guy salon Impractical Jokers pissed his pants I own an escape room and I once guided couple into one of our more Moody ambience room and they told me we would totally base a sex dungeon off this vibe see you even have a desk in here to get started also you see people's true parenting skills my favorite quote is from a lovely family that went into a room in five minutes and the father gathered his overeager children and told them you're being [ __ ] we are in a huge tech area and we get a lot of corporate groups with some very important people a week ago we had a fortune 500 CEO through and he walked up to my staff and started bragging about his 50,000 Instagram followers basically trying to impress college kids we definitely giggled about that one especially when we looked him up and he had like 300 followers but hey he killed it in the room I once accidentally pulled a light from the ceiling because it looked odd turned out it was just a light escape room employee here we have a game that has wooden floors and guests regularly try to pull up the nailed down floorboards with a hammer that's in the room thinking they'll find clues also one time I asked the group if they had ever played an escape game before and an elderly gentleman responded one time my wife tied me up and gagged me does that count his friends thought it was hilarious but the high school couple that was obviously on a first day they were paired up with did not find it as funny let it I just remembered another common thing people do sometimes halfway through a game someone that wasn't paying attention will walk up to the entrance realize it's unlocked until the rest of the group they solved it then groupthink sets in and everyone just stands and the whole way as their time runs out if you want to get nothing in return you can like and join my discord there is a link in the description
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 58,183
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 32sec (2492 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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