WHAT IS THAT!? | Subnautica - Part 7 (Full Release)

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Top of the mornin' to ya, laddies! My name is jacksecticeye, and welcome back to Subnauseous! How are we doin', Sam? wait wait no do another one, you can't just do a high-five Sam- "LIKE A BOSS!" There you go Thanks. It keeps me going in the morning. Also my kitty *Kissing Sound* there you got to give them a little smooch before you go, so I'm taking this off the wall I know crazy plan it's gonna make sense in a second even though I explained my plans last time I still have all the materials for it so what I'm doing is putting it into my big baby Maria over here What's up girl? How are you doing? You're doing good? I hope this is still a thing I can do Cause the best thing, one of the best things about the Submarine, about Maria is that she comes with built-in storage, so I have a lot of lockers already there I can build more and just technically never need Henry ever again. That's the That's the end goal to never ever need Henry again to just be able to put all my stuff into this and then go What are you? No vehicle docked You're the vehicle thing here Whoa that's cool. Oh you shoot the decoys I thought I'd just shot them myself Oooo I have an upgrade module for you oh, I shouldn't go anywhere yet, oooo very nice Yes, okay, and there's a fire extinguisher on board very nice So this thing has always been here this little like circle thing, that was never there before and I got blueprint to be able to get a creature decoy I didn't know that I needed to shoot them from this thing interior modules This bad boy, yeah Okay, I have you centered right now Maybe not the best idea because what I'm gonna put some stuff over here as well, so this would be like my my manufacturing station in here and the goal is to get enough power cells and put you back in so I don't have space here and We actually just bring a bunch of stuff cuz I'm heading to the island we said that last time we're heading to the island You should drag you over closer, but Maria. You're a big gal I can't drive you that close so I want to put the seamoth into it as well see months should be fully charged where it is now because obviously the Power Cells in my Submarine are gonna get used up like that Cyclops engine efficiency module that is very very useful, none of this stuff is useful out on the road That's all stuff that I'm gonna need At a different date, so just let's clear out all these things Let's make sure, you don't go on a road trip without being prepared. Okay. Is there anything even left in this thing? Oh some things Okay, Imma just take you out and move you around So I just have Oh you're still charging my battery, wondered what that sound was so we're on its own, so you're you're the one that's not really gonna go anywhere I don't think anything is gonna come in here and push you a fish might come and push this one And then I lose it, so I don't lose all the materials. I once had And do I have anything in here? I really don't think I have anything in here. That's useful out on the road fire extinguisher? We bring some purple tablets and ion crystals Just for the rare occurrence that cuz when I get to this island there might be some places that I can Open up there is a warp gate on the other island that I didn't get to, remember the place with the giant gun that shot down my Sunbeam RIP on beam f to pay respects On that island, inside the caves, I didn't actually go in there You there's a warp gate in there that you can use a crystal for to get into I can't remember that warp gate brings you I think that warp gate brings you back to... that don't make any sense Where does it fucking bring you? Oooo! Nice so we can actually put my sea moth upgrades in here So don't actually have to bring it back to my vehicle upgrade bay That's neat okay, give me two seconds, Maria, and we'll get you moving. I know you're aching to go you're aching to bake and These things oh yeah upgrade module Because the thing about the energy efficiency module is that it uses less energy to drive around Within my power cells are already charging themselves so Engine efficiencies have 300% So technically I should be able to hold on Technically I should be able to go Forever now with this. One more power cell would be nice just to fill up the Oh, she's moving she's moving for the first time in a long time an extra Power Cell would be nice to be able to fill up the Just the charger, and then we'd have two on the go every single time. I take out two, put in two, right This might not be the best way to go around this. I can't go that way Because when I do I get stuck Ooooo I mean these are in the game already before, but it's just I know man, it's nice. Please be able to determine How close you are to things because you when you're in the, when you're in the cockpit? Or as I like to call it the jack pit It's hard to see what's underneath you. It's hard to see how close you are to things God it's still hard to see how close I am to things Careful now, easy does it you know on the beach Maria It's exactly what I'm gonna do and the only reason I came this way because I was too lazy to reverse and go back the other way Which is by far the easier method to do because the oceans are much deeper over there. Well once we crest this ridge We are fine Sorry whatever that was I don't really care cuz now that I'm in Maria Everything is go, all bets are off Okay, Maria. Is your arse clear? Well clear okay. We're gonna go down a small bit umm. What's the depth you can go to? 500 meters, okay Still not great because a lot of the later game stuff down by the sea traders path and all that stuff you're getting into like a Thousand and twelve hundred. To get down into the lava zone Where is going to be a thing that we need to get to eventually that's very very deep hey reefies And for the people asking- no you can't kill a reef back They are like the one constant. You can't kill them. They can't kill you, they just flow it around. They're the best They're my best friends in this game And oh wait, I don't need to go up to see where I'm going I can just do this Wait where's the island oh I'm all arse way hahaha You used to be able to build bases on reef backs as well But they took that out of the game before I even got a chance to try it out Which is annoying because I would have loved to put a base on a reef back Put a little like, put a little beacon in there and see where they See where the base actually ends up, very easy lose your base though, hold on a minute. It's my energy efficiency that good? I'm still at a hundred percent Well what are you? Okay, maybe if I sped it up, let's see how fast she goes Is that a reef back? Jesus Okay, so aww we're down to 99% the reason you don't go at full speed most times is because you make a shit ton of noise and Here, that's when Reapers are going to start hearing you But right now that doesn't really bother me because there's no Reapers between here the, safe shallows Wait that can happen oh, that's what this is it's So regular speed you can't you can't actually overheat, but with this ah So as it says that's emergency speed I guess you don't use that until you actually need to to get away from something Okay, there's the island Still immensely creepy Where's the beach? Where's an area can actually get off? For some reason whatever you look at it straight, it always looks smaller than it actually is But it's pretty big okay, here we go and don't forget the floaters so the only reason this island is actually in the air, the other one is I get it The other island is actually like cemented to the ground like most islands in our world but This island is only floating because giant floaters are underneath it Which I think is cool I do not have nearly enough water for this trip Balls to that man Okay, I could have just come over here in Sally Would have been better actually to do that, but I love my Maria! Look at her big beachy goodness, okay, we need Surface You can be Another type of orange so when you get them all different colors, ooh You can kind of see the island in the distance, see there on the right Where the clouds going over? If I turn right though it starts to disappear haha Weird oh fuck it's almost nighttime All these stupid headcrab things are here Okay, okay, okay do this quick Ahhh I hate them, start scanning everything here Fuck off! This is an important island, you saw as I came in that there's a base up on top That's my plan to get to there. This is beautiful. Oh, I got a message Um Well Jack's not home right now, and there's the other one Jack's not at home right now, so thank you for leaving a message I will get to it when I get to it. Okay. There's a base right here lantern fruit You edible? Nice so the best edibles are the ones that give you back water Some edibles don't do that so God you take up a lot of space I'm just gonna eat a bunch of these so my water gets high cuz I'm very low that but it's nice to know that I Have a source here, and then I might be able to actually pick some up for later to be able to plant them Okay yeah, here's the here's the grow bed Exterior crow bed no. I don't want one of them Chinese potato plants These are the best Did I scan you? Oh I didn't even scan this one. I only it's got the other one okay I don't need an exterior grow bed. I need an interior grow bed. I have the stasis rifle stuff Oh it's very very quiet ahhh! Jesus I have to scan the bulkhead? Stop it, go away. This way it brought med kits with me, and you know what you know what we're doing Here Okay little shits, where are you? Who's near me? Come here What did I pick up? I don't know I picked up, picked up a fucking rock Where are you little shithead? Come here Here's why, come here Come here thattaboy thattaboy bye! Have fun on Mars Oh God freaking out Ow! Come here Come here little shitbag bye! Okay, I need be careful though I'll run out of power with this thing if I'm not careful um You have a flashlight and a PDA. I know I'm missing some PDAs as I'm going around the game. I don't mean to Just sometimes to get caught up in the moment and I'm very well aware of how much food and water and oxygen and stuff I have *Voice Log* Son, I said wait for the storm to pass Your life's more valuable to me than a plant patch You stopped being in charged when the ship you were captioning sunk I'll stop being in charge when you take charge of yourself say chief, cheif What? You know how to drain those grow beds of 40 tons of storm water or how to conjugate? From the air. I know how to prioritize I'm just saying if that's so what's your boys life worth today if tomorrow You're gonna be so hungry you start wondering what it tastes like... Let him go deal with the plants Son, go deal with the plants Interfere with my family again and when rescue arrives I will leave you here Do you understand me? No rescue coming chief , not in time I'm not staying here neither this rain keeps falling sooner or later this place will be buried the only choice We got is whether to get buried with it *Jack* So yeah Bart Torgul was the guy who did all the plant stuff I believe *Log* Chiefs log 5 weeks since the crash. The only other survivors are my son, Bart... (Jack- this one is before the other one) After days drifting in the lifepod rain hammering on the roof the weather clear then we washed up here I had made a service that the Ghazi rec Said not to finding as a stable source of food His education is paying off sooner than that anticipated our only problem is meter she says the weather's going to turn I Say, she's finding excuses to risk our lives Imagine she snuck on a weekend our life the her physical altercation, and she's itching for a fight In every judgment she makes things go from bad to worse If she had my experience. She'd have more faith Humans have spent millennia specializing and had a shackled nature to our will This planet won't cause us any new problems Now what task now is to keep us alive as comfortably as possible until the insurance company arranges rescue And this power of space that could be months or even years *jack* Great I'm just gonna hang out here then Wall planter I guess just scan what you can Can I get in, down here? Yay. Oh, there are purple artifacts here, okay What is that thing? I don't know I found it outside in the sand part of another ship I've ever seen it's not even scratched Don't fool around with that it might be worth something stand down chief Then we're gonna crumble to dust it would have done so when I picked it up. It's glowing We're not the first people to come to this planet people maybe Could be aliens could be the damn sea monsters for all we know one thing for sure we ain't gonna find out by staying here *Jack* So they're talking about that the purple artifacts. I just picked up Okay, I think that's everything in here It's already light out, that's cool. Can I cheat the system and get up here real fast? There's two peaks on this island one up there it has a base and one over here has the other base And where there are bases there are lots of very good Things to scan in it, don't fall off Don't fall off, it's tryin' to claim a hill in Skyrim or something The rocks are all fallin' apart, Lets do a self-scan, we haven't done one of those in a while Nothing? Okay, this is actually the way up. Why is my scan returning nothing? That's weird Okay, this is scary. I don't like climbing these mountains. I never have but hey look at all the pretty shiny water all the shaders disappear up this far I Should have I should scan them before I do anything you never know. They could be poisonous I never liked poison in my body it hurts Okay a land-based fungus species with harvestable spores inedible fuck ya then God the Aurora's far away from here Speckled rattler, can any of you things have an aerogel? I forget where I get that A brittle land plant containing large spores is generating a Characteristic rattle when the plant is shaken this may act to ward off predators, or even encourage pre Predation as a means of spreading the spores Okay almost there. Yeah, show me what you got, okay? That's why the Chinese potato plant is so good because it lets you pull so many off of it And then when you eat it, it actually gives you like a lot of food and water So I just need a couple to be able to There's the other place Fresh food, no building materials nothing left of the ship, and your kid says we're gonna starve without more grow beds Speak up kid. It's true father The natural growth rates are too slow to keep supporting us. I'm saying is oceans got us, surrounded No use hiding Sooner or later. We'll get our feet wet The rest of your life may have been a fight mater But I've made my decision you want to forfeit your emergency paid to take a swim go ahead believe me I'm thinking of it Man, mutiny was ripe wasn't it? a little bit more Technically, I only need one to plant and then I can take bits off the one that grows and then just plant those so This place was not that useful Always nice to have spotlights and shit, though So all that stuff before like spotlights and everything I think they were just in your Inventory or they like you didn't have to get blueprints and shit for them Don't hurt yourself oh Oh, oh is this gonna kill me if I try go down it a A long time ago when I played the game I think it was the first time I actually came to this island there was no fall damage in the game So I could run across this whole place and just leap off as much as I wanted and I never took any damage Was fantastic I loved it There's also some caves in this area, I think Maybe that's where the warp gate leads Maybe each warp gate goes to each Island That'll be handy except if I did that now I end up leaving all my stuff behind which I don't want Okay, give me the good stuff. Give me. Give me something amazing That's not amazing, ooh Water Maybe water is pretty good This is bad after all that time in the deep I've been dreaming of it Now I'm back here I'm finding it hard to enjoy alone father. Was right So deep They do not want us down there despite my best efforts Ill-health is taking hold of me The visions are getting worse Margaery and father are now part of the ecosystem of this incredible planet It's reassuring to know that when I go I'll join them until then There's always the view Man, that's scary so you guys never left this island or that was your plan to never actually leave it? I mean the view is nice and all, but it's nice no fucking it's nothing amazing Oooo indoor grow bed that's the shit I needed That right there is the whole reason I came to this island That is going to save our asses That's what's going to keep us alive if I can get an indoor grow bed going So you should pick up some of these as well plant them If I can get an indoor grow bed going and a water filtration system, then I never have to worry about that stuff again drink this water Nice Okay cool. I think that's the main part of what this island has to offer I think anyway Should be able to just head back to my submarine now So next on my list after this well, I should come back to this island again and explore more of it anyway Because there's a lot to it as I said there's stuff inside the island At least that's what I remember inventory full, okay cool Wait how did I get here? I came through a hole Somewhere out this way Next of my list is to build the prawn suit I need to go out and get some aerogel I think that was the only thing that I didn't have so far that was needed all the other stuff I kinda I can find bits and pieces of it everywhere My best source of stuff like lithium is the other island Lead and all that stuff. We can kind of find around, look at that beautiful baby Alright, there's so much going on in this game all the time as well That it's easy to just be it's easy to bounce from thought to thought Begone tHOT Really hope I can actually just plant this stuff in here again What if they remove that ability? Oh yes, what do we need four titanium? I don't have four titanium? Seriously, that's all I need? That's amazing let's head back Here we go Maria. We're kicking off again, but before we go *heooooOoonk* Haha, Oh engines are on wait while I'm here. Let's go down Oh, fuck this, man Because this is where we are now is near the grand reef And these areas are all super important Like down *stutters* We're going down those holes later in the game Right now we can't I've actually got Maria down until one of them at one point And I was so afraid that I could never get her back out again Really wish I had the depth meter here in front of me now. Oh, I see a shiny Yeah down into these holes is someplace that we are going later on We're at 194 meters? I can take Sally out in that Okay wait no no no no no no actually. I needed to be down there hahaha what am I doing? Okay, here locker boom boom no no no Fuck sometimes, it's left click to move stuff back and forth like the charging stations And then sometimes it's right-click and I keep getting mixed up every now and then and Messing it up so I eat a bunch of stuff as long as I have one of each I'm fine You're a bioreactor right Oh a thermal plant I have that oooo I can get the four pieces of titanium if I scan stuff that I already have Didn't think about that Now I'm thinking about that and that's the thing I'm going to see down the fucking down into the devil's anus It's so fucking horrible. What are you? moonpool fragment. that'll do Wait I was here You really shouldn't have your lights on anymore if I've gotten you oh Yeah I was here Boo Did I go in here though? Yeah, I think I did Goddamnit. Well there was not a fruitless endeavor we did get our titanium So now we can build the grow bed. Oh, that's great I love how fast he climbs the ladder build you right there You're not getting much sunlight in here, that's fucking crooked and that's gonna piss me off but it's done who cares Give me things Do not left-click them keep in mind pay attention Nice nice I'm so goddamn proud of this series so far we are making such amazing progress This is the type of stuff that I wasn't doing until way later in the other series I mean obviously because I was taking way longer to actually figure shit out And I was trying to figure out where all the places were and stuff just wasn't in the places It was supposed to be so now. It's easier to find schematics and blueprints and bits and pieces of everything because it's It's it's just better made floodlights Switch those bad babies on so we can see where we're going- they did not really help. Okay keep your eyes peeled it is kind of sad that- ooooh It's kind of sad that there's nothing really left in the game to surprise me monster wise Like I've kind of seen all the creatures that the game has to offer And I would love if cuz I'll never get that feeling back of seeing a Reaper for the first time again, which Scared the shit out of me Because it was it was that thing where you got into the game. You're like "are there are crazy creatures in this game?" "I don't know" and then you actually got into it. You're right. "There are crazy creatures in this game!" This is the grand reef right? Where these things are? And then somewhere, there's holes to go down further. I'm seeing electricity Is that electricity? That's a wreck Oooo ooo ooooo Wait is that the one I went to? I don't fucking know anymore I don't know where I am Stop it music you're freaky. Um wait what depth are we at? 194 okay Sally can go down a bit more, look at my baby's growing! Te he Imma proud dad So cool so so cool I fucking hope so that's where I left them Moon pool fragments What are you? You just quartz? okay You are just quartz Is this the one I came to? Nope cuz this isn't harvested yet, what are you? Cyclops depth module Oh, baby a triple! What are all these things? Scanner room fragment, I have that. thermal plant, I have that. membrane tree! scan him! don't have one of those! Okay you have a lot of talk on you, and I am on the clock right now So I'll come back to you in a little bit Okay, Imma bring Sally all the way down here Because I can and she's going to be my rescue if I ever need to get out in a jiffy just remember Sally is the yellow one Sally is not Henry me remember that this time yet fucking gone doogal This is another part of the thermal plant fragment isn't it yep? Okay, I don't think this place is of any use to me. Don't get shocked okay Anything do I have you I'm pretty sure I have you I did not Oh and the grappling arm fragment or the grappling arm upgrade is one of the more important ones for that because That saved my ass getting around the place Not just because it got me out of danger. I think it just saves so much time when you can grapple everywhere Otherwise getting around to the prown suit is the most tedious thing in the planet oh, no this was the ship that caused me issues Cuz I remember cutting through this door like five times And when you have to do that- What are you? Have you already don't I yeah? When you need to cut through the thing like five times you start wasting all your oxygen trying to stay alive So it was just annoying Oh god where am I? Okay, I just got you PDA "Torgal Corporation is a long-standing, family-run clan that operates almost a dozen mining and trading operations. The company share price hit an all-time high on the announcement by a Mongolian cabal of their intention to construct a new phasegate utilizing Torgal materials. These plans were put on hold when Bart Torgal, the intended leader of the new mining operation, disappeared along with his father roughly a decade ago." A decade ago?! So they were on that fucking island since a decade ago?! yeah, tho- those people by the way, the people in the The abandoned base that I was just in, they're not like part of the Aurora ship They're not part of my mission. They- they came long, long before me Um... Just make sure I got everything, can I open you? No. okay time to head out. Not yet Cyclops docking repair module That's new isn't it? Oh, shit how do I get out? How do I get out? I can't remember how I got in. okay down here. Oh god That's the scariest part. When you can't find your way back out again Okay Maria and coming home wait a sec Okay, Maria, I'm coming home. a repair module for the Cyclops For like the actual Bay so when I bring my thing back in here it not only charges it but repairs it That'll be pretty cool. It tells you how long ago how long they are to grow Neato burrito okay now we are definitely heading back to Henry because I need to I have some upgrades that I want to see if I can build some stuff for the Cyclops Upgrade modules depth modules that kind of stuff and also that repair Bay Might be a pain in the ass to go repair or that or not repaired by farm all that shit, but what are you gonna so? Sorry! Geez! I'm not even hitting anything you hit the smallest fish That sounds like a nuclear wars going off inside you. Hey reefies! I wonder if this still work, okay? I want to get close enough this used to be like a little Easter egg thing I did it before Okay shh Okay you've already made your noise, let's see Don't know sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't Okay that was just coincidental, and that's the thing I don't know if it ever actually was an easter egg That's just floating. I never knew if it was an actual Easter egg that they responded or if that was just a If there was just a coincidental thing like people pressed it, and then they respond. I was like they respond God I hit a fish oh Wait shit is this the sand dunes This is the sand dunes. That is a motherfucking reaper right there? Oh? Peace no no no no go away. No Good good good fuck Okay exits camera easy Gemma. Oh wait are we played? Okay emergency speed I'm out I'm out. I'm out Am I am I breached is this the thing that I should be fixing repair to repair tool The glass is fucking leak and I don't like that that means it's not fully repaired Okay, just go just go back to Henry back to Henry we go Okay, have a bit of Health gone But it's not letting me repair the crack. I don't know what to do. Hey Henry. How you doing buddy? Doing good? Everybody everybody good. Everybody happy. There's my one-legged moon pool okay, let's Let's pause you right here for a second in Today is he or she not fix any of you am I doing is that just gonna stay there Or is there a hole somewhere else so they can fix Because that's what used to happen Hey Sally It used to be a thing where holes would just prop up and then you'd fix them and it would fix the whole ship But maybe it doesn't work like that anymore. Oh wait wait wait. I need to take Sally out You see if there's any upgrades I can build Those a successful adventure, ooh Nice okay use planter they could put Two more in and then just eat these Okay because that's fully grown I'm gonna take that one out and eat this Sweet Whoo very very good very good very proud of myself Very proud of our adventures everybody that's you included we all did this Okay you go for one bed to another Thanks feels good to be back now. Let's see if any more stuff propped up that I can build On sook rappeling arm and promise you drill arm seamoth modules, okay, so maybe Maybe the other stuff. Then is in here here we go Depth module mark two, I need mark one first, ooh They can make it thermo blades or why not wait where do we get mark one? There's no place to make a cyclops module mark one It says I need that Where do I build that? Either way I need nickel ore which I don't have I don't need kyanite and kyanite I know exactly where to get kyanite down in the freaking lava. Isn't it? Gosh dang it All right well I'm thoroughly confused whoo here. We go here. We go. I forgot I Forgot to give you your name base color Hell yeah name that will be black interior white I guess an exterior will be blue There you guys match Big Maria and mini-me yeah, I got a message didn't I what's this message say play Jesus Carrying high priority passages, I feel like I found that place already All under the life pods. I just found randomly as I was going to like the Aurora and stuff. Oh the fucker no Okay equipment I Don't think new I can make anything worth making It's the air system in the pipe and everything is such like basic level shit Having a stasis, rifle, I guess And did magnetite for that. I don't have magnetic oh Yeah, fluid intake would it be a good idea, but you know what Cindy I Need I I have a job to do first and that job is to be the world's greatest habitat builder no wrong buttons Endora crow bed can I put you in a corner somewhere? I? Don't just put you in the middle of the floor Nice So now I have to I need to go get some stuff off Maria and put it in there, so well, Maria I'll be making a bunch of them. I'll also have a spare back here, so whenever I come home I don't have to waste the ones that I get in Maria You know I mean it's called tactics I still have a bleeding hole in my fucking thing lantern tree Did you make one fruit Are you just a thing that stays and keeps making fruit, I'm okay with that I'm down with that that's pretty cool Drive me insane. I need to fix it so don't have some duct tape then it fix it up real nice I Think now that it says Sally When I get away from Maria it says Maria ha ha For anyone who's new here by the way the reason they call it Maria is not because just I like the name or anything It's because it's it was submarine sub-Maria That was that was the thing it was very very clever on my part I Need some bladder fissures to get the water in my body because I'm gonna die right I'm gonna head to lifepod 13 in a second But another very vital thing that I want to make inside Maria That's going to be another thing. That's the lifeblood of my whole game is a fabricator so If I have a fabricator on the move, then I could just come in here and build all the stuff. I want so if Per se I'm out at an island, and I start gettin thirsty And the only way to get water is to either go back to a water filtration system I've built, wonder if i could build one on Maria or Another idea is to go back to Henry to the fabricator, but now the fabricators here So if we just take the stuff in the storage on Henry and in fact if I oh I could make a radio here but with the radio here and take all the stuff out of storage on Henry I Technically never need Henry ever again. That's just the way things are Eat one of you and 4e two of you and plant three Measure twice cut once Where am I I'm all turned around have no idea where I am Maria I'll be back to you now in a second. Don't you worry oh, it's getting daytime nice I was gonna say I need to go to bed as well So boom boom boom, Nice Do I have any copper laying around I surely do There I can build my radio now on Maria Henry, I'm sorry okay? Wait can it oh you can't deconstruct that one you can't deconstruct any of these things Don't have room? Hell Yeah, I do Everybody Say goodbye to Henry Henry we have loved you Henry you are the best of us that water over there looks really really cool with the moon rule, but Henry we love you, buddy But for now our time must end Even though I'd be coming back here because my moon pool, and everything is here on my base technically here But I never ever need to go back into Henry ever again The sad day It's a sad day when you're in friends up and leave isn't it This shit is so cool as well the fact that you can just store your Seamoth in here or your prawn suit. It's cool shit Put all you guys in here Yeah Why do I have an acid mushroom? I don't know. The battery charger now is another thing I need to uninstall and bring up here and then radio put you right there This is all coming together I'm so proud all righty, and now I should have put the battery charger next to the battery charger Whatever you can go in the corner Efficiency of space is also a thing, but Other things I did Desk I can put you in nice Are we gonna dismantle this thing eventually but Little Jack could go with us little Sam And another thing I have oh not in here is my little Aurora ship And you go whoo capital Aurora ship why oh? I can't place that anywhere, but the base Well that fucking blows alright, so let's Kick it let's head on out. Where are we going? We are going this way? That's a thousand meters away Well whatever I wonder if there's any speed modules you can get for Sally She's a nimble Beast let's go through the tunnel Through the tunnel of love Sally through the tunnel of love look at that lovely lavender glow Aren't you happy I brought you out here Sally. Isn't it wonderful majestic whatever But you're only 175 meters down, and it's faster if I just go there in Sally and then come back Really think I've been here, but if not we might get some tantalizing lore details Now I'd already know what I'm doing next I didn't say I was gonna put the prawn suit Guess I need a lot of stuff for that I might dicken with the alien stuff then after this Really do need those depths modules though The depth modules are really really important because you can't progress the game unless you get the depth modules for all your gear The prong suit can go the deepest quite default out of all their vehicles that you get But it's still not enough to get to the the endgame zones. Yeah, what are you hate? You're shoving stuff shut your mouth oh? Hey courier the second mushroom forest It's a nice place. It's a good place. There's also an area around here that Wasn't so nice. That's not like a little girl screaming. There's an area around here that Think you can go down into and there's like a secret precursor alien vault and Then also it was the first place. I saw the electrical doodads and also the tree life is here Always gotta be near as a tree life Okay, I have not been to this one Whoa this is gigantic Holy balls Hey, do you have any scannable x' How did you guys get interrupted huh? He's got a big hole see this Hole was blown out which means something happened in here to get you out, but you had a fabricator. Yeah a little fabric a egg whatever Entry planetary atmosphere I create as the cherishes and sustainers of worlds give me this day my daily pleasures as I give to those who? Seek pleasures from me External temperature approaching critical levels Show me the path in life truth and love of mine is the power I am the one Universe plays with itself I am done playing as this bundle of flesh Well then I guess we knew what happened, but again this exploded from the inside out Maybe he was the Hulk maybe he Hulk busted his way out. That's my running theory Are you a thing are you just lithium oh? That lycium hanging out on top yeah there the air. This is the first place. I went that I ever saw these creatures And this was like way late into the series as well. I had never seen them before that although I think they weren't actually in the game Much before that I think they were added later on And they freaked me out. Also we have yet to find I did say the reef backs are my favorite big just in general because they've been there since the start And I just love how they sound oh they were the first creatures that I heard had like that And I just loved those sounds shit we're almost at our max depth This is where I went into prawn suit shit gets scary down there, man Let me tell you something for nothing, but we have yet to come across my second favorite creatures Which are almost my favorite creatures, which is the crab squids? So think some of them actually dwell down here and the only reason I like them so much is they look weird and They look scary, but the sounds they make are the best sound in the whole game And they did a really good job designing the sounds for them I have an angel singing in my ears. What the fuck is that??! What is that the ghost Leviathan Holy fuck Whoa that's cool have I seen one of them, did I see one of them in the lava zone Dude this music is baller god, they're fucking scary You're spazzing out there though he okay yours like all over the place This music going along with this is so cool Come back closer, so we can see here shiny shame does the shine turn offers it just cuz I'm far away from them Oh What am I doing tempting fate like this? but he doesn't have any like grab her hands on the front like the other Reaper to come up and like attack me I Want to follow him I want to see his glory shine And he seems to be swimming away instead of getting closer. Yeah, it is just cuz I'm far away Or. Are you luring me to my death? What sounds do you make? That's what I'm most curious about sounds are a big deal to me What's happening? Oh? Oh? Oh? Oh God? Oh? This is a mistake wasn't it? Hi-hi big beautiful boy oh Are you are you coming are you coming forever oh? What's coming for me. Oh it's coming for me. Oh shit. Yeah, fuck okay? I didn't know if you're actually coming from me there for a minute. Oh my god. I'm at 49 health already Okay do not tempt fate fate will come back and bite you in your hairy ass oh But that was cool He was awesome! Okay, don't go too. Deep because I'll buckle my own fucking ship As soon as it got away from creatures. I need to get out and heal oh Man Yeah Well just an after saying. "Oh, there's no new creatures in the game. There's nothing left to scare me" boom Subnautica slaps you in the ass You're never safe around subnautica. It always has something up its sleeve That was so cool. Hey reef fees Alrighty, well I'm gonna leave this episode of subnautica here also great progress than this episode. We finally got to the island and God Pretty sure I got all the information. I need to get out of there. I will go back to the island eventually To get more stuff now. I just need to figure out The next episode is an annoying episode because I need to figure out how I get all these upgrade modules I need to figure out the stuff needed to make the prawn suit all that kind of stuff and that's all like farming type stuff, so More of it might not be huge progression But you know who knows maybe we'll find a place to go that we can see some cool shit cuz this episode I didn't think I was gonna see the ghost Leviathan that was pretty cool. I like that Anyway, thank you guys so much watching this episode if you liked it punch that like button in the face Like a boss! And high fives all round Thank you guys and I'll see all you dudes In the next video! The only true constant in my life at this point is you Sally and also Maria, but mainly you Sally
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 5,884,140
Rating: 4.9547048 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Subnautica, Subnautica game, subnautica gameplay, surivival game, alien planet, let's play, subnautica jacksepticeye, giant monsters, full game, full release, public release, subnautica full release, update, sally, seamoth, seamoth fragments, warper, reaper, alien base, alien gun, funny, funniest, Aurora, laser gun, cyclops, maria, submarine, cyclops fragments, cyclops parts, ghost leviathan, ghost reaper, new monster
Id: oCqYauzFP1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 22sec (3442 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2018
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