LEAVING THE PLANET | Subnautica - Part 16 END (Full Release)

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*High fives* Top of the morning to you laddies, my name is jacksepticeye, and welcome back to Subnausious so last time we didn't get a whole lot done I didn't have that much time to record an episode and Subnautica takes a very very long time to record usually they're like two hour episodes whittled down to like 40 or 50 minutes yesterday's was like Almost an hour, and then it was whittled down to like 16 minutes so apologies on that front, but the the beauty of daily subnautica uploads is that you don't have to wait Too long for the next one, so I'm taking pepper, and we're going back in here I want to see what happened to the sea Emperor anyway, but I need to get back to my other base And I need to go start getting like nickel and stuff, and I kind of want to bring Maria back I kind of want to take all my materials and head back anyway Because that base is pretty much useless to me now. I wish you could build these I wish I could build I wish I could build a warp gate of my own So that I could just bring it to my base Have one right next to my base and have one here. I mean I've studied enough of the aliens by now I should have the technology Is the sea emperor still gonna be here, or she gonna be dead oh? Oh no She's still moving a small bit Oh No She's hurting guys Hi oh She put up such a good fight She's been alive far longer than any of her other buddies have been You did a good job. You helped save a whole planet Rest easy my love. My love? Oh God, can I even get out of here with pepper? Oh god? I didn't think about that So I still don't have the damn Jump Jet upgrade. I had the stuff to make it ages ago, and then I goofed it all up There we go that was perfect Okay this might be tricky well yeah, I'll have enough oh look at her It's so sad She did a good thing though She helped her baby survive and she helped me. She's a hero. Okay. Wait for it wait for it wait for it. Can that reach? Ya Attagirl pepper Best Now this might be awkward. I'm stuck in everything No, no, we're not at full boost We need our boost Launch yourself. That's the shit right there, or did we make it we didn't fucking make it Why aren't you able to lift yourself why is nothing working? I'm just trapped in this fucking hell Okay, I need to grab the roof then Cuz you have a certain amount of momentum And then the jump Jets don't really work outside of the water as good as you would like them to Come on come on come on pepper I swear to fuck if we're stuck here If we're fucking stuck in here, I will flip a shit. What are you grabbing there for? God damn it Otherwise I'm gonna have to go the long way around again and get the whole ways of the island with pepper I'm not fucking doing that Hey get the angle get the angle get the angle motherfucker Yes baby That's how you do it. That's a good pepper right there. This is the pepper I built Thought you were some fake imposter pepper for a while, but no we're good And I know what you're thinking jack if that's pepper. Where is salt? Salt is all around us. It's the ocean oh oh Oh, wait no that wasn't a thing up there. I was gonna say we had an easier teleporter to come out through I didn't have to do that. I could have come out to teleporter at the top forgot about that right now this fucking This is going to make or break me this could be the end of your good pal Jack, okay Save it right there, so save it right there We had the sea dragon left I couldn't even find them again anyway. I lied I lied. I just heard him Where are they though oh the warpers won't affect me anymore. Oh that makes it so much easier. Oh, I like this now. This is gonna be good. This is gonna be a nice time Hey war-pees Yeah, you turn to look at me, and you're like is that is that a bad? But it's not no he's a bad. Oh fuck Oh, Durgan Oh big Durgin boy The fuck out of here Get a little bit of Monica in my life Sound like a, sound like a the fuck why the fuck? Go away I don't like you oh wait, where's my exit? Wait I think it was over here? Uh-oh it better be over here. I can't remember how I actually get out of this area. Oh look at that the max reach oh it's over here woohoo, thank god Ooh it's so scary I feel like they're louder and more aggressive in this version of the game What the fuck what the fuck that's unfair okay? Your head's through the ground. That's not nice! Oh, God do I need the Jump Jet upgrade to even get out of here? No, no no no no no no no grab grab grab fuck Well That's a shit on my salad right, I'm gonna get out and heal you Yeah, yeah, yeah, I still don't have the suit, okay. I don't have the blueprints for it. I can't build one. I want the heat-resistant suit, and I want the still suit? Still suit would actually be very very helpful this one- a being down here is not that bad. If you're just efficient about it There's a lot of things I can get in the game actually a lot of stuff that I can get that would probably make life a lot easier, but At the same time. I don't really need I still I still get on fine without them You know what I mean. Okay? Wait here for my boost to come back. So how are you? How's it going? My boost doesn't go up as fast if my feet aren't touching the ground. Oh, Maria I'm so close twelve hundred meters close, but I'm so close I'm almost as close to Maria as I am to everything else. I'm almost as close to Maria's as I am to my fucking Henry Jeez, okay, when we swing out? There you go there you go start to get that lift start to get that lift lift those butt cheeks lift and commence Nice right, what do I actually need for this? next piece of alle spaceship alle rocket Nickel aerogel and wiring kit aerogel and wiring kit easy peasy. No problem. Probably have a wiring kit somewhere. I just need some nickel. Are you nickel? Your silver eh you might be handy anyway. Wait do I have anything in my Do I have anything in my inventory? Nope I at least have enough room for this There y'go! Thatta boy me Let's get that silver yeah, get it get it pepper Okay, that's enough I'm done. I'm bored um I mean I'm not a doctor I have no patience Titanium titanium would be handy, but there's a titanium deposit near my actual thing right I am completely fucking lost right now. I know where my things are, but I need to find the actual exit out of this area. I need to get back to where the lava castle is And actually if I can find out where those dragons are I have a fair idea of where I'm going right now I am pissing in the wind Fucking Jesus that scared me Is that the lava castle? Sounds like it fucking would be Oh It's so much nicer that I don't have to worry about warpers anymore I have no idea which direction. I should go I'm just running around in the wild and I'm probably gonna die I think it's around the other side of all this I hear ya- why ya roaring so much you guys don't use echolocation like the Reapers do you? I mean you might when you enter this area the lava castle is on your right or your left Can't even speak simple shit anymore, it's only on your left So yeah, I think we're doing good. I want to scan this skeleton. I feel like I haven't been doing that enough Get away from me. Get away smelly stinky stinky smelly boy Seriously fuck off Okay, I just saw the dragon over there Uh where's my scanner Yes Jack take your- take your fucking time trying to get shit together Reaper Leviathan skeleton Reapers are ill-suited to high-temperature environments Suggesting this creature was forced down into the active lava zone by conditions outside its control Trace muscle tissue remains on the bones indicating the specimen died in recent months burns and other physical damage fuck off Wait now I don't know where I am uh oh I think it might actually be that way still Um burns and other physical damage to the skeleton structure like became pray for something bigger- oh God so the dragon Killed it like became prey for something bigger You know like it just became prey for something bigger like totally cool I just want to get out of here. There is a big fat dragon fuck off I hate this I hate this I thought the exit was out over there, maybe it is I'm so fucking turned around I've never come into these areas enough to figure out my way through it. Well at least not coming back through it I normally go the other way again Oh fuck me I'm in the wrong part of Scranton Fuck fuck fuck leave me alone. Just just okay. This is the way out This is the way out that dragons not where he's supposed to be that dragons a bitch dragons a fucking douche I mean the oceans bad enough being down here is just terrible enough as it is without having to deal with like prehistoric fire-breathing tail waggling tentacle loving big face fish fuckers You know? You feel me? You guys still in still you guys still instill a lot of fear in me Even though you're perfectly cool now there you go you guys are awesome They're one of my favorite creatures in the game as well just because they're not actual like full creatures what am I doing? The fact that they're kind of like biomechanical as well It's pretty cool. I like it a lot Also once I get out of this area and get back to Muria and everything I should never have to come this far down into this whole area ever again unless I need kyanite for something But that's why I'm grabbing a lot of it now even though I think I still have a lot of it back on my base So I don't know talking very fast cuz I'm very anxious down here. Uh- Oh Um I don't- I don't think I am where I think I am you-you're not supposed to be there This could 'tentially be very hazardous to my health And I just got insurance You know how hard it is to get insurance on a planet that you're not even supposed to be on With no other people on it. It's very difficult okay, but I tried my best and I finally got it, so I'm not gonna let any ghost boy Steal that from me Where am I? How do we get out of here back to safe haven? This shit is all- I got further away from you guys Biscuit tits Okay survive pepper pepper survive pepper survive, please I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it. I'm out Is this the f- No this is not the place. I was before I mean I'm out of lava, that's that's a plus But I think it was a case of like one step forward two steps back maybe Should've just gone the long way Long way would have been better. I would've got there faster. Are you you're not the thermal plant are you? It is Okay, I went all the way around that area That was fucking obnoxious, but okay That means I'm safe now that means I know my way back to Dorothy. Oh look who it is Look where I am you guys I'm back home There's my base. I'm going in the wrong direction. I would like to go forward, please where is she where she I could see her name, but I can't see her face I need to see her face, please. Maria? Oh Maria I missed you, it's been so long Oh that was an arduous journey. I feel like we should turn that into a book and then that book should be turned into a movie Because that was difficult for me Alright Okay, do I have...? Oh god! I have everything a man could possibly need in life! It's fine gonna make me some aerogel. I picked up some nickel Did I pick up enough nickel? Uh- No, I need one more nickel, and I need a wiring kit Do I have any of that around here? Please say we have another nickel Mmm. That's, annoying okay, recharge all you bad boys Feel like you're all starved right now, Except you. You're kind of fine Um Dump all you back in. So I'll probably be taking Maria and everything back out of this area. Oh glorious! Glorious filtered water! I haven't been back in so long that you just had a stack of it waiting for me. Nice. Nice! Oh, and the food! The food is so good! Alright, I have probably had more nickel on Maria, right? I don't think I took everything out of her when I moved Uh, Nickle! Yes! And then all I need is a wiring kit. Do I just have a...? It would be great if I just have one of those laying around, right? If I just had a wiring kit? Anything at alls? Wiring kit? No I don't fucking have anything. That's a lot of copper and kyanite! Jeez ums See some of this shit now I don't need anymore. Like stalker teeth, uraninite Crystals. Uraninite crystals you use to make your nuclear reactor work, but I don't have any of that shit. Also, I'm very curious to see if Maria can go through a warp gate That'd be hilarious to find out What do I need to make a wiring kit? uhh Just two silver ore Why do I have a feeling that that was back on Maria! it's not in Maria. It's in pepper I-I got a bunch of silver with you, didn't I? I almost forgot that, and that would have been really fucking bad Wait would you have...? Wait you don't carry silver you carry gold Umm, wait you do carry silver! I'm dumb, never mind! I'm in the process of moving everything over Because I want to leave I wanna go home Is that son of a bitch on the front of my thing? I'll kill him. Um right, start dumping shit in then Hopefully I have enough room for everything I mean, shit like this can go Silicone rubber, maybe Lubricant can go 51 percent charge battery can go. I'm just going to dump that shit! Cause I don't need these, I can get these back where I am. It's the stuff that I can't get that I'm worried about Is that three silver right there, and I didn't know? Oh my god! I'm gonna go fucking crazy someday! Wait I need to dump some stuff. Wow! Look at that! I dumped so many! well base It's been fun. It's been absolutely real, but I have to leave now. I'm not even gonna deconstruct you or anything. I'm not gonna deconstruct any of these things I- What was even in you? I can't remember. What was in the thermal generators? Magnetite, aerogel, titanium. All stuff I can get. All stuff I can get at a later date Um, and I have plenty of all. I don't think... This is my fear. Because I don't know what the next part of the- I don't know what the next part of- "building the thing" is, of building the rocket is. So I'm afraid that I'm gonna leave and then it'll be like oh yeah, you needed this thing that's actually back down in there, and it's just for take me forever to come back Gold, I mean can't hurt to carry it, right? Thanks Maybe nickel if I need more nickel to be able to build more of the ship that might be a problem Because I can only get that down here it seems What are you so? I'm gonna try and just pick up what I can, you know? Silver, whatever I mean if I have to come back It's not the end of the world. I can g- I could even come back here with the seamoth and just swim down and try and get some stuff but... Other than that I just want to get back and start building again Open wide for Jack-Jack! There ya go! Everybody's in and ready to swim Would really like some ion Power Cells still but... Oh wait, maybe I have to stuff to actually do that now! I'm gonna build a fabricator in here Because I just removed the material to be able to do it so I might as well just put it back in ~What did I need for the ion Power Cell? What did I need-~ An ion cube! I don't have any of those with me, do I? Are you... serious? Everything is just out of reach Every time! Because I haven't organized shit! There's no ion cubes in any of this Because they're all back at the other place *chuckles* Just my luck. Right! We're ready to head back. I think but- what the...? Hey! What are you doing? There are no free rides on Maria, okay? God dammit! You're not part of the Instant Chill Pack! Get out of here! Get outta here ya damn freeloader! Go back to your mama! Tell her Jack sent ya Thanks, Maria Okay, 67% energy That should be enough. I think most of that was just getting Pepper back together Okay, okay. Be very, very gentle, gentle, very gentle Can we turn you here? Now *this* is gonna be a process! Trying to get out of this place. You saw how hard it was even get into the fucking place. We are in safe hands Because Maria you were with the number one cyclops pilot on this planet, okay Nobody else on this planet right now is able to drive you as good as I am and I'm taking that with me. I'm literally the sexiest man on this planet right now But do you know what that means Maria? You're the sexiest submarine That's good, right? Excuse me fellas, excuse me Coming through. Sorry, excuse me Comin' through. Thanks Appreciate you making the gap guys. I never scanned this I kept forgetting "Sea dragon skeleton. The semi intact skeletal structure of a Leviathan class predator." We know what they look like now! They breathe fire at me! "Head trauma. There is clear evidence of massacle-" massacle! "Massive physical trauma to the head. The damage is so severe it was likely the cause of death and must have occurred somewhere nearby Damage is consistent with a high-speed collision with a solid object." So I said before that inside the thermal base that was just over there to the left that the sea dragon literally just slammed its head into the side of the thing trying to get it eggs back "Something in the environment has helped to preserve these remains, but calcium decay suggests an approximate time of death 1,000 years ago. Bone growth suggests a creature was in the egg-laying stage of its life cycle." So normally, I'm not a fan of storytelling like that like you have to go around and read all the story But this this balances environmental storytelling with legible storytelling really really good. Like you go around you see these alien bases and you don't know what they are and you're trying to figure it all out, and then you find little clues here and there. That stuff I like. So you can basically take in as much of the story as you possibly want But you don't have to! You can just go about your business and do whatever the hell you want I would like to scan the giant skeleton, that's out here, but the ghost Reapers out there. Can I scan this one? All you ghost weeds. You pieces of shit that would just vanish on me for no reason! But I got you in the end. We healed this earth together Okay can't even scan it. That's, that's just fine. What are you? Are you titanium? Yeah ~I don't like the deep down sounds of the ocean pure~ I'm gonna make a Subnautica musical All right which way do we want to get out of here? Over to the right again I'd say Just take it nice and gentle. Don't even need to worry about a thing. We're calm guys! We're calm. We have our positive mental attitude, and we're part of the Instant Chill Pack So that means nothing's gonna get us down. We're just gonna get through this area nice and gently and calmly. It's the freaking out that the game wants you to do! The game wants you to be on edge and have a lot of tension and anxiety We're not feeling that today. We're feeling pretty damn good It's just a serene experience with Maria. I'd rather- I wouldn't want to be down here with anybody else Maria just you. I mean you have a Pepper inside you but... that's our child Hey easy does it, easy does it. Watch this, watch this. Pure. Clean. Precision. The surgeon of Cyclops maneuvering Jacksepticeye You know you guys really should have to pay for a master class like this Okay, well you just ran into me that one doesn't count Also, sorry! Come on guys! Big, big ship boy coming through! You should be able to see me! Maybe it's because I don't have my lights on. That's why. Ya see? You got to keep your lights on It's the same way if you're driving the car People can't see you then they're gonna crash into ya. Can I go up from here? I think I can I think I can, I think I can. We're not snagged in a rock behind us! That's just I have special techniques for Maria to help her go, uh... straight up I call it "Vertical Maneuvering". May seem like a simple, easy, obvious title for it but, uh Fuck you And we're out! Nice. It's time to head home boys... and girls Aww Sea Treaders. I'll miss you guys. You know what? We've made some friends along the way We made some bad bastard enemies, but we made a lot of friends It's my number one friends right there! Hey Reefies! And w-we started off a rocky relationship with the Warpers We weren't really on a first-name basis. We were kind of on an insult basis and terrifying scream runaway basis But they're near and dear to my heart now The Reapers can go die in a fire. That's all I care about with them. Ah Henry! It's good to see your little, tiny face again! Okay, we have arrived! Now I need to remember what I need for this Two aerogel, three nickel ore and a plasteel ingot. They're all downstairs somewhere Pretty sure. I don't know where buuut somewhere There's my plasteel ingot I need more nickel and my aerogel. Where did I put those it's all titanium? That's copper, kyanite. I actually named this one Aerogel and Nickel ore! Nickel-ore-deon huh? Yes! All the pieces. Now I get to make jet boosters dawg! That shit's gotta be tight! I'm excited for this one. Now the last time we just built a platform and the elevator. Now we are actually building the rocket! Like these pieces, are the actual rocket Construct, oh Jesus! Holy shit, you're a big boy! I'm gonna call you Ronny! All my other vehicles have had a name. We've had Pepper, Sally, Maria. Sub-Maria, Pepper Prawn and Seamoth Sally. You're gonna be Ronnie the Rocket! Wow! Okay, what do ! need next? Crystalline sulfur, ion power cells and kyanite. Okay. I got a lot of crystalline sulfur So that's good Woah Woah! Oh that's gonna be so badass! Geez men Okay, yeah, you should be in here now. Yeah, Neptune fuel reserve. So we have another piece then after that Plasteel ingot, a crystalline sulfur, kyanite, ion Power Cell, okay Little annoying, but we should be able to make it. I have three crystalline sulfurs, and I need four! How absolutely annoying is that God damn it! I had one in Pepper But I don't think it's still there, I think I emptied you out. I knew I should have picked up more of them! Especially since I couldn't get them anywhere else. I should have just stocked up on that shit when I was down there Which means I'm probably gonna have to go back Damn it all right let's do this mr. prawnsuit You're gonna go back at the deep down dark deep down But it's okay. We're veterans of it at this point. We don't care no more. Nothing scares us down there Okay, it still scares us, but I'm not afraid. Crystaline sulfur. There's some right outside the gate Would you look at that So I'm gonna go around and collect a few more Because it would be easy to just be like oh yeah, I got it That's all I need but what if the next part needs a - oh no I forgot about you I think we have all the parts for the next bit I Hope so, I think I just need to make a plasteel ingot and the we're good Come on come on come on yes Now I don't know what I need for the last part yet. I don't know what I need until it actually Until the next part gets real- oh that's so fucking cool, so I think there's one more bit after this this's the fuel reserve so you've power Fuel, and then we're going to have the cockpit up top. This is really freaking tall Oh my god that's large and in charge. I need to make the top part though Can you tell me what I need? That's so fucking awesome looking though There we go a cyclops shield generator Oh hey little buddies, why do we need a Cyclops shield generator? Plasteel ingot enameled glass. Oh, thank god three parts are easy. What do I need for a cyclops shield generator? Don't be like really awkward parts Cuz you know what this means as soon as we build that top part I think we can leave Unless I have to do stuff like fill it full of fuel fill it full of electronics or something Cyclops shield generator ingredients unknown What Oh don't do this to me I'm so close really wish I had something faster. I really wish some stuff got a speed upgrade that wasn't determined by heat even though I think that this I think sally moves just as fast as the Cyclops does in full speed So there's a few wrecks back this way that I haven't checked I think there's one in the Sea Treader's path and I haven't checked the one that's down by the crab squids in the deep grand reef And it's gonna be a thing I'm too- I'm too lazy To like bring the Cyclops all the way over here again to go searching. It's just gonna Take me forever even though I know I'm gonna get here and then the sea- the base is gonna be way too deep down And it's gonna fuck me over anyway I Don't even have a laser cutter with me Haha, are you it please be it oh please by random chance just be it Cyclops decoy tube no I saw cyclops and got happy I have that Give me the good stuff, I want the good stuff. I also need to heal you because you're dying now So close so close yet so far whoa whoa Its a Sea Emperor whoa it's one of the babies growing up already Holy shit I didn't know that happened. It's underneath the- the floater oh fucking christ Okay I know you're not attacking me. That was just an accident, but oh my god. Oh that's so cool. They actually are in the game. They didn't disappear. They just grew up and moved moved out of the house I love that Because I was curious to know if there were going to be in any other parts of the game Oh Joyous day There still kind of scary though because they're so big Oh sea treaders path hi dude. How's it going? Where'd you come from need to find more wreaks. Well. I think I found the one that was over here Is this his little butt? I hear you wow look at that one You guys are so big I love the, the- that sound that they make you can really hear like they're hitting the ground with force You guys are cute Right so I need to find this base, that's down here somewhere And I honestly have no idea where it is I kind of just explore around until I find a hole and go down into that And then I can find it Now I'm all turned around cuz I followed the sea traders I'm close at least What what you're making it sound like you're right beside me that's scary Those are crabs squids. Is the base in this level, or is it down further? I never know Go away go away. I've heard that light scares you. I'm not sure about that. Yes. There's the base Cool You get all the way fucking down her now and it won't do anything. Oh shit Swim to surface. Oh god fuck off Jesus okay, okay, this is happening this is happening to you Hit him Excuse me oh That's fucking scary no man, Oh Framerate oh please please be swim charge fins These are all things I don't fucking need this is Bart and Marguerite this is where they said we should not have gone deeper This is the deeper that they went Please stop fighting and listen We're Sick. What? How? You've been coughing right feeling itchy blisters Yeah, the biometrics would have warned us if we were sick it's something new It's not in the database Come on, then what's it gonna do? Turn us inside out? Dissolve us into jelly? It's an alien bacteria It's everywhere every organism on this planet Its altering our genetic code How are the creatures surviving if they're infected? I don't know yet. Want me to cut some of them open for you find out what makes me tick? no Just tell me what you need son materials equipment just Can I have some quiet? I need some time to think I wonder what happened to the higher parts Here we go boy. Go away. Oh my god you're much bigger when I'm not in the seamoth Please please Cyclops shield generator, baby. Yes Oh that makes it all worth it so I'm glad I came down here now because I forgot to come back and now we're getting like better story elements I have had it with you risking our lives Oh stow it chief the kid can't kill this disease without fish to study. I'm just bringing them home Bart tell her. Tell her I'm right. You're both wrong. Marguerite I can't find out how they resist the bacteria if you slaughter them all It ain't always they oblige in coming in alive He means your being reckless father the outcomes no better if we hole up in here and don't go outside we have to find a middle way. There is no compromise Not while she's on my sea base your sea bass. I'm going outside Bart Torgal has disembarked the habitat Bart come in. Its dangerous Dammit boy I know you can hear me Chief chief get off the radio and put on your helmet. What? Brace Oh Shit So is that how they died then and how he survived he actually got out and went back to the To the island to do his thing and they died down there That that's the Degasi ship Th Degasi came before the aurora and got shot down and landed on this island as well. Uh planet not island And they were doing a bunch of shit that was other stuff we found in there the mountain that time There are little bases that were up there But only three of them survived Only one of me survived, but they went through some fucking hardships, man. Hey reef-ees Okay, I just have a small bit more farming to do And we might be just done with this We might be ready to get off this planet. We might be able to get to the end of this game Aw I'm excited, but I'm also really sad. Oh my god. Is that the last piece? No way Oh and a computer chip wait I picked up enameled glass where did it go? Had enameled glass in my inventory Oh this is regular glass, there's the enameled glass. Okay and a computer chip something something I built must have a computer chip in it that I could just take out yeah the modification station But I didn't build that again did I? no I didn't sorry I should have a computer chip in one of these then No No, you got to go down the line check them all no No The copper wire in there. Yes, I knew I fuckin had one is that it as those pieces We're about to build the last piece I don't know what happens after this I don't know I don't know if I need anything else Oh god my heart's beating There's no way I can just leave is there You're gonna tell me I need another piece aren't you Come on finish Neptune one rocket online yeah, baby Okay Ronnie the base color is going to be I have to match it. I have to match it my stripes they are going to have to be blue stripe two you are also getting the blue treatment And name, you're gonna stay as white oh Jeez dude oh lets turn off the hood. Oh look how pretty We did it, holy fuck Am I going home Oh What am I bringing with me if I am a whole bunch of shit Wow Legitimately my first time ever seeing any of this what are you auxiliary power unit? We've storage oh no way Communication systems are reactive. Oh you sound so pretty Pressurizing hydraulics Dude Dude Wait what is this? Life-support system time capsule primary computer is that all you Dude we're going home We're going home Primary computer systems active wait time capsule Wait I found a time capsule before Image oh, I don't have any images f11 to take screenshot ah I Oh I Could put stuff into it like about an entire sea glide in if I want So does that mean the time capsule I found was from somebody who built the rocket and left, and that was their time capsule oh? What would be useful to leave people some rubies some magnetite some gold crystalline sulfur Or just the sea glide I feel like you can build the sea glide pretty easily but these are like late-game items that I can give people I can give them a laser cutter and a habitat builder Or should I just give them all Useful gear yeah, let's do that give you the scanner And then I'll give you some stuff that you can use earlier on like two gold One gold and one thermal blade there you go, yeah I needed a name right title oh good Positive mental attitude I Hope you enjoy these items and Love this game as much as I do But now I must leave Take care of the planet for me Dude time capsule ready No way Rocket, not ready why? All systems are go for lift off We're doing it. I'm actually gonna leave ready to launch on your command captain Goodbye everyone Goodbye Maria bye Sally bye pepper bye Henry One Time capsule jettison we're doing it This is so awesome Portion approaching orbital debris, that's why we needed a the shield generator. Oh shit oh Fuck orbital debris field clear Performing gravity turn manouver Wow Confirm destination coordinates nearest interstellar phase gate Engaging ion boosters I don't know why I'm crying Oh, man Can't believe we did it What is a wave without the ocean a beginning without an end They are different, but they go together Now you go among the stars, and I fall among the sand We are different, but we go together That's so nice. I Can't believe I actually finished subnautica after all this time Holy fuck Did not expect to finish it in this episode. I don't know why My god I didn't think I'd even get emotional at the ending Jesus Wow I fucking love this game It was so good This game is amazing music is amazing Scott special tounge huh Oh production babies Production babies are when you have a baby during development oh It's me No way Oh, I didn't know that that's so nice Welcome home to altera Permission to land will be granted once you have settled your outstanding balance of one trillion credit. Oh Man dude! I'm so full of emotion right now. Oh My god what a fucking awesome game? I've been playing this game for like what three four years now It's such a huge part of the channel, I can't believe I actually got to the end of the story it was so good I Love this game so much When I first found this game it was like Brand-new in early access and I remember trying it out because some people recommended it to me And I thought hey that looks kinda cool. I've never seen an all underwater survival game And I got in and I immediately fell in love with like the technology in the game Where you had the fabricator laser cutting stuff and giving you the items that you wanted and all that kind of stuff And then just exploring around and seeing this like crashed ship in the distance cuz I'm a huge fan of scale From like the minut details and then stuff scales up and up and up And I saw this lay I was in this little escape pod, and I saw this giant ship at the distance It was like that's awesome and originally it didn't explode. It was already like that and Then they started adding new and more stuff to it just going around the ocean everything was terrifying And I didn't realize how scary it would be until I was actually playing it And you realize like you can't see the bottom and you go down you didn't know what was going on and Stalkers would get at you and it would kind of freak you out and then in my head I kept thinking man this place on my fear of like there's somebody finding a giant creature in the ocean someday We just can't get down that far And I was just exploring around I'd say the aurora after I finally Went over in that direction and then all of a sudden I saw this tail wisp away in the water I was like what and then the fucking Reaper grabbed me and shook the shit out of me and terrified me and What was that was it, holy fuck What is that thing oh jeez oh no Oh my fucking good What was that fucking thing Jesus Christ? But those are the moments that I immediately thought this game is gonna be something special Cuz it was like us. It was like a pseudo horror game You don't think it would be but just such a unique cool experience to have in a place in people's fears and Then some update started to come out were and like getting the seamoth and everything was all it's just super awesome being able to build your own like submarine and going around and that was the best and then They started adding all these updates. They had like their coffee Update or something coffee and lava or something like that and you were able to go down as the lavas zone They started figuring out geez there're secret Islands here that I didn't know about Good lord that's cool. It's not even that far. Why have I never seen this before oh? It's so awesome. Yay new stuff. Oh god. I'm a lot closer than I thought I was so what's underneath it. Oh That is creepy And then you get for this base where there was like a giant alien structure You didn't know what was going on and then a gun shot down the Sun beam that was coming down Breaking atmosphere in 5..4..3 What is that? No the RED spike. HOLY SHIT Fucking hell that was cool And you go deeper and deeper and just this story started to unravel and this lore started to happen and what was once just a really cool survival ocean game Turned out it to be something that had a really cool backer and a really cool Story to it as well And they they took so much care and craft into making it the people who made this game Are so unbelievably passionate about it and they put so much really hard work into it And not only are they some of the nicest devs that I've ever gotten a chance to talk to Or some of the most hard-working and dedicated devs, but they had a really clear vision And they let people in on the entire development cycle, so you could go to this thing. I think it was Trello They used this website where you could go, and you could follow development every single step of the way And it was show like logs from the developer saying oh this bug was in the game yet. This is fixed now I've added this this this and this and all the team that were on the game could go in and like check it and see If people were meeting their quotas and what they were supposed to be finishing, so they were incredibly transparent And they just they believed in what they were making and I'm so glad they got to turn it into a fully fledged game Cuz this would go down as one of my favorite games. I've ever played not only on the channel, but just in general Definitely on the channel this has been such a absolutly monumental part of the channel over the last few years And I'm so glad I started playing it. I'm so glad that I got a chance to even like Like be part of the game as well like the little septiceye actually being in the game to be part of something that you love so much as well I Think that's why the ending got to me Because like it's a fairly standard fair ending just leaving the planet and everything kinda what you'd expect but Just because the game means so much to me that it just made me all emotional Can't believe the story's over I'm not gonna stop subnautica here. I'm not ever I'm not gonna stop here and never play it again I am gonna continue playing it maybe not daily. I don't know Maybe I will just cuz I like it so much what I want to start like Going around and fighting the stuff that I didn't find and just exploring the game and dicking around with it a bit more Cuz this the start of the series bringing it back. I just wanted to get the story I wanted to get to the Parts I need I just hit all the marks that I needed to to get to the points. I needed to and We made some insanely fast progress going through this Because this takes quite a while to do this is what like 16 episodes of almost an hour each and This episode alone I've been recording for two hours right now, so it's a quite a hefty game If you get this you're in for an absolute treat cuz there's so much more stuff in this game If this full release series is the first one that you've watched of anything ethically with this game There is so much more to this game that I haven't explored there's so many different areas that you can go to and see I tried to hit as many of them as I could going through it now and See as many of the creatures and everything I think I pretty much saw them all But I tried to show you everything I tried to show you all the cool bits Thank You subnautica And thank you developers Not only have you made a really great game, but you were just so super nice to me all the time oh I don't know what else to say Because I've talked about like all the mechanics and the sound design and everything as I was going through the game So I don't think I need to like review those again But it's paced very well the final version of the game is paced very very well because you started figuring out things Incrementally and originally that was the case But because it was early access some stuff was just kinda like thrown in and there was no connective tissue But now when you're going from piece to piece you get a little bit of information like all the life pods have their own voice acting now and You get a little bitty piece of information like oh this other life pod is over here And then you get for that life pod, and you get some information that oh There's a base over here you get to the base and it tells you there's actually more over in this direction just to tell you outright, but you can't have to explore for yourself and Because you explore these regions because the game naturally flows that way you start seeing some of the really cool events And like the sea Emperor talking to you telepathically You get to actually you can't play this game without ever running into a reaper Or you can play without ever seeing like a ghost Leviathan or anything like that or seeing a warper which is cool They've placed things in very very good places, and it's just a it's all-around just a very well-designed game There is a lot of farming in the game But I feel like the world is so interesting and the technology in it and their vehicles and everything are just so cool That it's worth it a lot of games are you have to farm for supplies the world is just so boring and dead and lifeless and Going around the world as a chore going around this world Gives you anxiety, but it's a good kind of fear because you want to explore you want to see what the game has to offer Just outstanding Can I cannot sing this games praises enough, but I'm gonna stop here before I gush about it too much I think everyone knows how much I love the game now at this point But that does it for the story we reached the end thank you for being here and watching this series, and thank you for being here for all the subnautica episodes and Just supporting not only the channel, but the series in general The subnautica is the first daily uploads I've ever ever done on the channel. No other game has made me upload daily But this one was something special I really wanted to get all of it as soon as I could and I didn't want to stop playing it so I'm just really happy that I got to do that and I'm really glad people supported it as much as they did it's like one of the most It's it's some of the most enthusiasm I've seen on the channel in a very long time and that's so heartwarming it gives me so much energy to try my best with each episode so I Just love this so much more anyway. Thank you guys so much for watching this adventure if you liked it punch that like button in the face LIKE A BOSS!!!!!! and high fives all around "high five noise" but thank you guys and I will see all you dudes...IN THE NEXT VIDEOOOO! What is life after subnautica I guess we find out
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 5,661,798
Rating: 4.9608603 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Subnautica, Subnautica game, subnautica gameplay, surivival game, alien planet, let's play, subnautica jacksepticeye, giant monsters, full game, full release, public release, subnautica full release, update, sally, seamoth, seamoth fragments, warper, reaper, alien base, alien gun, funny, funniest, neptune rocket, building the rocket, end, ending, story end, leaving the planet, launching the rocket, escape rocket, going home
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 39sec (3879 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2018
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