RESCUE ISN'T COMING! | Subnautica - Part 5 (Full Release)

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[WAPOOSH] Top of the mornin' to ya Laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye and welcome back to Sally-less-Subnauseous what am I gonna do she's all the way down there I have to go find her also. I forgot that my thing did this Top of the mornin' to ya Laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye! [WAPOOSH] LIKE A BOSS! LIKE A BOSS!!! Okay, so I gotta go I gotta go get her quick because we have 20 minutes before this other thing is about to come and like wreck shit and ain't nobody commin in my house and wrecking this shit because I I built this city on rock and roll And I won't have anybody come in my house Radiation detected how about... FUUCK!!! I was supposed to say how about you suck on the inside of my ass? But I didn't even get a chance cuz those somebody's was bitin on it oh Please oh, oh please oh golly gumdrops Is this an area I can go down can I go down anywhere hearing and get to it god these miserable bastards! uh oh need to be careful. I'm gonna run out of fucking oxygen if I'm not careful Where's the way down, I forget! Oh God I'm close to this that means fucking Reekydeekys are close Okay, so what I'm gonna. Do is... oh yes yess yes yes yes yesss Yes, I was going to say if I can't get to Sally quick enough. I'm just gonna reload the game what i was gonna say is I ... fucking know I Was gonna say if I can't get the Sally quick enough. I was gonna reload and go back to the other place, Sally! I'm so sorry I left you *kisses* Smooches smooches there we go everything's fine Nobody's a bad parent. I love all my children equally. We're all children of Jesus. Reunited and it feels so good Sally I'm sorry okay, okay, don't listen to the people at home okay shhhhhh. I didn't do anything try to get me in trouble Okay well now that we're here we might as well look around Sally and see what's going on, you know what I mean? um I want to plan on going to the aurora in this episode I said I wasn't gonna really cuz I thought I needed more equipment I don't even know what I need. I think I just need a laser cutter and food and my big boy balls, and then I could just saunter into any location that I want and do whatever the hell I want That's basically all you need in life *giggle* And that'll be funny because that'll get me prawn suit Schematics, blueprints, that's the word I'm looking for um Schematics sounds better though makes me sound smarter, right? No, that's a laser cutter piece. HELLO REEFIES How are you guys doing? Okay that bad, huh Yeah, life's pain man It's hard all around Anything down here? Nuclear waste disposal! That's a new ting that I didn't see. Somebody said I missed a PDA at one point as well Actually a lot of people said it I've been reading the comments Don't worry But just some of these episodes are recorded ahead of time because I just record them in bulk so I might not see some of the stuff and correct them in the next episode my apologies. I will try my best to do so. I am not picking up you. Umm. But then that's just the way it is man, them's the breaks sometimes you win some and sometimes you win more Because everythings about winning We don't lose over here. You know why? Positive mental attitude, that's right everybody! Whoa Jesus, what did I hit? Was that a bus? Ooh, There's a thing down here "Open time-capsule"? Preparing these water ration ahead of time will help ensure against dehydration and eventual death. Shuttap! Really got a taste for bo bo trees down here Got kind of a coconut texture to it on the inside wish they had this stuff back home whoever finds this Hope you enjoy it as much as I did! Whoa! You got me a bunch of disinfected water. Nice dawg! That's actually exactly what I needed I'm all backwards. I thought it was actually gonna have to go farm for that so that does a really good thing for me. Thanks Sorry Uh fuck sorry Anyway thanks dead, homie watch this move, watch this move watch Oh Sally you sexy, baby! Okay, why are we on bubble fire? I don't like that wait. Go go gadget me Wait are you gonna oh coming ta eat ma ass! OWWWWWWW! Okay Sally, I repaired you. Can you repair me now. I have a big gaping hole in my gaping hole. My holes have holes! She's not listen to me. She's not ready. She's not a good I'm just joking Sally you're the best That's not why I left you behind the first time I swear. I left you behind the first time because I'm a bad boy guess what I'm making is zine power cell! Sally booty okay, I have a message. Play it to my eargaps! This is Alterra HQ. This may be our only communications window. We can't send a rescue ship all the way out there, so Aurora, your just gonna have to meet us half way We've uploaded blueprints to your ship's computer. *Off mic* We're doing a sandwich run, you in? Uh yeah, gimme a second Blackbox data shows the high security terminal in the captins quarters is still functional *Off mic* Becky's leaving in like five minutes. Tell Becky I'll just take the regular yeah, she'll know what I mean.The coach should be *Off mic* And if she doesn't? just tell her the regular dude. *Off mic* Okay I'll say regular and If she's like what's the regular I'll have to walk all the way back up here. The coach should be two six seven nine. I know that voice Are they the guys from battlefield friends I think they are. Ok wait, what's that under codes and clues? Okay, I need to know this when I go to the Aurora Those are the guys from battlefield friends. I used to watch that series the guy who was like and if she doesn't know that that's the the noob from that series Right I think so okay, I had to use some of my batteries to make that power cell uh that's not good but I still have a battery here So I need to start offloading some stuff some dumping this stuff, right Sam you take over the fort you you be a nice boy, and do the good thing boom boom boom Did I make more silicon rubber than I needed am I just that stupid? Don't answer that! I still have plenty of time before my friends get obliterated But I'm just um you know it's one of those days it's one of those days. We just gotta sit back relax Have a good time Not worry about impending doom Uh it's just gonna be a good time with my boys okay, um I don't need this so get the fuck outta here! Bye! Right I guess there's nothin left to do then take off your pants to get a tan on your ass Did I break you? Ooo there's a wreck right here. I could get some stuff out of this, but these assholes are all around. Ahhh you see what I mean! Exhibit A, asshole A. Yeah, that's great. You know what that's great Susie Erosion patterns on the land masses suspended here suggest they once floated on the surface Aha! Cyclops engine fragment yes! I need another one! Cyclops engine fragment Yeah buddy! New blue print acquired. 'Acquired' Why do you say it that way? Red wart. People told me that I should've been Scanning a lot of the stuff in the game Because they're saying that a lot of the story comes out of them. From my experience playing this game a lot of the scannibals are just Not...oh, yeah Are not that useful, but maybe stuff has changed since then and I never really scanned that much anyway because I figured eh I don't need to know all this shit I don't really need to know the ins and outs of what the plants are here But maybe it actually does divulge some information on the disease that's going around Wrapping arm fragment. This is great! Thought I had to go to the moon! I thought I had to go to the Aurora to get this shit This is fantastic We're doing it buddies That's the same one again isn't it yeah Power Cell charger fragment, I was just thinking that I need a power cell charger from when I was at my base How many more bits of that do I need Oh, that's bad. So are they! Really don't like the shit that you're slamming at me Thanks. I'm going back in, hold the fort Sally! I need to um, I need to equip my laser cutter. That's a repair tool Note to self, repair tools are not laser cutters. I can't even get in there! Everything was lies! Fine I'll scan some of this shit Will you give me a way of being able to? If I get planters and pots will I be able to actually plant and pot stuff? I don't mean like shitty little plants like that. Oh, this is door. I mean like actual farms. I need to start farmin. I need some food man Power Cell charger fragment. Power Cell charger fragment, give it to papaaa Ok seal door, but we only have 5 and a half minutes and very little oxygen Actually have quite a bit of oxygen. I've a load of time in that Faster melting would be good though There you go all the way All the way Ok you are a room that definitely has These are just straight-up prawn suit fragments, and you know it's to the left of me? Power Cell charger fragment. There are 20 parts to the prawn suit!? Yes! Okay, okay, this is a very very important wreck. I need to write this one down Wait why are some two of 20 and other one was one of 4? Good idea Okay, I'm heading out cuz only a 30 seconds of oxygen left, and I I like to head out now Rather than be like I'll head out later. You know it'll be fine cuz fine call or later comes and then not fine That's what that's what ends up happening Jesus Pam down fella eat a Snickers William Okay when you take spore in this place quite quick quite quickie Dickie So how're you guys doing good? I'm now I'm doing fine Let some food earlier feeling good feeling great feeling happy. You know why cause the metal attitude man, goes a long way? What are you? Swim charge Vince those are pretty handy Okay, okay, okay, can I open up the big door? How are some chairs right when I already have that now okay come on come on Yes another entrance, this is what I wanted you In here and then no, what are you doing to me you go out there now? I have to play smart So if I have to leave and get to the ship, that's gonna save me At least I can get back here and figure out where I'm going This can you know Why didn't you Sign comes fire suppression system whoa I Don't think I ever had one of those did I I? Remember ooh nice Nutrient blocks very very handy. Oh, there's more over here stasis, rifle. I think I already got you. Oh No, I didn't I got one of them nice Okay was you I already got stuck. Okay. Oh shit my oxygen. Oh shit Oh shit no no no no no no no Those guys were having a bad time I am a 25% in this thing That is not good god Janus Christ You're a voracious eating machine aren't you Oh big big veiny boy? What a D to the ich bag okay, I'm here I'm ready to be saved oh Boy what are you doing there? Sir okay Okay, maybe he's just the docking procedure. Maybe he's here to help okay Do I look good turn okay? Do I look like someone who wants to be saved I? think so Okay, I'm ready okay. Hey take me in people give give me that good lovin. Give me that good save Survivor we see you man. I don't know how you held out down there We broke an atmosphere and we're descending towards the landing site where What do you mean your can identify it I'm over here There oh, yeah, everybody wait we're down here we're trapped It's coming from the building change course set thrusters before Well fuck You guys are so coming to get me right. I was just a decoy Nice oh no, oh no you get back here, no, you killed my friends I Mean we weren't friends yet, but we were about to be best friends You killed him I want answers Okay, I think that's alien speaker four go fuck yourself I am lucky that I got that Ruby when I did I Can't even remember now where I got it, but I remember looking at it and thinking yeah, I'm probably gonna need that Because it's gonna come in handy because now I have a Power Cell charger very very vital oh Thank god that okay that power cell has a hundred charger. Do I have any spare batteries? No, I didn't I did get copper or though to make more batteries to fill up that so Sally I need to change the the Power Cell that's in Sally now Do that here Boom now I can charge this one so Powered Power Cell charger and battery charger are two of the most important things to get starting off at least to me because Anything that mitigates the need to actually farm resources is really good so now that I have this I don't have to go out searching for all the materials needed to make a Power Cell anymore I could just pump them all in here and then bring the back out and now Afterwards I can dismantle this and I can put it inside the Cyclops whenever I make one of those and I had a great system Going at one point because I had a base in one of the areas that had its own power supply from Thermal, and then I had a firm inside that so I had never-ending power I had a water filtration system in it, so I had never-ending water I had never ending food on the Cyclops, then I had my battery charger and my power cell charger So I never ever needed to get anything for the Cyclops. I would just have it all in there They had a farm in my Cyclops at one point as well So everything was self-sustaining everything was just there, and I never the Cyclops was like my mobile base And I never ever had to look for anything ever again. I just lined the walls with lockers I had enough space to do whatever the hell I wanted so that's that's the goal again, but After I make a few batteries. We are heading to the Aurora. I do need to get back there I then you that's what I'm gonna get on my pron suit Materials and be able to build that because that's also a vital piece of Machinery That I need and I still need to be able to get a moon pool because they do have Pretty sure I have the blueprint for On a modification station or the vehicle upgrade console, this is something that I I need to put into my Moon pool whenever I get it because that's where your vehicles actually have to go up and lodge itself And then you're able to add all these different things to it put a water filtration system Aerogel I needed something that was near the Aurora to make aerogel I remember that last time Fire reactor I can actually almost make you right now But I don't need a bioreactor bioreactor is just using compost to make energy basically you can pass all your your foods and your organics and everything but I Don't need to because I have a solar panel on it. Okay have one more copper, or I just need one more shroom I Think we're stocked up stocked up geared up and ready to go. I know what you're thinking put Jack What about your water and food? They're topped up my health is topped up I have one two three four five waters ready to go I have three nutrient blocks and a cooked boomerang cook boomerangs gonna go first might not be able to eat him She may go off. I do need to dump some stuff though There's a good thing you spotted that was good thing that you call that I didn't see that myself so Oh shite Okay well, maybe get rid of the flares. I don't know if I'm ever gonna need flares Right we're gonna dump you all up in here. I can put one thing in craft wrap Definitely not gonna need the craft wrap probably not gonna need the rebreather either the Reaper Reaper either But let's see if I can actually put anything inside Henry Oh, I can Nice ok so we've all the space that we need I have a full Radiation suit on we're going to need that to get to the Aurora I also have full charge and all my equipment laser cutters full habitat builders not because I don't need that power and this is full The repair tool and my scanner doesn't actually need power Sally is also completely charged and completely fault We are ready. Okay. We are ready for the Aurora. There's nothing that can stand in our way That's going to stop us from being ready our positive Mental attitude is going to get us through this the only thing that's going to stop us is if a big old Reaper bitch starts to grab my face and wants to make out I'm not into that I really need to be brought to dinner first So I'm just gonna say no politely and hope that they respect my boundaries hairy fees I Don't think I need anything else to actually get into the Aurora it's been a long time since I've been here remember last time I came into the Aurora if You've watched the original series the last time I went into the Aurora it all Absolutely broke it Was completely broken I could not get in when I got in but I couldn't get out because the floor started to disappear Whole half of the Aurora disappeared floors walls everything I had to get into it I had to save and then I had to leave and Lots of stuff okay, I can't remember where the Reapers are there's one in the front, and there's one at the side Here one there's one around here somewhere. Oh, there is okay. We can avoid him by just going over here Oh Yeah, shame shame about that whole alien ecosystem. Yeah, you know stupid trying to kill me since I got here But yeah, we'll be nice women I Need a fire extinguisher That was the other thing. I needed probably also should have brought like a propulsion cannon Stasis rifles for these shitheads don't get me also probably should have brought a med kit Okay, so So you ate my teammates my crew my buddy buddies Let me put a bunch of bastards. That's all you guys are oh? Man I think there's not even segments that I can get past without the fire extinguisher Oh Fire extinguisher, baby, okay good I'm gonna need to I Do remember you need to to get through or maybe I just needed to to actually get every single little thing Okay Install that circuit box with that repulsion cannon and you'll punch a hole in the cargo bay damn it drone. I said propulsion not repulsion recalibrate sensors Sensors aren't the problem. I tweaked the program. It's like you know it doesn't like being told what to do But it really helped me do my job if you'd bring me what I asked for Safer maybe so but it's all that's stopping me from being so bored I take a spacewalk in my skivvies Hmm, let's go well I forgot I need a propulsion cannon as well because some areas that have like big blocks or big big Cargo things So here we are finally in open space we cross the galaxy to install a phase gate to send ships to mine resources to build more expensive ships to install fancier phase gates Yeah, so all terrorists thing was to spread their influence around the galaxy are we trying to exhaust the galaxy or just ourselves? use birthday weeks 40 weeks for Credit cells hairspray me not enough Here was this thing The old terror launches the Aurora phase gate announced for the Ariadne armed Altera launches the Aurora the furthest reaches of inhabited space are due to expand as Altair a-kor Launches a newly constructed capital ship carrying a phase gate bound for the Ariadne arm The Aurora will travel from a space stock on the edge of the Altair space making hundreds of consecutive phase gate jumps through nine different trans government authorities and arrive, it's hard to read when everything's shaken an arrive on the far side of the Ariadne armed in three months time from there the Command crew will pilot the ship beyond the final phase game arriving in the next solar system approximately 18 months later They're the elite team of engineers we'll begin a six-month construction project and the new phase game a Multi-trillion credit investment and the absence of existing infrastructure in the region the vessel is equipped with advanced thermal and nuclear power facilities all Terracor currently operates nine percent of all phase gates in the galaxy if the Aurora's mission is successful all Terra will have outmaneuvered a cabal of Mongolian corporations Operating a range of outposts and mines in the region mmm so the only reason the aurora was being sent out was to just make phase gates in areas and then they could expand further and go further and make more of them in mine different areas and just Get more materials for their company and all that kind of shit. You know boring stuff I Would like that poster please yes, thank you A command chair sure we're here and we're not really under any time constraints right now, so we might as well do that You are a fire. That's not worth wasting my fire extinguisher on All right, let's do a self scan just for the sake of it self scan complete Bacterial infection in your system is progressing detecting skin irritation and immune system response yup required to identify bacterial strain Yep, yep and this Was that that sounded weird this is where I need their propulsion cannon that I totally prepared earlier and didn't just Go back and make in a jump cut two seconds ago. Oh, happy day. Well one way or another I'm just glad we have it. I'm just I'm just glad we have it get out of it Okay, bacon progress So yeah, I went back and just made a propulsion cannon in between edits. Whatever. What are you gonna do sue me? Oh is this the the thing that I need or can I? weigh technically Technologies, okay, I need Aurora survivors codes and clues here. We go to six seven nine okay, man the frame rates. I could hear two six seven nine What Oh shit Cargo bay code one four five four More thing god, I thought I thought it was suck oh Yeah Here's the business right here. Okay, get that scanner out cuz we're about to start going to work We're about to scan up a storm, we're about to scan everything Oh Cyclops engine fragment I have that Cyclops whole fragments that's what we need psychotherapy sigh cuts all fragments Trans government profile on terror core Thanks, Susie one of the larger suppliers of spacefaring technologies and consumer electronics in the Federation the official supplier and the tsf consistently ranked Amongst the galaxy's best employers began life by Baba Although most trans groves can trace their roots back to earth Altera Literally meaning by earth is the only one brazen enough to take its name During the expansion all terrorists supplied arms to all sites acquiring and housing a vast colonists workforce and making the transition from manufacturer to corporate state Altera's threat to cease trade was one of the turning points in the Conflict bringing bringing about the end of the hostilities and the signing of the charter Free enterprise within all terrorists space is encouraged, but competition is tight and all goods exported offworld must be Altera branded Profitable businesses are bought out by the state owners ascending to the board of directors well-known Altera technologies like the Cyclops submersible originated with such private enterprises despite Superficial similarities to national governments the corporation's lawyers have have a blob of lava blasts And all this stuff expands upon the story, but I'm also on the clock here with supplies like food and shit So that's all stuff that I read later. I want I just want ok. Well that solves some of my food problem. Here's another thing fragment engine fragment I Want to keep progressing I want to keep getting stuff. I want to keep going forward I don't want to keep bugging the stuff down by just reading It's all stuff we can do at a later date Okay down here. We do have to use our repair tool. Eventually to start plugging up the holes from her the radiation was Let's need to be careful because all those little shits Are going around oh crap? Oh crap? Oh crap? Oh crap? Oh crap equip equipped? equip fuck's sake Are you doing to me, man, you're gonna get me killed Hey water yeah pick up the shit He stops breaking down here it's not working for me work with me game. Not against me another med kit I need Nutrient foods, that's all good. I prepared for that. That's the stuff I have That laser through that door at the dive room seemeth Bay what's down here? Battery Okay, this is one that I can open those little shits, so there's no tentacle bitches. Those are ones. I have to avoid I Need to take my night phone. I need a bigger hot pair I need more stuff to be able to go into my hot pair, please Boom Keep your eyes peeled okay, med kit, thank you, okay, I'm back and back to my surplus You video Mon man, I can't read that shit right now I'm on the clock here. What do you point to see a door? It's like no? What's something tickets busy splash over there? Okay, don't get lost Getting lost would be very bad keep an eye on where you are the prawn Bay yes I would like to get to the prawn babe. Please I heard they have nice seafood in their Use repair tool yeah, okay, I'm gonna put this in for number five cuz I don't need my seed lied right now I Love this one I love that it just like magically reverses time on it almost Yes This the shit me want This the shit meet me get afraid quench all the fucking fires of Hades, I guess Bran sued fragment, this is the good shit. This is why we got in here yeah You can I scan you from here yes That's a good boy Sure guys realize you have liquid fire on the roof It's kind of weird this should be the last prawn suit fragment Your, baby Fuck yes Acquired New blueprint awkward I think there was a section here before that I broke Not shocking. I have broken most of the game at this point This is using up a lot of power to do this as well, so I need to be careful. Okay come out Then you come out then One by one they piss me off for real well Okay, just climb just climb I don't have to waste energy on you. You don't need it. Oh God don't get stuck whatever you do There you go attaboy. You're a good big lad Living quarters, yeah This was the area so when I play the game first I came here all of the walls were all gone here But all the stuff that was in the rooms was all fine, so I was like okay How do I fix this so I had to save my game I feel like go in a bit save my game Reload the game when I reloaded all of this was here, but all of that was gone And then I couldn't get it back so I completely broke the game, so thankfully everything works Well now okay, you're giving me a lot of nutrient blocks and water. I feel like I should probably just Do that Nice okay good good good. What's in here a med kit? Okay? We're doing well The only other thing I need now is more fire extinguishers hopefully Most of this I can just avoid avoid the noise Hey today's space parable ooch Okay, this is literally just a menu. I'm not reading that I do need my keep cam Kitty poster and my fire extinguisher Keep Calm Kitty poster was an absolute most I was not going anywhere without that. That's a good menu It's mean anything in the corners that I need I mean I might as well just scan these when I'm here who knows later on I might want to make my My base look all nice with my cosmetics with the vending machine Break open the vending machine and seal all the food that's in it those are good snacks Those aren't very usable I think I could actually go with them very very nicely Okay So far this is going good pick up carry all no. I just want to open it can I open it I? Don't need it. Oh wait wait wait wait wait wasn't this a thing hold on Pick up carry all Okay nevermind. I thought it was a thing that I could shove stuff into ah somebody left their loved one Open storage there we go can I open the storage and you know? Open storage empty. That's the thing you can put stuff into it here So these are actually really useful because you can do that Way Bank is not empty cannot pick off What I thought that that was the point of them that you filled them up And then you put them in your inventory and they took up less space, but held a lot of items It's a bunch of boohockey. Oh, this is the one this is the one now, I needed this code for um Wait is it two six seven nine? Nope nevermind Okay got away from it Captain's Quarters. This is it Boo boo boo don't you go you got a tiny little Aurora miniature? That's adorable let me keep that oh you bet you bet your ass. I am Aurora poster yes Captain's Log You're exploring a quite alien backwater where the ship you arrived here in implodes It must be the arachnid kidney poachers quick. What will you do? Farm alien plants is apparently what they did that's just what Craig McGill would do after Foraging for some hours you have collected a number of potentially flammable Foodstuffs, which will you sustain yourself with adstar, Wallach, please? I'll this star wall eggs are nutritious the lifecycle of these vast space fearing creature is much too slow to Sustain a farm and besides their mother is extremely angry with you accept your fate Craig McGill knows there is no reasoning with a mother scorned you are not so much torn apart as swallowed whole and Disintegrated the atoms that you thought were you are gradually redistributed in service of the star walls continued survival Would you like to know more? Well, I thought there was gonna be an actual Captain's Log and not a fucking fanfiction Whoo that's a rocket The Neptune rocket there we go, baby Neptune escape rocket like a blueprint for time capsules this blueprint set was developed at Altera Headquarters specifically to get you off for five or six B and back to the nearest phase game it takes into account local gravity Astronomical data, and available resources and is piloted by AI it may be adapted to employ whatever power source is at the port Power source is available But it will require a lot of it it consists of five independently constructible elements launch platform Floating platform provides a solid base from which to launch the rocket gun tree provides structural support Stage one primary thrusters for reaching atmosphere escape velocity Stage two fuel reserve in stage three cockpit features one-person life support short range communications adaptable power supply orbital shielding on board time capsule Onboard AI will not launch if local threats are detected the use of alien materials to power the craft may increase its range in unpredictable ways so What happened was well what happened was? Me just give me scanner the ship that tried to save me the Sun beam came down put the planets in quarantine because as a Cure has not been found So what ended up happening was they shut them down because they don't need anybody else coming to the planet You're going to go say think that hmm maybe there's the ones that actually shut down the Aurora that we were going through space we got too close to this planet so the Aurora was shut down because they're like hey, we're in a quarantine We can't risk anybody getting here getting infected And then leaving the planet so they they shoot anything coming in and going out to stop the quarantine from spreading so my mission is to find a potential cure if I find the cure I can turn off the system in that alien base It was in last time where it stabbed my arm, and took my blood glucose and ketone levels and then We're sound and then I can build my Neptune rocket and then visa V we can get off the planet So that's our mission. That's that's our goal of the whole game right now This is it the drive room Like I love to dive room earlier No stupid, okay. I need to repair this area. This is where all that radiation is leaking from Cyclops enter engine efficiency Hmm okay, I'm gonna drink a water soy free up some space cuz this goes in my Cyclops and makes it run better so as long as I'm smart about this, and I keep my knife out and then start taking some med kits I Should be okay This room is full of little shit bags. Just everywhere. They're laying all over the place Okay nine more breaches most of which are under water, so Let's get to it keep moving keep moving how did it hurt it hurt to plate a moving target? I? See you Got him haha get rekt little shitbag oh Oh, oh don't like them even little shits They're fucking everywhere oh god I Just saw like fucking seven of them. Oh oh I got the heebies Didn't want them the jeebies were enough before Okay, just go to Scott Scott Scott Scott. Okay. He didn't do enough. He didn't really do much damage to me. It's just they're freaky The only reason they don't like them because they scare me okay There's only four after this one. Oh I see one Nice nice nice and then after these are Secured then we be able to go anywhere with the rebreather. I won't need my Yes, I do I won't need my radiation suit anymore Which is a big win for me last one last one last one? I saw this is the one I started Ning got scared boom Extinction event avoided wait would that actually happen Wait could you actually create an extinction event in the game? That'll be pretty cool Not for me boy. I Didn't know that that was actually a possibility, but it actually have counted down or something then after that Anything over here, man. I came all the way over here for nothing All right, that's the main thing that I wanted to get done inside the the Aurora The bronze suit and this and you can get some seamoth fragments and stuff, but all the other shit, that's in here I have and I don't need anymore Hey, is there anything else I can scan You can scan the breach Fuck off me get note Waters back don't go in the water and kill you okay? I'm gonna Drink water because I just got a seemeth Depth module mark 1. I don't even have to make it Oh Excellent Cool I hope there's nothing else in the Aurora that I'm missing I Got a thing for the Cyclops, but I still need to find all the Cyclops parts I think I know where to find them I think they're actually outside the Aurora because I found one out there as I was going around these places So what I what I was saying is that I needed to make the vehicle upgrade Bay because I wanted to put a Upgrade module into the seamoth so I could dive deeper with it and go to different places But now I actually just found one so I don't need to do that ah excellent. I'm so happy This is gonna be good that was it that was a good mission. It was good mission um Kind of on my way out should I've searched more I don't know I coulda just wanna leave them scared well too late now I am out ebuy bitches all hi fella boom have fun in the cosmos bitch I Don't need any of your sass and you are in fact. I'm not even taking the proper route out I'm taking the backdoor, baby. All right here. We go seamoth access upgrades and then Where's the seamoth ethereal yes now we can go to 300 meters in Sally She's not limited anymore. She's a big girl. She's ready to do the business. Okay. Well. I'm gonna leave this episode here That was a long one at least for me. That was a long session, but we got a lot of great stuff done I'm so happy that we got into the Aurora now in this episode. We are making Leaps and bounds of progress right now We are we're accelerating very very fast through this mainly because I know what I'm doing and I'm a smart cookie and I Know kind of know where the parts are and I know what bits and pieces. I need to progress Next because I have a lot of elements for the the Cyclops already. I have the full engine blueprint I have one part of the whole and I want part of the bridge, and I think that's all I need um It's somewhere down here Okay, yeah, so Cyclops. I just need one So I need two more hold blueprints and one or two more bridge blueprints And I think they're back that way in the mushroom forest at least some person right that's where I found them already So we're going to explore that next time and hopefully we get Maria back Or we'll have her in the next episode as well, but I'm just very glad that we got through their oaths with you Oh, we saw our Sun beam Go down, but I'm very very happy that we got a Power Cell God, sorry No I'm very happy that we got a Power Cell charger going as well I might start expanding my base a small bit and putting in some extra stuff and trying to get a water filtration System going so I don't have to worry about that anymore But I usually because this is this space isn't staying. I'm not keeping this base I'm gonna take apart this and move it somewhere else, and I usually like to move it over in that direction because over here is where Some of the later game stuff is gonna start happening, so god. Sorry stop walking into my ship. I'm gonna have to Build my base over there later on but I might just make two bases. It's not that hard to make this stuff It just needs a lot of titanium. Oh anyway Thank you guys so much for watching this episode if you liked it punch that like button in the face like a boss and high fives all round. Woopsh! Woopsh! Well thank you guys and I'll see all you dudes IN THE NEXT VIDEO!!! God, sometimes they're just going to like analysis mode, but and Forget to like talk properly, but I'm having so much fun doing this
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 5,344,246
Rating: 4.9616785 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Subnautica, Subnautica game, subnautica gameplay, surivival game, alien planet, let's play, subnautica jacksepticeye, giant monsters, full game, full release, public release, subnautica full release, update, sally, seamoth, seamoth fragments, warper, reaper, alien base, alien gun, funny, funniest, Aurora, inside aurora, sunbeam, rescue, sunbeam explosion, sunbeam shot down, laser gun
Id: KsRXW-6R5vI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 51sec (2991 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2018
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